
#' @name Appify
#' @title Appify
#' @description The Appify module builds a shiny app that displays dynamic graphical and tabular representations of the input data (occurrence and covarite) as well as model predictions.
#' @details Appify will return the path to the shiny application. For details on how to share the application visit http://shiny.rstudio.com/tutorial/lesson7/. You can run the app locally using shiny::runApp(appDir = <YOUR_PATH>)
#' @param .model \strong{Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow function}. \code{.model} is list of a data frame (\code{data}) and a model object (\code{model}). \code{.model} is passed automatically in workflow, combining data from the model module(s) and process module(s), to the output module(s) and should not be passed by the user.#'
#' @param .ras \strong{Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow function}. \code{.ras} is a raster layer, brick or stack object. \code{.ras} is passed automatically in workflow from the covariate module(s) to the output module(s) and should not be passed by the user.#'
#' @param directory (Optional) a string giving the path to a directory within which to save the shiny app. This directory must exist.#'
#' @param run_App Logical, should the app be run automatically. Not recommended for workflows containing lists. Default is FALSE
#' @family output
#' @author ZOON Developers, Tom August, \email{zoonproject@@gmail.com}
#' @section Version: 1.0
#' @section Date submitted: 2016-05-05
#' @section Data type: presence-only, presence/absence, presence/background, abundance, proportion
Appify <- function (.model, .ras, directory = tempdir(), run_App = FALSE) 
    if (!dir.exists(directory)) {
        stop(paste("Directory", directory, "does not exist. Please create this first so that Appify can write to it"))
    input_data <- list(model = list(.model), raster = list(.ras))
    server <- deparse(substitute(env = new.env(), expr = {
        load(file = "data/input_data.rdata")
        modules <- zoon::GetModuleList()
        linkModules <- function(names, modules, type) {
            urlBase <- "https://github.com/zoonproject/modules/blob/master/R/"
            isChain <- FALSE
            if (grepl("^Chain\\(", names)) {
                isChain <- TRUE
                names <- gsub("^Chain\\(", "", names)
                names <- gsub("\\)$", "", names)
                names <- trimws(strsplit(names, split = ",")[[1]])
            linked <- sapply(X = names, FUN = function(x, type) {
                if (x %in% modules[[type]]) {
                  x <- paste0("<a href=\"", urlBase, x, ".R\" target=\"_blank\">", 
                    x, "</a>")
            }, type = type, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
            if (isChain) {
                linked <- paste0("Chain(", paste(linked, collapse = ", "), 
        shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
            output$org_chart <- googleVis::renderGvis({
                org_data <- lapply(1:length(input_data$model), 
                  function(j) {
                    x <- input_data$model[[j]]
                    call_path <- as.character(unlist(attr(x, 
                org_df <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, org_data), 
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                for (i in 1:4) {
                  mods <- as.data.frame(unique(org_df[, 1:i]))
                  if (nrow(mods) > 1) {
                    modules_tab <- table(mods[, i])
                    remods_tab <- names(modules_tab)[modules_tab > 
                    if (length(remods_tab) > 0) {
                      for (n in remods_tab) {
                        org_df[, i][org_df[, i] == n] <- paste(org_df[, 
                          i][org_df[, i] == n], 1:length(org_df[, 
                          i][org_df[, i] == n]))
                fixed <- apply(org_df, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {
                  mat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 4, ncol = 3, 
                    dimnames = list(NULL, c("module", "parent", 
                  for (i in 1:4) {
                    mat[, "module"][i] <- as.character(x[i])
                    ifelse(i == 1, mat[, "parent"][i] <- NA, 
                      mat[, "parent"][i] <- as.character(x[i - 
                    mat[, "level"][i] <- i
                  return(as.data.frame(mat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
                chart_data <- unique(do.call(rbind, fixed))
                chart_data$parent[is.na(chart_data$parent)] <- "Zoon Workflow"
                zoon_wf <- data.frame(module = "Zoon Workflow", 
                  parent = NA, level = 0)
                chart_data <- rbind(zoon_wf, chart_data)
                org_chart <- googleVis::gvisOrgChart(data = chart_data, 
                  idvar = "module", parentvar = "parent", options = list(size = "large"))
            output$occurrence_text <- renderUI({
                occ_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$occurrence))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "occurrence")
                proc_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$process))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "process")
                div(p(HTML("Here is the occurrence data that was used in the workflow.", 
                  "This occurrence data is generated from", length(occ_mods), 
                  "occurrence module(s)", paste0("(", paste(occ_mods, 
                    collapse = ", "), ")"), "and", length(proc_mods), 
                  "process module(s)", paste0("(", paste(proc_mods, 
                    collapse = ", "), ")"))), p("Use the download button to download this data as an R object"))
            output$downloadOccData <- downloadHandler(filename = function() {
                paste("occ-data-", Sys.Date(), ".rdata", sep = "")
            }, content = function(file) {
                occ_data <- lapply(input_data$model, function(x) {
                  occ_data <- x$data
                  attr(occ_data, "call_path") <- attr(x, "call_path")
                save(occ_data, file = file)
            output$occurrence_tabs <- renderUI({
                html <- list()
                for (i in 1:length(input_data$model)) {
                  tab <- tabPanel(title = paste(i, attr(input_data$model[[i]], 
                    "call_path")$occurrence), div(br(), p(code(paste("Covariate module:", 
                    attr(input_data$model[[i]], "call_path")$covariate)), 
                    code(paste("Process module:", attr(input_data$model[[i]], 
                      "call_path")$process))), leaflet::leafletOutput(paste("occurrence_map", 
                    i, sep = "_"), height = "500px"), br(), DT::dataTableOutput(paste("occurrence_table", 
                    i, sep = "_"))))
                  html <- append(html, list(tab))
                do.call(tabsetPanel, html)
            for (j in 1:length(input_data$model)) {
                  my_j <- j
                  output[[paste("occurrence_table", my_j, sep = "_")]] <- DT::renderDataTable({
                    input_data$model[[my_j]]$data[, "type"] <- as.character(input_data$model[[my_j]]$data[, 
                      c("value", "type", "fold", "longitude", 
                        "latitude")], rownames = FALSE, filter = "top")
            for (f in 1:length(input_data$model)) {
                  my_j <- f
                  output[[paste("occurrence_map", my_j, sep = "_")]] <- leaflet::renderLeaflet({
                    m <- leaflet::leaflet()
                    m <- leaflet::addTiles(map = m, group = "OpenStreetMap")
                    m <- leaflet::addProviderTiles(map = m, provider = "Esri.WorldImagery", 
                      group = "Esri.WorldImagery")
                    df <- input_data$model[[my_j]]$data
                    fill_pal <- leaflet::colorFactor(grey(c(1, 
                      0, 0.5)), domain = c("presence", "absence", 
                      "background"), ordered = TRUE)
                    border_pal <- leaflet::colorFactor(grey(c(0, 
                      1, 1)), domain = c("absence", "presence", 
                      "background"), ordered = TRUE)
                    overlay_groups <- NULL
                    for (type in c("absence", "background", "presence")) {
                      if (any(df$type == type)) {
                        idx <- df$type == type
                        group_name <- paste(type, "data")
                        overlay_groups <- c(overlay_groups, group_name)
                        m <- leaflet::addCircleMarkers(map = m, 
                          lng = df$lon[idx], lat = df$lat[idx], 
                          color = grey(0.4), fillColor = fill_pal(type), 
                          weight = 1, opacity = 1, fillOpacity = 1, 
                          radius = 5, group = group_name, popup = paste("<b>", 
                            paste(toupper(substr(type, 1, 1)), 
                              substr(type, 2, nchar(type)), sep = ""), 
                            "</b>", "<br>Longitude:", df$lon[idx], 
                            "<br>Latitude:", df$lat[idx], "<br>Fold:", 
                            df$fold[idx], "<br>Value:", df$value[idx]))
                    m <- leaflet::addLegend(map = m, pal = fill_pal, 
                      opacity = 0.8, values = factor(c("presence", 
                        "absence", "background"), levels = c("presence", 
                        "absence", "background"), ordered = TRUE), 
                      title = "Data points")
                    m <- leaflet::addLayersControl(map = m, position = "topleft", 
                      baseGroups = c("OpenStreetMap", "Esri.WorldImagery"), 
                      overlayGroups = overlay_groups)
            output$covariate_text <- renderUI({
                cov_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$covariate))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "covariate")
                proc_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$process))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "process")
                div(p(HTML("Here is the covariate data that was used in the workflow.", 
                  "This data is generated from", length(cov_mods), 
                  "covariate module(s)", paste0("(", paste(cov_mods, 
                    collapse = ", "), ")"), "and", length(proc_mods), 
                  "process module(s)", paste0("(", paste(proc_mods, 
                    collapse = ", "), ")"))), p("Use the download button to download this data as an R object"))
            output$downloadCovData <- downloadHandler(filename = function() {
                paste("cov-data-", Sys.Date(), ".rdata", sep = "")
            }, content = function(file) {
                cov_data <- input_data$raster
                save(cov_data, file = file)
            output$covariate_tabs <- renderUI({
                html <- list()
                for (i in 1:length(input_data$raster)) {
                  tab <- tabPanel(title = paste(i, attr(input_data$raster[[i]], 
                    "call_path")$covariate), div(br(), radioButtons(paste0("ras_layer", 
                    i), label = "Choose layer to display", choices = names(input_data$raster[[i]]), 
                    inline = TRUE), br(), leaflet::leafletOutput(paste("covariate_map", 
                    i, sep = "_"), height = "500px")))
                  html <- append(html, list(tab))
                do.call(tabsetPanel, html)
            for (f in 1:length(input_data$raster)) {
                  my_j <- f
                  output[[paste("covariate_map", my_j, sep = "_")]] <- leaflet::renderLeaflet({
                    m <- leaflet::leaflet()
                    m <- leaflet::addTiles(map = m, group = "OpenStreetMap")
                    m <- leaflet::addProviderTiles(map = m, provider = "Esri.WorldImagery", 
                      group = "Esri.WorldImagery")
                    .ras <- input_data$raster[[my_j]][[input[[paste0("ras_layer", 
                    cov_pal <- leaflet::colorNumeric(viridis::viridis(10), 
                      domain = c(raster::minValue(.ras), raster::maxValue(.ras)), 
                      na.color = "transparent")
                    suppressWarnings(ext <- raster::projectExtent(.ras, 
                      crs = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:3857")))
                    suppressWarnings(.ras <- raster::projectRaster(.ras, 
                    m <- leaflet::addRasterImage(map = m, x = .ras, 
                      colors = cov_pal, project = FALSE, opacity = 0.6, 
                      group = names(.ras))
                    overlay_groups <- names(.ras)
                    legend_values <- round(seq(raster::minValue(.ras), 
                      raster::maxValue(.ras), length.out = 10), 
                    m <- leaflet::addLegend(map = m, pal = cov_pal, 
                      opacity = 0.8, values = legend_values, 
                      title = names(.ras))
                    m <- leaflet::addLayersControl(map = m, position = "topleft", 
                      baseGroups = c("OpenStreetMap", "Esri.WorldImagery"), 
                      overlayGroups = overlay_groups)
            output$model_text <- renderUI({
                occ_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$occurrence))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "occurrence")
                cov_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$covariate))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "covariate")
                proc_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$process))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "process")
                model_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$model))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "model")
                div(p(HTML("Here is the model summary from the workflow.", 
                  "This model was generated from", length(occ_mods), 
                  "occurrence module(s)", paste0("(", paste(occ_mods, 
                    collapse = ", "), "),"), length(cov_mods), 
                  "covariate module(s)", paste0("(", paste(cov_mods, 
                    collapse = ", "), "),"), length(proc_mods), 
                  "process module(s)", paste0("(", paste(proc_mods, 
                    collapse = ", "), "),"), "and", length(model_mods), 
                  "model module(s)", paste0("(", paste(model_mods, 
                    collapse = ", "), ")."))), p("Use the download button to download this data as an R object"))
            output$downloadModelData <- downloadHandler(filename = function() {
                paste("model-data-", Sys.Date(), ".rdata", sep = "")
            }, content = function(file) {
                model_data <- lapply(input_data$model, function(x) {
                  model_data <- x$model
                  attr(model_data, "call_path") <- attr(x, "call_path")
                save(model_data, file = file)
            output$model_tabs <- renderUI({
                html <- list()
                for (i in 1:length(input_data$model)) {
                  tab <- tabPanel(title = paste(i, attr(input_data$model[[i]], 
                    "call_path")$model), div(br(), uiOutput(paste("model_print", 
                    i, sep = "_"))))
                  html <- append(html, list(tab))
                do.call(tabsetPanel, html)
            for (j in 1:length(input_data$model)) {
                  my_j <- j
                  output[[paste("model_print", my_j, sep = "_")]] <- renderUI({
                    for (package in input_data$model[[my_j]]$model$packages) {
                      require(package, character.only = TRUE)
                    x <- capture.output(print(input_data$model[[my_j]]$model$model))
                    div(br(), p(code(paste("Occurrence module:", 
                      attr(input_data$model[[my_j]], "call_path")$occurrence)), 
                      code(paste("Covariate module:", attr(input_data$model[[my_j]], 
                        "call_path")$covariate)), code(paste("Process module:", 
                        attr(input_data$model[[my_j]], "call_path")$process))), 
                      h3("Model print summary"), div(id = "model_out", 
                        HTML(paste(x, collapse = "<br/>"))))
            output$pred_text <- renderUI({
                occ_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$occurrence))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "occurrence")
                cov_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$covariate))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "covariate")
                proc_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$process))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "process")
                model_mods <- linkModules(unique(unlist(lapply(input_data$model, 
                  function(x) attr(x, "call_path")$model))), 
                  modules = modules, type = "model")
                div(p(HTML("Here we use the model and to create a prediction surface", 
                  "using the original covariate data.", "The model was generated from", 
                  length(occ_mods), "occurrence module(s)", paste0("(", 
                    paste(occ_mods, collapse = ", "), "),"), 
                  length(cov_mods), "covariate module(s)", paste0("(", 
                    paste(cov_mods, collapse = ", "), "),"), 
                  length(proc_mods), "process module(s)", paste0("(", 
                    paste(proc_mods, collapse = ", "), "),"), 
                  "and", length(model_mods), "model module(s)", 
                  paste0("(", paste(model_mods, collapse = ", "), 
            output$pred_tabs <- renderUI({
                html <- list()
                for (i in 1:length(input_data$model)) {
                  tab <- tabPanel(title = paste(i, attr(input_data$model[[i]], 
                    "call_path")$model), div(br(), p(code(paste("Occurrence module:", 
                    attr(input_data$model[[i]], "call_path")$occurrence)), 
                    code(paste("Covariate module:", attr(input_data$model[[i]], 
                      "call_path")$covariate)), code(paste("Process module:", 
                      attr(input_data$model[[i]], "call_path")$process))), 
                      i, sep = "_"), height = "500px")))
                  html <- append(html, list(tab))
                do.call(tabsetPanel, html)
            for (f in 1:length(input_data$model)) {
                  my_j <- f
                  output[[paste("pred_map", my_j, sep = "_")]] <- leaflet::renderLeaflet({
                    m <- leaflet::leaflet()
                    m <- leaflet::addTiles(map = m, group = "OpenStreetMap")
                    m <- leaflet::addProviderTiles(map = m, provider = "Esri.WorldImagery", 
                      group = "Esri.WorldImagery")
                    cov_ras <- attr(input_data$model[[my_j]], 
                    ras_mods <- sapply(input_data$raster, function(x) attr(x, 
                    .ras <- input_data$raster[[grep(cov_ras, 
                    vals <- data.frame(raster::getValues(.ras))
                    colnames(vals) <- names(.ras)
                    pred <- zoon::ZoonPredict(input_data$model[[my_j]]$model, 
                      newdata = vals)
                      pred[pred >= input$threshold] <- 1
                      pred[pred < input$threshold] <- 0
                    pred_ras <- .ras[[1]]
                    pred_ras <- raster::setValues(pred_ras, round(pred, 
                    legend_values <- round(seq(0, 1, length.out = 10), 
                    pred_pal <- leaflet::colorNumeric(viridis::viridis(10), 
                      domain = legend_values, na.color = "transparent")
                    suppressWarnings(ext <- raster::projectExtent(pred_ras, 
                      crs = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:3857")))
                    suppressWarnings(pred_ras <- raster::projectRaster(pred_ras, 
                    m <- leaflet::addRasterImage(map = m, x = pred_ras, 
                      colors = pred_pal, project = FALSE, opacity = 0.8, 
                      group = "predicted distribution")
                    overlay_groups <- "predicted distribution"
                    m <- leaflet::addLegend(map = m, pal = pred_pal, 
                      opacity = 0.8, values = legend_values, 
                      title = "Predicted distribution")
                    df <- input_data$model[[my_j]]$data
                    fill_pal <- leaflet::colorFactor(grey(c(1, 
                      0, 0.5)), domain = c("presence", "absence", 
                      "background"), ordered = TRUE)
                    border_pal <- leaflet::colorFactor(grey(c(0, 
                      1, 1)), domain = c("absence", "presence", 
                      "background"), ordered = TRUE)
                    for (type in c("absence", "background", "presence")) {
                      if (any(df$type == type)) {
                        idx <- df$type == type
                        group_name <- paste(type, "data")
                        overlay_groups <- c(overlay_groups, group_name)
                        m <- leaflet::addCircleMarkers(map = m, 
                          lng = df$lon[idx], lat = df$lat[idx], 
                          color = grey(0.4), fillColor = fill_pal(type), 
                          weight = 1, opacity = 1, fillOpacity = 1, 
                          radius = 5, group = group_name, popup = paste("<b>", 
                            paste(toupper(substr(type, 1, 1)), 
                              substr(type, 2, nchar(type)), sep = ""), 
                            "</b>", "<br>Longitude:", df$lon[idx], 
                            "<br>Latitude:", df$lat[idx], "<br>Fold:", 
                            df$fold[idx], "<br>Value:", df$value[idx]))
                    m <- leaflet::addLegend(map = m, pal = fill_pal, 
                      opacity = 0.8, values = factor(c("presence", 
                        "absence", "background"), levels = c("presence", 
                        "absence", "background"), ordered = TRUE), 
                      title = "Data points")
                    m <- leaflet::addLayersControl(map = m, position = "topleft", 
                      baseGroups = c("OpenStreetMap", "Esri.WorldImagery"), 
                      overlayGroups = overlay_groups)
    ui <- deparse(substitute(env = new.env(), expr = {
        shinyUI(navbarPage("Appify", tabPanel("Overview", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(width = 3, 
            h2("Overview"), p(HTML("These pages show you the output from a ZOON workflow. <a href=\"https://zoonproject.wordpress.com/\" target=\"_blank\">Zoon</a> is a tool for reproducible species distribution modelling in R. Here you can find the results for the workflow detailed to the right. You will find the occurrence data used as well as the covariate data and the model output. Enjoy!"))), 
            mainPanel(div(img(src = "https://github.com/zoonproject/blog/raw/master/zoon_top.png", 
                width = "100%", alt = "ZOON")), br(), div(htmlOutput("org_chart"))))), 
            tabPanel("Occurrence data", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(width = 3, 
                h2("Occurrences"), uiOutput("occurrence_text"), 
                br(), downloadButton("downloadOccData", "Download")), 
                mainPanel(uiOutput("occurrence_tabs"), br()))), 
            tabPanel("Covariate data", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(h2("Covariates"), 
                uiOutput("covariate_text"), br(), downloadButton("downloadCovData", 
                  "Download")), mainPanel(uiOutput("covariate_tabs"), 
                br()))), tabPanel("Model", tags$head(tags$style(HTML("\n                                                  #model_out {\n                                                  padding: 19px;\n                                                  background-color: #f5f5f5;\n                                                  border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;\n                                                  border-radius: 4px;\n                                                  }\n                                                  "))), 
                sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(h2("Model"), uiOutput("model_text"), 
                  br(), downloadButton("downloadModelData", "Download")), 
                  mainPanel(uiOutput("model_tabs"), br()))), 
            tabPanel("Predictions", sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(h2("Predictions"), 
                sliderInput(inputId = 'threshold', value = 0.5, label = 'Threshold value', min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01),
                checkboxInput(inputId = 'useThreshold', label = 'Use Threshold?')),
    ui[[1]] <- ""
    ui[[length(ui)]] <- ""
    server[[1]] <- ""
    server[[length(server)]] <- ""
    subDir <- paste0("Appify_", format(Sys.time(), "%d_%m_%Y_%H%M%S"))
    while (dir.exists(file.path(directory, subDir))) {
        Sys.sleep(time = 1)
        subDir <- paste0("Appify_", format(Sys.time(), "%d_%m_%Y_%H%M%S"))
    dir.create(file.path(directory, subDir))
    dir.create(file.path(directory, subDir, "data"), showWarnings = FALSE)
    save(input_data, file = file.path(directory, subDir, "data", 
    write.table(ui, file = file.path(directory, subDir, "ui.R"), 
        row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
    write.table(server, file = file.path(directory, subDir, "server.R"), 
        row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
    message("Your shiny app can be found here: ", file.path(directory, 
        subDir), ". For information on how to share this app visit http://shiny.rstudio.com/tutorial/lesson7/")
    if (run_App) {
        shiny::runApp(appDir = file.path(directory, subDir))
    else {
        message("To run this App use - shiny::runApp(appDir = \"", 
            gsub("\\\\", "/", file.path(directory, subDir)), 
    return(file.path(directory, subDir))
zoonproject/modules documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:25 p.m.