
Defines functions varImp

Documented in varImp

varImp <- function(model, imp.type = "each", relative = TRUE, reorder = TRUE, group.cats = FALSE, plot = TRUE, plot.type = "lollipop", error.bars = "sd", ylim = "auto", col = c("#4477aa", "#ee6677"), plot.points = TRUE, legend = TRUE, grid = TRUE, verbosity = 2, ...) {

  # version 2.2 (6 Jun 2024)

  # if 'col' has length 2 and varImp has negative values (e.g. for z-value), those will get the second colour

  stopifnot(imp.type == "each",
            plot.type %in% c("lollipop", "barplot", "boxplot"),
            # is.numeric(error.bars) || error.bars %in% c("sd", "range"),
            length(col) %in% 1:2

  is_bart <- is(model, "bart") || is(model, "pbart") || is(model, "lbart")
  is_flexbart <- is(model, "list") && c("varcounts", "trees") %in% names(model)

  if (!is_bart && !is_flexbart)  error.bars <- NA

  if (reorder && is_flexbart && is.null(colnames(model[["varcounts"]]))) {
    reorder <- FALSE
    if (verbosity > 0) message ("'reorder' set to FALSE, as this version of 'flexBART' does not carry variable names, which would make it impossible to match variables with importance values. Variables are in the order in which they were provided to the 'flexBART' model, with the continuous preceding the categorical ones. Update 'flexBART' if you want the variables named and reordered.")

  if (is(model, "glm")) {  #  && !is(model, "Gam")

    if (family(model)$family != "binomial")  stop ("This function is currently only implemented for binary-response models of family 'binomial'.")

    # if (measure == "z") {
    metric <- ifelse(isTRUE(relative), "Relative z value", "Absolute z value")
    if (verbosity > 1) cat("\nMetric:", metric, "\n\n")
    varimp <- summary(model)$coefficients[-1, "z value"]
    if (isTRUE(relative)) varimp <- varimp / sum(abs(varimp))
    ylab <- metric
    # }

    # if (measure == "Wald") {  # requires 'fuzzySim' and 'aod'
    #   ylab <- "Wald"
    #   legend <- FALSE
    #   smry <- summaryWald(model, interceptLast = FALSE)[-1, ]
    #   varimp <- smry[ , "Wald"]
    #   names(varimp) <- rownames(smry)
    #   varimp <- varimp[order(varimp, decreasing = TRUE)]
    # }
  }  # end if glm

  else if (is(model, "gbm")) {
    # requireNamespace("gbm")  # would require a suggest/depend
    if ("gbm" %in% .packages()) {
      metric <- "Relative influence"
      if (verbosity > 1) cat("\nMetric:", metric, "\n\n")
      ylab <- metric
      smry <- summary(model, plotit = FALSE)
      varimp <- smry[ , "rel.inf"] / 100
      names(varimp) <- smry[ , "var"]
    } else {
      stop("package 'gbm' needs to be loaded first.")

  else if (is(model, "randomForest")) {
    metric <- colnames(model$importance)
    if (verbosity > 1) cat("\nMetric:", metric, "\n\n")
    varimp <- model$importance  # / nrow(model$importance) / 100  # doesn't work well for mean accuracy decrease
    names(varimp) <- rownames(model$importance)
    ylab <- metric

  else if (is_bart || is_flexbart) {

    # metric <- "Proportion of splits used"
    metric <- ifelse(isTRUE(relative), "Proportion of splits used", "Number of splits used")
    if (verbosity > 1) cat("\nMetric:", metric, "\n\n")
    ylab <- metric

    if ("varcounts" %in% names(model)) { # in flexBART models
      names(model)[grep("varcounts", names(model))] <- "varcount"  # to homogenize

    # varimps <- model[["varcount"]] / rowSums(model[["varcount"]])
    varimps <- model[["varcount"]]
    if (isTRUE(relative)) varimps <- varimps / rowSums(model[["varcount"]])
    varimp <- colMeans(varimps)

    if (group.cats) {
      if (is(model, "bart")) {
        cat.vars <- names(which(lapply(attr(model$fit$data@x, "drop"), length) > 1))
        names.nosuffix <- names(varimp)
        for (v in cat.vars) {
          v.inds <- grep(v, colnames(model$fit$data@x))
          names.nosuffix[v.inds] <- v

      else if (is(model, "pbart") || is(model, "lbart")) {
        names.nosuffix <- gsub("[0-9]+$", "", colnames(model$varcount))
      }  # but WATCH OUT: other variables with numeric suffix (e.g. "o2" and "o3") will be grouped too! also cat vars with same name but different numeric suffix, e.g. "var" and "var2"

      if (!is_flexbart) {

        varimp.df <- data.frame(names = names.nosuffix, varimp, row.names = NULL)
        varimp.df <- aggregate(varimp.df$varimp, by = list(varimp.df$names), FUN = sum)
        varimp <- varimp.df$x
        names(varimp) <- varimp.df$Group.1

        colnames(varimps) <- names.nosuffix
        varimps.agg <- apply(varimps, 1, aggregate, sum, by = list(colnames(varimps)))
        varimps.agg <- lapply(varimps.agg, getElement, "x")
        varimps <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, varimps.agg)
        colnames(varimps) <- names(varimp)
    }  # end if group.cats

    if (is(model, "bart")) {  #  || is(model, "pbart") || is(model, "lbart")
      if (is.null(model$fit)) {
        stop("'model' does not contain the required info; please compute it with keeptrees=TRUE")

      if (is.null(colnames(model$fit$data@x))) {
        # colnames(model$fit$data@x) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(model$fit$data@x))  # didn't work, pbb because other attributes were missing
        stop("'model' does not have predictor attributes; please compute it with column names in the predictor variables")

      # if (is(model, "bart"))
      dropped.vars <- names(which(unlist(attr(model$fit$data@x, "drop")) == 1))
      # else dropped.vars <- colnames(model$varcount)[model$rm.const]  # no, because these names already have the cat vars divided and renamed according to their factor levels, so the 'rm.const' indices do not correctly match the original var names

      n.dropped <- length(dropped.vars)
      if (n.dropped > 0) {
        if (verbosity > 0) message("The following variables had been automatically dropped by the model (e.g. for having no variability):  ", paste(dropped.vars, collapse = ", "))
        dropped.varimp <- rep(0, n.dropped)
        names(dropped.varimp) <- dropped.vars
        varimp <- c(varimp, dropped.varimp)
        varimps[ , dropped.vars] <- 0

  }  # end if bart

  else stop ("'model' is of a non-implemented class.")

  if (reorder) {
    varimp <- varimp[order(abs(varimp), decreasing = TRUE)]
    if (is_bart)  varimps <- varimps[ , names(varimp)]

  if (!is.na(error.bars)) {
    if (error.bars == "sd") {
      vsd <- sapply(as.data.frame(varimps), sd)
      eb_lower <- varimp - vsd
      eb_upper <- varimp + vsd
    } else if (error.bars == "range") {
      eb_lower <- apply(varimps, 2, min)
      eb_upper <- apply(varimps, 2, max)
    } else if (is.numeric(error.bars) && length(error.bars) == 1 && error.bars >= 0 && error.bars <= 1) {
      quants <- sapply(data.frame(varimps), quantile, probs = c(1 - error.bars, error.bars))
      eb_lower <- quants[1, ]
      eb_upper <- quants[2, ]
    } else stop ("Invalid 'error.bars' argument; see help for valid options.")
  }  # end if error.bars

  if (plot) {
    if (length(col) == 1) col <- rep(col, 2)
    colrs <- ifelse(varimp >= 0, col[1], col[2])

    if ("auto" %in% ylim) {
      ymin <- ifelse(!is.na(error.bars), min(varimps), min(abs(varimp)))
      ymax <- ifelse(!is.na(error.bars), max(varimps), max(abs(varimp)))
      ylim <- c(ymin, ymax)

    if (plot.type == "lollipop") {
      sticks <- ifelse(is.na(error.bars), TRUE, FALSE)

               col = colrs,
               names = names(varimp),
               ylab = ylab,
               ylim = ylim,
               las = 2,
               sticks = sticks,
               grid = grid,

      if (!is.na(error.bars)) {
        arrows(x0 = 1:length(varimp), x1 = 1:length(varimp), y0 = eb_lower, y1 = eb_upper, code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0.03, col = colrs)
    }  # end if lollipop

    if (plot.type == "barplot") {
      space <- 0.25

              col = colrs,
              border = NA,
              space = space,
              names = names(varimp),
              ylab = ylab,
              ylim = ylim,
              xpd = FALSE,
              las = 2,

      if (grid) grid()

      if (plot.points || !is.na(error.bars)) {
        nbars <- length(names(varimp))
        xbars <- ((1 : nbars) - space) + space * (0 : (nbars - 1))

      if (!is.na(error.bars)) {
        arrows(x0 = xbars, x1 = xbars, y0 = eb_lower, y1 = eb_upper, angle = 90, code = 3, length = 0.03, col = "#10133a")
    }  # end if barplot

    if (plot.type == "boxplot") {
      if(is.na(error.bars)) vi <- t(as.data.frame(abs(varimp))) else vi <- varimps  # ifelse makes single boxplot for all vars

              col = adjustcolor(colrs, alpha.f = 0.2),
              border = colrs,
              ylab = ylab,
              ylim = ylim,
              las = 2,

      if (grid) grid()
    }  # end if boxplot

    if (plot.points && (is_bart || is_flexbart)) {
      if (plot.type == "barplot") xx <- rep(xbars, each = nrow(varimps))
      else xx <- rep(1:ncol(varimps), each = nrow(varimps))
      jj <- sapply(xx, jitter, amount = 0.1)
      points(x = jj, y = as.matrix(varimps), pch = 20, cex = 0.1, col = adjustcolor("#ffaabb", alpha.f = 0.3))
      if (plot.type == "lollipop") {
        points(abs(varimp), pch = 20, col = colrs)
        arrows(x0 = 1:length(varimp), x1 = 1:length(varimp), y0 = eb_lower, y1 = eb_upper, code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0.03, col = colrs)
      }  # re-plot on top of points for better visibility
      if (plot.type == "barplot") {
        arrows(x0 = xbars, x1 = xbars, y0 = eb_lower, y1 = eb_upper, angle = 90, code = 3, length = 0.03, col = "#10133a")
      }  # re-plot on top of points for better visibility
    }  # end if plot.points

    signs <- unique(sign(varimp)[sign(varimp) != 0])  # check for both negative and positive varimps
    if (legend && length(signs) > 1) legend("topright", legend = c("positive", "negative"), fill = col, border = NA, bty = "n")
  }  # end if plot

  if (is.na(error.bars)) return(abs(varimp))

  return (data.frame(Mean = varimp, Lower = eb_lower, Upper = eb_upper))

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modEvA documentation built on July 4, 2024, 3:01 p.m.