
Defines functions bai.dim.opt B.OptDim abc.OptDim onatski.dim.opt O.OptDim RH.dim.opt RH.OptDim KSS.dim.opt KSS.OptDim EstDim OptDim.default OptDim print.OptDim summary.OptDim plot.OptDim

Documented in OptDim OptDim.default

##################################### Bai ##################################
bai.dim.opt <- function(Obj, d.max = NULL, sig2.hat = NULL, criteria = c("PC1","PC2","PC3", "BIC3","IC1","IC2","IC3"
			, "IPC1","IPC2","IPC3", "Eup.PC1", "Eup.IPC1"))
	nr    <- Obj$nr
	nc    <- Obj$nc
	w 	<- Obj$V.d/(nr*nc)
	d.seq <- Obj$d.seq
	C     <- min(nr, nc)
	max.rk <- length(w)
	d.max <- ifelse(is.null(d.max),min(round(sqrt(C)), max.rk ), d.max)
	if(d.max > max.rk)
		warning(expression("The given maximun dimension 'd.max' is larger than the postive eingen values of the corresponding covariance matrix. We use maximum rank as 'd.max' "))
		d.max <- max.rk

	ref   <- ifelse(is.null(sig2.hat),w[(d.max+1)], sig2.hat)
	rmw   <- w - ref
	dmax  <- length(rmw[rmw>= 0]) - 1
      d.max.p1.gzero <- length(w[1:(d.max+1)][w[1:(d.max+1)]>0])

	Result = NULL
	if("PC1"%in%criteria) {
	PC1 = w + ref * d.seq * ((nr+nc)/(nr*nc)) * log((nr*nc)/(nr + nc))
	d.opt.PC1 <- order(PC1)[1]-1	
	if(d.opt.PC1 > d.max) d.opt.PC1 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.PC1, w[d.opt.PC1+1], ref, min(dmax, d.max)))
	if("PC2"%in%criteria)  {
	PC2 = w + ref *d.seq * ((nr+nc)/(nr*nc)) * log(C)
	d.opt.PC2 <- order(PC2)[1]-1	
	if(d.opt.PC2 > d.max) d.opt.PC2 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.PC2, w[d.opt.PC2+1], ref, min(dmax, d.max)))
	if("PC3"%in%criteria) {
	PC3 = w + ref * d.seq * (log(C)/C)
	d.opt.PC3 <- order(PC3)[1]-1	
	if(d.opt.PC3 > d.max) d.opt.PC3 = d.max	
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.PC3, w[d.opt.PC3+1], ref, rep(min(dmax, d.max))))
	if("BIC3"%in%criteria) {
	BIC3 = w + ref *d.seq * ((nr+nc - ref)/(nr*nc)) *(log(nr*nc))
	d.opt.BIC3 <- order(BIC3)[1]-1	
	if(d.opt.BIC3 > d.max) d.opt.BIC3 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.BIC3, w[d.opt.BIC3+1], ref, rep(min(dmax, d.max))))
	if("IC1"%in%criteria)  {
	IC1 = log(w[1:d.max.p1.gzero]) + d.seq[1:d.max.p1.gzero] * ((nr+nc)/(nr*nc)) * log((nr*nc)/(nr + nc))
	d.opt.IC1 <- order(IC1)[1]-1	
	if(d.opt.IC1 > d.max) d.opt.IC1 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.IC1, w[d.opt.IC1+1], ref, rep(min(dmax, d.max))))
	if("IC2"%in%criteria)  {
	IC2 = log(w[1:d.max.p1.gzero]) + d.seq[1:d.max.p1.gzero] * ((nr+nc)/(nr*nc)) * log(C)
	d.opt.IC2 <- order(IC2)[1]-1	
	if(d.opt.IC2 > d.max) d.opt.IC2 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.IC2, w[d.opt.IC2+1], ref, rep(min(dmax, d.max))))
	if("IC3"%in%criteria)  {
	IC3 = log(w[1:d.max.p1.gzero]) + d.seq[1:d.max.p1.gzero] * (log(C)/C)
	d.opt.IC3 <- order(IC3)[1]-1	
	if(d.opt.IC3 > d.max) d.opt.IC3 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.IC3, w[d.opt.IC3+1], ref, rep(min(dmax, d.max))))	
	if("IPC1"%in%criteria) {
	IPC1 = w + ref * d.seq * (nr/(4*log(log(nr)))) *((nr+nc)/(nr*nc)) * log((nr*nc)/(nr + nc))
	d.opt.IPC1 <- order(IPC1)[1]-1	
	if(d.opt.IPC1 > d.max) d.opt.IPC1 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.IPC1, w[d.opt.IPC1+1], ref, rep(min(dmax, d.max))))
	if("IPC2"%in%criteria) {
	IPC2 = w + ref *d.seq * (nr/(4*log(log(nr)))) *((nr+nc)/(nr*nc)) * log(C)
	d.opt.IPC2 <- order(IPC2)[1]-1
	if(d.opt.IPC2 > d.max) d.opt.IPC2 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.IPC2, w[d.opt.IPC2+1], ref, rep(min(dmax, d.max))))	
	if("IPC3"%in%criteria) {
	IPC3 = w + ref * d.seq * (nr/(4*log(log(nr)))) *((nr+nc - ref)/(nr*nc)) *(log(nr*nc))
	d.opt.IPC3 <- order(IPC3)[1]-1
	if(d.opt.IPC3 > d.max) d.opt.IPC3 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c( d.opt.IPC3, w[d.opt.IPC3+1], ref, rep(min(dmax, d.max))))	
	if("Eup.PC1"%in%criteria) {
	Eup.PC1 = w + ref * d.seq * ((nr+nc)/(nr*nc)) * log((nr*nc)/(nr + nc))
	d.opt.Eup.PC1 <- order(Eup.PC1)[1]-1	
	dyn.d.amx <- d.max
	dyn.ref1 = ref
	while(0 < d.opt.Eup.PC1 && d.opt.Eup.PC1 < dyn.d.amx){
		dyn.d.amx = d.opt.Eup.PC1
		dyn.ref1 = w[(dyn.d.amx+1)]
		Eup.PC1 = w + dyn.ref1 * d.seq * ((nr+nc)/(nr*nc)) * log((nr*nc)/(nr + nc))
		d.opt.Eup.PC1 <- order(Eup.PC1)[1]-1	
		if(d.opt.Eup.PC1 > dyn.d.amx) d.opt.Eup.PC1 = dyn.d.amx

	Result = rbind(Result, c(d.opt.Eup.PC1, w[d.opt.Eup.PC1+1], dyn.ref1, min(dmax, d.max)))
	if("Eup.IPC1"%in%criteria) {
	Eup.IPC1 =  w + ref * d.seq * (nr/(4*log(log(nr)))) *((nr+nc - ref)/(nr*nc)) *(log(nr*nc))
	d.opt.Eup.IPC1 <- order(Eup.IPC1)[1]-1	
	dyn.d.amx <- d.max
	dyn.ref2 =  ref
	while(0 < d.opt.Eup.IPC1 && d.opt.Eup.IPC1 < dyn.d.amx){
		dyn.d.amx = d.opt.Eup.IPC1
		dyn.ref2 = w[(dyn.d.amx+1)]
		Eup.Eup.IPC1 = w + dyn.ref2 * d.seq * (nr/(4*log(log(nr)))) *((nr+nc - ref)/(nr*nc)) *(log(nr*nc))
		d.opt.Eup.IPC1 <- order(Eup.IPC1)[1]-1	
	if(d.opt.Eup.IPC1 > d.max) d.opt.Eup.IPC1 = d.max
	Result = rbind(Result, c(d.opt.Eup.IPC1, w[d.opt.Eup.IPC1+1], dyn.ref2, min(dmax, d.max)))

	all.crit <- c("PC1", "PC2",  "PC3", "BIC3", "IC1"
				, "IC2", "IC3", "IPC1", "IPC2", "IPC3", "Eup.PC1", "Eup.IPC1")
	result <- data.frame(I(all.crit[all.crit%in%criteria]), Result)

	colnames(result) = c("Criterion ", "Optimal Dimension", "sd2" , "sd2.hat.ref", "d.ref.max")

B.OptDim <- function(Obj, criteria = c("PC1","PC2","PC3", "BIC3","IC1","IC2","IC3"
			, "IPC1","IPC2","IPC3", "Eup.PC1", "Eup.IPC1") , d.max = NULL, sig2.hat = NULL){
	# what is Obj?
	if(class(Obj)=="svd.pca"|class(Obj)=="fsvd.pca") obj <- Obj
			nr  <- Obj$data.dim[1]
			nc  <- Obj$data.dim[2]
			V.d <- Obj$Sd2*(nr*nc)
			d.seq = seq.int(0, (length(V.d)-1))
			obj <- list(V.d = V.d, nr = nr, nc = nc, d.seq = d.seq)
			if(is.regular.panel(Obj)) obj <- svd.pca(Obj)
				  stop(c("'Obj' does not have the correct form."))
				else{# the function can deal with a list containing a vector of RSS for each d in the first listcomponent and the dimension as 2 dimensional vector in the second component 
					nr <- Obj[[2]][1]
					nc <- Obj[[2]][2]
					V.d <- Obj[[1]]
					d.seq = seq.int(0, (length(V.d)-1))
					obj <- list(V.d =V.d, nr = nr, nc = nc
						, d.seq = d.seq)
	criteria <- match.arg(criteria, several.ok = TRUE)
	result <- bai.dim.opt(obj, d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat, criteria = criteria)

abc.OptDim <- function(Obj , c.grid=NULL, n.seq=NULL, T.seq=NULL, 
					d.max = NULL, criteria = c("ABC.IC1", "ABC.IC2", "DCPC")){
	nr <- nrow(Obj)
	nc <- ncol(Obj)
	C = min(nr, nc)

	if(is.null(d.max)) d.max = trunc(sqrt(min(nr, nc)))
	d.max = d.max +1
	if(is.null(n.seq)| length(n.seq) == 1){
		if(length(n.seq) == 1) {
			l.n.seq <- n.seq
			if(l.n.seq > (nc-d.max -1)| l.n.seq < 2) stop("The given length of 'n.seq' is too large. The length should be between '2' and '(n - d.max +1)'. ", call. = FALSE)

		#l.n.seq <- min((nc-d.max -1), (nc - trunc(sqrt(nc)) -1), 30)
		l.n.seq <- min((nc-d.max -1),  trunc(sqrt(nc)), 30)
	l.n.seq <- length(n.seq)
	if(any(n.seq) > nc | any(n.seq < (d.max+1))) stop("The sequence 'n.seq' contains dimension(s) larger than 'n' or smaller than '(d.max +1).", call. = FALSE)

	if(is.null(T.seq)| length(T.seq) == 1){
		if(length(T.seq) == 1) {
			l.T.seq <- T.seq
			if(l.T.seq > (nr-d.max -1)| l.T.seq < 2) stop("The given length of 'T.seq' is too large. The length should be between '2' and '(T - d.max +1)'. ", call. = FALSE)
		#l.T.seq <- min((nr-d.max -1), (nr- trunc(sqrt(nr))-1), 30)
		l.T.seq <- min((nr-d.max -1), trunc(sqrt(nr)), 30)
	l.T.seq <- length(T.seq)
	if(any(T.seq) > nr | any(T.seq < (d.max+1))) stop("The sequence 'T.seq' contains dimension(s) larger than 'T' or smaller than '(d.max +1).", call. = FALSE)
	if(l.T.seq == l.n.seq){
		if(length(T.seq) < 2) T.seq <- nr:(nr-l.T.seq+1)
		else T.seq <- trunc(sort(T.seq, decreasing = TRUE))
		if(length(n.seq) < 2) n.seq <- nc:(nc-l.n.seq+1)
		else n.seq <- trunc(sort(n.seq, decreasing = TRUE))
		if(l.n.seq > l.T.seq){
		if(length(n.seq) < 2) n.seq <- nc:(nc-l.n.seq+1)
		else n.seq <- trunc(sort(n.seq, decreasing = TRUE))

		if(length(T.seq) < 2)
		T.seq <- trunc(seq.int(nr, (nr - l.T.seq), length.out = l.n.seq))
		T.seq <- trunc(seq.int(max(T.seq), min(T.seq), length.out = l.n.seq))
		if(length(T.seq) < 2)
		T.seq <- nr:(nr-l.T.seq+1)
		else T.seq <- trunc(sort(T.seq, decreasing = TRUE))

		if(length(n.seq) < 2) 
		n.seq <- trunc(seq.int(nc, (nc-l.n.seq), length.out = l.T.seq))
		n.seq <- trunc(seq.int(max(n.seq), min(n.seq), length.out = l.T.seq))
	FUN.Eig <- function(Obj, n.seq, T.seq, j){
		nc.j <- n.seq[j]
		nr.j <- T.seq[j]	
		Obj.j <- Obj[1:nr.j, 1:nc.j]

		if(nc.j < nr.j) Q.j <- crossprod(Obj.j)/(nr.j*nc.j)
		else Q.j <- tcrossprod(Obj.j)/(nr.j*nc.j)
		eig.j <- eigen(Q.j, only.values =  TRUE)[[1]]
		eig.j <- c(eig.j[1:d.max], sum(eig.j[-(1:d.max)]))
	leng.seq <- length(n.seq)
	Eig.seq <- t(sapply(1:leng.seq, FUN.Eig, Obj = Obj, n.seq=n.seq, T.seq = T.seq))	
	Eig.Seq <- Eig.seq[, -(d.max+1)]
	rSumE <- rowSums(Eig.seq) 
	rCumE <- t(apply(Eig.Seq, 1, cumsum))
	W <- cbind(rSumE, (rSumE - rCumE))
	log.W <- log(W)

	pen1.seq <- ((n.seq+T.seq)/(n.seq*T.seq)) * log((n.seq*T.seq)/(n.seq + T.seq))
	pen2.seq <- ((n.seq+T.seq)/(n.seq*T.seq)) * log(sqrt(min(nr, nc)))
	if(is.null(c.grid)) c.grid <- seq.int(0, 5, length.out= 128)

	FUN.dims <- function(log.W, m, c.grid, pen.seq){ #c=0.05
	logw <- log.W[m,]
	g <- pen.seq[m]*c.grid
	Cirt <- logw%*%t(rep(1, length(c.grid))) + 0:(d.max)%*%t(g) 
	dims <- apply(Cirt, 2, order)[1, ] -1

	Result = NULL
	if("ABC.IC1"%in%criteria) {
	Dims <- sapply(1:leng.seq, FUN.dims, log.W = log.W, c.grid = c.grid, pen.seq =pen1.seq)
	VarD <- apply(Dims, 1, var)
	if(all(Dims[, 1][VarD==min(VarD)] == d.max)) dhat = d.max -1
	else {
		dhat <- Dims[, 1][VarD==min(VarD)&Dims[, 1]<(d.max-1)]
		ldhat <- length(dhat)
			if(ldhat > 1){
				if(dhat[l]==dhat[l+1]| l== ldhat| all(dhat ==dhat[1])) break
				l= l+1
			dhat = dhat[l]

	ref <- mean(c.grid[Dims[, 1] == dhat])
	Result = rbind(Result, c(dhat, W[1, dhat+1], ref, d.max, min(c.grid), max(c.grid), length(c.grid)))
	if("ABC.IC2"%in%criteria) {
	Dims2 <- sapply(1:leng.seq, FUN.dims, log.W = log.W, c.grid = c.grid, pen.seq =pen2.seq)
	VarD2 <- apply(Dims2, 1, var)
	if(all(Dims2[, 1][VarD2==min(VarD2)] == d.max)) dhat2 = d.max -1

	else {
		dhat2 <- Dims2[, 1][VarD2==min(VarD2)&Dims2[, 1]< (d.max-1)]
		ldhat2 <- length(dhat2)
			if(ldhat2 > 1){
				if(dhat2[l]==dhat2[l+1]| l== ldhat2| all(dhat2==dhat2[1])) break
				l= l+1
			dhat2 = dhat2[l]

	ref2 <- mean(c.grid[Dims2[, 1] == dhat2])
	Result = rbind(Result, c(dhat2, W[1,dhat2+1], ref2, d.max, min(c.grid), max(c.grid), length(c.grid)))

	if("DCPC"%in%criteria) {

#	FUN.EigCV <- function(Obj, i){
#		if(i == 1) Obj.j <- Obj
#		else {
#			Obj.j <- Obj[-i, -i]
#			nr = nr-1
#			nc = nc-1
#			}
#		if(nc < nr) Q.j <- crossprod(Obj.j)/(nr*nc)
##		else Q.j <- tcrossprod(Obj.j)/(nr*nc)
#		eig.j <- eigen(Q.j, only.values =  TRUE)[[1]]
#		eig.j <- c(eig.j[1:d.max], sum(eig.j[-(1:d.max)]))
#	}
#	leng.seq <- C
#	Eig.seq <- t(sapply(1:leng.seq, FUN.EigCV, Obj = Obj))	
#	Eig.Seq <- Eig.seq[, -(d.max+1)]
#	rSumE <- rowSums(Eig.seq) 
#	rCumE <- t(apply(Eig.Seq, 1, cumsum))
#	W <- cbind(rSumE, (rSumE - rCumE))
#	C.seq <- c(C, rep((C-1), (leng.seq-1)))
	C.seq <- apply(cbind(n.seq, T.seq), 1, min)^{0.5}
	FUN.seq <- function(W, m, alpha.grid){#m=1
		w <- W[m, ]
		g <- C.seq [m]^{-2*(alpha.grid)}
		Crit <- w%*%(1 - t(g) ) + 0:(length(w)-1)%*%t(g)
		#Crit <- w%*%t(alpha.grid) + (0:(length(w)-1)%*%t(g))*rep(1, length(w))%*%(1-t(alpha.grid))
		dims.agrid <- apply(Crit, 2, function(x) order(x)[1] -1)
		dims <- dims.agrid

  ## find smalles and largest alpha
	start.alpha.grid <- seq.int(0.001, 0.999, length.out= 512)
	dims1 <- FUN.seq(W, 1, start.alpha.grid)
	low.alpha <- ifelse(sum(start.alpha.grid[dims1==0])> 0, min(start.alpha.grid[dims1==0]), min(start.alpha.grid))
	upp.apla <- ifelse(sum(start.alpha.grid[dims1<=(d.max-1)])> 0, max(start.alpha.grid[dims1<=(d.max-1)]), mean(start.alpha.grid))
	alpha.grid <- seq.int(low.alpha, upp.apla, length.out= 128)#a.grid

	Dims3 <- sapply(1:leng.seq, FUN.seq, W= W, alpha.grid = alpha.grid)
	VarD3 <- apply(Dims3, 1, var)
	adapmeand <- median(Dims3[VarD3==min(VarD3) , ])
	adapVar <- apply(Dims3, 1, function(x) sum(abs(x -adapmeand)))
	ref3 <- mean(min(adapVar))
	dhat3 <-  Dims3[adapVar==ref3, 1][1]

par(mfcol= c(1,4))
	plot(alpha.grid, VarD3)
	plot(alpha.grid, adapVar)
	plot(alpha.grid, Dims3[, 1])
	points(alpha.grid[adapVar==ref3], Dims3[adapVar==ref3, 1], col= "red")

	Result = rbind(Result, c(dhat3, W[1, dhat3+1], ref3, d.max, min(alpha.grid), max(alpha.grid), length(alpha.grid)))	

	all.crit = c("ABC.IC1", "ABC.IC2", "DCPC")
	result <- data.frame(I(all.crit[all.crit%in%criteria]), Result)
	colnames(result) = c("Criterion ", "Optimal Dimension", "sd2" , "ref.grid", "d.max", "grid.min", "grid.max", "grid.length")

onatski.dim.opt <- function(svd.pca.obj, d.max = NULL)
	nr      <- svd.pca.obj$nr
	nc      <- svd.pca.obj$nc
	w 	  <- svd.pca.obj$V.d/(nr*nc)
	ev      <- svd.pca.obj$E/nr
	max.rk  <- length(ev)

	exa.ev  <- c(sum(ev), ev)
	d.max   <- ifelse(is.null(d.max), round(sqrt(max.rk)), min(d.max, (max.rk-5)))
	if(d.max < 1) stop("the data dimension is not sufficient to run the method of Onatski (2009)")
	j       <- d.max - 1
	c.reg   <- as.matrix(seq((j - 1), (j + 3))^{(2/3)}, 4, 1)
	delta   <- 2* abs(coef(lm.fit(c.reg, ev[j:(j+4)])))
	dist.ev <- -diff(ev[1:(j+2)]) - delta
	dhat    <- sum(dist.ev > 0)
	if(j == dhat| dhat == 0) break 
	else j = dhat

	result <- data.frame(I("ED"), matrix(c(dhat, w[dhat+1]), 1, 2))
	colnames(result) <- c("Criterion", "Optimal Dimension", "sd2")

O.OptDim <- function(Obj, d.max = NULL){
	# what is Obj?
	if(class(Obj)=="svd.pca"|class(Obj)=="fsvd.pca") obj <- Obj
			nr  <- Obj$data.dim[1]
			nc  <- Obj$data.dim[2]
			V.d <- Obj$Sd2*(nr*nc)
			E   <- Obj$eigen.values*(nr*nc)
			obj <- list(V.d = V.d, nr = nr, nc = nc, E = E)
			if(is.regular.panel(Obj)) obj <- svd.pca(Obj)
				  stop(c("'Obj' does not have the correct form."))
				else{# the function can deal with a list containing a vector of RSS for each d in the first listcomponent and the dimension as 2 d-vector 'c(nr, nc)' in the second component 
					nr  <- Obj[[2]][1]
					nc  <- Obj[[2]][2]
					V.d <- Obj[[1]][-length(Obj[[1]])]
					E   <- -diff(Obj[[1]]-Obj[[1]][1])
					obj <- list(V.d = V.d, nr = nr, nc=nc, E = E)
	result <- onatski.dim.opt(obj, d.max = d.max)


RH.dim.opt <- function(svd.pca.obj, d.max = NULL)
	nr      <- svd.pca.obj$nr
	nc      <- svd.pca.obj$nc
	w 	  <- svd.pca.obj$V.d/(nr*nc)
	ev      <- svd.pca.obj$E/nr
	d.seq   <- svd.pca.obj$d.seq
	max.rk  <- length(w)

	exa.ev  <- c(sum(ev), ev)	
	C       <- min(nr, nc)
	d.max   <- ifelse(is.null(d.max),min(round(sqrt(C)), max.rk), d.max)
	if(d.max > max.rk)
		warning(expression("The given maximun dimension 'd.max' is larger than the postive eingen values of the corresponding covariance matrix. We use maximum rank as 'd.max' "))
		d.max <- max.rk

        ## number of eigenvalues greater than zero: 
        d.max.p1.gzero <- length(w[1:(d.max+1)][w[1:(d.max+1)]>0])
        d.max.p2.gzero <- length(w[1:(d.max+2)][w[1:(d.max+2)]>0])
        d.max.p3.gzero <- length(w[1:(d.max+3)][w[1:(d.max+3)]>0])
	ER = exa.ev[1:(d.max+1)]/exa.ev[2:(d.max+2)]
	d.opt.ER <- order(ER, na.last = FALSE)[d.max]
	GR = (log(w[1:d.max.p1.gzero]) - log(w[2:d.max.p2.gzero]))/(log(w[2:d.max.p2.gzero]) - log(w[3:d.max.p3.gzero]))
	d.opt.GR <- order(GR, na.last = FALSE)[d.max]

	result <- matrix(c(d.opt.ER, d.opt.GR, w[d.opt.ER+1], w[d.opt.GR+1]), 2, 2)
	Result <- data.frame(I(c("ER", "GR")),  result, rep(d.max, 2))
	colnames(Result) <- c("Criterion", "Optimal Dimension", "sd2", "d.ref.max")

RH.OptDim <- function(Obj, criteria = c("ER", "GR"), d.max = NULL){
	# what is Obj?
	if(class(Obj)=="svd.pca"|class(Obj)=="fsvd.pca") obj <- Obj
			nr    <- Obj$data.dim[1]
			nc    <- Obj$data.dim[2]
			V.d   <- Obj$Sd2*(nr*nc)
			E     <- Obj$eigen.values*(nr*nc)
			d.seq <- seq.int(0, (length(V.d)-1))
			obj <- list(V.d = V.d, nr = nr, nc = nc, E = E)
			if(is.matrix(Obj)) obj <- svd.pca(Obj)
				  stop(c("'Obj' does not have the correct form."))
				else{# the function can deal with a list containing a vector of RSS for each d in the first listcomponent and the dimension as 2 d-vector 'c(nr, nc)' in the second component 
					nr  <- Obj[[2]][1]
					nc  <- Obj[[2]][2]
					V.d <- Obj[[1]][-length(Obj[[1]])]
					E   <- -diff(Obj[[1]]-Obj[[1]][1])
					d.seq = seq.int(0, (length(Obj[[1]])-1))
					obj <- list(V.d = V.d, nr = nr, nc = nc
						, E = E, d.seq = d.seq)

	result <- RH.dim.opt(obj, d.max = d.max)
	criteria <- match.arg(criteria, several.ok = TRUE)
	return(result[result[,1] %in% criteria, ])

KSS.dim.opt <- function(obj, sig2.hat = NULL, alpha=0.01, factor.dim = NULL, d.max = NULL){
  # kann direkt mit fsvd.pca-objekten arbeiten
  nr       <- obj$nr
  nc       <- obj$nc
  spar.low <- obj$spar.low
  dat      <- obj$Q.orig
  dat.smth <- obj$Q.orig.smth
  w        <- obj$V.d/(nr*nc)  
  evec     <- obj$L
  Eval     <- obj$V.d
  max.rk   <- length(Eval)

 if(spar.low ==0) dat.smth <- NULL
### calculate traces
  I.smth1 <- smooth.Pspline(x=seq.int(0,1, length.out = nr), y = diag(rep(1,nr)), spar = spar.low, method = 1)$ysmth
  I.smth2 <- smooth.Pspline(x=seq.int(0,1, length.out = nr), y = I.smth1,         spar = spar.low, method = 1)$ysmth
  tr.dim.zero     <- sum(diag(I.smth2))
  tr.dim.zero.sqr <- sum(diag(I.smth2)^2)

  P             <- diag(1, nr) - tcrossprod(evec)
  pca.fit.p.obj <- eigen(P)
  W             <- pca.fit.p.obj[[2]]
  ## P.E is left out in further computations, since P.E[1:T]==rep(1,T)
  P.E           <- pca.fit.p.obj[[1]]

  W.smth  <- smooth.Pspline(x=seq.int(0,1, length.out = nr), y = W,               spar = spar.low, method = 1)$ysmth
  I.smth1 <- smooth.Pspline(x=seq.int(0,1, length.out = nr), y = diag(rep(1,nr)), spar = spar.low, method = 1)$ysmth
  I.smth2 <- smooth.Pspline(x=seq.int(0,1, length.out = nr), y = I.smth1,         spar = spar.low, method = 1)$ysmth
  tr.dim.zero     <- sum(diag(I.smth2))
  tr.dim.zero.sqr <- sum(diag(I.smth2)^2)

  diag.Wsmt <- diag(crossprod(W.smth)) # t(x) %*% y

  tr1 <- c(tr.dim.zero,     (sum(diag.Wsmt)   - cumsum(diag.Wsmt)))
  tr2 <- c(tr.dim.zero.sqr, (sum(diag.Wsmt^2) - cumsum(diag.Wsmt^2)))

### determine / calculate sig2.hat
  d.max0 = d.max
  sig2.hat0 = sig2.hat

	# estimation of sig2.hat: Classical, if one wants to use the KSS-Criterion for non-smoothed dat
	if(is.null(dat.smth)| !is.null(d.max)){
  		if(is.null(d.max)) d.max <- round(sqrt(min(nr, nc)))
		sig2.hat <- w[d.max+1]*(nc*nr)/(nr*nc - (nr + nc)*d.max - 1)
	# estimation of sig2.hat: Variance-Estimator see Section 3.4 (KSS) 
		tr		<- (nr + sum(diag(I.smth2)) - 2*sum(diag(I.smth1)))
		sig2.hat	<- sum((dat-dat.smth)^2)/((nc-1)*tr)
#	rice np.variance estimator
#		sig2.hat	<- sum(diff(dat)^2)/(2*(nr - 1)*nc)	


## calculate the criteria of all dimensions:
  delta       <- (Eval - (nc-1) * sig2.hat * tr1[1:max.rk])/(sig2.hat * sqrt(2*nc*tr2[1:max.rk]))
  thres1      <- qnorm(1-alpha)
  thres2      <- sqrt(2*log(min(nr, nc)))# default alpha = NULL / falls alpha != 0 dann, werden beide beide berechnet
  level2      <- 1 - pnorm(thres2)
  crit1       <- delta - thres1
  crit2       <- delta - thres2
  d.opt.KSS1  <- length(crit1[crit1 > 0])# minus 1, weil start bei dim = 0
                                         # plus  1, weil nur die dim, die das crit nicht erfüllen.
  d.opt.KSS2  <- length(crit2[crit2 > 0])
  if(is.null(dat.smth)& is.null(d.max0) & is.null(sig2.hat0)){
	sig2.hat <- w[d.opt.KSS1+1]*(nc*nr)/(nr*nc - (nr + nc)*d.opt.KSS1 - 1)
  	delta       <- (Eval - (nc-1) * sig2.hat * tr1[1:max.rk])/(sig2.hat * sqrt(2*nc*tr2[1:max.rk]))
 	thres1      <- qnorm(1-alpha)
 	thres2      <- sqrt(2*log(min(nr, nc)))# default alpha = NULL / falls alpha != 0 dann, werden beide beide berechnet
  	level2      <- 1 - pnorm(thres2)
  	crit1       <- delta - thres1
 	crit2       <- delta - thres2
  	d.opt.KSS1  <- length(crit1[crit1 > 0])

    used.dim.C1 <- factor.dim
    used.dim.C2 <- factor.dim
    used.dim.C1 <- d.opt.KSS1
    used.dim.C2 <- d.opt.KSS2
  result1     <- c(d.opt.KSS1, used.dim.C1, w[(d.opt.KSS1+1)], sig2.hat, alpha )
  result2     <- c(d.opt.KSS2, used.dim.C2, w[(d.opt.KSS2+1)], sig2.hat, level2)# level2: p.value of thres2 (thres2: alternativ crit.value)

  result      <- rbind(result1, result2)
  Result      <- vector("list", 2)
  Result[[1]] <- data.frame(I(c("KSS.C", "KSS.C2")), result)
  colnames(Result[[1]]) <- c("Criterion", "Optimal Dimension", "Used Dimension", "sd2.rest", "sd2.hat", "level")
  rownames(Result[[1]]) <- c("KSS.1", "KSS.2")

  Result[[2]] <- list(Test.Stat  = round(delta[1],2), p.value = round(1-pnorm(delta[1]), 2),
                      crit.value = round(thres1, 2),  sig.level = round(alpha, 2))

## KSS.OptDim() =====================================================================================

KSS.OptDim <- function(Obj,
                       criteria    = c("KSS.C", "KSS.C2"),
                       sig2.hat    = NULL,
                       alpha       = 0.01, 
                       d.max       = NULL,
                       factor.dim  = NULL, 
			     spar = NULL){
  ## what is Obj?
    if(class(Obj)=="fsvd.pca") obj <- Obj
      ## Liste um spar.low und Q.orig.smth erweitern:
      nr          <- Obj$nr
      nc          <- Obj$nc
      spar.low    <- ifelse(is.null(spar), 0, spar)          
      Q.orig      <- Obj$Q.orig
      Q.orig.smth <- NULL
      L           <- Obj$L
      V.d         <- Obj$V.d
      obj <- list(nr = nr, nc = nc, spar.low = spar.low, Q.orig = Q.orig,
                  Q.orig.smth = Q.orig.smth, L = L, V.d = V.d)
      ## umbenennungen zu fsvd.pca-Elementen
      nr          <- Obj$data.dim[1]
      nc          <- Obj$data.dim[2]
      spar.low    <- Obj$spar.low
      Q.orig      <- Obj$orig.values
      Q.orig.smth <- Obj$orig.values.smth
      L           <- Obj$L
      V.d         <- Obj$Sd2*(nr*nc)
      obj <- list(nr = nr, nc = nc, spar.low = spar.low, Q.orig = Q.orig,
                  Q.orig.smth = Q.orig.smth, L = L, V.d = V.d)
      nr          <- Obj$data.dim[1]
      nc          <- Obj$data.dim[2]
      spar.low    <- ifelse(is.null(spar), 0, spar)   
      Q.orig      <- Obj$orig.values
      Q.orig.smth <- NULL
      L           <- Obj$L
      V.d         <- Obj$Sd2*(nr*nc)
      obj <- list(nr = nr, nc = nc, spar.low = spar.low, Q.orig = Q.orig,
                  Q.orig.smth = Q.orig.smth, L = L, V.d = V.d)
      ## fPCA
      Obj        <- fpca.fit(dat = Obj, given.d = factor.dim, spar = spar)
      ## umbenennungen zu fsvd.pca-Elementen
      nr          <- Obj$data.dim[1]
      nc          <- Obj$data.dim[2]
      spar.low    <- Obj$spar.low
      Q.orig      <- Obj$orig.values
      Q.orig.smth <- Obj$orig.values.smth
      L           <- Obj$L
      V.d         <- Obj$Sd2*(nr*nc)
      obj <- list(nr = nr, nc = nc, spar.low = spar.low, Q.orig = Q.orig,
                  Q.orig.smth = Q.orig.smth, L = L, V.d = V.d)
  result        <- KSS.dim.opt(obj, sig2.hat = sig2.hat, alpha = alpha, factor.dim = factor.dim, d.max = d.max)
  criteria      <- match.arg(criteria, several.ok = TRUE)
  Result        <- vector("list", 2)
  Result[[1]]   <- result[[1]][result[[1]][,1] %in% criteria, ]
  Result[[2]]   <- result[[2]]

############## Est dim intern  ######################################################################################

EstDim <- function(Obj, 
                   dim.criterion = c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "BIC3",
                     "IC1", "IC2", "IC3",
                     "IPC1","IPC2", "IPC3",
			   "ABC.IC1", "ABC.IC2", 
                     "ED",  "ER",  "GR"),
                   level = 0.01,
			 c.grid = seq(0, 5, length.out = 128),
  ## missing parameters
       if(missing(factor.dim)) factor.dim  <- NULL
  	 if(missing(d.max))      d.max       <- NULL
 	 if(missing(sig2.hat))   sig2.hat    <- NULL
	 if(missing(spar))       spar        <- NULL
	 if(missing(T.seq))	 T.seq 	 <- NULL
	 if(missing(n.seq))	 n.seq 	 <- NULL

  ## estimation 
	 criteria <- match.arg(dim.criterion)
 	 est.dim       <- switch(criteria,
                          PC1  = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("PC1")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          PC2  = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("PC2")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          PC3  = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("PC3")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          BIC3  = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("BIC3")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          IC1  = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("IC1")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          IC2  = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("IC2")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          IC3  = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("IC3")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          IPC1 = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("IPC1")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          IPC2 = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("IPC2")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          IPC3 = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("IPC3")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          Eup.PC1 = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("Eup.PC1")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          Eup.IPC1 = try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("Eup.IPC1")
                            , d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat)),
                          ABC.IC1 = try(abc.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("ABC.IC1")
                            , d.max = d.max, c.grid = c.grid, n.seq = n.seq, T.seq = T.seq)),
                          ABC.IC2 = try(abc.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("ABC.IC2")
                            , d.max = d.max, c.grid = c.grid, n.seq = n.seq, T.seq = T.seq)),
                          DCPC = try(abc.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("DCPC")
                            , d.max = d.max, c.grid = c.grid, n.seq = n.seq, T.seq = T.seq)),
                          ED   = try(O.OptDim(Obj, d.max = d.max)),				
                          ER   = try(RH.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("ER")
                            , d.max = d.max)),
                          GR   = try(RH.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("GR")
                            , d.max = d.max)),
                          KSS.C  = try(KSS.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("KSS.C")
				    , sig2.hat = sig2.hat, alpha=level, spar = spar
                                    , factor.dim=factor.dim, d.max=d.max)[[1]])

############## Est dim compair  ######################################################################################

OptDim.default <- function(Obj, 
                 criteria = c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "BIC3",
                     "IC1", "IC2", "IC3",
                     "IPC1","IPC2", "IPC3",
			   "ABC.IC1", "ABC.IC2",
                     "ED",  "ER",  "GR"),
			standardize = FALSE,
			level = 0.01,
			c.grid = seq(0, 5, length.out = 128),
  ## if Eup or KSS classes
	if(class(Obj)=="KSS"| class(Obj)== "Eup") Obj <- Obj$unob.fact.stru + Obj$residuals
	else is.regular.panel(Obj, stopper = TRUE)

  ## missing parameters
  	 if(missing(d.max))      d.max       <- NULL
 	 if(missing(sig2.hat))   sig2.hat    <- NULL
	 if(missing(spar))       spar        <- NULL
	 if(missing(c.grid))	 c.grid 	 <- NULL
	 if(missing(T.seq))	 T.seq 	 <- NULL
	 if(missing(n.seq))	 n.seq 	 <- NULL

  ## standardize
	if(standardize) Obj <- standardize(Obj)

  ## estimation 
	criteria <- match.arg(criteria, several.ok = TRUE)
	checkBai <- criteria%in%c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "BIC3",
                     	      "IC1", "IC2", "IC3",
                     		"IPC1","IPC2", "IPC3", "Eup.PC1", "Eup.IPC1")
				BaiS <- try(B.OptDim(Obj, criteria =  criteria[checkBai], 
                      	d.max = d.max, sig2.hat = sig2.hat))	

	checkOnat <- criteria%in%c("ED")
				OnatS <- try(O.OptDim(Obj, d.max = d.max))

	checkRH <- criteria%in%c("ER", "GR")
				RHS <- try(RH.OptDim(Obj, criteria = criteria[checkRH], 
				d.max = d.max))

	checkKSS <- criteria%in%c("KSS.C")
				KSSS <- try(KSS.OptDim(Obj, criteria = c("KSS.C"), 
				sig2.hat = sig2.hat, alpha=level, 
                        factor.dim= NULL, d.max=d.max, spar = spar)[[1]])

	checkABC <- criteria%in%c("ABC.IC1", "ABC.IC2", "DCPC")
				ABCS <- try(abc.OptDim(Obj, criteria =  criteria[checkABC], 
                      	c.grid = c.grid, n.seq = n.seq, T.seq= T.seq, d.max = d.max))	

       ll <- length(criteria)
	 Result <- vector(mode = "list", ll)  
	 for(l in 1:ll) {#l=1
		if(checkBai[l]) Result[[l]] <- BaiS[ BaiS[ ,1] == criteria[l],]
			if(checkOnat[l]) Result[[l]] <- OnatS
				if(checkRH[l]) Result[[l]] <- RHS[ RHS[ ,1] == criteria[l], ]
					if(checkKSS[l]) Result[[l]] <- KSSS
					if(checkABC[l]) Result[[l]] <- ABCS[ABCS[ ,1] == criteria[l], ]
	summary <- sapply(1:length(criteria), function(l) Result[[l]][,1:2])
	Summary <- matrix(as.numeric(summary[2,]), ncol(summary))
	colnames(Summary) <- " "
	rownames(Summary) <- summary[1, ]
	Summary  <- t(Summary )
	Result$summary <- Summary 
	Result$criteria <- criteria
	Result$BaiNgC <- criteria%in%c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "BIC3", "IC1", "IC2", "IC3")
	Result$BaiC   <- criteria%in%c("IPC1", "IPC2", "IPC3")
	Result$KSSC   <- checkKSS
	Result$OnatC  <- checkOnat
	Result$RHC    <- checkRH
	Result$EupC   <- criteria%in%c("Eup.PC1", "Eup.IPC1")
	Result$ABCC   <- criteria%in%c("ABC.IC1", "ABC.IC2")
	Result$BadaC  <- criteria%in%c("DCPC")
	Result$cl     <- match.call()
	Result$obj    <- Obj
	structure(Result, class = "OptDim")

# ####################### Methods ########################
	OptDim <- function(Obj, 
                 criteria = c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "BIC3",
                     "IC1", "IC2", "IC3",
                     "IPC1","IPC2", "IPC3",
			   "ABC.IC1", "ABC.IC2", 
                     "ED",  "ER",  "GR"),
			standardize = FALSE,
			level = 0.01,
			c.grid = seq(0, 5, length.out = 128),
			n.seq){ UseMethod("OptDim")}

## Print
print.OptDim <- function(x,...){
   	cat("Call: ")
	cl <- x$cl

	ll <- length(x$criteria)

	if(sum(x$KSSC) > 0){
	cat("\nCriterion of Kneip, Sickles, and Song (2012):\n\n")
		KSS2009 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(x$KSSC[l]) KSS2009 <- rbind(KSS2009, x[[l]][,1:2])
		dimKSS2009 <- matrix(KSS2009[, 2], 1, length(KSS2009[, 2]))
		colnames(dimKSS2009) <- "KSS.C"
		rownames(dimKSS2009) <- " "
	if(sum(x$BaiNgC) > 0){
	if(sum(x$BaiNgC) > 1) cat("\nCriteria of Bai and Ng (2002):\n\n")
	else  cat("\nCriterion of Bai and Ng (2002):\n\n")
		BN2002 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(x$BaiNgC[l]) BN2002 <- rbind(BN2002, x[[l]][,1:2])
		dimBN2002 <- matrix(BN2002[, 2], 1, length(BN2002[, 2]))
		colnames(dimBN2002) <- BN2002[, 1]
		rownames(dimBN2002) <- " "
	if(sum(x$RHC) > 0){
	if(sum(x$RHC) > 1) cat("\nCriteria of Ahn and Horenstein (2013):\n\n")
	else cat("\nCriterion of Ahn and Horenstein (2013):\n\n") 
		AH2008 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(x$RHC[l]) AH2008 <- rbind(AH2008, x[[l]][,1:2])
		dimAH2008 <- matrix(AH2008[, 2], 1, length(AH2008[, 2]))
		colnames(dimAH2008) <- AH2008[, 1]
		rownames(dimAH2008) <- " "
	if(sum(x$BaiC) > 0){
	if(sum(x$BaiC) > 1) cat("\nCriteria of Bai (2004):\n\n") 
	else cat("\nCriterion of Bai (2004):\n\n")
		B2004 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(x$BaiC[l]) B2004 <- rbind(B2004, x[[l]][,1:2])
		dimB2004 <- matrix(B2004[, 2], 1, length(B2004[, 2]))
		colnames(dimB2004) <- B2004[, 1]
		rownames(dimB2004) <- " "
	if(sum(x$OnatC) > 0){
	cat("\nCriterion of Onatski (2009):\n\n")
		O2009 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(x$OnatC[l]) O2009 <- rbind(O2009, x[[l]][,1:2])
		dimO2009 <- matrix(O2009[, 2], 1, length(O2009[, 2]))
		colnames(dimO2009) <- O2009[, 1]
		rownames(dimO2009) <- " "
	if(sum(x$ABCC) > 0){
		ABC <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(x$ABCC[l]) ABC <- rbind(ABC, x[[l]][,1:2])
		dimABC <- matrix(ABC[, 2], 1, length(ABC[, 2]))
		colnames(dimABC) <- ABC[, 1]
		rownames(dimABC) <- " "
	if(sum(x$ABCC) > 1) cat("\nABC calibration of IC1 and IC2 (Alessi et al. (2010)):\n\n") 
	else cat(paste("\nABC calibration of", ifelse(colnames(dimABC) == "ABC.IC1", "IC1", "IC2"), "(Alessi et al. (2010)):\n\n"))
	if(sum(x$EupC) > 0){
		B2013 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(x$EupC[l]) B2013 <- rbind(B2013, x[[l]][,1:2])
		dimB2013 <- matrix(B2013[, 2], 1, length(B2013[, 2]))
		colnames(dimB2013) <- B2013[, 1]
		rownames(dimB2013) <- " "
	if(sum(x$EupC) > 1) cat("\nEup calibration of PC1 and IPC1 (Bada and Kneip (2013)):\n\n") 
	else cat(paste("\nEup calibration of", ifelse(colnames(dimB2013) == "Eup.PC1", "PC1", "IPC1"), "(Bada and Kneip (2013)):\n\n"))
	if(sum(x$BadaC) > 0){
		Bada <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(x$BadaC[l]) Bada <- rbind(Bada, x[[l]][,1:2])
		dimBada <- matrix(Bada[, 2], 1, length(Bada[, 2]))
		colnames(dimBada) <- Bada[, 1]
		rownames(dimBada) <- " "
	cat("\nData Adjusted Penalty of Bada (2013):\n\n") 

## Print
summary.OptDim <- function(object,...){
   	cat("Call: ")
	cl <- object$cl

	ll <- length(object$criteria)

	if(sum(object$KSSC) > 0){
	cat("\nSequential testing of Kneip, Sickles, and Song (2012):\n\n")
		KSS2009 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(object$KSSC[l]) KSS2009 <- rbind(KSS2009, object[[l]])
		dimKSS2009 <- KSS2009[, c(2, 6)]
		colnames(dimKSS2009) <- c("Estimate", "Level")
		rownames(dimKSS2009) <- " KSS.C"
		cat("\n\nUsed Std Err: ")
		cat(signif(KSS2009[1, 5], 3))
	if(sum(object$BaiNgC) > 0){
	if(sum(object$BaiNgC) > 1) cat("\nCriteria of Bai and Ng (2002):\n\n")
	else  cat("\nCriterion of Bai and Ng (2002):\n\n")
		BN2002 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(object$BaiNgC[l]) BN2002 <- rbind(BN2002, object[[l]])
		dimBN2002 <- BN2002[, 2:3]
		colnames(dimBN2002) <- c("Estimate", "Std Err")
		rownames(dimBN2002) <- BN2002[, 1]
		print(signif(dimBN2002, 3))
		cat("\n\nUsed d.max: ")
		cat(BN2002[1, 5])
	if(sum(object$RHC) > 0){
	if(sum(object$RHC) > 1) cat("\nCriteria of Ahn and Horenstein (2013):\n\n")
	else cat("\nCriterion of Ahn and Horenstein (2013):\n\n") 
		AH2008 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(object$RHC[l]) AH2008 <- rbind(AH2008, object[[l]])
		dimAH2008 <- AH2008[, 2:3]
		colnames(dimAH2008) <-  c("Estimate", "Std Err")
		rownames(dimAH2008) <- AH2008[,1]
		print(signif(dimAH2008, 3))
		cat("\n\nUsed d.max: ")
		cat(AH2008[1, 4])	

	if(sum(object$BaiC) > 0){
	if(sum(object$BaiC) > 1) cat("\nCriteria of Bai (2004):\n\n") 
	else cat("\n\nCriterion of Bai (2004):\n\n")
		B2004 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(object$BaiC[l]) B2004 <- rbind(B2004, object[[l]])
		dimB2004 <- B2004[, 2:3]
		colnames(dimB2004) <- c("Estimate", "Std Err")
		rownames(dimB2004) <- B2004[, 1]
		print(signif(dimB2004, 3))
		cat("\n\nUsed d.max: ")
		cat(B2004[1, 5])

	if(sum(object$OnatC) > 0){
	cat("\nCriterion of Onatski (2009):\n\n")
		O2009 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(object$OnatC[l]) O2009 <- rbind(O2009, object[[l]])
		dimO2009 <- O2009[, 2:3]
		colnames(dimO2009) <- c("Estimate", "Std Err")
		rownames(dimO2009) <- O2009[1, 1]
		print(signif(dimO2009, 3))

	if(sum(object$ABCC) > 0){
		ABC <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(object$ABCC[l]) ABC <- rbind(ABC, object[[l]])
		dimABC <- ABC[, 2:3]
		colnames(dimABC) <- c("Estimate", "Std Err")
		rownames(dimABC) <- ABC[, 1]

	if(sum(object$ABCC) > 1) cat("\nABC calibration of IC1 and IC2 (Alessi and all (2010)):\n\n") 
	else cat(paste("\nABC calibration of", ifelse(rownames(dimABC) == "ABC.IC1", "IC1", "IC2"), "(Alessi and all (2010)):\n\n"))
		print(signif(dimABC, 3))
		cat("\n\nUsed d.max : ")
		cat(ABC[1, 5])
		cat(paste("\nCalibration grid between", ABC[1, 6], "and", ABC[1, 7], "with a length of", ABC[1, 8], "."))

	if(sum(object$EupC) > 0){
		B2013 <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(object$EupC[l]) B2013 <- rbind(B2013, object[[l]])
		dimB2013 <- B2013[, 2:3]
		colnames(dimB2013) <- c("Estimate", "Std Err")
		rownames(dimB2013) <- B2013[, 1]

	if(sum(object$EupC) > 1) cat("\nEup calibration of PC1 and IPC1 (Bada and Kneip (2013)):\n\n") 
	else cat(paste("\nEup calibration of", ifelse(rownames(dimB2013) == "Eup.PC1", "PC1", "IPC1"), "(Bada and Kneip (2013)):\n\n"))
		print(signif(dimB2013, 3))
		cat("\n\nUsed d.max: ")
		cat(B2013[1, 5])

	if(sum(object$BadaC) > 0){
		Bada <- numeric(0)
		for(l in 1:ll) if(object$BadaC[l]) Bada <- rbind(Bada, object[[l]])
		dimBada <- Bada[, 2:3]
		colnames(dimBada) <- c("Estimate", "Std Err")
		rownames(dimBada) <- Bada[, 1]
	cat("\nData Adjusted Penalty of Bada (2013):\n\n") 
	print(signif(dimBada), 3)
	cat("\n\nUsed d.max : ")
	cat(Bada[1, 5])
	cat(paste("\nCalibration grid between", Bada[1, 6], "and", Bada[1, 7], "with a length of", Bada[1, 8], "."))


plot.OptDim <- function(x, main, border, col, ...){
	Resultcrit <- x$summary

	dims <- as.numeric(levels(as.factor(Resultcrit)))
	dcol <- rainbow(length(dims))

	Obj <- x$obj
	nr  <- nrow(Obj)
	nc  <- ncol(Obj)
	dual = FALSE
	if(nr > nc) dual = TRUE
	if(dual)  Q <- t(Obj)%*%Obj
	else Q <- Obj%*%t(Obj)
	eig <- eigen(Q, only.values = TRUE)[[1]]
	d.max = min(nc, nr)
	perceig <- eig/sum(eig)
	perccum <- cumsum(perceig)
	ycords <- c(((3/2)*perceig[1]-0.5*perceig[2]), perceig[-d.max])
	yycoreds <- ycords 
	yycoreds[1] <- (ycords[1] - perceig[1])/2 + perceig[1]

	critperdim <- sapply(dims, function(x) paste(colnames(Resultcrit)[Resultcrit[1,]== x], collapse = ",    "))

	if(missing(main)) main = "Screeplot"
	if(missing(border)) border = FALSE
	if(missing(col)) col = "lightslategrey"
	if(dims[1]==0 && perceig[2] > 0) Ylim <- (3/2)*perceig[1]-0.5*perceig[2]
	else Ylim <- perceig[1]

	xaxis <- barplot(perceig,  main = main, border = border 
		,axes = FALSE, col = col, ylim = c(0, Ylim)
		, ylab = "Proportion of variance"
		, xlab = "Ordered eigenvalues")
	axis(1, xaxis[1:max(dims)], 1:max(dims), tick = FALSE)
	axis(2, perceig[1:max(dims)], paste((round(perceig[1:max(dims)], 3)*100), "%"))
	axis(4, yycoreds[(dims+1)], dims)

	for(r in 1:length(dims)){
	if(dims[r]!=0) abline(h = yycoreds[(dims[r]+1)], lty = 3, col = "gray")
	text(rep(d.max, length(dims)), (yycoreds[(dims+1)]+ 0.01) , critperdim, adj = 1, cex = 1.1)

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