
MCmcmc <-
function( data,
          bias = "linear",
           IxR = has.repl(data), linked = IxR,
           MxI = TRUE,           matrix = MxI,
        varMxI = nlevels(factor(data$meth)) > 2,
      n.chains = 4,
        n.iter = 2000,
      n.burnin = n.iter/2,
        n.thin = ceiling((n.iter-n.burnin)/1000),
bugs.code.file = "model.txt",
       clearWD = TRUE,
     code.only = FALSE,
      ini.mult = 2,
      list.ini = TRUE,
           org = FALSE,
     Transform = NULL,
     trans.tol = 1e-6 )
# Is the supplied dataframe a Meth object? If not make it!
if( !inherits( data, "Meth" ) ) data <- Meth( data, print=FALSE )
# Transform the response if necessary
Transform <- choose.trans( Transform )
if( !is.null(Transform) )
  check.trans( Transform, data$y, trans.tol=trans.tol )
  data$y <- Transform$trans( data$y )

# Check that a dataframe is supplied
if( !is.data.frame(data) | missing( data ) )
stop( "A dataframe should be supplied as the first argument." )

# Check the bias argument:
if( !( substr(tolower(bias),1,3) %in% c("non","con","lin","pro") ) )
  stop( "Specification of 'bias=\"", bias, "\"' is not defined\n",
        "  'bias' must be one of \"none\", \"const\", \"linear\", \"prop\"\n" )
int   <- substr(bias,1,3) %in% c("con","lin")
slope <- substr(bias,1,3) %in% c("lin","pro")

# Use jags
program <- "jags"

# Fill in the variance components arguments:
if( missing(MxI) ) MxI <- matrix
if( missing(IxR) ) IxR <- linked

# Make the table of replicates for printing before method names are wiped
TT <- summary.Meth( data )

# Get the names of methods that actually appear in data IN THAT ORDER.
# This quirk is necessary to avoid accidental reordering of method names
# if they are not alphabetically ordered
# meth.names <- names( tt <- table( data$meth ) )[tt>0]

# Quantities needed later
N  <- nrow( data )
Mn <-  levels( data$meth )
Nm <- nlevels( data$meth )
Ni <- nlevels( data$item )
Rn <-  levels( data$repl )
Nr <- nlevels( data$repl )
# Number of replicates per (item,method)
Nrep <- with( data, max(apply(table(item,meth,repl),1:2,function(x)sum(x>0))) )

# Print an explanatory text of what goes on:
cat( "\nComparison of", Nm, "methods, using", N, "measurements",
     "\non", Ni, "items, with up to", Nrep, "replicate measurements,",
     "\n(replicate values are in the set:", Rn, ")",
     "\n\nNo. items with measurements on each method:\n" )
print( summary.Meth( data ) )
cat( if( code.only ) "\nBugs program for a model with"
     else "\nSimulation run of a model with",
     if( !int & !slope ) "\n- no bias (intercept==0, slope==1)",
     if(  int & !slope ) "\n- fixed bias (slope==1)",
     if( !int &  slope ) "\n- proportional bias (intercept==0)",
     if( !MxI & !IxR ) "\n- no random interactions:",
     if(  MxI & !IxR ) "\n- method by item interaction:",
     if( !MxI &  IxR ) "\n- item by replicate interaction:",
     if(  MxI &  IxR ) "\n- method by item and item by replicate interaction:",
     if( code.only & !missing( bugs.code.file) & bugs.code.file!="" )
         paste( "is written to the file",
                paste( getwd(), bugs.code.file, sep="/" ), "\n" )
     else if ( !code.only )
          paste( "\n- using", n.chains, "chains run for",
                                n.iter, "iterations \n  (of which",
                              n.burnin, "are burn-in),",
                 if( n.thin==1 ) "\n- monitoring all values of the chain:"
                 else paste( "\n- monitoring every", n.thin, "values of the chain:" ),
                 "\n- giving a posterior sample of",
                 round( n.chains*(n.iter-n.burnin)/n.thin ), "observations.\n\n" )
# Make sure that it is printed before JAGS is fired up

# Compute the range of the y's, and expand it to the range
# used for the "true" values for each item and for sd's
u.range <- range( data$y ) + c(-1,1) * 0.1 * diff( range( data$y ) )

# Write the BUGS gode to a file (or optionally the screen)
write.bugs.code( int=int, slope=slope, MxI=MxI, IxR=IxR, varMxI=varMxI,
                 N=N, Nm=Nm, Ni=Ni, Nr=Nr, u.range=u.range,
                 file = if( code.only & missing(bugs.code.file) ) ""
                        else bugs.code.file )

# Generate the appropriate list of inits for the chains if not given:
# (This first part is to allow list.ini=TRUE and code.only=TRUE to
# generate inits too )
do.inits <- !code.only
if( is.logical( list.ini ) & code.only ) do.inits <- list.ini
if( do.inits )
list.ini <- make.inits( data=data, Nm=Nm,
                        int=int, slope=slope,
                        IxR=IxR, MxI=MxI, varMxI=varMxI,
                        n.chains=n.chains, ini.mult=ini.mult )

# If we want to execute the BUGS code --- well, then get on with it:
if( !code.only ) 
# These requires are here because we do not want extensive
# spaghetti-code when calling functions from rjas and coda 
if( !require( rjags ) ) stop( "rjags not available")
if( !require( coda  ) ) stop( "coda not available")
# Construct the data input data to JAGS
# First convert the variables to numerical 1,2,3,... for the sake of BUGS
bdat <- data
bdat$meth <- as.integer( bdat$meth )
bdat$item <- as.integer( bdat$item )
bdat$repl <- as.integer( bdat$repl )
data.list <- c( list( N=N, Ni=Ni, Nm=Nm ),
                if( IxR ) list( Nr=Nr  ),
                as.list( bdat[,c("meth","item",if( IxR )"repl","y")] ) )

# Run JAGS
cat("Initialization and burn-in:\n")
m <- jags.model( file = bugs.code.file,
                 data = data.list,
             n.chains = n.chains,
                inits = list.ini,
              n.adapt = n.burnin )
res <- coda.samples( m,
       variable.names = names( list.ini[[1]] ),
               n.iter = n.iter-n.burnin,
                 thin = n.thin )

# Now produce a mcmc object with the relevant parameters

# First add dummy colums for alpha and beta if they are not in the model.
# This facilitates all subsequent calculations
if( !int )
  alphas <- rbind( rep( 0, Nm ) )
  colnames( alphas ) <- paste( "alpha[", 1:Nm, "]", sep="" )
  res <- addcols.mcmc( res, alphas )
if( !slope )
  betas <- rbind( rep( 1, Nm ) )
  colnames( betas ) <- paste( "beta[", 1:Nm, "]", sep="" )
  res <- addcols.mcmc( res, betas )

# Construct a new mcmc object with the translation parameters and variance
# components as columns.
new.res <- trans.mcmc( res, MxI, IxR, Nm = Nm,
                            Mn = Mn,
                            n.chains = n.chains )

# Return the mcmc.list of relevant parameters
MCobj <- new.res

# Give class and attributes to the resulting object
class( MCobj ) <- c( "MCmcmc", class( MCobj ) )
attr( MCobj, "random" )  <- c( if(MxI) "MxI", if(IxR) "IxR" )
attr( MCobj, "methods" ) <- Mn
attr( MCobj, "data" )    <- data
attr( MCobj, "Transform" ) <- Transform
# Not implemented yet, but should be
attr( res, "RandomRaters" ) <- FALSE
attr( MCobj, "mcmc.par" )<- list( n.chains = n.chains,
                                    n.iter = n.iter,
                                  n.burnin = n.burnin,
                                    n.thin = n.thin,
                                       dim = dim(as.matrix(MCobj)) )
if( org ) attr( MCobj, "orginal" ) <- res

invisible( MCobj )
# In case only the bugs code was wanted, we return the inits:
else if( do.inits ) invisible( list.ini )

### addcols.mcmc
addcols.mcmc <-
function( obj, cols )
if( !inherits( obj, "mcmc" ) &&
    !inherits( obj, "mcmc.list" ) ) stop( "obj must be a mcmc(.list) object" )
if( inherits( obj, "mcmc.list" ) )
  return( as.mcmc.list( lapply( obj, addcols.mcmc, cols ) ) )
if( length(dim(cols))==1 && length(cols)<1 )
  cols <- cols[rep(1:nrow(cols),nrow(obj))[1:nrow(obj)]]
if( length(dim(cols))>1 && nrow(cols)<nrow(obj) )
  cols <- cols[rep(1:nrow(cols),nrow(obj))[1:nrow(obj)],]
xx <- cbind( obj, cols )
attr( xx, "mcpar") <- attr( obj, "mcpar")
class( xx ) <- "mcmc"
return( xx )

### make.inits
make.inits <-
function( data, Nm, int, slope, IxR, MxI, varMxI, n.chains, ini.mult=2 )
# function to clean up a list
rm.null <- function( lst ) lst[!sapply( lst, is.null )]
# n.chains must be at least 2:
if( n.chains < 2 ) stop( "n.chains must be at least 2, it is ", n.chains )
# Get variance component estimates and construct inits
vcm <- VC.est( data, IxR=IxR, MxI=MxI, varMxI=varMxI )
if( MxI ) sig.mi  <- vcm$VarComp[,"MxI"]
if( IxR ) sig.ir  <- vcm$VarComp[,"IxR"][1]
          sig.res <- vcm$VarComp[,"res"]

# Produce a list of lists of length n.chains;
# the first one starting "correctly",
# and it has to be a list with one list as the first element
list.ini <- list( rm.null(
            list( "alpha" = vcm$Bias,
                   "beta" = rep(1,Nm),
               "sigma.mi" = if( MxI )
                            if( Nm > 2 & varMxI )
               "sigma.ir" = if( IxR ) sig.ir,
              "sigma.res" = sig.res ) ) )
# and the subsequent with perturbed starting values for the variance components
for( j in 2:n.chains )
list.add <- rm.null(
            list( "alpha" = vcm$Bias,
                   "beta" = rep(1,Nm),
               "sigma.mi" = if( MxI )
                            if( Nm > 2 & varMxI )
                            sig.mi * ini.mult^sample(-1:1,Nm,replace=TRUE)
                            sig.mi[1] * ini.mult^sample(-1:1, 1,replace=TRUE)
               "sigma.ir" = if( IxR )
                            sig.ir * ini.mult^sample(-1:1, 1,replace=TRUE),
              "sigma.res" = sig.res* ini.mult^sample(-1:1,Nm,replace=TRUE) ) )
list.ini <- c( list.ini, list( list.add ) )

### write.bugs.code
write.bugs.code <-
function( int, slope, IxR, MxI, varMxI, # Defining structure of model
          u.range, # The range of the true values is relevant for the
                   # application of the initial values of the variance
                   # components and of initial values of(alpha,beta)=(0,1)
          N, Nm, Ni, Nr, # Defining structure of the data.
          file="" )
#  Write the BUGS code according to the arguments
cat( "model {
      for(j in 1:Ni)
        u[j] ~ dunif(", paste( u.range, collapse="," ), ")
      for (i in 1:N)
        y[i] ~ dnorm( mu[i],tau.res[meth[i]] )
        mu[i] <- ",
if( int ) "alpha[meth[i]] +",
if( slope ) "
                  beta[meth[i]] *", "( u[item[i]]",
if( IxR ) "+ e.ir[item[i],repl[i]]",
if( MxI ) "+
if( IxR ) "
        for(r in 1:Nr)
           for(i in 1:Ni)  { e.ir[i,r] ~ dnorm( 0, tau.ir ) }
if( MxI ) paste( "
        for(m in 1:Nm)
           for(i in 1:Ni)  { e.mi[m,i] ~ dnorm( 0,",
                             if( Nm>2 & varMxI ) "tau.mi[m]" else "tau.mi", " ) }
           }" ),
if( IxR ) paste("
                sigma.ir ~ dunif(0,", ceiling(10*u.range[2]), ") ; tau.ir <- pow(sigma.ir,-2)" ),
if( MxI & ( Nm == 2 | !varMxI ) )
                sigma.mi ~ dunif(0,", ceiling(10*u.range[2]), ") ; tau.mi <- pow(sigma.mi,-2)" ),
       for( m in 1:Nm )
          { ",
if( int ) "
                alpha[m] ~ dnorm(0,0.0025)",
if( slope ) "
                 beta[m] ~ dunif(0,10)",
if( MxI & Nm > 2 & varMxI )
             sigma.mi[m] ~ dunif(0,", ceiling(10*u.range[2]), ") ; tau.mi[m]  <- pow(sigma.mi[m],-2)" ),
            sigma.res[m] ~ dunif(0,", paste( ceiling(10*u.range[2]) ), ") ; tau.res[m] <- pow(sigma.res[m],-2)
       file = file )

### conv.par
conv.par <-
function( sim.mat, i, j )
# Function to produce posteriors of the conversion parameters from method i to j.

# Find the columns of sim.mat with the relevant alphas and betas
# Note the "\\" necessary to escape the special meaning of "[" in grep.
wh <-  c( grep( paste("alpha\\[",i,"]",sep=""), colnames(sim.mat) ),
          grep( paste("alpha\\[",j,"]",sep=""), colnames(sim.mat) ),
          grep( paste( "beta\\[",i,"]",sep=""), colnames(sim.mat) ),
          grep( paste( "beta\\[",j,"]",sep=""), colnames(sim.mat) ) )

# First compute the alpha, beta and intersection with the identity
# The result is a matrix object with 3 columns
ab.conv <- abconv( sim.mat, wh,
                   col.names = paste( c("alpha","beta","id"), j, i, sep="." ) )

# The variance for predicting method j from i:
# First the residual variances
var.conv <- sim.mat[,paste("sigma.res[",j,"]", sep="" )]^2 +
            ab.conv[,paste("beta",j,i,sep=".")]^2 *
            sim.mat[,paste("sigma.res[",i,"]", sep="" )]^2

# And if there is a method by item interaction this one too
# Recall that the sigma.mi random effect is specified as multiplied by beta
MxI <- any( as.logical( grep( "sigma.mi\\[", colnames(sim.mat) ) ) )
if( MxI ) var.conv <- var.conv +
                      sim.mat[,paste("beta[", j, "]", sep="" )]^2 *
                      sim.mat[,paste("sigma.mi[", j, "]", sep="" )]^2 +
                      ab.conv[,paste("beta",j,i,sep=".")]^2 *
                      sim.mat[,paste("beta[", i, "]", sep="" )]^2 *
                      sim.mat[,paste("sigma.mi[", i, "]", sep="" )]^2
sd.conv <- sqrt( var.conv )
ab.conv <- cbind( ab.conv, sd.conv )
names( ab.conv ) = paste( c("alpha","beta","id.int","sd.pr"),
                          "[", j, "].[", i, "]", sep="" )
ab.conv <- as.matrix( ab.conv )
if( i == j ) ab.conv[,4,drop=FALSE]
        else ab.conv

### sims.array.2.mcmc.list
sims.array.2.mcmc.list <-
function( aa )
zz <- list(list())
for( i in 1:(dim(aa)[2]) )
   tmp <- coda::mcmc( aa[,i,] )
   zz <- c( zz, list(tmp) )
return( coda::mcmc.list( zz[-1] ) )

### mat2.mcmc
mat2.mcmc.list <-
function( mm, n.chains )
zz <- list(list())
n.sims <- dim(mm)[1]/n.chains
if( floor(n.sims)!=n.sims)
  stop( "Matrix supplied does not have nrows a multiple of n.chains" )
for( i in 1:n.chains )
tmp <- coda::mcmc( mm[(i-1)*n.sims+(1:n.sims),] )
zz <- c( zz, list(tmp) )
return( coda::mcmc.list( zz[-1] ) )

### trans.mcmc
trans.mcmc <-
function( res, MxI, IxR, names=TRUE, Nm, Mn, n.chains )
# First convert to a matrix
sim.mat <- as.matrix( res )

# Get the residual variances 'as is'
new.res <- sim.mat[,grep("sigma.res",colnames(sim.mat))]

# Parameters for each method
for( i in Nm:1 )
# Conversion from i to j
for( j in Nm:1 )
new.res <- cbind( conv.par(sim.mat,i,j), new.res )
# The remaining variance components:
# Put the sds of the MxI and IxR effects on the right scales:
if( MxI )
  # First if Nm==2 there is only 1 sigma.mi which must be multiplied with
  # each of the two estimated betas
  if( Nm==2 )
    new.res <- cbind( new.res,
                      sim.mat[,paste("beta[",i,"]",sep="")] )
    new.res <- cbind( new.res,
                      sim.mat[,paste(    "beta[",i,"]",sep="")] )
  colnames( new.res )[ncol(new.res)] <- paste("sigma.mi[",i,"]",sep="")
if( IxR )
  new.res <- cbind( new.res,
                    sim.mat[,paste("beta[",i,"]",sep="")] )
  colnames( new.res )[ncol(new.res)] <- paste("sigma.ir[",i,"]",sep="")

# Total variance for each method (as SD, of course)
for(i in 1:Nm )
  var.tot <- new.res[,paste("sigma.res[",i,"]",sep="")]^2
  if( IxR ) var.tot <- var.tot + new.res[,paste("sigma.ir[",i,"]",sep="")]^2
  if( MxI ) var.tot <- var.tot + new.res[,paste("sigma.mi[",i,"]",sep="")]^2
  new.res <- cbind( new.res, sqrt( var.tot ) )
  colnames( new.res )[ncol(new.res)] <- paste("sigma.tot[",i,"]",sep="")

# Put the method names into the posterior results matrix colnames
if( names )
zz <<- colnames( new.res )
for( i in 1:Nm )
   zz <- gsub( paste("\\[",i,"]",sep=""),
               paste("[",Mn[i],"]",sep=""), zz )
zz <- gsub( "].\\[", ".", zz )
zz -> colnames( new.res )

return( mat2.mcmc.list( new.res, n.chains ) )

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MethComp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:06 p.m.