# Purpose : Predict using 2D or 3D regression-kriging model;
# Maintainer : Tomislav Hengl ( and Gerard Heuvelink (
# Contributions : Bas Kempen;
# Dev Status : Pre-Alpha
# Note : cross-validation methods will need to be extended;
################## prediction #########################
## predict values using a RK model:
predict.gstatModel <- function(object, predictionLocations, nmin = 10, nmax = 30, debug.level = -1, predict.method = c("RK", "KED"), nfold = 5, verbose = FALSE, nsim = 0, mask.extra = TRUE, block, zmin = -Inf, zmax = Inf, subsample = length(object@sp), coarsening.factor = 1, vgmmodel = object@vgmModel, subset.observations = ![,1]), betas = c(0,1), extend = .5, ...){
predict.method <- predict.method[1]
stop("To invoke conditional simulations set 'nsim' argument to a positive integer number")
if(!any(coarsening.factor %in% 1:5)){
stop("'coarsening.factor' should be an integer in the range 1:5")
stop("'extend' should be in the range 0:10")
## check the projection system:
stop("proj4string for the 'predictionLocations' object required")
stop("proj4string for the 'gstatModel' object required")
## force SpatialPixels:
predictionLocations <- as(predictionLocations, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
## point or block support:
block = predictionLocations@grid@cellsize
} else {
block = 0
## target variable name:
variable <- all.vars(object@regModel$terms)[1]
} else{
variable <- all.vars(formula(object@regModel))[1]
## predict LM/GLM model (output is a list):
## filter the missing classes
## TH: this is a simplified solution
if(any(x <- sapply(object@regModel$model, is.factor))){
factors <- names(object@regModel$model)[x]
for(k in 1:length(factors)){
dom.class <- summary(object@regModel$model[,factors[k]])
dom.class <- attr(sort(dom.class, decreasing = TRUE)[1], "names")
fix.c <- levels(predictionLocations@data[,factors[k]])[!(levels(predictionLocations@data[,factors[k]]) %in% levels(object@regModel$model[,factors[k]]))]
for(j in fix.c){
predictionLocations@data[,factors[k]][predictionLocations@data[,factors[k]] == j] <- dom.class
rp <- stats::predict.glm(object@regModel, newdata=predictionLocations, type="response", = TRUE, na.action = na.pass)
## predict outputs from the nlme package:
if(requireNamespace("AICcmodavg", quietly = TRUE)){
rp <- AICcmodavg::predictSE(object@regModel, predictionLocations)
} else {
rp <- NULL
if(requireNamespace("nlme", quietly = TRUE)){
rp <- list(predict(object@regModel, predictionLocations, na.action = na.pass))
} else {
rp <- NULL
covs <- all.vars(attr(object@regModel$terms, "variables"))[-1]
if(requireNamespace("rpart", quietly = TRUE)){
rp <- list(predict(object@regModel, predictionLocations))
variable <- all.vars(attr(object@regModel$terms, "variables"))[1]
} else {
rp <- NULL
covs <- attr(object@regModel$forest$ncat, "names")
if(requireNamespace("quantregForest", quietly = TRUE)){
## select complete observations only:
fdf <- data.frame(predictionLocations)[,covs]
f <- which(stats::complete.cases(fdf))
rp <- list(predict(object@regModel, fdf[f,], .5))
variable <- attr(object@regModel$y, "name")[1]
} else {
rp <- NULL
variable <- NA
if(requireNamespace("randomForest", quietly = TRUE)){
rp <- list(predict(object@regModel, data.frame(predictionLocations)[,covs], type="response"))
variable <- all.vars(attr(object@regModel$terms, "variables"))[1]
} else {
rp <- NULL
variable <- NA
if(requireNamespace("ranger", quietly = TRUE)){
## select complete observations only:
covs <- object@regModel$forest$independent.variable.names
fdf <- data.frame(predictionLocations)[,covs]
f <- which(stats::complete.cases(fdf))
rp <- list(predict(object@regModel, fdf[f,])$predictions)
variable <- names(object@sp@data)[1]
} else {
rp <- NULL
variable <- NA
if(requireNamespace("caret", quietly = TRUE)){
covs <- all.vars(attr(object@regModel$terms, "variables"))[-1]
rp <- list(predict(object@regModel, predictionLocations))
variable <- names(object@sp@data)[1]
} else {
rp <- NULL
variable <- NA
## rename the target variable:
if(any(class(object@regModel) %in% c("randomForest", "rpart", "gls", "caret", "ranger", "train"))){
names(rp)[1] = "fit"
## vgm for residuals:
vgmmodel = object@vgmModel
class(vgmmodel) <- c("variogramModel", "data.frame")
## if the variogram is not significant (pure nugget effect), then use a NULL model:
if(diff(vgmmodel$range)==0|vgmmodel$psill[2]==0){ vgmmodel = NULL }
## subset observations to the bounding box set by the prediction domain +- 30%:
R <- sqrt(areaSpatialGrid(predictionLocations))/3
} else {
R <- sqrt(diff(predictionLocations@bbox[1,])*diff(predictionLocations@bbox[2,]))/3
## 2D:
if(length(attr(predictionLocations@bbox, "dimnames")[[1]])==2){
message("Subsetting observations to fit the prediction domain in 2D...")
subset.observations = object@sp@coords[,1] > predictionLocations@bbox[1,1]-extend*R & object@sp@coords[,1] < predictionLocations@bbox[1,2]+extend*R & object@sp@coords[,2] > predictionLocations@bbox[2,1]-extend*R & object@sp@coords[,2] < predictionLocations@bbox[2,2]+extend*R
} else {
## 3D:
Rv <- sd(object@sp@coords[,3])/3
## remove spatial duplicates (points above each other)
## TH: this would lead to artifacts in kriging, the same way spatial duplicates do...
IDs <- as.factor(paste(object@sp@coords[,1], object@sp@coords[,2], sep="_"))
selIDs <- duplicated(IDs)
message("Sorting and subsetting observations to fit the prediction domain in 3D...")
closest.points <- abs(object@sp@coords[,3] - mean(predictionLocations@bbox[3,]))
sel3D <- which(ave(closest.points, IDs, FUN=rank)==1)
subset.observations <- object@sp@coords[sel3D,1] > predictionLocations@bbox[1,1]-extend*R & object@sp@coords[sel3D,1] < predictionLocations@bbox[1,2]+extend*R & object@sp@coords[sel3D,2] > predictionLocations@bbox[2,1]-extend*R & object@sp@coords[sel3D,2] < predictionLocations@bbox[2,2]+extend*R
} else {
message("Subsetting observations to fit the prediction domain in 3D...")
subset.observations <- object@sp@coords[,1] > predictionLocations@bbox[1,1]-extend*R & object@sp@coords[,1] < predictionLocations@bbox[1,2]+extend*R & object@sp@coords[,2] > predictionLocations@bbox[2,1]-extend*R & object@sp@coords[,2] < predictionLocations@bbox[2,2]+extend*R & object@sp@coords[,3] > predictionLocations@bbox[3,1]-extend*Rv & object@sp@coords[,3] < predictionLocations@bbox[3,2]+extend*Rv
warning(paste("Not more than", nmin, "observations found inside the spatial domain of interest. Switching to NULL variogram model...", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE))
vgmmodel = NULL
## generate "observed" values:
observed <- object@sp[subset.observations,]
## check that the proj4 strings match:
if(!check_projection(observed, ref_CRS=proj4string(predictionLocations))){
stop("proj4string at observed and predictionLocations don't match")
} else { ## force the two proj strings to be exactly the same otherwise gstat has problems!
suppressWarnings(proj4string(observed) <- proj4string(predictionLocations))
## try to guess physical limits:
if(missing(zmin) & missing(zmax)){
if(object@regModel$family$family == "gaussian" & object@regModel$family$link == "log"){ zmin = 0; zmax = Inf }
if(object@regModel$family$link == "log"){ zmin = 0; zmax = Inf }
if(object@regModel$family$family == "binomial"){ zmin = 0; zmax = 1 }
if(object@regModel$family$family == "quasibinomial"){ zmin = 0; zmax = 1 }
if(object@regModel$family$family == "poisson"){ zmin = 0; zmax = Inf }
if(object@regModel$family$family == "Gamma"){ zmin = 0; zmax = Inf }
## get fitted values:
if(any(class(object@regModel) %in% c("glm", "lme", "gls"))){
observed@data[,paste(variable, "modelFit", sep=".")] <- fitted(object@regModel)[subset.observations]
if(any(class(object@regModel) %in% c("rpart", "randomForest", "ranger", "caret", "train"))){
f0 <- which(stats::complete.cases(data.frame(observed)[,covs]))
observed@data[f0,paste(variable, "modelFit", sep=".")] <- predict(object@regModel, newdata=data.frame(observed)[f0,covs], .5)
} else {
observed@data[f0,paste(variable, "modelFit", sep=".")] <- predict(object@regModel, data=data.frame(observed)[f0,covs])$predictions
} else {
observed@data[,paste(variable, "modelFit", sep=".")] <- predict(object@regModel, newdata=data.frame(observed), na.action = na.pass)
rp[["residual.scale"]] <- sqrt(mean((observed@data[,paste(variable, "residual", sep=".")])^2, na.rm=TRUE))
if(is.null(rp[["residual.scale"]])){ rp[["residual.scale"]] <- NA }
## remove duplicates as they can lead to singular matrix problems:
message("Removing spatial duplicates...")
observed <- remove.duplicates(observed)
## skip cross-validation if nfold = 0
if((nfold==0 | !any(class(object@regModel)=="glm")) & sum(subset.observations)>nmin){
cv <- observed[1]
names(cv) <- "observed"
cv$var1.pred <- rep(NA, length(cv$observed))
cv$var1.var <- rep(NA, length(cv$observed))
cv$residual <- rep(NA, length(cv$observed))
cv$zscore <- rep(NA, length(cv$observed))
cv$fold <- rep(1, length(cv$observed))
cv <- cv[,c("var1.pred", "var1.var", "observed", "residual", "zscore", "fold")]
## model summary:
sum.glm = summary(object@regModel)
## copy predictions to the predictionLocations
predictionLocations@data[, paste(variable, "modelFit", sep=".")] <- rp[["fit"]]
## Kriging with External Drift or Universal kriging:
## TH: a simplified implementation
if(predict.method == "KED"){
stop("Predict method = \"KED\" not applicable. Consider setting 'predict.method' to \"RK\".")
} else {
## Calibration of the trend (single predictor)...
formString <- as.formula(paste(variable, "~", paste(variable, "modelFit", sep="."), sep=""))
message("Generating predictions using the trend model (KED method)...")
rk <- gstat::krige(formula=formString, locations=observed, newdata=predictionLocations, model=vgmmodel, beta=betas, nmin=nmin, nmax=nmax, debug.level=debug.level, block=block, ...)
## mask extrapolation areas:
rk@data[,paste(variable, "svar", sep=".")] <- rk$var1.var / var(observed@data[,variable], na.rm=TRUE)
rk$var1.pred <- ifelse(rk@data[,paste(variable, "svar", sep=".")] > 1, NA, rk$var1.pred)
## mask out values outside physical limits:
rk@data[,variable] <- ifelse(rk$var1.pred > zmax, zmax, ifelse(rk$var1.pred < zmin, zmin, rk$var1.pred))
if(object@regModel$family$family == "poisson"){
rk@data[,variable] <- as.integer(round(rk@data[,variable], 0))
## cross-validation (default implementation by gstat):
message(paste("Running ", nfold, "-fold cross validation...", sep=""))
## subset if necessary to speed up the computing:
if(subsample < length(observed)){
pcnt <- subsample/length(observed)
message(paste("Subsetting observations to", signif(pcnt*100, 3), "percent"))
observed.s <- observed[runif(length(observed))<pcnt,]
cv <-, locations=observed.s, model=vgmmodel, nfold=nfold, verbose=verbose)
} else {
cv <-, locations=observed, model=vgmmodel, nfold=nfold, verbose=verbose)
proj4string(cv) = observed@proj4string
else {
message(paste("Generating", nsim, "conditional simulations using the trend model (KED method)..."))
rk <- gstat::krige(formString, locations=observed, newdata=predictionLocations, model=vgmmodel, nmin=nmin, nmax=nmax, debug.level=debug.level, nsim=nsim, block=block, ...)
## mask out values outside physical limits:
for(i in 1:nsim){
rk@data[,i] <- ifelse(rk@data[,i] > zmax, zmax, ifelse(rk@data[,i] < zmin, zmin, rk@data[,i]))
if(object@regModel$family$family == "poisson"){
rk@data[,i] <- as.integer(round(rk@data[,i], 0))
## Regression-kriging (the default approach):
} else {
if(predict.method == "RK"){
## GH: prediction variance (regression model only)
## []
predictionLocations@data[,"fit.var"] <- rp[[""]]^2
} else {
## TH: Prediction error for randomForest
message("Prediction error for 'randomForest' model estimated using the 'quantreg' package.")
if(requireNamespace("quantregForest", quietly = TRUE)){
var.rf <- predict(object@regModel, predictionLocations@data[f,covs], c((1-.682)/2, 1-(1-.682)/2))
## TH: this formula assumes that the errors follow a normal distribution! []
predictionLocations@data[f,"fit.var"] <- ((var.rf[,1] - var.rf[,2])/2)^2
} else {
predictionLocations@data[,"fit.var"] <- 0
## predict the residuals:
formString <- as.formula(paste(paste(variable, "residual", sep="."), "~", 1, sep=""))
message("Generating predictions using the trend model (RK method)...")
## TH: if the vgmmodel is null predict only using regression
## generate empty grid:
rk <- predictionLocations["fit.var"]
rk@data[,"fit.var"] <- rk@data[,"fit.var"] + rp[["residual.scale"]]^2
names(rk) = "var1.var"
rk@data[,paste(variable)] <- predictionLocations@data[,paste(variable, "modelFit", sep=".")]
if(sum(subset.observations)>nmin & !is.null(vgmmodel)){
rk@data[,paste(variable, "svar", sep=".")] <- predictionLocations$var1.var / var(observed@data[,variable], na.rm=TRUE)
## cross-validation using GLM:
if(nfold>0 & any(class(object@regModel)=="glm")){
if(sum(subset.observations)>nmin & is.null(vgmmodel)){
cv <- observed[variable]
names(cv) <- "observed"
cv$var1.pred <- fitted.values(object@regModel)[subset.observations] <- stats::predict.glm(object@regModel, newdata=object@regModel$data, type="response", = TRUE)
if(any(names(object@regModel) == "na.action")){
cv$var1.var <- ([[""]][-object@regModel$na.action][subset.observations])^2 + ([["residual.scale"]])^2
} else {
cv$var1.var <- ([[""]][subset.observations])^2 + ([["residual.scale"]])^2
message("Running GLM cross-validation without any extra model-fitting...")
if(requireNamespace("boot", quietly = TRUE)){
try( cv.err <- boot::glm.diag(object@regModel), silent=TRUE )
if(class(.Last.value)[1]=="try-error" | is.null(cv.err)) {
cv.err <- data.frame(res = rep(NA, length(cv$observed)), rd = rep(NA, length(cv$observed)))
warning("Cross-validation using 'boot::glm.diag' resulted in an empty set.", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
cv$residual <- cv.err$res[subset.observations]
cv$zscore <- cv.err$rd[subset.observations]
cv$fold <- rep(1, length(cv$observed))
# print warning:
cv <- cv[,c("var1.pred","var1.var","observed","residual","zscore","fold")]
} else {
warning("Skiping cross validation because 'subset.observations' resulted in an empty set.", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
} else {
## Predict at coarser grid to speed up the processing (only for 2D maps!)
if(coarsening.factor>1 & class(predictionLocations)=="SpatialPixelsDataFrame"){
warning("Downscaling ordinary kriging predictions can lead to artifacts", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
predictionLocations.S = spsample(SpatialPixels(SpatialPoints(predictionLocations["fit.var"]@coords[,1:2], predictionLocations@proj4string)), type="regular", cellsize=coarsening.factor*predictionLocations@grid@cellsize[1])
gridded(predictionLocations.S) <- TRUE
rk.S <- gstat::krige(formString, locations=observed, newdata=predictionLocations.S, model = vgmmodel, nmin = nmin, nmax = nmax, debug.level = debug.level, ...)
rk <- warp(rk.S, GridTopology = predictionLocations@grid, pixsize=predictionLocations@grid@cellsize[1], resampling_method="cubicspline", tmp.file=TRUE)
## convert to SpatialPixels (necessary!):
rk <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(predictionLocations@coords[,1:3], data=rk@data[predictionLocations@grid.index,], proj4string=predictionLocations@proj4string, grid=predictionLocations@grid)
} else {
rk <- gstat::krige(formString, locations=observed, newdata=predictionLocations, model = vgmmodel, nmin = nmin, nmax = nmax, debug.level = debug.level, block = block, ...)
## sum regression and kriging:
rk@data[,"var1.pred"] <- predictionLocations@data[,paste(variable, "modelFit", sep=".")] + rk@data[,"var1.pred"]
rk@data[,"var1.var"] <- (predictionLocations@data[,"fit.var"] + rk@data[,"var1.var"])
## TH: This formula assumes that the trend and residuals are independent; which is probably not true
rk@data[,paste(variable, "svar", sep=".")] <- rk@data[,"var1.var"] / var(observed@data[,variable], na.rm=TRUE)
## mask out values outside the physical limits:
rk@data[,variable] <- ifelse(rk$var1.pred > zmax, zmax, ifelse(rk$var1.pred < zmin, zmin, rk$var1.pred))
if(object@regModel$family$family == "poisson"){
rk@data[,variable] <- as.integer(round(rk@data[,variable], 0))
## TH: cross-validation for RK model is not implemented in gstat, so we use the KED model for this purpose:
formString <- as.formula(paste(variable, "~", paste(variable, "modelFit", sep="."), sep=""))
message(paste("Running ", nfold, "-fold cross validation using ''...", sep=""))
## subset if necessary to speed up the computing:
if(subsample < length(observed)){
pcnt <- subsample/length(observed)
message(paste("Subsetting observations to", signif(pcnt*100, 3), "percent"))
observed.s <- observed[runif(length(observed))<pcnt,]
cv <-, locations=observed.s, model=vgmmodel, nfold=nfold, verbose=verbose)
} else {
cv <-, locations=observed, model=vgmmodel, nfold=nfold, verbose=verbose)
proj4string(cv) = observed@proj4string
} ## Simulations using RK model:
else {
message(paste("Generating", nsim, "'rnorm' simulations using the trend model (RK method)..."))
# simple rnorm simulations:
rk = predictionLocations["fit.var"]
for(i in 1:nsim){
xsim <- rnorm(length(predictionLocations$fit.var), mean=predictionLocations@data[,paste(variable, "modelFit", sep=".")], sd=sqrt(predictionLocations$fit.var + rp[["residual.scale"]]^2))
rk@data[,i] <- ifelse(xsim > zmax, zmax, ifelse(xsim < zmin, zmin, xsim))
names(rk) <- paste("sim", 1:nsim, sep="")
} else {
message(paste("Generating", nsim, "conditional simulations using the trend model (RK method)..."))
rk <- gstat::krige(formString, locations=observed, newdata=predictionLocations, model = vgmmodel, nmin = nmin, nmax = nmax, debug.level = debug.level, nsim = nsim, block = block, ...)
for(i in 1:nsim){
# sum simulated values:
xsim = rnorm(length(predictionLocations$fit.var), mean=predictionLocations@data[,paste(variable, "modelFit", sep=".")], sd=sqrt(predictionLocations$fit.var))
rk@data[,i] <- xsim + rk@data[,i]
## TH: this does not costs so much time to compute, but it assumes that the trend and residuals are independent!
rk@data[,i] <- ifelse(rk@data[,i] > zmax, zmax, ifelse(rk@data[,i] < zmin, zmin, rk@data[,i]))
if(object@regModel$family$family == "poisson"){
rk@data[,i] <- as.integer(round(rk@data[,i], 0))
# save the output file:
if(nsim == 0){
if(sum(subset.observations)>nmin & nfold>0){
rkp <- list(variable = variable, observed = observed, regModel.summary = sum.glm, vgmModel = object@vgmModel, predicted = rk, validation = cv)
} else {
rkp <- list(variable = variable, regModel.summary = sum.glm, vgmModel = object@vgmModel, predicted = rk)
} else {
message('Creating an object of class \"SpatialPredictions\"')
rkp <- new("SpatialPredictions", variable = variable, observed = observed, regModel.summary = sum.glm, vgmModel = object@vgmModel, predicted = rk, validation = cv)
} else {
rkp <- list(variable = variable, regModel.summary = sum.glm, vgmModel = object@vgmModel, predicted = rk, validation = cv)
else {
rkp <- list(variable = variable, observed = observed, regModel.summary = sum.glm, vgmModel = object@vgmModel, predicted = rk, validation = cv)
} else {
t1 <- Line(matrix(c(rk@bbox[1,1],rk@bbox[1,2],mean(rk@bbox[2,]),mean(rk@bbox[2,])), ncol=2))
transect <- SpatialLines(list(Lines(list(t1), ID="t")), observed@proj4string)
message('Creating an object of class \"RasterBrickSimulations\"')
rkp <- new("RasterBrickSimulations", variable = variable, sampled = transect, realizations = brick(rk))
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "gstatModel"), predict.gstatModel)
## predict multiple models independently:
predict.gstatModelList <- function(object, predictionLocations, nmin = 10, nmax = 30, debug.level = -1, predict.method = c("RK", "KED"), nfold = 5, verbose = FALSE, nsim = 0, mask.extra = TRUE, block = predictionLocations@grid@cellsize, zmin = -Inf, zmax = Inf, subsample = length(object@sp), ...){
predict.method <- predict.method[1]
stop("'object' and 'predictionLocations' lists of same size expected")
rkp.l <- list(NULL)
for(l in 1:length(object)){
rkp.l[[l]] <- predict(object[[l]], predictionLocations[[l]], nmin = nmin, nmax = nmax, debug.level = debug.level, predict.method = predict.method, nfold = nfold, verbose = verbose, nsim = nsim, mask.extra = mask.extra, block = block, zmin = zmin, zmax = zmax, subsample = subsample, ...)
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "list"), predict.gstatModelList)
# end of script;
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