
Defines functions model.matrix.pFormula model.frame.pFormula as.Formula.pFormula as.Formula.pFormula pFormula print.dynformula formula.dynformula dynformula write.lags create.list sumres print.summary.pht summary.pht pht lev2var plm.data pvcovHC

Documented in as.Formula.pFormula dynformula formula.dynformula model.frame.pFormula model.matrix.pFormula pFormula pht plm.data print.dynformula print.summary.pht pvcovHC summary.pht

#' Deprecated functions of plm
#' `dynformula`, `pht`, `plm.data`, and `pvcovHC` are
#' deprecated functions which could be removed from \pkg{plm} in a near future.
#' `dynformula` was used to construct a dynamic formula which was the
#' first argument of `pgmm`. `pgmm` uses now multi-part formulas.
#' `pht` estimates the Hausman-Taylor model, which can now be estimated
#' using the more general `plm` function.
#' `plm.data` is replaced by `pdata.frame`.
#' `pvcovHC` is replaced by `vcovHC`.
#' `detect_lin_dep` is replaced by `detect.lindep`.
#' @name plm-deprecated
#' @param formula a formula,
#' @param lag.form a list containing the lag structure of each variable in the
#' formula,
#' @param diff.form a vector (or a list) of logical values indicating whether
#' variables should be differenced,
#' @param log.form a vector (or a list) of logical values indicating whether
#' variables should be in logarithms.
#' @param object,x an object of class `"plm"`,
#' @param data a `data.frame`,
#' @param \dots further arguments.
#' @param indexes a vector (of length one or two) indicating the (individual
#' and time) indexes (see Details);
#' @param lhs see Formula
#' @param rhs see Formula
#' @param model see plm
#' @param effect see plm
#' @param theta the parameter of transformation for the random effect model
#' @param cstcovar.rm remove the constant columns or not

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
pvcovHC <- function(x, ...){
  .Deprecated(new = "pvcovHC", msg = "'pvcovHC' is deprecated, use 'vcovHC' instead for same functionality",
              old = "vcovHC")

# plm.data() is now deprecated (since February 2017). Need to keep it in package
# for backward compatibility of users' code out there and packages, especially 
# for package 'systemfit'.
# While plm.data() was a 'full function' once, it now is now using
# pdata.frame() and re-works the properties of the "plm.dim" objects
# original created by the 'full' plm.data() function.  The 'full'
# plm.data() function is kept non-exported as plm.data_depr_orig due
# to reference and testing (see tests/test_plm.data.R)

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
plm.data <- function(x, indexes = NULL) {

  .Deprecated(new = "pdata.frame", msg = "use of 'plm.data' is discouraged, better use 'pdata.frame' instead",
              old = "plm.data")

  # the class "plm.dim" (which plm.data creates) deviates from class "pdata.frame":
  #    * always contains the indexes (in first two columns (id, time))
  #    * does not have fancy rownames
  #    * always coerces strings to factors
  #    * does not have index attribute
  #    * leaves in constant columns (albeit the 'full' implementation printed a msg about dropping those ...)
  #  -> call pdata.frame accordingly and adjust afterwards
  orig_col_order <- colnames(x)
  x <- pdata.frame(x, index              = indexes,
                      drop.index         = FALSE,
                      row.names          = FALSE,
                      stringsAsFactors   = TRUE,
                      replace.non.finite = TRUE,
                      drop.NA.series     = TRUE,
                      drop.const.series  = FALSE)

  # determine position and names of index vars in pdata.frame
  pos_indexes <- pos.index(x)
  names_indexes <- names(pos_indexes) # cannot take from arg 'indexes' as it could be only the index for id
  # the class "plm.dim" does not have the index attribute -> remove
  attr(x, "index") <- NULL
  # remove class 'pdata.frame' to prevent any dispatching of special methods on object x
  class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "pdata.frame")
  # class "plm.dim" always has indexes in first two columns (id, time)
  # while "pdata.frame" leaves the index variables at it's place (if not dropped at all with drop.index = T)
  x <- x[ , c(names_indexes, setdiff(orig_col_order, names_indexes))]
  # set class
  class(x) <- c("plm.dim", "data.frame")

### pht

lev2var <- function(x, ...){
  # takes a data.frame and returns a vector of variable names, the
  # names of the vector being the names of the effect
  is.fact <- sapply(x, is.factor)
  if (sum(is.fact) > 0L){
    not.fact <- names(x)[!is.fact]
    names(not.fact) <- not.fact
    x <- x[is.fact]
    wl <- lapply(x,levels)
    # nl is the number of levels for each factor
    nl <- sapply(wl,length)
    # nf is a vector of length equal to the total number of levels
    # containing the name of the factor
    nf <- rep(names(nl),nl)
    result <- unlist(wl)
    names(result) <- nf
    result <- paste(names(result), result, sep = "")
    names(nf) <- result
    c(nf, not.fact)
    z <- names(x)
    names(z) <- z

#' Hausman--Taylor Estimator for Panel Data
#' The Hausman--Taylor estimator is an instrumental variable estimator without
#' external instruments (function deprecated).
#' `pht` estimates panels models using the Hausman--Taylor estimator,
#' Amemiya--MaCurdy estimator, or Breusch--Mizon--Schmidt estimator, depending
#' on the argument `model`. The model is specified as a two--part formula,
#' the second part containing the exogenous variables.
#' @aliases pht
#' @param formula a symbolic description for the model to be
#'     estimated,
#' @param object,x an object of class `"plm"`,
#' @param data a `data.frame`,
#' @param subset see [lm()] for `"plm"`, a character or
#'     numeric vector indicating a subset of the table of coefficient
#'     to be printed for `"print.summary.plm"`,
#' @param na.action see [lm()],
#' @param model one of `"ht"` for Hausman--Taylor, `"am"`
#'     for Amemiya--MaCurdy and `"bms"` for
#'     Breusch--Mizon--Schmidt,
#' @param index the indexes,
#' @param digits digits,
#' @param width the maximum length of the lines in the print output,
#' @param \dots further arguments.
#' @return An object of class `c("pht", "plm", "panelmodel")`.
#' A `"pht"` object contains the same elements as `plm`
#' object, with a further argument called `varlist` which
#' describes the typology of the variables. It has `summary` and
#' `print.summary` methods.
#' @note The function `pht` is deprecated. Please use function `plm`
#'     to estimate Taylor--Hausman models like this with a three-part
#'     formula as shown in the example:\cr `plm(<formula>,
#'     random.method = "ht", model = "random", inst.method =
#'     "baltagi")`. The Amemiya--MaCurdy estimator and the
#'     Breusch--Mizon--Schmidt estimator is computed likewise with
#'     `plm`.
#' @export
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @references
#' \insertCite{AMEM:MACU:86}{plm}
#' \insertCite{BALT:13}{plm}
#' \insertCite{BREU:MIZO:SCHM:89}{plm}
#' \insertCite{HAUS:TAYL:81}{plm}
#' @keywords regression
#' @examples
#' ## replicates Baltagi (2005, 2013), table 7.4; Baltagi (2021), table 7.5
#' ## preferred way with plm()
#' data("Wages", package = "plm")
#' ht <- plm(lwage ~ wks + south + smsa + married + exp + I(exp ^ 2) + 
#'               bluecol + ind + union + sex + black + ed |
#'               bluecol + south + smsa + ind + sex + black |
#'               wks + married + union + exp + I(exp ^ 2), 
#'           data = Wages, index = 595,
#'           random.method = "ht", model = "random", inst.method = "baltagi")
#' summary(ht)
#' am <- plm(lwage ~ wks + south + smsa + married + exp + I(exp ^ 2) + 
#'               bluecol + ind + union + sex + black + ed |
#'               bluecol + south + smsa + ind + sex + black |
#'               wks + married + union + exp + I(exp ^ 2), 
#'           data = Wages, index = 595,
#'           random.method = "ht", model = "random", inst.method = "am")
#' summary(am)
#' ## deprecated way with pht() for HT
#' #ht <- pht(lwage ~ wks + south + smsa + married + exp + I(exp^2) +
#' #          bluecol + ind + union + sex + black + ed | 
#' #          sex + black + bluecol + south + smsa + ind,
#' #          data = Wages, model = "ht", index = 595)
#' #summary(ht)
#' # deprecated way with pht() for AM
#' #am <- pht(lwage ~ wks + south + smsa + married + exp + I(exp^2) +
#' #          bluecol + ind + union + sex + black + ed | 
#' #          sex + black + bluecol + south + smsa + ind,
#' #          data = Wages, model = "am", index = 595)
#' #summary(am)
pht <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, model = c("ht", "am", "bms"), index = NULL, ...){
  .Deprecated(old = "pht",
              msg = paste0("uses of 'pht()' and 'plm(., model = \"ht\")' are discouraged, ",
                           "better use 'plm(., model = \"random\", random.method = \"ht\", ",
                           "inst.method = \"baltagi\"/\"am\"/\"bms\")' for Hausman-Taylor, ",
                           "Amemiya-MaCurdy, and Breusch-Mizon-Schmidt estimator"))
  cl <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  mf <- match.call()
  if (length(model) == 1L && model == "bmc") {
    # catch "bmc" (a long-standing typo) for Breusch-Mizon-Schmidt due to backward compatibility
  	# error since 2020-12-31 (R-Forge) / 2021-01-23 (CRAN), was a warning before
  	# remove catch at some point in the future
    model <- "bms"
    stop("Use of model = \"bmc\" disallowed, set to \"bms\" for Breusch-Mizon-Schmidt instrumental variable transformation")
  model <- match.arg(model)
  # compute the model.frame using plm with model = NA
  mf[[1L]] <- as.name("plm")
  mf$model <- NA
  data <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  # estimate the within model without instrument and extract the fixed
  # effects
  formula <- Formula(formula)
  if (length(formula)[2L] == 1L) stop("a list of exogenous variables should be provided")
  mf$model = "within"
  mf$formula <- formula(formula, rhs = 1)
  within <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  fixef <- fixef(within)
  id <- index(data, "id")
  time <- index(data, "time")
  pdim <- pdim(data)
  balanced <- pdim$balanced
  T <- pdim$nT$T
  n <- pdim$nT$n
  N <- pdim$nT$N
  Ti <- pdim$Tint$Ti
  # get the typology of the variables
  X <- model.matrix(data, rhs = 1, model = "within", cstcovar.rm = "all")
  W <- model.matrix(data, rhs = 2, model = "within", cstcovar.rm = "all")
  exo.all <- colnames(W)
  all.all <- colnames(X)
  edo.all <- all.all[!(all.all %in% exo.all)]
  all.cst <- attr(X, "constant")
  exo.cst <- attr(W, "constant")
  if("(Intercept)" %in% all.cst) all.cst <- setdiff(all.cst, "(Intercept)")
  if("(Intercept)" %in% exo.cst) exo.cst <- setdiff(exo.cst, "(Intercept)")
  exo.var <- exo.all[!(exo.all %in% exo.cst)]
  edo.cst <- all.cst[!(all.cst %in% exo.cst)]
  edo.var <- edo.all[!(edo.all %in% edo.cst)]
  if (length(edo.cst) > length(exo.var)){
    stop(" The number of endogenous time-invariant variables is greater
           than the number of exogenous time varying variables\n")
  X <- model.matrix(data, model = "pooling", rhs = 1, lhs = 1)
  if (length(exo.var) > 0L) XV <- X[ , exo.var, drop = FALSE] else XV <- NULL
  if (length(edo.var) > 0L) NV <- X[ , edo.var, drop = FALSE] else NV <- NULL
  if (length(exo.cst) > 0L) XC <- X[ , exo.cst, drop = FALSE] else XC <- NULL
  if (length(edo.cst) > 0L) NC <- X[ , edo.cst, drop = FALSE] else NC <- NULL
  if (length(all.cst) != 0L)
    zo <- twosls(fixef[as.character(id)], cbind(XC, NC), cbind(XC, XV), TRUE)
  else zo <- lm(fixef ~ 1)
  sigma2 <- list()
  sigma2$one <- 0
  sigma2$idios <- deviance(within)/ (N - n)
  sigma2$one <- deviance(zo) / n
    sigma2$id <- (sigma2$one - sigma2$idios)/ T
    theta <- 1 - sqrt(sigma2$idios / sigma2$one)
    # for unbalanced data, the harmonic mean of the Ti's is used ; why ??
    barT <- n / sum(1 / Ti)
    sigma2$id <- (sigma2$one - sigma2$idios) / barT
    theta <- 1 - sqrt(sigma2$idios / (sigma2$idios + Ti * sigma2$id))
    theta <- theta[as.character(id)]
  estec <- structure(list(sigma2 = sigma2, theta = theta),
                     class = "ercomp",
                     balanced = balanced,
                     effect = "individual")
  y <- pmodel.response(data, model = "random", effect = "individual", theta = theta)
  X <- model.matrix(data, model = "random", effect = "individual", theta = theta)
  within.inst <- model.matrix(data, model = "within")
  if (model == "ht"){
    between.inst <- model.matrix(data, model = "Between",
                                 rhs = 2)[ , exo.var, drop = FALSE]
    W <- cbind(within.inst, XC, between.inst)
  if (model == "am"){
    Vx <- model.matrix(data, model = "pooling",
                       rhs = 2)[ , exo.var, drop = FALSE]
    if (balanced){
      # Plus rapide mais pas robuste au non cylindre
      Vxstar <- Reduce("cbind",
                                matrix(Vx[ , x], ncol = T, byrow = TRUE)[rep(1:n, each = T), ]))
      Xs <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(Vx)), function(x)
        structure(Vx[, x], index = index(data), class = c("pseries", class(Vx[, x]))))
      Vx2 <- Reduce("cbind", lapply(Xs, as.matrix))
      Vxstar <- Vx2[rep(1:n, times = Ti), ]
      Vxstar[is.na(Vxstar)] <- 0
    W <- cbind(within.inst, XC, Vxstar)
  if (model == "bms"){
    between.inst <- model.matrix(data, model = "Between",
                                 rhs = 2)[ , exo.var, drop = FALSE]
    Vx <- within.inst
    if (balanced){
      # Plus rapide mais pas robuste au non cylindre
      Vxstar <- Reduce("cbind",
                                matrix(Vx[ , x], ncol = T, byrow = TRUE)[rep(1:n, each = T), ]))
      Xs <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(Vx)), function(x)
        structure(Vx[, x], index = index(data), class = c("pseries", class(Vx[, x]))))
      Vx2 <- Reduce("cbind", lapply(Xs, as.matrix))
      Vxstar <- Vx2[rep(1:n, times = Ti), ]
      Vxstar[is.na(Vxstar)] <- 0
    W <- cbind(within.inst, XC, between.inst, Vxstar)
  result <- twosls(y, X, W)
  K <- length(data)
  ve <- lev2var(data)
  varlist <- list(xv = unique(ve[exo.var]),
                  nv = unique(ve[edo.var]),
                  xc = unique(ve[exo.cst[exo.cst != "(Intercept)"]]),
                  nc = unique(ve[edo.cst])
  varlist <- lapply(varlist, function(x){ names(x) <- NULL; x})
  result <- list(coefficients = coef(result),
                 vcov         = vcov(result),
                 residuals    = resid(result),
                 df.residual  = df.residual(result),
                 formula      = formula, 
                 model        = data,
                 varlist      = varlist,
                 ercomp       = estec,
                 call         = cl,
                 args         = list(model = "ht", ht.method = model))
    names(result$coefficients) <- colnames(result$vcov) <-
        rownames(result$vcov) <- colnames(X)
    class(result) <- c("pht", "plm", "panelmodel")

#' @rdname pht
#' @export
summary.pht <- function(object, ...){
	object$fstatistic <- pwaldtest(object, test = "Chisq")
	# construct the table of coefficients
	std.err <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))
	b <- coefficients(object)
	z <- b/std.err
	p <- 2*pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail = FALSE)
	object$coefficients <- cbind("Estimate"         = b,
                                     "Std. Error" = std.err,
                                     "z-value"    = z,
                                     "Pr(>|z|)"   = p)
	class(object) <- c("summary.pht", "pht", "plm", "panelmodel")

#' @rdname pht
#' @export
print.summary.pht <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
                              width = getOption("width"), subset = NULL, ...){
  formula <- formula(x)
  has.instruments <- (length(formula)[2L] >= 2L)
  effect <- describe(x, "effect")
  model <- describe(x, "model")
  ht.method <- describe(x, "ht.method")
  cat(paste(effect.plm.list[effect]," ", sep = ""))
  cat(paste(model.plm.list[model]," Model", sep = ""), "\n")
  cat(paste("(", ht.method.list[ht.method], ")", sep = ""), "\n")
  #    cat("\nTime-Varying Variables: ")
  names.xv <- paste(x$varlist$xv, collapse=", ")
  names.nv <- paste(x$varlist$nv, collapse=", ")
  names.xc <- paste(x$varlist$xc, collapse=", ")
  names.nc <- paste(x$varlist$nc, collapse=", ")
  cat(paste("\nT.V. exo  : ", names.xv,"\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("T.V. endo : ",   names.nv,"\n", sep = ""))
  #    cat("Time-Invariant Variables: ")
  cat(paste("T.I. exo  : ", names.xc, "\n", sep= ""))
  cat(paste("T.I. endo : ", names.nc, "\n", sep= ""))
  pdim <- pdim(x)
  save.digits <- unlist(options(digits = digits))
  on.exit(options(digits = save.digits))
  if (is.null(subset)) printCoefmat(coef(x), digits = digits)
  else printCoefmat(coef(x)[subset, , drop = FALSE], digits = digits)
  cat(paste("Total Sum of Squares:    ", signif(tss(x), digits),     "\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("Residual Sum of Squares: ", signif(deviance(x),digits), "\n", sep = ""))
  #  cat(paste("Multiple R-Squared:      ",signif(x$rsq,digits),"\n",sep=""))
  fstat <- x$fstatistic
  if (names(fstat$statistic) == "F"){
    cat(paste("F-statistic: ",signif(fstat$statistic),
              " on ",fstat$parameter["df1"]," and ",fstat$parameter["df2"],
              " DF, p-value: ",format.pval(fstat$p.value,digits=digits),"\n",sep=""))
    cat(paste("Chisq: ", signif(fstat$statistic),
              " on ", fstat$parameter,
              " DF, p-value: ", format.pval(fstat$p.value,digits=digits), "\n", sep=""))

## dynformula

sumres <- function(x){
    sr <- summary(unclass(resid(x)))
    srm <- sr["Mean"]
    if (abs(srm) < 1e-10){
        sr <- sr[c(1:3, 5:6)]

create.list <- function(alist, K, has.int, has.resp, endog, exo, default){
    # if alist is NULL, create a list of 0
    if (is.null(alist)) alist <- rep(list(default), K+has.resp)
    # if alist is not a list, coerce it
    if (!is.list(alist)) alist <- list(alist)

    if (!is.null(names(alist))){
    # case where (at least) some elements are named
        nam <- names(alist) # vector of names of elements
        oalist <- alist  # copy of the alist provided
        notnullname <- nam[nam != ""]
        if (any (nam == "")){
      # case where one element is unnamed, and therefore is the default
            unnamed <- which(nam == "")
            if (length(unnamed) > 1L) stop("Only one unnamed element is admitted")
            default <- alist[[unnamed]]
        # case where there are no unnamed elements, the default is 0
            default <- default
        alist <- rep(list(default), K+has.resp)
        names(alist) <- c(endog, exo)
        alist[notnullname] <- oalist[notnullname]
    # case where there are no names, in this case the relevant length is
    # whether 1 or K+1
        if (length(alist) == 1L) alist <- rep(alist, c(K+has.resp))
        else if (!length(alist) %in% c(K+has.resp)) stop("irrelevant length for alist")
    names(alist) <- c(endog,exo)

write.lags <- function(name, lags, diff){
    lags <- switch(length(lags),
                   "1" = c(0, lags),
                   "2" = sort(lags),
                   stop("lags should be of length 1 or 2\n")
    lag.string <- ifelse(diff, "diff", "lag")
    chlag <- c()
    if (lags[2L] != 0L){
        lags <- lags[1L]:lags[2L]
        for (i in lags){
            if (i == 0L){
                if (diff) chlag <- c(chlag, paste("diff(",name,")")) else chlag <- c(chlag,name)
                ichar <- paste(i)
                chlag <- c(chlag, paste(lag.string,"(",name,",",i,")",sep=""))
        ret <- paste(chlag, collapse="+")
        if (diff) chlag <- paste("diff(",name,")") else chlag <- name
        ret <- chlag

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
dynformula <- function(formula, lag.form = NULL, diff.form = NULL, log.form = NULL) {
    .Deprecated(msg = "use of 'dynformula()' is deprecated, use a multi-part formula instead",
                old = "dynformula")

    # for backward compatibility, accept a list argument and coerce it
    # to a vector
    if (!is.null(diff.form) && !is.list(diff.form)) diff.form <- as.list(diff.form)
    if (!is.null(log.form) && !is.list(log.form)) log.form <- as.list(log.form)

    # exo / endog are the names of the variable
    # has.int has.resp  TRUE if the formula has an intercept and a response
    # K is the number of exogenous variables
    exo <- attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")
    has.int <- attr(terms(formula), "intercept") == 1
    if(length(formula) == 3L){
        endog <- deparse(formula[[2L]])
        has.resp <- TRUE
        endog <- NULL
        has.resp <- FALSE
    K <- length(exo)

    # use the create.list function to create the lists with the relevant
    # default values
    lag.form <- create.list(lag.form, K, has.int, has.resp, endog, exo, 0)
    diff.form <- unlist(create.list(diff.form, K, has.int, has.resp, endog, exo, FALSE))
    log.form  <- unlist(create.list(log.form,  K, has.int, has.resp, endog, exo, FALSE))
    structure(formula, class = c("dynformula", "formula"), lag = lag.form,
              diff = diff.form, log = log.form, var = c(endog,exo))

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
formula.dynformula <- function(x, ...){
    log.form <- attr(x, "log")
    lag.form <- attr(x, "lag")
    diff.form <- attr(x, "diff")
    has.resp <- length(x) == 3L
    exo <- attr(x, "var")
    if (has.resp){
        endog <- exo[1L]
        exo <- exo[-1L]
    has.int <- attr(terms(x), "intercept") == 1
    chexo <- c()
    if (has.resp){
        if (log.form[1L]) endog <- paste("log(",endog,")",sep="")
        if (diff.form[1L]) endog <- paste("diff(",endog,")",sep="")
        if (  length(lag.form[[1L]]) == 1L && lag.form[[1L]] != 0L) lag.form[[1L]] <- c(1, lag.form[[1L]])
        if (!(length(lag.form[[1L]]) == 1L && lag.form[[1L]] == 0L))
          chexo <- c(chexo, write.lags(endog, lag.form[[1L]], diff.form[1L]))
    for (i in exo){
        lag.formi <- lag.form[[i]]
        diff.formi <- diff.form[i]
        if (log.form[[i]]) i <- paste("log(",i,")", sep = "")
        chexo <- c(chexo, write.lags(i, lag.formi, diff.formi))
    chexo <- paste(chexo, collapse = "+")
    if (has.resp){
        formod <- as.formula(paste(endog, "~", chexo, sep = ""))
        formod <- as.formula(paste("~", chexo, sep = ""))
    if (!has.int) formod <- update(formod, . ~ . -1)

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
print.dynformula <- function(x, ...){
    print(formula(x), ...)

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
pFormula <- function(object) {
  .Deprecated(msg = "class 'pFormula' is deprecated, simply use class 'Formula'",
              old = "pFormula", new = "Formula")
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "formula"))
  if (!inherits(object, "Formula")){
    object <- Formula(object)
  class(object) <- union("pFormula", class(object))

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
as.Formula.pFormula <- function(x, ...){
  class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "pFormula")

## pFormula stuff, usefull for cquad

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
as.Formula.pFormula <- function(x, ...){
    class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "pFormula")

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
model.frame.pFormula <- function(formula, data, ..., lhs = NULL, rhs = NULL){
    if (is.null(rhs)) rhs <- 1:(length(formula)[2L])
    if (is.null(lhs)) lhs <- if(length(formula)[1L] > 0L) 1 else 0
    index <- attr(data, "index")
    mf <- model.frame(as.Formula(formula), as.data.frame(data), ..., rhs = rhs)
    index <- index[as.numeric(rownames(mf)), ]
    index <- droplevels(index)
    class(index) <- c("pindex", "data.frame")
              index = index,
              class = c("pdata.frame", class(mf)))

#' @rdname plm-deprecated
#' @export
model.matrix.pFormula <- function(object, data,
                                  model = c("pooling", "within", "Between", "Sum",
                                            "between", "mean", "random", "fd"),
                                  effect = c("individual", "time", "twoways", "nested"),
                                  rhs = 1,
                                  theta = NULL,
                                  cstcovar.rm = NULL,
    model <- match.arg(model)
    effect <- match.arg(effect)
    formula <- object  
    has.intercept <- has.intercept(formula, rhs = rhs)
    # relevant defaults for cstcovar.rm
    if (is.null(cstcovar.rm)) cstcovar.rm <- ifelse(model == "within", "intercept", "none")
    balanced <- is.pbalanced(data)
    # check if inputted data is a model.frame, if not convert it to
    # model.frame (important for NA handling of the original data when
    # model.matrix.pFormula is called directly) As there is no own
    # class for a model.frame, check if the 'terms' attribute is
    # present (this mimics what lm does to detect a model.frame)    
    if (is.null(attr(data, "terms")))
        data <- model.frame.pFormula(pFormula(formula), data)  
    # this goes to Formula::model.matrix.Formula:
    X <- model.matrix(as.Formula(formula), rhs = rhs, data = data, ...)
    # check for infinite or NA values and exit if there are some
    if(any(! is.finite(X))) stop(paste("model matrix or response contains non-finite",
                                       "values (NA/NaN/Inf/-Inf)"))
    X.assi <- attr(X, "assign")
    X.contr <- attr(X, "contrasts")
    X.contr <- X.contr[ ! sapply(X.contr, is.null) ]
    index <- index(data)
    checkNA.index(index) # check for NAs in model.frame's index and error if any
    attr(X, "index") <- index
    if (effect == "twoways" && model %in% c("between", "fd"))
        stop("twoways effect only relevant for within, random and pooling models")
    if (model == "within")  X <- Within(X, effect)
    if (model == "Sum")     X <- Sum(X, effect)
    if (model == "Between") X <- Between(X, effect)
    if (model == "between") X <- between(X, effect)
    if (model == "mean")    X <- Mean(X)
    if (model == "fd")      X <- pdiff(X, effect = "individual",
                                  has.intercept = has.intercept)
    if (model == "random"){
        if (is.null(theta)) stop("a theta argument should be provided")
        if (effect %in% c("time", "individual")) X <- X - theta * Between(X, effect)
        if (effect == "nested") X <- X - theta$id * Between(X, "individual") -
                                    theta$gp * Between(X, "group")
        if (effect == "twoways" && balanced)
            X <- X - theta$id * Between(X, "individual") -
                theta$time * Between(X, "time") + theta$total * Mean(X)

    if (cstcovar.rm == "intercept"){
        posintercept <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X))
        if (! is.na(posintercept)) X <- X[, - posintercept, drop = FALSE]
    if (cstcovar.rm %in% c("covariates", "all")){
        cols <- apply(X, 2, is.constant)
        cstcol <- names(cols)[cols]
        posintercept <- match("(Intercept)", cstcol)
        cstintercept <- if(is.na(posintercept)) FALSE else TRUE
        zeroint <- if(cstintercept &&
                          max(X[, posintercept]) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
                          TRUE else FALSE
        if (length(cstcol) > 0L){
            if ((cstcovar.rm == "covariates" || !zeroint) && cstintercept) cstcol <- cstcol[- posintercept]
            if (length(cstcol) > 0L){
                X <- X[, - match(cstcol, colnames(X)), drop = FALSE]
                attr(X, "constant") <- cstcol
    structure(X, assign = X.assi, contrasts = X.contr, index = index)

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plm documentation built on Sept. 21, 2021, 3:01 p.m.