
Defines functions makeUijframe makedatamat makealphars2 fmakealphars2 smoothalpha makeas A fupdatefrailties3 fupdatefrailties4 updatedisppears updatedispohls updatedispmarg2 getdispmarg3 Smuij Smud2 ab2g g2ab makemrs fmakemrs mkproflik fmkproflik fmkproflik2 mkprofgr fmkprofgr fmkprofgr2 updateregprof makeSens2 fmakeSens2 fmkstderr bivrec.agdata

#****h* /00main
#    blupsurv --- package root
#   The blupsurv package contains 
#   tools for fitting proportional hazards models to clustered
#   recurrent events data. Nested frailties are modeled by their
#   best linear unbiased predictors under an auxiliary Poisson model.
#   Univariate and bivariate recurrent events processes are permitted.
#   The most important function is bivrec.agdata, which does most of the
#   model fitting. After initializing, fitting consists of iteratively
#   calling fupdatefrailties4 to update frailty estimates,
#   updatedisppears to update dispersion parameter estimtes,
#   and updateregprof to update regression parameter estimates. The
#   function fmkstderr computes standard errors at the end.
#   Modules bivmethods and unimethods contain the R S3 methods for fitting
#   bivariate and univariate models respectively.
#   The call graph below is rather small and unhelpful. See a larger but 
#   equally unhelpful pdf version here:
#   href:callgraph.pdf
#   |exec dot -Tpdf -o callgraph.pdf ../../man/calls2.dot
#   |dotfile ../../man/calls2.dot
#   For usage instructions, see the R package documentation
#  Emmanuel Sharef

#****h* /bivrecFit
#    bivrec -- Fitter for bivariate recurrent events
#   The bivrec module contains the workhorse functions to fit bivariate
#   event process models. Since univariate models are just a special
#   case, they can be fit by these functions as well.
#   The main fitting routine is 
#       bivrec.agdata
#   and an overview of the algorithm implementation is given in the
#   documentation for that function.

#****h* bivrecFit/utility
#    Utility functions
#   Functions used to convert matrices and data formats

#****h* bivrecFit/initialization
#    Initialization functions
#   Functions used to initialize the algorithm

#****h* bivrecFit/estimation
#    Estimation functions
#   Functions used directly as part of the model-fitting procedure

#****h* bivrecFit/fortranwrappers
#    Wrapper functions
#   Functions that act purely as FORTRAN wrappers

#****h* bivrecFit/ZZdebug
#    Debugging functions
#   Functions used only for debugging

#****f* utility/makeUijframe
#    makeUijFrame --- Make Uijmat and Vijmat matrices
#    Convert vectors of frailties into matrices 
#    in order to make them addressable as U[i, j]
#    m      number of clusters
#    Ji     cluster sizes
#    Uij    vector of length m * Ji containing frailties for event 1
#    Vij    vector of length m * Ji containing frailties for event 2
#    Uijmat     matrix of dimension m x max(Ji) containing entries of Uij
#    Vijmat     matrix of dimension m x max(Ji) containing entries of Vij
makeUijframe <- function(m, Ji, Uij, Vij)
    # Allocate matrix storage
    Uijmat <- matrix(0, m, max(Ji))
    Vijmat <- matrix(0, m, max(Ji))
    # Fill matrices row by row
    for(i in 1:m){
        Uijmat[i, 1:Ji[i]] <- Uij[(c(0, cumsum(Ji))[i] + 1):(c(0, cumsum(Ji))[i + 1])]
        Vijmat[i, 1:Ji[i]] <- Vij[(c(0, cumsum(Ji))[i] + 1):(c(0, cumsum(Ji))[i + 1])]
    return(list(Uijmat = Uijmat, Vijmat = Vijmat))
#************ makeUijframe 

#****f* initialization/makedatamat
#    makedatamat --- make data matrix
#   Convert an Anderson - Gill data frame for a single recurrent event process into 
#   the data matrix format used in the remainder of the algorithm.
#    agdata         a data frame in Anderson-Gill format with columns
#                   i,j,k,r,start,stop,delta and covariates
#    as             a matrix of discretization breakpoints, for each stratum
#                   generated by makeas
#    alternating    boolean, indicating whether the at-risk function 
#                   alternates between events (episodic process)
#    datamat        a matrix with columns i,j,k,r,time,delta,smin,smax
#                   and covariates. The columns are:
#                   i       cluster
#                   j       subject
#                   k       event counter
#                   r       stratum
#                   time    length of time for each interval
#                   delta   event indicator
#                   smin    discretization interval corresponding to
#                           start time in input
#                   smax    discretization interval corresponding to
#                           stop time in input
makedatamat <- function(agdata, as, alternating)
    # Allocate space. Most data is copied directly from agdata.
    datamat <- as.matrix(cbind(agdata[, 1:4], 0, agdata$delta, 1, 0, 
        agdata[, 8:dim(agdata)[2]]))
    colnames(datamat)[5:8] <- c("time", "delta", "smin", "smax")
    # Rows in which a new event has occurred
    diffevent <- (c(TRUE, diff(agdata$i * 1000 + agdata$j) != 0) | 
                  c(TRUE, agdata$delta[ - length(agdata$delta)] == 1))
    badind <- NULL

    # Loop to compute discretization intervals
    for(ind in 1:dim(datamat)[1])
        # Reset last event start time
        if(diffevent[ind]) {
            lasteventtime <- agdata$start[ind]
            smax <- 0
       # Interevent time is given by stop - start from agdata.
            newtime <- agdata$stop[ind] - lasteventtime
            newtime <- agdata$stop[ind] - agdata$start[ind]
        r <- datamat[ind, "r"]
        datamat[ind, "time"] <- newtime
        # Find the discretization intervals that the times fall into
        smin <- smax + 1
        smax <- sum(as[r, ] < newtime) 
        # Most of the time, smin <= smax, however, if both start and stop times
        # fall into the same interval, this needs to be fixed
        if(smin > smax){
            smin <- datamat[ind - 1, "smin"]
            badind <- c(badind, ind - 1)
            timediff0 <- as[r, datamat[ind - 1, "smax"] + 1] - 
                         as[r, datamat[ind - 1, "smin"]]
            timediff1 <- as[r, smax + 1] - as[r, smax]
            datamat[ind, 9:dim(datamat)[2]] <- (timediff0 * 
                datamat[ind - 1, 9:dim(datamat)[2]] + timediff1 * 
                datamat[ind, 9:dim(datamat)[2]]) / (timediff0 + timediff1)
        datamat[ind, "smin"] <- smin
        datamat[ind, "smax"] <- smax

    # Remove bad entries
    if(!is.null(badind)) datamat <- datamat[ - badind, ]
#************ makedatamat 

#****f* ZZdebug/makealphars2
#    makealphars2 --- make baseline hazard
#   Compute the MLEs for the baseline hazard parameters alphars, 
#   given estimates of regression parameters andf frailties, for
#   a single recurrent event process.
#   This is never called, and is for debugging purposes only. See
#   fmkalphars2 and the Fortran implementation.
makealphars2 <- function(m, Ji, datamat, betahat, as, Uijmat)
    # Allocate storage space
    alphars <- matrix(0, dim(as)[1], dim(as)[2])
    # drs will contain the numerator, Srs the denominator
    drs <- alphars
    Srs <- alphars
    for(ind in 1:dim(datamat)[1]){
        i <- datamat[ind, "i"]
        j <- datamat[ind, "j"]
        k <- datamat[ind, "k"]
        smin <- datamat[ind, "smin"]
        smax <- datamat[ind, "smax"]
        r <- datamat[ind, "r"]
        time <- datamat[ind, "time"]
        Z <- datamat[ind, -(1:8)]
        # the numerator is just the sum of the event indicators
        drs[r, smax] <- drs[r, smax] + datamat[ind, "delta"]
        # Computing the denominator requires looping over all at - risk intervals
        for(s in smin:smax) 
            Srs[r, s] <- Srs[r, s] + Uijmat[i, j] * 
            exp(as.matrix(Z)%*%as.matrix(betahat)) * A(time, as, r, s)
    alphars <- drs / Srs
    alphars[is.nan(alphars)] <- 100 # Not needed since bugs fixed!
#************ makealphars2 

#****f* estimation/fmakealphars2
#    fmakealphars2 --- Fortran wrapper for fmkalpha2
#   Compute the MLEs for the baseline hazard parameters alphars, 
#   given estimates of regression parameters andf frailties, for
#   a single recurrent event process.
#   This works in the same way as makealphars2
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat
#    betahat    vector of regression parameter estimates
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints for each stratum
#    Uijmat     matrix of frailty estimates
#    smooth     boolean to indicate whether the output should be smoothed
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters of size p x K
#               containing the hazard estimate for each stratum and
#               discretization interval
fmakealphars2 <- function(m, Ji, datamat, betahat, as, Uijmat, smooth)
    # Allocate storage
    alphars <- matrix(0, dim(as)[1], dim(as)[2])
    # Split the data matrix into different components
    covs <- matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)
    ncovs <- dim(covs)[2]
    d <- dim(covs)[1]
    index <- datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    delta <- datamat[, "delta"]
    times <- datamat[, "time"]
    # Fortran call
     out <- .Fortran("fmkalpha2", 
        betahat = as.double(betahat), 
        index = as.integer(index), 
        delta = as.double(delta), 
        times = as.double(times), 
        Z = as.double(covs), 
        alphars = as.double(alphars), 
        as = as.double(as), 
        Uijmat = as.double(Uijmat),
        d = as.integer(d), 
        ncovs = as.integer(ncovs), 
        nr = as.integer(dim(as)[1]), 
        ns = as.integer(dim(as)[2]), 
        m = as.integer(m), 
        maxj = as.integer(max(Ji))
     # Extract output
     alphars <- matrix(out$alphars, dim(alphars)[1], dim(alphars)[2])
        alphars <- smoothalpha(alphars, as)
#************ fmakealphars2 

#****f* estimation/smoothalpha
#    smoothalpha --- smooth hazard estimates
#    Applies a spline smoother to the baseline hazard estimates. This was sometimes
#    found to improve stability.
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters 
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints for each stratum
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters
smoothalpha <- function(alphars, as)
     for(r in 1:dim(as)[1]){
        idx <- which(alphars[r, ] != 100)
        idx <- c(idx, idx[length(idx)] + 1)
        xs <- (as[r, idx[ - 1]] + as[r, idx[ - length(idx)]]) / 2
        if(length(xs) > 50) nk <- 50 else nk <- NULL
        # Apply a spline smoother to the hazards
        out <- smooth.spline(xs, alphars[r, idx[ - length(idx)]], 
            w = diff(as[r, idx]), nknots = nk)
        alphars[r, idx] <- c(out$y, 100)
#************ smoothalpha 

#****f* initialization/makeas
#    makeas --- construct discretization
#    Split the range of event times into intervals,
#    during which the baseline hazard is assumed constant.
#    agdata         a data frame in Anderson-Gill format
#    K              vector the number of breakpoints for each stratum
#    alternating    boolean indicating episodic data
#    as             matrix of size max(r) x max(K)+1 containing
#                   discretization breakpoints for each stratum
makeas <- function(agdata, K, alternating = FALSE)
    # get number of strata
    rmax <- max(agdata$r)
    # extract the portion of agdata containing events
    agdatatemp <- agdata[agdata$delta == 1 | 
        c(diff(agdata$i * 1000 + agdata$j) != 0, TRUE), ]
    if(!alternating) {
        agdatatemp$start[ - 1] <- agdatatemp$stop[ - length(agdatatemp$stop)]
        agdatatemp$start[c(1, diff(agdatatemp$i * 1000 + agdatatemp$j)) != 0] <- 0

    # Initialize matrices.
    as <- matrix(0, rmax, max(K) + 1)
    for(r in 1:rmax){
        # Extract the set of event times and death times for each stratum
        eventtimes <- c(0, sort(unique((agdatatemp$stop - 
            agdatatemp$start)[agdatatemp$r == r & agdatatemp$delta == 1])))
        maxtime <- max((agdatatemp$stop - agdatatemp$start)[agdatatemp$r == r])+.001
        # Compute the set of breakpoints as quantiles, and fill in the rest 
        # of the matrix with the maximum value.
        as[r, 1:(K[r] + 1)] <- quantile(c(eventtimes, maxtime), 
            seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = K[r] + 1))
        if(K[r] < max(K)) as[r, (K[r] + 2):max(K + 1)] <- maxtime
#************ makeas 

#****f* utility/A
#    A --- time in an interval
#    Computes the amount of time in interval (a[r,s-1], a[r,s]) prior to time t
#    t      time
#    as     matrix of breakpoints
#    r      stratum
#    s      interval
A <- function(t, as, r, s)
    s <- s + 1
    if(s == 0){ return(0)}
    if(t < as[r, s - 1]){ return(0)}
    if(t >= as[r, s]){ 
    return(as[r, s] - as[r, s - 1]) 
    return(t - as[r, s - 1]) 
#************ A 

#****f* ZZdebug/fupdatefrailties3
#    fupdatefrailties3 --- update frailty estimates
#    Drop-in replacement for fupdatefrailties4, which updates the frailties
#    using only Fortran calls to low-level functionality like fsmuij. See
#    fupdatefrailties4 for details.
fupdatefrailties3 <- function(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, dispparams)
  #  cat("\tUpdating frailty estimates\n")
    ## Extract dispersion parameter estimates
    sigma2hat <- dispparams$sigma2hat
    sigma2dhat <- dispparams$sigma2dhat
    nu2hat <- dispparams$nu2hat
    nu2dhat <- dispparams$nu2dhat
    thetahat <- dispparams$thetahat
    ## Initialize frailty vectors
    Uihat <- rep(0, m);Vihat <- rep(0, m);
    Uijhat <- rep(0, sum(Ji));Vijhat <- rep(0, sum(Ji));

   ## Initialize matrices for storage of pi, qi, pij, qij, etc.
    jimax <- max(Ji)
    pi <- rep(0, m);qi <- rep(0, m);ri <- rep(0, m);si <- rep(0, m)
    piprime <- rep(0, m);qiprime <- rep(0, m);
    riprime <- rep(0, m);siprime <- rep(0, m);
    wi <- rep(0, m)
    pij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);pijprime <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    qij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);qijprime <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    rij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);rijprime <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    sij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);sijprime <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    wij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);zij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);

    Smu <- matrix(0, m, jimax);Sdelta <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    Seta <- matrix(0, m, jimax);SDelta <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    covs <- matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)
    ncovs <- dim(covs)[2]
    d <- dim(covs)[1]
    index <- datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    delta <- datamat[, "delta"]
    Sm <- try(.Fortran("fsmuij", 
        betahat = as.double(betahat),
        index = as.integer(index),
        delta = as.double(delta),
        Z = as.double(covs),
        alphars = as.double(alphars), 
        as = as.double(as),
        d = as.integer(d),
        ncovs = as.integer(ncovs),
        nr = as.integer(dim(alphars)[1]),
        ns = as.integer(dim(alphars)[2]),
        m = as.integer(m),
        maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
        Smu = as.double(Smu),
        Sdelta = as.double(Sdelta)))
    Smu <- matrix(Sm$Smu, m, jimax)
    Sdelta <- matrix(Sm$Sdelta, m, jimax)
    covs <- matrix(datamatd[, -(1:8)], dim(datamatd)[1], dim(datamatd)[2] - 8)
    ncovs <- dim(covs)[2]
    d <- dim(covs)[1]
    index <- datamatd[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    Delta <- datamatd[, "delta"]
    Se <- try(.Fortran("fsmuij",
         betahat = as.double(betadhat),
         index = as.integer(index),
         delta = as.double(Delta),
         Z = as.double(covs),
         alphars = as.double(alpharsd),
         as = as.double(asd),
         d = as.integer(d),
         ncovs = as.integer(ncovs),
         nr = as.integer(dim(alpharsd)[1]),
         ns = as.integer(dim(alpharsd)[2]),
         m = as.integer(m),
         maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
         Smu = as.double(Seta),
         Sdelta = as.double(SDelta)))
    Seta <- matrix(Se$Smu, m, jimax)
    SDelta <- matrix(Se$Sdelta, m, jimax)

    for(i in 1:m){
        for(j in 1:Ji[i]){
            Smuij <- Smu[i, j]
            Setaij <- Seta[i, j]
            Sdeltaij <- Sdelta[i, j]
            SDeltaij <- SDelta[i, j]
            wij[i, j] <- nu2hat - thetahat^2 * Setaij / (1 + nu2dhat * Setaij)
            zij[i, j] <- nu2dhat - thetahat^2 * Smuij / (1 + nu2hat * Smuij)
            pij[i, j] <- Smuij / (1 + wij[i, j] * Smuij)
            qij[i, j] <- -thetahat * Smuij * Setaij / ((1 + nu2hat * Smuij) * 
                (1 + nu2dhat * Setaij) - thetahat^2 * Smuij * Setaij)
            rij[i, j] <- qij[i, j]
            sij[i, j] <- Setaij / (1 + zij[i, j] * Setaij)
            pijprime[i, j] <- Sdeltaij / (1 + wij[i, j] * Smuij)
            qijprime[i, j] <- -thetahat * Smuij * SDeltaij / 
                ((1 + nu2hat * Smuij) * (1 + nu2dhat * Setaij) - 
                thetahat^2 * Smuij * Setaij)
            rijprime[i, j] <- -thetahat * Sdeltaij * Setaij / 
                ((1 + nu2hat * Smuij) * (1 + nu2dhat * Setaij) - 
                thetahat^2 * Smuij * Setaij)
            sijprime[i, j] <- SDeltaij / (1 + zij[i, j] * Setaij)
        ## Compute pi, qi, etc, as well as wi.
        piprime[i] <- sum(pijprime[i, ])
        qiprime[i] <- sum(qijprime[i, ])
        riprime[i] <- sum(rijprime[i, ])
        siprime[i] <- sum(sijprime[i, ])
        pi[i] <- sum(pij[i, ])
        qi[i] <- sum(qij[i, ])
        ri[i] <- sum(rij[i, ])
        si[i] <- sum(sij[i, ])
        wi[i] <- 1 / ((1 + sigma2hat * pi[i]) * 
            (1 + sigma2dhat * si[i]) - sigma2hat * sigma2dhat * ri[i]^2)
        ## Compute cluster frailty estimates
        Uihat[i] <- 1 + sigma2hat * wi[i] * ((1 + sigma2dhat * si[i]) * 
            (piprime[i] - pi[i] + qiprime[i] - qi[i]) - sigma2dhat * ri[i] * 
            (riprime[i] - ri[i] + siprime[i] - si[i]))
        Vihat[i] <- 1 + sigma2dhat * wi[i] * ((1 + sigma2hat * pi[i]) *
            (riprime[i] - ri[i] + siprime[i] - si[i]) - sigma2hat * ri[i] *
            (piprime[i] - pi[i] + qiprime[i] - qi[i]))
        ## Compute individual frailty estimates
        Jicum <- c(0, cumsum(Ji))
        for(j in 1:jimax){
            Uijhat[Jicum[i] + j] <- Uihat[i] - (nu2hat * pij[i, j] + thetahat *
                rij[i, j]) * Uihat[i] - (nu2hat * qij[i, j] + thetahat * sij[i, j]) *
                Vihat[i] + nu2hat * (pijprime[i, j] + qijprime[i, j]) + thetahat *
                (rijprime[i, j] + sijprime[i, j])
            Vijhat[Jicum[i] + j] <- Vihat[i] - (thetahat * qij[i, j] + nu2dhat *
                sij[i, j]) * Vihat[i] - (thetahat * pij[i, j] + nu2dhat * rij[i, j]) *
                Uihat[i] + thetahat * (pijprime[i, j] + qijprime[i, j]) + nu2dhat *
                (rijprime[i, j] + sijprime[i, j])
    Uijhat[Uijhat<.01] <- 0.01; Vijhat[Vijhat < 0.01] <- 0.01
    Uijframe <- makeUijframe(m, Ji, Uijhat, Vijhat)
    cat("mean(Uijhat): ", mean(Uijhat), "   mean(Vijhat): ", mean(Vijhat), "\n")
    if(mean(Uijhat)<.5 | mean(Vijhat)<.5) browser()

    return(list(Uihat = Uihat,
                Vihat = Vihat,
                Uijhat = Uijhat,
                Vijhat = Vijhat,
                pqrs = list(pij = pij, qij = qij, rij = rij, sij = sij,
                    pijprime = pijprime, qijprime = qijprime,
                    rijprime = rijprime, sijprime = sijprime,
                    pi = pi, qi = qi, ri = ri, si = si,
                    piprime = piprime, qiprime = qiprime,
                    riprime = riprime, siprime = siprime,
                    wi = wi, zij = zij, wij = wij),
                Uijframe = Uijframe))
#************ fupdatefrailties3 

#****f* estimation/fupdatefrailties4
#    fupdatefrailties4 --- update frailty estimates
#    Compute estimates of the cluster- and subject-level frailties. This function
#    acts as a wrapper for the FORTRAN routine fmkfrail. See the fmkfrail
#    documentation for details, or see fupdatefrailties3 for an R implementation.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 1
#    datamatd   data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 2
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 1
#    alpharsd   matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 2
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 1
#    asd        matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 2
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates for event 1
#    betadhat   regression coefficient estimates for event 2
#    dispparams list of dispersion parameter estimates, see updatedisppears
#    Uihat      vector of cluster-level frailties for event 1
#    Vihat      vector of cluster-level frailties for event 2
#    Uijhat     vector of subject-level frailties for event 1
#    Vijhat     vector of subject-level frailties for event 2
#    pqrs       list of intermediate values which are useful for computing
#               dispersion parameter estimates
#    Uijframe   list containing matrix versions of Uijhat and Vijhat
fupdatefrailties4 <- function(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, alphars, alpharsd, 
                                as, asd, betahat, betadhat, dispparams)
    # Extract dispersion parameters
    sigma2hat <- dispparams$sigma2hat
    sigma2dhat <- dispparams$sigma2dhat
    nu2hat <- dispparams$nu2hat
    nu2dhat <- dispparams$nu2dhat
    thetahat <- dispparams$thetahat
    ## Initialize frailty vectors
    Uihat <- rep(0, m);Vihat <- rep(0, m);
    Uijhat <- rep(0, sum(Ji));Vijhat <- rep(0, sum(Ji));

   # Initialize matrices for storage of pi, qi, pij, qij, etc.
    jimax <- max(Ji)
    pi <- rep(0, m);qi <- rep(0, m);ri <- rep(0, m);si <- rep(0, m)
    piprime <- rep(0, m);qiprime <- rep(0, m);
    riprime <- rep(0, m);siprime <- rep(0, m);
    wi <- rep(0, m)
    pij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);pijprime <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    qij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);qijprime <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    rij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);rijprime <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    sij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);sijprime <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    wij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);zij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);

    # Prepare data for submission to Fortran function fmkfrail
    Z <- matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)
    ncovs1 <- dim(Z)[2]
    d1 <- dim(Z)[1]
    index <- datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    delta <- datamat[, "delta"]
    Zd <- matrix(datamatd[, -(1:8)], dim(datamatd)[1], dim(datamatd)[2] - 8)
    ncovs2 <- dim(Zd)[2]
    d2 <- dim(Zd)[1]
    indexd <- datamatd[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    deltad <- datamatd[, "delta"]
    nr = dim(alphars)[1]
    ns = dim(alphars)[2]
    nsd = dim(alpharsd)[2]

    # Submit to Fortran
    out <- try(.Fortran("fmkfrail",
        index = as.integer(index),      # indices i,j,k,r,smin,smax
        indexd = as.integer(indexd),
        delta = as.double(delta),       # event indicators
        deltad = as.double(deltad),
        Z = as.double(Z),               # covariates
        Zd = as.double(Zd),
        alphars = as.double(alphars),   # hazards
        alpharsd = as.double(alpharsd),
        as = as.double(as),             # breakpoints
        asd = as.double(asd),
        betahat = as.double(betahat),   # regression coefficients
        betadhat = as.double(betadhat),
        m = as.integer(m),              # clusters and cluster sizes
        Ji = as.integer(Ji),
        jimax = as.integer(max(Ji)),
        Jicum = as.integer(c(0, cumsum(Ji))),
        jisum = as.integer(sum(Ji)),
        d1 = as.integer(d1),            # dimensions of covariate vectors
        d2 = as.integer(d2),
        ncovs1 = as.integer(ncovs1),
        ncovs2 = as.integer(ncovs2),
        nr = as.integer(nr),            # number of strata
        ns = as.integer(ns),            # number of breakpoints
        nsd = as.integer(nsd),
        sigma2 = as.double(sigma2hat),  # current dispersion parameters
        sigma2d = as.double(sigma2dhat),
        nu2 = as.double(nu2hat),
        nu2d = as.double(nu2dhat),
        theta = as.double(thetahat),
        Uihat = as.double(Uihat),       # emtpy matrices to store frailty estimates
        Vihat = as.double(Vihat),
        Uijhat = as.double(Uijhat),
        Vijhat = as.double(Vijhat),
        pi = as.double(pi),             # matrices to store intermediate values
        qi = as.double(qi),
        ri = as.double(ri),
        si = as.double(si),
        piprime = as.double(piprime),
        qiprime = as.double(qiprime),
        riprime = as.double(riprime),
        siprime = as.double(siprime),
        pij = as.double(pij),
        qij = as.double(qij),
        rij = as.double(rij),
        sij = as.double(sij),
        pijprime = as.double(pijprime),
        qijprime = as.double(qijprime),
        rijprime = as.double(rijprime),
        sijprime = as.double(sijprime),
        wi = as.double(wi),
        wij = as.double(wij),
        zij = as.double(zij)))
    # Too small frailty estimates are not allowed
    out$Uijhat[out$Uijhat<.01] <- 0.01; out$Vijhat[out$Vijhat < 0.01] <- 0.01
    # Extract output
    pij = matrix(out$pij, m, jimax)
	qij = matrix(out$qij, m, jimax)
	rij = matrix(out$rij, m, jimax)
	sij = matrix(out$sij, m, jimax)
    pijprime = matrix(out$pijprime, m, jimax)
	qijprime = matrix(out$qijprime, m, jimax)
	rijprime = matrix(out$rijprime, m, jimax)
	sijprime = matrix(out$sijprime, m, jimax)
    zij = matrix(out$zij, m, jimax)
	wij = matrix(out$wij, m, jimax)
    # Format frailtyoutput list
    return(list(Uihat = out$Uihat,
            Vihat = out$Vihat, 
            Uijhat = out$Uijhat,
            Vijhat = out$Vijhat,
            pqrs = list(pij = pij, qij = qij, rij = rij, sij = sij,
                pijprime = pijprime, qijprime = qijprime,
                rijprime = rijprime, sijprime = sijprime,
                pi = out$pi, qi = out$qi, ri = out$ri, si = out$si,
                piprime = out$piprime, qiprime = out$qiprime,
                riprime = out$riprime, siprime = out$siprime,
                wi = out$wi, zij = zij, wij = wij),
            Uijframe = makeUijframe(m, Ji, out$Uijhat, out$Vijhat)))
#************ fupdatefrailties4 

#****f* estimation/updatedisppears
#    updatedisppears --- Pearson dispersion parameter estimators
#    Compute dispersion parameter estimates as Pearson-type estimators with a
#    bias correction for the BLUP shrinkage effect.
#    m              number of clusters
#    Ji             cluster sizes
#    frailtyoutput  all output of fupdatefrailties4
#    dispparams     a list of current estimates of dispersion parameters,
#                   with components:
#                       sigma2hat, sigma2dhat, nu2hat, nu2dhat, thetahat
#    corrval        a ``correction factor'' that can be used to implement
#                   Ma's degree-of-freedom adjustment
#    sigma2hat      cluster-level dispersion for process 1
#    sigma2dhat     cluster-level dispersion for process 2
#    nu2hat      	subject-level dispersion for process 1
#    nu2dhat     	subject-level dispersion for process 2
#    thetahat       subject-level covariance
updatedisppears <- function(m, Ji, frailtyoutput, dispparams, corrval)
    Jicum <- c(0, cumsum(Ji))
    jimax <- max(Ji)
    ## Extract variables from the parameters passed into the function
    pij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$pij; qij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$qij;
    rij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$rij; sij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$sij;
    pijprime <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$pijprime; qijprime <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$qijprime;
    rijprime <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$rijprime; sijprime <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$sijprime;
    pi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$pi; qi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$qi;
    ri <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$ri; si <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$si;
    piprime <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$piprime; qiprime <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$qiprime;
    riprime <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$riprime; siprime <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$siprime;
    wij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$wij;zij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$zij;
    wi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$wi
    Uihat <- frailtyoutput$Uihat;Vihat <- frailtyoutput$Vihat;
    Uijhat <- frailtyoutput$Uijhat;Vijhat <- frailtyoutput$Vijhat;
    sigma2hat <- dispparams$sigma2hat; sigma2dhat <- dispparams$sigma2dhat
    nu2hat <- dispparams$nu2hat; nu2dhat <- dispparams$nu2dhat
    thetahat <- dispparams$thetahat
    ## Initialize mean squared distance vectors
    ci <- rep(0, m);cid <- rep(0, m);
    cij <- matrix(0, m, jimax);cijd <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    cijprime <- matrix(0, m, jimax)
    kUU <- matrix(0, m, jimax);kUV <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    kVU <- matrix(0, m, jimax);kVV <- matrix(0, m, jimax)

    for(i in 1:m){
        ## Compute mean squared distances of cluster frailty estimators
        ci[i] <- sigma2hat * wi[i] * (1 + sigma2dhat * si[i])
        cid[i] <- sigma2dhat * wi[i] * (1 + sigma2hat * pi[i])
        for(j in 1:Ji[i]){
            ## Compute useful covariance terms for the bias correction
            kUU[i, j] <- sigma2hat * wi[i] * ((1 + sigma2dhat * si[i]) *
                (sigma2hat * pi[i] + nu2hat * pij[i, j] + thetahat * qij[i, j]) - 
                sigma2dhat * qi[i] * (sigma2hat * qi[i] + nu2hat * qij[i, j] +
                thetahat * sij[i, j]))
            kUV[i, j] <- sigma2hat * wi[i] * ((1 + sigma2dhat * si[i]) *
                (thetahat * pij[i, j] + nu2dhat * qij[i, j]) - sigma2dhat *
                qi[i] * (thetahat * qij[i, j] + nu2dhat * sij[i, j] - 1))
            kVU[i, j] <- sigma2dhat * wi[i] * ((1 + sigma2hat * pi[i]) *
                (thetahat * sij[i, j] + nu2hat * qij[i, j]) - sigma2hat *
                qi[i] * (thetahat * qij[i, j] + nu2hat * pij[i, j] - 1))
            kVV[i, j] <- sigma2dhat * wi[i] * ((1 + sigma2hat * pi[i]) *
                (sigma2dhat * si[i] + nu2dhat * sij[i, j] + thetahat * qij[i, j]) - 
                sigma2hat * qi[i] * (sigma2dhat * qi[i] + nu2dhat * qij[i, j] +
                thetahat * pij[i, j]))
            ## Compute mean squared distances of individual frailty estimators
            cij[i, j] <- (nu2hat * pij[i, j] + thetahat * qij[i, j] - 1) *
                (kUU[i, j] - sigma2hat - nu2hat) + (nu2hat * qij[i, j] + thetahat *
                sij[i, j]) * (kVU[i, j] - thetahat)
            cijd[i, j] <- (nu2dhat * sij[i, j] + thetahat * qij[i, j] - 1) *
                (kVV[i, j] - sigma2dhat - nu2dhat) + (nu2dhat * qij[i, j] + thetahat *
                pij[i, j]) * (kUV[i, j] - thetahat)
            cijprime[i, j] <- thetahat - (1 - nu2hat * pij[i, j] - thetahat *
                qij[i, j]) * kUV[i, j] + (nu2hat * qij[i, j] + thetahat *
                sij[i, j]) * kVV[i, j] - (sigma2dhat + nu2dhat) *
                (nu2hat * qij[i, j] + thetahat * sij[i, j]) - thetahat *
                (nu2hat * pij[i, j] + thetahat * qij[i, j])
    ## Compute estimators of dispersion parameters
    sigma2hatnew <- corrval * 1 / m * sum((Uihat - 1)^2 + ci)
    sigma2dhatnew <- corrval * 1 / m * sum((Vihat - 1)^2 + cid)
    nu2hatnew <- 0;nu2dhatnew <- 0; thetahatnew <- 0
    for(i in 1:m){
        nu2hattemp <- 0;nu2dhattemp <- 0;thetahattemp <- 0;
        for(j in 1:Ji[i]){
            nu2hattemp <- nu2hattemp + (Uijhat[Jicum[i] + j] - Uihat[i])^2 +
                ci[i] + cij[i, j] - 2 * (sigma2hat - kUU[i, j])
            nu2dhattemp <- nu2dhattemp + (Vijhat[Jicum[i] + j] - Vihat[i])^2 +
                cid[i] + cijd[i, j] - 2 * (sigma2dhat - kVV[i, j])
            thetahattemp <- thetahattemp + (Uijhat[Jicum[i] + j] - Uihat[i]) *
                (Vijhat[Jicum[i] + j] - Vihat[i]) + cijprime[i, j] + kUV[i, j] +
                kVU[i, j] - sigma2hat * sigma2dhat * wi[i] * qi[i]
        nu2hatnew <- nu2hatnew + nu2hattemp / Ji[i];
        nu2dhatnew <- nu2dhatnew + nu2dhattemp / Ji[i];
        thetahatnew <- thetahatnew + thetahattemp / Ji[i];
    # Ad - hoc correction adjustment
    nu2hatnew <- corrval * nu2hatnew / m
    nu2dhatnew <- corrval * nu2dhatnew / m
    thetahatnew <- corrval * thetahatnew / m
    # Format for output
    return(list(sigma2hat = sigma2hatnew,
                sigma2dhat = sigma2dhatnew,
                nu2hat = nu2hatnew,
                nu2dhat = nu2dhatnew,
                thetahat = thetahatnew))
#************ updatedisppears 

#****f* estimation/updatedispohls
#    updatedispohls --- Ohlsson-type dispersion parameter estimators
#   Compute dispersion parameter estimators using the method proposed by Ohlsson 
#   et al. See the paper for the reference.
#    m              number of clusters
#    Ji             cluster sizes
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 1
#    datamatd   data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 2
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 1
#    alpharsd   matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 2
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 1
#    asd        matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 2
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates for event 1
#    betadhat   regression coefficient estimates for event 2
#    fixzero    list of estimators that should be fixed at zero (testing only)
#    sigma2hat      cluster-level dispersion for process 1
#    sigma2dhat     cluster-level dispersion for process 2
#    nu2hat      	subject-level dispersion for process 1
#    nu2dhat     	subject-level dispersion for process 2
#    thetahat       subject-level covariance
updatedispohls <- function(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, alphars, alpharsd, 
                            as, asd, betahat, betadhat, fixzero)
    jimax <- max(Ji)
    Smu <- matrix(0, m, jimax);Sdelta <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    Seta <- matrix(0, m, jimax);SDelta <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    # Prepare data for Fortran function fsmuij to compute sum for event 1
    covs <- matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)
    ncovs <- dim(covs)[2]
    d <- dim(covs)[1]
    index <- datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    delta <- datamat[, "delta"]
    # The FORTRAN function fsmuij computes a matrix of size m x max(Ji), whose 
    # (i, j) entry is sum(mu_rijks) over all r,k,s
    Sm <- try(.Fortran("fsmuij",
            betahat = as.double(betahat),
            index = as.integer(index),
            delta = as.double(delta),
            Z = as.double(covs),
            alphars = as.double(alphars),
            as = as.double(as),
            d = as.integer(d),
            ncovs = as.integer(ncovs),
            nr = as.integer(dim(alphars)[1]),
            ns = as.integer(dim(alphars)[2]),
            m = as.integer(m), maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
            Smu = as.double(Smu),
            Sdelta = as.double(Sdelta)))

    # extract sums from FORTRAN output
    Smu <- matrix(Sm$Smu, m, jimax)
    Sdelta <- matrix(Sm$Sdelta, m, jimax)
    # Repeat FORTRAN call for event 2
    covs <- matrix(datamatd[, -(1:8)], dim(datamatd)[1], dim(datamatd)[2] - 8)
    ncovs <- dim(covs)[2]
    d <- dim(covs)[1]
    index <- datamatd[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    Delta <- datamatd[, "delta"]
    # Compute sum of eta_ij analogously
    Se <- try(.Fortran("fsmuij",
            betahat = as.double(betadhat),
            index = as.integer(index),
            delta = as.double(Delta),
            Z = as.double(covs),
            alphars = as.double(alpharsd),
            as = as.double(asd),
            d = as.integer(d),
            ncovs = as.integer(ncovs),
            nr = as.integer(dim(alpharsd)[1]),
            ns = as.integer(dim(alpharsd)[2]),
            m = as.integer(m),
            maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
            Smu = as.double(Seta),
            Sdelta = as.double(SDelta)))

    Seta <- matrix(Se$Smu, m, jimax)
    SDelta <- matrix(Se$Sdelta, m, jimax)
    # Compute sum(mu_i*) for both processes
    Smui <- apply(Smu, 1, sum)
    Setai <- apply(Seta, 1, sum)
    # Begin computing the Ohlsson-type estimates
    Xtild <- Sdelta / Smu
    Ztild <- SDelta / Seta
    Xtildi <- apply(Sdelta, 1, sum) / Smui
    Ztildi <- apply(SDelta, 1, sum) / Setai
    Ztildii <- rep(Ztildi, Ji)

    # This is a simplistic correction to attempt to resolve some occasional
    # computational problems caused by too large or too small estimated means.
    # This line replaces subject estimates which are in the most extreme 5\% by
    # the cluster-level estimate for the corresponding cluster.
     Ztild[Ztild > quantile(Ztild, .975) | Ztild < quantile(Ztild, .025)] <- 
         Ztildii[Ztild > quantile(Ztild, .975) | Ztild < quantile(Ztild, .025)]
    # Subject-level Ohlsson estimates
    nu2hat <- 0;nu2dhat <- 0;thetahat <- 0;thetadenom <- 0;sigma2hat <- 0;sigma2dhat <- 0;
    for(i in 1:m){
        for(j in 1:Ji[i]){
            nu2hat <- nu2hat + Smu[i, j] * (Xtild[i, j] - Xtildi[i])^2 
            nu2dhat <- nu2dhat + Seta[i, j] * (Ztild[i, j] - Ztildi[i])^2 
            thetahat <- thetahat + (Xtild[i, j] - Xtildi[i]) *
                            (Ztild[i, j] - Ztildi[i])
            thetadenom <- thetadenom + (1 + 1 / Smui[i] / Setai[i] *
                    sum(Smu[i, ] * Seta[i, ])) - (Smu[i, j] / Smui[i] +
                    Seta[i, j] / Setai[i])
    # Complete the estimates of the dispersion parameters.
    nu2hat <- (nu2hat - sum(Ji - 1)) /
            (sum(Smui) - sum(apply(Smu^2, 1, sum) / Smui))
    nu2dhat <- (nu2dhat - sum(Ji - 1)) /
            (sum(Setai) - sum(apply(Seta^2, 1, sum) / Setai))
    thetahat <- thetahat / thetadenom

    # Fix parameters at 0 if desired
        if("nu2hat"%in%fixzero) nu2hat <- 0
        if("nu2dhat"%in%fixzero) nu2dhat <- 0
        if("thetahat"%in%fixzero) thetahat <- 0
    # The Ohlsson - type estimators do not guarantee that the esimated covariance 
    # matrix is valid. This code truncates the estimate of thetahat if needed
    if(nu2hat<.001) nu2hat <- .001
    if(nu2dhat<.001) nu2dhat <- .001
    badtheta <- try(thetahat / sqrt(nu2hat * nu2dhat) > 1 | 
        thetahat / sqrt(nu2hat * nu2dhat)< -1)
    if(inherits(badtheta, "try - error") | is.na(badtheta)) {browser(); return(0)}
    if(badtheta) thetahat <- try(sign(thetahat) * sqrt(nu2hat * nu2dhat))
    if(inherits(thetahat, "try - error")) return(0)
    #! Estimate the cluster - level dispersion parameters 
    zij <- Smu / (Smu + 1 / nu2hat)
    zi <- apply(zij, 1, sum)
    zijd <- Seta / (Seta + 1 / nu2dhat)
    zid <- apply(zijd, 1, sum)
    Xztildi <- apply(zij * Xtild, 1, sum) / zi
    Zztildi <- apply(zijd * Ztild, 1, sum) / zid
    Xztild <- sum(zi * Xztildi) / sum(zi)
    Zztild <- sum(zid * Zztildi) / sum(zid)
    sigma2hat <- (sum(zi * (Xztildi - Xztild)^2) - nu2hat * (m - 1)) /
                (sum(zi) - sum(zi^2) / sum(zi))
    sigma2dhat <- (sum(zid * (Zztildi - Zztild)^2) - nu2dhat * (m - 1)) /
                (sum(zid) - sum(zid^2) / sum(zid))

    # Fix parameters at 0 if desired
        if("sigma2hat"%in%fixzero) sigma2hat <- 0
        if("sigma2dhat"%in%fixzero) sigma2dhat <- 0
    # Format for output    
    return(list(sigma2hat = sigma2hat,
                sigma2dhat = sigma2dhat,
                nu2hat = nu2hat,
                nu2dhat = nu2dhat,
                thetahat = thetahat))
#************ updatedispohls 

#****f* estimation/updatedispmarg2
#    updatedispmarg2 --- Marginal estimators for the dispersion parameters
#    Compute dispersion parameter estimates using a marginal method, based on
#    the moments of the event indicators delta under the auxiliary Poisson model.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 1
#    datamatd   data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 2
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 1
#    alpharsd   matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 2
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 1
#    asd        matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 2
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates for event 1
#    betadhat   regression coefficient estimates for event 2
#    fixzero    list of estimators that should be fixed at zero (testing only)
#    univariate boolean indicator whether a univariate model is being fit
#    sigma2hat      cluster-level dispersion for process 1
#    sigma2dhat     cluster-level dispersion for process 2
#    nu2hat      	subject-level dispersion for process 1
#    nu2dhat     	subject-level dispersion for process 2
#    thetahat       subject-level covariance
updatedispmarg2 <- function(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, 
                        betahat, betadhat, fixzero, univariate = FALSE)
    # The function getdispmarg3 makes the FORTRAN calls that do most of the work
    # out1 contains only terms involving event 1
    # out2 only the event 2, and out3 contains the cross-terms
    out1 <- getdispmarg3(m, Ji, datamat, datamat, alphars, alphars, 
                    as, as, betahat, betahat, TRUE)
    out2 <- getdispmarg3(m, Ji, datamatd, datamatd, alpharsd, alpharsd, 
                    asd, asd, betadhat, betadhat, TRUE)
    out3 <- getdispmarg3(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, alphars, alpharsd, 
                    as, asd, betahat, betadhat, FALSE)

    # Extract the estimated dispersion parameters, and truncate from below
    sigma2hat <- max(out1$sig2, 1e-4)
    sigma2dhat <- max(out2$sig2, 1e-4)
    # Fix parameters at 0 if desired
        if("sigma2hat"%in%fixzero) sigma2hat <- 0
        if("sigma2dhat"%in%fixzero) sigma2dhat <- 0
    nu2hat <- max(out1$sig2nu2 - sigma2hat, 1e-4)
    nu2dhat <- max(out2$sig2nu2 - sigma2dhat, 1e-4)
    thetahat <- out3$sig2nu2
    # Fix parameters at 0 if desired
        if("nu2hat"%in%fixzero) nu2hat <- 0
        if("nu2dhat"%in%fixzero) nu2dhat <- 0
        if("thetahat"%in%fixzero) thetahat <- 0
    # The marginal estimators do not guarantee that the esimated covariance matrix
    # is valid. This code truncates the estimate of thetahat if needed
        badtheta <- try(thetahat / sqrt(nu2hat * nu2dhat) > 1 | thetahat / 
            sqrt(nu2hat * nu2dhat)< -1)
    else badtheta <- FALSE
    if(inherits(badtheta, "try - error") | is.na(badtheta)) {browser(); return(0)}
    if(badtheta) thetahat <- try(sign(thetahat) * sqrt(nu2hat * nu2dhat))
    if(inherits(thetahat, "try - error")) return(0)
    # Prepare for output
    return(list(sigma2hat = sigma2hat,
                sigma2dhat = sigma2dhat,
                nu2hat = nu2hat,
                nu2dhat = nu2dhat,
                thetahat = thetahat))
#************ updatedispmarg2 

#****f* estimation/getdispmarg3
#    getdispmarg3 --- workhorse function for computing marginal estimators
#    This function is used by updatedispmarg to compute the sums of cross
#    products of event indicators and means. Inputs are data for any two processes,
#    which may be event processes 1 and 2, or two copies of event 1, or two copies
#    of event 2. The sample variances and covariances of the two processes are
#    computed under the auxiliary Poisson model.
#    datamat1   data matrix generated by makedatamat for process 1
#    datamat2   data matrix generated by makedatamat for process 2
#    alphars1   matrix of baseline hazard parameters for process 1
#    alphars2   matrix of baseline hazard parameters for process 2
#    as1        matrix of discretization breakpoints for process 1
#    as2        matrix of discretization breakpoints for process 2
#    betahat1   regression coefficient estimates for process 1
#    betadha2   regression coefficient estimates for process 2
#    same       boolean indicator of whether process 1 and 2 are the same
#    sig2nu2    marginal estimate of sigma^2 + nu^2 (or theta, if the processes
#               are different)
#    sig2       marginal estimate of sigma^2
getdispmarg3 <- function(m, Ji, datamat1, datamat2, alphars1, alphars2, 
                as1, as2, betahat1, betahat2, same)
    #Initialze vectors and matrices
    jimax <- max(Ji)
    Smu1 <- matrix(0, m, jimax);Sdelta1 <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    Smu2 <- matrix(0, m, jimax);Sdelta2 <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    # Prepare for FORTRAN
    covs1 <- matrix(datamat1[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat1)[1], dim(datamat1)[2] - 8)
    ncovs1 <- dim(covs1)[2]
    d1 <- dim(covs1)[1]
    index1 <- datamat1[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    delta1 <- datamat1[, "delta"]
    # First, compute the sums for the first data set.
    Sm1 <- try(.Fortran("fsmuij",
            betahat = as.double(betahat1),
            index = as.integer(index1),
            delta = as.double(delta1),
            Z = as.double(covs1),
            alphars = as.double(alphars1),
            as = as.double(as1),
            d = as.integer(d1),
            ncovs = as.integer(ncovs1),
            nr = as.integer(dim(alphars1)[1]),
            ns = as.integer(dim(alphars1)[2]),
            m = as.integer(m),
            maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
            Smu = as.double(Smu1),
            Sdelta = as.double(Sdelta1)))

    Smu1 <- matrix(Sm1$Smu, m, jimax)
    Sdelta1 <- matrix(Sm1$Sdelta, m, jimax)
    # Compute sums for the second data set
    covs2 <- matrix(datamat2[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat2)[1], dim(datamat2)[2] - 8)
    ncovs2 <- dim(covs2)[2]
    d2 <- dim(covs2)[1]
    index2 <- datamat2[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    delta2 <- datamat2[, "delta"]
    Sm2 <- try(.Fortran("fsmuij",
            betahat = as.double(betahat2),
            index = as.integer(index2),
            delta = as.double(delta2),
            Z = as.double(covs2),
            alphars = as.double(alphars2),
            as = as.double(as2),
            d = as.integer(d2),
            ncovs = as.integer(ncovs2),
            nr = as.integer(dim(alphars2)[1]),
            ns = as.integer(dim(alphars2)[2]),
            m = as.integer(m),
            maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
            Smu = as.double(Smu2),
            Sdelta = as.double(Sdelta2)))
    Smu2 <- matrix(Sm2$Smu, m, jimax)
    Sdelta2 <- matrix(Sm2$Sdelta, m, jimax)
    # This computation relies on the fact that for vectors x_1, x_2, 
    # a^Tx_1x_2^Te = (a^Tx_1)(a^Tx_2). Therefore,
    # the numerator and denominator of sig2nu2= can be computed as
    sig2nu2num <- sum((Sdelta1 - Smu1) * (Sdelta2 - Smu2))
    sig2nu2den <- sum(Smu1 * Smu2)
    #! If they come from the same data set, we must subtract the diagonal elements
        Smud2 <- try(.Fortran("fsmud2",
                    betahat = as.double(betahat1),
                    index = as.integer(index1),
                    delta = as.double(delta1),
                    Z = as.double(covs1),
                    alphars = as.double(alphars1),
                    as = as.double(as1),
                    d = as.integer(d1),
                    ncovs = as.integer(ncovs1),
                    nr = as.integer(dim(alphars1)[1]),
                    ns = as.integer(dim(alphars1)[2]),
                    Smud = as.double(0),
                    Smu2 = as.double(0)))
        Smud <- Smud2$Smud
        Smusq <- Smud2$Smu2
        # Correct the estimates by removing the diagonal terms
        sig2nu2num <- sig2nu2num - Smud
        sig2nu2den <- sig2nu2den - Smusq
    sig2nu2 <- sig2nu2num / sig2nu2den
    # Computing the value of  sig2 is analogous. 
    # First, sum over all the subjects in each cluster, then compute the 
    # numerator and denominator separately, by adding all the cross terms 
    # and subtracting those for which b = j.
    Sdeltai1 <- apply(Sdelta1, 1, sum)
    Sdeltai2 <- apply(Sdelta2, 1, sum)
    Smui1 <- apply(Smu1, 1, sum)
    Smui2 <- apply(Smu2, 1, sum)
    sig2 <- (sum((Sdeltai1 - Smui1) * (Sdeltai2 - Smui2)) - sum((Sdelta1 - Smu1) *
        (Sdelta2 - Smu2))) / (sum(Smui1 * Smui2) - sum(Smu1 * Smu2))

    # Format for output
    return(list(sig2nu2 = sig2nu2, sig2 = sig2))
#************ getdispmarg3 

#****f* ZZdebug/Smuij
#    Smuij --- compute expected and observed event sums
#    Compute the sums of mu_rijks and delta_rijks for every (i,j). 
#    This is an R implementation
#    of the corresponding FORTRAN function used for debugging only.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat 
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters 
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints 
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
#    Smu        matrix containing sum of mu_rijks for every (i,j)
#    Sdelta     matrix containing sum of delta_rijks for every (i,j)
Smuij <- function(m, Ji, datamat, alphars, as, betahat)
    jimax <- max(Ji)
    covs <- as.matrix(datamat[, -c(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], length(betahat))
    Smu <- matrix(0, m, jimax);Sdelta <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
    for(ind in 1:dim(datamat)[1])
        i <- datamat[ind, "i"]
        j <- datamat[ind, "j"]
        r <- datamat[ind, "r"]
        smax <- datamat[ind, "smax"]
        smin <- datamat[ind, "smin"]
        delta <- datamat[ind, "delta"]
        for(s in smin:smax){
            mu <- 1 - exp(-exp(as.matrix(betahat)%*%covs[ind, ]) * alphars[r, s] * (as[r, s + 1] - as[r, s]))
            Smu[i, j] <- Smu[i, j] + mu
        Sdelta[i, j] <- Sdelta[i, j] + delta
    return(list(Smu = Smu, Sdelta = Sdelta))
#************ Smuij 

#****f* ZZdebug/Smud2
#    Smud2 --- compute cross and squared event counts
#    Compute the sums of mu_rijks * delta_rijks and
#    mu_rijks^2 for every (i,j). 
#    This is an R implementation
#    of the corresponding FORTRAN function used for debugging only.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat 
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters 
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints 
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
#    Smud       matrix containing sum of mu_rijks * delta_rijks for every (i,j)
#    Smu2       matrix containing sum of mu_rijks^2 for every (i,j)
Smud2 <- function(m, Ji, datamat, alphars, as, betahat)
    jimax <- max(Ji)
    covs <- as.matrix(datamat[, -c(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], length(betahat))
    Smud <- 0;Smu2 <- 0
    for(ind in 1:dim(datamat)[1])
        i <- datamat[ind, "i"]
        j <- datamat[ind, "j"]
        r <- datamat[ind, "r"]
        smax <- datamat[ind, "smax"]
        smin <- datamat[ind, "smin"]
        delta <- datamat[ind, "delta"]
        for(s in smin:smax){
            mu <- 1 - exp(-exp(as.matrix(betahat)%*%covs[ind, ]) * 
                alphars[r, s] * (as[r, s + 1] - as[r, s]))
            if(s == smax) deltat <- delta else deltat <- 0
            Smud <- Smud + (mu - deltat)^2
            Smu2 <- Smu2 + mu^2
    return(list(Smud = Smud, Smu2 = Smu2))
#************ Smud2 

#****f* utility/ab2g
#    ab2g --- regression parameter conversion
#    Convert alphas and betas into a single vector named gamma
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters 
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
#    K          number of discretization intervals
ab2g <- function(alphars, betahat, K)
    gamma <- NULL
    for(r in 1:length(K)) gamma <- c(gamma, alphars[r, 1:K[r]])
    gamma <- c(gamma, betahat)
#************ ab2g 

#****f* utility/g2ab
#    g2ab --- regression parameter conversion
#   Extract alphars and betahat from a single vector named gamma
#    gamma      vector containing all hazard and regression parameters
#    K          number of discretization intervals
#    alphars    matrix of baseline hazard parameters 
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
g2ab <- function(gamma, K)
    ind <- 1
    alphars <- matrix(0, length(K), max(K) + 1)
    for(r in 1:length(K)){ 
        alphars[r, 1:K[r]] <- gamma[ind:(ind + K[r] - 1)]
        alphars[r, K[r] + 1] <- 100
        ind <- ind + K[r]
    betahat <- gamma[ind:length(gamma)]
    return(list(alphars = alphars, betahat = betahat))
#************ g2ab 

#****f* ZZdebug/makemrs
#    makemrs --- terms for profile likelihood
#     Compute terms needed in the profile likelihood and gradient.
#     This is an R implementation of the FORTRAN routine fmkmrs, used for 
#     debugging only.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat 
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints 
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
#    Uijmat     matrix of frailty estimates
#    mrs        matrix of terms needed by the profile likelihood
#    mrsgr      array of terms needed by the profile gradient
makemrs <- function(m, Ji, datamat, as, betahat, Uijmat)
    # Initialize matrices
    mrs <- matrix(0, dim(as)[1], dim(as)[2] - 1)
    mrsgr <- array(0, c(dim(as)[1], dim(as)[2] - 1, length(betahat)))
    covs <- as.matrix(datamat[, -c(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], length(betahat))
    # Loop through the data matrix
    for(ind in 1:dim(datamat)[1])
        i <- datamat[ind, "i"]
        j <- datamat[ind, "j"]
        k <- datamat[ind, "k"]
        smax <- datamat[ind, "smax"]
        smin <- datamat[ind, "smin"]
        r <- datamat[ind, "r"]
        time <- datamat[ind, "time"]
        for(s in smin:smax){
            # At each entry in the data matrix, add the term to the 
            # appropriate component of the output matrices
            pred <- Uijmat[i, j] * exp(as.matrix(betahat)%*%covs[ind, ]) * 
                A(time, as, r, s)
            mrs[r, s] <- mrs[r, s] + pred
            mrsgr[r, s, ] <- mrsgr[r, s, ] + covs[ind, ] * pred
    # Format for output
    return(list(mrs = mrs, mrsgr = mrsgr))
#************ makemrs 

#****f* ZZdebug/fmakemrs
#    fmakemrs --- terms for profile likelihood and gradient
#    Wrapper for FORTRAN function fmkmrs, drop-in replacement for makemrs.
#    Never called because fmkproflik2 and fmkprofgr2 call the FORTRAN function
#    directly, but kept in the codebase for debugging. 
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat 
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints 
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
#    Uijmat     matrix of frailty estimates
#    mrs        matrix of terms needed by the profile likelihood
#    mrsgr      array of terms needed by the profile gradient
fmakemrs <- function(m, Ji, datamat, as, betahat, Uijmat)
    # Format data for Fortran
    mrs <- matrix(0, dim(as)[1], dim(as)[2])
    mrsgr <- array(0, c(dim(as)[1], dim(as)[2], length(betahat)))
    covs <- matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)
    ncovs <- dim(covs)[2]
    d <- dim(covs)[1]    
    index <- datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    times <- datamat[, "time"]  
    # Submit to Fortran  
    out <- .Fortran("fmkmrs",
            betahat = as.double(betahat),
            index = as.integer(index),
            times = as.double(times),
            Z = as.double(covs),
            as = as.double(as),
            Uijmat = as.double(Uijmat),
            d = as.integer(d),
            ncovs = as.integer(ncovs),
            nr = as.integer(dim(as)[1]),
            ns = as.integer(dim(as)[2]),
            m = as.integer(m),
            maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
            mrs = as.double(mrs),
            mrsgr = as.double(mrsgr),
            mkgr = as.integer(1))
    # Extract output
    mrs = matrix(out$mrs, dim(as)[1], dim(as)[2])
    mrsgr = array(out$mrsgr, c(dim(as)[1], dim(as)[2], length(betahat)))
    return(list(mrs = mrs, mrsgr = mrsgr))
#************ fmakemrs 

#****f* ZZdebug/mkproflik
#    mkproflik --- compute profile likelihood
#    Compute profile likelihood of regression parameters for a single process.
#    This is an R implementation of the Fortran routine fproflik and is for
#    debugging only.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat 
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints 
#    Uijmat     matrix of frailty estimates
#    loglik     profile loglikelihood of betahat conditional on the other parameters
mkproflik <- function(m, Ji, betahat, datamat, as, Uijmat)
    # Compute mrs using makemrs function
    mrss <- makemrs(m, Ji, datamat, as, betahat, Uijmat)
    mrs <- mrss$mrs
    loglik <- 0
    covs <- as.matrix(datamat[, -c(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], length(betahat))
    # Loop over the entries in the data matrix, but do not loop over the s 
    # values (delta can only be 1 on smax)
    for(ind in 1:dim(datamat)[1]){
        i <- datamat[ind, "i"]
        j <- datamat[ind, "j"]
        k <- datamat[ind, "k"]
        smax <- datamat[ind, "smax"]
        smin <- datamat[ind, "smin"]
        r <- datamat[ind, "r"]
        delta <- datamat[ind, "delta"]
        # Add the term corresponding to each row in the data matrix 
        # to the loglikelihood
        loglik <- loglik + delta * (log(Uijmat[i, j]) - log(mrs[r, smax]) +
            as.matrix(betahat)%*%covs[ind, ])
#************ mkproflik 

#****f* ZZdebug/fmkproflik
#    fmkproflik --- compute profile likelihood
#    Compute profile likelihood of regression parameters for a single process,
#    conditional on the frailties and other parameters.
#    This is superseded by the faster wrapper fmkproflik2, but is still in the
#    code for debugging.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat 
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints 
#    Uijmat     matrix of frailty estimates
#    loglik     profile loglikelihood of betahat conditional on the other parameters
fmkproflik <- function(m, Ji, betahat, datamat, as, Uijmat)
    loglik <- 0
    covs <- matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)
    ncovs <- dim(covs)[2]
    d <- dim(covs)[1]    
    index <- datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    delta <- datamat[, "delta"]
    times <- datamat[, "time"]    
    out <- .Fortran("fproflik",
            betahat = as.double(betahat),
            index = as.integer(index),
            delta = as.double(delta),
            time = as.double(times),
            Z = as.double(covs),
            as = as.double(as),
            Uijmat = as.double(Uijmat),
            d = as.integer(d),
            ncovs = as.integer(ncovs),
            nr = as.integer(dim(as)[1]),
            ns = as.integer(dim(as)[2]),
            m = as.integer(m),
            maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
            lik = as.double(loglik))
#************ fmkproflik 

#****f* fortranwrappers/fmkproflik2
#    fmkproflik2 --- compute profile likelihood
#    Compute profile likelihood of regression parameters for a single process,
#    conditional on the frailties and other parameters.
#    This is just a Fortran wrapper for fproflik that avoids unnecessary type
#    conversions for speed. Most of the inputs need to have been converted into
#    the row vectors required by FORTRAN.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    betahat    regression parameters at which the profile likelihood should be
#               computed
#    index      matrix of indices i,j,k,r,smin,smax for each row (integer)
#    delta      vector of event indicators (double)
#    times      vector of actual time span for each row (double)
#    Z          matrix of covariates (as a double row vector)
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints (double row vector)
#    Uijmat     matrix of frailty estimates (double row vector)
#    d          number of rows of Z
#    ncovs      number of covariates
#    nr         number of strata
#    ns         number of breakpoints
#    loglik     profile loglikelihood of betahat conditional on the other parameters
fmkproflik2 <- function(m, Ji, betahat, index, delta, times, Z, as, Uijmat, 
                        d, ncovs, nr, ns)
    loglik <- as.double(0)
    out <- .Fortran("fproflik",
        betahat = as.double(betahat), index = index, delta = delta,
        times = times, Z = Z, as = as, Uijmat = Uijmat,
        d = d, ncovs = ncovs, nr = nr, ns = ns, m = as.integer(m),
        maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)), lik = loglik)
#************ fmkproflik2 

#****f* ZZdebug/mkprofgr
#    mkprofgr --- profile likelihood gradient
#    Compute the gradient of the profile likelihood. 
#    This is an R implementation for debugging only.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat 
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints 
#    Uijmat     matrix of frailty estimates
#    likgr      gradient of profile loglikelihood of betahat conditional 
#               on the other parameters
mkprofgr <- function(m, Ji, betahat, datamat, as, Uijmat)
    # Compute all m_rs and gradients
    mrss <- makemrs(m, Ji, datamat, as, betahat, Uijmat)
    mrs <- mrss$mrs
    mrsgr <- mrss$mrsgr
    # Initialize vectors
    likgr <- rep(0, length(betahat))
    covs <- as.matrix(datamat[, -c(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], length(betahat))
    for(ind in 1:dim(datamat)[1]){
        smax <- datamat[ind, "smax"]
        r <- datamat[ind, "r"]
        delta <- datamat[ind, "delta"]
        # For each row in the data matrix, add the corresponding term to the gradient
        likgr <- likgr + delta * (covs[ind, ] - mrsgr[r, smax, ] / mrs[r, smax])
#************ mkprofgr 

#****f* ZZdebug/fmkprofgr
#    fmkprofgr --- profile likelihood gradient
#    Compute the gradient of the profile likelihood, conditional on the frailties
#    and other parameters.
#    This is superseded by the faster wrapper fmkproflik2, but is still in the
#    code for debugging.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    betahat    regression coefficient estimates 
#    datamat    data matrix generated by makedatamat 
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints 
#    Uijmat     matrix of frailty estimates
#    likgr      gradient of profile loglikelihood of betahat conditional 
#               on the other parameters
fmkprofgr <- function(m, Ji, betahat, datamat, as, Uijmat)
    # Prepare data for Fortran computation
    gr <- rep(0, length(betahat))
    covs <- matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)
    ncovs <- dim(covs)[2]
    d <- dim(covs)[1]    
    index <- datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    delta <- datamat[, "delta"]
    times <- datamat[, "time"]    
    # Fortran call
    out <- .Fortran("fprofgr",
            betahat = as.double(betahat),
            index = as.integer(index),
            delta = as.double(delta),
            times = as.double(times),
            Z = as.double(covs),
            as = as.double(as),
            Uijmat = as.double(Uijmat),
            d = as.integer(d),
            ncovs = as.integer(ncovs),
            nr = as.integer(dim(as)[1]),
            ns = as.integer(dim(as)[2]),
            m = as.integer(m),
            maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
            gr = as.double(gr))
#************ fmkprofgr 

#****f* fortranwrappers/fmkprofgr2
#    fmkprofgr2 --- compute profile likelihood gradient
#    Compute the gradient of the profile likelihood, conditional on the frailties
#    and other parameters.
#    This is just a Fortran wrapper for fprofgr that avoids unnecessary type
#    conversions for speed. Most of the inputs need to have been converted into
#    the row vectors required by FORTRAN.
#    m          number of clusters
#    Ji         cluster sizes
#    betahat    regression parameters at which the profile likelihood should be
#               computed
#    index      matrix of indices i,j,k,r,smin,smax for each row (integer)
#    delta      vector of event indicators (double)
#    times      vector of actual time span for each row (double)
#    Z          matrix of covariates (as a double row vector)
#    as         matrix of discretization breakpoints (double row vector)
#    Uijmat     matrix of frailty estimates (double row vector)
#    d          number of rows of Z
#    ncovs      number of covariates
#    nr         number of strata
#    ns         number of breakpoints
#    likgr      gradient of profile loglikelihood of betahat conditional 
#               on the other parameters
fmkprofgr2 <- function(m, Ji, betahat, index, delta, times, Z, as, Uijmat, d, ncovs, nr, ns)
    gr <- rep(0, length(betahat))
    # Direct call to Fortran
    out <- .Fortran("fprofgr", betahat = as.double(betahat), index = index,
        delta = delta, times = times, Z = Z, as = as, Uijmat = Uijmat,
        d = d, ncovs = ncovs, nr = nr, ns = ns, m = as.integer(m),
        maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)), gr = gr)
#************ fmkprofgr2 

#!Update regression coefficients $\hat\beta, \hat\beta^D$ using the \emph{profile} likelihood.

#****f* estimation/updateregprof
#    updateregprof
#    Update regression coefficients beta1 and beta1 by maximizing the condition
#    profile loglikelihood given all the other parameters. Give the regression
#    coefficients, the baseline hazard coefficients are then updated.
#    m              number of clusters
#    Ji             cluster sizes
#    datamat        data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 1
#    datamatd       data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 2
#    alphars    	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 1
#    alpharsd   	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 2
#    as         	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 1
#    asd        	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 2
#    betahat    	regression coefficient estimates for event 
#    betadhat   	regression coefficient estimates for event 2
#    K          	number of discretization intervals for event 1
#    Kd         	number of discretization intervals for event 2
#    frailtyoutput  output from fupdatefrailties4
#    dispersionoutput  output from one of the dispersion estimation routines
#    smooth         boolean, indicating whether hazard estimates should be smoothed
#    betahat    	regression coefficient estimates for event 
#    betadhat   	regression coefficient estimates for event 2
#    alphars    	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 1
#    alpharsd   	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 2
#    as         	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 1
#    asd        	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 2
#    loglik         loglikelihood ( = loglik1 + loglik2 )
#    loglik1        profile loglikelihood of betahat
#    loglik2        profile loglikelihood of betadhat
updateregprof <- function(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, 
    betahat, betadhat, K, Kd, frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, smooth)
    # Prepare vectors and matrices for direct submission into Fortran, 
    # without requiring type conversions
    Uijhatframe <- frailtyoutput$Uijframe
    fUijmat <- as.double(Uijhatframe$Uijmat)  # Frailty matrices
    fVijmat <- as.double(Uijhatframe$Vijmat)    
    fas = as.double(as)    # Baseline hazard parameters
    fasd = as.double(asd)
    # Covariates for event 1
    Z <- as.double(matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)) 
    ncovs <- as.integer(length(betahat))   # number of covariates
    d1 <- as.integer(dim(datamat)[1])     # data matrix dimension (event 1)
    index <- as.integer(datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")])   
    delta <- as.double(datamat[, "delta"])     # recurrent event indicators
    times <- as.double(datamat[, "time"])     # recurrent event times
    # Covariates for event 2
    Zd <- as.double(matrix(datamatd[, -(1:8)], dim(datamatd)[1], dim(datamatd)[2] - 8)) 
    d2 <- as.integer(dim(datamatd)[1])     # data matrix dimension (event 2)
    indexd <- as.integer(datamatd[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")])  
    deltad <- as.double(datamatd[, "delta"])  # terminal event indicators
    timesd <- as.double(datamatd[, "time"])   # terminal event times
    nr = as.integer(dim(as)[1])    # Maximum value of r (number of strata)
    ns = as.integer(dim(as)[2])    # Maximum value of s (recurrent) + 1
    nsd = as.integer(dim(asd)[2])  # Maximum value of s (terminal)  + 1 

    # Update regression parameters betahat, betadhat using the profile likelihood. 
    # Use the built-in  optim method with the BFGS algorithm.
    # The loglikelihood is computed via fmkproflik2and the gradient 
    # via fmkprofgr2. Conditionally on the frailties, the processes are 
    # independent and can be fit separately 
    opt <- try(optim(betahat, fn = fmkproflik2, gr = fmkprofgr2,
        control = list(fnscale=-1), method = "BFGS",
        m = m, Ji = Ji, index = index, Z = Z, delta = delta, times = times, as = fas, 
        Uijmat = fUijmat, ncovs = ncovs, d = d1, nr = nr, ns = ns))
    optd <- try(optim(betadhat, fn = fmkproflik2, gr = fmkprofgr2, 
    control = list(fnscale=-1), method = "BFGS", 
        m = m, Ji = Ji, index = indexd, Z = Zd, delta = deltad, times = timesd, 
        as = fasd, Uijmat = fVijmat, ncovs = ncovs, d = d2, nr = nr, ns = nsd))
    # Check for errors and quit if it didn't converge
    if(inherits(opt, "try - error") | inherits(optd, "try - error")){
        warning("Inner loop did not converge")
    if(opt$convergence != 0 | optd$convergence != 0){
        warning("Inner loop did not converge")
    betahat <- opt$par
    betadhat <- optd$par
    loglik1 <- opt$value
    loglik2 <- optd$value
    loglik <- loglik1 + loglik2
    # Given the updated regression parameters, compute the 
    # corresponding baseline hazard parameters
    alphars <- fmakealphars2(m, Ji, datamat, betahat, as, fUijmat, smooth)
    alpharsd <- fmakealphars2(m, Ji, datamatd, betadhat, asd, fVijmat, smooth)
    # Format for output
    return(list(betahat = betahat, betadhat = betadhat,
                alphars = alphars, alpharsd = alpharsd,
                as = as, asd = asd,
                loglik = loglik, loglik1 = loglik1, loglik2 = loglik2))  
#************ updateregprof 


#****f* ZZdebug/makeSens2
#    makeSens2 -- construct sensitivity matrix
#    Construct the sensitivity matrix at the end of the procedure. This is an R
#    implementation of the fmksens2 FORTRAN routine used for debugging.
#    m              number of clusters
#    Ji             cluster sizes
#    datamat        data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 1
#    datamatd       data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 2
#    alphars    	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 1
#    alpharsd   	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 2
#    betahat    	regression coefficient estimates for event 
#    betadhat   	regression coefficient estimates for event 2
#    as         	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 1
#    asd        	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 2
#    frailtyoutput  output from fupdatefrailties4
#    dispersionoutput  output from one of the dispersion estimation routines
#    K          	number of discretization intervals for event 1
#    Kd         	number of discretization intervals for event 2
#    full           boolean indicating whether full matrix should be computed.
#                   If FALSE, only the sensitivity for betahat is returned. 
#    S              Sensitivity matrix
makeSens2 <- function(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, alphars, alpharsd, betahat, betadhat,
            as, asd, frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, K, Kd, full = FALSE)
    # Extract intermediate values from output
    pi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$pi; qi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$qi;
    ri <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$ri; si <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$si;
    wij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$wij;zij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$zij;
    wi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$wi
    sigma2hat <- dispersionoutput$sigma2hat;
    sigma2dhat <- dispersionoutput$sigma2dhat
    nu2hat <- dispersionoutput$nu2hat; nu2dhat <- dispersionoutput$nu2dhat
    thetahat <- dispersionoutput$thetahat
    ncovs <- length(betahat)

    Kcum <- cumsum(c(1, K))
    Kdcum <- cumsum(c(1, Kd))
        betaind <- sum(K) + 1:ncovs
        betadind <- sum(Kd) + 1:ncovs
        betaind <- 1:ncovs
        betadind <- 1:ncovs
    # Allocate storage
    S <- matrix(0, sum(K) + sum(Kd) + 2 * ncovs, sum(K) + sum(Kd) + 2 * ncovs)
    S <- matrix(0, 2 * ncovs, 2 * ncovs)
    # The sensitivity matrix is expressed as the sum of matrices corresponding
    # to each cluster
    for(i in 1:m)
        # Allocate storage for intermediate matrices
        Smuij <- rep(0, Ji[i]); Setaij <- rep(0, Ji[i])
            Smuxij <- matrix(0, Ji[i], sum(K) + ncovs);
            Setaxijd <- matrix(0, Ji[i], sum(Kd) + ncovs)
            S11 <- matrix(0, sum(K) + ncovs, sum(K) + ncovs);
            S12 <- matrix(0, sum(K) + ncovs, sum(Kd) + ncovs);
            S13 <- matrix(0, sum(Kd) + ncovs, sum(Kd) + ncovs);
            S21 <- rep(0, sum(K) + ncovs); S22 <- rep(0, sum(Kd) + ncovs);
            S31 <- rep(0, sum(K) + ncovs); S32 <- rep(0, sum(Kd) + ncovs);
            Smuxij <- matrix(0, Ji[i], ncovs);
            Setaxijd <- matrix(0, Ji[i], ncovs)
            S11 <- matrix(0, ncovs, ncovs);
            S12 <- matrix(0, ncovs, ncovs);
            S13 <- matrix(0, ncovs, ncovs);
            S21 <- rep(0, ncovs); S22 <- rep(0, ncovs);
            S31 <- rep(0, ncovs); S32 <- rep(0, ncovs);
        # Find the index of the data matrices where cluster i begins
        iind0 <- match(i, datamat[, "i"])
        if(i < m) iind1 <- match(i + 1, datamat[, "i"]) else 
            iind1 <- dim(datamat)[1] + 1
        iind0d <- match(i, datamatd[, "i"])
        if(i < m) iind1d <- match(i + 1, datamatd[, "i"]) else 
            iind1d <- dim(datamatd)[1] + 1
        # Compute Smuij, Setaij, Smuxij, Setaxijd (first pass)
        for(ind in iind0:(iind1 - 1))
            Z <- matrix(datamat[ind, -(1:8)], ncovs, 1)
            bZ <- t(Z)%*%as.matrix(betahat)
            r <- datamat[ind, "r"]
            smax <- datamat[ind, "smax"]
            k <- datamat[ind, "k"]
            j <- datamat[ind, "j"]
            time <- datamat[ind, "time"]
             if(smax > 0){
                for(s in 1:smax){
                    mu <- exp(bZ) * alphars[r, s] * A(time, as, r, s)
                    Smuij[j] <- Smuij[j] + mu
                    Smuxij[j, betaind] <- Smuxij[j, betaind] + mu * as.vector(Z)    
                    if(full) Smuxij[j, Kcum[r] + s - 1] <- 
                        Smuxij[j, Kcum[r] + s - 1] + mu        
        for(ind in iind0d:(iind1d - 1))
            Z <- matrix(datamatd[ind, -(1:8)], ncovs, 1)
            bdZ <- t(Z)%*%as.matrix(betadhat)
            r <- datamatd[ind, "r"]
            smaxd <- datamatd[ind, "smax"]
            k <- datamatd[ind, "k"]
            j <- datamatd[ind, "j"]
            time <- datamatd[ind, "time"]
             if(smaxd > 0){
                for(s in 1:smaxd){
                    eta <- exp(bdZ) * alpharsd[r, s] * A(time, asd, r, s)
                    Setaij[j] <- Setaij[j] + eta
                    Setaxijd[j, betadind] <- Setaxijd[j, betadind] + eta * as.vector(Z)
                    if(full) Setaxijd[j, Kdcum[r] + s - 1] <- 
                        Setaxijd[j, Kdcum[r] + s - 1] + eta        
        phi <- rep(0, Ji[i])
        for(j in 1:Ji[i]){
            phi[j] <- (1 + nu2hat * Smuij[j]) * (1 + nu2dhat * Setaij[j]) - 
                thetahat^2 * Smuij[j] * Setaij[j]
        ## Compute the various components of the matrix (second pass) 
        for(ind in iind0:(iind1 - 1))
            Z <- matrix(datamat[ind, -(1:8)], ncovs, 1)
            bZ <- t(Z)%*%as.matrix(betahat)
            Z2 <- Z%*%t(Z)
            Z <- as.vector(Z)
            r <- datamat[ind, "r"]
            smax <- datamat[ind, "smax"]
            k <- datamat[ind, "k"]     
            j <- datamat[ind, "j"]
            time <- datamat[ind, "time"]
            if(smax > 0){
                for(s in 1:smax){   
                    mu <- exp(bZ) * alphars[r, s] * A(time, as, r, s)
                    S11[betaind, betaind] <- S11[betaind, betaind] + 
                        as.vector(mu) * Z2
                        S11[Kcum[r] + s - 1, Kcum[r] + s - 1] <- 
                            S11[Kcum[r] + s - 1, Kcum[r] + s - 1] + mu
                        S11[Kcum[r] + s - 1, betaind] <- 
                            S11[Kcum[r] + s - 1, betaind] + mu * Z
                        S11[betaind, Kcum[r] + s - 1] <- 
                            S11[betaind, Kcum[r] + s - 1] + mu * Z
                    w <- 1 / (1 + wij[i, j] * Smuij[j])
                    S21[betaind] <- S21[betaind] + w * mu * Z
                    if(full) S21[Kcum[r] + s - 1] <- S21[Kcum[r] + s - 1] + w * mu
                    w<- -thetahat * Setaij[j] / phi[j]
                    S31[betaind] <- S31[betaind] + w * mu * Z 
                    if(full) S31[Kcum[r] + s - 1] <- S31[Kcum[r] + s - 1] + w * mu
        for(ind in iind0d:(iind1d - 1))
           Z <- matrix(datamatd[ind, -(1:8)], ncovs, 1)
           bdZ <- t(Z)%*%as.matrix(betadhat)
           Z2 <- Z%*%t(Z)
           Z <- as.vector(Z)
           r <- datamatd[ind, "r"]
           smaxd <- datamatd[ind, "smax"]
           k <- datamatd[ind, "k"]     
           j <- datamatd[ind, "j"]
           time <- datamatd[ind, "time"]
           if(smaxd > 0){
                for(s in 1:smaxd){   
                    eta <- exp(bdZ) * alpharsd[r, s] * A(time, asd, r, s)
                    S13[betadind, betadind] <- S13[betadind, betadind] +
                        as.vector(eta) * Z2
                        S13[Kdcum[r] + s - 1, Kdcum[r] + s - 1] <- 
                            S13[Kdcum[r] + s - 1, Kdcum[r] + s - 1] + eta
                        S13[Kdcum[r] + s - 1, betadind] <-
                            S13[Kdcum[r] + s - 1, betadind] + eta * Z
                        S13[betadind, Kdcum[r] + s - 1] <-
                            S13[betadind, Kdcum[r] + s - 1] + eta * Z
                    w<- -thetahat * Smuij[j] / phi[j]
                    S22[betadind] <- S22[betadind] + w * eta * Z
                    if(full) S22[Kdcum[r] + s - 1] <- S22[Kdcum[r] + s - 1] + w * eta
                    w <- 1 / (1 + zij[i, j] * Setaij[j])
                    S32[betadind] <- S32[betadind] + w * eta * Z
                    if(full) S32[Kdcum[r] + s - 1] <- S32[Kdcum[r] + s - 1] + w * eta
        for(j in 1:Ji[i]){
            S11 <- S11 - wij[i, j] / (1 + wij[i, j] * Smuij[j]) * 
                Smuxij[j, ]%*%t(Smuxij[j, ])
            S12 <- S12 - thetahat / phi[j] * Smuxij[j, ]%*%t(Setaxijd[j, ])
            S13 <- S13 - zij[i, j] / (1 + zij[i, j] * Setaij[j]) * 
                Setaxijd[j, ]%*%t(Setaxijd[j, ])
        S2 <- c(S21, S22)
        S3 <- c(S31, S32)
        S <- S - rbind(cbind(S11, S12), cbind(t(S12), S13)) +
            wi[i] * (sigma2hat * (1 + sigma2dhat * si[i]) * S2%*%t(S2) -
            sigma2hat * sigma2dhat * qi[i] * (S3%*%t(S2) + S2%*%t(S3)) + 
            sigma2dhat * (1 + sigma2hat * pi[i]) * S3%*%t(S3))
#************ makeSens2 

#****f* fortranwrappers/fmakeSens2
#    fmakeSens2 --- construct sensitivity matrix
#    Construct the sensitivity matrix at the end of the procedure. 
#    This is a wrapper for the FORTRAN routine fmksens2 or fmksens2full.
#    It only gest called with full=FALSE, because for full=TRUE the function
#    fmkstderr uses a faster method.
#    m              number of clusters
#    Ji             cluster sizes
#    datamat        data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 1
#    datamatd       data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 2
#    alphars    	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 1
#    alpharsd   	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 2
#    betahat    	regression coefficient estimates for event 
#    betadhat   	regression coefficient estimates for event 2
#    as         	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 1
#    asd        	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 2
#    frailtyoutput  output from fupdatefrailties4
#    dispersionoutput  output from one of the dispersion estimation routines
#    K          	number of discretization intervals for event 1
#    Kd         	number of discretization intervals for event 2
#    full           boolean indicating whether full matrix should be computed.
#                   If FALSE, only the sensitivity for betahat is returned. 
#    S              Sensitivity matrix
fmakeSens2 <- function(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, alphars, alpharsd, betahat, betadhat,
                as, asd, frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, K, Kd, full = FALSE)
    # Extract intermediate values
    pi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$pi; qi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$qi;
    ri <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$ri; si <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$si;
    wij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$wij;zij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$zij;
    wi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$wi
    sigma2hat <- dispersionoutput$sigma2hat;
    sigma2dhat <- dispersionoutput$sigma2dhat
    nu2hat <- dispersionoutput$nu2hat; nu2dhat <- dispersionoutput$nu2dhat
    thetahat <- dispersionoutput$thetahat
    ncovs1 <- length(betahat)
    ncovs2 <- length(betadhat)
    # Prepare data for submission to Fortran function fmksens2 or fmksens2full
    Z <- matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)
    d1 <- dim(Z)[1]
    index1 <- datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    times1 <- datamat[, "time"]
    Zd <- matrix(datamatd[, -(1:8)], dim(datamatd)[1], dim(datamatd)[2] - 8)
    d2 <- dim(Zd)[1]
    index2 <- datamatd[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    times2 <- datamatd[, "time"]
    nr = dim(alphars)[1]
    ns = dim(alphars)[2]
    nsd = dim(alpharsd)[2]
        Kcum <- cumsum(c(1, K))
        Kdcum <- cumsum(c(1, Kd))
        np <- sum(K) + ncovs1
        npd <- sum(Kd) + ncovs2
        S <- matrix(0, np + npd, np + npd)
        # Fortran call
        out <- try(.Fortran("fmksens2full",
            Smat = as.double(S),
            index1 = as.integer(index1), index2 = as.integer(index2),
            Z = as.double(Z), Zd = as.double(Zd),
            alphars = as.double(alphars), alpharsd = as.double(alpharsd),
            as = as.double(as), asd = as.double(asd),
            betahat = as.double(betahat), betadhat = as.double(betadhat),
            times1 = as.double(times1), times2 = as.double(times2),
            pi = as.double(pi), qi = as.double(qi),
            ri = as.double(ri), si = as.double(si),
            wi = as.double(wi), wij = as.double(wij), zij = as.double(zij),
            sig2 = as.double(sigma2hat), sig2d = as.double(sigma2dhat),
            nu2 = as.double(nu2hat), nu2d = as.double(nu2dhat),
            theta = as.double(thetahat),
            ncovs1 = as.integer(ncovs1), ncovs2 = as.integer(ncovs2),
            nr = as.integer(nr), ns = as.integer(ns), nsd = as.integer(nsd),
            np = as.integer(np), npd = as.integer(npd),
            d1 = as.integer(d1), d2 = as.integer(d2),
            m = as.integer(m), Ji = as.integer(Ji), maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
            Kcum = as.integer(Kcum), Kdcum = as.integer(Kdcum), DUP = FALSE))
        S <- matrix(out$Smat, np + npd, np + npd)
        S <- matrix(0, ncovs1 + ncovs2, ncovs1 + ncovs2)
        # Submit to Fortran
        out <- try(.Fortran("fmksens2",
            Smat = as.double(S),
            index1 = as.integer(index1), index2 = as.integer(index2),
            Z = as.double(Z), Zd = as.double(Zd),
            alphars = as.double(alphars), alpharsd = as.double(alpharsd),
            as = as.double(as), asd = as.double(asd),
            betahat = as.double(betahat), betadhat = as.double(betadhat),
            times1 = as.double(times1), times2 = as.double(times2),
            pi = as.double(pi), qi = as.double(qi),
            ri = as.double(ri), si = as.double(si),
            wi = as.double(wi), wij = as.double(wij), zij = as.double(zij),
            sig2 = as.double(sigma2hat), sig2d = as.double(sigma2dhat),
            nu2 = as.double(nu2hat), nu2d = as.double(nu2dhat),
            theta = as.double(thetahat),
            ncovs1 = as.integer(ncovs1), ncovs2 = as.integer(ncovs2),
            nr = as.integer(nr), ns = as.integer(ns), nsd = as.integer(nsd),
            d1 = as.integer(d1), d2 = as.integer(d2),
            m = as.integer(m), Ji = as.integer(Ji), maxj = as.integer(max(Ji))))
        S <- matrix(out$Smat, ncovs1 + ncovs2, ncovs1 + ncovs2)    
#************ fmakeSens2 

#****f* fortranwrappers/fmkstderr
#    fmkstderr --- compute standard error
#    Compute the standard error entirely within FORTRAN. This is a wrapper for
#    the FORTRAN routine fmksterr.
#    m              number of clusters
#    Ji             cluster sizes
#    datamat        data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 1
#    datamatd       data matrix generated by makedatamat for event 2
#    alphars    	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 1
#    alpharsd   	matrix of baseline hazard parameters for event 2
#    betahat    	regression coefficient estimates for event 
#    betadhat   	regression coefficient estimates for event 2
#    as         	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 1
#    asd        	matrix of discretization breakpoints for event 2
#    frailtyoutput  output from fupdatefrailties4
#    dispersionoutput  output from one of the dispersion estimation routines
#    K          	number of discretization intervals for event 1
#    Kd         	number of discretization intervals for event 2
#    univariate     boolean indicating whether the process is univariate
#    stderr         a vector of standard errors for regression and hazard params
fmkstderr <- function(m, Ji, b, datamat, datamatd, alphars, alpharsd, 
                    betahat, betadhat, as, asd, frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, 
                    K, Kd, univariate = FALSE)
    pi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$pi; qi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$qi;
    ri <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$ri; si <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$si;
    wij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$wij;zij <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$zij;
    wi <- frailtyoutput$pqrs$wi
    sigma2hat <- dispersionoutput$sigma2hat;
    sigma2dhat <- dispersionoutput$sigma2dhat
    nu2hat <- dispersionoutput$nu2hat; nu2dhat <- dispersionoutput$nu2dhat
    thetahat <- dispersionoutput$thetahat
    ncovs1 <- length(betahat)
    ncovs2 <- length(betadhat)
    # Prepare data for submission to Fortran function fmkstderr
    Z <- matrix(datamat[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat)[1], dim(datamat)[2] - 8)
    d1 <- dim(Z)[1]
    index1 <- datamat[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    times1 <- datamat[, "time"]
    Zd <- matrix(datamatd[, -(1:8)], dim(datamatd)[1], dim(datamatd)[2] - 8)
    d2 <- dim(Zd)[1]
    index2 <- datamatd[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
    times2 <- datamatd[, "time"]
    nr = dim(alphars)[1]
    ns = dim(alphars)[2]
    nsd = dim(alpharsd)[2]
    Kcum <- cumsum(c(1, K))
    Kdcum <- cumsum(c(1, Kd))
    np <- sum(K) + ncovs1
    npd <- sum(Kd) + ncovs2
    S <- matrix(0, np + npd, np + npd)
    # FORTRAN call
    out <- try(.Fortran("fmkstderr", Smat = as.double(S), B = as.double(b),
        index1 = as.integer(index1), index2 = as.integer(index2),
        Z = as.double(Z), Zd = as.double(Zd),
        alphars = as.double(alphars), alpharsd = as.double(alpharsd),
        as = as.double(as), asd = as.double(asd),
        betahat = as.double(betahat), betadhat = as.double(betadhat),
        times1 = as.double(times1), times2 = as.double(times2),
        pi = as.double(pi), qi = as.double(qi),
        ri = as.double(ri), si = as.double(si),
        wi = as.double(wi), wij = as.double(wij), zij = as.double(zij),
        sig2 = as.double(sigma2hat), sig2d = as.double(sigma2dhat),
        nu2 = as.double(nu2hat), nu2d = as.double(nu2dhat), theta = as.double(thetahat),
        ncovs1 = as.integer(ncovs1), ncovs2 = as.integer(ncovs2),
        nr = as.integer(nr), ns = as.integer(ns), nsd = as.integer(nsd),
        np = as.integer(np), npd = as.integer(npd),
        d1 = as.integer(d1), d2 = as.integer(d2),
        m = as.integer(m), Ji = as.integer(Ji), maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
        Kcum = as.integer(Kcum), Kdcum = as.integer(Kdcum), DUP = FALSE))
        # extract standard error from the output
        x <- matrix(out$B, np + npd, ncovs1 + ncovs2)
        stderr <- sqrt(x[b == 1])
        # For univariates, the matrix has to be solved. This could be sped
        # up in the same way, but I didn't have time.
        S <- matrix(out$Smat, np + npd, np + npd)[1:np, 1:np]
        stderr <- sqrt(diag(solve(S))[np - (ncovs1 - 1):0])

#************ fmkstderr 

### Main Fitting Routine

#****f* 00main/bivrec.agdata
#    bivrec.agdata --- fitter for bivariate models
#   The main fitting function. Fits the model, given an Anderson-Gill data set
#   and other parameters, iterating between updating frailty, dispersion and
#   regression parameters until convergence.  After initializing, fitting
#   consists of iteratively calling fupdatefrailties4 to update frailty
#   estimates, updatedisppears to update dispersion parameter estimtes, and
#   updateregprof to update regression parameter estimates. The function
#   fmkstderr computes standard errors at the end.
#   See also the call graph linked from 00main.
#   This function should not be called directly, rather, the interface
#   provided by the bivrec.formula and unirec.formula methods should be used.
#       x           a data frame with the following columns:
#                   i       cluster index
#                   j       subject index
#                   k       event counter
#                   r       stratum index
#                   start   interval start time
#                   stop    interval stop time
#                   delta   indicator for event 1
#                   Delta   indicator for event 2
#                   ...     columns of all covariates used in the model
#       K1          if > 1, number of discretization breakpoints for event 1
#                   if < 1, proportion relative to maximum
#                   can be of length > 1 for different strata
#       K2          analogous for event 2
#       excludevars1    vector of strings giving covariate names that should
#                       not be included for process 1
#       excludevars2    analogous for process 2
#       verbose     integer from 1-5 specifying the amount of output printed
#       alternating  boolean indicating whether the data are episodic
#       dispest     dispersion parameter estimators to use. Options are
#                   "pearson", "marginal" and "ohlsson"
#       correction  determines whether to use Ma's correction. Options are
#                   "none", "single" or "double"
#       computesd   boolean, determines whether to compute standard errors
#       fullS       boolean, determines whether to compute the full 
#                   sensitivity matrix
#       fixzero     list of parameters that should be fixed at 0. For
#                   univariate models, this should contain "sigma2dhat",
#                   "nu2dhat" and "thetahat"
#       smooth      boolean, whether to smooth the baseline hazards
#       maxiter     maximum number of iterations permitted before failing
#       convergence  convergence criterion, absolute change in all params
#       initial     optionally a list containing initial values for
#                   betahat, betadhat, Uihat, Vihat, Uijhat, Vijhat and dispparams
#       an object of class bivrec, see the package documentation for details
bivrec.agdata <- function(x, K1 = 10, K2 = 10, excludevars1 = NULL, 
        excludevars2 = NULL, verbose = 1, alternating = FALSE,
        dispest = "pearson", correction = "none", computesd = TRUE,
        fullS = TRUE, fixzero = NULL, smooth = FALSE, maxiter = 200,
        convergence = 1e-3, initial = NULL)
    # Read in the input and make basic adjustments
    agdata <- x
    K <- K1;Kd <- K2;
    if(dim(agdata)[2] > 9) if(sum(agdata[, 10] != 0) == 0) agdata <- agdata[, -10]
    if(is.null(excludevars1)) vars1 <- NULL else 
        vars1 <- which(!colnames(agdata)[ - (1:8)]%in%excludevars1)
    if(is.null(excludevars2)) vars2 <- NULL else 
        vars2 <- which(!colnames(agdata)[ - (1:8)]%in%excludevars2)
    maxiter.outer <- maxiter; thresh.outer <- convergence;
    fixzero <- fixzero[fixzero%in%c("clust1", "clust2", "subj1", "subj2", "cov")]
    fixzero[fixzero == "clust1"] <- "sigma2hat"
    fixzero[fixzero == "clust2"] <- "sigma2dhat"
    fixzero[fixzero == "subj1"] <- "nu2hat"
    fixzero[fixzero == "subj2"] <- "nu2dhat"
    fixzero[fixzero == "cov"] <- "thetahat"
    if(length(fixzero) == 0) fixzero <- NULL
    # Check whether a univariate model is being fit
    if(all(c("sigma2dhat", "nu2dhat", "thetahat")%in%fixzero)) 
        univariate <- TRUE else univariate <- FALSE
    call <- match.call()
    # Get the values of m and Ji from the agdata matrix, and set 
    # global variables with those values.
    m <- max(agdata$i)
    Jilocal <- rep(0, m)
    for(i in 1:m){
        Jilocal[i] <- max(agdata$j[agdata$i == i])
    Ji <- Jilocal
    # If the provided K, Kd are of length 1, then assume all strata should 
    # have the same number of breakpoints
    nr <- length(unique(agdata$r))
    #### Begin find initial values for frailties and coefficients
    # Initial values are computed using coxph. 
    # For recurrent events, the response time is the interevent time stop - start, 
    # and event indicator delta. 
    if(verbose >= 2) cat("Get initial values\n")
    # create separate data frames for each process
    agdata1 <- agdata[, -8]
    agdata2 <- agdata[, -7];colnames(agdata2)[7] <- "delta"
    # remove duplicate rows in each of the two data frames, and adjust the
    # times accordingly
        atrisk1 <- c(TRUE,!duplicated(agdata[, 1:2])[ - 1]) | 
                c(TRUE, agdata$Delta[ - length(agdata$Delta)] == 1)
        agdata1 <- agdata[atrisk1, ]
        agdata2 <- agdata[!atrisk1, ]
        agdata1 <- agdata1[, -8]
        agdata2 <- agdata2[, -7];colnames(agdata2)[7] <- "delta"
        # new method
        dup <- duplicated(agdata1[, -c(3, 5, 6, 7)])
        dup <- c(dup[ - 1], FALSE) & agdata1$delta != 1
        agdata1 <- agdata1[!dup, ]
        agdata1$start[ - 1] <- agdata1$stop[ - length(agdata1$stop)]
        agdata1$start[!duplicated(agdata1[, 1:2])] <- 0
        dup <- duplicated(agdata2[, -c(3, 5, 6, 7)])
        dup <- c(dup[ - 1], FALSE) & agdata2$delta != 1
        agdata2 <- agdata2[!dup, ]
        agdata2$start[ - 1] <- agdata2$stop[ - length(agdata2$stop)]
        agdata2$start[!duplicated(agdata2[, 1:2])] <- 0
    # Remove excluded covariates
    if(!is.null(vars1)) agdata1 <- agdata1[, c(1:7, 7 + vars1)]
    if(!is.null(vars2)) agdata2 <- agdata2[, c(1:7, 7 + vars2)]

    # Compute the number of discretization breakpoints, if K or Kd were specified
    # as a proportion of the maximum
    if(length(K) == 1 & K <= 1) {
        Kout <- rep(0, nr)
        for(r in 1:nr) Kout[r] <- round(length(unique((agdata1$stop -
            agdata1$start)[agdata1$delta == 1 & agdata1$r == r])) * K)
        K <- Kout
    if(length(Kd) == 1 & Kd <= 1) {
        Kout <- rep(0, nr)
        for(r in 1:nr) Kout[r] <- round(length(unique((agdata2$stop -
            agdata2$start)[agdata2$delta == 1 & agdata2$r == r])) * Kd)
        Kd <- Kout
    if(length(K) == 1) K = rep(K, nr)
    if(length(Kd) == 1) Kd = rep(Kd, nr)
    if(length(Kd) != nr | length(K) != nr) stop("K needs to be as long as the number of strata")
    if(univariate) Kd <- 1
    if(verbose >= 1)  cat("K = ", K, "\t Kd = ", Kd, "\n")

    # Covariate names are needed for Cox model fits and for output
    covariatenames1 <- paste(colnames(agdata1)[ - (1:7)], collapse = " + ")
    covariatenames2 <- paste(colnames(agdata2)[ - (1:7)], collapse = " + ")


        # gamma frailties
        ftype <- "gamma"
        # Models need to be fit with both subject - level frailties, and 
        # cluster - level frailties, resulting in the four models fit below.
        # Compute Cox fits with cluster frailties
        if(m > 1){
            cox.clust1 <- try(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(stop - start, delta) ~",
                covariatenames1, "+ frailty(i, distribution='", ftype, "')",
                sep = "")), agdata1))
                cox.clust2 <- try(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(stop - start, delta) ~",
                    covariatenames2, "+ frailty(i, distribution='", ftype, "')",
                    sep = "")), agdata2))
                cox.clust2 <- list(frail = rep(0, m), fvar = 0)
            cox.clust1 <- list(frail = 0, fvar = 0)
            cox.clust2 <- list(frail = 0, fvar = 0)
        # Compute Cox fits with subject - level frailties
        cox.ind1 <- try(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(stop - start, delta) ~",
            covariatenames1, "+ frailty(i * 1000 + j, distribution='", ftype, "')",
            sep = "")), agdata1))
            cox.ind2 <- try(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(stop - start, delta) ~",
                covariatenames2, "+ frailty(i * 1000 + j, distribution='", ftype, "')",
                sep = "")), agdata2))
            cox.ind2 <- list(frail = rep(0, sum(Ji)), fvar = 0,
                coef = rep(0, dim(agdata2)[2] - 7))

        if(inherits(cox.clust1, "try - error") | inherits(cox.clust2, "try - error") |
            inherits(cox.ind1, "try - error") | inherits(cox.ind2, "try - error") )  
        ## Set initial values for frailties based on estimated values
        Uihat <- exp(cox.clust1$frail)
        Vihat <- exp(cox.clust2$frail)
            Uijhat <- exp(cox.ind1$frail)
            Vijhat <- exp(cox.ind2$frail)
            Uijhat <- exp(cox.ind1$frail)
            Vijhat <- rep(1, length(Uijhat))
            Vijhat[unique(agdata1$i * 1000 + agdata1$j)%in%unique(agdata2$i * 1000 +
                agdata2$j)] <- exp(cox.ind2$frail)
        ## Set initial values for dispersion parameters
        sigma2hat <- mean(cox.clust1$fvar)
        sigma2dhat <- mean(cox.clust2$fvar)
        nu2hat <- max(mean(cox.ind1$fvar) - sigma2hat, .1)
        nu2dhat <- max(mean(cox.ind2$fvar) - sigma2hat, .1)
        thetahat <- cov(Uijhat, Vijhat)
        ## Check that dispersion parameters are valid
        if(abs(thetahat)<.001) thetahat <- sign(thetahat)*.01
        if(abs(sigma2hat)<.001) sigma2hat <- sign(sigma2hat)*.01
        if(abs(sigma2dhat)<.001) sigma2dhat <- sign(sigma2dhat)*.01
        if(abs(nu2hat)<.001) nu2hat <- sign(nu2hat)*.01
        if(abs(nu2dhat)<.001) nu2dhat <- sign(nu2dhat)*.01
        ## Extract initial regression parameters
        betahat <- cox.ind1$coef
        betadhat <- cox.ind2$coef
        # Save initial dispersion parameters
        dispparams <- list(sigma2hat = sigma2hat, sigma2dhat = sigma2dhat,
                nu2hat = nu2hat, nu2dhat = nu2dhat, thetahat = thetahat)
        # Fix something at zero if desired
        dispparams[fixzero] <- 0
        if(sum(is.na(betahat)) + sum(is.na(betadhat)) > 0){
            warning("Unable to find good starting values")
        ## Save all initial values for output
        initial <- list(betahat = betahat, betadhat = betadhat, 
                        dispparams = dispparams) 
        if(verbose >= 1) cat("\t betahat =", betahat, ", betadhat = ", 
                            betadhat, "\n")
        if(verbose >= 1) cat("\t dispparams = ", dispparams$sigma2hat,
            dispparams$sigma2dhat, dispparams$nu2hat, dispparams$nu2dhat,
            dispparams$thetahat, "\n")

    }else{  # if initial values are provided, use those
        dispparams <- initial$dispparams
        Uihat <- initial$Uihat
        Uijhat <- initial$Uijhat
        Vihat <- initial$Vihat
        Vijhat <- initial$Vijhat
        betahat <- initial$betahat
        betadhat <- initial$betadhat

    ### Convert Anderson - Gill data into matrix form and initialize matrices    
    if(verbose >= 2) cat("Initialize matrices for estimation\n")
    ## Compute breakpoints
    as <- makeas(agdata1, K, alternating)
    asd <- makeas(agdata2, Kd, alternating)
    ## Write frailty estimates in the form of a matrix
    Uijhatframe <- makeUijframe(m, Ji, Uijhat, Vijhat)
    ## Create data matrix
    datamat <- makedatamat(agdata1, as, alternating)
    datamatd <- makedatamat(agdata2, asd, alternating)
    ## Compute initial estimates of baseline hazard parameters    
    alphars <- fmakealphars2(m, Ji, datamat, betahat, as, Uijhatframe$Uijmat, smooth)
    alpharsd <- fmakealphars2(m, Ji, datamatd, betadhat, asd, 
                                            Uijhatframe$Vijmat, smooth)
    ## Cleanup: Remove Anderson - Gill data
    varnames1 <- colnames(agdata1)[ - (1:7)]
    varnames2 <- colnames(agdata2)[ - (1:7)]
    ### Begin iterative estimation procedure
    if(verbose >= 2) cat("Iterative estimation procedure\n")
    ## Initialize convergence criterion
    convergence <- 1000
    iter <- 0
    # Compute ad - hoc correction value
        if(correction == "none") corrval <- 1
        if(correction == "single") corrval <- max(1, m / (m - length(varnames1)))
        if(correction == "double") corrval <- max(1, m / (m - 2 * length(varnames1)))
    } else corrval <- correction    
    ## Loop until convergence
    while((convergence > thresh.outer) & (iter <= maxiter.outer)){
        # Starting convergence criterion and iteration counter
        conv.inner <- 1000
        iter.inner <- 0          
        ######## Step 1: Update Frailty estimates
        if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating frailty estimates\n")
        frailtyoutput <- fupdatefrailties4(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
                alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, dispparams)

         ######## Step 2: Update Dispersion coefficient estimates
        if(dispest == "ohlsson"){
            if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating dispersion parameters (Ohlsson)\n")
            # Use Ohlsson estimators
            dispersionoutput <- updatedispohls(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
                    alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, fixzero)
        if(dispest == "pearson"){
            if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating dispersion parameters (Pearson)\n")
            # Use Pearson estimation code
            dispersionoutput <- updatedisppears(m, Ji, frailtyoutput, 
                    dispparams, corrval)
            dispersionoutput[fixzero] <- 0
        if(dispest == "marginal"){
            if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating dispersion parameters (Marginal)\n")
            # Use marginal estimation code
            dispersionoutput <- updatedispmarg2(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
                alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, fixzero, univariate)
        if(length(dispest) == 5){
            # it's possible to compute some parameters via Pearson and others by
            # marginal estimators. This was for testing only, there's no reason
            # to ever do this!
            dispersionoutput.marg <- unlist(updatedispmarg2(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
                alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, fixzero))
            dispersionoutput.pears <- unlist(updatedisppears(m, Ji, frailtyoutput,
                dispparams, corrval))
            dispersionoutput <- dispersionoutput.marg
            dispersionoutput[dispest == "p"] <- dispersionoutput.pears[dispest == "p"]
            dispersionoutput <- as.list(dispersionoutput)
        iter.inner <- iter.inner + 1
        ######## Step 3: Update Regression parameter estimates
            if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating regression parameter estimates ...\n")
        regressionoutput <- updateregprof(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
                alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, K, Kd,
                frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, smooth)
        alpharsnew <- regressionoutput$alphars;
        alpharsdnew <- regressionoutput$alpharsd;
        betahatnew <- regressionoutput$betahat;
        betadhatnew <- regressionoutput$betadhat;

        # Compute new value of convergence criterion
        newconvergence <- sum(abs(betahatnew - betahat)) +
                          sum(abs(betadhatnew - betadhat)) +
                          abs(dispparams$sigma2hat - dispersionoutput$sigma2hat) +
                          abs(dispparams$sigma2dhat - dispersionoutput$sigma2dhat) +
                          abs(dispparams$nu2hat - dispersionoutput$nu2hat) +
                          abs(dispparams$nu2dhat - dispersionoutput$nu2dhat) +
                          abs(dispparams$thetahat - dispersionoutput$thetahat)
        if(verbose >= 1) cat("\tConvergence criterion: ", newconvergence, "\n")

        # DEBUG: Output state at this iteration
        if(verbose >= 2) cat("\t betahat =", betahatnew, ", betadhat = ",
                             betadhatnew, "\n")
        if(verbose >= 2) cat("\t dispparams = ", format(unlist(dispersionoutput),
                             digits = 4), "\n")
        if(is.nan(newconvergence) | iter == maxiter.outer |
                        (newconvergence - convergence) > 10) {
            warning("Outer loop did not converge")
        # Replace parameter values with new parameters
        alphars <- alpharsnew
        alpharsd <- alpharsdnew
        betahat <- betahatnew
        betadhat <- betadhatnew
        convergence <- newconvergence
        dispparams <- dispersionoutput   
        iter <- iter + 1
    ## Format for output, compute standard errors, etc
    betahat <- regressionoutput$betahat
    betadhat <- regressionoutput$betadhat
    alphars <- as.vector(regressionoutput$alphars)
    alpharsd <- as.vector(regressionoutput$alpharsd)
        # Compute standard errors either using full sensitivity matrix, or only
        # the sensitivity of the regression coefficients
            np <- length(betahat) + sum(K);npd <- length(betadhat) + sum(Kd)
            b <- matrix(0, np + npd, length(betahat) + length(betadhat))
            b[c(sum(K) + 1:length(betahat), sum(K) + sum(Kd) + length(betahat) +
                1:length(betadhat)), 1:dim(b)[2]] <- diag(1, dim(b)[2])
            stderr <- fmkstderr(m, Ji, b, datamat, datamatd, regressionoutput$alphars,
                    regressionoutput$alpharsd, betahat, betadhat, as, asd,
                    frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, K, Kd, univariate)            
            S <- fmakeSens2(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, regressionoutput$alphars,
                regressionoutput$alpharsd, betahat, betadhat, as, asd,
                frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, K, Kd, fullS)
            if(univariate) S <- S[1:length(betahat), 1:length(betahat)]
            stderr <- sqrt(diag(-solve(S)))
        std_betahat <- stderr[1:length(betahat)]
        std_betadhat <- stderr[length(betahat) + 1:length(betadhat)]
        stderr <- 0
        std_betahat <- 0
        std_betadhat <- 0

    # Compute p-values and summaries
    pval = pmin(pnorm(betahat / std_betahat), 1 - pnorm(betahat / std_betahat))
    pval.d = pmin(pnorm(betadhat / std_betadhat), 1 - pnorm(betadhat / std_betadhat))
    varnames <- unique(c(varnames1, varnames2))
    summary.reg <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, length(varnames), 6), row.names = varnames)
	colnames(summary.reg) <- c("coeff.1", "se.1", "pval.1", "coeff.2", "se.2", "pval.2")
	summary.reg[match(varnames1, varnames), 1:3] <- cbind(betahat, std_betahat, pval)
	summary.reg[match(varnames2, varnames), 3 + 1:3] <- 
                        cbind(betadhat, std_betadhat, pval.d)
    rhohat <- dispparams$thetahat / sqrt((dispparams$sigma2hat + dispparams$nu2hat) *
            (dispparams$sigma2dhat + dispparams$nu2dhat))
    summary.disp <- c(dispparams$sigma2hat, dispparams$sigma2dhat, dispparams$nu2hat,
            dispparams$nu2dhat, dispparams$thetahat, rhohat)
    names(summary.disp) <- c("sigma2hat", "sigma2dhat", "nu2hat",
            "nu2dhat", "thetahat", "rhohat")

    return(list(call = call,
                summary.reg = summary.reg,
                summary.disp = summary.disp,
                regressionoutput = regressionoutput,
                frailtyoutput = frailtyoutput,
                dispparams = dispparams,
                initial = initial,
                stderr = stderr))

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