
context("Testing the conversion methods of the opm package")

if (!exists("TEST.DIR"))


# Test whether or not object 'x' could be submitted to ci_plot.
is_ci_plottable <- function(x) {
  param_column_ok <- function(x) {
    pat <- sprintf("^(%s)", paste(param_names(), collapse = "|"))
    x <- sub(pat, "", x, perl = TRUE)
    y <- c("", " CI95 low", " CI95 high")
    !(length(x) %% length(y)) && all(x == y)
  data_columns_ok <- function(x) {
    rest <- seq_len(nrow(x)) %% 3L
    all(x[rest == 1L, , drop = FALSE] >= x[rest == 2L, , drop = FALSE]) &&
      all(x[rest == 1L, , drop = FALSE] <= x[rest == 0L, , drop = FALSE])
  } &&
    ! <- match(RESERVED_NAMES[["parameter"]], colnames(x))) &&
    param_column_ok(x[, pos]) &&
    data_columns_ok(x[, (pos + 1L):ncol(x), drop = FALSE])

  as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
  subset = "A", dataframe = TRUE)

metadata(NESTED.MD) <- list(A = list(B = 63, C = 64), K = "N")
metadata(tmp) <- list(A = list(F = 63, C = 64), K = "T", O = letters)


## merge
test_that("plates can be merged", {
  x <- merge(OPMS.INPUT)
  expect_is(x, "OPM")
  d1 <- dim(OPMS.INPUT)
    c(dim(OPMS.INPUT[1L])[1L] + dim(OPMS.INPUT[2L])[1L], d1[3L]))
  expect_false(any(duplicated(hours(x, "all"))))
  expect_warning(y <- opms(OPMS.INPUT[1L], OPMS.INPUT[2L, 1L:13L, ]))
  x <- merge(y)
  expect_equal(dim(x), c(dim(y[1L])[1L] + dim(y[2L])[1L], d1[3L]))

## merge
test_that("MOPMX objects can be merged", {
  got <- merge(MOPMX.1)
  expect_equal(got, MOPMX.1)
  got <- merge(MOPMX.1, MOPMX.1[[2]])
  expect_equal(length(got), length(MOPMX.1))
  expect_true(length(plates(got)) > length(plates(MOPMX.1)))
  expect_error(got <- merge(MOPMX.2)) # non-uniform wells

## merge
test_that("character-matrix objects can be merged", {

  data <- matrix(1:10, ncol = 2L)
  rownames(data) <- paste("taxon", 1L:5L, sep = "_")
  colnames(data) <- paste("char", 1L:2L, sep = "_")
  data <- discrete(data, TRUE, TRUE)
  data <- as(data, "CMAT")

  got <- merge(data, TRUE)
  expect_equal(got, data)

  got <- merge(data, FALSE)
  expect_equal(got, data)

  got <- merge(data, seq_len(nrow(data)))
  expect_equal(got, data)

  expect_error(got <- merge(data, seq_len(nrow(data))[-1L]))

  got <- merge(data, c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1))
  expect_equal(dim(got), c(2L, ncol(data)))


## split
test_that("MOPMX objects can be split", {
  expect_warning(got <- split(MOPMX.1, "organism"))
  expect_is(got, "list")
  expect_equal(names(got), c(ORGN, "NA"))
  expect_true(all(vapply(got, is, NA, "MOPMX")))

## plates
test_that("the plates can be obtained as a list", {
  pl <- plates(OPMS.INPUT)
  expect_is(pl, "list")
  expect_equal(length(pl), 2L)
  expect_true(all(vapply(pl, is, NA, "OPM")))

## plates
test_that("the plates in MOPMX objects can be obtained as a list", {
  pl <- plates(MOPMX.1)
  expect_is(pl, "list")
  expect_equal(length(pl), 3L)
  expect_true(all(vapply(pl, is, NA, "OPM")))

## oapply
test_that("oapply() can be applied to MOPMX objects", {
  got <- oapply(MOPMX.1, identity)
  expect_equal(got, MOPMX.1)


## flatten
test_that("example data can be flattened", {
  base.colnames <- unname(RESERVED_NAMES[c("time", "well", "value")])
  flat <- flatten(SMALL)
  expect_is(flat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(colnames(flat), base.colnames)
  w <- wells(SMALL, full = TRUE)
  expect_equivalent(as.character(unique.default(flat$Well)), w)
  exp.len <- Reduce(`*`, dim(SMALL))
  expect_equal(exp.len, nrow(flat))

## flatten
test_that("example data with metadata can be flattened", {
  base.colnames <- unname(RESERVED_NAMES[c("time", "well", "value")])
  flat <- flatten(SMALL.WITH.MD, include = list("Organism"))
  expect_is(flat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(colnames(flat), c("Organism", base.colnames))
  exp.len <- Reduce(`*`, dim(SMALL.WITH.MD))
  expect_equal(exp.len, nrow(flat))
  orgn <- as.character(unique(flat[, "Organism"]))
  expect_equal(orgn, ORGN)

## flatten
test_that("example data can be flattened with fixed entries", {
  base.colnames <- unname(RESERVED_NAMES[c("time", "well", "value")])
  flat <- flatten(SMALL.WITH.MD, fixed = list(A = 33, B = "zzz"))
  expect_is(flat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(colnames(flat), c("A", "B", base.colnames))
  exp.len <- Reduce(`*`, dim(SMALL.WITH.MD))
  expect_equal(exp.len, nrow(flat))
  content.a <- unique(flat[, "A"])
  expect_equal(content.a, 33)
  content.b <- as.character(unique(flat[, "B"]))
  expect_equal(content.b, "zzz")

## flatten
test_that("OPMS objects can be flattened", {
  opms.input <- OPMS.INPUT[, 1L:10L]
  base.colnames <- unname(RESERVED_NAMES[c("plate", "time", "well", "value")])
  flat <- flatten(opms.input)
  expect_is(flat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(colnames(flat), base.colnames)
  exp.len <- Reduce(`*`, dim(opms.input))
  expect_equal(exp.len, nrow(flat)) # warning: depends on length of runs
  plate.nums <- unique(flat[, "Plate"])
  expect_equal(paste("Plate", 1:2), as.character(plate.nums))

## flatten
test_that("OPMS objects including metadata can be flattened", {
  opms.input <- OPMS.INPUT[, 1L:10L]
  base.colnames <- unname(RESERVED_NAMES[c("plate", "time", "well", "value")])
  # Flatten with metadata no. 1
  flat <- flatten(opms.input, include = list("organism"))
  expect_is(flat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(colnames(flat), c("organism", base.colnames))
  orgns <- unique(as.character(flat[, "organism"]))
  expect_equal(orgns, ORGN)
  # Flatten with metadata no. 2
  flat <- flatten(opms.input, include = list("organism", "run"))
  expect_is(flat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(colnames(flat), c("organism", "run", base.colnames))
  runs <- unique(flat[, "run"])
  expect_equal(4:3, runs)

## flatten
test_that("MOPMX objects can be flattened", {
  got <- flatten(MOPMX.1)
  expect_true(setequal(got[, CSV_NAMES[["PLATE_TYPE"]]], plate_type(MOPMX.1)))
  expect_equal(length(unique.default(got[, RESERVED_NAMES[["plate"]]])),
    max(lengths(MOPMX.1, FALSE)))
  got <- interaction(got[,
    c(RESERVED_NAMES[["plate"]], CSV_NAMES[["PLATE_TYPE"]])], drop = TRUE)
  expect_equal(length(levels(got)), length(plates(MOPMX.1)))


## extract_columns
test_that("extract_columns() gets nested metadata right", {

  # 1
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, list(c("A", "C"), "K"))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K"))

  # 2
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, list(u = c("A", "C"), v = "K"))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("u", "v"))

  # 3
  old <- opm_opt(key.join = "~")
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, list(c("A", "C"), "K"))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A~C", "K"))

  # 4
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, list(u = "A"))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("u.B", "u.C"))

  # 4
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, list(z = "K"))
  expect_equal(names(got), "z")


## extract_columns
test_that("extract_columns() for OPM objects gets nested metadata right", {

  nmd <- NESTED.MD[1L]

  # 1
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, list(c("A", "C"), "K"))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K"))

  # 2
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, list(u = c("A", "C"), v = "K"))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("u", "v"))

  # 3
  old <- opm_opt(key.join = "~")
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, list(c("A", "C"), "K"))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A~C", "K"))

  # 4
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, list(u = "A"))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("u.B", "u.C"))

  # 4
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, list(z = "K"))
  expect_equal(names(got), "z")


## extract_columns
test_that("extract_columns() gets metadata right using character vector", {

  # 1
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, "A")
  expect_equal(names(got), c("B", "C"))

  # 2
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, c("A", "C"))
  expect_equal(names(got), "A.C")

  # 3
  old <- opm_opt(key.join = "~")
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, c("A", "C"))
  expect_equal(names(got), "A~C")


## extract_columns
test_that("extract_columns() for OPM objects works using character vector", {

  nmd <- NESTED.MD[1L]

  # 1
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, "A")
  expect_equal(names(got), c("B", "C"))

  # 2
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, c("A", "C"))
  expect_equal(names(got), "A.C")

  # 3
  old <- opm_opt(key.join = "~")
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, c("A", "C"))
  expect_equal(names(got), "A~C")


## extract_columns
test_that("extract_columns() gets metadata right if a formula is used", {

  # 1
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, ~ A$C + K)
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K"))

  # 2
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, ~ A$C)
  expect_equal(names(got), "A.C")

  # 3
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, ~ K)
  expect_equal(names(got), "K")

  # 4
  old <- opm_opt(key.join = "~")
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, ~ A$C + K)
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A~C", "K"))


## extract_columns
test_that("extract_columns() for OPM objects works if a formula is used", {

  nmd <- NESTED.MD[1L]

  # 1
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, ~ A$C + K)
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K"))

  # 2
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, ~ A$C)
  expect_equal(names(got), "A.C")

  # 3
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, ~ K)
  expect_equal(names(got), "K")

  # 4
  old <- opm_opt(key.join = "~")
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, ~ A$C + K)
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A~C", "K"))


## extract_columns
test_that("extract_columns() works if a formula is used with joining", {

  # 1
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, ~ J(A$C) + K)
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K"))

  # 2
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, ~ A$C + J(K))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K"))

  # 3
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, ~ J(A$C, K))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K", "A.C.K"))

  # 3
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, ~ J(A$C + K))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K", "A.C.K"))

  # 4
  old <- opm_opt(key.join = "~", comb.key.join = "!")
  got <- extract_columns(NESTED.MD, ~ J(A$C + K))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A~C", "K", "A~C!K"))


## extract_columns
test_that("extract_columns() for OPM objects works with formula and joining", {

  nmd <- NESTED.MD[1L]

  # 1
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, ~ J(A$C) + K)
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K"))

  # 2
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, ~ A$C + J(K))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K"))

  # 3
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, ~ J(A$C, K))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K", "A.C.K"))

  # 3
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, ~ J(A$C + K))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A.C", "K", "A.C.K"))

  # 4
  old <- opm_opt(key.join = "~", comb.key.join = "!")
  got <- extract_columns(nmd, ~ J(A$C + K))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A~C", "K", "A~C!K"))


## extract_columns
test_that("extract_columns can be applied to a data frame", {
  x <- data.frame(A = letters[1:5], B = 1:5)
  got <- extract_columns(x, list(C = c("A", "B")), direct = TRUE)
  expect_is(got, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(attr(got, "joined.columns"), list(C = c("A", "B")))
  expect_equal(dim(got), c(5, 3))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A", "B", "C"))
  expect_equal(rownames(got), rownames(x))
  expect_is(got$C, "factor")
  got <- extract_columns(x, list(C = c("A", "B")), direct = TRUE,
    as.labels = "A")
  expect_is(got, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(got), c(5, 3))
  expect_equal(names(got), c("A", "B", "C"))
  expect_equal(rownames(got), as.character(got$A))
  expect_is(got$C, "factor")

## sort
test_that("MOPMX objects can be sorted", {
  got <- sort(MOPMX.1)
  expect_equal(got, rev(MOPMX.1))
  got <- sort(MOPMX.1, by = "length")
  expect_equal(got, MOPMX.1)

## unique
test_that("MOPMX objects can be made unique", {
  got <- unique(MOPMX.1)
  expect_equal(got, MOPMX.1)
  got <- unique(MOPMX.1 + OPM.3)
  expect_equal(got, MOPMX.1)
  got <- unique(MOPMX.1 + OPM.1, what = "all")
  expect_true(length(got) > length(MOPMX.1))
  got <- unique(MOPMX.1 + OPM.1, what = "plate.type")
  expect_equal(got, MOPMX.1)

## rep

## rev


## extract
test_that("aggregated parameters can be extracted as matrix", {

  rn <- paste(metadata(THIN.AGG, "organism"), metadata(THIN.AGG, "run"),
    sep = "||")
  gn <- paste(metadata(THIN.AGG, "run"), metadata(THIN.AGG, "organism"),
    sep = "||")

  mat <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"), sep = "||")
  expect_is(mat, "matrix")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(2L, 96L))
  expect_equivalent(colnames(mat), wells(THIN.AGG, full = TRUE))
  expect_equal(NULL, attr(mat, "row.groups"))
  expect_equal(rn, rownames(mat))

  mat <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
    subset = "lambda", as.groups = list("run", "organism"), sep = "||")
  expect_is(mat, "matrix")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(2L, 96L))
  expect_equivalent(colnames(mat), wells(THIN.AGG, full = TRUE))
  expect_equal(as.factor(gn), attr(mat, "row.groups"))
  expect_equal(rn, rownames(mat))

  mat2 <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
    subset = "lambda", as.groups = TRUE, sep = "||")
  expect_equivalent(mat, mat2)
  expect_equal(as.factor(rep(1L, length(THIN.AGG))), attr(mat2, "row.groups"))

  mat2 <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
    subset = "lambda", as.groups = FALSE, sep = "||")
  expect_equivalent(mat, mat2)
  expect_equal(as.factor(seq(length(THIN.AGG))), attr(mat2, "row.groups"))


## extract
test_that("aggregated parameters can be extracted as matrix with CIs", {

  rn <- paste(metadata(THIN.AGG, "organism"), metadata(THIN.AGG, "run"),
    sep = "+++")
  gn <- paste(metadata(THIN.AGG, "run"), metadata(THIN.AGG, "organism"),
    sep = "+++")

  mat <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"), ci = TRUE,
    sep = "+++")
  expect_is(mat, "matrix")
  expect_is(mat[1L], "numeric")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(6L, 96L))
  expect_equivalent(colnames(mat), wells(THIN.AGG, full = TRUE))
  expect_equal(grepl(rn[1L], rownames(mat), fixed = TRUE), c(T, T, T, F, F, F))
  expect_equal(grepl(rn[2L], rownames(mat), fixed = TRUE), c(F, F, F, T, T, T))
  expect_equal(NULL, attr(mat, "row.groups"))

  mat <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
    subset = "mu", ci = TRUE, as.groups = list("organism"), sep = "+++")
  expect_is(mat, "matrix")
  expect_is(mat[1L], "numeric")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(6L, 96L))
  expect_equivalent(colnames(mat), wells(THIN.AGG, full = TRUE))
  expect_equal(grepl(rn[1L], rownames(mat), fixed = TRUE), c(T, T, T, F, F, F))
  expect_equal(grepl(rn[2L], rownames(mat), fixed = TRUE), c(F, F, F, T, T, T))
  expect_equal(rep(as.factor(metadata(THIN.AGG, "organism")), each = 3L),
    attr(mat, "row.groups"))


## extract
test_that("aggregated parameters can be extracted as dataframe", {

  mat <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
    subset = "lambda", dataframe = TRUE, sep = "***")
  expect_is(mat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(2L, 99L))
  expect_equivalent(colnames(mat), c("organism", "run",
    wells(THIN.AGG, full = TRUE)))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 1L:3L], is.factor, NA)))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 4L:99L], is.numeric, NA)))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 1L]), rep(ORGN, 2L))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 2L]), c("4", "3"))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 3L]), rep("lambda", 2L))

  mat <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
    subset = "mu", dataframe = TRUE, sep = "&",
    as.groups = list("run", "organism"))
  expect_is(mat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(2L, 101L))
  expect_equivalent(colnames(mat), c("organism", "run",
    wells(THIN.AGG, full = TRUE), "run", "organism"))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 1L:3L], is.factor, NA)))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 4L:99L], is.numeric, NA)))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 100L:101L], is.factor, NA)))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 1L]), rep(ORGN, 2L))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 2L]), c("4", "3"))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 3L]), rep("mu", 2L))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 100L]), c("4", "3"))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 101L]), rep(ORGN, 2L))


## extract
test_that("aggregated parameters can be extracted as dataframe with CIs", {

  mat <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
    subset = "lambda", dataframe = TRUE, sep = "***", ci = TRUE)
  expect_is(mat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(6L, 99L))
  expect_equivalent(colnames(mat), c("organism", "run",
    wells(THIN.AGG, full = TRUE)))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 1L:3L], is.factor, NA)))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 4L:99L], is.numeric, NA)))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 1L]), rep(ORGN, 6L))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 2L]), rep(c("4", "3"), each = 3L))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 3L]) == rep("lambda", 6L),
    c(T, F, F, T, F, F))
  expect_true(all(grepl("lambda", as.character(mat[, 3L]), fixed = TRUE)))

  mat2 <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = ~ organism + run,
    subset = "lambda", dataframe = TRUE, sep = "***", ci = TRUE)
  expect_equal(mat, mat2)

  mat2 <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = ~ J(organism + run),
    subset = "lambda", dataframe = TRUE, sep = "***", ci = TRUE)
  expect_equal(dim(mat2), c(6L, 100L))
  expect_equal(mat, mat2[, -match("", colnames(mat2))])

  mat <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
    subset = "lambda", dataframe = TRUE, sep = "***", ci = TRUE,
    as.groups = ~ run - organism)
  expect_is(mat, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(6L, 101L))
  expect_equivalent(colnames(mat), c("organism", "run",
    wells(THIN.AGG, full = TRUE), "run", "organism"))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 1L:3L], is.factor, NA)))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 4L:99L], is.numeric, NA)))
  expect_true(all(vapply(mat[, 100L:101L], is.factor, NA)))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 1L]), rep(ORGN, 6L))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 2L]), rep(c("4", "3"), each = 3L))
  expect_equal(as.character(mat[, 3L]) == rep("lambda", 6L),
    c(T, F, F, T, F, F))
  expect_true(all(grepl("lambda", as.character(mat[, 3L]), fixed = TRUE)))
  expect_equal(mat[, 1L], mat[, 101L])
  expect_equal(mat[, 2L], mat[, 100L])

  mat2 <- extract(THIN.AGG, as.labels = list("organism", "run"),
    subset = "lambda", dataframe = TRUE, sep = "***", ci = TRUE,
    as.groups = ~ J(run - organism))
  expect_equal(dim(mat2), c(6L, 102L))
  # the following subsetting itself causes differences in column names
  expect_equivalent(mat, mat2[, -102L])
  expect_equal(colnames(mat), colnames(mat2)[-102L])


## extract
test_that("extract works without grouping and without normalisation", {
  x <- extract(object = A.VALUES, as.groups = FALSE, norm.per = "none")
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(x, A.VALUES)
  expect_error(ci_plot(x)) # no CI were computed

## extract
test_that("extract works with grouping and without normalisation", {
  x <- extract(object = A.VALUES, as.groups = TRUE, norm.per = "none")
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(x), c(6L, 99L))
  got <- ci_plot(x[, 1L:9L])
  expect_equal(got, c("1: Bacillus simplex 3", "2: Bacillus simplex 4"))

## extract
test_that("extract works with grouping and 'plate.sub' normalisation", {
  x <- extract(object = A.VALUES, as.groups = TRUE, norm.per = "row")
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(x), c(6L, 99L))
  got <- ci_plot(x[, 1L:9L])
  expect_equal(got, c("1: Bacillus simplex 3", "2: Bacillus simplex 4"))

## extract
test_that("one cannot pass too many 'Parameter' columns to group_ci()", {
  Parameter <- rep("A", length(A.VALUES[, 1L]))
  xy <- cbind(A.VALUES, Parameter)
  expect_error(x <- extract(object = xy,
    as.groups = colnames(xy[, c(1L:3L, 102L)]),
    norm.per = "column", = TRUE))

## extract
test_that("extract works with grouping and 'plate.div' normalisation", {
  # 'as.groups' given as character-string of the column-names
  x <- extract(object = A.VALUES, as.groups = colnames(A.VALUES[, 1L:2L]),
    norm.per = "row", subtract = FALSE, = 10L)
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(x), c(6L, 99L))
  got <- ci_plot(x[, 1L:6L])
  expect_equal(got, c("1: Bacillus simplex 3", "2: Bacillus simplex 4"))

## extract
test_that("extract works with grouping and 'well.div' normalisation", {
  # as.groups given directly as character-string
  x <- extract(object = A.VALUES, as.groups = c("organism", "run"),
    norm.per = "column")
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(x), c(6L, 99L))
  got <- ci_plot(x[, 1L:6L])
  expect_equal(got, c("1: Bacillus simplex 3", "2: Bacillus simplex 4"))

## extract
test_that("extract works with grouping and 'well.sub' normalisation", {
  # only one column in as.groups
  x <- extract(object = A.VALUES, as.groups = "organism",
    norm.per = "row")
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(x), c(3L, 98L))
  got <- ci_plot(x[, 1L:6L])
  expect_equal(got, "1: Bacillus simplex")

## extract
test_that("extract yields error if incorrect 'as.groups' is passed", {
  # wrong columns in 'as.groups'-argument
  expect_error(x <- extract(object = A.VALUES,
    as.groups = c("organism", "run", "H06 (Acetoacetic Acid)"),
    norm.per = "column"))
  # => Error in extract(object = A.VALUES,
  #   as.groups = c("Strain", "Experiment",  :
  #   cannot find column name: H06 (Acetoacetic Acid)

## extract
test_that("extract() deals with duplicate column names", {
  x <- extract(object = A.VALUES,
    as.groups = c("organism", "run", "organism"),
    norm.per = "column", dup = "ignore")
  # =>  Warning message:
  # In extract(object = A.VALUES, as.groups = c("Strain", "Experiment",  :
  #   as.groups variable(s) are not unique
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(dim(x), c(6L, 100L))
  got <- ci_plot(x[, 1L:10L])
  expect_equal(got, c("1: Bacillus simplex 3 Bacillus simplex",
    "2: Bacillus simplex 4 Bacillus simplex")) # duplication of names

## extract
test_that("extract() can be applied to MOPMX objects", {

  # matrices
  got <- extract(MOPMX.2, ~ run, dataframe = FALSE, as.groups = "organism")
  expect_is(got, "matrix")
  expect_equal(mode(got), "numeric")
  expect_true(setequal(to_metadata(MOPMX.2)$run, rownames(got)))
  expect_false(all(to_metadata(MOPMX.2)$run == rownames(got)))
  expect_equal(nrow(got), sum(lengths(MOPMX.2, FALSE)))
  expect_equal(sum(complete.cases(got)), 2L)
  expect_equal(length(attr(got, "row.groups")), sum(lengths(MOPMX.2, FALSE)))

  # data frames
  got <- extract(MOPMX.2, ~ run, dataframe = TRUE, as.groups = "organism")
  expect_is(got, "data.frame")
  expect_equal(colnames(got)[ncol(got)], "organism")
  expect_equal(sum(complete.cases(got)), 2L)
  expect_equal(nrow(got), sum(lengths(MOPMX.2, FALSE)))
  expect_true(setequal(to_metadata(MOPMX.2)$run, got$run))



test_that("MOPMX objects can be converted into a data frame", {
  x <-
  expect_equal(dim(x), c(288L, 5L))


## to_yaml
test_that("YAML can be created from a list", {

  x <- list(a = 1:5, b = c("zonk", "wump"), c = list(c1 = 66, c2 = -3:-5))

  y <- to_yaml(x)
  expect_is(y, "character")
  expect_equal(length(y), 1L)
  expect_true(grepl("^---\n", y))
  expect_true(identical(x, yaml.load(y)))

  y2 <- to_yaml(x, sep = FALSE)
  expect_true(nchar(y) > nchar(y2))
  expect_false(grepl("^---\n", y2))
  expect_true(identical(x, yaml.load(y2)))

  expect_error(y3 <- to_yaml(x, line.sep = "\t"))

  y3 <- to_yaml(x, line.sep = "\r")
  expect_true(identical(nchar(y), nchar(y3)))
  expect_true(grepl("^---\r", y3))
  expect_false(grepl("\n", y3, fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(identical(x, yaml.load(y3)))


## to_yaml
test_that("YAML creation deals with missing list names", {
  # this actually checks a behaviour of the current yaml package, which was not
  # included in its earliest versions
  x <- list(a = 1:10, 11:15, C = 16:20) # note empty key
  # the following code gives a warning on Ubuntu but not on Winbuilder!!!
  suppressWarnings(got <- yaml.load(as.yaml(x)))
  expect_equal(x, got)
  y <- c(x, list(21:25)) # note duplicate empty keys
  expect_error(suppressWarnings(got <- yaml.load(as.yaml(y))))
  y <- c(x, list(a = 21:25)) # note duplicate non-empty keys
  expect_error(suppressWarnings(got <- yaml.load(as.yaml(y))))

## to_yaml
test_that("OPM example data can be converted to YAML", {
  lines <- strsplit(to_yaml(SMALL), "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  expect_equal("---", lines[1L])
  expect_equal("metadata: []", lines[2L])
  for (name in c("measurements:", "csv_data:")) {
    pos <- which(lines == name)
    expect_equal(1L, length(pos))
    expect_false(identical(lines[pos + 1L], "  []"))

## to_yaml
test_that("OPM example data with metadata can be converted to YAML", {
  lines <- strsplit(to_yaml(OPM.WITH.MD[, 1L:10L]), "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  expect_equal("---", lines[1L])
  for (name in c("measurements:", "csv_data:", "metadata:")) {
    pos <- which(lines == name)
    expect_equal(1L, length(pos))
    expect_false(identical(lines[pos + 1L], "  []"))

## to_yaml
test_that("aggregated OPM data can be converted to YAML", {
  lines <- strsplit(to_yaml(SMALL.AGG), "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  expect_equal("---", lines[1L])
  expect_equal("metadata: []", lines[2L])
  for (name in c("aggregated:", "aggr_settings:", "measurements:",
      "csv_data:")) {
    pos <- which(lines == name)
    expect_equal(1L, length(pos))
    expect_false(identical(lines[pos + 1L], "  []"))

## to_yaml
test_that("OPMS example data can be converted to YAML", {
  lines <- strsplit(to_yaml(THIN.AGG), "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  expect_equal("---", lines[1L])
  pats <- c("metadata", "measurements", "csv_data", "aggregated")
  for (pat in sprintf("^[ -] %s:$", pats)) {
    pos <- grep(pat, lines, FALSE, TRUE)
    expect_equal(length(THIN.AGG), length(pos))

## to_yaml
test_that("MOPMX example data can be converted to YAML", {
  lines <- strsplit(to_yaml(MOPMX.1), "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  expect_equal("---", lines[1L])
  pats <- c("measurements", "csv_data")
  for (pat in sprintf("^[ -] %s:$", pats)) {
    pos <- grep(pat, lines, FALSE, TRUE)
    expect_equal(length(pos), 3L)


## opmx
test_that("opmx can convert irregular formats", {

  text <- c("\t\t\t",
  con <- textConnection(text)
  x <- read.table(con, sep = "\t")

  # empty 'sep' argument
  got1 <- opmx(x, format = "rectangular", sep = NULL, plate.type = I("test"),
    position = 1L)
  expect_is(got1, "OPM")
  expect_equal(dim(got1), c(2L, 6L))

  # number as 'sep' argument
  expect_error(got <- opmx(x, format = "rectangular", sep = 3L,
    plate.type = I("test"), position = 1L)) # does not work (1 line too many)
  got2 <- opmx(x[-1L, ], format = "rectangular", sep = 3L,
    plate.type = I("test"), position = 1L)
  expect_is(got2, "OPM")
  expect_equal(dim(got2), c(2L, 6L))
  # this is the only component that might differ
  got1@csv_data[CSV_NAMES[["SETUP"]]] <- got2@csv_data[CSV_NAMES[["SETUP"]]]
  expect_equal(got1, got2)

  # NA as 'sep' argument (does not work because row/column names are missing)
  expect_error(opmx(x, format = "rectangular", sep = NA_character_,
    plate.type = I("test"), position = 1L))


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opm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 p.m.