
Defines functions updateTheta fixUpEffectNames unpackCompositionChange unpackData unpackVDyad unpackCDyad convertToStructuralZeros unpackBehavior unpackBipartite unpackOneMode createCovarEdgeList createEdgeLists initializeFRAN

Documented in initializeFRAN updateTheta

# * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
# *
# * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
# *
# * File: initializeFRAN.r
# *
# * Description: This module contains the code for setting up the data in C++
# * and for ML making the initial chain.
# *****************************************************************************/

##@initializeFRAN siena07 reformat data and send to C. get targets.
initializeFRAN <- function(z, x, data, effects, prevAns=NULL, initC,
	profileData=FALSE, returnDeps=FALSE,
	returnChains=FALSE, byGroup=FALSE,
	returnDataFrame=FALSE, byWave=FALSE,
	returnLoglik=FALSE, onlyLoglik=FALSE)
	##@checkNames used in initializeFRAN for siena07
	checkNames <- function(xx, types) {
		# checks whether names of named vectors are in names of dependent variables.
		# returns xx; if is.null(xx), returns named vector
		# with variable names and all values 1.
		if (('oneMode' %in% types) || ('bipartite' %in% types))
			thetype <- 'network'
			thetype <- 'behavior'
		if (inherits(data, "sienaGroup"))
			theVars <- sapply(data[[1]]$depvars, function(x){attr(x,'type') %in% types})
			theVarNames <- names(data[[1]]$depvars)[theVars]
			theVars <- sapply(data$depvars, function(x){attr(x,'type') %in% types})
			theVarNames <- names(data$depvars)[theVars]
		if ((length(xx) >= 1) && (!(length(xx) == sum(theVars))))
			cat(deparse(substitute(xx)), ' =  (', 
					paste(names(xx), xx, sep=" = ", collapse="; ") ,') ,\n')
			if (sum(theVars)==1)
				cat('but there is only one dependent variable.\n')
				cat('but there are ', sum(theVars), ' dependent variables.\n')
			cat('Length of',deparse(substitute(xx)),
				'should be equal to number of', thetype,'variables.\n')
			stop('Invalid algorithm-data combination.')
		# For this check:
		# if there are no names, then (names(xx) %in% names(data$depvars))
		# will be logical(0), and all(logical(0)) is TRUE.
		if (is.null(xx))
			wrongName <- FALSE
			xx <- rep(1, sum(theVars))
			names(xx) <- theVarNames
			wrongName <- (!all(names(xx) == theVarNames))
			if (is.null(names(xx)))
				wrongName <- TRUE
				if (any(is.na(names(xx))))
					wrongName <- TRUE
			if (wrongName)
					'in the algorithm object x should be a named vector with\n')
				cat(' the names of dependent', thetype, 'variables')
				cat(' in the data set, in the same order.\n')
				cat(' Names in algorithm object: ', names(xx), '\n')
				cat(' Names in data set: ', theVarNames, '\n')
				stop('Invalid algorithm-data combination.')

	# start of initializeFRAN proper
	z$effectsName <- deparse(substitute(effects))
	## fix up the interface so can call from outside robmon framework
	if (is.null(z$FinDiff.method))
		z$FinDiff.method <- FALSE
	if (is.null(z$int))
		z$int <- 1
	if (is.null(z$int2))
		z$int2 <- 1
	if (!initC) ## ie first time round
		if (!inherits(data,"siena"))
			stop("not valid siena data object")
		## check the effects object
		defaultEffects <- getEffects(data)
		if (is.null(effects))
			effects <- defaultEffects
			## todo check that the effects match the data dependent variables
			userlist <- apply(effects[effects$include,], 1, function(x)
				paste(x[c("name", "effectName",
						"type", "groupName")],
			deflist <- apply(defaultEffects, 1, function(x)
				paste(x[c("name", "effectName",
						"type", "groupName")],
			if (!all(userlist %in% deflist))
				bad <- which(!(userlist %in% deflist))
				cat("invalid effect requested: see above; \n")
				cat("there seems to be a mismatch between data set and effects object.\n")
				stop("Perhaps the effects object must be created from scratch.")
		if (!inherits(effects, "data.frame"))
			stop("effects is not a data.frame")
		if (x$useStdInits)
			if (any(effects$effectName != defaultEffects$effectName))
				stop("Cannot use standard initialisation with a ",
					"different effect list")
			effects$initialValue <- defaultEffects$initialValue

		# Check that the following attributes have correct names
		# and change NULL to default values for x$modelType and x$behModelType
		# For symmetric networks, default is changed below from 1 to 2.
		checkNames(x$MaxDegree, c('oneMode','bipartite'))
		checkNames(x$UniversalOffset, c('oneMode','bipartite'))
		x$modelType <- checkNames(x$modelType, c('oneMode','bipartite'))
		x$behModelType <- checkNames(x$behModelType, 'behavior')
		# The following error will occur if ML estimation is requested
		# and there are any impossible changes from structural values
		# to different observed values.
		if (x$maxlike)
			if (inherits(data, "sienaGroup"))
				impossible <- FALSE
				zerochange <- FALSE
				imp.change <- lapply(data, checkImpossibleChanges)
				if (sum(unlist(imp.change)) > 0)
					cat('For some groups, there are impossible changes;\n')
					cat('This occurs for groups\n', which(sapply(imp.change,
								function(ic){(sum(ic) > 0)})),'\n')
					impossible <- TRUE
				z.changes <- sapply(data, checkZeroChanges)
				if (sum(z.changes >= 1))
					cat(' For some groups and some period, there is no change.\n')
					cat('This occurs for groups ', which(sapply(z.changes,
								function(zc){(zc > 0)})),'\n')
					zerochange <- TRUE
				imp.change <- checkImpossibleChanges(data)
				if (imp.change %in% c(1,3))
					cat('There are some changes from structural zero to observed 1.\n')
				if (imp.change %in% c(2,3))
					cat('There are some changes from structural one to observed 0.\n')
				if (imp.change >= 4)
					cat('There are some impossible changes between structural and observed values,\n')
					cat('some through intermediary NA.\n')
				impossible <- (imp.change > 0)
				zerochange <- FALSE
				z.changes <- checkZeroChanges(data)
				if (sum(z.changes >= 1))
					cat(' For some period, there is no change.\n')
					zerochange <- TRUE
			if (impossible || zerochange)
				cat('This is not allowed for likelihood-based estimation.\n')
				if (impossible)
					cat('Possible remedies are: represent periods by multiple groups,\n')
					cat('or change the offending values.\n')
				stop('Impossible changes')

		## get data object into group format to save coping with two
		## different formats
		if (inherits(data, "sienaGroup"))
			nGroup <- length(data)
			nGroup <- 1
			data <- sienaGroupCreate(list(data), singleOK=TRUE)
		## add any effects needed for time dummies
		tmp <- sienaTimeFix(effects, data)
		data <- tmp$data
		effects <- tmp$effects
		if (!x$useStdInits)
			if (!is.null(prevAns) && inherits(prevAns, "sienaFit"))
				effects <- updateTheta(effects, prevAns)
		## add any effects needed for settings model
		# this now is replaced by adding the settings in getEffects,
		# which is the more logical place.
		# If all works, this can be deleted,
		# and also the function addSettingsEffects can be deleted.
		# I used this function as a template for the change to getEffects.
		# I wonder why the next 8 lines cannot be dropped;
		# gives error message "cannot find setting col".
		#	if (!is.null(x$settings))
		#	{
		#		effects <- addSettingsEffects(effects, x)
		#	}
		#	else
		#	{
		#		effects$setting <- rep("", nrow(effects))
		#	}
		## find any effects not included which are needed for interactions
		tmpEffects <- effects[effects$include, ]
		interactionNos <- unique(c(tmpEffects$effect1, tmpEffects$effect2,
		interactionNos <- interactionNos[interactionNos > 0]
		interactions <- effects$effectNumber %in%
		effects$requested <- effects$include
		requestedEffects <- effects[effects$include, ]

		effects$include[interactions] <- TRUE
		effects <- effects[effects$include, ]

		## split and rejoin both versions before continuing
		depvarnames <- names(data[[1]]$depvars)

		effects1 <- split(requestedEffects, requestedEffects$name)
		effects1order <- match(c(depvarnames, "sde"), names(effects1))
		requestedEffects <- do.call(rbind, effects1[effects1order])
		row.names(requestedEffects) <- 1:nrow(requestedEffects)

		effects1 <- split(effects, effects$name)
		effects1order <- match(c(depvarnames, "sde"), names(effects1))
		effects <- do.call(rbind, effects1[effects1order])
		row.names(effects) <- 1:nrow(effects)

		## now set up z provisionally
		z$theta <- requestedEffects$initialValue
		z$fixed <- requestedEffects$fix
		z$test <- requestedEffects$test
		z$pp <- length(z$test)
		z$posj <- rep(FALSE, z$pp)
		z$posj[requestedEffects$basicRate] <- TRUE
		z$BasicRateFunction <- z$posj

		## sort out names of user specified interaction effects
		effects <- fixUpEffectNames(effects)
		## copy interaction names to the requested effects
		requestedEffects$effectName <- effects[effects$requested,
		requestedEffects$functionName <- effects[effects$requested,

		if (attr(data, "compositionChange"))
			if (x$maxlike)
				stop("Not possible to use maximum likelihood estimation ",
					"with composition change")

		## if not specified whether conditional or nor, set to conditional
		## iff there is only one dependent variable (therefore number 1)
		## and not maxlike
		if (is.na(x$cconditional))
			x$cconditional <- !x$maxlike && (length(depvarnames) == 1)
			if (x$cconditional)
				x$condvarno <- 1

		if (any(hasSettings(data)))
			if (x$cconditional)
				stop("Estimation for a settings model requires ",
						"conditional estimation")
		types <- sapply(data[[1]]$depvars, function(x) attr(x, "type"))
		## now check if conditional estimation is OK and copy to z if so
		z$cconditional <- FALSE
		if ((x$cconditional) & (!(attr(data, "compositionChange"))))
			if (x$maxlike)
				stop("Conditional estimation is not possible with",
					"maximum likelihood method")
			##  if (nets == 1) not sure if this is necessary
			##  {
			z$cconditional <- TRUE
			## find the conditioning variable
			observations <- attr(data, "observations")
			## this is actual number of waves to process
			if (x$condname != "")
				z$condvarno <- match(x$condname, attr(data, "netnames"))
				if (is.na(z$condvarno))
					cat("\nNo match between variable name in algorithm object\n")
					cat("and those in data set.\n")
					cat("Algorithm object: ", x$condname, "\n")
					cat("Data set: ", attr(data, "netnames"), "\n")
					stop("Incorrect variable name.\n")
				z$condname <- x$condname
				z$condvarno <- x$condvarno
				z$condname <- attr(data, "netnames")[x$condvarno]
			z$condtype <- attr(data, "types")[z$condvarno]
			if (z$condtype == "oneMode")
				z$symmetric  <-  attr(data, "symmetric")[[z$condvarno]]
				z$symmetric <- FALSE
			## find the positions of basic rate effects for this network
			z$condvar <-
			z$theta<- z$theta[-z$condvar]
			z$fixed<- z$fixed[-z$condvar]
			z$test<- z$test[-z$condvar]
			z$pp<- z$pp - length(z$condvar)
			z$scale<- z$scale[-z$condvar]
			z$BasicRateFunction <- z$posj[-z$condvar]
			z$posj <- z$posj[-z$condvar]
			z$theta[z$posj] <-
				z$theta[z$posj] / requestedEffects$initialValue[z$condvar]
		z$qq <- z$pp

		## unpack data and put onto f anything we may need next time round.
		f <- lapply(data, function(xx, x) unpackData(xx, x), x=x)
		attr(f, "netnames") <- attr(data, "netnames")
		attr(f, "symmetric") <- attr(data, "symmetric")
		attr(f, "allUpOnly") <- attr(data, "allUpOnly")
		attr(f, "allDownOnly") <- attr(data, "allDownOnly")
		attr(f, "allHigher") <- attr(data, "allHigher")
		attr(f, "allDisjoint") <- attr(data, "allDisjoint")
		attr(f, "allAtLeastOne") <- attr(data, "allAtLeastOne")
		attr(f, "anyUpOnly") <- attr(data, "anyUpOnly")
		attr(f, "anyDownOnly") <- attr(data, "anyDownOnly")
		attr(f, "anyHigher") <- attr(data, "anyHigher")
		attr(f, "anyDisjoint") <- attr(data, "anyDisjoint")
		attr(f, "anyAtLeastOne") <- attr(data, "anyAtLeastOne")
		attr(f, "types") <- attr(data, "types")
		attr(f, "observations") <- attr(data, "observations")
		attr(f, "compositionChange") <- attr(data, "compositionChange")
		attr(f, "exooptions") <- attr(data, "exooptions")
		attr(f, "groupPeriods") <- attr(data, "groupPeriods")
		attr(f, "periodNos") <- attr(data, "periodNos")
		attr(f, "numberNonMissingNetwork") <-
			attr(data, "numberNonMissingNetwork")
		attr(f, "numberMissingNetwork") <- attr(data, "numberMissingNetwork")
		attr(f, "numberNonMissingBehavior") <-
			attr(data, "numberNonMissingBehavior")
		attr(f, "numberMissingBehavior") <- attr(data, "numberMissingBehavior")

		##  attr(f, "totalMissings") <- attr(data, "totalMissings")

		if (x$maxlike && x$FinDiff.method)
			stop("Finite difference method for derivatives not available",
				"with Maximum likelihood method")
		## maxlike not available for symmetric networks; or is it?.
		## check model type: default for symmetric is type 2 (forcing model).
		## maxlike only for some model types? ABCD
		syms <- attr(data,"symmetric")[ attr(data,"types") %in% c("oneMode","bipartite")]
		z$FinDiffBecauseSymmetric <- FALSE
		z$modelType <- x$modelType
		z$behModelType <- x$behModelType
		if (any(!is.na(syms) & syms))
			##     z$FinDiff.method <- TRUE
			##     z$FinDiffBecauseSymmetric <- TRUE
			if (x$maxlike)
				#                stop("Maximum likelihood method not implemented",
				#                     "for symmetric networks")
			symms <- syms
			symms[is.na(symms)] <- FALSE
			z$modelType[(z$modelType == 1) & symms] <- 2
		if (z$cconditional)
			attr(f, "change") <-
				sapply(f, function(xx)as.integer(attr(xx$depvars[[z$condname]],
			attr(f,"condEffects") <- requestedEffects[z$condvar,]
			effcondvar <-
			effects <- effects[-effcondvar, ]
			requestedEffects <- requestedEffects[-z$condvar,]
		## use previous dfra only if everything matches including method
		if (!is.null(prevAns) && inherits(prevAns, "sienaFit") &&
			prevAns$maxlike == z$maxlike)
			if (!is.null(prevAns$dfra) &&
				nrow(prevAns$dfra) == nrow(requestedEffects) &&
				all(rownames(prevAns$dfra) == requestedEffects$shortName) &&
				all(prevAns$fix == requestedEffects$fix) &&
				z$haveDfra <- TRUE
				z$dfra <- prevAns$dfra
				z$dinv <- prevAns$dinv
				# z$dinvv must not be taken from prevAns,
				# because the value of diagonalize
				# is defined in x and may have changed.
				# Therefore here we copy the corresponding lines
				# from phase1.r.
				# Partial diagonalization of derivative matrix
				# for use if 0 < x$diagonalize < 1.
				temp <- (1-x$diagonalize)*z$dfra +
					x$diagonalize*diag(diag(z$dfra), nrow=dim(z$dfra)[1])
				temp[z$fixed, ] <- 0.0
				temp[, z$fixed] <- 0.0
				diag(temp)[z$fixed] <- 1.0
				# Invert this matrix
				z$dinvv <- solve(temp)

				z$sf <- prevAns$sf
				# check for backward compatibility with pre-1.1-220 versions:
				if (is.null(prevAns$regrCoef))
					z$regrCoef <- rep(0, z$pp)
					z$regrCor <- rep(0, z$pp)
					z$regrCoef <- prevAns$regrCoef
					z$regrCor <- prevAns$regrCor
		z$effects <- effects
		z$requestedEffects <- requestedEffects
	else ## initC, i.e just send already set up data into new processes
		f <- FRANstore()
		## Would like f to be just the data objects plus the attributes
		## but need the effects later. Also a few other things,
		## which probably could be attributes but are not!
		## They will be automatically removed: if needed they must be readded
		ff <- f
		nGroup <- f$nGroup
		f[(nGroup + 1): length(f)] <- NULL
	pData <- .Call(C_setupData, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		lapply(f, function(x)(as.integer(x$observations))),
		lapply(f, function(x)(x$nodeSets)))
	ans <- .Call(C_OneMode, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$nets))
	ans <- .Call(C_Bipartite, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$bipartites))
	ans <- .Call(C_Behavior, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$behavs))
	ans <- .Call(C_Continuous, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$contbehavs))
	ans <-.Call(C_ConstantCovariates, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$cCovars))
	ans <-.Call(C_ChangingCovariates, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$vCovars))
	ans <-.Call(C_DyadicCovariates, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$dycCovars))
	ans <-.Call(C_ChangingDyadicCovariates, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$dyvCovars))
	ans <-.Call(C_ExogEvent, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$exog))
	## split the names of the constraints
	higher <- attr(f, "allHigher")
	disjoint <- attr(f, "allDisjoint")
	atLeastOne <- attr(f, "allAtLeastOne")
	froms <- sapply(strsplit(names(higher), ","), function(x)x[1])
	tos <- sapply(strsplit(names(higher), ","), function(x)x[2])
	ans <- .Call(C_Constraints, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, froms[higher], tos[higher],
		froms[disjoint], tos[disjoint],
		froms[atLeastOne], tos[atLeastOne])

	##store the address
	f$pData <- pData
	## register a finalizer
	ans <- reg.finalizer(f$pData, clearData, onexit = FALSE)

	if (!initC)
		storage.mode(effects$parm) <- "integer"
		storage.mode(effects$group) <- "integer"
		storage.mode(effects$period) <- "integer"
		effects$effectPtr <- rep(NA, nrow(effects))

		if (any(attr(f,"types") == "continuous"))
			splitFactor <- factor(effects$name, levels=c(attr(f, "netnames"), "sde"))
		splitFactor <- factor(effects$name, levels=attr(f, "netnames"))
		if (!all(attr(f,"netnames") %in% effects$name))
			stop("Must have at least one effect for each dependent variable")
		myeffects <- split(effects, splitFactor)
		myCompleteEffects <- myeffects
		## remove interaction effects and save till later
		basicEffects <-
			lapply(myeffects, function(x)
					x[!x$shortName %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt"), ]
		basicEffectsl <-
			lapply(myeffects, function(x)
					!x$shortName %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt")

		interactionEffects <-
			lapply(myeffects, function(x)
					x[x$shortName %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt"), ]
		interactionEffectsl <-
			lapply(myeffects, function(x)
					x$shortName %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt")
		## store effects objects as we may need to recreate them
		f$interactionEffects <- interactionEffects
		f$basicEffects <- basicEffects
		f$interactionEffectsl <- interactionEffectsl
		f$basicEffectsl <- basicEffectsl
		myCompleteEffects <- ff$myCompleteEffects
		basicEffects <- ff$basicEffects
		interactionEffects <- ff$interactionEffects
		basicEffectsl <- ff$basicEffectsl
		interactionEffectsl <- ff$interactionEffectsl
		types <- ff$types
	ans <- .Call(C_effects, PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, basicEffects)
	pModel <- ans[[1]][[1]]
	for (i in seq(along=(ans[[2]]))) ## ans[[2]] is a list of lists of
		## pointers to effects. Each list, here i, corresponds to one
		## dependent variable
		## The first are NULL, for rate effects, which are not used for interactions.
		effectPtr <- ans[[2]][[i]]
		basicEffects[[i]]$effectPtr <- effectPtr
		interactionEffects[[i]]$effect1 <-
		interactionEffects[[i]]$effect2 <-
		interactionEffects[[i]]$effect3 <-
	ans <- .Call(C_interactionEffects, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pModel, interactionEffects)
	## copy these pointers to the interaction effects and then insert in
	## effects object in the same rows for later use
	for (i in 1:length(ans[[1]])) ## ans is a list of lists of
		## pointers to effects. Each list corresponds to one
		## dependent variable
		if (nrow(interactionEffects[[i]]) > 0)
			effectPtr <- ans[[1]][[i]]
			interactionEffects[[i]]$effectPtr <- effectPtr
		myCompleteEffects[[i]][basicEffectsl[[i]], ] <- basicEffects[[i]]
		myCompleteEffects[[i]][interactionEffectsl[[i]],] <-
		##myeffects[[i]] <- myeffects[[i]][order(myeffects[[i]]$effectNumber),]
	## remove the effects only created as underlying effects
	## for interaction effects. first store the original for use next time
	myeffects <- lapply(myCompleteEffects, function(x)
			x[x$requested, ]

	##store address of model
	f$pModel <- pModel
	ans <- reg.finalizer(f$pModel, clearModel, onexit = FALSE)
	if (x$MaxDegree == 0 || is.null(x$MaxDegree))
		MAXDEGREE <- x$MaxDegree
		storage.mode(MAXDEGREE) <- "integer"
	if (x$UniversalOffset == 0 || is.null(x$UniversalOffset))
		UNIVERSALOFFSET <- x$UniversalOffset
		storage.mode(UNIVERSALOFFSET) <- "double"
	if ((length(x$modelType) == 0)||all(x$modelType == 0) || is.null(x$modelType))
		MODELTYPE <- x$modelType
		storage.mode(MODELTYPE) <- "integer"
	if ((length(x$behModelType) == 0)||(x$behModelType == 0) || is.null(x$behModelType))
		BEHMODELTYPE <- x$behModelType
		storage.mode(BEHMODELTYPE) <- "integer"
	if (z$cconditional)
		CONDVAR <- z$condname
		CONDTARGET <- attr(f, "change")
		##   cat(CONDTARGET, "\n")

	simpleRates <- TRUE
	if (any(!z$effects$basicRate & z$effects$type =="rate"))
		simpleRates <- FALSE
	z$simpleRates <- simpleRates
	ans <- .Call(C_setupModelOptions, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		profileData, z$parallelTesting, MODELTYPE, BEHMODELTYPE,
		z$simpleRates, x$normSetRates)
	if (!initC)
		ans <- .Call(C_getTargets, PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, pModel, myeffects,
			z$parallelTesting, returnActorStatistics=FALSE,
		## create a grid of periods with group names in case want to
		## parallelize using this or to access chains easily
		groupPeriods <- attr(f, "groupPeriods")
		z$callGrid <- cbind(rep(1:nGroup, groupPeriods - 1),
			as.vector(unlist(sapply(groupPeriods - 1,
						function(x) 1:x))))
		if (!x$maxlike)
			z$targets <- rowSums(ans)
			z$targets2 <- ans
# For the moment, the following is an undocumented and hidden option.
# This replaces the targets calculated from the data
# by user-defined targets.
			if ((!is.null(x$targets[1])) & (nGroup == 1) & (groupPeriods[1] == 2))
				if (length(z$targets) == length(x$targets))
					z$targets <- x$targets
					z$targets2 <- matrix(x$targets, length(x$targets), 1)
					message('Note: targets taken from algorithm object.')
			z$targets <- rep(0, z$pp)
			z$targets2 <- ans
			z$targets2[] <- 0
			z$maxlikeTargets <- rowSums(ans)
			z$maxlikeTargets2 <- ans
			z$mult <- x$mult
			length.nrunMH <- length(colSums(z$maxlikeTargets2[z$requestedEffects$basicRate,
					, drop=FALSE ]))
			if ((length(z$mult) >= 2) &&
				(length(z$mult) != length.nrunMH))
				stop(paste('Length of parameter mult in the algorithm object is incorrect',
				'(should be 1 or', length.nrunMH, ').'))
			z$nrunMH <- floor(z$mult *
					, drop=FALSE ]))
			## make the number pretty
			z$nrunMH <- ifelse (z$nrunMH > 100,
				round(z$nrunMH / 100) * 100, z$nrunMH)
			##thetaMat is to allow different thetas for each group in Bayes
			z$thetaMat <- matrix(z$theta, nrow=nGroup, ncol=z$pp, byrow=TRUE)

	# Here came an error
	# Error: INTEGER() can only be applied to a 'integer', not a 'double'
	# This was because storage.mode had not been set properly for some variable
	if (x$maxlike)
		if (!initC)
			## set up chains and do initial steps

			types <- attr(f, "types")
			nbrNonMissNet <- attr(f, "numberNonMissingNetwork")
			nbrMissNet <- attr(f, "numberMissingNetwork")
			nbrNonMissBeh <- attr(f, "numberNonMissingBehavior")
			nbrMissBeh <- attr(f, "numberMissingBehavior")

			if (sum(nbrMissNet + nbrNonMissNet) > 0)
				z$prmin <- nbrMissNet/ (nbrMissNet + nbrNonMissNet)
				z$prmin <- rep(0, length(nbrMissNet))
			if (sum(nbrMissBeh + nbrNonMissBeh) > 0)
				z$prmib <-   nbrMissBeh/ (nbrMissBeh + nbrNonMissBeh)
				z$prmib <- rep(0, length(nbrMissBeh))

			## localML

			if (is.null(x$localML))
				z$localML <- FALSE
			} else {
				z$localML <- x$localML

			local <- ifelse(is.na(effects$local[effects$include]),
				FALSE, effects$local[effects$include])

			if (z$localML & any(!local))
				stop("Non-local effect chosen.")

			z$probs <- c(x$pridg, x$prcdg, x$prper, x$pripr, x$prdpr, x$prirms,
			ans <- .Call(C_mlMakeChains, PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, pModel,
				z$probs, z$prmin, z$prmib,
			f$minimalChain <- ans[[1]]
			f$chain <- ans[[2]]
		else ## set up the initial chains in the sub processes
			ans <- .Call(C_mlInitializeSubProcesses,
				PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, pModel,
				z$probs, z$prmin, z$prmib,
				x$initialPermutationLength, ff$chain,
			f$chain <- ff$chain

	f$simpleRates <- simpleRates
	f$myeffects <- myeffects
	f$myCompleteEffects <- myCompleteEffects
	if (!initC)
		if (is.null(z$print) || z$print)
			DataReport(z, x, f)
		f$randomseed2 <- z$randomseed2
		f$randomseed2 <- ff$randomseed2
	f$observations <- attr(f, "observations") + 1
	f$depNames <- names(f[[1]]$depvars)
	f$groupNames <- names(f)[1:nGroup]
	f$nGroup <- nGroup
	f$types <- types
	if (!initC)
		z$f <- f
		##z <- initForAlgorithms(z)
		z$periodNos <- attr(data, "periodNos")
		z$f$myeffects <- NULL
		z$f$myCompleteEffects <- NULL
		if (!returnDeps)
			z$f[1:nGroup] <- NULL
	if (initC || (z$int == 1 && z$int2 == 1 &&
			(is.null(z$nbrNodes) || z$nbrNodes == 1)))
		f[1:nGroup] <- NULL
	FRANstore(f) ## store f in FRANstore
	z$returnDeps <- returnDeps
	z$returnDepsStored <- returnDeps
	z$observations <- f$observations
	z$returnChains <- returnChains
	z$byGroup <- byGroup
	z$byWave <- byWave
	z$returnDataFrame <- returnDataFrame
	z$nDependentVariables <- length(z$f$depNames)
	z$x <- x # some elements -- named vectors -- may have changed
	if (initC)

##@createEdgeLists siena07 Reformat data for C++
createEdgeLists<- function(mat, matorig, bipartite)
	## mat1 is basic values, with missings and structurals replaced
	tmp <- lapply(1 : nrow(mat), function(x, y)
			mymat <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(y[x, ] > 0), ncol = 3)
			mymat[, 1] <- x
			mymat[, 2] <- which(y[x, ] != 0)
			mymat[, 3] <- y[x, mymat[, 2]]
		}, y = mat)
	mat1 <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
	## mat2 reverts to matorig to get the missing values
	tmp <- lapply(1 : nrow(matorig), function(x, y)
			mymat <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(is.na(y[x, ])), ncol = 3)
			mymat[, 1] <- x
			mymat[, 2] <- which(is.na(y[x, ]))
			mymat[, 3] <- 1
		}, y = matorig)
	mat2 <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
	## remove the diagonal if not bipartite
	if (!bipartite)
		mat2 <- mat2[mat2[, 1] != mat2[, 2], , drop=FALSE]
	## mat3 structurals
	struct <- mat1[,3] %in% c(10, 11)
	mat1[struct, 3] <- mat1[struct,3] - 10
	mat3 <- mat1[struct, , drop=FALSE]
	mat3[, 3] <- 1
	mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[,3] == 0, , drop=FALSE] ##remove any zeros just created
	##fix up storage mode to be integer
	storage.mode(mat1) <- "integer"
	storage.mode(mat2) <- "integer"
	storage.mode(mat3) <- "integer"
	## add attribute of size
	if (bipartite)
		attr(mat1, "nActors") <- c(nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
		attr(mat2, "nActors") <- c(nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
		attr(mat3, "nActors") <- c(nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
		attr(mat1, "nActors") <- nrow(mat)
		attr(mat2, "nActors") <- nrow(mat)
		attr(mat3, "nActors") <- nrow(mat)

	list(mat1 = t(mat1), mat2 = t(mat2), mat3 = t(mat3))

##@createCovarEdgeLists siena07 Reformat data for C++
createCovarEdgeList<- function(mat, matorig)
	tmp <- lapply(1 : nrow(mat), function(x, y)
			mymat <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(y[x, ] != 0), ncol = 3)
			mymat[, 1] <- x
			mymat[, 2] <- which(y[x, ] != 0)
			mymat[, 3] <- y[x, mymat[, 2]]
		}, y = mat)
	mat1 <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
	##mat2 reverts to matorig to get the missing values
	tmp <- lapply(1 : nrow(matorig), function(x, y)
			mymat <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(is.na(y[x, ])), ncol = 3)
			mymat[, 1] <- x
			mymat[, 2] <- which(is.na(y[x, ]))
			mymat[, 3] <- 1
		}, y = matorig)
	mat2 <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
	## add attribute of size
	attr(mat1, "nActors1") <- nrow(mat)
	attr(mat1, "nActors2") <- ncol(mat)
	list(mat1=t(mat1), mat2=t(mat2))

##@unpackOneMode siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackOneMode <- function(depvar, observations, compositionChange)
	edgeLists <- vector("list", observations)
	networks <- vector("list", observations)
	actorSet <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
	compActorSets <- sapply(compositionChange, function(x)attr(x, "nodeSet"))
	thisComp <- match(actorSet, compActorSets)
	compChange <- !is.na(thisComp)
	if (compChange)
		action <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "action")
		ccOption <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "ccOption")
		ccOption <- 0
		action <- matrix(0, nrow=attr(depvar, "netdims")[1], ncol=observations)
	## sort out composition change
	##      convertToStructuralZeros()?
	sparse <- attr(depvar, "sparse")
	allowOnly <- attr(depvar, "allowOnly")
	if (sparse)
		## require(Matrix)
		## have a list of sparse matrices in triplet format
		## with missings and structurals embedded and 0 based indices!
		netmiss <- vector("list", observations)
		for (i in 1:observations)
			## extract this matrix
			networks[[i]] <- depvar[[i]]
			nActors <- nrow(depvar[[i]])
			## stop if any duplicates
			netmat <- cbind(networks[[i]]@i+1, networks[[i]]@j+1,
			if (any(duplicated(netmat[, 1:2])))
				stop("duplicate entries in sparse matrix")
			## extract missing entries
			netmiss[[i]] <- netmat[is.na(netmat[,3]), , drop = FALSE]
			netmiss[[i]] <-
				netmiss[[i]][netmiss[[i]][, 1] != netmiss[[i]][, 2], ,
			## carry forward missing values if any
			if (i == 1)
				netmat <- netmat[!is.na(netmat[,3]), ]
				networks[[i]] <- spMatrix(nActors, nActors, netmat[, 1],
					netmat[, 2], netmat[,3])
				netmiss1 <- netmiss[[i]][, 1:2]
				storage.mode(netmiss1) <- "integer"
				networks[[i]][netmiss1[, 1:2]] <-
					networks[[i-1]][netmiss1[, 1:2]]
		for (i in 1:observations)
			mat1 <- networks[[i]]
			## drop the diagonal, if present
			diag(mat1) <- 0
			mat1 <- cbind(mat1@i + 1, mat1@j + 1, mat1@x)
			##missing edgelist
			mat2 <- netmiss[[i]]
			mat2[, 3] <- 1
			## rows of mat1 with structural values
			struct <- mat1[, 3] %in% c(10, 11)
			## reset real data
			mat1[struct, 3] <- mat1[struct, 3] - 10
			## copy reset data to structural edgelist
			mat3 <- mat1[struct, , drop = FALSE]
			mat3[, 3] <- 1
			## now remove the zeros from reset data
			mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[, 3] == 0, ]
			## do comp change
			if (compChange)
				## revert to sparse matrices temporarily
				mat1 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nActors, i = mat1[, 1],
					j=mat1[, 2], x=mat1[, 3])
				mat2 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nActors, i = mat2[, 1],
					j=mat2[, 2], x=mat2[, 3])
				mat3 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nActors, i = mat3[, 1],
					j=mat3[, 2], x=mat3[, 3])
				ones <- which(action[, i] == 1)
				twos <- which(action[, i] == 2)
				threes <- which(action[, i] == 3)
				for (j in ones) ## False data is not preceded by anything real
					if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
						## find missing values for this actor
						use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
						## remove from real data (i.e. zero)
						mat1[j, use] <- 0
						mat1[use, j] <- 0
						## remove from missing data
						mat2[j, use] <- 0
						mat2[use, j] <- 0
						## remove from raw data for distances later
						depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ## zero
						depvar[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, j] <- NA
					else if (ccOption == 3)
						## add the row and column to the missing data
						mat2[j, ] <- 1
						mat2[, j] <- 1
						mat2[j, j] <- 0
						## set to missing in raw data for distances later
						depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
						depvar[[i]][, j] <- NA
				for (j in threes) ## False data is preceded and followed by real
					if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
						## find missing values for this actor
						use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
						## remove these from mat2, the missing data
						mat2[j, use] <- 0
						mat2[use, j] <- 0
						## carry forward
						if (i == 1)
							## 0 any matches from mat1, the real data
							mat1[j, use] <- 0
							mat1[use, j] <- 0
							mat1[j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
							mat1[use, j] <- networks[[i-1]][use, j]
						depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ##  not missing
						depvar[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, j] <- NA
					else if (ccOption == 3)
						## add the row and column to the missing data
						mat2[j, ] <- 1
						mat2[, j] <- 1
						mat2[j, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
						depvar[[i]][, j] <- NA
				for (j in twos) ## False data is not followed by anything real
					if (ccOption == 1)
						## find missing values for this actor
						use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
						## remove these from mat2, the missing data
						mat2[j, use] <- 0
						mat2[use, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ##  not missing
						depvar[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, j] <- NA
						## carry forward
						if (i == 1)
							## 0 any matches from mat1, the real data
							mat1[j, use] <- 0
							mat1[use, j] <- 0
							mat1[j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j , use]
							mat1[use, j] <- networks[[i-1]][use, j]
					else if (ccOption %in% c(2, 3))
						## add the row and column to the missing data
						mat2[j, ] <- 1
						mat2[, j] <- 1
						mat2[j, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
						depvar[[i]][, j] <- NA
				## now revert to triplet matrices, after updating networks
				networks[[i]] <- mat1
				mat1 <- cbind(mat1@i + 1, mat1@j + 1, mat1@x)
				mat2 <- cbind(mat2@i + 1, mat2@j + 1, mat2@x)
				mat3 <- cbind(mat3@i + 1, mat3@j + 1, mat3@x)
				if (any (mat1[, 3] == 0) || any (mat2[, 3] == 0) ||
					any (mat3[, 3] == 0))
					stop("zero values in sparse matrices")
				if (any (duplicated(mat1[, -3])) ||
					any (duplicated(mat2[, -3])) ||
					any (duplicated(mat3[, -3])))
					stop("duplicate values in sparse matrices")
				if (any (mat1[, 1] == mat1[, 2]) ||
					any (mat2[, 1] == mat2[, 2]) ||
					any (mat3[, 1] == mat3[, 2]))
					stop("loop values in sparse matrices")
			##fix up storage mode to be integer
			storage.mode(mat1) <- "integer"
			storage.mode(mat2) <- "integer"
			storage.mode(mat3) <- "integer"
			## add attribute of size
			attr(mat1,"nActors") <- nActors
			attr(mat2,"nActors") <- nActors
			attr(mat3,"nActors") <- nActors
			if (i < observations)
				## recreate the distance etc
				mymat1 <- depvar[[i]]
				mymat2 <- depvar[[i + 1]]
				##remove structural values
				x1 <- mymat1@x
				x2 <- mymat2@x
				x1[x1 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
				x2[x2 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
				mymat1@x <- x1
				mymat2@x <- x2
				diag(mymat1) <- 0
				diag(mymat2) <- 0
				mydiff <- mymat2 - mymat1
				attr(depvar, "distance")[i] <- sum(mydiff != 0,
					na.rm = TRUE)
				if (allowOnly)
					if (all(mydiff@x >= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "uponly")[i] <- TRUE
					if (all(mydiff@x <= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "downonly")[i] <- TRUE
			edgeLists[[i]] <- list(mat1 = t(mat1), mat2 = t(mat2),
				mat3 = t(mat3))
		for (i in 1:observations) ## carry missings forward  if exist
			networks[[i]] <- depvar[, , i]
			if (i == 1)
				networks[[i]][is.na(depvar[, , i])] <-0
			else ##carry missing forward!
				networks[[i]][is.na(depvar[, , i])] <-
					networks[[i-1]][is.na(depvar[, , i])]
		for (i in 1:observations)
			ones <- which(action[, i] == 1)
			twos <- which(action[, i] == 2)
			threes <- which(action[, i] == 3)
			for (j in ones) ## False data is not preceded by anything real
				if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
					use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
					depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ## not missing
					depvar[use, j, i] <- 0
					depvar[j, j, i] <- NA
					networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ## zero
					networks[[i]][use, j] <- 0
				else if (ccOption == 3)
					depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
					depvar[, j, i] <- NA
			for (j in threes) ## False data is preceded and followed by real

				if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
					use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
					depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ##  not missing
					depvar[use, j, i] <- 0
					depvar[j, j, i] <- NA
					## carry forward already done
					if (i == 1)
						networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0
						networks[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						networks[[i]][j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
						networks[[i]][use, j] <- networks[[i-1]][use, j]
				else if (ccOption == 3)
					depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
					depvar[, j, i] <- NA
			for (j in twos) ## False data is not followed by anything real
				if (ccOption == 1)
					use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
					depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ##  not missing
					depvar[use, j, i] <- 0
					depvar[j, j, i] <- NA
					## carry forward already done
					if (i == 1)
						networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0
						networks[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						networks[[i]][j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
						networks[[i]][use, j] <- networks[[i-1]][use, j]

				else if (ccOption %in% c(2, 3))
					depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
					depvar[, j, i] <- NA
		for (i in 1:observations)
			if (i < observations)
				## recreate distances, as we have none in c++. (no longer true)
				mymat1 <- depvar[, ,i, drop=FALSE]
				mymat2 <- depvar[, ,i + 1, drop=FALSE]
				##remove structural values
				mymat1[mymat1 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
				mymat2[mymat2 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
				## and the diagonal
				diag(mymat1[, ,1]) <- 0
				diag(mymat2[, ,1]) <- 0
				mydiff <- mymat2 - mymat1
				attr(depvar, "distance")[i] <- sum(mydiff != 0,
					na.rm = TRUE)
				if (allowOnly)
					if (all(mydiff >= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "uponly")[i] <- TRUE
					if (all(mydiff <= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "downonly")[i] <- TRUE
			diag(networks[[i]]) <- 0
			edgeLists[[i]] <- createEdgeLists(networks[[i]], depvar[, , i],
	## add attribute of nodeset
	attr(edgeLists, "nodeSet") <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
	## add attribute of name
	attr(edgeLists, "name") <- attr(depvar, "name")
	## add attribute of distance
	attr(edgeLists, "distance") <- attr(depvar, "distance")
	## attr uponly and downonly
	attr(edgeLists, "uponly") <- attr(depvar, "uponly")
	attr(edgeLists, "downonly") <- attr(depvar, "downonly")
	## attr symmetric
	attr(edgeLists, "symmetric") <- attr(depvar, "symmetric")
	## attr balmean
	attr(edgeLists, "balmean") <- attr(depvar, "balmean")
	attr(edgeLists, "structmean") <- attr(depvar, "structmean")
	attr(edgeLists, "averageInDegree") <- attr(depvar, "averageInDegree")
	attr(edgeLists, "averageOutDegree") <- attr(depvar, "averageOutDegree")
	attr(edgeLists, "settingsinfo") <- attr(depvar, "settingsinfo")
	return(edgeLists = edgeLists)
##@unpackBipartite siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackBipartite <- function(depvar, observations, compositionChange)
    edgeLists <- vector("list", observations)
    networks <- vector("list", observations)
    actorSet <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
    compActorSets <- sapply(compositionChange, function(x)attr(x, "nodeSet"))
    thisComp <- match(actorSet, compActorSets)
    compChange <- any(!is.na(thisComp))
    if (compChange)
      #  stop("Composition change is not yet implemented for bipartite",
      #       "networks")
        action <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "action")
        ccOption <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "ccOption")
        ccOption <- 0
        action <- matrix(0, nrow=attr(depvar, "netdims")[1], ncol=observations)
    sparse <- attr(depvar, "sparse")
	allowOnly <- attr(depvar, "allowOnly")
    if (sparse)
        ## require(Matrix)
        ## have a list of sparse matrices in triplet format
        ## with missings and structurals embedded and 0 based indices!
        netmiss <- vector("list", observations)
        for (i in 1:observations)
            ## extract this matrix
            networks[[i]] <- depvar[[i]]
            nActors <- nrow(depvar[[i]])
            nReceivers <- ncol(depvar[[i]])
            ## stop if any duplicates
            netmat <- cbind(networks[[i]]@i+1, networks[[i]]@j+1,
            if (any(duplicated(netmat[, 1:2])))
                stop("duplicate entries in sparse matrix")
            ## extract missing entries
            netmiss[[i]] <- netmat[is.na(netmat[, 3]), , drop = FALSE]
            ## carry forward missing values if any
            if (i == 1) # set missings to zero
                netmat <- netmat[!is.na(netmat[,3]), ]
                networks[[i]] <- spMatrix(nActors, nReceivers, netmat[, 1],
                                          netmat[, 2], netmat[,3])
                netmiss1 <- netmiss[[i]][, 1:2]
                storage.mode(netmiss1) <- "integer"
                networks[[i]][netmiss1[, 1:2]] <-
                    networks[[i-1]][netmiss1[, 1:2]]
        for (i in 1:observations)
            mat1 <- networks[[i]]
            mat1 <- cbind(mat1@i + 1, mat1@j + 1, mat1@x)
            ##missing edgelist
            mat2 <- netmiss[[i]]
            mat2[, 3] <- 1
            ## rows of mat1 with structural values
            struct <- mat1[, 3] %in% c(10, 11)
            ## reset real data
            mat1[struct, 3] <- mat1[struct, 3] - 10
            ## copy reset data to structural edgelist
            mat3 <- mat1[struct, , drop = FALSE]
            ## now remove the zeros from reset data
            mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[, 3] == 0, ]
            ## do comp change
            if (compChange)
                ## revert to sparse matrices temporarily
                mat1 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nReceivers, i = mat1[, 1],
                                 j=mat1[, 2], x=mat1[, 3])
                mat2 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nReceivers, i = mat2[, 1],
                                 j=mat2[, 2], x=mat2[, 3])
                mat3 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nReceivers, i = mat3[, 1],
                                 j=mat3[, 2], x=mat3[, 3])
                ones <- which(action[, i] == 1)
                twos <- which(action[, i] == 2)
                threes <- which(action[, i] == 3)
                for (j in ones) ## False data is not preceded by anything real
                    if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
                        ## find missing values for this actor
                        use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
                        ## remove from real data (i.e. zero)
                        mat1[j, use] <- 0
                        ## remove from missing data
                        mat2[j, use] <- 0
                        ## remove from raw data for distances later
                        depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ## zero
                    else if (ccOption == 3)
                        ## add the row  to the missing data
                        mat2[j, ] <- 1
                        ## set to missing in raw data for distances later
                        depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
                for (j in threes) ## False data is preceded and followed by real
                    if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
                        ## find missing values for this actor
                        use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
                        ## remove these from mat2, the missing data
                        mat2[j, use] <- 0
                        ## carry forward
                        if (i == 1)
                            ## 0 any matches from mat1, the real data
                            mat1[j, use] <- 0
                            mat1[j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
                        depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ##  not missing
                    else if (ccOption == 3)
                        ## add the row to the missing data
                        mat2[j, ] <- 1
                        depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
                for (j in twos) ## False data is not followed by anything real
                    if (ccOption == 1)
                        ## find missing values for this actor
                        use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
                        ## remove these from mat2, the missing data
                        mat2[j, use] <- 0
                        depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ##  not missing
                        ## carry forward
                        if (i == 1)
                            ## 0 any matches from mat1, the real data
                            mat1[j, use] <- 0
                            mat1[j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j , use]
                    else if (ccOption %in% c(2, 3))
                        ## add the row  to the missing data
                        mat2[j, ] <- 1
                        depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA

                ## now revert to triplet matrices, after updating networks
                networks[[i]] <- mat1
                mat1 <- cbind(mat1@i + 1, mat1@j + 1, mat1@x)
                mat2 <- cbind(mat2@i + 1, mat2@j + 1, mat2@x)
                mat3 <- cbind(mat3@i + 1, mat3@j + 1, mat3@x)
                if (any (mat1[, 3] == 0) || any (mat2[, 3] == 0) ||
                    any (mat3[, 3] == 0))
                    stop("zero values in sparse matrices")
                if (any (duplicated(mat1[, -3])) ||
                    any (duplicated(mat2[, -3])) ||
                    any (duplicated(mat3[, -3])))
                    stop("duplicate values in sparse matrices")
            ##fix up storage mode to be integer
            storage.mode(mat1) <- "integer"
            storage.mode(mat2) <- "integer"
            storage.mode(mat3) <- "integer"
            ## add attribute of size
            attr(mat1,"nActors") <- c(nActors, nReceivers)
            attr(mat2,"nActors") <- c(nActors, nReceivers)
            attr(mat3,"nActors") <- c(nActors, nReceivers)
            if (i < observations)
                ## recreate the distance etc
                mymat1 <- depvar[[i]]
                mymat2 <- depvar[[i + 1]]
                ##remove structural values
                x1 <- mymat1@x
                x2 <- mymat2@x
                x1[x1 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
                x2[x2 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
                mymat1@x <- x1
                mymat2@x <- x2
                mydiff <- mymat2 - mymat1
                attr(depvar, "distance")[i] <- sum(mydiff != 0,
                                                   na.rm = TRUE)
				if (allowOnly)
					if (all(mydiff@x >= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "uponly")[i] <- TRUE
					if (all(mydiff@x <= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "downonly")[i] <- TRUE
            edgeLists[[i]] <- list(mat1 = t(mat1), mat2 = t(mat2),
                                   mat3 = t(mat3))
        for (i in 1:observations) ## carry missings forward  if exist
            networks[[i]] <- depvar[, , i]
            if (i == 1)
                networks[[i]][is.na(depvar[, , i])] <-0
            else ##carry missing forward!
                networks[[i]][is.na(depvar[, , i])] <-
                    networks[[i-1]][is.na(depvar[, , i])]
        for (i in 1:observations)
            ones <- which(action[, i] == 1)
            twos <- which(action[, i] == 2)
            threes <- which(action[, i] == 3)
            for (j in ones) ## False data is not preceded by anything real
                if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
                    use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
                    depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ## not missing
                    networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ## zero
                else if (ccOption == 3)
                    depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
            for (j in threes) ## False data is preceded and followed by real

                if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
                    use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
                    depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ##  not missing
                    ## carry forward already done
                    if (i == 1)
                        networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0
                        networks[[i]][j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
                else if (ccOption == 3)
                    depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
            for (j in twos) ## False data is not followed by anything real
                if (ccOption == 1)
                    use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
                    depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ##  not missing
                    ## carry forward already done
                    if (i == 1)
                        networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0
                        networks[[i]][j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]

                else if (ccOption %in% c(2, 3))
                    depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
        for (i in 1:observations)
            if (i < observations)
                ## recreate distances, as we have none in c++. (no longer true)
                mymat1 <- depvar[,,i, drop=FALSE]
                mymat2 <- depvar[,,i + 1,drop=FALSE]
                ##remove structural values
                mymat1[mymat1 %in% c(10,11)] <- NA
                mymat2[mymat2 %in% c(10,11)] <- NA
                mydiff <- mymat2 - mymat1
                attr(depvar, "distance")[i] <- sum(mydiff != 0,
                                                         na.rm = TRUE)
				if (allowOnly)
					if (all(mydiff >= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "uponly")[i] <- TRUE
					if (all(mydiff <= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "downonly")[i] <- TRUE

            edgeLists[[i]] <- createEdgeLists(networks[[i]], depvar[, , i], TRUE)
    ## add attribute of nodeset
    attr(edgeLists, "nodeSet") <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
    ## add attribute of name
    attr(edgeLists, "name") <- attr(depvar, "name")
    ## add attribute of distance
    attr(edgeLists, "distance") <- attr(depvar, "distance")
    ## attr uponly and downonly
    attr(edgeLists, "uponly") <- attr(depvar, "uponly")
    attr(edgeLists, "downonly") <- attr(depvar, "downonly")
    ## attr symmetric
    attr(edgeLists, "symmetric") <- attr(depvar, "symmetric")
    ## attr balmean
    attr(edgeLists, "balmean") <- attr(depvar, "balmean")
    ## attr structmean
    attr(edgeLists, "structmean") <- attr(depvar, "structmean")
    attr(edgeLists, "averageOutDegree") <- attr(depvar, "averageOutDegree")
    return(edgeLists = edgeLists)
##@unpackBehavior siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackBehavior<- function(depvar, observations)
    beh <- depvar[, 1, ]
    behmiss <- is.na(beh)
    allna <- apply(beh, 1, function(x)all(is.na(x)))
    modes <- attr(depvar, "modes")

    ## in case of missing data, use imputation values, provided by user
    ## else carry forward missings (otherwise use the mode / median)
    ## allNAs: use modes, in case of continuous behavior depvar$modes
	##         contains medians
    if (!is.null(attr(depvar, "imputationValues")) )
        beh[behmiss] <- attr(depvar, "imputationValues")[behmiss]
    beh[allna, ] <- rep(modes, each=sum(allna))
    for (i in 2:observations)
            beh[is.na(beh[, i]), i] <-  beh[is.na(beh[, i]), i - 1]
    for (i in (observations-1):1)
            beh[is.na(beh[, i]), i] <-  beh[is.na(beh[, i]), i +1]
    ## need a better definition of structural for behavior variables
    ## struct <- beh %in% c(10, 11)
    ## beh[struct] <- beh[struct] - 10
    ## behstruct <- beh
    ## behstruct[!struct] <- 0

    ## add attribute of nodeset
    attr(beh, "nodeSet") <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
    ## add attribute of name
    attr(beh, "name") <- attr(depvar, "name")
    ## attr uponly and downonly
    attr(beh, "uponly") <- attr(depvar, "uponly")
    attr(beh, "downonly") <- attr(depvar, "downonly")
    ## attr symmetric
    attr(beh, "symmetric") <- attr(depvar, "symmetric")
    ## attr distance
    attr(beh, "distance") <- attr(depvar, "distance")
    ## attr simMean
    attr(beh, "simMean") <- attr(depvar, "simMean")
    ## attr simMeans
    attr(beh, "simMeans") <- attr(depvar, "simMeans")
    if (attr(depvar, "type") == "behavior")
        beh <- round(beh)
    storage.mode(beh) <- "integer"
    else # type == "continuous"
        storage.mode(beh) <- "double"
    list(beh=beh, behmiss=behmiss)
##@convertToStructuralZeros Miscellaneous To be implemented
convertToStructuralZeros <- function()

##@unpackCDyad siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackCDyad<- function(dycCovar)
    sparse <- attr(dycCovar, "sparse")
	bipartite <- attr(dycCovar, "type") == "bipartite"
    if (sparse)
        ## have a list containing 1 sparse matrix in triplet format
        ## with missings embedded
        ## with 0 based indices!
        varmat <- cbind(dycCovar[[1]]@i+1, dycCovar[[1]]@j+1, dycCovar[[1]]@x)
        if (any(duplicated(varmat[, 1:2])))
            stop("duplicate entries in sparse matrix dyadic covariate")
        ##drop the diagonal, if present - not for bipartite
        if (!bipartite)
            varmat <- varmat[varmat[,1] != varmat[, 2],]
        mat1 <- varmat
        mat1[is.na(varmat[, 3]), 3] <- attr(dycCovar, "mean")
        mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[, 3] == 0, ]
        ## add attribute of dim
        attr(mat1, "nActors1") <- nrow(dycCovar[[1]])
        attr(mat1, "nActors2") <- ncol(dycCovar[[1]])
        mat2 <- varmat[is.na(varmat[, 3]), , drop=FALSE]
        mat2[, 3] <- 1
        ## add attribute of dim
        attr(mat2,"nActors1") <- nrow(dycCovar[[1]])
        attr(mat2,"nActors2") <- ncol(dycCovar[[1]])
        edgeLists <-  list(t(mat1), t(mat2))
        if (!bipartite)
            diag(dycCovar) <- 0
        dycCovar1 <- dycCovar
        dycCovar1[is.na(dycCovar1)] <- attr(dycCovar, "mean")
        edgeLists <- createCovarEdgeList(dycCovar1, dycCovar)
    ## add attribute of nodesets
    attr(edgeLists, "nodeSet") <- attr(dycCovar, "nodeSet")
    ## add attribute of type
    attr(edgeLists, "type") <- attr(dycCovar, "type")
    ## add attribute of name
    attr(edgeLists, "name") <- attr(dycCovar, "name")
    ## add attribute of mean
    attr(edgeLists, "mean") <- attr(dycCovar, "mean")
    return(edgeLists = edgeLists)

##@unpackVDyad siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackVDyad<- function(dyvCovar, observations)
    edgeLists <- vector("list", observations)
    sparse <- attr(dyvCovar, "sparse")
    means <- attr(dyvCovar, "meanp")
	bipartite <- attr(dyvCovar, "type") == "bipartite"
    if (sparse)
        ## have a list of sparse matrices in triplet format
        ## with 0 based indices!
        for (i in 1:(observations - 1))
            thisvar <- dyvCovar[[i]]
            varmat <- cbind(thisvar@i+1, thisvar@j+1, thisvar@x)
            ## drop the diagonal, if present no - bipartite?
            if (!bipartite)
                varmat <- varmat[varmat[,1] != varmat[, 2],]
            mat1 <- varmat
            mat1[is.na(varmat[, 3]), 3] <- means[i]
            mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[, 3] == 0, ]
            mat2 <- varmat[is.na(varmat[, 3]),, drop=FALSE ]
            mat2[, 3] <- 1
            ## add attribute of size
            attr(mat1, "nActors1") <- nrow(dyvCovar[[i]])
            attr(mat1, "nActors2") <- ncol(dyvCovar[[i]])
            attr(mat2, "nActors1") <- nrow(dyvCovar[[i]])
            attr(mat2, "nActors2") <- ncol(dyvCovar[[i]])
            edgeLists[[i]] <- list(t(mat1), t(mat2))
        for (i in 1:(observations - 1))
            if (!bipartite)
                diag(dyvCovar[, , i]) <- 0
            thisvar <- dyvCovar[, , i]
            thisvar[is.na(thisvar) ] <- means[i]
            edgeLists[[i]] <- createCovarEdgeList(thisvar, dyvCovar[, , i])
    ## add attribute of nodeset
    attr(edgeLists, "nodeSet") <- attr(dyvCovar, "nodeSet")
    ## add attribute of type
    attr(edgeLists, "type") <- attr(dyvCovar, "type")
    ## add attribute of name
    attr(edgeLists, "name") <- attr(dyvCovar, "name")
    ## add attribute of mean
    attr(edgeLists, "mean") <- attr(dyvCovar, "mean")
    return(edgeLists = edgeLists)

##@unpackData siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackData <- function(data, x)
    f <- NULL
    observations<- data$observations
    types <- sapply(data$depvars, function(x) attr(x, "type"))
    f$nDepvars <- length(data$depvars)
    oneModes <- data$depvars[types == "oneMode"]
    Behaviors <- data$depvars[types == "behavior"]
    continuousBehaviors <- data$depvars[types == "continuous"]
    bipartites <- data$depvars[types == "bipartite"]
	## add the settings
    # oneModes <- lapply(oneModes, function(depvar) {
    #                    name <- attr(depvar, "name")
    #                    if (name %in% names(x$settings)) {
    #                      # attr(depvar, "settings") <- c("universal", "primary", x$settings[[name]])
    #                      attr(depvar, "settings") <- c(x$settings[[name]])
    #                    }
    #                    depvar
    #                    })
    f$nets <- lapply(oneModes, function(x, n, comp)
					 unpackOneMode(x, n, comp),
                     n = observations, comp=data$compositionChange)
    names(f$nets) <- names(oneModes)
    f$bipartites <- lapply(bipartites, function(x, n, comp)
                           unpackBipartite(x, n, comp),
                     n = observations, comp=data$compositionChange)
    names(f$bipartites) <- names(bipartites)
    f$behavs <-  lapply(Behaviors, function(x, n) unpackBehavior(x, n),
                        n = observations)
    names(f$behavs) <- names(Behaviors)
    f$contbehavs <- lapply(continuousBehaviors, function(x, n)
			unpackBehavior(x, n), n = observations)
    names(f$contbehavs) <- names(continuousBehaviors)
    f$observations <- observations
    f$seed<- vector("list", observations - 1)
    f$depvars <- data$depvars
    f$nodeSets <- data$nodeSets
    f$oneModes <- oneModes
    f$Behaviors <- Behaviors
    f$continuousBehaviors <- continuousBehaviors
    f$oneModeUpOnly <- sapply(oneModes, function(x) attr(x, "uponly"))
    f$oneModeDownOnly <- sapply(oneModes, function(x) attr(x, "downonly"))
    f$behaviorUpOnly <- sapply(Behaviors, function(x) attr(x, "uponly"))
    f$behaviorDownOnly <- sapply(Behaviors, function(x) attr(x,
    f$distances <- sapply(data$depvars, function(x) attr(x, "distance"))
    f$cCovars <- data$cCovars
    f$vCovars <- data$vCovars
    ## dyadic covars need to be edgelists
    f$dycCovars <- lapply(data$dycCovars, function(x) unpackCDyad(x))
    f$dyvCovars <- lapply(data$dyvCovars, function(x,n) unpackVDyad(x,n),
    ## create the composition change event lists
    f$exog <- lapply(data$compositionChange, function(x)

##@unpackCompositionChange siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackCompositionChange <- function(compositionChange)
    atts <- attributes(compositionChange)
    events <- atts$events
    activeStart <- atts$activeStart
    observations <- ncol(activeStart)
    ## check that there is someone there always
    for (i in 1:(observations - 1))
        activeAll <- sum(activeStart[, i] & activeStart[, i + 1])
        if (activeAll < 2)
            active <- sum(activeStart[, i])
            if (active == 1)
                stop("Only one active actor at start of period", i)
            else if (active == 0)
                stop("No active actors at start of period", i)
            perEvents <- events[events$period == i,]
            perEvents <- perEvents[order(perEvents$time),]
            changes <- c(1, -1)[as.numeric(as.character(perEvents$event))]
            active <- active + cumsum(changes)
            if (any(active < 2))
                stop("No/only one active actor(s) left.")
    events <- events[events$time > 1e-10,]
    exog <- list(events=events, activeStart=activeStart)
    attr(exog, "nodeSet") <- attr(compositionChange, "nodeSet")
##@fixUpEffectNames siena07 Replace # and construct interaction names
fixUpEffectNames <- function(effects)
    ## replace # by the parm value in function and effect names
    effects$effectName <-
        sapply(1:nrow(effects), function(x, y)
               y <- y[x, ]
               gsub("#", y$parm, y$effectName)
           }, effects)
    effects$functionName <-
        sapply(1:nrow(effects), function(x, y)
               y <- y[x, ]
               gsub("#", y$parm, y$functionName)
           }, y=effects)

    ##validate user-specified network interactions
    interactions <- effects[effects$shortName == "unspInt" & effects$include &
                            effects$effect1 > 0, ]
    if (nrow(interactions) > 0)
        unspIntNames <-
            sapply(1:nrow(interactions), function(x, y, z)
                   y <- y[x, ] ## get the interaction effect
                   twoway <- y$effect3 == 0
                   ## now get the rows which are to interact
                   inter1 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect1, ]
                   if (nrow(inter1) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 1")
                   inter2 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect2, ]
                   if (nrow(inter2) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 2")
                   if (!twoway)
                       inter3 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect3, ]
                       if (nrow(inter3) != 1)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "effect number 3")
                       inter3 <- z[is.na(z$effectNumber), ]
                       ## should be empty row
                   if (twoway)
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same network")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same type: ",
                                "evaluation, endowment or creation")
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name ||
                           inter1$name != inter3$name)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same network")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type ||
                           inter1$type != inter3$type)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be ",
                                "same type: evaluation, endowment or creation ")
                   ## check types
                   inters <- rbind(inter1, inter2, inter3)
                   egos <- which(inters$interactionType == "ego")
                   egoCount <- length(egos)
                   dyads <- which(inters$interactionType == "dyadic")
                   dyadCount <- length(dyads)
                   if (twoway)
                       if (egoCount < 1 && dyadCount != 2)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must be at least one ego or both dyadic ",
                       if (egoCount < 2 && (egoCount + dyadCount < 3))
                      stop("invalid network 3-way interaction specification: ",
									"must be at least two ego effects ",
									"or all ego or dyadic effects")
                   ## construct a name
                   ## make sure the egos are at the front of inters
                   if (egoCount > 0)
                       inters <- rbind(inters[egos, ], inters[-egos, ])
 				   tmpnames <- inters$effectName
				   tmpnames[-1] <- sub(paste(inters$name[1], ": ",
											 sep=""), "", tmpnames[-1])
				   tmpname <- paste(tmpnames, collapse = " x ")
                   if (twoway && nchar(tmpname) < 38)
                       tmpname <- paste("int. ", tmpname)
                   if (!twoway)
                       tmpname <- paste("i3.", tmpname)
               }, y=interactions, z=effects)
        effects[effects$shortName == "unspInt" & effects$include &
                !is.na(effects$effect1), c("effectName", "functionName")] <-
    ##validate user-specified behavior interactions
    interactions <- effects[effects$shortName == "behUnspInt" &
                            effects$include &
                            effects$effect1 > 0, ]
    if (nrow(interactions) > 0)
        unspIntNames <-
            sapply(1:nrow(interactions), function(x, y, z)
                   y <- y[x, ] ## get the interaction effect
                   twoway <- y$effect3 == 0
                   ## now get the rows which are to interact
                   inter1 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect1, ]
                   if (nrow(inter1) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 1")
                   inter2 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect2, ]
                   if (nrow(inter2) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 2")
                   if (!twoway)
                       inter3 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect3, ]
                       if (nrow(inter3) != 1)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "effect number 3")
                       inter3 <- z[is.na(z$effectNumber), ]
                       ## should be empty row
                   if (twoway)
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same behavior variable")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must be same type: evaluation, endowment ",
                                "or creation")
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name ||
                           inter1$name != inter3$name)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same behavior variable")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type ||
                           inter1$type != inter3$type)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be ",
                                "same type: evaluation, endowment or creation")
                   ## check types - at most one should be not OK here
                   inters <- rbind(inter1, inter2, inter3)
                   if (length(which(inters$interactionType != "OK")) > 1)
				   	   stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
				   			"at most one effect with interactionType ",
				   			"not OK is allowed")
                   ##if (any(inters$interactionType != "OK"))
                   ##    stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                   ##         "only effects with interactionType OK are allowed")
                   ## construct a name
				   tmpnames <- inters$effectName
				   tmpnames[-1] <- sub(paste("behavior ", inters$name[1], " ",
											 sep=""), "", tmpnames[-1])
				   tmpname <- paste(tmpnames, collapse = " x ")
                   if (twoway && nchar(tmpname) < 38)
                       tmpname <- paste("int. ", tmpname)
                   if (!twoway)
                       tmpname <- paste("i3.", tmpname)
               }, y=interactions, z=effects)
        effects[effects$shortName == "behUnspInt" & effects$include &
                !is.na(effects$effect1), c("effectName", "functionName")] <-
    ##validate user-specified continuous interactions
    interactions <- effects[effects$shortName == "contUnspInt" &
                            effects$include &
                            effects$effect1 > 0, ]
    if (nrow(interactions) > 0)
        unspIntNames <-
            sapply(1:nrow(interactions), function(x, y, z)
				   y <- y[x, ] ## get the interaction effect
                   twoway <- y$effect3 == 0
                   ## now get the rows which are to interact
                   inter1 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect1, ]
                   if (nrow(inter1) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 1")
                   inter2 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect2, ]
                   if (nrow(inter2) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 2")
                   if (!twoway)
                       inter3 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect3, ]
                       if (nrow(inter3) != 1)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "effect number 3")
                       inter3 <- z[is.na(z$effectNumber), ]
                       ## should be empty row
                   if (twoway)
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same behavior variable")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must be same type: evaluation")
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name ||
                           inter1$name != inter3$name)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same behavior variable")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type ||
                           inter1$type != inter3$type)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same type: evaluation")
                   ## check types - at most one should be not OK here
                   inters <- rbind(inter1, inter2, inter3)
                   if (length(which(inters$interactionType != "OK")) > 1)
				   	   stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
				   			"at most one effect with interactionType ",
				   			"not OK is allowed")
                   ##if (any(inters$interactionType != "OK"))
                   ##    stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                   ##         "only effects with interactionType OK are allowed")
                   ## construct a name
				   tmpnames <- inters$effectName
				   tmpnames[-1] <- sub(paste("behavior ", inters$name[1], " ",
											 sep=""), "", tmpnames[-1])
				   tmpname <- paste(tmpnames, collapse = " x ")
                   if (twoway && nchar(tmpname) < 38)
                       tmpname <- paste("int. ", tmpname)
                   if (!twoway)
                       tmpname <- paste("i3.", tmpname)
               }, y=interactions, z=effects)
        effects[effects$shortName == "contUnspInt" & effects$include &
                !is.na(effects$effect1), c("effectName", "functionName")] <-

##@updateTheta siena07 Copy theta values from previous fit
updateTheta <- function(effects, prevAns, varName=NULL)
	if (!inherits(effects, "data.frame"))
		stop("effects is not a data.frame")
	if (!inherits(prevAns, "sienaFit"))
		stop("prevAns is not an RSiena fit object")
	prevEffects <- prevAns$requestedEffects[which(prevAns$requestedEffects$type != 'gmm'),]
	prevEffects$initialValue <- prevAns$theta
	if (prevAns$cconditional)
		condEffects <- attr(prevAns$f, "condEffects")
		condEffects$initialValue <- prevAns$rate
		prevEffects <- rbind(prevEffects, condEffects)
	if (!is.null(varName))
		prevEffects$name[!( prevEffects$name %in% varName)] <- ' '
	oldlist <- apply(prevEffects, 1, function(x)
					 paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
							   "type", "groupName",
							   "interaction1", "interaction2",
							   "period", "effect1", "effect2", "effect3")],
	efflist <- apply(effects, 1, function(x)
					 paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
							   "type", "groupName",
							   "interaction1", "interaction2",
							   "period", "effect1", "effect2", "effect3")],
	use <- efflist %in% oldlist
	effects$initialValue[use] <-
		prevEffects$initialValue[match(efflist, oldlist)][use]

##@addSettingseffects siena07 add extra rate effects for settings model
# addSettingsEffects <- function(effects, x)
# {
# 	## need a list of settings (constant dyadic covariate name) for some or all
# 	## dependent networks. If symmetric this is equivalent to a forcing model.
# 	## The covariate actor sets should match the network actor sets.
# 	## ?? would it ever make sense for bipartites? Allow it here for now and see!
# 	## maybe better to add the settings pars to the data object but for now
# 	## they are on the model with maxdegree. TODO write some validation
# 	varNames <- names(x$settings)
# 	nbrSettings <- sapply(x$settings, length)
# 	tmp <-
# 		lapply(1:length(x$settings), function(i)
# 		   {
# 			   ## find effects for this variable
# 			   varEffects <- effects[effects$name == varNames[i], ]
# 			   ## find relevant rate effects
# 			   dupl <- varEffects[varEffects$basicRate, ]
# 			   ## make extra copies
# 			   newEffects <- dupl[rep(1:nrow(dupl),
# 									  each = nbrSettings[i] + 2), ]
# 			   newEffects <- split(newEffects, list(newEffects$group,
# 								   newEffects$period))
# 			   newEffects <- lapply(newEffects, function(dd)
# 				  {
# 					  dd$setting <- c("universal", "primary",
# 											  x$settings[[i]])
# 					  i1 <- regexpr("rate", dd$effectName)
# 					  dd$effectName <-
# 						  paste(substr(dd$effectName, 1, i1 - 2),
# 											 dd$setting,
# 								substring(dd$effectName, i1))
# 					  dd
# 				  }
# 					  )
# 			   newEffects <- do.call(rbind, newEffects)
# 			   ## add extra column to non basic rate effects
# 			   varEffects$setting <- rep("", nrow(varEffects))
# 			   ## combine them
# 			   rbind(newEffects, varEffects[!varEffects$basicRate, ])
# 		   })
# 	## join them together again
# 	do.call(rbind, tmp)
# }

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RSiena documentation built on Sept. 24, 2020, 3 p.m.