
Defines functions nops_language make_nops_string_page make_nops_page make_nops_template exams2nops

Documented in exams2nops make_nops_template nops_language

exams2nops <- function(file, n = 1L, nsamp = NULL, dir = ".", name = NULL,
  language = "en", title = "Exam", course = "",
  institution = "R University", logo = "Rlogo.png", date = Sys.Date(), 
  replacement = FALSE, intro = NULL, blank = NULL, duplex = TRUE, pages = NULL,
  usepackage = NULL, header = NULL, encoding = "UTF-8", startid = 1L, points = NULL,
  showpoints = FALSE, samepage = FALSE, newpage = FALSE, twocolumn = FALSE, reglength = 7L, seed = NULL, ...)
  ## handle matrix specification of file
  if(is.matrix(file)) {
    if(!missing(n) && !is.null(n) && n != nrow(file)) warning("'n' must not differ from number of rows of 'file'")
    if(!missing(nsamp) && !is.null(nsamp) && nsamp != ncol(file)) warning("'nsamp' must not differ from number of columns of 'file'")
    n <- nrow(file)
    nsamp <- ncol(file)
  } else {
    ## expand nsamp to length of file
    if(!is.null(nsamp)) nsamp <- rep_len(nsamp, length(file))

  ## try to restore random seed after single trial exam (introduced in version 2.3-1)
  ## initialize the RNG if necessary
  if(!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) runif(1L)
  .rseed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  restore_seed <- isTRUE(.exams_get_internal("nops_restore_seed") && !is.null(.rseed))

  ## pages could include formulary and distribution tables
  if(!is.null(pages)) pages <- sapply(pages, file_path_as_absolute)

  ## header: date, id, usepackage
  Date2ID <- function(date) function(i) paste(format(date, "%y%m%d"),
    formatC(i + startid - 1L, width = 5, flag = 0, format = "f", digits = 0), sep = "")
  if(!inherits(date, "Date")) date <- as.Date(date)
  d2id <- Date2ID(date)
  if(!is.null(usepackage)) {
    usepackage <- as.list(usepackage)
    names(usepackage) <- rep.int("usepackage", length(usepackage))
  ## header: localization (titles, logos, etc.)
  if(missing(logo)) logo <- system.file(file.path("nops", "Rlogo.png"), package = "exams")
  if(identical(logo, "uibk")) logo <- system.file(file.path("nops", "uibk-logo-bw.png"), package = "exams")
  if(is.null(logo) || length(logo) < 1L || sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", logo) == "") {
    logo <- "-" ## alternatively: entirely omit includegraphics of logo in template
  } else if(file.exists(logo)) {
    logo <- normalizePath(logo, winslash = "/")
  if(course != "") course <- paste0("(", course, ")")
  loc <- list(
    nopsinstitution = institution,
    nopstitle = title,
    nopscourse = course,
    "newcommand{\\mylogo}" = logo
  ## header: internationalization
  if(!file.exists(language)) language <- system.file(file.path("nops", paste0(language, ".dcf")), package = "exams")
  if(language == "") language <- system.file(file.path("nops", "en.dcf"), package = "exams")
  lang <- nops_language(language)
  lang2 <- c(
    if(!is.null(lang$Babel)) list(sprintf("\\usepackage[%s]{babel}", lang$Babel)),
    if(!is.null(lang$Header)) list(lang$Header)
  lang <- lang[c(
    "PersonalData", "FamilyName", "GivenName", "Signature", "RegistrationNumber", 
    "Checked", "NoChanges", "DocumentType", "DocumentID", "Scrambling", 
    "Replacement", "MarkCarefully", "NotMarked", "Or",
    "MarkExampleA", "MarkExampleB", "MarkExampleC", "MarkExampleD", "MarkExampleE",
    "Warning", "Answers", "FillAnswers", "Point", "Points")]
  ## header: collect everything
  header <- c(list(Date = date, ID = d2id), usepackage, loc, lang, lang2, as.list(header))

  ## determine number of alternative choices (and non-supported cloze exercises)
  ## for all (unique) exercises in the exam
  ufile <- unique(as.vector(unlist(file)))
  uenv <- new.env()
  x <- exams_metainfo(xexams(ufile, driver = list(sweave = list(quiet = TRUE, encoding = encoding, envir = uenv),
    read = NULL, transform = NULL, write = NULL), ...))[[1L]]    
  names(x) <- ufile
  utype <- sapply(ufile, function(n) x[[n]]$type)
  wrong_type <- ufile[utype == "cloze"]
  if(length(wrong_type) > 0L) {
    stop(paste("the following exercises are cloze exercises:",
      paste(wrong_type, collapse = ", ")))
  x <- sapply(ufile, function(n) x[[n]]$length)
  x[!(utype %in% c("schoice", "mchoice"))] <- 0L
  if(any(x == 1L | x > 5L)) {
    stop(paste("the following exercises have length < 2 or > 5:",
      paste(names(x)[x == 1L | x > 5], collapse = ", ")))
  if(is.list(file)) {
    nchoice <- lapply(file, function(n) x[n])
    nchoice1 <- as.vector(sapply(nchoice, min))
    nchoice <- as.vector(sapply(nchoice, max))
    if(any(nchoice != nchoice1)) {
      stop(paste("the following groups of exercise do not have the same length:",
        paste(sapply(file, paste, collapse = "/")[nchoice != nchoice1], collapse = ", ")))
    if(!is.null(nsamp)) {
      nchoice <- rep.int(nchoice, nsamp)
      nexrc <- sum(nsamp)
    } else {
      nexrc <- length(file)
  } else if(is.matrix(file)) {
    nchoice <- as.vector(x[file])
    dim(nchoice) <- dim(file)
    nchoice1 <- apply(nchoice, 2, min)
    nchoice <- apply(nchoice, 2, max)
    if(any(nchoice != nchoice1)) {
      stop(paste("the following groups of exercise do not have the same length:",
        paste(apply(file, 2, paste, collapse = "/")[nchoice != nchoice1], collapse = ", ")))
    nexrc <- ncol(file)
  } else {
    nchoice <- as.vector(x[file])
    if(!is.null(nsamp)) {
      nchoice <- rep.int(nchoice, nsamp)
      nexrc <- sum(nsamp)
    } else {
      nexrc <- length(file)

  ## generate appropriate template on the fly
  dir.create(template <- tempfile())
  template <- file.path(template, "nops.tex")
  if(nexrc > 45L) stop("currently only up to 45 exercises in an exam are supported")
  if(sum(nchoice < 1L) > 3L) {
    stop(paste("currently only up to three exercises that are not schoice/mchoice are supported:",
      paste(names(x)[x < 1L], collapse = ", ")))
    replacement = replacement, intro = intro, blank = blank,
    duplex = duplex, pages = pages, file = template,
    nchoice = nchoice,
    encoding = encoding, samepage = samepage, newpage = newpage, twocolumn = twocolumn, reglength = reglength)

  ## if points should be shown generate a custom transformer
  transform <- if(showpoints) {
    to_latex <- make_exercise_transform_pandoc(to = "latex", base64 = FALSE)
    function(x) {
      x <- to_latex(x)
      x$question <- c(
        sprintf("\\emph{(%s %s)}", x$metainfo$points, ifelse(x$metainfo$points != 1, "\\myPoints", "\\myPoint")),
  } else {

  ## restore seed prior to calling exams2pdf()
  if(restore_seed) assign(".Random.seed", .rseed, envir = .GlobalEnv)

  if(missing(dir) && n == 1L) {  
    rval <- exams2pdf(file, n = n, nsamp = nsamp, name = name, template = template,
      header = header, transform = transform, encoding = encoding,
      points = points, seed = seed, ...)
    names(rval) <- d2id(1:length(rval))
  } else {
    rval <- exams2pdf(file, n = n, nsamp = nsamp, dir = dir, name = name, template = template,
      header = header, transform = transform, encoding = encoding,
      points = points, seed = seed, ...)
    names(rval) <- d2id(1:length(rval))
    if(is.null(name)) name <- "metainfo"
    name <- paste(name, ".rds", sep = "")
    saveRDS(rval, file = file.path(dir, name))

make_nops_template <- function(n, replacement = FALSE, intro = NULL, blank = NULL,
  duplex = TRUE, pages = NULL, file = NULL, nchoice = 5, encoding = "UTF-8",
  samepage = FALSE, newpage = FALSE, twocolumn = FALSE, reglength = 7L)

page1 <- make_nops_page(n, nchoice = nchoice, reglength = reglength)
page2 <- if(replacement) {
  make_nops_page(n, nchoice = nchoice, replacement = TRUE, reglength = reglength)
} else {
page3 <- if(any(nchoice < 1L)) {
  make_nops_string_page(which(nchoice < 1L), nchoice = 5) ## FIXME: possibly other nchoice values?
} else {

## number of additional units in registration ID
addreg <- pmin(3L, pmax(0L, reglength - 7L))

## encoding always assumed to be UTF-8 starting from R/exams 2.4-0
if(!is.null(encoding) && !(tolower(encoding) %in% c("", "utf-8", "utf8"))) {
  warning("the only supported 'encoding' is UTF-8")
encoding <- "UTF-8"

## legacy code for other encodings
enc <- gsub("-", "", tolower(encoding), fixed = TRUE)
if(enc %in% c("iso8859", "iso88591")) enc <- "latin1"
if(enc == "iso885915") enc <- "latin9"

## intro text (if any)
if(!is.null(intro) && length(intro) == 1L && all(tools::file_ext(intro) == "tex")) intro <- readLines(intro)

empty <- if(!duplex) {
} else {

if(is.null(blank)) blank <- ceiling(n/2)
if(length(blank) < 2L) blank <- c(0L, blank)
blank <- list(
  rep("\\newpage\n\\phantom{.}", blank[1L]),
  rep("\\newpage\n\\phantom{.}", blank[2L])

rval <- c(
sprintf("\\documentclass[10pt,a4paper%s]{article}", if(twocolumn) ",twocolumn" else ""),



if(enc != "") sprintf('\\usepackage[%s]{inputenc}', enc) else NULL,

\\setlength{\\parskip}{0.7ex plus0.1ex minus0.1ex}

%% compatibility with pandoc

%% to support different lengths of registration numbers
sprintf("\\reg%s%s", c("seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"), tolower(0L:3L == addreg)),




%% for exams2pdf

if(newpage) {
} else {

if(samepage) {
} else {

%% additional header commands

\\nopsinstitution{R University}
\\PersonalData{Personal Data}
\\FamilyName{Family Name}
\\GivenName{Given Name}
\\RegistrationNumber{Registration Number}
\\NoChanges{In this section no modifications of the data must be made!}
\\DocumentID{Exam ID}
\\MarkCarefully{Please mark the boxes carefully}
\\NotMarked{Not marked}
\\Warning{This document is scanned automatically. Please keep clean and do not bend or fold. For filling in the document please use a \\textbf{blue or black pen}. \\\\ \\textbf{Only clearly marked and positionally accurate crosses will be processed!}}
\\FillAnswers{In the following please fill in your answers.}

%% \\exinput{header}




\\markboth{\\textsf{{\\mytitle}: {\\myID}}}{\\textsf{{\\mytitle}: {\\myID}}}
if(replacement) {
  c("\n\\newpage\n", page2, empty)
if(length(page3)) {
  c("\n\\newpage\n", page3, empty)







%% \\exinput{exercises}

if(!is.null(pages)) paste("\\newpage\n\\includepdf[pages=1-]{", pages, "}", sep = "", collapse = "\n"),


if(twocolumn) rval <- gsub("\\newpage", "\\clearpage", rval, fixed = TRUE)

if(!is.null(file)) writeLines(rval, file)

make_nops_page <- function(n, replacement = FALSE, nchoice = 5, reglength = 7L)
## length of registration ID
if(reglength < 7L) {
  warning(sprintf("'reglength = %s' too small, using 7 instead, but fixing initial IDs to 0", reglength))
  initialzeros <- 7L - reglength
} else {
  initialzeros <- 0L
if(reglength > 10L) warning(sprintf("'reglength = %s' too large, using 10 instead", reglength))
addreg <- pmin(3L, pmax(0L, reglength - 7L))

mytype <- if(addreg < 1L) {
  ## the number of questions
  formatC(n, width = 3, flag = "0")
} else {
  ## add prefix coding number of additional registration ID units plus replacement
  paste0(addreg + (replacement * 3L), formatC(n, width = 2, flag = "0"))

## number of alternative choices
nchoice <- rep(nchoice, length.out = n)

## helper function for abcde labels
abcde <- function(i, above = FALSE, nchoice = 5) {
  ix <- (i - 1) %/% 15
  iy <- (i - 1) %% 15 + 1
  ix <- 19 + 64 * ix - as.numeric(ix >= 2) * 4
  iy <- 129 - 7 * iy - 3 * ((iy - 1) %/% 5) + above * 10
  nchoice <- max(nchoice)
  nopsitem <- sprintf("{\\setcounter{nopsitem}{%s}\\alph{nopsitem}}", 1:5)
  if(nchoice == 5) {
    sprintf(paste("\\put(%i,%i){\\makebox(0,0)[b]{\\textsf{", nopsitem[1:5],"}}}", sep = "", collapse = "\n"),
      ix + 1 * 8, iy, ix + 2 * 8, iy, ix + 3 * 8, iy, ix + 4 * 8, iy, ix + 5 * 8, iy)  
  } else if(nchoice == 4) {
    sprintf(paste("\\put(%i,%i){\\makebox(0,0)[b]{\\textsf{", nopsitem[1:4],"}}}", sep = "", collapse = "\n"),
      ix + 1 * 8, iy, ix + 2 * 8, iy, ix + 3 * 8, iy, ix + 4 * 8, iy)
  } else if(nchoice == 3) {
    sprintf(paste("\\put(%i,%i){\\makebox(0,0)[b]{\\textsf{", nopsitem[1:3],"}}}", sep = "", collapse = "\n"),
      ix + 1 * 8, iy, ix + 2 * 8, iy, ix + 3 * 8, iy)
  } else if(nchoice == 2) {
    sprintf(paste("\\put(%i,%i){\\makebox(0,0)[b]{\\textsf{", nopsitem[1:2],"}}}", sep = "", collapse = "\n"),
      ix + 1 * 8, iy, ix + 2 * 8, iy)
  } else if(nchoice == 0) {
  } else {
    stop("'nchoice' must be one of 5, 4, 3, 2")

qbox <- function(i, nchoice = 5) {
  ix <- (i - 1) %/% 15
  iy <- (i - 1) %% 15 + 1
  ix <- 19 + 64 * ix - as.numeric(ix >= 2) * 4
  iy <- 129 - 7 * iy - 3 * ((iy - 1) %/% 5)
  if(nchoice > 0) {
      ix + 2, iy + 6, i, ix + 6, iy + 4, nchoice)
  } else {
    sprintf("\\put(%i,%i){\\makebox(0,0){\\textsf{%i}}}", ix + 2, iy + 6, i)


% position marks for scanning
\\put(17.5,13){\\line(1,0){5}} \\put(20,10.5){\\line(0,1){5}} 
\\put(187.5,13){\\line(1,0){5}} \\put(190,10.5){\\line(0,1){5}} 
\\put(157.5,270){\\line(1,0){5}} \\put(160,267.5){\\line(0,1){5}} 
\\put(27.5,270){\\line(1,0){5}} \\put(30,267.5){\\line(0,1){5}} 

% personal data box
\\put(20,198){\\framebox(\\namewidth,43){}} \\thinlines 
\\multiput(20,217)(0,12){2}{\\line(1,0){\\nameline}} \\thicklines 

% registration number box
\\put(\\regleft,233){\\framebox(\\regwidth,8){}} \\thinlines 
\\multiput(\\regleftt,233)(8,0){\\regnumt}{\\line(0,1){1.5}} \\thicklines 
if(replacement) "\\setcounter{nr3}{0}" else "\\newcounter{nr3}",
\\end{picture} \\stepcounter{nr3}}
if(initialzeros > 0L) {
%% initial zeros in registration number
\\multiput(\\regleftb.5,235)(8,0){%s}{\\textsf{\\Large 0}}
\\multiput(\\regleftb.1,225.9)(8, 0){%s}{\\line(1,1){3.9}}
\\multiput(\\regleftb.1,230.1)(8, 0){%s}{\\line(1,-1){3.9}}
\\multiput(\\regleftb,226.1)(8, 0){%s}{\\line(1,1){3.9}}
\\multiput(\\regleftb,229.9)(8, 0){%s}{\\line(1,-1){3.9}}
", initialzeros, initialzeros, initialzeros, initialzeros, initialzeros)

% general instructions and logo

% mark examples
\\put(\\myMarkExampleA,157){\\line(1,1){4}} \\put(\\myMarkExampleA,161){\\line(1,-1){4}} 
\\put(\\myMarkExampleA.2,157){\\line(1,1){3.8}} \\put(\\myMarkExampleA.2,161){\\line(1,-1){3.8}} 
\\put(\\myMarkExampleA,157.2){\\line(1,1){3.8}} \\put(\\myMarkExampleA,160.8){\\line(1,-1){3.8}} 

% title and date
\\put(40,262){\\parbox[t]{120mm}{\\large{\\textsf{\\textbf{{\\mytitle} {\\myDate}}}}}}

% boxes for answers (inlcuding labels and separators)
## first column
## title
sprintf("\\put(43,138){\\makebox(0,0){\\textsf{{\\myAnswers} 1 - %s}}}", min(15, n)),
## labels
abcde(1, above = TRUE, nchoice = nchoice[1:min(15, n)]),
abcde(min(15, n), above = FALSE, nchoice = nchoice[1:min(15, n)]),
## if second column
if(n > 15) {
  ## separator
  ## title
  sprintf("\\put(107,138){\\makebox(0,0){\\textsf{{\\myAnswers} 16 - %i}}}", min(30, n)),
  ## labels
  abcde(16, above = TRUE, nchoice = nchoice[16:min(30, n)]),
  abcde(min(30, n), above = FALSE, nchoice = nchoice[16:min(30, n)]))
## if third column
if(n > 30) {
  ## separator
  ## title
  sprintf("\\put(167,138){\\makebox(0,0){\\textsf{{\\myAnswers} 31 - %i}}}", n),
  ## labels
  abcde(31, above = TRUE, nchoice = nchoice[31:n]),
  abcde(n, above = FALSE, nchoice = nchoice[31:n]))
## box for each question
sapply(1:n, function(i) qbox(i, nchoice = nchoice[i])),
% block with id, scrambling, type, replacement box
\\linethickness{0.5mm} \\put(20,164){\\framebox(\\namewidth,28){}} \\thicklines  
\\put(67,177){\\makebox(0,0)[t]{\\textsf{\\myDocumentID \\mycourse}}}
\\put(46,166){\\framebox(42,7){}} \\put(25,183.5){\\parbox{70mm}{%
\\thinlines \\put(113,180){\\line(0,1){1.5}} \\thicklines 
% scrambling is currently always zero
\\put(109.5,183.5){\\makebox(0,0){\\Large{\\fontencoding{T1}\\fontfamily{phv}\\selectfont 0}}}
\\put(116.5,183.5){\\makebox(0,0){\\Large{\\fontencoding{T1}\\fontfamily{phv}\\selectfont 0}}}
\\put(67,169.5){\\makebox(0,0){\\Large{\\fontencoding{T1}\\fontfamily{phv}\\selectfont \\myID}}}",
sprintf("\\put(32,169.5){\\makebox(0,0){\\Large{\\fontencoding{T1}\\fontfamily{phv}\\selectfont %s}}}", mytype),

## replacement?
if(replacement & addreg == 0L) {
% replacement sheet

% cross in replacement box
\\put(116,170){\\line(1,1){4}} \\put(116.1,174.15){\\line(1,-1){4}} 
\\put(116.2,169.9){\\line(1,1){3.8}} \\put(116.2,174){\\line(1,-1){3.8}} 
\\put(116,170.2){\\line(1,1){3.8}} \\put(116,173.8){\\line(1,-1){3.8}} 


make_nops_string_page <- function(labels, nchoice = 5) {

## number of alternative choices
n <- length(labels)
nchoice <- rep(nchoice, length.out = n)


% position marks for scanning
\\put(17.5,13){\\line(1,0){5}} \\put(20,10.5){\\line(0,1){5}} 
\\put(187.5,13){\\line(1,0){5}} \\put(190,10.5){\\line(0,1){5}} 
\\put(157.5,270){\\line(1,0){5}} \\put(160,267.5){\\line(0,1){5}} 
\\put(27.5,270){\\line(1,0){5}} \\put(30,267.5){\\line(0,1){5}} 

% general instructions and logo

"1" = sprintf("
\\put(20, 22){\\framebox(170,183){}}", labels[1L]),
"2" = sprintf("
\\put(20, 22){\\framebox(170,89){}}", labels[1L], labels[2L]),
"3" = sprintf("
\\put(20, 85){\\framebox(170,57){}}
\\put(23, 78){\\makebox(0,0)[t]{\\textsf{%s}}} 
\\put(20, 22){\\framebox(170,57){}}", labels[1L], labels[2L], labels[3L])

% title and date
\\put(40,262){\\parbox[t]{120mm}{\\large{\\textsf{\\textbf{{\\mytitle} {\\myDate}}}}}}

% box for text answers

sprintf("\\put(106,237){\\makebox(0,0){\\textsf{%s}}}", labels[1L]),
sprintf("\\multiput(110,235)(8,0){%s}{\\framebox(4,4){}}", nchoice[1L]),

if(n > 1L) { c(
sprintf("\\put(106,230){\\makebox(0,0){\\textsf{%s}}}", labels[2L]),
sprintf("\\multiput(110,228)(8,0){%s}{\\framebox(4,4){}}", nchoice[2L])
)} else NULL,

if(n > 2L) { c(
sprintf("\\put(106,223){\\makebox(0,0){\\textsf{%s}}}", labels[3L]),
sprintf("\\multiput(110,221)(8,0){%s}{\\framebox(4,4){}}", nchoice[3L])
)} else NULL,
% block with id, scrambling, type
\\linethickness{0.5mm} \\put(20,217){\\framebox(140,28){}} \\thicklines  


nops_language <- function(file, converter = c("none", "tth", "pandoc"), ...)
  ## read file
  if(!file.exists(file)) file <- system.file(file.path("nops", paste0(file, ".dcf")), package = "exams")
  if(file == "") file <- system.file(file.path("nops", "en.dcf"), package = "exams")
  lang <- drop(read.dcf(file))
  ## handle Babel/Header separately
  if("Babel" %in% names(lang)) {
    babel <- as.vector(lang["Babel"])
    lang <- lang[-which(names(lang) == "Babel")]
  } else {
    babel <- NULL
  if("Header" %in% names(lang)) {
    header <- as.vector(lang["Header"])
    lang <- lang[-which(names(lang) == "Header")]
  } else {
    header <- NULL
  ## necessary fields for a correct lanuage specification
  langfields <- c("PersonalData", "Name", "FamilyName", "GivenName", "Signature", "RegistrationNumber", 
    "Checked", "NoChanges", "DocumentType", "DocumentID", "Scrambling", 
    "Replacement", "MarkCarefully", "NotMarked", "Or",
    "MarkExampleA", "MarkExampleB", "MarkExampleC", "MarkExampleD", "MarkExampleE",
    "Warning", "Answers", "FillAnswers", "Point", "Points",
    "ExamResults", "Evaluation", "Mark", "Question", "GivenAnswer", "CorrectAnswer",
  if(!all(langfields %in% names(lang))) stop("invalid language specification")
  ## convert to desired output markup
  converter <- match.arg(tolower(converter), c("none", "tth", "pandoc"))
  if(converter == "tth") {
    lang <- structure(tth::tth(lang, ...), .Names = names(lang))
  if(converter == "pandoc") {
    mypandoc <- function(x) {
      x <- pandoc(x, ...)
      x <- paste(x, collapse = "\n")
      x <- gsub("<p>", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
      x <- gsub("</p>", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
    lang <- structure(sapply(lang, mypandoc), .Names = names(lang))
  ## convert to list and return
  lang <- as.list(lang)
  if(!is.null(babel)) lang$Babel <- babel
  if(!is.null(header)) lang$Header <- header

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exams documentation built on Aug. 5, 2024, 3 p.m.