
.restore <- function(x,dropped,...){ # add records wherever dropped is TRUE
  if(any(is.na(dropped)))stop('dropped must not contain NA')
  #if(sum(!dropped)!=nrow(x))warning('row count does not match sum of non-dropped')
  if(nrow(x)%%sum(!dropped)!=0)warning('row count not a multiple of non-dropped')
  scale <- nrow(x)%/%sum(!dropped)
  dropped <- rep(dropped,scale)
  index <- rep(NA,length(dropped))
  index[!dropped] <- seq_len(nrow(x))
  x <- x[index,,drop=FALSE]
.distill <- function(x,known=character(0),...){ # strike repeated columns within and among data frames
    y <- x[[1]]
    y <- y[unique(names(y))] # drop internal duplicates 
    y <- y[!names(y) %in% known] # drop external duplicates
    known <- c(known,names(y))
    c(list(y),.distill(x[-1],known=known,...)) # recursion
.markup <- function(lst,key,...){ # recursively amend using raised.keyed
    x <- lst[[1]]
    lst <- lst[-1]
    y <- lst[[1]]
    lst <- lst[-1]
    ind <- key[key %in% names(y)]
    y <- as.keyed(y,ind)
    x$metrumrg.markup <- 1:nrow(x)
    x <- as.keyed(x,'metrumrg.markup')
    z <- x^y # the magic
    if(any(is.na(z$metrumrg.markup)))stop('pseudo rows introduced')
    z <- sort(as.keyed(z,'metrumrg.markup'))
    z$metrumrg.markup <- NULL
    z <- as.data.frame(z,...)
.informative <- function(x,y,digits=5){
      # convert x and y to canonical form
      x <- as.best(x)
      y <- as.best(y)
      if(is.numeric(x))x <- signif(x,digits=digits)
      if(is.numeric(y))y <- signif(y,digits=digits)
      # detect informative elements of y
      generated <- is.na(x) & !is.na(y) & y!=0 #y:0 is probably just NONMEM substitute for NA
      degenerated <- !is.na(x) & is.na(y)
      altered <- !is.na(x) & !is.na(y) & x != y
      any(generated | altered)
.superbind <- function(lst,i=0,exclusive=NULL,digits=5,x=data.frame(),...){ # recursively cbind with auto-rename and exclusivity options
    y <- lst[[1]]
    lst <- lst[-1]
    if(is.character(exclusive)) y <- y[,names(y)[!names(y) %in% exclusive],drop=FALSE]
    if(nrow(x)==0) x <- data.frame(row.names=1:nrow(y))
    	(nrow(y) %% nrow(x) != 0) ||
	(nrow(y) == 0)
      message('ignoring table ',i,': expected ', nrow(x),' rows but found ',nrow(y))
      y <- data.frame(row.names=1:nrow(x))
      x <- x[rep(seq_len(nrow(x)),nrow(y)%/% nrow(x)),]
    analogs <- intersect(names(x),names(y))
    #(implicitly, y cols with new names are informative.)
    index <- sapply(analogs, function(col).informative(x[[col]],y[[col]],digits=digits))
    goodDups <- character(0)
    if(length(analogs))goodDups <- analogs[index]
    badDups <- setdiff(analogs,goodDups)
    #every analog y column will be renamed or dropped (or both).
    if(is.null(exclusive)) y <- y[,!names(y) %in% badDups,drop=FALSE]
    else if(is.logical(exclusive))if(exclusive==TRUE) y <- y[,!names(y) %in% analogs,drop=FALSE]
    fix <- names(y) %in% analogs
    if(any(fix))names(y)[fix] <- map(names(y)[fix],from=analogs,to=glue(analogs,'.',i))
    x <- cbind(x,y)
    rownames(x) <- NULL
    .superbind(lst=lst, i=i+1, exclusive=exclusive,digits=digits,x=x,...)
.read.any <- function(file,args){ # read a file according to a protocol (first arg is function ref.) 
    fun <- match.fun(args[[1]])
    args <- args[-1]
    args <- c(args,file=file)
# given a nonmem control stream, give an index to dropped input rows.
ignored <- function(
  rundir = filename(project,run), 
  ctlfile = filename(rundir, run, ".ctl"),
  stopifnot('header' %in% names(read.input))
  if(!missing(run))run <- as.character(run)
  if(!missing(rundir))rundir <- as.character(rundir)
  if(missing(run) & missing(rundir) & missing(ctlfile))stop('one of run, rundir, or ctlfile must be supplied')
  if(missing(run) & missing(ctlfile)) run <- basename(rundir)  	  
  if(missing(run) & missing(rundir))run <- sub('[.][^.]+$','',basename(ctlfile))
  if(missing(project) & !missing(rundir))project <- dirname(rundir)
  if(missing(project) & missing(rundir) & !missing(ctlfile))project <- dirname(dirname(ctlfile))
  if(normalizePath(rundir)!=normalizePath(dirname(ctlfile)))warning('rundir does not specify parent of ctlfile')
  control <- read.nmctl(ctlfile)
  dname <- getdname(control)
  datafile <- resolve(dname,rundir)
  if (!file.exists(datafile))stop(dname, " not visible from ", rundir, call. = FALSE)
  dropped <- .nmdropped(
.revert <- function(x,labels,analogs){#change column names from their labels to their analogs
  fix <- names(x) %in% labels
  names(x)[fix] <- map(names(x)[fix],from=labels,to=analogs)
.tablePaths <- function(tables,rundir)sapply(#try to extract paths to tables from control stream fragments
    error=function(e)warning('in table ',recnum,': ',e,call.=FALSE,immediate.=TRUE)
#warn if nrow does not match expected
.agree <- function(x,expected)if(nrow(x)!=expected)warning('expected ',expected,' rows but found ',nrow(x))

#lossless integration of NONMEM run inputs and outputs
superset <- function(
  rundir = filename(project,run), 
  ctlfile = filename(rundir, run, ".ctl"),
  #stopifnot('header' %in% names(read.input))
  if(!missing(run))run <- as.character(run)
  if(!missing(rundir))rundir <- as.character(rundir)
  if(missing(run) & missing(rundir) & missing(ctlfile))stop('one of run, rundir, or ctlfile must be supplied')
  if(missing(run) & missing(ctlfile)) run <- basename(rundir)  	  
  if(missing(run) & missing(rundir))run <- sub('[.][^.]+$','',basename(ctlfile))
  if(missing(project) & !missing(rundir))project <- dirname(rundir)
  if(missing(project) & missing(rundir) & !missing(ctlfile))project <- dirname(dirname(ctlfile))
  dropped <- ignored(run=run,project=project,rundir=rundir,ctlfile=ctlfile,read.input=read.input,...)
  control <- read.nmctl(ctlfile)
  dname <- getdname(control)
  datafile <- resolve(dname,rundir)
  if (!file.exists(datafile))stop(dname, " not visible from ", rundir, call. = FALSE)
  outputdomain <- names(control) %contains% "tab"
  tables <- control[outputdomain]
  paths <- .tablePaths(tables,rundir)
  labels <- .nminput(control)
  input <- .read.any(file=datafile,args=read.input)
  input[as.character(run)] <- as.integer(!dropped)
  if(length(labels)>ncol(input))stop('more nonmem aliases than data columns')
  output <- lapply(paths, .read.any, args=read.output)
  analogs <- names(input)[seq_along(labels)]
  output <- lapply(output,.revert,labels=labels,analogs=analogs)
  #Now all the tables have corresponding column names.
  expected <- nrow(input) - sum(dropped)
  if(length(key)) return(.markup(lst=c(list(input),output),key=key))
  output <- .distill(output)#drop repeat columns
  output <- lapply(output,.restore,dropped=dropped)#expand
  res <- .superbind(c(list(input),output),exclusive=exclusive,digits=digits)
  rownames(res) <- NULL

.nmdropped <- function(data,lines,test,labels,...){#determine which records from data/lines are dropped, given test
  #data is the original data set as a data frame
  #lines is original data set, with any header, as character
  #test is a list corresponding to the INPUT options named ignore or accept
  #labels is the column names as described to NONMEM in the INPUT statement
  #lines may include header; we limit to no longer than data to discard header; 
  #it certainly would have been discarded (if present) by ignore logic.
  keep <- seq(length.out=nrow(data))
  lines <- rev(rev(lines)[keep])
  c1 <- substr(lines,1,1)
  cn <- sub(' *','',lines)
  cn[nzchar(cn)] <- substr(cn[nzchar(cn)],1,1)
  test <- lapply(test, .nmconditional, data=data, c1=c1, cn=cn,labels=labels,...)
  for(i in seq_along(test))if(names(test)[[i]]=='accept')test[[i]] <- !test[[i]] # convert accept to ignore

.evalcond <- function(x,data,labels,...){#evaluate condition-type ignore criteria
    label <- x['label']
    op <- x['operator']
    val <- x['value']
    if(is.na(label))stop('no label')
    if(is.na(val))stop('no value')
    if(is.na(op))op <- 'EQ' # case should not occur; see .ignorecondition
    pos <- match(label,labels)
    vec <- data[,pos]
    	    warning('imputing NA as "."')
    	    vec[is.na(vec)] <- '.'
    if(!op %in% c('EQ','NE')){ # EQ and NE compared as character (EQN and NEN compared as numeric)
      vec[vec == '.'] <- 0 # NONMEM help for ignore:  under this condition, values are coerced to numeric.  Presumably '.' treated as 0.
      val <- as.numeric(val)
      vec <- as.numeric(vec)
    op <- map(
      to=  c('==','!=', '>','>=','<' ,'<=','==' ,'!=' )
    fun <- match.fun(op)
.evalchar <- function(x,c1,cn,...){#evaluate character-type ignore criteria
    if(x=='@')return(cn %in% c(letters,LETTERS,'@'))
    else return(c1==x)
.evalEither <- function(x,data,c1,cn,labels,...){#evaluate either conditional or character ignore criteria
    else .evalcond(x,data=data,labels=labels,...)
.nmconditional <- function(x,data,c1,cn,labels,...){#evaluate ignore criteria from NONMEM control stream
  result <- lapply(x,.evalEither,data=data,c1=c1,cn=cn,labels=labels,...)
.or <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE,...){#multicolumn compounded "or"
  x <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(x,...),...)
.and <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE,...){#multicolumn compounded "and"
  x <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(x,...),...)

.nminput <- function(x,...)UseMethod('.nminput')
.nminput.default <- function(x,...){#assume x is a filepath for control stream
  if (!file.exists(x)) stop(x, " not found", call. = FALSE)
  control <- read.nmctl(x)
.nminput.nmctl <- function(x,...){#extract input labels from control stream, with values like output tables but order like input table
  if(! 'input' %in% names(x))stop('no input record found in ',x,call.=FALSE)
  x <- x$input
  x <- x[x != '']
  x <- sub('^\\s+','',x)
  x <- sub(';.*','',x)
  x <- x[x != '']
  x <- paste(x,collapse=' ')
  x <- gsub(',',' ',x)
  x <- gsub(' +',' ',x)
  x <- gsub('DROP *= *','',x)
  x <- gsub('SKIP *= *','',x)
  x <- gsub(' *= *DROP','',x)
  x <- gsub(' *= *SKIP','',x)
  labels <- strsplit(x,' ')[[1]] # x is length one, so we keep just the first list
  labels <- lapply(labels,strsplit,'=')
 labels <- lapply(labels,unlist)
 labels <- sapply(
      if(length(pair)==1) return(pair[[1]])
      if(length(pair)>2)stop('too many synonyms')
      if(pair[[2]] %in% reserved) return(pair[[1]])#At least one must be reserved, per NONMEM help
      if(pair[[1]] %in% reserved) return(pair[[2]])#Prefer the first if both reserved (maybe does not occur if SKIP/DROP are removed).
      stop('unrecognized label syntax')
  #We now have a vector of labels as they will be used (if at all) in NONMEM output.
  #It is as long as the number of columns read from the input data set.

.nmignore <- function (x,...)UseMethod('.nmignore')
.nmignore.default <- function(x,...){#assume x is path to control stream
  if (!file.exists(x)) stop(x, " not found", call. = FALSE)
  control <- read.nmctl(x)
.nmignore.nmctl <- function(x,...){#extract ignore criteria from control stream
  opt <- .nmdataoptions(x,...) # named character
  if(!length(opt))opt  <- c(ignore="#") # the nonmem default
  test <- opt[names(opt) %in% c('ignore','accept')]
  #Only accept list or ignore list should occur, but not both. Ignore character may occur regardless.
  #logic <- TRUE
  #if('accept' %in% names(opt)) logic <- !logic
  #The next character is (, @, or some other character.
  #We need to reduce the lists to canonical sets of exclusions.
  #Exclusions are either character or conditional.
  test <- lapply(test,.ignorecanonical)
  test # a list
.ignorecanonical <- function(x,...){ # convert x (scalar character) to canonical form
  x  <- sub('^\\(','',x)
  x <- sub('\\)$','',x)
  #x <- strsplit(x,',',fixed=TRUE)[[1]] #prior to 5.24, did not strip bounding whitespace
  x <- strsplit(x,'[\n\t ]*,[\n\t ]*')[[1]] #only need the first, since x was scalar
  #now x is a chararcter vector of conditions (possibly scalar)
  #We now have character tests, or comparisons in the form 
  #label=value or label="value" or label='value' or label.op.value or label value 
  #x <- sub('=','.',x)
  x <- lapply(x,.ignorecondition)

.ignorecondition <- function(x,...){ # convert conditional tests to canonical form
  # x is a single condition of the form value or label=value or label.op.value or possibly (version 5.52) label > value or label value
  #x <- gsub('\\s','',x) # strip all white space
  x <- sub('^\\s','',x) #strip leading white
  x <- sub('\\s$','',x) # strip trailing white
  # x is a single condition of the form value or label.value or label.op.value or possibly label>value or label=value with value possibly y.z
  # no leading or trailing space.  No space in label or value.  
  # collapse cases:  Fortran 95 supports == /= < > <= >=  nm720.pdf p. 9.
  x <- sub( '=','.EQ.',x) # actually, NONMEM case (not fortran 95)
  x <- sub('==','.EQ.',x)
  x <- sub('/=','.NE.',x)
  x <- sub('>=','.GE.',x)
  x <- sub('<=','.LE.',x)
  x <- sub('>' ,'.GT.',x)
  x <- sub('<' ,'.LT.',x)
  # No translations for .EQN. or .NEN. (NONMEM 73)
  # Now op, if present, is one of above.  We collapse all space around dots.
  x <- gsub(' *\\. *','.',x)
  # Now space, if present, occurs in a string without an operator, and therefore represents the equality operator.
  x <- sub(' ','.EQ.',x)
  # x is a single condition of the form value or label.op.value with value possibly y.z with y or z missing.
  # value does not contain space or comma.
  # Per NONMEM help for INPUT, a label must begin with a letter A-Z.
  # To distinguish between decimal dot and separator dot, we substitute all separator dot with comma
  x <- sub('\\.(EQ|NE|GE|LE|GT|LT|EQN|NEN)\\.',',\\1,',x)
  # Now all comma is element delimiter.
  x <- strsplit(x,',',fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  stopifnot(length(x) %in% c(1,3))
  #label the list members
  if(length(x)==1)names(x) <- 'value'
  #if(length(x)==2)names(x) <- c('label','value')
  if(length(x)==3)names(x) <- c('label','operator','value')
  #remove quotes from values
  x['value'] <- sub('^"','',x['value'])
  x['value'] <- sub('"$','',x['value'])
  x['value'] <- sub("^'",'',x['value'])
  x['value'] <- sub("'$",'',x['value'])
.nmdataoptions <- function(x,...)UseMethod('.nmdataoptions')
.nmdataoptions.default <- function(x,...){#assume x is path to control stream
  if (!file.exists(x)) stop(x, " not found", call. = FALSE)
  control <- read.nmctl(x)
.nmdataoptions.nmctl <- function(x,...){# extract data options from control stream (especially IGNORE/ACCEPT)
  if (!"data" %in% names(x))stop("data record not found in control stream")
  rec <- x$data
  rec <- sub(';.*','',rec)
  rec <- paste(rec,collapse=' ') # now scalar
  rec <- gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',rec)
  reserved <- c(
  for(word in reserved) rec <- gsub(word,glue('$',word),rec,fixed=TRUE)
  splits <- strsplit(rec,'$',fixed=TRUE)[[1]] # rec is scalar; interested in the first (only) element
  names(splits) <- sapply(splits,function(split)tolower(sub('^([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*$','\\1',split)))
  splits <- sapply(splits,sub,pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9]+ *=? *',replacement='')
  names(splits)[!names(splits) %in% tolower(reserved)] <- NA
  splits <- sub('^[[:space:]]+','',splits)
  splits <- sub('[[:space:]]+$','',splits)
  splits # a character vector

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metrumrg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 p.m.