plot3d <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("plot3d")
plot3d.default <- function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL, type = 'p',
col = material3d("color")[1], size = material3d("size"),
lwd = material3d("lwd"),
radius = avgscale*size/60, add = FALSE, aspect = !add,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL,
forceClipregion = FALSE, ...) {
if (!add) next3d()
skip <- par3d(skipRedraw=TRUE)
xlabel <- if (!missing(x)) deparse(substitute(x))
ylabel <- if (!missing(y)) deparse(substitute(y))
zlabel <- if (!missing(z)) deparse(substitute(z))
xyz <- xyz.coords(x,y,z, xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylabel, zlab=zlabel, recycle=TRUE)
x <- xyz$x
y <- xyz$y
z <- xyz$z
if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- xyz$xlab
if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- xyz$ylab
if (is.null(zlab)) zlab <- xyz$zlab
if (type == "s" && missing(radius)) {
xvals <- x
yvals <- y
zvals <- z
if (add && diff(bbox <- par3d("bbox"))[1] > 0) {
xvals <- c(x, bbox[1:2])
yvals <- c(y, bbox[3:4])
zvals <- c(z, bbox[5:6])
if (!add) {
if (!is.null(xlim))
xvals <- xlim
if (!is.null(ylim))
yvals <- ylim
if (!is.null(zlim))
zvals <- zlim
avgscale <- sqrt(sum(c(diff(range(xvals,na.rm=TRUE)),
savesubscene <- currentSubscene3d()
result <- setClipregion(xlim, ylim, zlim, forceClipregion)
result <- c(result, data=switch(type,
p = points3d(x, y, z, color=col, size=size, ...),
s = spheres3d(x, y, z, radius=radius, color=col, ...),
l = lines3d(x, y, z, color=col, lwd=lwd, ...),
h = segments3d(rep(x,rep(2,length(x))),
color = rep(col, rep(2,length(col))), lwd=lwd, ...),
# this is a hack to plot invisible segments
n = if (!add) segments3d(rep(range(x, na.rm=TRUE), c(2,2)),
rep(range(y, na.rm=TRUE), c(2,2)),
rep(range(z, na.rm=TRUE), c(2,2))))
if (!add) {
result <- c(result, decorate3d(xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, aspect = aspect,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim, ...))
} else
plot3d.mesh3d <- function(x, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z", type = c("shade", "wire", "dots"),
add = FALSE, aspect = !add, ...) {
if (!add) next3d()
skip <- par3d(skipRedraw=TRUE)
if (missing(xlab) && !is.null(x$xlab)) xlab <- x$xlab
if (missing(ylab) && !is.null(x$ylab)) ylab <- x$ylab
if (missing(zlab) && !is.null(x$zlab)) zlab <- x$zlab
result <- switch(match.arg(type),
shade = shade3d(x, ...),
wire = wire3d(x, ...),
dots = dot3d(x, ...))
if (!add) {
result <- c(result, decorate3d(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab, aspect = aspect,
} else
decorate3d <- function(xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL,
xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z",
box = TRUE, axes = TRUE, main = NULL, sub = NULL,
top = TRUE, aspect = FALSE, expand = 1.03, ...) {
if (is.logical(aspect)) {
autoscale <- aspect
aspect <- c(1,1,1)
} else autoscale <- TRUE
result <- numeric(0)
if (length(c(xlim, ylim, zlim))) {
ranges <- .getRanges()
if (is.null(xlim))
xlim <- ranges$xlim
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim <- ranges$ylim
if (is.null(zlim))
zlim <- ranges$zlim
ind <- c(1,1,2,2)
result <- c(result, strut=segments3d(xlim[ind], ylim[ind], zlim[ind]))
if (autoscale) aspect3d(aspect)
if (axes) result <- c(result, axes=axes3d(box=box, expand=expand))
result <- c(result, title3d(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab,
main = main, sub = sub))
if (top) rgl.bringtotop()
plot3d.function <- function(x, ...) persp3d(x, ...)
plot3d.deldir <- function(x, ...) persp3d(x, ...)
plot3d.triSht <-
plot3d.tri <- function(x, z, ...) persp3d(x, z, ...)
plot3d.formula <- function(x, data = NULL, xlab = xyz$xlab, ylab = xyz$ylab, zlab = xyz$zlab, ...) {
if (!is.null(data))
environment(x) <- list2env(data, envir = environment(x))
xyz <- xyz.coords(x)
plot3d(xyz, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab, ...)
plot3d.lm <- function(x, which = 1,
plane.col = "gray", plane.alpha = 0.5,
sharedMouse = TRUE,
use_surface3d, do_grid = TRUE,
grid.col = "black", grid.alpha = 1,
grid.steps = 5,
sub.steps = 4,
vars = get_all_vars(terms(x), x$model),
clip_to_density = 0,
...) {
stopifnot(which %in% 1:3)
dots <- list(...)
n <- length(which)
if (clip_to_density > 0) {
if (!requireNamespace("MASS")) {
warning("'clip_to_density' requires the MASS package.")
clip_to_density <- 0
if (!requireNamespace("akima")) {
warning("'clip_to_density' requires the akima package.")
clip_to_density <- 0
result <- NULL
if (n > 1) {
cols <- ceiling(sqrt(n))
rows <- ceiling(n/cols)
mfrow3d(rows, cols, sharedMouse = sharedMouse)
fit <- x
missing_vars <- missing(vars)
cols <- ncol(vars)
if (cols < 3)
stop("Model has only ", cols, " variables.")
if (cols > 3)
warning("Model has ", cols, " variables; first 3 used.")
observed <- vars[, c(2, 3, 1)]
names <- colnames(observed)
if (is.null(dots$xlab)) dots$xlab <- names[1]
if (is.null(dots$ylab)) dots$ylab <- names[2]
if (is.null(dots$zlab)) dots$zlab <- names[3]
if (missing(use_surface3d))
use_surface3d <- !identical(class(fit), "lm") || ncol(as.matrix(model.frame(fit))) > 3
if (clip_to_density > 0) {
densityVals <- MASS::kde2d(observed[,1], observed[,2])
densityVals$z <- with(densityVals, z/max(z)) # nolint
density <- function(xyz) {
with(densityVals, akima::bilinear(x, y, z, xyz[,1], xyz[,2])$z) # nolint
plotGrid <- function(i, x, y, x0, y0, z) {
dots$color <- grid.col
dots$alpha <- grid.alpha
dots$color <- grid.col
dots$alpha <- grid.alpha
dots$front <- dots$back <- dots$polygon_offset <-
dots$type <- NULL
lenx <- length(x)
lenx0 <- length(x0)
leny <- length(y)
leny0 <- length(y0)
x <- c(rep(x0, each = leny + 1),
rep(c(x, NA), leny0))
y <- c(rep(c(y, NA), lenx0),
rep(y0, each = lenx + 1))
if (missing(z)) {
newdat <- data.frame(x, y)
names(newdat) <- names[1:2]
z <- predict(fit, newdata = newdat)
grid <-, c(list(x, y, z), dots))
if (clip_to_density > 0)
grid <- clipObj3d(grid, density, clip_to_density,
minVertices = 1000)
names(grid) <- paste0("grid.", i)
plotPoints <- function(i, points, zlab) {
dots$zlab <- zlab
plot <-, c(list(x = points), dots))
names(plot) <- paste0(names(plot), ".", i)
plotSurface <- function(i) {
bbox <- par3d("bbox")
xlim <- c(bbox[1], bbox[2])
x0 <- pretty(xlim, grid.steps)
ylim <- c(bbox[3], bbox[4])
y0 <- pretty(ylim, grid.steps)
if (sub.steps > 1) {
x <- rep(x0, each = sub.steps) +
seq(0, diff(x0[1:2]), length.out = sub.steps + 1)[-(sub.steps + 1)]
y <- rep(y0, each = sub.steps) +
seq(0, diff(y0[1:2]), length.out = sub.steps + 1)[-(sub.steps + 1)]
} else {
x <- x0
y <- y0
x <- c(xlim[1], x[xlim[1] < x & x < xlim[2]], xlim[2])
y <- c(ylim[1], y[ylim[1] < y & y < ylim[2]], ylim[2])
newdat <- expand.grid(x = x, y = y)
names(newdat) <- names[1:2]
z <- try(matrix(predict(fit, newdat), length(x), length(y)))
if (inherits(z, "try-error") && !missing_vars) {
stop("vars should be in order: response, pred1, pred2", call. = FALSE)
dots$color <- plane.col
dots$alpha <- plane.alpha
if (is.null(dots$polygon_offset))
dots$polygon_offset <- 1
dots$type <- NULL
surface <-"surface3d", c(list(x, y, z), dots))
if (clip_to_density > 0)
surface <- clipObj3d(surface, density, clip_to_density,
minVertices = 1000)
names(surface) <- paste0("surface.", i)
grid <- if (do_grid) {
x0 <- x0[xlim[1] <= x0 & x0 <= xlim[2]]
y0 <- y0[ylim[1] <= y0 & y0 <= ylim[2]]
plotGrid(i, x, y, x0, y0)
c(surface, grid)
plotPlane <- function(i, a, b, d) {
c <- -1
if (
d <- 0
dots$color <- plane.col
dots$alpha <- plane.alpha
if (is.null(dots$polygon_offset))
dots$polygon_offset <- 1
dots$type <- NULL
plane <-"planes3d", c(list(a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d), dots))
if (clip_to_density > 0)
plane <- clipObj3d(plane, density, clip_to_density,
minVertices = 1000)
names(plane) <- paste0("plane.", i)
grid <- if (do_grid) {
bbox <- par3d("bbox")
xlim <- c(bbox[1], bbox[2])
x0 <- pretty(xlim, grid.steps)
ylim <- c(bbox[3], bbox[4])
y0 <- pretty(ylim, grid.steps)
x0 <- x0[xlim[1] <= x0 & x0 <= xlim[2]]
y0 <- y0[ylim[1] <= y0 & y0 <= ylim[2]]
if (isTRUE(all.equal(c(a,b,d), c(0, 0, 0))))
plotGrid(i, xlim, ylim, x0, y0, z = 0)
plotGrid(i, xlim, ylim, x0, y0)
c(plane, grid)
for (i in seq_along(which)) {
type <- which[i]
if (type == 1L) {
plot <- plotPoints(i, observed, dots$zlab)
if (use_surface3d) {
plane <- plotSurface(i)
} else {
coefs <- coef(fit)
plane <- plotPlane(i, coefs[names[1]], coefs[names[2]], coefs["(Intercept)"])
} else if (type == 2L) {
plot <- plotPoints(i, cbind(observed[,1:2], residuals(fit)), "Residuals")
plane <- plotPlane(i, 0, 0, 0)
} else if (type == 3L) {
plot <- plotPoints(i, cbind(observed[,1:2], predict(fit)), dots$zlab)
if (use_surface3d) {
plane <- plotSurface(i)
} else {
coefs <- coef(fit)
plane <- plotPlane(i, coefs[names[1]], coefs[names[2]], coefs["(Intercept)"])
result <- c(result, plot, plane)
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