
Defines functions associations.sp.plot get.plotting.idx associations.quantile.rect.sub.plot associations.quantile.median.sub.plot associations.quantile.rect.plot associations.quantile.box.plot associations.box.plot associations.bean.plot associations.quantiles.plot associations.labels.plot associations.margins.plot change.transparency create.tints check.color.scheme is.color associations.pvals.plot associations.pr.shift.plot associations.fcs.plot associations.aucs.plot create.binary.assoc.plot create.regr.assoc.plot association.plot

Documented in association.plot

### SIAMCAT - Statistical Inference of Associations between
### Microbial Communities And host phenoTypes R flavor EMBL
### Heidelberg 2012-2018 GNU GPL 3.0

#' @title Visualize associations between features and classes
#' @description This function visualizes different measures of association
#' between features and the label, computed previously with
#' the \link{check.associations} function
#' @usage association.plot(siamcat, fn.plot=NULL, color.scheme = "RdYlBu",
#' sort.by = "fc", max.show = 50, plot.type = "quantile.box",
#' panels = c("fc", "auroc"), prompt=TRUE, verbose = 1)
#' @param siamcat object of class \link{siamcat-class}
#' @param fn.plot string, filename for the pdf-plot. If \code{fn.plot} is
#' \code{NULL}, the plot will be produced in the active graphics device.
#' @param color.scheme valid R color scheme or vector of valid R colors (must
#' be of the same length as the number of classes), defaults to \code{'RdYlBu'}
#' @param sort.by string, sort features by p-value (\code{"p.val"}), by fold
#' change (\code{"fc"}) or by prevalence shift (\code{"pr.shift"}),
#' defaults to \code{"fc"}
#' @param max.show integer, how many associated features should be shown,
#' defaults to \code{50}
#' @param plot.type string, specify how the abundance should be plotted, must
#' be one of these: \code{c("bean", "box", "quantile.box", "quantile.rect")},
#' defaults to \code{"quantile.box"}
#' @param panels vector, name of the panels to be plotted next to the
#' abundances, possible entries are \code{c("fc", "auroc", "prevalence")},
#' defaults to \code{c("fc", "auroc")}
#' @param prompt boolean, turn on/off prompting user input when not plotting
#' into a pdf-file, defaults to TRUE
#' @param verbose integer, control output: \code{0} for no output at all,
#' \code{1} for only information about progress and success, \code{2} for
#' normal level of information and \code{3} for full debug information,
#' defaults to \code{1}
#' @return Does not return anything, but instead produces association plot
#' @keywords SIAMCAT association.plot
#' @details This function visualizes the results of the computations carried
#' out in the \link{check.associations} function. It produces a plot of the
#' top \code{max.show} associated features at a user-specified significance
#' level \code{alpha}.
#' For binary classification problems, the plot will show the distribution of
#' the log10-transformed abundances for both classes, a P-value from the
#' significance test, and user-selected panels for the effect size (AU-ROC,
#' prevalence shift, or generalized fold change). For regression problems,
#' the plot will show the Spearman correlation, the significance, and the
#' linear model effect size.
#' @export
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @examples
#' # Example data
#' data(siamcat_example)
#' # Simple example
#' association.plot(siamcat_example, fn.plot = "./assoc_plot.pdf")
#' # Plot associations as box plot
#' association.plot(siamcat_example,
#'     fn.plot = "./assoc_plot_box.pdf",
#'     plot.type = "box")
#' # Additionally, sort by p-value instead of by fold change
#' association.plot(siamcat_example,
#'     fn.plot = "./assoc_plot_fc.pdf",
#'     plot.type = "box", sort.by = "p.val")
#' # Custom colors
#' association.plot(siamcat_example,
#'     fn.plot = "./assoc_plot_blue_yellow.pdf",
#'     plot.type = "box", color.scheme = c("cornflowerblue", "#ffc125"))
association.plot <- function(siamcat, fn.plot = NULL, color.scheme = "RdYlBu",
    sort.by = "fc", max.show = 50, plot.type = "quantile.box",
    panels = c("fc", "auroc"), prompt = TRUE, verbose = 1) {
    if (verbose > 1) message("+ starting association.plot")
    s.time <- proc.time()[3]

    association.results <- associations(siamcat, verbose = 0)
    if (is.null(association.results)) {
        stop("SIAMCAT objects does not contain association results yet!")

    # check label
    label <- label(siamcat)
    if (label$type == "CONTINUOUS") {
            siamcat, fn.plot, color.scheme, sort.by,
            max.show, prompt, s.time, verbose
    } else {
            siamcat, fn.plot, color.scheme, sort.by,
            max.show, plot.type, panels, prompt, s.time, verbose

#' @keywords internal
create.regr.assoc.plot <- function(siamcat, fn.plot, color.scheme, sort.by,
    max.show, prompt, s.time, verbose) {
    assoc.param <- assoc_param(siamcat)
    association.results <- associations(siamcat, verbose = 0)
    label <- label(siamcat)

    # get features
    if (assoc.param$feature.type == "original") {
        feat <- get.orig_feat.matrix(siamcat)
    } else if (assoc.param$feature.type == "filtered") {
        if (is.null(filt_feat(siamcat, verbose = 0))) {
            stop("Features have not yet been filtered, exiting...\n")
        feat <- get.filt_feat.matrix(siamcat)
    } else if (assoc.param$feature.type == "normalized") {
        if (is.null(norm_feat(siamcat, verbose = 0))) {
            stop("Features have not yet been normalized, exiting...\n")
        feat <- get.norm_feat.matrix(siamcat)

    if ((any(colSums(feat) > 1.01) | any(feat < -0.01)) &
        assoc.param$feature.type != "normalized") {
        stop("This function expects compositional data. Exiting...")

    meta <- meta(siamcat)

    # check fn.plot
    if (is.null(fn.plot)) {
        if (verbose > 0) {
            msg <- paste0(
                "### ATTENTION: Not plotting to a pdf-file.\n",
                "### The plot is optimized for landscape DIN-A4 (or similar) ",
                "layout.\n### Please make sure that your plotting region is",
                " large enough!!!\n### Use at your own risk...")
        if (prompt == TRUE) {
            continue <- askYesNo(
                "Are you sure that you want to continue?",
                default = TRUE,
                prompts = getOption(
                    gettext(c("Yes", "No", "Cancel"))
        } else {
            continue <- TRUE
        if (!continue || is.na(continue)) {
            opt <- options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
        par.old <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    # either give n_classes colors or color palette
    col <- check.color.scheme.volcano(color.scheme)

    # extract relevant info for plotting
    temp <- get.plotting.idx(association.results,
        alpha = assoc.param$alpha,
        sort.by = sort.by, max.show = max.show,
        verbose = verbose
    if (!is.null(temp)) {
        effect.size <- association.results[temp$idx, , drop = FALSE]
        truncated <- temp$truncated
        log.n0 <- assoc.param$log.n0

        ### generate plots with significant associations between
        ##      features and labels

        # make plot matrix dependent on panels parameters
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+++ preparing plotting layout")

        layout.mat <- cbind(2, 1, 3)
        widths <- c(0.5, 0.1, 0.4)

        if (!is.null(fn.plot)) {
            pdf(fn.plot, paper = "special", height = 8.27, width = 11.69)
            # format:A4 landscape

        layout(mat = layout.mat, widths = widths)

        # PANEL 2: P-VALUES
        # print p-values in second panel of the plot
            p.vals = effect.size$p.adj,
            alpha = assoc.param$alpha,
            mult.corr = assoc.param$mult.corr,
            verbose = verbose

        # PANEL 1: DATA
        # prepare margins
            species_names = row.names(effect.size),
            verbose = verbose
        bcol <- ifelse(effect.size$fc > 0, col[2], col[1])
            effect.size$spearman, bcol,
            rownames(effect.size), verbose
            effect.size$fc, bcol, 
            type = "CONTINUOUS", verbose)

        # close pdf device
        if (!is.null(fn.plot)) {
            tmp <- dev.off()
        } else {
        e.time <- proc.time()[3]
        if (verbose > 1) {
            msg <- paste(
                "+ finished association.plot in",
                formatC(e.time - s.time, digits = 3), "s")
        if (verbose == 1 & !is.null(fn.plot)) {
            msg <- paste(
                "Plotted associations between features and label",
                "successfully to:", fn.plot)

#' @keywords internal
create.binary.assoc.plot <- function(siamcat, fn.plot, color.scheme,
    sort.by, max.show, plot.type, panels, prompt, s.time, verbose) {
    assoc.param <- assoc_param(siamcat)
    association.results <- associations(siamcat, verbose = 0)
    label <- label(siamcat)
    # check panel and plot.type parameter
    if (!all(panels %in% c("fc", "auroc", "prevalence"))) {
        stop("Unknown panel-type selected!")
    panels <- unique(panels)
    if (length(panels) > 3) {
            "Plot layout is not suited for more than 3 panels.",
            "Continuing with first three panels."
        panels <- panels[seq_len(3)]
    if ((!plot.type %in% c("bean", "box", "quantile.box", "quantile.rect")) ||
        length(plot.type) != 1) {
            "Plot type has not been specified properly! Continue with",
            " quantile.box."
        plot.type <- "quantile.box"
    # get features
    if (assoc.param$feature.type == "original") {
        feat <- get.orig_feat.matrix(siamcat)
    } else if (assoc.param$feature.type == "filtered") {
        if (is.null(filt_feat(siamcat, verbose = 0))) {
            stop("Features have not yet been filtered, exiting...\n")
        feat <- get.filt_feat.matrix(siamcat)
    } else if (assoc.param$feature.type == "normalized") {
        if (is.null(norm_feat(siamcat, verbose = 0))) {
            stop("Features have not yet been normalized, exiting...\n")
        feat <- get.norm_feat.matrix(siamcat)

    if ((any(colSums(feat) > 1.01) | any(feat < -0.01)) &
        assoc.param$feature.type != "normalized") {
        stop("This function expects compositional data. Exiting...")

    meta <- meta(siamcat)

    # check fn.plot
    if (is.null(fn.plot)) {
        if (verbose > 0) {
            msg <- paste0(
                "### ATTENTION: Not plotting to a pdf-file.\n",
                "### The plot is optimized for landscape DIN-A4 (or similar) ",
                "layout.\n### Please make sure that your plotting region is",
                " large enough!!!\n### Use at your own risk...")
        if (prompt == TRUE) {
            continue <- askYesNo(
                "Are you sure that you want to continue?",
                default = TRUE,
                prompts = getOption(
                    gettext(c("Yes", "No", "Cancel"))
        } else {
            continue <- TRUE
        if (!continue || is.na(continue)) {
            opt <- options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
        par.old <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    # either give n_classes colors or color palette
    col <- check.color.scheme(color.scheme, label)

    # extract relevant info for plotting
    temp <- get.plotting.idx(association.results,
        alpha = assoc.param$alpha,
        sort.by = sort.by, max.show = max.show,
        verbose = verbose
    if (!is.null(temp)) {
        effect.size <- association.results[temp$idx, , drop = FALSE]
        truncated <- temp$truncated
        log.n0 <- assoc.param$log.n0
        feat.red <- feat[temp$idx, , drop = FALSE]

        if (assoc.param$feature.type == "normalized") {
            feat.plot <- feat.red
        } else {
            feat.red.log <- log10(feat.red + log.n0)
            feat.plot <- feat.red.log

        ### generate plots with significant associations between
        ##      features and labels

        # make plot matrix dependent on panels parameters
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+++ preparing plotting layout")
        if (length(panels) == 3) {
            layout.mat <- cbind(2, 1, t(seq(3, length.out = length(panels))))
            widths <- c(0.5, 0.1, rep(0.4 / 3, length(panels)))
        } else {
            layout.mat <- cbind(2, 1, t(seq(3, length.out = length(panels))))
            widths <- c(0.5, 0.1, rep(0.2, length(panels)))
        if (!is.null(fn.plot)) {
            pdf(fn.plot, paper = "special", height = 8.27, width = 11.69)
            # format:A4 landscape

        layout(mat = layout.mat, widths = widths)

        # PANEL 2: P-VALUES
        # print p-values in second panel of the plot
            p.vals = effect.size$p.adj,
            alpha = assoc.param$alpha, mult.corr = assoc.param$mult.corr,
            verbose = verbose

        # PANEL 1: DATA
        # prepare margins
            species_names = row.names(feat.red),
            verbose = verbose

        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+++ plotting results")
        if (plot.type == "bean") {
            associations.bean.plot(feat.plot, label,
                col = col,
                take.log = ifelse(assoc.param$feature.type == "normalized",
                    FALSE, TRUE
                ), verbose = verbose
        } else if (plot.type == "box") {
            associations.box.plot(feat.plot, label,
                col = col,
                take.log = ifelse(assoc.param$feature.type == "normalized",
                    FALSE, TRUE
                ), verbose = verbose
        } else if (plot.type == "quantile.box") {
            associations.quantile.box.plot(feat.plot, label,
                col = col,
                take.log = ifelse(assoc.param$feature.type == "normalized",
                    FALSE, TRUE
                ), verbose = verbose
        } else if (plot.type == "quantile.rect") {
            associations.quantile.rect.plot(feat.plot, label,
                col = col,
                take.log = ifelse(assoc.param$feature.type == "normalized",
                    FALSE, TRUE
                ), verbose = verbose

        # plot title
        xlab <- ifelse(assoc.param$feature.type == "normalized",
            "Normalized abundance", "Abundance (log10-scale)"
        if (!truncated) {
            title(main = "Differentially abundant features", xlab = xlab)
        } else {
            title(main = paste(
                "Differentially abundant features\nshowing top",
                max.show, "features"
            ), xlab = xlab)

        # OTHER PANELS
        bcol <- ifelse(effect.size$fc > 0, col[2], col[1])
        for (p in panels) {
            if (p == "fc") {
                    fc.all = effect.size$fc,
                    binary.cols = bcol, verbose = verbose
            } else if (p == "prevalence") {
                    pr.shifts = effect.size[, c("pr.n", "pr.p")], col = col,
                    verbose = verbose
            } else if (p == "auroc") {
                    aucs = effect.size[, c("auc", "auc.ci.l", "auc.ci.h")],
                    binary.cols = bcol, verbose = verbose

        # close pdf device
        if (!is.null(fn.plot)) {
            tmp <- dev.off()
        } else {
        e.time <- proc.time()[3]
        if (verbose > 1) {
            msg <- paste(
                "+ finished association.plot in",
                formatC(e.time - s.time, digits = 3), "s")
        if (verbose == 1 & !is.null(fn.plot)) {
            msg <- paste(
                "Plotted associations between features and label",
                "successfully to:", fn.plot)

# ##############################################################################
### AUC
#' @keywords internal
associations.aucs.plot <- function(aucs, binary.cols, verbose = 1) {
    if (verbose > 2) {
        message("+ starting associations.aucs.plot")
    # set margins
    par(mar = c(5.1, 0, 4.1, 1.6))
    # plot background
        xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", axes = FALSE,
        xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0.5, nrow(aucs) + 0.5), type = "n"
    ticks <- seq(0, 1.0, length.out = 5)
    tick.labels <- formatC(ticks, digits = 2)
    # plot gridlines
    for (v in ticks) {
        abline(v = v, lty = 3, col = "lightgrey")
    # make thicker line at .5
    abline(v = .5, lty = 1, col = "lightgrey")
    # plot single feature aucs
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(aucs))) {
            x0 = aucs[i, 2], x1 = aucs[i, 3], y0 = i, col = "lightgrey",
            lwd = 1.5
        points(aucs[i, 1], i, pch = 18, col = binary.cols[i])
        points(aucs[i, 1], i, pch = 5, col = "black", cex = 0.9)

    # Title and axis label
    axis(side = 1, at = ticks, labels = tick.labels, cex.axis = 0.7)
    title(main = "Feature AUCs", xlab = "AU-ROC")
    if (verbose > 2) {
        message("+ finished associations.aucs.plot")

# ##############################################################################
### FC
#' @keywords internal
associations.fcs.plot <-
    function(fc.all, binary.cols, verbose = 1, type = "BINARY") {
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ starting associations.fcs.plot")
        # margins
        par(mar = c(5.1, 0, 4.1, 1.6))
        # get minimum and maximum fcs
        mx <- max(ceiling(abs(
            range(fc.all, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
        mn <- -mx
        # plot background
            xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", axes = FALSE,
            xlim = c(mn, mx), ylim = c(0.2, length(fc.all) + 0.2), type = "n"
        grid(NULL, NA, lty = 3, col = "lightgrey")
        # plot bars
            horiz = TRUE, width = 0.6, space = 2 / 3,
            col = binary.cols, axes = FALSE, add = TRUE, names.arg = FALSE
        # gridlines and axes labels
        ticks <- seq(from = mn, to = mx, length.out = 5)
        tick.labels <- formatC(ticks, digits = 2)
        axis(side = 1, at = ticks, labels = tick.labels, cex.axis = 0.7)
        if (type == "BINARY") {
            title(main = "Fold change", xlab = "Generalized fold change")
        } else if (type == "CONTINUOUS") {
            title(main = "Effect size", xlab = "Linear model estimate")
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ finished associations.fcs.plot")

# ##############################################################################
#' @keywords internal
associations.pr.shift.plot <-
    function(pr.shifts, col, verbose = 1) {
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ starting associations.pr.shift.plot")
        # margins
        par(mar = c(5.1, 0, 4.1, 1.6))

        # plot background
            NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", axes = FALSE,
            xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0.2, nrow(pr.shifts) + 0.2), type = "n"
        # gridlines and axes labels
        ticks <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 5)
        for (v in ticks) {
            abline(v = v, lty = 3, col = "lightgrey")
        tick.labels <- formatC(ticks * 100, digits = 3)
        axis(side = 1, at = ticks, labels = tick.labels, cex.axis = 0.7)
        # plot bars
        row.names(pr.shifts) <- NULL
            horiz = TRUE,
            axes = FALSE,
            add = TRUE,
            space = c(0, 4 / 3),
            beside = TRUE,
            width = .3,
            col = c(col[1], col[2])
        title(main = "Prevalence shift", xlab = "Prevalence [%]")
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ finished associations.pr.shift.plot")

# ##############################################################################
#' @keywords internal
associations.pvals.plot <- function(p.vals, alpha, mult.corr, verbose = 1) {
    if (verbose > 2) {
        message("+ starting associations.pvals.plot")
    # margins
    par(mar = c(5.1, .0, 4.1, 1.6))
    p.vals.log <- -log10(p.vals)
    # get minimum and maximum
    mx <-
            range(p.vals.log, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
    mn <- 0
    p.vals.log[is.infinite(p.vals.log)] <- mx
    # plot background
        xlab = "",
        ylab = "",
        xaxs = "i",
        yaxs = "i",
        axes = FALSE,
        xlim = c(mn, mx),
        ylim = c(0.2, length(p.vals) + 0.2),
        type = "n"
    grid(NULL, NA, lty = 3, col = "lightgrey")
    # plot bars
        horiz = TRUE,
        width = 0.6,
        space = 2 / 3,
        col = "lightgrey",
        axes = FALSE,
        add = TRUE,
        names.arg = FALSE
    # gridlines and axes labels
    ticks <- seq(from = mn, to = mx)
        v = -log10(alpha),
        lty = 1,
        col = "red"
    tick.labels <- formatC(ticks, digits = 2)
        side = 1,
        at = ticks,
        labels = tick.labels,
        cex.axis = 0.7
    if (mult.corr != "none") {
        title(main = "Significance", xlab = "-log10(adj. p value)")
    } else {
        title(main = "Significance", xlab = "-log10(p value)")

    if (verbose > 2) {
        message("+ finished associations.pvals.plot")

# ##############################################################################
# check if a string is a valid r color reprensentation
# from stackoverflow: Check if character string is a valid color representation
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13289009
#' @keywords internal
is.color <- function(x) {
    vapply(x, FUN = function(z) {
        tryCatch(is.matrix(col2rgb(z)), error = function(e) FALSE)
    }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

### check the user-supplied color scheme for validity
### color scheme may either be a single RColorBrewer palette or a vector of
### the same length as the number of classes containing interpretable colors
### as strings
#' @keywords internal
check.color.scheme <- function(color.scheme, label, verbose = 1) {
    if (verbose > 2) {
        message("+ starting check.color.scheme")
    n.classes <- ifelse(label$type == "BINARY", 2,

    if (length(color.scheme) == 1 &&
        is.character(color.scheme)) {
        if (n.classes == 2) {
            # if color scheme and binary label, make colors as before
            if (!color.scheme %in% row.names(brewer.pal.info)) {
                    "Not a valid RColorBrewer palette name, defaulting to
                    RdBu.\n See brewer.pal.info for more information about
                    RColorBrewer palettes."
                color.scheme <- "RdYlBu"
            colors <-
                    ], color.scheme
        } else {
            # if color scheme and multiclass label, 
            # make colors either directly out of the palette (if n.classes 
            # smaller than maxcolors) or like before
            if (!color.scheme %in% row.names(brewer.pal.info)) {
                    "Not a valid RColorBrewer palette name, defaulting to
                    Set3.\n See brewer.pal.info for more information about
                    RColorBrewer palettes."
                color.scheme <- "Set3"
            # if color scheme and multiclass label, check that 
            # the palette is not divergent or sequential, but qualitative. 
            # Only issue warning.
            if (brewer.pal.info[color.scheme, "category"] != "qual") {
                warning("Using a divergent or sequential color palette for
                        multiclass data.")
            if (n.classes <= brewer.pal.info[color.scheme, "maxcolors"]) {
                colors <- brewer.pal(n.classes, color.scheme)
            } else {
                warning("The data contains more classes than the color.palette
                colors <-
                        ], color.scheme
    } else if (length(color.scheme == n.classes) &&
        all(is.color(color.scheme))) {
        # if colors, check that all strings are real colors and check that
        # the same length as n classes
        # convert color names to hex representation
        colors <-
                FUN = function(x) {
                        maxColorValue = 255
                FUN.VALUE = character(1),
                USE.NAMES = FALSE
    } else {
        stop("Supplied colors do not match the number of classes or are no
                valid colors")
    # add transparency
    colors <- vapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            paste0(x, "85")
        FUN.VALUE = character(1),
    if (verbose > 2) {
        message("+ finished check.color.scheme")

#' @keywords internal
create.tints <- function(colour, vec) {
    new.cols <-
            FUN = function(x) {
                rgb(matrix(col2rgb(colour) / 255 +
                    (1 - col2rgb(colour) / 255) * x, ncol = 3))
            FUN.VALUE = character(1)

#' @keywords internal
change.transparency <- function(col.name) {
    if (nchar(col.name) > 7) {
        # adjust alpha channel by reducing transparency
        a <- substr(col.name, nchar(col.name) - 1, nchar(col.name))
        a <- 1 - (1 - as.numeric(paste("0x", a, sep = "")) / 255) / 2
        new.col <- gsub("..$", toupper(as.hexmode(round(a * 255))), col.name)
    } else {
        new.col <- col.name

# ##############################################################################
### Prepare margins for the first plots make left margin as big as the
### longest label or maximally 20.1 lines
#' @keywords internal
associations.margins.plot <-
    function(species_names, verbose = 1) {
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ starting associations.margins.plot")

        cex.org <- par()$cex
        par(mar = c(5.1, 18, 4.1, 1.1), cex = 1)
        temp <- par()$mai
        cex.labels <- min(.7, (((par()$pin[2] / length(species_names)) * .6) /
            max(strheight(species_names, units = "inches"))))
        max_name <- max(strwidth(species_names,
            units = "inches",
            cex = cex.labels
        )) + temp[4]
        temp[2] <- min(temp[2], max_name)
        par(mai = temp, cex = cex.org)
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ finished associations.margins.plot")

#' @keywords internal
associations.labels.plot <-
    function(labels, plot.type, verbose = 1) {
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ starting associations.labels.plot")

        adj <- rep(0, length(labels))
        if (plot.type == "quantile.rect") {
            adj <- rep(-0.5, length(labels))
        if (plot.type == "box") {
            adj <- -0.5 + seq_along(labels)
        if (plot.type == "spearman") {
            adj <- rep(-0.25, length(labels))
        cex.org <- par()$cex
        par(cex = 1)
        cex.labels <- min(.7, (((par()$pin[2] / length(labels)) * .6) /
            max(strheight(labels, units = "inches"))))
        for (i in seq_along(labels)) {
                labels[i], 2, line = 0, at = i + adj[i], 
                las = 1, cex = cex.labels)
        par(cex = cex.org)
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ finished associations.labels.plot")

#' @keywords internal
associations.quantiles.plot <- function(quantiles, up = TRUE, col) {
    n.spec <- nrow(quantiles)
    adj.y0 <- ifelse(up, 0, 0.3)
    adj.y1 <- ifelse(up, 0.3, 0)
    #  box
    rect(quantiles[, 2],
        seq_len(n.spec) - adj.y0,
        quantiles[, 4],
        seq_len(n.spec) + adj.y1,
        col = col
    # 90% interval
    segments(quantiles[, 1], seq_len(n.spec), quantiles[, 5], seq_len(n.spec))
        quantiles[, 1],
        y0 = seq_len(n.spec) - adj.y0 / 3 * 2,
        y1 = seq_len(n.spec) + adj.y1 / 3 * 2
        quantiles[, 5],
        y0 = seq_len(n.spec) - adj.y0 / 3 * 2,
        y1 = seq_len(n.spec) + adj.y1 / 3 * 2
    # median
        quantiles[, 3],
        y0 = seq_len(n.spec) - adj.y0,
        y1 = seq_len(n.spec) + adj.y1,
        lwd = 3

# ##############################################################################
#' @keywords internal
associations.bean.plot <-
    function(data.mat, label, col, take.log = TRUE, verbose = 1) {
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ starting associations.bean.plot")

        p.label <- max(label$info)
        n.label <- min(label$info)

        # create data.frame in format for beanplot
        bean.data <- data.frame(data = c(data.mat))
        bean.data$factor <- c(vapply(
            FUN = function(x) {
                    names(label$info)[match(x, label$info)]
            FUN.VALUE = character(nrow(data.mat)),
            USE.NAMES = FALSE
        # ensure correct ordering by converting to a factor
        bean.data$factor <- factor(
            levels = paste(
                rep(rownames(data.mat), each = 2),

        mn <- floor(c(min(bean.data$data)))
        mx <- ceiling(c(max(bean.data$data)))

            xlab = "",
            ylab = "",
            xaxs = "i",
            yaxs = "i",
            axes = FALSE,
            xlim = c(mn - 1.5, mx + 1),
            ylim = c(0.45, nrow(data.mat) + 0.6),
            type = "n"
        ticks <- mn:mx
        for (v in ticks) {
                v = v,
                lty = 3,
                col = "lightgrey"
        if (take.log) {
            tick.labels <- formatC(10^ticks, format = "E", digits = 0)
            axis(side = 1, at = ticks, labels = tick.labels, cex.axis = 0.7)
        } else {
            axis(1, ticks, cex.axis = 0.7)

            data ~ factor,
            data = bean.data,
            side = "both",
            bw = "nrd0",
            col = list(col[1], col[2]),
            horizontal = TRUE,
            names = c(""),
            show.names = FALSE,
            beanlines = "median",
            maxstripline = 0.2,
            what = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
            axes = FALSE,
            add = TRUE

            legend = c(
                names(which(label$info == p.label)),
                names(which(label$info == n.label))
            fill = rev(col),
            bty = "n"
            plot.type = "bean",
            verbose = verbose
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ finished associations.bean.plot")

# ##############################################################################
#' @keywords internal
associations.box.plot <-
    function(data.mat, label, col, take.log = TRUE, verbose = 1) {
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ starting associations.box.plot")
        box.colors <- rep(c(col[1], col[2]), nrow(data.mat))

        p.label <- max(label$info)
        n.label <- min(label$info)

        # create data.frame in format for beanplot
        plot.data <- data.frame(data = c(data.mat))
        plot.data$factor <- c(vapply(
            FUN = function(x) {
                    names(label$info)[match(x, label$info)]
            FUN.VALUE = character(nrow(data.mat)),
            USE.NAMES = FALSE

        # ensure correct ordering by converting to a factor
        plot.data$factor <- factor(
            levels = paste(
                rep(rownames(data.mat), each = 2),

        mn <- floor(c(min(data.mat)))
        mx <- ceiling(c(max(data.mat)))

            xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", axes = FALSE,
            xlim = c(mn - 0.2, mx + 1), 
            ylim = c(+0.5, nrow(data.mat) * 2 + 0.5),
            type = "n"
        ticks <- mn:mx
        for (v in ticks) {
                v = v,
                lty = 3,
                col = "lightgrey"
            data ~ factor,
            data = plot.data,
            horizontal = TRUE,
            names = c(""),
            show.names = FALSE,
            col = box.colors,
            axes = FALSE,
            outcol = c(col[1], col[2]),
            add = TRUE

        if (take.log) {
            tick.labels <- formatC(10^ticks, format = "E", digits = 0)
            axis(side = 1, at = ticks, labels = tick.labels, cex.axis = 0.7)
        } else {
            axis(1, ticks, cex.axis = 0.7)
            legend = c(
                names(which(label$info == p.label)),
                names(which(label$info == n.label))
            fill = rev(col),
            bty = "n"
            plot.type = "box",
            verbose = verbose
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ finished associations.box.plot")

# ##############################################################################
#' @keywords internal
associations.quantile.box.plot <- function(data.mat, label, take.log = TRUE, 
    col, verbose = 1) {
    if (verbose > 2) {
        message("+ starting associations.quantile.box.plot")
    pos.col <- col[2]
    neg.col <- col[1]
    p.label <- max(label$info)
    n.label <- min(label$info)
    p.idx <- which(label$label == p.label)
    n.idx <- which(label$label == n.label)
    p.n <- length(which(label$label == p.label))
    n.n <- length(which(label$label == n.label))

    n.spec <- nrow(data.mat)
    if (take.log) {
        p.min <- floor(min(data.mat, na.rm = TRUE))
        p.max <- 0
    } else {
        p.min <- floor(min(data.mat, na.rm = TRUE))
        p.max <- ceiling(max(data.mat, na.rm = TRUE))

        rep(p.min, n.spec),
        xlab = "",
        ylab = "",
        yaxs = "i",
        axes = FALSE,
        xlim = c(p.min, p.max),
        ylim = c(0.5, n.spec + 0.5),
        frame.plot = FALSE,
        type = "n"
    for (v in seq(p.min, p.max, 1)) {
            v = v,
            lty = 3,
            col = "lightgrey"

    tck <- p.min:p.max
    if (take.log) {
        axis(1, tck, formatC(10^tck, format = "E", digits = 0),
            las = 1, cex.axis = 0.7
    } else {
        axis(1, tck, las = 1, cex.axis = 0.7)

    # get quantiles
    quant.probs <- c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95)
    quantiles.pos <- rowQuantiles(data.mat[, p.idx, drop = FALSE],
        probs = quant.probs, na.rm = TRUE, drop = FALSE
    quantiles.neg <- rowQuantiles(data.mat[, n.idx, drop = FALSE],
        probs = quant.probs, na.rm = TRUE, drop = FALSE

    # inter-quartile range
    associations.quantiles.plot(quantiles.pos, up = TRUE, pos.col)
    associations.quantiles.plot(quantiles.neg, up = FALSE, neg.col)

    # scatter plot on top
    for (i in seq_len(n.spec)) {
        pos.col.t <- change.transparency(pos.col)
        neg.col.t <- change.transparency(neg.col)

            data.mat[i, p.idx],
            rep(i + 0.15, p.n) + rnorm(p.n, sd = 0.03),
            pch = 16,
            cex = 0.6,
            col = pos.col.t
            data.mat[i, n.idx],
            rep(i - 0.15, n.n) + rnorm(n.n, sd = 0.03),
            pch = 16,
            cex = 0.6,
            col = neg.col.t
        legend = c(
            names(which(label$info == p.label)),
            names(which(label$info == n.label))
        fill = rev(col),
        bty = "n"
        plot.type = "quantile.box",
        verbose = verbose
    if (verbose > 2) {
        message("+ finished associations.quantile.box.plot")

# ##############################################################################
#' @keywords internal
associations.quantile.rect.plot <-
    function(data.mat, label, col, take.log = TRUE, verbose = 1) {
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ starting associations.quantile.rect.plot")
        n.spec <- nrow(data.mat)
        quant.probs <- seq(from = 0.1, to = 0.9, by = 0.1)

        p.label <- max(label$info)
        n.label <- min(label$info)
        p.idx <- which(label$label == p.label)
        n.idx <- which(label$label == n.label)

        quantiles.pos <- rowQuantiles(data.mat[, p.idx, drop = FALSE],
            probs = quant.probs,
            na.rm = TRUE, drop = FALSE
        quantiles.neg <- rowQuantiles(data.mat[, n.idx, drop = FALSE],
            probs = quant.probs,
            na.rm = TRUE, drop = FALSE

        if (take.log) {
            p.min <- floor(min(data.mat, na.rm = TRUE))
            p.max <- 0
        } else {
            p.min <- floor(min(data.mat, na.rm = TRUE))
            p.max <- ceiling(max(data.mat, na.rm = TRUE))

            rep(p.min, n.spec),
            xlab = "",
            ylab = "",
            yaxs = "i",
            axes = FALSE,
            xlim = c(p.min, p.max),
            ylim = c(0, n.spec),
            frame.plot = FALSE,
            type = "n"
        for (v in seq(p.min, p.max, 1)) {
                v = v,
                lty = 3,
                col = "lightgrey"

        tck <- p.min:p.max
        if (take.log) {
            axis(1, tck, formatC(10^tck, format = "E", digits = 0),
                las = 1, cex.axis = 0.7
        } else {
            axis(1, tck, las = 1, cex.axis = 0.7)

        # create different tints of the colours
        colors.p <-
                vec = seq(0, 1, length.out = 4),
                colour = col[2]
        colors.n <-
                vec = seq(0, 1, length.out = 4),
                colour = col[1]

        associations.quantile.rect.sub.plot(quantiles.pos, up = TRUE, colors.p)
        associations.quantile.rect.sub.plot(quantiles.neg, up = FALSE, colors.n)
        associations.quantile.median.sub.plot(quantiles.pos, up = TRUE)
        associations.quantile.median.sub.plot(quantiles.neg, up = FALSE)

        legend(0.3 * p.min, n.spec,
            legend = c(
                "Quantiles", "40%-60%", "30%-70%", "20%-80%", "10%-90%",
                "median", "", "", "", "", ""
            bty = "n", cex = 1, fill = c(
                "white", rev(colors.p), "white",
                "white", rev(colors.n), "white"
            lwd = 1.3, ncol = 2,
            border = c(
                "white", "black", "black",
                "black", "black", "white", "white",
                "black", "black", "black",
                "black", "white"
        legend(0.3 * p.min + abs(0.016 * p.min), n.spec,
            legend = c("", "", "", "", "", ""), bty = "n",
            lty = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
            # cap legend size for diamond (should look
            #   symmetric to other symbols)
            pch = 18, cex = 1,
            pt.cex = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, min(35 / n.spec, 2.25))
            legend = c(
                names(which(label$info == max(label$info))),
                names(which(label$info == min(label$info)))
            fill = rev(col), bty = "n"
            plot.type = "quantile.rect",
            verbose = verbose
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ finished associations.quantile.rect.plot")

#' @keywords internal
associations.quantile.median.sub.plot <-
    function(quantiles, up = TRUE) {
        n.spec <- nrow(quantiles)
        adj.y <- ifelse(up, 0.15, -0.15)
            quantiles[, ceiling(ncol(quantiles) / 2)],
            y = (0.5:n.spec) + adj.y,
            pch = 18,
            cex = min(35 / n.spec, 4)

#' @keywords internal
associations.quantile.rect.sub.plot <-
    function(quantiles, up = TRUE, colors) {
        n.spec <- nrow(quantiles)
        adj.y0 <- ifelse(up, 0, 0.3)
        adj.y1 <- ifelse(up, 0.3, 0)
        for (i in seq_len(ncol(quantiles) / 2)) {
                quantiles[, i],
                (0.5:n.spec) - adj.y0,
                quantiles[, ncol(quantiles) + 1 - i],
                (0.5:n.spec) + adj.y1,
                col = colors[i],
                border = c("black"),
                lwd = 0.9

#' @keywords internal
get.plotting.idx <- function(df.results, alpha, sort.by, max.show, verbose) {
    idx <- which(df.results$p.adj < alpha)

    if (length(idx) == 0) {
        msg <- paste0(
            "No significant associations found.",
            " No plot will be produced.\n")
    } else if (length(idx) < 5) {
        msg <- paste0(
            "Less than 5 associations found. Consider",
            " changing your alpha value.")

    idx <- idx[order(df.results$p.adj[idx], decreasing = TRUE)]

    # # truncated the list for the following plots
    truncated <- FALSE
    if (length(idx) >= max.show) {
        truncated <- TRUE
        idx <- idx[(length(idx) - max.show + 1):length(idx)]
        if (verbose > 1) {
            msg <- paste('+++ truncating the list of significant",
                    "associations to the top', max.show)

    ### Sort features
    if (verbose > 2) {
        message("+++ sorting features")
    allowed.sorts <- c("fc", "p.val", "pr.shift", "auc")
    if (!all(allowed.sorts %in% colnames(df.results))) {
        allowed.sorts <- c("fc", "p.val", "spearman")
    if (!sort.by %in% allowed.sorts) {
            "+++ Unknown sorting option: ",
            ". Should be one of: {'", 
            paste(allowed.sorts, collapse = "', '"), "'}. ",
            "Defaulting to sorting by fold change."
        sort.by <- "fc"
    if (sort.by == "fc") {
        idx <- idx[order(df.results$fc[idx], decreasing = FALSE)]
    } else if (sort.by == "p.val") {
        idx <- idx[order(df.results$p.adj[idx], decreasing = TRUE)]
    } else if (sort.by == "pr.shift") {
        idx <- idx[order(df.results$pr.shift[idx], decreasing = FALSE)]
    } else if (sort.by == "auc") {
        idx <- idx[order(df.results$auc[idx], decreasing = FALSE)]
    } else if (sort.by == "spearman") {
        idx <- idx[order(df.results$spearman[idx], decreasing = FALSE)]
        "idx" = idx,
        "truncated" = truncated

#' @keywords internal
associations.sp.plot <-
    function(sp.vals, col, names, verbose = 1) {
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ starting associations.spearman.plot")
        # margins

        # plot background
            xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", axes = FALSE,
            xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(0.2, length(sp.vals) + 0.2), type = "n"
        grid(NULL, NA, lty = 3, col = "lightgrey")
        # plot bars
            horiz = TRUE, width = 0.6, space = 2 / 3,
            col = col, axes = FALSE, add = TRUE, names.arg = FALSE
        # gridlines and axes labels
        ticks <- seq(from = -1, to = 1, length.out = 5)
        tick.labels <- formatC(ticks, digits = 2)
        axis(side = 1, at = ticks, labels = tick.labels, cex.axis = 0.7)
        title(main = "Correlation", xlab = "Spearman correlation coefficient")
            plot.type = "spearman",
            verbose = verbose
        if (verbose > 2) {
            message("+ finished associations.spearman.plot")
zellerlab/siamcat documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 2:21 a.m.