writeOBJ <- function(con,
pointShape = icosahedron3d(),
lineRadius = pointRadius,
lineSides = 20,
pointsAsPoints = FALSE,
linesAsLines = FALSE,
withNormals = TRUE,
withTextures = TRUE,
separateObjects = TRUE,
ids = NULL) {
writeHeader <- function() {
ident <- paste(filename, " produced by RGL")
cat("#", ident, "\n", file=con)
Vertices <- 0
Normals <- 0
Texcoords <- 0
writeData <- function(id) {
vbase <- Vertices
tbase <- Texcoords
nbase <- Normals
vertices <- rgl.attrib(id, "vertices")
cat(paste("v", vertices[,1], vertices[,2], vertices[,3]),
sep="\n", file=con)
n <- nrow(vertices)
Vertices <<- Vertices + n
if (withTextures) {
textures <- rgl.attrib(id, "texcoords")
if (nrow(textures))
cat(paste("vt", textures[,1], textures[,2]),
sep="\n", file=con)
Texcoords <<- Texcoords + nrow(textures)
if (withNormals) {
normals <- rgl.attrib(id, "normals")
if (nrow(normals))
cat(paste("vn", normals[,1], normals[,2], normals[,3]),
sep="\n", file=con)
Normals <<- Normals + nrow(normals)
ntexcoords=if (withTextures) nrow(textures) else 0,
nnormals=if (withNormals) nrow(normals) else 0,
refnum <- function(n) sprintf("%d", n)
writeTriangles <- function(id) {
if (separateObjects)
cat("o triangles", id, "\n", sep="", file=con)
x <- writeData(id)
indices <- refnum(x$vbase + seq_len(x$n))
if (x$ntexcoords)
indices <- paste0(indices, "/", refnum(x$tbase + seq_len(x$n)))
if (x$nnormals)
indices <- paste0(indices, if (!x$ntexcoords) "/",
"/", refnum(x$nbase + seq_len(x$n)))
indices <- matrix(indices, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
cat(paste("f", indices[,1], indices[,2], indices[,3]),
sep="\n", file=con)
writeQuads <- function(id) {
if (separateObjects)
cat("o quads", id, "\n", sep="", file=con)
x <- writeData(id)
indices <- refnum(x$vbase + seq_len(x$n))
if (x$ntexcoords)
indices <- paste0(indices, "/", refnum(x$tbase + seq_len(x$n)))
if (x$nnormals)
indices <- paste0(indices, if (!x$ntexcoords) "/",
"/", refnum(x$nbase + seq_len(x$n)))
indices <- matrix(indices, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
cat(paste("f", indices[,1], indices[,2], indices[,3], indices[,4]),
sep="\n", file=con)
writeSurface <- function(id) {
if (separateObjects)
cat("o surface", id, "\n", sep="", file=con)
x <- writeData(id)
dims <- rgl.attrib(id, "dim")
nx <- dims[1]
nz <- dims[2]
rows <- seq_len(nx)
vertices <- matrix(character(0), ncol=3)
for (i in seq_len(nz)[-nz]) {
indices <- (i-1)*nx +
cindices <- refnum(x$vbase + indices)
if (x$ntexcoords)
cindices <- paste0(cindices, "/", refnum(x$tbase + indices))
if (x$nnormals)
cindices <- paste0(cindices, if (!x$ntexcoords) "/",
"/", refnum(x$nbase + indices))
vertices <- rbind(vertices, matrix(cindices, ncol=3))
cat(paste("f", vertices[,1], vertices[,2], vertices[,3]),
sep="\n", file=con)
writeMesh <- function(mesh, scale=1, offset=c(0,0,0)) {
vertices <- asEuclidean(t(mesh$vb))*scale
n <- nrow(vertices)
vertices <- vertices + rep(offset, each=n)
vbase <- Vertices
cat(paste("v", vertices[,1], vertices[,2], vertices[,3]),
sep="\n", file=con)
Vertices <<- Vertices + n
if (withTextures && length(textures <- mesh$texcoords)) {
tbase <- Texcoords
textures <- asEuclidean(t(textures))
cat(paste("vt", textures[,1], textures[,2]),
sep="\n", file=con)
Texcoords <<- Texcoords + nrow(textures)
} else
withTextures <- FALSE
if (withNormals && length(normals <- mesh$normals)) {
nbase <- Normals
normals <- asEuclidean(t(normals))
cat(paste("vn", normals[,1], normals[,2], normals[,3]),
sep="\n", file=con)
Normals <<- Normals + nrow(normals)
} else
withNormals <- FALSE
nt <- length(mesh$it)/3
nq <- length(mesh$ib)/4
if (nt) {
indices <- t(mesh$it)
cindices <- refnum(vbase + indices)
if (withTextures)
cindices <- paste0(cindices, "/", refnum(tbase + indices))
if (withNormals)
cindices <- paste0(cindices, if (!withTextures) "/",
"/", refnum(nbase + indices))
cindices <- matrix(cindices, ncol=3)
cat(paste("f", cindices[,1], cindices[,2], cindices[,3]),
sep="\n", file=con)
if (nq) {
indices <- t(mesh$ib)
cindices <- refnum(vbase + indices)
if (withTextures)
cindices <- paste0(cindices, "/", refnum(tbase + indices))
if (withNormals)
cindices <- paste0(cindices, if (!withTextures) "/",
"/", refnum(nbase + indices))
cindices <- matrix(cindices, ncol=4)
cat(paste("f", cindices[,1], cindices[,2],
cindices[,3], cindices[,4]),
sep="\n", file=con)
writeSpheres <- function(id) {
if (separateObjects)
cat("o sphere", id, "\n", sep="", file=con)
vertices <- rgl.attrib(id, "vertices")
n <- nrow(vertices)
radii <- rgl.attrib(id, "radii")
radii <- rep(radii, length.out=n)
x <- subdivision3d(icosahedron3d(),3)
r <- sqrt(x$vb[1,]^2 + x$vb[2,]^2 + x$vb[3,]^2)
x$vb[4,] <- r
x$normals <- x$vb
for (i in seq_len(n))
writeMesh(x, radii[i], vertices[i,])
avgScale <- function() {
bbox <- par3d("bbox")
ranges <- c(bbox[2]-bbox[1], bbox[4]-bbox[3], bbox[6]-bbox[5])
if (prod(ranges) == 0) 1
else exp(mean(log(ranges)))
writePoints <- function(id) {
if (separateObjects)
cat("o points", id, "\n", sep="", file=con)
if (pointsAsPoints) {
x <- writeData(id)
cat("p", refnum(x$vbase + seq_len(x$n)), "\n", file=con)
} else {
vertices <- rgl.attrib(id, "vertices")
n <- nrow(vertices)
radius <- pointRadius*avgScale()
if (withNormals && is.null(pointShape$normals))
pointShape <- addNormals(pointShape)
for (i in seq_len(n))
writeMesh(pointShape, radius, vertices[i,])
writeSegments <- function(id) {
if (separateObjects)
cat("o segments", id, "\n", sep="", file=con)
if (linesAsLines) {
x <- writeData(id)
indices <- matrix(refnum(x$vbase + seq_len(x$n)), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
cat(paste("l", indices[,1], indices[,2]), sep="\n", file=con)
} else {
vertices <- rgl.attrib(id, "vertices")
n <- nrow(vertices)
n <- n/2
radius <- lineRadius*avgScale()
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
cyl <- cylinder3d( vertices[(2*i-1):(2*i),1:3],
radius = radius,
sides = lineSides,
closed = -2 )
if (withNormals)
cyl <- addNormals(cyl)
writeLines <- function(id) {
if (separateObjects)
cat("o lines", id, "\n", sep="", file=con)
if (linesAsLines) {
x <- writeData(id)
indices <- refnum(x$vbase + seq_len(x$n))
cat("l", indices, "\n", file=con)
} else {
vertices <- rgl.attrib(id, "vertices")
n <- nrow(vertices) - 1
radius <- lineRadius*avgScale()
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
cyl <- cylinder3d( vertices[i:(i+1),],
radius = radius,
sides = lineSides,
closed = -2 )
if (withNormals)
cyl <- addNormals(cyl)
knowntypes <- c("triangles", "quads", #,
"surface", "spheres", "points",
"linestrip", "lines", "planes")
# Execution starts here!
if (is.character(con)) {
con <- file(con, "w")
filename <- summary(con)$description
if (NROW(bbox <- ids3d("bboxdeco")) && (is.null(ids) || bbox$id %in% ids)) {
ids <- setdiff(ids, bbox$id)
save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
bbox <- convertBBox(bbox$id)
on.exit({ pop3d(id=bbox); par3d(save) }, add=TRUE) # nolint
dobbox <- TRUE
} else dobbox <- FALSE
if (is.null(ids)) {
ids <- ids3d()
types <- as.character(ids$type)
ids <- ids$id
} else {
if (dobbox) ids <- c(ids, bbox)
allids <- ids3d()
ind <- match(ids, allids$id)
keep <- !
if (any(!keep)) warning(gettextf("Object(s) with id %s not found", paste(ids[!keep], collapse=" ")),
domain = NA)
ids <- ids[keep]
types <- allids$type[ind[keep]]
unknowntypes <- setdiff(types, knowntypes)
if (length(unknowntypes))
warning(gettextf("Object type(s) %s not handled",
paste("'", unknowntypes, "'", sep="", collapse=", ")), domain = NA)
keep <- types %in% knowntypes
ids <- ids[keep]
types <- types[keep]
for (i in seq_along(ids))
planes =,
triangles = writeTriangles(ids[i]),
quads = writeQuads(ids[i]),
surface = writeSurface(ids[i]),
spheres = writeSpheres(ids[i]),
points = writePoints(ids[i]),
lines = writeSegments(ids[i]),
linestrip = writeLines(ids[i])
readOBJ <- function(con, ...) {
lines <- readLines(con)
instrs <- sub(" .*", "", lines)
vertices <- read.table(textConnection(lines[instrs == "v"]),
col.names = c("instr", "x", "y", "z"),
colClasses = c(instr = "character",
vertices <- with(vertices, rbind(x, y, z)) # nolint
subset <- lines[instrs == "vn"]
if (length(subset)) {
fields <- count.fields(textConnection(subset))
if (!all(fields == 4))
stop("Normals must have 4 fields")
vn <- read.table(textConnection(subset),
col.names = c("instr", "x", "y", "z"),
colClasses = c(instr = "character",
vn <- rbind(t(vn[,2:4]), 1)
} else
vn <- matrix(numeric(), nrow = 4, ncol = 0)
subset <- lines[instrs == "vt"]
if (length(subset)) {
fields <- count.fields(textConnection(subset))
if (length(unique(fields)) != 1)
stop("Textures must have consistent field count")
fields <- fields[1]
colClasses <- c("character", rep("numeric", fields - 1))
vt <- read.table(textConnection(subset),
colClasses = colClasses)
if (fields == 2)
vt <- cbind(vt, 0)
vt <- t(vt[, 2:3])
} else
vt <- matrix(numeric(), nrow = 2, ncol = 0)
# Get rid of texture and normal info
polys <- gsub("/[^ ]*", "", lines[instrs == "f"])
polys <- strsplit(polys, " ")
polys <- lapply(polys, function(poly) as.numeric(poly[-1]))
# Regexp suggested by Bill Dunlap -- thanks!
normals <- gsub("(^| *)([^/ ]*/?){0,2}", "\\1", lines[instrs == "f"]) # nolint
normals <- strsplit(normals, " ")
normals <- lapply(normals, function(normal) as.numeric(normal[nchar(normal) > 0]))
textures <- gsub("(^| *)([^/ ]*/?){0,1}", "\\1", lines[instrs == "f"]) # nolint
textures <- gsub("/[^ ]*", "", textures)
textures <- strsplit(textures, " ")
textures <- lapply(textures, function(texture) as.numeric(texture[nchar(texture) > 0]))
nverts <- sapply(polys, length)
nnorms <- sapply(normals, length)
ntexts <- sapply(textures, length)
hasnormals <- nnorms == nverts
hastextures <- ntexts == nverts
if (any(hasnormals) || any(hastextures)) {
# OBJ format allows different normals to be associated
# with a single vertex in different polygons. rgl
# doesn't, so may need to replicate some vertices.
# This could be slow...
vlinks <- vector("list", ncol(vertices))
for (i in seq_along(polys)) {
nvec <- tvec <- NA
if (hasnormals[i])
nvec <- as.numeric(normals[[i]])
if (hastextures[i])
tvec <- as.numeric(textures[[i]])
vvec <- as.numeric(polys[[i]])
for (j in seq_along(vvec))
vlinks[[vvec[j]]] <- rbind(vlinks[[vvec[j]]], c(nvec[j], tvec[j], i, j))
total <- 0
for (i in seq_along(vlinks)) {
# Sort by texture
vlinks[[i]] <- vlinks[[i]][order(vlinks[[i]][,2]),,drop=FALSE]
total <- total + max(1, length(unique(vlinks[[i]][,2])))
last <- ncol(vertices)
vertices <- cbind(vertices, matrix(NA_real_, 3, total - ncol(vertices)))
vnormals <- matrix(0, 4, total)
vtexcoords <- matrix(NA_real_, 2, total)
for (i in seq_along(vlinks)) {
links <- vlinks[[i]]
if (nrow(links)) {
# Average the normals at this vertex by
# summing the homogeneous coordinates
for (j in seq_len(nrow(links)))
if (![j,1]))
vnormals[,i] <- vnormals[,i] + vn[,links[1,1]]
# A given vertex may have more than one texture
# coordinate; rgl doesn't allow this, so we
# duplicate vertices where that happened
if (![1,2]))
vtexcoords[,i] <- vt[,links[1,2]]
same <- duplicated(links[,2])
duped <- FALSE
for (j in seq_len(nrow(links))[-1]) {
if (!same[j]) {
last <- last + 1
vertices[,last] <- vertices[,i]
vnormals[,last] <- vnormals[,i]
duped <- TRUE
# Update the polygon and texture links to the new copy
if (duped) {
polys[[links[j, 3]]][links[j, 4]] <- last
if (![j, 2]))
vtexcoords[,last] <- vt[,links[j, 2]]
triangles <-, polys[nverts == 3])
if (!length(triangles))
triangles <- matrix(numeric(), 3, 0)
# We build quads transposed, because we're going to stick
# it directly into the structure
quads <-, polys[nverts == 4])
others <- which(!(nverts %in% 3:4))
# FIXME: this will be really slow if there are a lot of others
# Should pre-allocate extra space.
for (i in seq_along(others)) {
v <- polys[[others[i]]]
tri <- triangulate(t(vertices[,v]))
tri <- structure(v[tri], dim = dim(tri))
triangles <- cbind(triangles, tri)
ignored <- unique(instrs)
ignored <- ignored[!(ignored %in% c("v", "vn", "vt", "f", "", "#"))]
if (length(ignored))
warning(gettextf("Instructions %s ignored", paste0('"', ignored, '"', collapse = ", ")),
domain = NA)
result <- tmesh3d(vertices, triangles, homogeneous = FALSE, ...)
if (length(quads))
result$ib <- quads
if (any(hasnormals))
result$normals <- vnormals[1:3,]/rep(vnormals[4,], each=3)
if (any(hastextures))
result$texcoords <- vtexcoords
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