
Defines functions makeDependency print.rglMouseSelection convertShinyMouse3d shinyResetBrush convertShinyPar3d shinyGetPar3d shinySetPar3d renderRglwidget rglwidgetOutput newElementId asRow processUpstream getHeights getWidgetId resolveHeight CSStoPixels rglShared rmarkdownOutput inShiny

Documented in asRow getWidgetId makeDependency renderRglwidget rglShared rglwidgetOutput shinyGetPar3d shinyResetBrush shinySetPar3d

# Shiny objects if the widget sets elementId, so we
# need to detect it.  Thanks to Joe Cheng for suggesting this code.
inShiny <- function() !is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())

rmarkdownOutput <- function() {
  if (requireNamespace("rmarkdown")) {
    output <- rmarkdown::metadata$output
    if (length(output))
      if (is.character(output)) return(output[1])
      else if (is.list(output) && length(names(output))) return(names(output)[1]) 

rglShared <- function(id, key = NULL, group = NULL,
		      deselectedFade = 0.1, 
		      deselectedColor = NULL,
		      selectedColor = NULL,
		      selectedIgnoreNone = TRUE,
		      filteredFade = 0,
		      filteredColor = NULL) {
  data <- as.data.frame(rgl.attrib(id, "vertices"))
  attr(data, "rglId") <- as.integer(id)
  attr(data, "rglOptions") <- list(deselectedFade = deselectedFade,
  				   deselectedColor = if (!is.null(deselectedColor)) as.numeric(col2rgb(deselectedColor, alpha = TRUE)/255),
  				   selectedColor =   if (!is.null(selectedColor)) as.numeric(col2rgb(selectedColor, alpha = TRUE)/255), 
  				   selectedIgnoreNone = selectedIgnoreNone,
  				   filteredFade = filteredFade,
  				   filteredColor =   if (!is.null(filteredColor)) as.numeric(col2rgb(filteredColor, alpha = TRUE)/255))
  n <- nrow(data)
  if (!n)
    stop("No vertices in object ", id)
  if (!is.null(key) && (n != length(key) || anyDuplicated(key)))
    stop("'key' must have exactly one unique value for each vertex")
  result <- if (is.null(group))
    SharedData$new(data, key)
    SharedData$new(data, key, group)
  structure(result, class = c("rglShared", class(result)))

CSStoPixels <- function(x, DPI = 100) {
  if (is.null(x))
  num <- function(x)
    as.numeric(sub("[^[:digit:].]*$", "", x))
  units <- function(x)
    sub("^[[:digit:].]+", "", x)
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    units <- units(x)
    if (units == "auto")
      stop("Only fixed CSS sizes allowed")
    val <- num(x)
    if (units != "")
      val <- switch(units,
          "px" = val,
          "in" = val * DPI,
          "cm" = val * DPI / 2.54,
          "mm" = val * DPI / 254,
          "pt" = val * DPI / 72,
          "pc" = val * DPI / 6,
          stop("Only fixed CSS sizes allowed")
  } else
    val <- x

# These sizes are taken from htmlwidgets/R/sizing.R

# For widgets, we use the sizingPolicy to see how it would be
# displayed
resolveHeight <- function(x, inViewer = TRUE, default = 40) {
  if (inViewer)
    refsize <- DEFAULT_HEIGHT
  result <- x$height
  if (is.null(result) && !is.null(policy <- x$sizingPolicy)) {
    if (inViewer) {
      viewer <- policy$viewer
      if (isTRUE(viewer$fill))
        result <- refsize
        result <- viewer$defaultHeight
    } else
      result <- NULL
    if (is.null(result) && isTRUE(policy$fill))
      result <- refsize
    if (is.null(result))
      result <- policy$defaultHeight
    if (is.null(result))
      result <- refsize
  if (is.null(result))
    result <- default 

  CSStoPixels(result, refsize)  

getWidgetId <- function(widget) {
  if (inherits(widget, "htmlwidget"))
    stop("object is not an html widget")

# Get information from previous objects being piped into 
# this one, and modify a copy of them as necessary

getHeights <- function(objects, defaultHeight = 40) {
  if (inherits(objects, "combineWidgets"))
    heights <- objects$params$rowsize
  else {
    if (inherits(objects, c("shiny.tag", "htmlwidget")) || 
      objects <- tagList(objects)
    heights <- rep(defaultHeight, length(objects))
    for (i in seq_along(objects)) {
      tag <- objects[[i]]
      if (inherits(tag, "rglWebGL") && is.null(tag$height))
        heights[i] <- tag$x$height
      else if (inherits(tag, "htmlwidget"))
        heights[i] <- resolveHeight(tag)
      else if (is.list(tag) && 
               !is.null(tag$height) && 
               !is.na(height <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(tag$height))))
        heights[i] <- height

processUpstream <- function(upstream, elementId = NULL, playerId = NULL) {
  rowsizes <- getHeights(upstream)
  if (inherits(upstream, "combineWidgets")) 
    upstream <- upstream$widgets

  if (inherits(upstream, c("shiny.tag", "htmlwidget")))
    upstream <- tagList(upstream)
  if (is.list(upstream)) {
    # Objects upstream of the current one may need to know about an rgl widget,
    # or this object may need to know about an upstream rgl widget.  Stop when
    # you find one.
    lookForRglWidget <- function(upstream) {
      prevRglWidget <- NULL
      players <- character()
      for (i in rev(seq_along(upstream))) {
        tag <- upstream[[i]]
        if (inherits(tag, "rglWebGL")) {
          prevRglWidget <- tag$elementId
          if (is.null(prevRglWidget))
            prevRglWidget <- tag$elementId <- upstream[[i]]$elementId <- newElementId("rgl")
          if (!is.null(playerId) && !(playerId %in% tag$x$players))
            upstream[[i]]$x$players <- c(tag$x$players, playerId)
        } else if (inherits(tag, "rglPlayer") && is.null(tag$x$sceneId)) {
          players <- c(players, tag$elementId)
          if (!is.null(elementId))
            upstream[[i]]$x$sceneId <- elementId
        } else if (inherits(tag, "shiny.tag") && !tagHasAttribute(tag, "rglSceneId")) {
          upstream[[i]] <- tagAppendAttributes(tag, rglSceneId = elementId)
        } else if (inherits(tag, "combineWidgets")) {
          temp <- lookForRglWidget(tag$widgets)
          players <- c(players, temp$players)
          prevRglWidget <- temp$prevRglWidget
          upstream[[i]]$widgets <- temp$objects
        if (!is.null(prevRglWidget))
      list(objects = upstream,
           players = players,
           prevRglWidget = prevRglWidget)
    result <- lookForRglWidget(upstream)
    result$rowsizes <- rowsizes
  } else
    result <- list(objects = upstream,
                   players = if (is.character(upstream)) upstream else character(),
                   prevRglWidget = if (is.character(upstream)) upstream,
                   rowsizes = rowsizes)

asRow <- function(..., last = NA, height = NULL, colsize = 1) {
  args <- list(...)
  if (length(args) == 1 
      && inherits(args[[1]], "combineWidgets")) {
    orig <- args[[1]]
  } else {
    orig <- do.call(combineWidgets, c(args, list(ncol = 1, rowsize = getHeights(args))))
  origlen <- length(orig$widgets)
  if (is.na(last))
    last <- origlen
  else if (last > origlen)
    stop("'last' must be no more than the number of widgets")
  keep <- seq_len(origlen - last)
  inrow <- seq_len(last) + origlen - last
  origRowsizes <- rep_len(orig$params$rowsize, origlen)
  if (length(inrow)) {
    maxinrow <- max(origRowsizes[inrow])
    if (is.null(height))
      height <- maxinrow
  } else if (is.null(height))
    height <- 0
  orig$params$rowsize <- c(origRowsizes[keep], height)

  row <- do.call(combineWidgets, c(orig$widgets[inrow], list(nrow = 1, 
                                                             colsize = colsize)))
  orig$widgets <- c(orig$widgets[keep], list(row))

newElementId <- function(prefix)
  paste0(prefix, p_sample(100000, 1))

rglwidget <- local({
  reuseDF <- NULL

  function(x = scene3d(minimal), width = figWidth(), height = figHeight(),
           controllers = NULL, snapshot = !webgl,
           elementId = NULL,
           reuse = !interactive(),
           webGLoptions = list(preserveDrawingBuffer = TRUE), 
  	       shared = NULL, 
           minimal = TRUE, 
           webgl = !latex, latex, 
           shinyBrush = NULL, ...) {
  if (missing(latex))
    latex <- isTRUE(getOption("knitr.in.progress")) &&
  if (!webgl && is.logical(snapshot) && !snapshot)
    stop("Must specify either 'snapshot' or 'webgl' or both")
  origScene <- x
  force(shared) # It might plot something...
  if (is.na(reuse))
    reuseDF <- NULL # local change only
  else if (!reuse)
    reuseDF <<- NULL

  if (is.null(elementId) && 
      (!inShiny() || # If in Shiny, all of the classes below need the ID
       inherits(controllers, c("combineWidgets", "shiny.tag", "htmlwidget"))))
    elementId <- newElementId("rgl")

  if (!is.null(shinyBrush)) {
    if (!is.character(shinyBrush) || length(shinyBrush) != 1)
      stop("'shinyBrush' must be a single character value")
    if (!inShiny())
      warning("'shinySelectionInput' is only used in Shiny")
      x$selectionInput <- shinyBrush
  if (!inherits(x, "rglscene"))
    stop("First argument should be an rgl scene.")
  if (!is.list(shared))
    shared <- list(shared)
  dependencies <- list(rglDependency, CanvasMatrixDependency)
  if (length(shared)) {
    x$crosstalk <- list(key = vector("list", length(shared)),
    		        group = character(length(shared)),
    		        id = integer(length(shared)),
    		        options = vector("list", length(shared)))
    dependencies <- c(dependencies, crosstalkLibs())
  } else {
    x$crosstalk <- list(key = list(), 
    		        group = character(),
    		        id = integer(),
    		        options = list())
  for (i in seq_along(shared)) {
    s <- shared[[i]]
    if (is.SharedData(s) && inherits(s, "rglShared")) {
      x$crosstalk$key[[i]] <- s$key()
      x$crosstalk$group[i] <- s$groupName()
      x$crosstalk$id[i] <- attr(s$origData(), "rglId")
      x$crosstalk$options[[i]] <- attr(s$origData(), "rglOptions")
    } else if (!is.null(s))
      stop("'shared' must be an object produced by rglShared() or a list of these")
  if (!is.null(width))
    width <- CSStoPixels(width)
  if (!is.null(height))
    height <- CSStoPixels(height)
  x <- convertScene(x, width, height, snapshot = snapshot,
                   elementId = elementId, reuse = reuseDF,
                   webgl = webgl, latex = latex)
  if (!webgl)
  if (!is.na(reuse))
    reuseDF <<- attr(x, "reuse")
  upstream <- processUpstream(controllers, elementId = elementId)
  x$players <- upstream$players

  x$webGLoptions <- webGLoptions

  # create widget
  attr(x, "TOJSON_ARGS") <- list(na = "string")
  result <- structure(htmlwidgets::createWidget(
    name = 'rglWebGL',
    x = x,
    width = width,
    height = height,
    package = 'rgl',
    elementId = elementId,
    dependencies = dependencies,
  ), rglReuse = attr(x, "reuse"), origScene = origScene)
  if (is.list(upstream$objects)) {
    do.call(combineWidgets, c(upstream$objects, 
                                   rowsize = c(upstream$rowsizes, x$height), 
                                   ncol = 1)))
  } else

#' Widget output function for use in Shiny
#' @export
rglwidgetOutput <- function(outputId, width = '512px', height = '512px') {
  shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, 'rglWebGL', width, height, package = 'rgl')

#' Widget render function for use in Shiny
#' @export
renderRglwidget <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, outputArgs = list()) {
  if (!quoted) expr <- substitute(expr)  # force quoted
                     shinyRenderWidget(expr, rglwidgetOutput, env, quoted = TRUE),
  		     outputArgs = outputArgs)

shinySetPar3d <- function(..., session,
                          subscene = currentSubscene3d(cur3d())) {
  if (!requireNamespace("shiny"))
    stop("function requires shiny")
  args <- list(...)
  argnames <- names(args)
  if (length(args) == 1 && is.null(argnames)) {
    args <- args[[1]]
  # We might have been passed modified shinyGetPar3d output;
  # clean it up.
  args[["subscene"]] <- NULL
  args[["tag"]] <- NULL
  argnames <- names(args)
  if (is.null(argnames) || any(argnames == ""))
    stop("Parameters must all be named")
  badargs <- argnames[!(argnames %in% .Par3d) | argnames %in% .Par3d.readonly]
  if (length(badargs))
    stop("Invalid parameter(s): ", badargs)
  for (arg in argnames) {
                              list(subscene = subscene,
                                   parameter = arg,
                                   value = args[[arg]]))

shinyGetPar3d <- function(parameters, session,
                          subscene = currentSubscene3d(cur3d()),
                          tag = "") {
  badargs <- parameters[!(parameters %in% .Par3d)]
  if (length(badargs))
    stop("invalid parameter(s): ", badargs)
                              list(tag = tag, subscene = subscene, 
                                   parameters = parameters))

convertShinyPar3d <- function(par3d, ...) {
  for (parm in c("modelMatrix", "projMatrix", "userMatrix", "userProjection"))
    if (!is.null(par3d[[parm]]))
      par3d[[parm]] <- matrix(unlist(par3d[[parm]]), 4, 4)
  for (parm in c("mouseMode", "observer", "scale", "viewport", "bbox", "windowRect"))
    if (!is.null(par3d[[parm]]))
      par3d[[parm]] <- unlist(par3d[[parm]])

shinyResetBrush <- function(session, brush) {
  session$sendCustomMessage("resetBrush", brush)

convertShinyMouse3d <- function(mouse3d, ...) {
  for (parm in c("model", "proj")) 
    if (!is.null(mouse3d[[parm]]))
      mouse3d[[parm]] <- matrix(unlist(mouse3d[[parm]]), 4, 4)
  if (length(unlist(mouse3d$view)) == 4) 
    mouse3d$view <- structure(unlist(mouse3d$view),
                              names = c("x", "y", "width", "height"))
  if (all(c("p1", "p2") %in% names(mouse3d$region)))
    mouse3d$region <- with(mouse3d$region,
                           c(x1 = (p1$x + 1)/2,
                             y1 = (p1$y + 1)/2,
                             x2 = (p2$x + 1)/2,
                             y2 = (p2$y + 1)/2))
  structure(mouse3d, class = "rglMouseSelection")

print.rglMouseSelection <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.null(x$region)) {
    cat("Mouse selection:\n")
    if (verbose) {
      cat("p1=[", x$region[1], ",", x$region[2], 
        "] p2=[", x$region[3], ",", x$region[4],"]\n")
      cat("Projection data included: ", !is.null(x$model) && !is.null(x$proj) && !is.null(x$view), "\n")
  } else
    cat("Inactive mouse selection.\n")

# Create the local dependencies

makeDependency <- function(name, src, script = NULL, package,
                           version = packageVersion(package),
                           minifile = paste0(basename(src), ".min.js"),
                           debugging = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.null(script) &&
      requireNamespace("js", quietly = TRUE) &&
      packageVersion("js") >= "1.2") {
    if (debugging) {
      for (f in script) {
        hints <- js::jshint(readLines(file.path(system.file(src, package = package), f)),
                            undef = TRUE, bitwise = TRUE, eqeqeq = TRUE,
                            latedef = TRUE, browser = TRUE, devel = TRUE,
                            globals = list(CanvasMatrix4 = FALSE, 
                                           WebGLFloatArray = FALSE,
                                           rglwidgetClass = FALSE,
                                           rgltimerClass = FALSE,
                                           Shiny = FALSE
        for (i in seq_len(NROW(hints)))
          warning(f, "#", hints[i, "line"], ": ", hints[i, "reason"],
                  call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    minified <- js::uglify_files(file.path(system.file(src, package = package), script))
    writeLines(minified, file.path(system.file(src, package = package), minifile))
    if (!debugging)
      script <- minifile
  htmlDependency(name = name, 
                      src = src,
                      package = package,
                      version = version,
                      script = script,

CanvasMatrixDependency <- makeDependency("CanvasMatrix4",
                                         src = "htmlwidgets/lib/CanvasMatrix",
                                         script = "CanvasMatrix.src.js",
                                         package = "rgl",
                                         debugging = nchar(Sys.getenv("RGL_DEBUGGING", "")) > 0)

rglDependency <- makeDependency("rglwidgetClass", 
                      src = "htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass",
                      script = c("rglClass.src.js",
                      stylesheet = "rgl.css",
                      package = "rgl",
                      debugging = nchar(Sys.getenv("RGL_DEBUGGING", "")) > 0)

Try the rgl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rgl documentation built on Feb. 1, 2021, 3:01 a.m.