
Defines functions seqOptimize .optim_chrom seqTranspose .Transpose seqDelete seqParApply seqParallel seqStorageOption seqGetParallel seqMulticoreSetup seqParallelSetup seqExampleFileName .Last.lib .onLoad

Documented in seqDelete seqExampleFileName seqGetParallel seqMulticoreSetup seqOptimize seqParallel seqParallelSetup seqParApply seqStorageOption seqTranspose

# Package Name: SeqArray
# Description:
#     Data Management of Large-scale Whole-Genome Sequence Variant Calls


.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg)
    .Call(SEQ_Pkg_Init, .dim_name, process_count, process_index)

.Last.lib <- function(libpath)
    # parallel object
    cl <- getOption("seqarray.parallel")
    if (inherits(cl, "cluster"))

    # multicore parallel object if available
    cl <- getOption("seqarray.multicore")
    if (inherits(cl, "cluster"))

# Get the file name of an example
seqExampleFileName <- function(type=c("gds", "vcf", "KG_Phase1"))
    type <- match.arg(type)
        gds =
            system.file("extdata", "CEU_Exon.gds", package="SeqArray"),
        vcf =
            system.file("extdata", "CEU_Exon.vcf.gz", package="SeqArray"),
        KG_Phase1 =
            system.file("extdata", "1KG_phase1_release_v3_chr22.gds",

# Setup the parallel parameters in SeqArray
seqParallelSetup <- function(cluster=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
    # check
    stopifnot(is.null(cluster) | is.logical(cluster) |
        is.numeric(cluster) | inherits(cluster, "cluster"))
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)

    if (is.null(cluster) || identical(cluster, FALSE))
        opt <- getOption("seqarray.parallel", NULL)
        if (inherits(opt, "cluster"))
        if (verbose)
            cat("Stop the computing cluster.\n")

    # Windows platform does not support forking, we have to setup a cluster
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
        setup <- function(num.cores)
            cl <- makeCluster(num.cores)
            clusterCall(cl, function() {
                library(SeqArray, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)

        if (is.logical(cluster))
            stopifnot(length(cluster) == 1L)
            if (cluster)
                cl <- detectCores() - 1L
                if (cl <= 1L) cl <- 2L
                cluster <- setup(cl)
                if (verbose)
                    cat("Enable the computing cluster with", cl, "R processes.\n")
            } else {
                if (verbose) cat("No computing cluster.\n")
        } else if (is.numeric(cluster))
            stopifnot(length(cluster) == 1L)
            if (cluster > 1L)
                cl <- cluster
                cluster <- setup(cluster)
                if (verbose)
                    cat("Enable the computing cluster with", cl, "R processes.\n")
    } else {
        # unix forking technique
        if (identical(cluster, TRUE))
            n <- detectCores() - 1L
            if (n <= 1L) n <- 2L
            if (verbose)
                cat("Enable the computing cluster with", n, "forked R processes.\n")
        } else if (is.numeric(cluster))
            stopifnot(length(cluster) == 1L)
            if (cluster > 1L)
                if (verbose)
                    cat("Enable the computing cluster with", cluster, "forked R processes.\n")


seqMulticoreSetup <- function(num, type=c("psock", "fork"), verbose=TRUE)
    # check
    stopifnot(is.logical(num) || is.numeric(num), length(num)==1L)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)

    # multicore parallel object if available
    cl <- getOption("seqarray.multicore")
    if (inherits(cl, "cluster"))

    # setup
    if (isTRUE(num))
        num <- detectCores()
    if (!is.na(num) && (num > 1L))
        if ((type == "psock") || (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"))
            cl <- makeCluster(num, outfile="")
            if (isTRUE(verbose))
                cat("Enable the multicore cluster: ")
        } else {
            cl <- makeForkCluster(num)
            if (isTRUE(verbose))
                cat("Enable the multicore cluster via forking: ")
        if (isTRUE(verbose)) print(cl)
    } else {
        if (isTRUE(verbose))
            cat("Disable the user-defined multicore cluster.\n")

    # return nothing

# Get the parallel parameters in SeqArray
seqGetParallel <- function()
    getOption("seqarray.parallel", FALSE)

# Storage options for the SeqArray GDS file
seqStorageOption <- function(compression=c("ZIP_RA", "ZIP_RA.fast",
    "ZIP_RA.max", "LZ4_RA", "LZ4_RA.fast", "LZ4_RA.max",
    "LZMA_RA", "LZMA_RA.fast", "LZMA_RA.max", "Ultra", "UltraMax", "none"),
    mode=NULL, float.mode="float32", geno.compress=NULL, info.compress=NULL,
    format.compress=NULL, index.compress=NULL, ...)
    # check
    compression <- match.arg(compression)
    z <- switch(compression,
        none="", Ultra="LZMA_RA.ultra", UltraMax="LZMA_RA.ultra_max")
    if (!is.null(z)) compression <- z

    stopifnot(is.null(mode) | is.character(mode))
    stopifnot(is.character(float.mode), length(float.mode) > 0L)

    if (!is.null(geno.compress))
        stopifnot(is.character(geno.compress), length(geno.compress)==1L)
    if (!is.null(info.compress))
        stopifnot(is.character(info.compress), length(info.compress)==1L)
    if (!is.null(format.compress))
        stopifnot(is.character(format.compress), length(format.compress)==1L)
    if (!is.null(index.compress))
        stopifnot(is.character(index.compress), length(index.compress)==1L)

    if (compression %in% c("ZIP_RA.max", "LZ4_RA.max", "LZMA_RA.max"))
        suf_b <- ":1M"; suf_i <- ":1M"; suf_f <- ":4M"
        if (is.null(index.compress)) index.compress <- compression
    } else if (compression=="LZMA_RA.ultra")
        suf_b <- ":4M"; suf_i <- ":4M"; suf_f <- ":8M"
        if (is.null(index.compress)) index.compress <- "LZMA.max"
    } else if (compression=="LZMA_RA.ultra_max")
        suf_b <- suf_i <- suf_f <- ":8M"
        if (is.null(index.compress)) index.compress <- "LZMA.max"
    } else {
        suf_b <- suf_i <- ""
        suf_f <- ":1M"
        if (is.null(index.compress)) index.compress <- compression

    if (is.null(geno.compress))
        if (compression == "LZMA_RA.ultra")
            geno.compress <- "LZMA_RA.ultra:1M"
        else if (compression == "LZMA_RA.ultra_max")
            geno.compress <- "LZMA_RA.ultra_max:8M"

    rv <- list(compression = paste0(compression, suf_b),
        mode = mode, float.mode = float.mode,
        geno.compress = ifelse(is.null(geno.compress), compression,
        info.compress = ifelse(is.null(info.compress),
            ifelse(compression=="", "", paste0(compression, suf_i)),
        format.compress = ifelse(is.null(format.compress),
            ifelse(compression=="", "", paste0(compression, suf_f)),
        index.compress = index.compress,
    class(rv) <- "SeqGDSStorageClass"

# Apply functions in parallel
seqParallel <- function(cl=seqGetParallel(), gdsfile, FUN,
    split=c("by.variant", "by.sample", "none"), .combine="unlist",
    .selection.flag=FALSE, .initialize=NULL, .finalize=NULL, .initparam=NULL,
    .balancing=FALSE, .bl_size=10000L, .bl_progress=FALSE, ...)
    # check
    stopifnot(is.null(cl) | is.logical(cl) | is.numeric(cl) |
        inherits(cl, "cluster") | inherits(cl, "BiocParallelParam"))
    stopifnot(is.null(gdsfile) | inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    split <- match.arg(split)
    stopifnot(is.character(.combine) | is.function(.combine))
    stopifnot(is.null(.initialize) | is.function(.initialize))
    stopifnot(is.null(.finalize) | is.function(.finalize))
    stopifnot(is.logical(.selection.flag), length(.selection.flag)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(.balancing), length(.balancing)==1L)
    if (isTRUE(.balancing))
        stopifnot(is.numeric(.bl_size), is.finite(.bl_size),
            length(.bl_size)==1L, .bl_size > 0L)
        stopifnot(is.logical(.bl_progress), length(.bl_progress)==1L)

    if (is.character(.combine))
        stopifnot(length(.combine) == 1L)
        if (!(.combine %in% c("unlist", "list", "none")))
            .combine <- match.fun(.combine)

    # check dimension
    if (is.null(gdsfile))
        if (split != "none")
            stop("'split' should be 'none' if 'gdsfile=NULL'.")
    } else {
        dm <- .seldim(gdsfile)
        if (split == "by.variant")
            if (dm[3L] <= 0L) stop("No variants selected.")
        } else if (split == "by.sample") {
            if (dm[2L] <= 0L) stop("No samples selected.")

    # initialize internally
    .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_index, 1L)
    .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_count, 1L)

    # get the number of workers
    njobs <- .NumParallel(cl)
    parallel <- .McoreParallel(cl)
    if (njobs <= 1L)
        if (is.function(.initialize)) .initialize(1L, .initparam)
            if (is.function(.finalize)) .finalize(1L, .initparam)        

        ## a single process
        if (.selection.flag)
            dm <- .seldim(gdsfile)
            if (split == "by.variant")
                ans <- FUN(gdsfile, rep(TRUE, dm[3L]), ...)
            else if (split == "by.sample")
                ans <- FUN(gdsfile, rep(TRUE, dm[2L]), ...)
                ans <- FUN(gdsfile, NULL, ...)
        } else {
            if (is.null(gdsfile))
                ans <- FUN(...)
                ans <- FUN(gdsfile, ...)

        if (is.function(.combine))
            if (length(formals(args(.combine))) == 1L)

    } else if (inherits(cl, "cluster"))
        ## multiple processes with a predefined cluster

        if (is.function(.initialize))
            clusterApply(cl, seq_len(njobs), function(i, param)
                .initialize(i, param), param=.initparam)

        if (split %in% c("by.variant", "by.sample"))
            if (split == "by.variant")
                if (length(cl) > dm[3L]) cl <- cl[seq_len(dm[3L])]
            } else {
                if (length(cl) > dm[2L]) cl <- cl[seq_len(dm[2L])]
            sel <- seqGetFilter(gdsfile, .useraw=TRUE)
        } else {
            sel <- list(sample.sel=raw(), variant.sel=raw())

        if (!isTRUE(.balancing) || split=="none")
                if (is.function(.finalize))
                    clusterApply(cl, seq_len(njobs), function(i, param)
                        .finalize(i, param), param=.initparam)

            ans <- .DynamicClusterCall(cl, length(cl), .fun =
                function(.proc_idx, .proc_cnt, .gds.fn, .sel_sample, .sel_variant,
                    FUN, .split, .selection.flag, ...)
                # load the package
                library(SeqArray, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
                # export to global variables
                .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_index, .proc_idx)
                .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_count, .proc_cnt)

                if (is.null(.gds.fn))
                    # call the user-defined function
                } else if (is.character(.gds.fn))
                    # open the file
                    .file <- seqOpen(.gds.fn, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
                } else {
                    .file <- .gds.fn

                # set filter
                    sample.sel = memDecompress(.sel_sample, type="gzip"),
                    variant.sel = memDecompress(.sel_variant, type="gzip"),
                .ss <- .Call(SEQ_SplitSelection, .file, .split, .proc_idx,
                    .proc_cnt, .selection.flag)

                # call the user-defined function
                if (.selection.flag) FUN(.file, .ss, ...) else FUN(.file, ...)

            }, .combinefun=.combine, .proc_cnt=njobs,
                .gds.fn = if (is.null(attr(cl, "forking"))) gdsfile$filename else gdsfile,
                .sel_sample = memCompress(sel$sample.sel, type="gzip"),
                .sel_variant = memCompress(sel$variant.sel, type="gzip"),
                FUN = FUN, .split = split, .selection.flag = .selection.flag, ...
        } else {
            ## load balancing

            # selection indexing
            sel <- seqGetFilter(gdsfile)
            if (split == "by.variant")
                totnum <- dm[3L] %/% .bl_size
                if (dm[3L] %% .bl_size) totnum <- totnum + 1L
                if (totnum < njobs)
                    .bl_size <- dm[3L] %/% njobs
                    if (dm[3L] %% njobs) .bl_size <- .bl_size + 1L
                    totnum <- dm[3L] %/% .bl_size
                    if (dm[3L] %% .bl_size) totnum <- totnum + 1L
                sel_idx <- which(sel$variant.sel)
            } else {
                totnum <- dm[2L] %/% .bl_size
                if (dm[2L] %% .bl_size) totnum <- totnum + 1L
                if (totnum < njobs)
                    .bl_size <- dm[2L] %/% njobs
                    if (dm[2L] %% njobs) .bl_size <- .bl_size + 1L
                    totnum <- dm[2L] %/% .bl_size
                    if (dm[2L] %% .bl_size) totnum <- totnum + 1L
                sel_idx <- which(sel$sample.sel)
            proglen <- length(sel_idx)
            progress <- if (.bl_progress) .seqProgress(proglen, njobs) else NULL
            sel_idx <- sel_idx[seq.int(1L, by=.bl_size, length.out=totnum)]

            updatefun <- function(i) .seqProgForward(progress, .bl_size)

            # initialize
            clusterCall(cl, fun=function(gds, sel_sample, sel_variant, sel_idx, proglen)
                # load the package
                library(SeqArray, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
                # export to global variables
                .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_index, 0L)
                .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_count, 0L)
                # open the file
                if (is.character(gds))
                    gds <- seqOpen(gds, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
                # save internally
                .packageEnv$gfile <- gds
                .packageEnv$sample.sel <- memDecompress(sel_sample, type="gzip")
                .packageEnv$variant.sel <- memDecompress(sel_variant, type="gzip")
                .packageEnv$proglen <- proglen
                # set filter
                    sample.sel = .packageEnv$sample.sel,
                    variant.sel = .packageEnv$variant.sel,
            },  gds = if (is.null(attr(cl, "forking"))) gdsfile$filename else gdsfile,
                sel_sample = memCompress(as.raw(sel$sample.sel), type="gzip"),
                sel_variant = memCompress(as.raw(sel$variant.sel), type="gzip"),
                sel_idx = sel_idx, proglen = proglen

            # finalize
                clusterCall(cl, fun=function(gds)
                    if (inherits(.packageEnv$gfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
                    .packageEnv$gfile <- NULL
                if (is.function(.finalize))
                    clusterApply(cl, seq_len(njobs), function(i, param)
                        .finalize(i, param), param=.initparam)

            # do parallel
            ans <- .DynamicClusterCall(cl, totnum, .fun =
                function(.idx, FUN, .split, .sel_idx, .bl_size, .selection.flag, ...)
                # set filter
                .ss <- .Call(SEQ_SplitSelectionX, .packageEnv$gfile, .idx, .split,
                    .sel_idx, .packageEnv$variant.sel, .packageEnv$sample.sel,
                    .bl_size, .selection.flag, .packageEnv$proglen)
                # call the user-defined function
                if (.selection.flag)
                    FUN(.packageEnv$gfile, .ss, ...)
                    FUN(.packageEnv$gfile, ...)

            }, .combinefun=.combine, .updatefun=updatefun, FUN = FUN,
                .split = (split=="by.variant"), .sel_idx = sel_idx, .bl_size = .bl_size,
                .selection.flag = .selection.flag, ...


        if (is.list(ans) & identical(.combine, "unlist"))
            ans <- unlist(ans, recursive=FALSE)

    } else if (inherits(cl, "BiocParallelParam"))
        ## multiple processes with a predefined cluster from BiocParallel

        if (is.function(.initialize))
            BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(njobs), function(i) .initialize(i),
            if (is.function(.finalize))
                BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(njobs), function(i) .finalize(i),

        if (split %in% c("by.variant", "by.sample"))
            sel <- seqGetFilter(gdsfile, .useraw=TRUE)
        } else {
            sel <- list(sample.sel=raw(), variant.sel=raw())

        ans <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(njobs), FUN =
            function(.proc_idx, .proc_cnt, .gds.fn, .sel_sample, .sel_variant,
                .FUN, .split, .selection.flag, ...)
            # load the package
            library(SeqArray, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
            # export to global variables
            .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_index, .proc_idx)
            .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_count, .proc_cnt)

            if (is.null(.gds.fn))
                # call the user-defined function
            } else {
                # open the file
                .file <- seqOpen(.gds.fn, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
                on.exit({ seqClose(.file) })

                # set filter
                    sample.sel = memDecompress(.sel_sample, type="gzip"),
                    variant.sel = memDecompress(.sel_variant, type="gzip"),
                .ss <- .Call(SEQ_SplitSelection, .file, .split, .proc_idx,
                    .proc_cnt, .selection.flag)

                # call the user-defined function
                if (.selection.flag) FUN(.file, .ss, ...) else FUN(.file, ...)

        },  .proc_cnt = njobs, .gds.fn = gdsfile$filename,
            .sel_sample = memCompress(sel$sample.sel, type="gzip"),
            .sel_variant = memCompress(sel$variant.sel, type="gzip"),
            .FUN = FUN, .split = split, .selection.flag=.selection.flag,
            ..., BPPARAM=cl)

        if (is.list(ans))
            if (identical(.combine, "unlist"))
                ans <- unlist(ans, recursive=FALSE)
            } else if (is.function(.combine))
                rv <- ans[[1L]]
                for (i in seq_len(length(ans)-1L) + 1L)
                    rv <- .combine(rv, ans[[i]])
                ans <- rv

    } else {
        ## forking processes

        if (getOption("seqarray.nofork", FALSE) || .Platform$OS.type=="windows")
            # no forking on windows
            cl <- makeCluster(njobs, outfile="")
            return(seqParallel(cl, gdsfile, FUN, split, .combine, .selection.flag,
                .initialize, .finalize, .initparam,
                .balancing, .bl_size, .bl_progress, ...))

        if (is.function(.initialize))
            .initialize(NA_integer_, .initparam)
        if (is.function(.finalize))
            on.exit(.finalize(NA_integer_, .initparam))

        if (split %in% c("by.variant", "by.sample"))
            if (split == "by.variant")
                if (njobs > dm[3L]) njobs <- dm[3L]
            } else {
                if (njobs > dm[2L]) njobs <- dm[2L]

        if (!isTRUE(.balancing) || split=="none")
            ans <- .DynamicForkCall(njobs, njobs, .fun = function(.jobidx, ...)
                # export to global variables
                .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_index, .jobidx)
                .Call(SEQ_IntAssign, process_count, njobs)
                if (!is.null(gdsfile))
                    # set filter
                    .ss <- .Call(SEQ_SplitSelection, gdsfile, split, .jobidx, njobs,
                    # call the user-defined function
                    if (.selection.flag) FUN(gdsfile, .ss, ...) else FUN(gdsfile, ...)
                } else {
            }, .combinefun=.combine, .updatefun=NULL, ...)
        } else {
            ## load balancing
            # selection indexing
            .sel <- seqGetFilter(gdsfile)
            if (split == "by.variant")
                totnum <- dm[3L] %/% .bl_size
                if (dm[3L] %% .bl_size) totnum <- totnum + 1L
                if (totnum < njobs)
                    .bl_size <- dm[3L] %/% njobs
                    if (dm[3L] %% njobs) .bl_size <- .bl_size + 1L
                    totnum <- dm[3L] %/% .bl_size
                    if (dm[3L] %% .bl_size) totnum <- totnum + 1L
                    # cat("totnum: ", totnum, ", .bl_size: ", .bl_size, "\n", sep="")
                .sel_idx <- which(.sel$variant.sel)
            } else {
                totnum <- dm[2L] %/% .bl_size
                if (dm[2L] %% .bl_size) totnum <- totnum + 1L
                if (totnum < njobs)
                    .bl_size <- dm[2L] %/% njobs
                    if (dm[2L] %% njobs) .bl_size <- .bl_size + 1L
                    totnum <- dm[2L] %/% .bl_size
                    if (dm[2L] %% .bl_size) totnum <- totnum + 1L
                .sel_idx <- which(.sel$sample.sel)
            .proglen <- length(.sel_idx)
            progress <- if (.bl_progress) .seqProgress(.proglen, njobs) else NULL

            .sel_idx <- .sel_idx[seq.int(1L, by=.bl_size, length.out=totnum)]
            .sel <- seqGetFilter(gdsfile, .useraw=TRUE)
            split <- split == "by.variant"

            # do parallel
            ans <- .DynamicForkCall(njobs, totnum, .fun = function(.jobidx, ...)
                # set filter
                .ss <- .Call(SEQ_SplitSelectionX, gdsfile, .jobidx, split,
                    .sel_idx, .sel$variant.sel, .sel$sample.sel,
                    .bl_size, .selection.flag, .proglen)
                # call the user-defined function
                if (.selection.flag) FUN(gdsfile, .ss, ...) else FUN(gdsfile, ...)
            }, .combinefun=.combine,
                .updatefun=function(i) .seqProgForward(progress, .bl_size), ...)


        if (is.list(ans) & identical(.combine, "unlist"))
            ans <- unlist(ans, recursive=FALSE)

    # output
    if (identical(.combine, "none"))

seqParApply <- function(cl=seqGetParallel(), x, FUN, load.balancing=TRUE, ...)
    njobs <- .NumParallel(cl, "cl")
    parallel <- .McoreParallel(cl)

    if (njobs <= 1L)
        ## a single process
        ans <- lapply(x, FUN, ...)
    } else if (inherits(cl, "BiocParallelParam"))
        ans <- BiocParallel::bplapply(x, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=cl)
    } else {
        if (!inherits(cl, "cluster"))
            if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
                cl <- makeCluster(njobs)
                cl <- makeForkCluster(njobs)
            on.exit({ stopCluster(cl) })

        # a load balancing version
        if (isTRUE(load.balancing))
            ans <- clusterApplyLB(cl, x, FUN, ...)
            ans <- clusterApply(cl, x, FUN, ...)


# Modify the SeqArray data structure

# Delete data variables

seqDelete <- function(gdsfile, info.var=character(), fmt.var=character(),
    samp.var=character(), verbose=TRUE)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    if (gdsfile$readonly)
        stop("The GDS file is read-only.")

    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)

    if (verbose) cat("Delete INFO variable(s):")
    if (length(info.var) == 0L) cat(" <None>")
    for (i in seq_along(info.var))
        nm <- info.var[i]
        n <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, paste0("annotation/info/", nm))
        delete.gdsn(n, force=TRUE)
        n <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, paste0("annotation/info/@", nm), silent=TRUE)
        if (!is.null(n))
            delete.gdsn(n, force=TRUE)
        if (verbose) cat(ifelse(i>1L, ",", ""), nm)
    if (verbose) cat("\n")

    if (verbose) cat("Delete FORMAT variable(s):")
    if (length(fmt.var) == 0L) cat(" <None>")
    for (i in seq_along(fmt.var))
        nm <- fmt.var[i]
        n <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, paste0("annotation/format/", nm))
        delete.gdsn(n, force=TRUE)
        if (verbose) cat(ifelse(i>1L, ",", ""), nm)
    if (verbose) cat("\n")

    if (verbose) cat("Delete Sample Annotation variable(s):")
    if (length(samp.var) == 0L) cat(" <None>")
    for (i in seq_along(samp.var))
        nm <- samp.var[i]
        n <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, paste0("sample.annotation/", nm))
        delete.gdsn(n, force=TRUE)
        if (verbose) cat(ifelse(i>1L, ",", ""), nm)
    if (verbose) cat("\n")

    # return

# Transpose data variable(s)

.Transpose <- function(gdsfile, src.fn, prefix, compress=NULL)
    dst.fn <- .var_path(src.fn, prefix)
    if (is.null(index.gdsn(gdsfile, dst.fn, silent=TRUE)))
        node <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, src.fn)
        desp <- objdesp.gdsn(node)
        dm <- desp$dim
        if (length(dm) > 1L)
            # dimension
            dm <- c(dm[-(length(dm)-1L)], 0L)
            # folder
            nm <- unlist(strsplit(src.fn, "/"))
            if (length(nm) <= 1)
                folder <- gdsfile$root
                folder <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, index=nm[-length(nm)])
            # compress
            if (is.null(compress))
                compress <- desp$compress

            pm <- list(node = folder,
                name = paste(prefix, nm[length(nm)], sep=""),
                val = NULL, storage = desp$storage,
                valdim = dm, compress = compress)
            if (!is.null(desp$param))
                pm <- c(pm, desp$param)

            newnode <- do.call(add.gdsn, pm)
            moveto.gdsn(newnode, node, relpos="after")

            # write data
            apply.gdsn(node, margin=length(dm)-1L, as.is="gdsnode",
                FUN=`c`, target.node=newnode, .useraw=TRUE)


seqTranspose <- function(gdsfile, var.name, compress=NULL, digest=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(is.character(var.name) & is.vector(var.name))
    stopifnot(length(var.name) == 1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(digest) | is.character(digest), length(digest)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)

    node <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, var.name)
    desp <- objdesp.gdsn(node)
    dm <- desp$dim
    if (length(dm) > 1L)
        # dimension
        dm <- c(dm[-(length(dm)-1L)], 0L)
        # folder
        index <- unlist(strsplit(var.name, "/"))
        if (length(index) <= 1L)
            folder <- gdsfile$root
            folder <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, index=index[-length(index)])
        # compress
        if (is.null(compress))
            compress <- desp$compress

        name <- paste("~", index[length(index)], sep="")
        newnode <- add.gdsn(folder, name, val=NULL, storage=desp$storage,
            valdim=dm, compress=compress)
        moveto.gdsn(newnode, node, relpos="after")

        # write data
        apply.gdsn(node, margin=length(dm)-1L, as.is="none", FUN=function(g) {
            append.gdsn(newnode, g)
        }, .useraw=TRUE)

        .DigestCode(newnode, digest, FALSE)
        if (verbose)
            print(newnode, attribute=TRUE, attribute.trim=TRUE)
    } else
        warning("It is a vector.")


# Optimize data by transposing

.optim_chrom <- function(gdsfile)
    n <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, "chromosome")
    chr <- read.gdsn(n)
    s <- rle(chr)
    n1 <- add.gdsn(gdsfile, "@chrom_rle_val", s$values, replace=TRUE,
    n2 <- add.gdsn(gdsfile, "@chrom_rle_len", s$lengths, replace=TRUE,
    moveto.gdsn(n2, n)
    moveto.gdsn(n1, n)

seqOptimize <- function(gdsfn, target=c("chromosome", "by.sample"),
    format.var=TRUE, cleanup=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
    # check
    stopifnot(is.character(gdsfn), length(gdsfn)==1L)
    target <- match.arg(target)
    stopifnot(is.logical(format.var) || is.character(format.var))
    stopifnot(is.logical(cleanup), length(cleanup)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)

    gdsfile <- seqOpen(gdsfn, readonly=FALSE)
    on.exit({ seqClose(gdsfile) })

    if ("by.sample" %in% target)
        # genotype
        if (verbose) cat("Working on 'genotype' ...\n")
        .Transpose(gdsfile, "genotype/data", "~")

        # phase
        if (verbose) cat("Working on 'phase' ...\n")
        .Transpose(gdsfile, "phase/data", "~")

        # annotation - format
        if (identical(format.var, TRUE) || is.character(format.var))
            n <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, "annotation/format", silent=TRUE)
            if (!is.null(n))
                nm <- ls.gdsn(n)
                if (identical(format.var, TRUE))
                    format.var <- nm
                for (i in nm)
                    if (i %in% format.var)
                        if (verbose)
                            cat("Working on 'annotation/format/", i,
                                "' ...\n", sep="")
                            paste("annotation/format", i, "data", sep="/"), "~")
    } else if ("chromosome" %in% target)
        if (verbose)
            cat("Adding run-length encoding for chromosome coding ...")
        if (verbose)
            cat(" [Done]\n")

    if (cleanup)
        cleanup.gds(gdsfn, verbose=verbose)

zhengxwen/SeqArray documentation built on Feb. 13, 2025, 5:43 a.m.