
Defines functions plot.calib plot.fpl.pom plot.tpl.pom plot.thpl.pom plot.lin.pom diagplot precprof precprof.fpl.pom precprof.tpl.pom precprof.thpl.pom precprof.lin.pom

## This plots the output from calib.fpl.pom                ##
## modified by Matthew Mitchell on 3/27/03                 ##
##                                                         ##
## input:                                                  ##
##  calout: the output data frame from calib.fpl.pom       ##
##  int.meth: indicates which intervals are shown on       ##
##            the plot.  Originally the default was "i"    ##
##            for inverse intervals but this was changed   ##
##            by MM on 3/27 to "w" for the Wald intervals  ##
##            because when m is a vector with unequal      ##
##            elements, the inverse intervals are not      ##
##            computed corectly.                           ##
##  ylim, xlim, ylab, xlab, join give plotting info        ##
##  mdcline: default is T but it is changed in the body    ##
##           of this program when the dilutions are not    ##
##           all 1 or when the number of reps from the     ##
##           samples is different from those used for      ##
##           the standard curve                            ##
##  text.size, oma, cex are graphing parameters            ##
##                                                         ##
## the original comments are indicated with # or ###       ##
## and comments added by MM are indicated with a ##        ##
## modified on 9/1/04                                      ##

plot.calib <- function(calib.out, int.meth = "w", ylim, xlim = c(min(0,
						calib.out@labels$plot.ind), 1.1 * max(calib.out@labels$
								plot.ind)), ylab, xlab, join = calib.out@labels$
				cont.pl, mdcline = T, txt.size = 1, 
#		addcal.mat, 
		oma = c(2, 2, 2, 2), cex = 1, extrap=calib.out@extrap,
		main, las = 2, cex.axis = .7)
	## Not sure about the use of this line
#calout$calib <- calout[ ,1]  ## MWM 9/1/04 (I renamed this variable)
	old.par <- par("oma", "cex")
	## oma is the vector c(bottom, left, top, right).
	## This gives the size of the outer margins in lines of text.
	par(oma = oma, cex = cex) #outer margin text lines and point size
	max.x <- calib.out@max.x * (max(1/calib.out@dilution,na.rm=TRUE))
	## if the user supplies ylims, then keep them
	## else try to set the plot limits sensibly
	if(missing(ylim)) {
		ylim <- c(0, 1.05 * max.x)
		user.ylim = FALSE
	} else {
		user.ylim = TRUE
	cal.plot <- calib.out@Estimated.x
	too.low <- calib.out@labels$too.low
	too.high <- calib.out@labels$too.high
		cal.plot <- ifelse(too.high == 1, max.x * 1.01, cal.plot)
		cal.plot <- ifelse(too.low == 1, 0, cal.plot)}
	## line added by MM on 3/27/03
	mdcline <- ifelse(all(calib.out@dilution == 1) & calib.out@repeq == T, T, F) 
	if(int.meth == "i") {
		xlow <- calib.out@inver.low
		xup <- calib.out@inver.up
	else {
		xlow <- calib.out@wald.low
		xup <- calib.out@wald.up
	cal.low <- ifelse(is.finite(xlow), xlow, max.x)
	cal.up <- ifelse(!is.finite(xup), max(ylim), xup)
	## reset the upper ylim if it hasn't been provided by the user
	if(!user.ylim) {
		ylim[2] <- 1.05*max(cal.up)
	x <- calib.out@labels$plot.ind
	x.ax <- calib.out@labels$xlabs
	if(missing(ylab)) {
		if(calib.out@labels$dose.units != "")
			ylab <- paste("Calibrated", calib.out@labels$dose.name,
					"concentration (", 
		else ylab <- paste("Calibrated", calib.out@labels$dose.name,
	if(missing(xlab)) {
		if(calib.out@labels$xunits == "")
			xlab <- calib.out@labels$name
		else xlab <- paste(calib.out@labels$name, " (", 
					calib.out@labels$xunits, ")", 
					sep = "")
		main <- "Plot of Calibrated Concentrations by Sample Number"
		main <- main
	plot(x, cal.plot, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, pch = 5,
			ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, xaxt = "n", main = main, ...)  
	## fix done in calib so that these points() make sense (moc 5/8/95)
	## Since the oor of range are set to 0 or 1.01max.x we don't want
	## confidence intervals to show up either
	## These loope were added by MM on 3/27/03
		cal.low <- ifelse(too.high == 1|too.low == 1,cal.plot,cal.low)
		cal.up <-  ifelse(too.high == 1|too.low == 1,cal.plot,cal.up)}
	segments(x, cal.low, x, cal.up,col="lightblue")
#    indColor <- ifelse(cal.low>attributes(calout)$mdc[1],T,F)
#    segments(x[indColor], cal.low[indColor], x[indColor], cal.up[indColor],
#            col="lightblue",lwd=1.5)
	points(x[too.low == 0 & too.high == 0], cal.plot[too.low == 0 & 
							too.high == 0], pch = 16, col="blue")
	points(x[too.low == 1 | too.high == 1], cal.plot[too.low == 1 | 
							too.high == 1], pch = 4)
	axis(1, at = x, labels = x.ax, cex = 1 * txt.size, las = las, cex.axis = cex.axis)
	if(join == T)
		lines(x[order(x)], cal.plot[order(x)])
	points(x[cal.up > max.x], cal.up[cal.up > max.x], pch = "^")
	abline(h = 0, lty = 1, col="gray")
	if(length(calib.out@truth)!=0) {
		truth <- calib.out@truth
		min.diff <- function(b)
			len.b <- length(b)
			bmat <- cbind(b[1:(len.b - 1)], b[2:len.b])
			diffs <- bmat[, 1] - bmat[, 2]
			mdiff <- min(abs(diffs[diffs != 0]))
		slen <- min.diff(x)/4
		segments(x - slen, truth, x + slen, truth)
	if(mdcline) {
		mdcval <- calib.out@mdc[1]
		abline(h = mdcval, lty = 2, col="violetred1")
		mtext("MDC", side = 4, line=1, at = mdcval, las=1, col="violetred1")
	if(sum(too.low + too.high,na.rm=TRUE) > 0)
		text(x[1], ylim[2], "x = response out of range", adj = 
						0, cex = txt.size)
#	if(!missing(addcal.mat))
#		points(addcal.mat[, 1], addpts.mat[, 2], pch = 0)

plot.fpl.pom <- function(calibFit.out, conf = 0.9, m = calibFit.out@m, 
		main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
		xlim = c(0, max(calibFit.out@x)), 
		ylim = c(0, 1.1 * max(calibFit.out@y, na.rm = T)),
		logplot = F, print.txt = T, click.txt = F, start.txt, increm, dig = c(4, 3), txt.size = 1,
		heading = T, lof.print = F, CItype = "confidence", ...)
	## This plots objects of class fpl.pom                              ##
	## It produces a plot with the data points and the fitted curve.    ##
	## The bands represent point-wise confidence intervals.             ##
	## Summary statistics are added to the plot.                        ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## inputs variables                                                 ##
	##  fpl.out: output data set from the fpl or fpl.pom function       ##
	##  conf: confidence level for point-wise intervals for y           ##
	##  m: number of reps (number of ys observed for a given x)         ##
	##  main: title of the graph, no title is given by default          ##
	##  xlab: the label for the x-axis, is blank by default             ##
	##  ylab: the label for the y-axis, is blank by default             ##
	##  xlim: sets the upper and lower limits of the x-axis             ##
	##  ylim: sets the upper and lower limits of the y-axis             ##
	##  logplot: determines of x is plotted on logscale, if             ##
	##           parm=1 (see fpl, fpl.pom) then logplot=F, if           ##
	##           parm=2 then logplot=T                                  ##
	##  print.txt: is T if you want the stats printed on the graph      ##
	##  click.txt: is T if you click to determine where it goes         ##
	##             if parm=2 this is T                                  ##
	##  start.txt: values are set by where you click                    ##
	##  increm: helps determine the position of the text                ##
	##  dig:                                                            ##
	##  txt.size:                                                       ##
	##  heading: if true if header is printed                           ##
	##  lof.print: is T is lof is printed                               ##
	##  pred.lim: F by default, conf limits set, T prediction limits    ##                                         
	##                                                                  ##
	## modified by Matthew Mitchell on 3/14/03                          ##
	## comments added by Matthew Mitchell                               ##
	## are indicated with ##, original comments with ###                ##
	### get the necessary information from fpl.out
	x <- calibFit.out@x
	y <- calibFit.out@y
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
	n <- length(x)
	sigma <- calibFit.out@sigma
	cov.un <- calibFit.out@cov.unscaled
	se.bhat <- calibFit.out@se.coefficients
	logParm <- calibFit.out@logParm
	theta <- calibFit.out@theta
	if(print.txt) {
			increm <- c(0.1 * max(x, na.rm = TRUE), 0.04 * max(y, na.rm = TRUE))
		if(missing(start.txt)) {
			if(b[1] > b[2])
				start.txt <- c(0.5 * max(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
						0.8 * max(y, na.rm = TRUE))
				start.txt <- c(0.5 * max(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
						0.5 * max(y, na.rm = TRUE))
	## if logplot=T, set up lower x-axis limit for logarithimic plot
	logind <- ifelse(logParm, "x", "")
		xlim[1] <- ifelse(xlim[1] == 0, ifelse(min(x) > 0, min(x) - 0.0001,
						min(x[x != 0]) - 0.0001), xlim[1])
			xlim[1] <- 1e-6
		## confusing when logplot is T click.txt was set equal to T so how can this be executed?
			increm[1] <- log(increm[1])
		on.exit(par(xaxt = "s"))
	## plot the data points ##
	plot(x, y, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
			main = main, type = "n", log = logind, ...)
	points(x, y, pch = 16, cex=.8, col="blue")   
	## set up value of x's and calculate predicted values for y then ##
	##  draw the smooth curve                                        ##
	minmax <- c(min(b[1], b[2]), max(b[1], b[2]))
	yp1 <- c(minmax[1], 0.2 * minmax[2] + 0.8 * minmax[1], 0.4 * 
					minmax[2] + 0.6 * minmax[1], 0.6 * minmax[2] + 0.4 * 
					minmax[1], 0.8 * minmax[2] + 0.2 * minmax[1])
	if(logParm) {
		xp1 <- (fpl.inverse(calibFit.out, yp1))[-1]
		if(min(x[x > 0]) < xp1[1])
			xp1 <- c(min(x[x > 0]), xp1)
		if(max(x) > 500) {
			xp <- c(log(exp(seq(xp1[1], min(xp1[2], 500), len = 200))), 
					seq(min(xp1[2], 500), max(xp1[3], 500), len = 50), 
					seq(max(xp1[3], 500), max(max(x), 500), len = 50))
		else {
			xp <- c(log(exp(seq(xp1[1], xp1[2], len = 200))), 
					seq(xp1[2], xp1[3], len = 50), seq(xp1[3], max(x), len = 50))
	else {
		xp1 <- fpl.inverse(calibFit.out, yp1)
		xp <- c(seq(0, xp1[3], len = 150), seq(xp1[3], max(x), 
						len = 150))
	yp <- fpl.model(xp, b, logParm = logParm)
	lines(xp, yp, col="lightblue")    
	## calculate the confidence limits based on the GLS-FPL fit        ##
	## then draw the lines on the graph.  if pred.lim=T, calculate     ##
	## prediction limits, otherwise calculate calibration limits.      ##
	qn.term2 <- diag(attributes(yp)$gradient %*% 
					cov.un %*% t(attributes(yp)$gradient))
	## For confidence intervals
	qn.term1.c <- (as.vector(yp)^2)^theta/m
	## For prediction intervals
	qn.term1.p <- (as.vector(yp)^2)^theta
	## The type of confidence interval to calculate
	if(CItype == "prediction")
		qn <- sigma * sqrt(qn.term1.p + qn.term2)
	if(CItype == "confidence")
		qn <- sigma * sqrt(qn.term1.c + qn.term2)
	tcrit <- qt(1 - (1 - conf)/2, calibFit.out@df.residual)
	ucl <- as.vector(yp) + tcrit * qn
	lcl <- as.vector(yp) - tcrit * qn
	lines(xp, ucl, lty = 2, col="lightblue")
	lines(xp, lcl, lty = 2, col="gray") 
	## Reset plotting parameters so we can now write fitting results onto it
	plot(0:1, 0:1, xlab="", ylab="", type="n", axes=F)
	## If b2 is greater than b1 then the curve is increasing and we want the display in the upper
	## right hand side of the plot. If it is the other way around we want it on the right hand
	## side of the plot.
	if(b[2] > b[1])
		start.txt <- c(0,.9)
		start.txt <- c(.5,.9)
	## This will determine relative location of text
	increm <- c(.15,.0375)
	### text for the model summary statistics ###
	if(print.txt) {
		### print fpl equation
			## If not log parameterized
				## Print the following if a POM model was NOT fit
					text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
							expression(FPL[OLS]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+(frac(x,beta[3]))^beta[4])
											+beta[2]+sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
				## Print the following if a POM model fit
					text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
							expression(FPL[POM]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+(frac(x,beta[3]))^beta[4])
											+beta[2]+mu^theta*sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
			## If log parameterized
			else {
				## Print the following if a POM model was NOT fit
					text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
							expression(FPL[OLS]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+ exp(beta[4]*(log(x)- beta[3])))
											+beta[2]+ sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
				## Print the following if a POM model was fit
					text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
							expression(FPL[POM]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+ exp(beta[4]*(log(x)- beta[3])))
											+beta[2]+mu^theta*sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
		col1 <- start.txt[1] + 0.1 * increm[1]
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - increm[2], "Parameter", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		col2 <- col1 + 1.1 * increm[1]
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - increm[2], "Estimate", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		col3 <- col2 + 1.1 * increm[1]
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - increm[2], "Std. Error", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		if(length(dig) == 1)
			dig <- rep(dig, 2)  
		## print parameter estimates and standard errors
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2], expression(beta[1]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[1], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[1], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2], expression(beta[2]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[2], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[2], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		## The following is printed if the model is not log parameterized
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2], expression(beta[3]==B50), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2], expression(beta[3]==log(B50)), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[3], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[3], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 5 * increm[2], expression(beta[4]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 5 * increm[2], 
				paste(format(round(b[4], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 5 * increm[2], 
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[4], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		## print mdc and rdl
		if(!is.null(calibFit.out@mdc)) {
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 6.5 * increm[2], 
					paste("MDC (m=", calibFit.out@m, ") = ", format(round(calibFit.out@mdc, dig[1])),
							sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text((col2 + 1.1 * col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 6.5 * increm[2],
					paste("sigma = ", format(round(sigma, dig[1])),
							sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 7.5 * increm[2], 
					paste("RDL (m=", calibFit.out@m, ") = ", format(round(calibFit.out@rdl, dig[1])),
							sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			if(is.numeric(calibFit.out@loq)) {
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 8.5 * increm[2],
						paste("LOQ (m=", calibFit.out@m, ", CV=", calibFit.out@cv, ") = ",
								format(round(calibFit.out@loq, dig[1])), sep = ""),
						adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			else {
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 8.5 * increm[2],
						paste("LOQ (m=", calibFit.out@m, ", CV=", calibFit.out@cv, ") = NA",
								sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			last.line <- 8.5
			last.line <- 5
		## Text for lack of fit information				   ##
		if(lof.print) {
			if(length(x) > length(unique(x))) {
					lof.out <- lof.test(calibFit.out)
					lof.out <- calibFit.out@lof.test
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], 
						"LOF: Source", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text(col2, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], 
						"SS", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], "df", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text(col3, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], 
						"MS", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], 
						"Error", adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], 
						"Pure Error", adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], 
						"Lack of Fit", adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col2, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$sse, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col2, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$pure.error, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col2, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$lofss, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], 
						paste(lof.out$df.sse), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], 
						paste(lof.out$df.pure.error), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], 
						paste(lof.out$df.lof), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col3, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$sse/lof.out$df.sse, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col3, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$pure.error/lof.out$df.pure.error, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col3, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$lofss/lof.out$df.lof, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 14.5 * increm[2], 
						paste("F =", format(round(lof.out$Fstat, 2))), adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 14.5 * increm[2], 
						paste("P-value =", format(round(lof.out$p.value, 3))), adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				last.line <- 14.5
		### print POM variance function parameter if relevant
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - (last.line + 1.5) * increm[2], 
					paste("POM Theta =", format(round(calibFit.out@theta, 2))), adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)

plot.tpl.pom <- function(calibFit.out, conf = 0.9, m = calibFit.out@m, 
		main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
		xlim = c(0, max(calibFit.out@x)), 
		ylim = c(0, 1.1 * max(calibFit.out@y, na.rm = T)),
		logplot = F, print.txt = T, click.txt = F, start.txt, increm, dig = c(4, 3), txt.size = 1,
		heading = T, lof.print = F, CItype = "confidence", ...)
	## This plots objects of class fpl.pom                              ##
	## It produces a plot with the data points and the fitted curve.    ##
	## The bands represent point-wise confidence intervals.             ##
	## Summary statistics are added to the plot.                        ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## inputs variables                                                 ##
	##  fpl.out: output data set from the fpl or fpl.pom function       ##
	##  conf: confidence level for point-wise intervals for y           ##
	##  m: number of reps (number of ys observed for a given x)         ##
	##  main: title of the graph, no title is given by default          ##
	##  xlab: the label for the x-axis, is blank by default             ##
	##  ylab: the label for the y-axis, is blank by default             ##
	##  xlim: sets the upper and lower limits of the x-axis             ##
	##  ylim: sets the upper and lower limits of the y-axis             ##
	##  logplot: determines of x is plotted on logscale, if             ##
	##           parm=1 (see fpl, fpl.pom) then logplot=F, if           ##
	##           parm=2 then logplot=T                                  ##
	##  print.txt: is T if you want the stats printed on the graph      ##
	##  click.txt: is T if you click to determine where it goes         ##
	##             if parm=2 this is T                                  ##
	##  start.txt: values are set by where you click                    ##
	##  increm: helps determine the position of the text                ##
	##  dig:                                                            ##
	##  txt.size:                                                       ##
	##  heading: if true if header is printed                           ##
	##  lof.print: is T is lof is printed                               ##
	##  pred.lim: F by default, conf limits set, T prediction limits    ##                                         
	##                                                                  ##
	## modified by Matthew Mitchell on 3/14/03                          ##
	## comments added by Matthew Mitchell                               ##
	## are indicated with ##, original comments with ###                ##
	### get the necessary information from fpl.out
	x <- calibFit.out@x
	y <- calibFit.out@y
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
	n <- length(x)
	sigma <- calibFit.out@sigma
	cov.un <- calibFit.out@cov.unscaled
	se.bhat <- calibFit.out@se.coefficients
	logParm <- calibFit.out@logParm
	theta <- calibFit.out@theta
	if(print.txt) {
			increm <- c(0.1 * max(x, na.rm = TRUE), 0.04 * max(y, na.rm = TRUE))
		if(missing(start.txt)) {
			if(b[1] > b[2])
				start.txt <- c(0.5 * max(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
						0.8 * max(y, na.rm = TRUE))
				start.txt <- c(0.5 * max(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
						0.5 * max(y, na.rm = TRUE))
	## if logplot=T, set up lower x-axis limit for logarithimic plot
	logind <- ifelse(logParm, "x", "")
		xlim[1] <- ifelse(xlim[1] == 0, ifelse(min(x) > 0, min(x) - 0.0001,
						min(x[x != 0]) - 0.0001), xlim[1])
			xlim[1] <- 1e-6
		## confusing when logplot is T click.txt was set equal to T so how can this be executed?
			increm[1] <- log(increm[1])
		on.exit(par(xaxt = "s"))
	## plot the data points ##
	plot(x, y, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
			main = main, type = "n", log = logind, ...)
	points(x, y, pch = 16, cex=.8, col="blue")   
	## set up value of x's and calculate predicted values for y then ##
	##  draw the smooth curve                                        ##
	minmax <- c(min(b[1], b[2]), max(b[1], b[2]))
	yp1 <- c(minmax[1], 0.2 * minmax[2] + 0.8 * minmax[1], 0.4 * 
					minmax[2] + 0.6 * minmax[1], 0.6 * minmax[2] + 0.4 * 
					minmax[1], 0.8 * minmax[2] + 0.2 * minmax[1])
	if(logParm) {
		xp1 <- (fpl.inverse(calibFit.out, yp1))[-1]
		if(min(x[x > 0]) < xp1[1])
			xp1 <- c(min(x[x > 0]), xp1)
		if(max(x) > 500) {
			xp <- c(log(exp(seq(xp1[1], min(xp1[2], 500), len = 200))), 
					seq(min(xp1[2], 500), max(xp1[3], 500), len = 50), 
					seq(max(xp1[3], 500), max(max(x), 500), len = 50))
		else {
			xp <- c(log(exp(seq(xp1[1], xp1[2], len = 200))), 
					seq(xp1[2], xp1[3], len = 50), seq(xp1[3], max(x), len = 50))
	else {
		xp1 <- fpl.inverse(calibFit.out, yp1)
		xp <- c(seq(0, xp1[3], len = 150), seq(xp1[3], max(x), 
						len = 150))
	yp <- tpl.model(xp, b, logParm = logParm)
	lines(xp, yp, col="lightblue")    
	## calculate the confidence limits based on the GLS-FPL fit        ##
	## then draw the lines on the graph.  if pred.lim=T, calculate     ##
	## prediction limits, otherwise calculate calibration limits.      ##
	qn.term2 <- diag(attributes(yp)$gradient %*% 
					cov.un %*% t(attributes(yp)$gradient))
	## For confidence intervals
	qn.term1.c <- (as.vector(yp)^2)^theta/m
	## For prediction intervals
	qn.term1.p <- (as.vector(yp)^2)^theta
	## The type of confidence interval to calculate
	if(CItype == "prediction")
		qn <- sigma * sqrt(qn.term1.p + qn.term2)
	if(CItype == "confidence")
		qn <- sigma * sqrt(qn.term1.c + qn.term2)
	tcrit <- qt(1 - (1 - conf)/2, calibFit.out@df.residual)
	ucl <- as.vector(yp) + tcrit * qn
	lcl <- as.vector(yp) - tcrit * qn
	lines(xp, ucl, lty = 2, col="lightblue")
	lines(xp, lcl, lty = 2, col="gray") 
	## Reset plotting parameters so we can now write fitting results onto it
	plot(0:1, 0:1, xlab="", ylab="", type="n", axes=F)
	## If b2 is greater than b1 then the curve is increasing and we want the display in the upper
	## right hand side of the plot. If it is the other way around we want it on the right hand
	## side of the plot.
	if(b[2] > b[1])
		start.txt <- c(0,.9)
		start.txt <- c(.5,.9)
	## This will determine relative location of text
	increm <- c(.15,.0375)
	### text for the model summary statistics ###
	if(print.txt) {
		### print fpl equation
			## If not log parameterized
				## Print the following if a POM model was NOT fit
					text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
							expression(TPL[OLS]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+(frac(x,beta[3]))^beta[4])
											+beta[2]+sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
				## Print the following if a POM model fit
					text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
							expression(TPL[POM]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+(frac(x,beta[3]))^beta[4])
											+beta[2]+mu^theta*sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
			## If log parameterized
			else {
				## Print the following if a POM model was NOT fit
					text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
							expression(TPL[OLS]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+ exp(beta[4]*(log(x)- beta[3])))
											+beta[2]+ sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
				## Print the following if a POM model was fit
					text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
							expression(TPL[POM]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+ exp(beta[4]*(log(x)- beta[3])))
											+beta[2]+mu^theta*sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
		col1 <- start.txt[1] + 0.1 * increm[1]
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - increm[2], "Parameter", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		col2 <- col1 + 1.1 * increm[1]
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - increm[2], "Estimate", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		col3 <- col2 + 1.1 * increm[1]
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - increm[2], "Std. Error", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		if(length(dig) == 1)
			dig <- rep(dig, 2)  
		## print parameter estimates and standard errors
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2], expression(beta[1]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[1], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2],
				"NA", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2], expression(beta[2]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[2], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2],
				"NA", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		## The following is printed if the model is not log parameterized
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2], expression(beta[3]==B50), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2], expression(beta[3]==log(B50)), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[3], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[1], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 5 * increm[2], expression(beta[4]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 5 * increm[2], 
				paste(format(round(b[4], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 5 * increm[2], 
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[2], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		## print mdc and rdl
		if(!is.null(calibFit.out@mdc)) {
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 6.5 * increm[2], 
					paste("MDC (m=", calibFit.out@m, ") = ", format(round(calibFit.out@mdc, dig[1])),
							sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text((col2 + 1.1 * col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 6.5 * increm[2],
					paste("sigma = ", format(round(sigma, dig[1])),
							sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 7.5 * increm[2], 
					paste("RDL (m=", calibFit.out@m, ") = ", format(round(calibFit.out@rdl, dig[1])),
							sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			if(is.numeric(calibFit.out@loq)) {
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 8.5 * increm[2],
						paste("LOQ (m=", calibFit.out@m, ", CV=", calibFit.out@cv, ") = ",
								format(round(calibFit.out@loq, dig[1])), sep = ""),
						adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			else {
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 8.5 * increm[2],
						paste("LOQ (m=", calibFit.out@m, ", CV=", calibFit.out@cv, ") = NA",
								sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			last.line <- 8.5
			last.line <- 5
		## Text for lack of fit information				   ##
		if(lof.print) {
			if(length(x) > length(unique(x))) {
					lof.out <- lof.test(calibFit.out)
					lof.out <- calibFit.out@lof.test
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], 
						"LOF: Source", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text(col2, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], 
						"SS", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], "df", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text(col3, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], 
						"MS", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], 
						"Error", adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], 
						"Pure Error", adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], 
						"Lack of Fit", adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col2, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$sse, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col2, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$pure.error, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col2, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$lofss, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], 
						paste(lof.out$df.sse), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], 
						paste(lof.out$df.pure.error), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], 
						paste(lof.out$df.lof), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col3, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$sse/lof.out$df.sse, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col3, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$pure.error/lof.out$df.pure.error, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col3, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], 
						paste(format(round(lof.out$lofss/lof.out$df.lof, dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
				text(col1, start.txt[2] - 14.5 * increm[2], 
						paste("F =", format(round(lof.out$Fstat, 2))), adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 14.5 * increm[2], 
						paste("P-value =", format(round(lof.out$p.value, 3))), adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
				last.line <- 14.5
		### print POM variance function parameter if relevant
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - (last.line + 1.5) * increm[2], 
					paste("POM Theta =", format(round(calibFit.out@theta, 2))), adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)

plot.thpl.pom <- function(calibFit.out, conf = 0.9, m = calibFit.out@m, main = "", xlab = "",
		ylab = "", xlim = c(0, max(calibFit.out@x)), ylim = c(0, 1.1 * max(calibFit.out@y, na.rm = T)),
		logplot = F, print.txt = T, 
		start.txt, increm, dig = c(4, 3), txt.size = 1,
		heading = T, lof.print = F, bios=F, CItype = "confidence", ...)
	## This plots objects of class thpl.pom                             ##
	## It produces a plot with the data points and the fitted curve.    ##
	## The bands represent point-wise confidence intervals.             ##
	## Summary statistics are added to the plot.                        ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## inputs variables                                                 ##
	##  thpl.out: output data set from the thpl or thpl.pom function    ##
	##  conf: confidence level for point-wise intervals for y           ##
	##  m: number of reps (number of ys observed for a given x)         ##
	##  main: title of the graph, no title is given by default          ##
	##  xlab: the label for the x-axis, is blank by default             ##
	##  ylab: the label for the y-axis, is blank by default             ##
	##  xlim: sets the upper and lower limits of the x-axis             ##
	##  ylim: sets the upper and lower limits of the y-axis             ##
	##  logplot: determines of x is plotted on logscale                 ##
	##  print.txt: is T if you want the stats printed on the graph      ##
	##  click.txt: is T if you click to determine where it goes         ##
	##  start.txt: values are set by where you click                    ##
	##  increm: helps determine the position of the text                ##
	##  dig:                                                            ##
	##  txt.size:                                                       ##
	##  heading: if true if header is printed                           ##
	##  lof.print: is T is lof is printed                               ##
	##  pred.lim: F by default, conf limits set, T prediction limits    ##
	##  bios: if T prints model with f, glucose, F_inf, F_0, K_d        ##
	##                                                                  ##
	## written by Matthew Mitchell on 5/20/03                           ##
	## comments added by Matthew Mitchell                               ##
	## are indicated with ##, original comments with ###                ##
	## get the necessary information from thpl.out
	x <- calibFit.out@x
	y <- calibFit.out@y
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
	n <- length(x)
	sigma <- calibFit.out@sigma
	cov.un <- calibFit.out@cov.unscaled
	se.bhat <- calibFit.out@se.coefficients
	logParm <- calibFit.out@logParm
	theta <- calibFit.out@theta
	## If output from fitting is to be printed establishing whether it
	## it should be printed in the upper left or upper right hand
	## side of plots.
	if(print.txt) {
			increm <- c(0.1 * max(x,na.rm = T), 0.04 * max(y, na.rm = T))  
			if(b[1] > b[2])
				start.txt <- c(0.5 * max(x, na.rm = T), 
						0.8 * max(y, na.rm = T))
				start.txt <- c(0.5 * max(x, na.rm = T), 
						0.5 * max(y, na.rm = T))
	if(logParm) {
		xlim[1] <- ifelse(xlim[1] == 0, ifelse(min(x) > 0, min(x) - 0.0001,
						min(x[x != 0]) - 0.0001), xlim[1])
		if(print.txt) {
			increm[1] <- log(increm[1])
		on.exit(par(xaxt = "s"))
	## if logplot=T, set up lower x-axis limit for logarithimic plot
	logind <- ifelse(logParm, "x", "")
	### plot the data points ###
	plot(x, y, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
			main = main, type = "n", log = logind, ...)
	points(x, y, pch = 16, cex=.8, col="blue")   
	### set up value of x's and calculate predicted values for y then ###
	###  draw the smooth curve                                     ###
	minmax <- c(min(b[1], b[2]), max(b[1], b[2]))
	yp1 <- c(minmax[1], 0.2 * minmax[2] + 0.8 * minmax[1], 0.4 * 
					minmax[2] + 0.6 * minmax[1], 0.6 * minmax[2] + 0.4 * 
					minmax[1], 0.8 * minmax[2] + 0.2 * minmax[1])
	if(logParm) {
		xp1 <- (thpl.inverse(calibFit.out, yp1))[-1]
		if(min(x[x > 0]) < xp1[1])
			xp1 <- c(min(x[x > 0]), xp1)
		if(max(x) > 500) {
			xp <- c(log(exp(seq(xp1[1], min(xp1[2], 500), len = 200))), 
					seq(min(xp1[2], 500), max(xp1[3], 500), len = 50), 
					seq(max(xp1[3], 500), max(max(x), 500), len = 50))
		else {
			xp <- c(log(exp(seq(xp1[1], xp1[2], len = 200))), 
					seq(xp1[2], xp1[3], len = 50), seq(xp1[3], max(x), len = 50))
	else {
		xp1 <- thpl.inverse(calibFit.out, yp1)
		xp <- c(seq(0, xp1[3], len = 150), seq(xp1[3], max(x), len = 150))
	yp <- thpl.model(xp, b, logParm = logParm)
	lines(xp, as.vector(yp), col="lightblue")    
	## calculate the confidence limits based on the GLS-THPL fit       ##
	## then draw the lines on the graph.  if pred.lim=T, calculate     ##
	## prediction limits, otherwise calculate calibration limits.      ##
	qn.term2 <- diag(attributes(yp)$gradient %*% cov.un %*% t(attributes(yp)$gradient))
	## This is for confidence intervals
	qn.term1.c <- ((yp^2)^theta)/m
	## This is for prediction intervals
	qn.term1.p <- (yp^2)^theta
	## Getting the standard errors for the confidence/prediction intervals
	if(CItype == "prediction")
		qn <- sigma * sqrt(qn.term1.p + qn.term2)
	if(CItype == "confidence") 
		qn <- sigma * sqrt(qn.term1.c + qn.term2)
	tcrit <- qt(1 - (1 - conf)/2, calibFit.out@df.residual)
	ucl <- yp + tcrit * qn
	lcl <- yp - tcrit * qn
	lines(xp, ucl, lty = 2, col="lightblue")
	lines(xp, lcl, lty = 2, col="gray") 
	## Starting a new coordinate system for text display
	plot(0:1, 0:1, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "n", axes = FALSE)
	if(b[2] > b[1])
		start.txt <- c(0,.9)
		start.txt <- c(.5,.9)
	increm <- c(.15,.0375)
	### text for the model summary statistics ###
	if(print.txt) {
		## print thpl equation
		if(heading) {
			## If not log parameterized
				## Print the following if a POM model was NOT fit
						text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
								expression(THPL[OLS]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+frac(x,beta[3]))
												+beta[2]+sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
						text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
								expression(THPL[POM]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+frac(x,beta[3]))
												+beta[2]+mu^theta*sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
						text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
								expression(THPL[OLS]: f==frac(F[0]-F[inf],1+frac(glc,K[d]))
												+F[inf]+sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
						text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
								expression(THPL[POM]: f==frac(F[0]-F[inf],1+frac(glc,K[d]))
												+F[inf]+mu^theta*sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
			## If log parameterized
						text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
								expression(THPL[OLS]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+exp((log(x) - beta[3])))
												+beta[2]+sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
						text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
								expression(THPL[POM]: y==frac(beta[1]-beta[2],1+exp((log(x) - beta[3])))
												+beta[2]+mu^theta*sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
						text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
								expression(THPL[OLS]: f==frac(F[0]-F[inf],1+exp((log(glc) - K[d])))
												+F[inf]+sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
						text(start.txt[1], start.txt[2] + 1.2 * increm[2], 
								expression(THPL[POM]: f==frac(F[0]-F[inf],1+exp((log(glc) - K[d])))
												+F[inf]+mu^theta*sigma*epsilon), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
	col1 <- start.txt[1] + 0.1 * increm[1]
	text(col1, start.txt[2] - increm[2], "Parameter", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
	col2 <- col1 + 1.1 * increm[1]
	text(col2, start.txt[2] - increm[2], "Estimate", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
	col3 <- col2 + 1.1 * increm[1]
	text(col3, start.txt[2] - increm[2], "Std. Error", adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
	if(length(dig) == 1)
		dig <- rep(dig, 2)  
	### print parameter estimates and standard errors
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2], expression(beta[1]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[1], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[1], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2], expression(beta[2]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[2], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[2], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2], expression(beta[3]==B50), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[3], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[3], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2], expression(F[0]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[1], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 2 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[1], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2], expression(F[inf]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[2], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 3 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[2], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2], expression(K[d]), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col2, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(b[3], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
		text(col3, start.txt[2] - 4 * increm[2],
				paste(format(round(se.bhat[3], dig[1]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.8 * txt.size)
	### print mdc and rdl
	if(!is.null(calibFit.out@mdc)) {
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 6.5 * increm[2], 
				paste("MDC (m=", calibFit.out@m, ") = ", format(round(calibFit.out@mdc, dig[1])),
						sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
		text((col2 + 1.1 * col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 6.5 * increm[2],
				paste("sigma = ", format(round(sigma, dig[1])),
						sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - 7.5 * increm[2], 
				paste("RDL (m=", calibFit.out@m, ") = ", format(round(calibFit.out@rdl, dig[1])),
						sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
		if(is.numeric(calibFit.out@loq)) {
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 8.5 * increm[2],
					paste("LOQ (m=", calibFit.out@m, ", CV=", calibFit.out@cv, ") = ",
							format(round(calibFit.out@loq, dig[1])), sep = ""),
					adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
		else {
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 8.5 * increm[2],
					paste("LOQ (m=", calibFit.out@m, ", CV=", calibFit.out@cv, ") = NA",
							sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
		last.line <- 8.5
		last.line <- 5
	if(lof.print) {
		if(length(x) > length(unique(x))) {
			if(length(calibFit.out@lof.test$Fstat) == 0)
				lof.out <- lof.test(calibFit.out)
				lof.out <- calibFit.out@lof.test
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], "LOF: Source", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
			text(col2, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], "SS", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
			text((0.35*col2 + 0.65*col3), start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], "df", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
			text(col3, start.txt[2] - 10 * increm[2], "MS", adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], "Error", adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], "Pure Error", adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], "Lack of Fit", adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col2, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], paste(format(round(lof.out$sse, dig[2]))), 
					adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col2, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], paste(format(round(lof.out$pure.error, dig[2]))), 
					adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col2, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], paste(format(round(lof.out$lofss,dig[2]))), 
					adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text((0.35*col2 + 0.65*col3), start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], paste(lof.out$df.sse), 
					adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text((0.35*col2 + 0.65*col3), start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], paste(lof.out$df.pure.error), 
					adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text((0.35*col2 + 0.65*col3), start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], paste(lof.out$df.lof), 
					adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col3, start.txt[2] - 11 * increm[2], paste(format(round(lof.out$sse/lof.out$df.sse, dig[2]))), 
					adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col3, start.txt[2] - 12 * increm[2], 
					paste(format(round(lof.out$pure.error/lof.out$df.pure.error, dig[2]))), 
					adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col3, start.txt[2] - 13 * increm[2], paste(format(round(lof.out$lofss/lof.out$df.lof, 
											dig[2]))), adj = 0, cex = 0.7 * txt.size)
			text(col1, start.txt[2] - 14.5 * increm[2], paste("F =", format(round(lof.out$Fstat, 2))), 
					adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
			text((col2 + col3)/2, start.txt[2] - 14.5 * increm[2], paste("P-value =", 
							format(round(lof.out$p.value, 3))), adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)
			last.line <- 14.5
	### print POM variance function parameter if relevant
		text(col1, start.txt[2] - (last.line + 1.5) * increm[2], paste("POM Theta =", 
						format(round(calibFit.out@theta, 2))), adj = 0, cex = 0.75 * txt.size)

## This plots output from the linear POM model     ##
##                                                 ##
## MM 9/26/03 made major changes                   ##

plot.lin.pom <- function(calibFit.out, conf = 0.9, m = calibFit.out@m, main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
		xlim = c(0, max(calibFit.out@x)), ylim = c(0, 1.1 * max(calibFit.out@y, na.rm = T)), 
		print.txt = T, start.txt, increm = 0.03, digits = c(2, 2, 4, 2, 2), txt.size = 0.8, lof.print = F, 
		logplot = F, CItype = "confidence", sub = "",...)  
	## digits refers to the number of digits reported on the graph for paramter estimates
	## digits[1]: digits of intercept
	## digits[2]: digits of slope (and quadratic term if there is one)
	## digits[3]: digits for MDC, RDL, LOQ
	## digits[4]: digits used for reporting theta
	## digits[5]: digits used for reporting sigma
	## previously default was c(1,1,1,2,2) but this often gave 0s so I changed it
	## Extracting necessary variables for plotting
	x <- calibFit.out@x
	y <- calibFit.out@y	
	mdc <- calibFit.out@mdc
	rdl <- calibFit.out@rdl
	loqcv <- calibFit.out@cv
	loq <- calibFit.out@loq
	theta <- calibFit.out@theta
	sigma <- calibFit.out@sigma
	df.den <- calibFit.out@df.residual
	n <- length(x)
	xmax <- max(calibFit.out@x)
	xp <- seq(0, xmax, length = 100)
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
	## Getting the x and predicted y values if a linear model was used
	if(calibFit.out@type == "lin") {
		yp <- b[1] + xp * b[2]
		xmat <- cbind(1, xp)}
	## Getting the x and predicted y values if a quadrattic model was used
	if(calibFit.out@type == "quad") {
		yp <- b[1] + xp * b[2] + (xp^2) * b[3]
		xmat <- cbind(1, xp, (xp^2))
	## Getting parameters for prediction or confidence intervals.
	## If we are doing a prediction interval then the number of
	## replicates is not included.
	conf <- 1 - (1 - conf)/2
	tcrit <- qt(conf, df.den)
	qn.term1.c <- ((yp^2)^theta)/m
	qn.term1.p <- (yp^2)^theta
	qn.term2 <- diag(xmat %*% calibFit.out@cov.unscaled %*% t(xmat))
	## Getting the standard errors for the confidence/prediction intervals
	if(CItype == "prediction")
		qn <- sigma * sqrt(qn.term1.p + qn.term2)
	if(CItype == "confidence") 
		qn <- sigma * sqrt(qn.term1.c + qn.term2)
	ucl <- yp + tcrit * qn
	lcl <- yp - tcrit * qn
	## plot cal curve
	y <- y[x <= xmax]
	x <- x[x <= xmax]
	ymax <- max(y, na.rm = TRUE)
	plot(x, y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main, xlab = xlab, 
			ylab = ylab, type = "n", sub = sub)
	## leaving it out unless they serve some other function DVS 10/23/06
	points(x, y, pch = 16, col="blue")	## 9/26 changed pch from 5 to 16 and made color blue
	## draw regression line and calibration limits
	if(calibFit.out@type == "lin")
		abline(b[1], b[2], col="lightblue") ## MM 9/26 changed from black to blue
	if(calibFit.out@type == "quad")
		lines(xp[yp <= max(ylim)], yp[yp <= max(ylim)], col="lightblue") ## changed from black 
	lines(xp[ucl <= max(ylim)], ucl[ucl <= max(ylim)], lty = 2, col="lightblue") ## changed from black
	lines(xp[lcl <= max(ylim)], lcl[lcl <= max(ylim)], lty = 2, col="grey") ## changed from black
	if(print.txt) {
		if(missing(start.txt)) {
			if(b[2] > 0)
				start.txt <- c(0, max(ylim))
				start.txt <- c(mean(xlim), max(ylim))  ## added 11/21 MM
		ind <- start.txt[2] - diff(ylim) * increm * seq(0, 14)
		## MM: I completely revamped the printout on the plot 9/26/03
		if(calibFit.out@type == "lin" & !calibFit.out@pom) {
			text(0, ind[1], expression(Linear (OLS): y == a + bx + sigma*epsilon),
					adj=0, cex = 1.2*txt.size)
		if(calibFit.out@type == "lin" & calibFit.out@pom) {
			text(0, ind[1], expression(Linear (POM): y == a + bx + mu^theta*sigma*epsilon),
					adj=0, cex = 1.2*txt.size)
		if(calibFit.out@type == "quad" & !calibFit.out@pom) {
			text(0, ind[1], expression(Quadratic (OLS): y == a + bx + cx^2 + sigma*epsilon),
					adj=0, cex=1.2*txt.size)
		if(calibFit.out@type == "quad" & calibFit.out@pom) {
			text(0, ind[1], expression(Quadratic (POM): y == a + bx + cx^2 + mu^theta*sigma*epsilon),
					adj=0, cex=1.2*txt.size)
		text(0, ind[3], "Parameter", adj=0, cex=txt.size)
		text(0.2*xlim[2], ind[3], "Estimate",  adj=0, cex=txt.size)               
		text(0.4*xlim[2], ind[3], "Std. Error",  adj=0, cex=txt.size)
		if(calibFit.out@type == "lin"){
			text(0, ind[4], expression(a (intercept)), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.2*xlim[2], ind[4], format(round(b[1],digits[1])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.4*xlim[2], ind[4], format(round(calibFit.out@se.coefficients[1],digits[1])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0, ind[5], expression(b (slope)), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.2*xlim[2], ind[5], format(round(b[2],digits[2])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.4*xlim[2], ind[5], format(round(calibFit.out@se.coefficients[2],digits[2])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.2*xlim[2], ind[7], paste("sigma =", format(round(sigma, digits[5]))), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
#			text(0, ind[7], paste("Rsq =", format(round(calibFit.out@Rsq, digits[5]))), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.4*xlim[2], ind[7], paste("theta =", format(round(calibFit.out@theta, digits[4]))), 
					adj=0, cex=txt.size)
		text(0, ind[9], paste("MDC [m=", m, "] =", format(round(mdc, digits[3]))), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
		text(0.3*xlim[2], ind[9], paste("RDL [m=", m, "] =", format(round(rdl, digits[3]))), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
		text(0, ind[10], paste("LOQ [m=", m, ",CV=", loqcv, "] =", 
						format(round(loq, digits[3]))), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
			lofl <- calibFit.out@lof.test
			if(length(lofl@Fstat) > 0){
				text(0, ind[12], "Lack of Fit Test:", adj=0, cex=txt.size)
				text(0, ind[13], paste("F =", format(round(lofl$Fstat, 3))), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
				text(0.2 * xlim[2], ind[13], paste("p-value =",  format(round(lofl$p.value, 3))),
						adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
		if(calibFit.out@type == "quad"){
			text(0, ind[4], expression(a (intercept)), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.2*xlim[2], ind[4], format(round(b[1],digits[1])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.4*xlim[2], ind[4], format(round(calibFit.out@se.coefficients[1],digits[1])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0, ind[5], expression(b (lin)), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.2*xlim[2], ind[5], format(round(b[2],digits[2])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.4*xlim[2], ind[5], format(round(calibFit.out@se.coefficients[2],digits[2])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0, ind[6], expression(c (quad)), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.2*xlim[2], ind[6], format(round(b[3],digits[2])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.4*xlim[2], ind[6], format(round(calibFit.out@se.coefficients[3],digits[2])), adj=0, cex=txt.size)
			text(0.2*xlim[2], ind[8], paste("sigma =", format(round(sigma, digits[5]))), adj=0, cex=txt.size)


diagplot <- function(calibFit.out, ptype = "all", ..., cex = 1, oma = c(1, 1, 3, 1))
	## diagnostic plot for the pom fit                                       ##
	##                                                                       ##
	## It seems like what is called the studentized residuals (which         ##
	##  are also called jackknifed residuals) are                            ##
	##  actually standard residuals:  standres = e_i/(s sqrt(1 - h_ii))      ##
	##  while studres = (y_i - haty_(i))/sqrt(var(numerator)) =              ##
	##  = (standres)*sqrt((n-p-standres^2)/(n-p-1))                          ##
	##                                                                       ##
	## comments added by Matthew Mitchell on 3/18/03 are indicated with ##   ##
	## the original comments have ###                                        ##
	### if standard=T, plots standardized residuals versus predicted values for FPL or FPL-POM
	### else plots regular residuals versus fitted (absolute residuals if absl=T)
	old.par <- par("mfrow", "cex", "oma")
	if(ptype == "all")
		par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
	par(cex = cex)
	par(oma = oma)
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
		theta <- calibFit.out@theta
	else theta <- 0
	res <- calibFit.out@residuals
	if(calibFit.out@type == "fpl")
		fits <- fpl.model(calibFit.out@x, b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], 
				logParm = calibFit.out@logParm)
	else if(calibFit.out@type == "tpl")
		fits <- tpl.model(calibFit.out@x, b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4],
				logParm = calibFit.out@logParm)
	else if(calibFit.out@type == "thpl")
		fits <- thpl.model(calibFit.out@x, b[1],b[2],b[3],
				logParm = calibFit.out@logParm)
	else if(calibFit.out@type == "lin")
		fits <- lin.model(calibFit.out@x, b, type = calibFit.out@type)
		stop("Not a valid object")
	xmat <- attr(fits, "gradient")
	xprx.inv <- solve(t(xmat) %*% xmat)
	hats <- diag(xmat %*% xprx.inv %*% t(xmat))
	ress <- res/(((as.vector(fits)^(theta)) * calibFit.out@sigma) * sqrt(1 - hats))
	if(ptype == "all" | ptype == "raw"){
		plot(as.vector(fits), res, xlab = "Predicted Value", ylab = "Residual", pch = 4, ...)
		abline(h = 0)
	if(ptype == "all" | ptype == "stud") {
		plot(as.vector(fits), ress, xlab = "Predicted Value", 
				ylab = "Studentized Residual", pch = 4, ...)
		abline(h = 0)
	if(ptype == "all" | ptype == "abs") {
		resa <- res/(((as.vector(fits)^(theta)) * calibFit.out@sigma))
		resa <- log(abs(resa))
		fitsa <- log(as.vector(fits))
		plot(fitsa, resa, ylab = "log (Absolute Residual)", 
				xlab = "log (Predicted Value)", pch = 4, ...)
		## doesn't work in R, rreg is an SPlus command
		## MM 4/1/03            abline(rreg(fitsa, resa), lty = 2)
	if(ptype == "all" | ptype == "cube") {
		resc <- exp((1/3) * log(ress * ress))
		fitsc <- log(as.vector(fits))
		plot(fitsc, resc, ylab = 
						"Cube Root Squared Student Residual", xlab ## shortened title to fit MM 4/1/03
						= "log (Predicted Value)", pch = 4, ...)

precprof <- function(calib.fit.out,m=calib.fit.out@m,cv=calib.fit.out@cv,
	if (calib.fit.out@type == "fpl"){
		precprof.fpl.pom(calib.fit.out, m = m, cv = cv, vlen = vlen, 
				mit = mit, 
#				toler = toler, 
				ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
				txt.size = txt.size)
	else if(calib.fit.out@type == "thpl"){
		precprof.thpl.pom(calib.fit.out, m = m, cv = cv, vlen = vlen, 
				mit = mit, 
#				toler = toler, 
				ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
				txt.size = txt.size)
	else if(calib.fit.out@type == "lin"){
		precprof.lin.pom(calib.fit.out, m = m, cv = cv, vlen = vlen, 
				ylim=ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, txt.size = txt.size)
	else if(calib.fit.out@type == "tpl"){
		precprof.tpl.pom(calib.fit.out, m = m, cv = cv, vlen = vlen,
				mit = mit, 
#				toler = toler, 
				ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
				txt.size = txt.size)
		stop("Not a valid object")

precprof.fpl.pom <- function(calibFit.out, m = calibFit.out@m, cv = calibFit.out@cv, vlen = 500, mit = 
#		toler = 0.001, 
		ylim, xlab = "dose", ylab = "CV", txt.size	= 1,...)
	## This creates a plot of the dose vs. cv for output   ##
	##  objects from fpl fit                               ##
	## At the top of the graph the lowest cv acceptable,   ##
	##  the working range of the assay, and the            ##
	##  number of reps is printed                          ##
	##                                                     ##
	## not sure why loq from fpl is not used?              ##
	##                                                     ##
	## header added by Matthew Mitchell on 3/18/03         ##
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
	cov.un <- calibFit.out@cov.unscaled
	theta <- calibFit.out@theta
	b50 <- ifelse(!calibFit.out@logParm, b[3], exp(b[3]))
	xpstart <- min(c(0.0005, min(calibFit.out@x[calibFit.out@x > 0])))
	xp <- c(seq(xpstart, b50, length = round(vlen/2, 0)), seq(b50, 
					max(calibFit.out@x), length = round(vlen/2, 0)))
	yp <- as.vector(fpl.model(xp, b, logParm = calibFit.out@logParm))
	dh.dy <- xp * ((b[2] - b[1])/(b[4] * (b[1] - yp) * (yp - b[2])))
	dh.db1 <- xp/(b[4] * (b[1] - yp))
	dh.db2 <- xp/(b[4] * (yp - b[2]))
		dh.db3 <- xp/b[3]
		dh.db3 <- xp
	dh.db4 <- ( - xp/(b[4] * b[4])) * log((b[1] - yp)/(yp - b[2]))
	sigma2 <- calibFit.out@sigma * calibFit.out@sigma
	var.xnot.hat <- (((dh.dy * dh.dy) * sigma2 * (yp^(2 * theta)))/
				m + sigma2 * (dh.db1 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 1] + dh.db2 * 
						cov.un[2, 1] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 1] + dh.db4 * cov.un[
								4, 1]) + dh.db2 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 2] + dh.db2 * 
						cov.un[2, 2] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 2] + dh.db4 * cov.un[
								4, 2]) + dh.db3 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 3] + dh.db2 * 
						cov.un[2, 3] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 3] + dh.db4 * cov.un[
								4, 3]) + dh.db4 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 4] + dh.db2 * 
						cov.un[2, 4] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 4] + dh.db4 * cov.un[
								4, 4])))
	sd <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	plot.y <- sd/xp
	if(missing(ylim)) {
		ylim <- c(0, 2 * cv)
		if(ylim[2] < min(plot.y))
			ylim <- c(0, 1.5 * (min(plot.y)))
	plot.x <- xp[plot.y < max(ylim)]
	plot.y <- plot.y[plot.y < max(ylim)]
		stop("Error was produced in precprof estimated CV larger CV cutoff")
	plot(plot.x, plot.y, type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim
					= ylim, ...)
	abline(h = cv, lty = 3)
	xmin <- xp[sd/xp == min(sd/xp)]
	if(cv > min(sd/xp[xp != 0])) {
		xl <- xp[xp <= xmin]
		xu <- xp[xp >= xmin]
		sdl <- sd[xp <= xmin]
		sdu <- sd[xp >= xmin]
		loqsl <- approx(cv - (sdl/xl), xl, 0,ties="ordered")$y
		loqsu <- approx(cv - (sdu/xu), xu, 0,ties="ordered")$y
		lims <- c(loqsl, ifelse(is.na(loqsu), max(xp), 
		text(min(plot.x) + 0.1 * (max(plot.x) - min(plot.x)), 
				0.9 * max(ylim), paste("CV acceptable =", cv, 
						"\n\n\nWorking range of assay: ", format(round(
										min(lims), 1)), " to ", format(round(max(lims), 
										1)), "\n\n\n", 
						"Number of replicates based on: ", format(round(
										m, 0))), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
		lines(rep(lims[1], 2), c(0, cv), lty = 7)
		lines(rep(lims[2], 2), c(0, cv), lty = 7)
	else {
		text(min(plot.x) + 0.1 * (max(plot.x) - min(plot.x)), 
				0.9 * max(ylim), paste(
						"Acceptable precision not acheived in assay range for m=",
						m, ",  CV=", cv, sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 

precprof.tpl.pom <- function(calibFit.out, m = calibFit.out@m, cv = calibFit.out@cv, vlen = 500, mit = 
#		toler = 0.001, 
		ylim, xlab = "dose", ylab = "CV", txt.size	= 1,...)
	## This creates a plot of the dose vs. cv for output   ##
	##  objects from fpl fit                               ##
	## At the top of the graph the lowest cv acceptable,   ##
	##  the working range of the assay, and the            ##
	##  number of reps is printed                          ##
	##                                                     ##
	## not sure why loq from fpl is not used?              ##
	##                                                     ##
	## header added by Matthew Mitchell on 3/18/03         ##
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
	cov.un <- calibFit.out@cov.unscaled
	theta <- calibFit.out@theta
	b50 <- ifelse(!calibFit.out@logParm, b[3], exp(b[3]))
	xpstart <- min(c(0.0005, min(calibFit.out@x[calibFit.out@x > 0])))
	xp <- c(seq(xpstart, b50, length = round(vlen/2, 0)), seq(b50, 
					max(calibFit.out@x), length = round(vlen/2, 0)))
	yp <- as.vector(fpl.model(xp, b, logParm = calibFit.out@logParm))
	dh.dy <- xp * ((b[2] - b[1])/(b[4] * (b[1] - yp) * (yp - b[2])))
		dh.db3 <- xp/b[3]
		dh.db3 <- xp
	dh.db4 <- ( - xp/(b[4] * b[4])) * log((b[1] - yp)/(yp - b[2]))
	sigma2 <- calibFit.out@sigma * calibFit.out@sigma
	var.xnot.hat <- (((dh.dy * dh.dy) * sigma2 * (yp^(2 * theta)))/m + 
				sigma2 * (dh.db3 * (dh.db3 * cov.un[1, 1] + dh.db4 * cov.un[2, 1]) + 
					dh.db4 * (dh.db3 * cov.un[1, 2] + dh.db4 * cov.un[2, 2])))
	sd <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	plot.y <- sd/xp
	if(missing(ylim)) {
		ylim <- c(0, 2 * cv)
		if(ylim[2] < min(plot.y))
			ylim <- c(0, 1.5 * (min(plot.y)))
	plot.x <- xp[plot.y < max(ylim)]
	plot.y <- plot.y[plot.y < max(ylim)]
		stop("Error was produced in precprof estimated CV larger CV cutoff")
	plot(plot.x, plot.y, type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim
					= ylim, ...)
	abline(h = cv, lty = 3)
	xmin <- xp[sd/xp == min(sd/xp)]
	if(cv > min(sd/xp[xp != 0])) {
		xl <- xp[xp <= xmin]
		xu <- xp[xp >= xmin]
		sdl <- sd[xp <= xmin]
		sdu <- sd[xp >= xmin]
		loqsl <- approx(cv - (sdl/xl), xl, 0,ties="ordered")$y
		loqsu <- approx(cv - (sdu/xu), xu, 0,ties="ordered")$y
		lims <- c(loqsl, ifelse(is.na(loqsu), max(xp), 
		text(min(plot.x) + 0.1 * (max(plot.x) - min(plot.x)), 
				0.9 * max(ylim), paste("CV acceptable =", cv, 
						"\n\n\nWorking range of assay: ", format(round(
										min(lims), 1)), " to ", format(round(max(lims), 
										1)), "\n\n\n", 
						"Number of replicates based on: ", format(round(
										m, 0))), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
		lines(rep(lims[1], 2), c(0, cv), lty = 7)
		lines(rep(lims[2], 2), c(0, cv), lty = 7)
	else {
		text(min(plot.x) + 0.1 * (max(plot.x) - min(plot.x)), 
				0.9 * max(ylim), paste(
						"Acceptable precision not acheived in assay range for m=",
						m, ",  CV=", cv, sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 

precprof.thpl.pom <- function(thpl.out, m = thpl.out@m, cv = thpl.out@cv, vlen = 500, mit = 
#		toler = 0.001, 
		ylim, xlab = "dose", ylab = "CV", txt.size
				= 1,...)#, dos = fpl.out@dos, ...)
	## This creates a plot of the dose vs. cv for output   ##
	##  objects from fpl fit                               ##
	## At the top of the graph the lowest cv acceptable,   ##
	##  the working range of the assay, and the            ##
	##  number of reps is printed                          ##
	##                                                     ##
	## not sure why loq from fpl is not used?              ##
	##                                                     ##
	## header added by Matthew Mitchell on 3/18/03         ##
	b <- thpl.out@coefficients
	cov.un <- thpl.out@cov.unscaled
	theta <- thpl.out@theta
	b50 <- b[3]
	xpstart <- min(c(0.0005, min(thpl.out@x[thpl.out@x > 0])))
	xp <- c(seq(xpstart, b50, length = round(vlen/2, 0)), seq(b50, 
					max(thpl.out@x), length = round(vlen/2, 0)))
	yp <- as.vector(thpl.model(xp, b))
	dh.dy <- xp * ((b[2] - b[1])/(b[1] - yp) * (yp - b[2]))
	dh.db1 <- xp/(b[1] - yp)
	dh.db2 <- xp/(yp - b[2])
	dh.db3 <- xp/b[3]
	sigma2 <- thpl.out@sigma^2
	var.xnot.hat <- (((dh.dy * dh.dy) * sigma2 * (yp^(2 * theta)))/
				m + sigma2 * (dh.db1 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 1] + dh.db2 * 
						cov.un[2, 1] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 1]) + dh.db2 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 2] + dh.db2 * 
						cov.un[2, 2] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 2]) + dh.db3 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 3] + dh.db2 * 
						cov.un[2, 3] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 3])))
	sd <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	plot.y <- sd/xp
	if(missing(ylim)) {
		ylim <- c(0, 2 * cv)
		if(ylim[2] < min(plot.y))
			ylim <- c(0, 1.5 * (min(plot.y)))
	plot.x <- xp[plot.y < max(ylim)]
	plot.y <- plot.y[plot.y < max(ylim)]
		stop("Error was produced in precprof estimated CV larger CV cutoff")
	plot(plot.x, plot.y, type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim
					= ylim, ...)
	abline(h = cv, lty = 3)
	xmin <- xp[sd/xp == min(sd/xp)]
	if(cv > min(sd/xp[xp != 0])) {
		xl <- xp[xp <= xmin]
		xu <- xp[xp >= xmin]
		sdl <- sd[xp <= xmin]
		sdu <- sd[xp >= xmin]
		loqsl <- approx(cv - (sdl/xl), xl, 0,ties="ordered")$y
		loqsu <- approx(cv - (sdu/xu), xu, 0,ties="ordered")$y
		lims <- c(loqsl, ifelse(is.na(loqsu), max(xp), 
		text(min(plot.x) + 0.1 * (max(plot.x) - min(plot.x)), 
				0.9 * max(ylim), paste("CV acceptable =", cv, 
						"\n\n\nWorking range of assay: ", format(round(
										min(lims), 1)), " to ", format(round(max(lims), 
										1)), "\n\n\n", 
						"Number of replicates based on: ", format(round(
										m, 0))), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
		lines(rep(lims[1], 2), c(0, cv), lty = 7)
		lines(rep(lims[2], 2), c(0, cv), lty = 7)
	else {
		text(min(plot.x) + 0.1 * (max(plot.x) - min(plot.x)), 
				0.9 * max(ylim), paste(
						"Acceptable precision not acheived in assay range for m=",
						m, ",  CV=", cv, sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = 

precprof.lin.pom <- function(lin.out, m = lin.out@m, cv = lin.out@cv, vlen = 500, ylim, 
		xlab = "dose", ylab = "CV", txt.size = 1, ...)
	## This creates a plot of the dose vs. cv for output   ##
	##  objects from lin fit                               ##
	## At the top of the graph the lowest cv acceptable,   ##
	##  the working range of the assay, and the            ##
	##  number of reps is printed                          ##
	##                                                     ##
	## not sure why loq from fpl is not used?              ##
	##                                                     ##
	## header added by Matthew Mitchell on 3/18/03         ##
	## original comments hae # or  ###                     ##
	beta <- lin.out@coefficients
	cov.un <- lin.out@cov.unscaled
	sigma <- lin.out@sigma
	theta <- lin.out@theta
	x <- lin.out@x
	x.range <- c(ifelse(min(lin.out@x) == 0, min(lin.out@x) + 0.005,
					min(lin.out@x)), max(lin.out@x))
	xp <- exp(seq(log(min(min(lin.out@x[lin.out@x > 0]), 1e-010)), 
					log(max(lin.out@x)), length = vlen))
	sigma2 <- sigma^2	
	### calculate the standard deviation for xps
	if(lin.out@type == "lin") {
		yp <- beta[1] + beta[2] * xp
		var.xnot.hat <- (sigma2) * ((yp^(2 * theta))/(beta[2] * 
						beta[2] * m) + (cov.un[1, 1] + 2 * cov.un[1, 2] *
						xp + cov.un[2, 2] * xp * xp)/(beta[2]^2))
		lin.ind <- 1
	if(lin.out@type == "quad") {
		yp <- beta[1] + beta[2] * xp + beta[3] * xp * xp
		dh.dyp <- 1/(xp + (beta[2]/(2 * beta[1])))
		dh.da <- beta[2]/(2 * beta[1] * beta[1]) + ((yp - beta[
								3])/beta[1]) * (1/(xp + (beta[2]/(2 * beta[1]))
						)) - (xp + (beta[2]/(2 * beta[1])))/(2 * beta[1
					] * beta[1])
		dh.db <- -1/(2 * beta[1]) + (beta[2]/(2 * beta[1])) * (
					1/(xp + (beta[2]/(2 * beta[1]))))
		dh.dc <- -1/(xp + (beta[2]/(2 * beta[1])))
		var.xnot.hat <- ((dh.dyp * dh.dyp) * sigma2 * (yp^(2 * 
							lin.out@theta)))/m + sigma2 * (dh.da * (dh.da * 
						cov.un[1, 1] + dh.db * cov.un[1, 2] + dh.dc * 
						cov.un[1, 3]) + dh.db * (dh.da * cov.un[1, 2] + 
						dh.db * cov.un[2, 2] + dh.dc * cov.un[2, 3]) + 
					dh.dc * (dh.da * cov.un[1, 3] + dh.db * cov.un[
								2, 3] + dh.dc * cov.un[3, 3]))
		lin.ind <- 0
	sd <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
		ylim <- c(0, 2 * cv)
	plot.y <- sd/xp
	plot.x <- xp[plot.y < max(ylim)]
	plot.y <- plot.y[plot.y < max(ylim)]
		stop("Error was produced in precprof estimated CV larger CV cutoff")
	plot(plot.x, plot.y, type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim
					= ylim, ...)	 
	abline(h = cv, lty = 3)	
	### mtext("    Acceptable\n   precision", side = 4, outer = T,	  at = cv, cex=cex)
	### xmin is the inflection point (if one exists), else it is the maximum of x
	est.cv <- sd/xp
	xmin <- xp[sd/xp == min(est.cv)]	
	### xl and xu are the starting endpoint values for the search algorithm
	xl <- c(min(xp), xmin)
	xu <- c(xmin, max(x.range))
	if(xu[1] < xl[1]) {
		tempx <- xl[1]
		xl[1] <- xu[1]
		xu[1] <- tempx
	svec <- c(cov.un[, 1], cov.un[, 2])	
	### if reasonable find the endpoints for the x values which have CV lower
	###   than acceptable level (cv)
	if(cv > min(est.cv[xp != 0])) {
		xl <- xp[xp <= xmin]
		xu <- xp[xp >= xmin]
		sdl <- sd[xp <= xmin]
		sdu <- sd[xp >= xmin]
		loqsl <- approx(cv - (sdl/xl), xl, 0)$y
		if(est.cv[length(est.cv)] < cv)
			loqsu <- xu[length(xu)]
		else loqsu <- approx(cv - (sdu/xu), xu, 0)$y
		lims <- c(loqsl, ifelse(is.na(loqsu), max(xp), loqsu))	
		### print out the results on the graph
		text(min(plot.x) + 0.1 * (max(plot.x) - min(plot.x)), 
				0.9 * max(ylim), paste(
						"Acceptable precision (CV) =", cv, 
						"\nWorking range of assay:  \n", format(round(
										min(lims), 1)), " to ", format(round(max(lims), 
										1)), "\n", "Based on", format(round(m, 0)), 
						"replicate(s)"), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)
		lines(rep(lims[1], 2), c(0, cv), lty = 7)
		lines(rep(lims[2], 2), c(0, cv), lty = 7)
	else text(min(plot.x) + 0.1 * (max(plot.x) - min(plot.x)), 0.9 * 
						max(ylim), paste("Acceptable precision (CV) = ",
						cv, "\n", 
						"Acceptable precision not achieved in assay range",
						sep = ""), adj = 0, cex = txt.size)

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calibFit documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:15 p.m.