# Shiny objects if the widget sets elementId, so we
# need to detect it. Thanks to Joe Cheng for suggesting this code.
inShiny <- function() !is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())
rmarkdownOutput <- function() {
if (requireNamespace("rmarkdown")) {
output <- rmarkdown::metadata$output
if (length(output))
if (is.character(output)) return(output[1])
else if (is.list(output) && length(names(output))) return(names(output)[1])
rglShared <- function(id, key = NULL, group = NULL,
deselectedFade = 0.1,
deselectedColor = NULL,
selectedColor = NULL,
selectedIgnoreNone = TRUE,
filteredFade = 0,
filteredColor = NULL) {
data <-, "vertices"))
attr(data, "rglId") <- as.integer(id)
attr(data, "rglOptions") <- list(deselectedFade = deselectedFade,
deselectedColor = if (!is.null(deselectedColor)) as.numeric(col2rgb(deselectedColor, alpha = TRUE)/255),
selectedColor = if (!is.null(selectedColor)) as.numeric(col2rgb(selectedColor, alpha = TRUE)/255),
selectedIgnoreNone = selectedIgnoreNone,
filteredFade = filteredFade,
filteredColor = if (!is.null(filteredColor)) as.numeric(col2rgb(filteredColor, alpha = TRUE)/255))
n <- nrow(data)
if (!n)
stop("No vertices in object ", id)
if (!is.null(key) && (n != length(key) || anyDuplicated(key)))
stop("'key' must have exactly one unique value for each vertex")
result <- if (is.null(group))
SharedData$new(data, key)
SharedData$new(data, key, group)
structure(result, class = c("rglShared", class(result)))
CSStoPixels <- function(x, DPI = 100) {
if (is.null(x))
num <- function(x)
as.numeric(sub("[^[:digit:].]*$", "", x))
units <- function(x)
sub("^[[:digit:].]+", "", x)
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
units <- units(x)
if (units == "auto")
stop("Only fixed CSS sizes allowed")
val <- num(x)
if (units != "")
val <- switch(units,
"px" = val,
"in" = val * DPI,
"cm" = val * DPI / 2.54,
"mm" = val * DPI / 254,
"pt" = val * DPI / 72,
"pc" = val * DPI / 6,
stop("Only fixed CSS sizes allowed")
} else
val <- x
# These sizes are taken from htmlwidgets/R/sizing.R
# For widgets, we use the sizingPolicy to see how it would be
# displayed
resolveHeight <- function(x, inViewer = TRUE, default = 40) {
if (inViewer)
result <- x$height
if (is.null(result) && !is.null(policy <- x$sizingPolicy)) {
if (inViewer) {
viewer <- policy$viewer
if (isTRUE(viewer$fill))
result <- refsize
result <- viewer$defaultHeight
} else
result <- NULL
if (is.null(result) && isTRUE(policy$fill))
result <- refsize
if (is.null(result))
result <- policy$defaultHeight
if (is.null(result))
result <- refsize
if (is.null(result))
result <- default
CSStoPixels(result, refsize)
getWidgetId <- function(widget) {
if (inherits(widget, "htmlwidget"))
stop("object is not an html widget")
# Get information from previous objects being piped into
# this one, and modify a copy of them as necessary
getHeights <- function(objects, defaultHeight = 40) {
if (inherits(objects, "combineWidgets"))
heights <- objects$params$rowsize
else {
if (inherits(objects, c("shiny.tag", "htmlwidget")) ||
objects <- tagList(objects)
heights <- rep(defaultHeight, length(objects))
for (i in seq_along(objects)) {
tag <- objects[[i]]
if (inherits(tag, "rglWebGL") && is.null(tag$height))
heights[i] <- tag$x$height
else if (inherits(tag, "htmlwidget"))
heights[i] <- resolveHeight(tag)
else if (is.list(tag) &&
!is.null(tag$height) &&
! <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(tag$height))))
heights[i] <- height
processUpstream <- function(upstream, elementId = NULL, playerId = NULL) {
rowsizes <- getHeights(upstream)
if (inherits(upstream, "combineWidgets"))
upstream <- upstream$widgets
if (inherits(upstream, c("shiny.tag", "htmlwidget")))
upstream <- tagList(upstream)
if (is.list(upstream)) {
# Objects upstream of the current one may need to know about an rgl widget,
# or this object may need to know about an upstream rgl widget. Stop when
# you find one.
lookForRglWidget <- function(upstream) {
prevRglWidget <- NULL
players <- character()
for (i in rev(seq_along(upstream))) {
tag <- upstream[[i]]
if (inherits(tag, "rglWebGL")) {
prevRglWidget <- tag$elementId
if (is.null(prevRglWidget))
prevRglWidget <- tag$elementId <- upstream[[i]]$elementId <- newElementId("rgl")
if (!is.null(playerId) && !(playerId %in% tag$x$players))
upstream[[i]]$x$players <- c(tag$x$players, playerId)
} else if (inherits(tag, "rglPlayer") && is.null(tag$x$sceneId)) {
players <- c(players, tag$elementId)
if (!is.null(elementId))
upstream[[i]]$x$sceneId <- elementId
} else if (inherits(tag, "shiny.tag") && !tagHasAttribute(tag, "rglSceneId")) {
upstream[[i]] <- tagAppendAttributes(tag, rglSceneId = elementId)
} else if (inherits(tag, "combineWidgets")) {
temp <- lookForRglWidget(tag$widgets)
players <- c(players, temp$players)
prevRglWidget <- temp$prevRglWidget
upstream[[i]]$widgets <- temp$objects
if (!is.null(prevRglWidget))
list(objects = upstream,
players = players,
prevRglWidget = prevRglWidget)
result <- lookForRglWidget(upstream)
result$rowsizes <- rowsizes
} else
result <- list(objects = upstream,
players = if (is.character(upstream)) upstream else character(),
prevRglWidget = if (is.character(upstream)) upstream,
rowsizes = rowsizes)
asRow <- function(..., last = NA, height = NULL, colsize = 1) {
args <- list(...)
if (length(args) == 1
&& inherits(args[[1]], "combineWidgets")) {
orig <- args[[1]]
} else {
orig <-, c(args, list(ncol = 1, rowsize = getHeights(args))))
origlen <- length(orig$widgets)
if (
last <- origlen
else if (last > origlen)
stop("'last' must be no more than the number of widgets")
keep <- seq_len(origlen - last)
inrow <- seq_len(last) + origlen - last
origRowsizes <- rep_len(orig$params$rowsize, origlen)
if (length(inrow)) {
maxinrow <- max(origRowsizes[inrow])
if (is.null(height))
height <- maxinrow
} else if (is.null(height))
height <- 0
orig$params$rowsize <- c(origRowsizes[keep], height)
row <-, c(orig$widgets[inrow], list(nrow = 1,
colsize = colsize)))
orig$widgets <- c(orig$widgets[keep], list(row))
newElementId <- function(prefix)
paste0(prefix, p_sample(100000, 1))
rglwidget <- local({
reuseDF <- NULL
function(x = scene3d(minimal), width = figWidth(), height = figHeight(),
controllers = NULL, snapshot = !webgl,
elementId = NULL,
reuse = !interactive(),
webGLoptions = list(preserveDrawingBuffer = TRUE),
shared = NULL,
minimal = TRUE,
webgl = !latex, latex,
shinyBrush = NULL, ...) {
if (missing(latex))
latex <- isTRUE(getOption("")) &&
if (!webgl && is.logical(snapshot) && !snapshot)
stop("Must specify either 'snapshot' or 'webgl' or both")
origScene <- x
force(shared) # It might plot something...
if (
reuseDF <- NULL # local change only
else if (!reuse)
reuseDF <<- NULL
if (is.null(elementId) &&
(!inShiny() || # If in Shiny, all of the classes below need the ID
inherits(controllers, c("combineWidgets", "shiny.tag", "htmlwidget"))))
elementId <- newElementId("rgl")
if (!is.null(shinyBrush)) {
if (!is.character(shinyBrush) || length(shinyBrush) != 1)
stop("'shinyBrush' must be a single character value")
if (!inShiny())
warning("'shinySelectionInput' is only used in Shiny")
x$selectionInput <- shinyBrush
if (!inherits(x, "rglscene"))
stop("First argument should be an rgl scene.")
if (!is.list(shared))
shared <- list(shared)
dependencies <- list(rglDependency, CanvasMatrixDependency)
if (length(shared)) {
x$crosstalk <- list(key = vector("list", length(shared)),
group = character(length(shared)),
id = integer(length(shared)),
options = vector("list", length(shared)))
dependencies <- c(dependencies, crosstalkLibs())
} else {
x$crosstalk <- list(key = list(),
group = character(),
id = integer(),
options = list())
for (i in seq_along(shared)) {
s <- shared[[i]]
if (is.SharedData(s) && inherits(s, "rglShared")) {
x$crosstalk$key[[i]] <- s$key()
x$crosstalk$group[i] <- s$groupName()
x$crosstalk$id[i] <- attr(s$origData(), "rglId")
x$crosstalk$options[[i]] <- attr(s$origData(), "rglOptions")
} else if (!is.null(s))
stop("'shared' must be an object produced by rglShared() or a list of these")
if (!is.null(width))
width <- CSStoPixels(width)
if (!is.null(height))
height <- CSStoPixels(height)
x <- convertScene(x, width, height, snapshot = snapshot,
elementId = elementId, reuse = reuseDF,
webgl = webgl, latex = latex)
if (!webgl)
if (!
reuseDF <<- attr(x, "reuse")
upstream <- processUpstream(controllers, elementId = elementId)
x$players <- upstream$players
x$webGLoptions <- webGLoptions
# create widget
attr(x, "TOJSON_ARGS") <- list(na = "string")
result <- structure(htmlwidgets::createWidget(
name = 'rglWebGL',
x = x,
width = width,
height = height,
package = 'rgl',
elementId = elementId,
dependencies = dependencies,
), rglReuse = attr(x, "reuse"), origScene = origScene)
if (is.list(upstream$objects)) {, c(upstream$objects,
rowsize = c(upstream$rowsizes, x$height),
ncol = 1)))
} else
#' Widget output function for use in Shiny
#' @export
rglwidgetOutput <- function(outputId, width = '512px', height = '512px') {
shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, 'rglWebGL', width, height, package = 'rgl')
#' Widget render function for use in Shiny
#' @export
renderRglwidget <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, outputArgs = list()) {
if (!quoted) expr <- substitute(expr) # force quoted
shinyRenderWidget(expr, rglwidgetOutput, env, quoted = TRUE),
outputArgs = outputArgs)
shinySetPar3d <- function(..., session,
subscene = currentSubscene3d(cur3d())) {
if (!requireNamespace("shiny"))
stop("function requires shiny")
args <- list(...)
argnames <- names(args)
if (length(args) == 1 && is.null(argnames)) {
args <- args[[1]]
# We might have been passed modified shinyGetPar3d output;
# clean it up.
args[["subscene"]] <- NULL
args[["tag"]] <- NULL
argnames <- names(args)
if (is.null(argnames) || any(argnames == ""))
stop("Parameters must all be named")
badargs <- argnames[!(argnames %in% .Par3d) | argnames %in% .Par3d.readonly]
if (length(badargs))
stop("Invalid parameter(s): ", badargs)
for (arg in argnames) {
list(subscene = subscene,
parameter = arg,
value = args[[arg]]))
shinyGetPar3d <- function(parameters, session,
subscene = currentSubscene3d(cur3d()),
tag = "") {
badargs <- parameters[!(parameters %in% .Par3d)]
if (length(badargs))
stop("invalid parameter(s): ", badargs)
list(tag = tag, subscene = subscene,
parameters = parameters))
convertShinyPar3d <- function(par3d, ...) {
for (parm in c("modelMatrix", "projMatrix", "userMatrix", "userProjection"))
if (!is.null(par3d[[parm]]))
par3d[[parm]] <- matrix(unlist(par3d[[parm]]), 4, 4)
for (parm in c("mouseMode", "observer", "scale", "viewport", "bbox", "windowRect"))
if (!is.null(par3d[[parm]]))
par3d[[parm]] <- unlist(par3d[[parm]])
shinyResetBrush <- function(session, brush) {
session$sendCustomMessage("resetBrush", brush)
convertShinyMouse3d <- function(mouse3d, ...) {
for (parm in c("model", "proj"))
if (!is.null(mouse3d[[parm]]))
mouse3d[[parm]] <- matrix(unlist(mouse3d[[parm]]), 4, 4)
if (length(unlist(mouse3d$view)) == 4)
mouse3d$view <- structure(unlist(mouse3d$view),
names = c("x", "y", "width", "height"))
if (all(c("p1", "p2") %in% names(mouse3d$region)))
mouse3d$region <- with(mouse3d$region,
c(x1 = (p1$x + 1)/2,
y1 = (p1$y + 1)/2,
x2 = (p2$x + 1)/2,
y2 = (p2$y + 1)/2))
structure(mouse3d, class = "rglMouseSelection")
print.rglMouseSelection <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
if (!is.null(x$region)) {
cat("Mouse selection:\n")
if (verbose) {
cat("p1=[", x$region[1], ",", x$region[2],
"] p2=[", x$region[3], ",", x$region[4],"]\n")
cat("Projection data included: ", !is.null(x$model) && !is.null(x$proj) && !is.null(x$view), "\n")
} else
cat("Inactive mouse selection.\n")
# Create the local dependencies
makeDependency <- function(name, src, script = NULL, package,
version = packageVersion(package),
minifile = paste0(basename(src), ".min.js"),
debugging = FALSE, ...) {
if (!is.null(script) &&
requireNamespace("js", quietly = TRUE) &&
packageVersion("js") >= "1.2") {
if (debugging) {
for (f in script) {
hints <- js::jshint(readLines(file.path(system.file(src, package = package), f)),
undef = TRUE, bitwise = TRUE, eqeqeq = TRUE,
latedef = TRUE, browser = TRUE, devel = TRUE,
globals = list(CanvasMatrix4 = FALSE,
WebGLFloatArray = FALSE,
rglwidgetClass = FALSE,
rgltimerClass = FALSE,
Shiny = FALSE
for (i in seq_len(NROW(hints)))
warning(f, "#", hints[i, "line"], ": ", hints[i, "reason"],
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
minified <- js::uglify_files(file.path(system.file(src, package = package), script))
writeLines(minified, file.path(system.file(src, package = package), minifile))
if (!debugging)
script <- minifile
htmlDependency(name = name,
src = src,
package = package,
version = version,
script = script,
CanvasMatrixDependency <- makeDependency("CanvasMatrix4",
src = "htmlwidgets/lib/CanvasMatrix",
script = "CanvasMatrix.src.js",
package = "rgl",
debugging = nchar(Sys.getenv("RGL_DEBUGGING", "")) > 0)
rglDependency <- makeDependency("rglwidgetClass",
src = "htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass",
script = c("rglClass.src.js",
stylesheet = "rgl.css",
package = "rgl",
debugging = nchar(Sys.getenv("RGL_DEBUGGING", "")) > 0)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.