### This is originally from the R package
#### rrcov : Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point
#### by Valentin Todorov
## I would like to thank Peter Rousseeuw and Katrien van Driessen for
## providing the initial code of this function.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
## No longer hidden in namespace :
## easier to explain when user-available & documented if
h.alpha.n <- function(alpha, n, p) {
## Compute h(alpha) := size of subsample, given alpha, (n,p)
## Same function for covMcd() and ltsReg()
n2 <- (n+p+1) %/% 2
floor(2 * n2 - n + 2 * (n - n2) * alpha)
## MM: the way it's set up, *must* be kept in sync with rrcov.control()'s
## defaults --> ./rrcov.control.R :
covMcd <- function(x,
cor = FALSE,
raw.only = FALSE,
alpha = control$ alpha,
nsamp = control$ nsamp,
nmini = control$ nmini, kmini = control$ kmini,
scalefn=control$scalefn, maxcsteps=control$maxcsteps,
initHsets = NULL, save.hsets = FALSE, names = TRUE,
seed = control$ seed,
tolSolve = control$ tolSolve, # had 1e-10 hardwired {now 1e-14 default}
trace = control$ trace,
use.correction = control$ use.correction,
wgtFUN = control$ wgtFUN,
control = rrcov.control())
logdet.Lrg <- 50 ## <-- FIXME add to rrcov.control() and then use that
## Analyze and validate the input parameters ...
if(length(seed) > 0) {
if(length(seed) < 3L || seed[1L] < 100L)
stop("invalid 'seed'. Must be compatible with .Random.seed !")
if(!is.null(seed.keep <- get0(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)))
on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", seed.keep, envir = .GlobalEnv))
assign(".Random.seed", seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
## For back compatibility, as some new args did not exist pre 2013-04,
## and callers of covMcd() may use a "too small" 'control' list:
defCtrl <- if(missing(control)) control else rrcov.control()
if(missing(wgtFUN)) getDefCtrl("wgtFUN", defCtrl)
if(is.null (nmini)) getDefCtrl("nmini", defCtrl)
## vt::03.02.2006 - added options "best" and "exact" for nsamp
## nsamp will be further analized in the wrapper .fastmcd()
if(is.numeric(nsamp) && nsamp <= 0)
stop("Invalid number of trials nsamp = ",nsamp, "!")
x <- data.matrix(x, rownames.force=FALSE)
else if (!is.matrix(x))
x <- matrix(x, length(x), 1,
dimnames = if(names) list(names(x), deparse(substitute(x))))
if(!names) dimnames(x) <- NULL # (speedup)
## drop all rows with missing values (!!) :
ok <- is.finite(x %*%, ncol(x)))
x <- x[ok, , drop = FALSE]
if(!length(dx <- dim(x)))
stop("All observations have missing values!")
n <- dx[1]; p <- dx[2]
if(names) dimn <- dimnames(x)
## h(alpha) , the size of the subsamples
h <- h.alpha.n(alpha, n, p)
if(n <= p + 1) # ==> floor((n+p+1)/2) > n - 1 -- not Ok
stop(if (n <= p) # absolute barrier!
"n <= p -- you can't be serious!"
else "n == p+1 is too small sample size for MCD")
## else
if(n < 2 * p) { ## p+1 < n < 2p
warning("n < 2 * p, i.e., possibly too small sample size")
## was stop("Need at least 2*(number of variables) observations ")
## jmin <- (n + p + 1) %/% 2
## if(alpha < 1/2) ## FIXME? shouldn't we rather test 'alpha < jmin/n' ?
## stop("The MCD must cover at least", jmin, "observations")
## MM: I think this should be sufficient;
## we should even omit the (n < 2p) warning
if(h > n)
stop("Sample size n < h(alpha; n,p) := size of \"good\" subsample")
else if(2*h < n)
warning("subsample size h < n/2 may be too small")
if(is.character(wgtFUN)) {
if(is.function(mkWfun <- .wgtFUN.covMcd[[wgtFUN]]))
wgtFUN <- mkWfun(p=p, n=n, control)
stop(gettextf("'wgtFUN' must be a function or one of the strings %s.",
pasteK(paste0('"',names(.wgtFUN.covMcd),'"'))), domain=NA)
## vt::03.02.2006 - raw.cnp2 and cnp2 are vectors of size 2 and will
## contain the correction factors (concistency and finite sample)
## for the raw and reweighted estimates respectively. Set them
## initially to 1. If use.correction is false (not the default),
## the finite sample correction factor will not be used
## (neither for the raw estimates nor for the reweighted ones)
raw.cnp2 <- cnp2 <- c(1,1)
ans <- list(call =, nsamp = nsamp,
method = sprintf("MCD(alpha=%g ==> h=%d)", alpha, h))
if(h == n) { ## <==> alpha ~= 1 : Just compute the classical estimates --------
mcd <- cov(x) #MM: was cov.wt(x)$cov
loc <- as.vector(colMeans(x))
obj <- determinant(mcd, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1]
if ( -obj/p > logdet.Lrg ) {
ans$cov <- mcd
if(names) dimnames(ans$cov) <- list(dimn[[2]], dimn[[2]])
if (cor)
ans$cor <- cov2cor(ans$cov)
ans$center <- loc
if(names && length(dimn[[2]]))
names(ans$center) <- dimn[[2]]
ans$n.obs <- n
ans$singularity <- list(kind = "classical")
weights <- 1
else {
mah <- mahalanobis(x, loc, mcd, tol = tolSolve)
## VT:: 01.09.2004 - bug in alpha=1
weights <- wgtFUN(mah) # 0/1
sum.w <- sum(weights)
ans <- c(ans, cov.wt(x, wt = weights, cor = cor))
## cov.wt() -> list("cov", "center", "n.obs", ["wt", "cor"])
## Consistency factor for reweighted MCD -- ok for default wgtFUN only: FIXME
if(sum.w != n) {
cnp2[1] <- .MCDcons(p, sum.w/n)
ans$cov <- ans$cov * cnp2[1]
obj <- determinant(mcd, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1]
if( -obj/p > logdet.Lrg ) {
ans$singularity <- list(kind = "reweighted.MCD")
else {
mah <- mahalanobis(x, ans$center, ans$cov, tol = tolSolve)
weights <- wgtFUN(mah) # 0/1
ans$alpha <- alpha
ans$quan <- h
ans$raw.cov <- mcd
ans$ <- loc
if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]])) {
names(ans$ <- nms
dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- list(nms,nms)
ans$crit <- obj # was exp(obj); but log-scale is "robust" against under/overflow
ans$method <- paste(ans$method,
"\nalpha = 1: The minimum covariance determinant estimates based on",
n, "observations \nare equal to the classical estimates.")
ans$mcd.wt <-, length(ok))
ans$mcd.wt[ok] <- weights
if(names && length(dimn[[1]]))
names(ans$mcd.wt) <- dimn[[1]]
ans$wt <- NULL
ans$X <- x
if(names) {
dimnames(ans$X)[[1]] <- names(ans$mcd.wt)[ok]
dimnames(ans$X) <- list(seq(along = ok)[ok], NULL)
cat(ans$method, "\n")
ans$raw.cnp2 <- raw.cnp2
ans$cnp2 <- cnp2
class(ans) <- "mcd"
} ## end { alpha = 1 <==> h = n }
mcd <- if(nsamp == "deterministic") {
ans$method <- paste("Deterministic", ans$method)
.detmcd (x, h, hsets.init = initHsets,
save.hsets=save.hsets, # full.h=full.h,
scalefn=scalefn, maxcsteps=maxcsteps, trace=as.integer(trace),
} else {
ans$method <- paste0("Fast ", ans$method, "; nsamp = ", nsamp,
"; (n,k)mini = (", nmini,",",kmini,")")
.fastmcd(x, h, nsamp, nmini, kmini, trace=as.integer(trace))
## Compute the consistency correction factor for the raw MCD
## (see calfa in Croux and Haesbroeck)
calpha <- .MCDcons(p, h/n) ## VT::19.3.2007
correct <- if(use.correction) .MCDcnp2(p, n, alpha) else 1.
raw.cnp2 <- c(calpha, correct)
if(p == 1) {
## ==> Compute univariate location and scale estimates
ans$method <- paste("Univariate", ans$method)
scale <- sqrt(calpha * correct) * as.double(mcd$initcovariance)
center <- as.double(mcd$initmean)
if(abs(scale - 0) < 1e-07) {
ans$singularity <- list(kind = "identicalObs", q = h)
ans$raw.cov <- ans$cov <- matrix(0)
ans$ <- ans$center <- center
ans$n.obs <- n
ans$alpha <- alpha
ans$quan <- h
if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]][1])) {
names(ans$ <- names(ans$center) <- nms
dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- dimnames(ans$cov) <- list(nms,nms)
ans$crit <- -Inf # = log(0)
weights <- as.numeric(abs(x - center) < 1e-07) # 0 / 1
} ## end { scale ~= 0 }
else {
## Compute the weights for the raw MCD in case p=1
weights <- wgtFUN(((x - center)/scale)^2) # 0/1
sum.w <- sum(weights)
ans <- c(ans, cov.wt(x, wt = weights, cor=cor))
if(sum.w != n) {
## VT::05.04.2023
## The correct consistency correction factor for the reweighted estimate
## would be .MCDcons(p, 0.975) and not .MCDcons(p, sum.w/n) - see mail from
## Andreas Alfons from 29.01.2020 and Croux and Haesbroeck (1999), equations 4.1 and 4.2.
## cdelta.rew <- .MCDcons(p, sum.w/n) ## VT::19.3.2007
cdelta.rew <- .MCDcons(p, 0.975)
correct.rew <- if(use.correction) .MCDcnp2.rew(p, n, alpha) else 1.
cnp2 <- c(cdelta.rew, correct.rew)
ans$cov <- cdelta.rew * correct.rew * ans$cov
ans$alpha <- alpha
ans$quan <- h
ans$raw.cov <- as.matrix(scale^2)
ans$ <- as.vector(center)
if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]][1])) {
dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- list(nms,nms)
names(ans$ <- nms
ans$crit <- ## log(det) =
log(sum(sort((x - as.double(mcd$initmean))^2, partial = h)[1:h])/max(1,h-1))
center <- ans$center
scale <- as.vector(sqrt(ans$cov))
weights <- wgtFUN(((x - center)/scale)^2)
} ## end{ scale > 0 }
} ## end p=1
else { ## p >= 2 : ---------------------------------------------------------
## Apply correction factor to the raw estimates
## and use them to compute weights
mcd$initcovariance <- matrix(calpha * correct * mcd$initcovariance, p,p)
if(raw.only || mcd$exactfit != 0) {
## If not all observations are in general position, i.e. more than
## h observations lie on a hyperplane, the program still yields
## the MCD location and scatter matrix, the latter being singular
## (as it should be), as well as the equation of the hyperplane.
## VT::31.08.2022 - raw.only was not implemeted for the case nsamp="deterministic"
## (if the FORTRAN code is not called mcd$coeff and mcd$weights do not exist).
## Reported by Aurore Archimbaud <>
dim(mcd$coeff) <- c(5, p)
ans$cov <- ans$raw.cov <- mcd$initcovariance
ans$center <- ans$ <- as.vector(mcd$initmean)
if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]])) {
dimnames(ans$cov) <- list(nms, nms)
names(ans$center) <- nms
ans$n.obs <- n
if(mcd$exactfit != 0) {
## no longer relevant:
## if(mcd$exactfit == -1)
## stop("The program allows for at most ", mcd$kount, " observations.")
## if(mcd$exactfit == -2)
## stop("The program allows for at most ", mcd$kount, " variables.")
if(!(mcd$exactfit %in% c(1,2,3)))
stop("Unexpected 'exactfit' code ", mcd$exactfit, ". Please report!")
## new (2007-01) and *instead* of older long 'method' extension;
## the old message is still *printed* via .MCDsingularityMsg()
## exactfit is now *passed* to result instead of coded into 'message':
ans$singularity <-
list(kind = "on.hyperplane", exactCode = mcd$exactfit,
p = p, h = h, count = mcd$kount, coeff = mcd$coeff[1,])
ans$crit <- -Inf # = log(0)
weights <- mcd$weights
} else {
## VT::31.08.2022 - raw.only was not implemeted for the case nsamp="deterministic"
ans$raw.only <- TRUE
ans$crit <- mcd$mcdestimate
weights <- mcd$weights
if(is.null(mcd$weights)) {
## FIXME? here, we assume that mcd$initcovariance is not singular:
mah <- mahalanobis(x, mcd$initmean, mcd$initcovariance, tol = tolSolve)
weights <- wgtFUN(mah)
ans$alpha <- alpha
ans$quan <- h
if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]])) {
names(ans$ <- nms
dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- list(nms,nms)
} ## end (raw.only || exact fit)
else { ## have general position (exactfit == 0) : ------------------------
## FIXME? here, we assume that mcd$initcovariance is not singular:
mah <- mahalanobis(x, mcd$initmean, mcd$initcovariance, tol = tolSolve)
weights <- wgtFUN(mah)
sum.w <- sum(weights)
ans <- c(ans, cov.wt(x, wt = weights, cor=cor))
## simple check for singularity, much cheaper than determinant() below:
sing.rewt <- any(apply(ans$cov == 0, 2, all))
## Compute and apply the consistency correction factor for
## the reweighted cov
if(!sing.rewt && sum.w != n) {
## VT::05.04.2023
## The correct consistency correction factor for the reweighted estimate
## would be .MCDcons(p, 0.975) and not .MCDcons(p, sum.w/n) - see mail from
## Andreas Alfons from 29.01.2020 and Croux and Haesbroeck (1999), equations 4.1 and 4.2.
## cdelta.rew <- .MCDcons(p, sum.w/n) ## VT::19.3.2007
cdelta.rew <- .MCDcons(p, 0.975)
correct.rew <- if(use.correction) .MCDcnp2.rew(p, n, alpha) else 1.
cnp2 <- c(cdelta.rew, correct.rew)
ans$cov <- cdelta.rew * correct.rew * ans$cov
##vt:: add also the best found subsample to the result list
ans$best <- sort(as.vector(mcd$best))
ans$alpha <- alpha
ans$quan <- h
ans$raw.cov <- mcd$initcovariance
ans$ <- as.vector(mcd$initmean)
if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]])) {
names(ans$ <- nms
dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- list(nms,nms)
ans$raw.weights <- weights
ans$crit <- mcd$mcdestimate # now in log scale!
## 'mah' already computed above
ans$raw.mah <- mah ## mahalanobis(x, ans$, ans$raw.cov, tol = tolSolve)
## Check if the reweighted scatter matrix is singular.
if(sing.rewt || - determinant(ans$cov, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1]/p > logdet.Lrg) {
ans$singularity <- list(kind = paste0("reweighted.MCD",
if(sing.rewt)"(zero col.)"))
ans$mah <- mah
else {
mah <- mahalanobis(x, ans$center, ans$cov, tol = tolSolve)
ans$mah <- mah
weights <- wgtFUN(mah)
} ## end{ not exact fit }
} ## end{ p >= 2 }
ans$mcd.wt <-, length(ok))
ans$mcd.wt[ok] <- weights
if(names) {
names(ans$mcd.wt) <- dimn[[1]]
dimnames(x)[[1]] <- names(ans$mcd.wt)[ok]
dimnames(x) <- list(seq(along = ok)[ok], NULL)
ans$X <- x
ans$wt <- NULL
cat(ans$method, "\n")
ans$raw.cnp2 <- raw.cnp2
ans$cnp2 <- cnp2
if(nsamp == "deterministic")
ans <- c(ans, mcd[c("iBest","n.csteps", if(save.hsets) "initHsets")])
class(ans) <- "mcd"
## warn if we have a singularity:
warning(paste(strwrap(.MCDsingularityMsg(ans$singularity, ans$n.obs)), collapse="\n"),
## return
} ## {covMcd}
smoothWgt <- function(x, c, h) {
## currently drops all attributes, dim(), names(), etc
## maybe add 'keep.attributes = FALSE' (and pass to C)
.Call(R_wgt_flex, x, c, h)
##' Martin Maechler's simple proposal for an *adaptive* cutoff
##' i.e., one which does *not* reject outliers in good samples asymptotically
.MCDadaptWgt.c <- function(n,p) {
eps <- 0.4 / n ^ 0.6 # => 1-eps(n=100) ~= 0.975; 1-eps(n=10) ~= 0.90
## using upper tail:
qchisq(eps, p, lower.tail=FALSE)
## Default wgtFUN()s :
.wgtFUN.covMcd <-
list("01.original" = function(p, ...) {
cMah <- qchisq(0.975, p)
function(d) as.numeric(d < cMah)
"01.flex" = function(p, n, control) { ## 'control$beta' instead of 0.975
## FIXME: update rrcov.control() to accept 'beta'
stopifnot(is.1num(beta <- control$beta), 0 <= beta, beta <= 1)
cMah <- qchisq(beta, p)
function(d) as.numeric(d < cMah)
"01.adaptive" = function(p, n, ...) { ## 'beta_n' instead of 0.975
cMah <- .MCDadaptWgt.c(n,p)
function(d) as.numeric(d < cMah)
"sm1.orig" = function(p, n, ...) {
cMah <- qchisq(0.975, p)
function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = 1)
"sm2.orig" = function(p, n, ...) {
cMah <- qchisq(0.975, p)
function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = 2)
"sm1.adaptive" = function(p, n, ...) {
cMah <- .MCDadaptWgt.c(n,p)
function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = 1)
"sm2.adaptive" = function(p, n, ...) {
cMah <- .MCDadaptWgt.c(n,p)
function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = 2)
"smE.adaptive" = function(p, n, ...) {
cMah <- .MCDadaptWgt.c(n,p)
## TODO: find "theory" for h = f(cMah), or better c=f1(n,p); h=f2(n,p)
function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = max(2, cMah/4))
.MCDsingularityMsg <- function(singList, n.obs)
"classical" = {
"The classical covariance matrix is singular."
"reweighted.MCD" = {
"The reweighted MCD scatter matrix is singular."
"identicalObs" = {
sprintf("Initial scale 0 because more than 'h' (=%d) observations are identical.",
"on.hyperplane" = {
stopifnot(c("p", "count", "coeff") %in% names(singList))
obsMsg <- function(m, n)
paste("There are", m,
"observations (in the entire dataset of", n, "obs.)",
"lying on the")
invisible(obsMsg)# <- codetools
## exactfit == 1 :
"The covariance matrix of the data is singular.",
## exactfit == 2 :
c("The covariance matrix has become singular during",
"the iterations of the MCD algorithm."),
## exactfit == 3:
paste0("The ", h,
"-th order statistic of the absolute deviation of variable ",
which(coeff == 1), " is zero.")),
if(p == 2) {
paste(obsMsg(count, n.obs), "line with equation ",
signif(coeff[1], digits= 5), "(x_i1-m_1) +",
signif(coeff[2], digits= 5), "(x_i2-m_2) = 0",
"with (m_1,m_2) the mean of these observations.")
else if(p == 3) {
paste(obsMsg(count, n.obs), "plane with equation ",
signif(coeff[1], digits= 5), "(x_i1-m_1) +",
signif(coeff[2], digits= 5), "(x_i2-m_2) +",
signif(coeff[3], digits= 5), "(x_i3-m_3) = 0",
"with (m_1,m_2) the mean of these observations."
else { ## p > 3 -----------
paste(obsMsg(count, n.obs), "hyperplane with equation ",
"a_1*(x_i1 - m_1) + ... + a_p*(x_ip - m_p) = 0",
"with (m_1, ..., m_p) the mean of these observations",
"and coefficients a_i from the vector a <- ",
paste(deparse(zapsmall(coeff)), collapse="\n "))
## Otherwise
stop("illegal 'singularity$kind'")
) ## end{switch}
} <- function (object, ...) object$n.obs <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), = 2, ...)
cat("Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) estimator approximation.\n",
"Method: ", x$method, "\n", sep="")
if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
cat(strwrap(.MCDsingularityMsg(x$singularity, x$n.obs)), sep ="\n")
if(identical(x$nsamp, "deterministic"))
cat("iBest: ", pasteK(x$iBest), "; C-step iterations: ", pasteK(x$n.csteps),
"\n", sep="")
## VT::29.03.2007 - solve a conflict with fastmcd() in package robust -
## also returning an object of class "mcd"
xx <- if(!is.null(x$crit))
format(x$crit, digits = digits)
else if (!is.null(x$raw.objective))
format(log(x$raw.objective), digits = digits)
else NA
cat("Log(Det.): ", xx , "\n\nRobust Estimate of Location:\n")
print(x$center, digits = digits, =, ...)
cat("Robust Estimate of Covariance:\n")
print(x$cov, digits = digits, =, ...)
} <- function(object, ...)
class(object) <- c("", class(object))
} <-
function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), = 2, ...)
{, digits = digits, =, ...) # see above
## hmm, maybe not *such* a good idea :
if(!is.null(x$cor)) {
cat("\nRobust Estimate of Correlation: \n")
dimnames(x$cor) <- dimnames(x$cov)
print(x$cor, digits = digits, =, ...)
print(eigen(x$cov, only.values = TRUE)$values, digits = digits, ...)
if(!is.null(x$mah)) {
cat("\nRobust Distances: \n")
print(summary(x$mah, digits = digits), digits = digits, ...)
if(!is.null(wt <- x$mcd.wt))
summarizeRobWeights(wt, digits = digits)
## NOTE: is in ./covPlot.R !
## ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~
### Consistency and Finite Sample Correction Factors
### .MCDcons() .MCDcnp2() & .MCDcnp2.rew()
### now exported and documented in ../man/covMcd.Rd
##' Compute the consistency correction factor for the MCD estimate
##' (see calfa in Croux and Haesbroeck)
##' @param p
##' @param alpha alpha ~= h/n = quan/n
##' also use for the reweighted MCD, calling with alpha = 0.975
MCDcons <- # <- *not* exported, but currently used in pkgs rrcov, rrcovNA
.MCDcons <- function(p, alpha)
qalpha <- qchisq(alpha, p)
caI <- pgamma(qalpha/2, p/2 + 1) / alpha
MCDcnp2 <- # <- *not* exported, but currently used in pkg rrcovNA
##' Finite sample correction factor for raw MCD:
.MCDcnp2 <- function(p, n, alpha)
stopifnot(0 <= alpha, alpha <= 1, length(alpha) == 1)
if(p > 2) {
## "alfaq" "betaq" "qwaarden"
coeffqpkwad875 <- matrix(c(-0.455179464070565, 1.11192541278794, 2,
-0.294241208320834, 1.09649329149811, 3),
ncol = 2)
coeffqpkwad500 <- matrix(c(-1.42764571687802, 1.26263336932151, 2,
-1.06141115981725, 1.28907991440387, 3),
ncol = 2)
y.500 <- log( - coeffqpkwad500[1, ] / p^coeffqpkwad500[2, ] )
y.875 <- log( - coeffqpkwad875[1, ] / p^coeffqpkwad875[2, ] )
A.500 <- cbind(1, - log(coeffqpkwad500[3, ] * p^2))
A.875 <- cbind(1, - log(coeffqpkwad875[3, ] * p^2))
coeffic.500 <- solve(A.500, y.500)
coeffic.875 <- solve(A.875, y.875)
fp.500.n <- 1 - exp(coeffic.500[1]) / n^coeffic.500[2]
fp.875.n <- 1 - exp(coeffic.875[1]) / n^coeffic.875[2]
else if(p == 2) {
fp.500.n <- 1 - exp( 0.673292623522027) / n^0.691365864961895
fp.875.n <- 1 - exp( 0.446537815635445) / n^1.06690782995919
} else if(p == 1) {
fp.500.n <- 1 - exp( 0.262024211897096) / n^0.604756680630497
fp.875.n <- 1 - exp(-0.351584646688712) / n^1.01646567502486
## VT:18.04.2007 - use simulated correction factors for several p and n:
## p in [1, 20] n in [2*p, ...]
if(alpha == 0.5 && ! <- MCDcnp2s$sim.0(p, n)))
fp.500.n <- 1/fp.x
fp.alpha.n <-
if(alpha <= 0.875)
fp.500.n + (fp.875.n - fp.500.n)/0.375 * (alpha - 0.5)
else ## 0.875 < alpha <= 1
fp.875.n + (1 - fp.875.n)/0.125 * (alpha - 0.875)
} ## end{.MCDcnp2 }
MCDcnp2.rew <- # <- *not* exported, but currently used in pkg rrcovNA
##' Finite sample correction factor for *REW*eighted MCD
.MCDcnp2.rew <- function(p, n, alpha)
stopifnot(0 <= alpha, alpha <= 1, length(alpha) == 1)
if(p > 2) {
## "alfaq" "betaq" "qwaarden"
coeffrewqpkwad875 <- matrix(c(-0.544482443573914, 1.25994483222292, 2,
-0.343791072183285, 1.25159004257133, 3),
ncol = 2)
coeffrewqpkwad500 <- matrix(c(-1.02842572724793, 1.67659883081926, 2,
-0.26800273450853, 1.35968562893582, 3),
ncol = 2)
y.500 <- log( - coeffrewqpkwad500[1, ] / p^ coeffrewqpkwad500[2, ] )
y.875 <- log( - coeffrewqpkwad875[1, ] / p^ coeffrewqpkwad875[2, ] )
A.500 <- cbind(1, - log(coeffrewqpkwad500[3, ] * p^2))
coeffic.500 <- solve(A.500, y.500)
A.875 <- cbind(1, - log(coeffrewqpkwad875[3, ] * p^2))
coeffic.875 <- solve(A.875, y.875)
fp.500.n <- 1 - exp(coeffic.500[1]) / n^ coeffic.500[2]
fp.875.n <- 1 - exp(coeffic.875[1]) / n^ coeffic.875[2]
else if(p == 2) {
fp.500.n <- 1 - exp( 3.11101712909049 ) / n^ 1.91401056721863
fp.875.n <- 1 - exp( 0.79473550581058 ) / n^ 1.10081930350091
} else if(p == 1) {
fp.500.n <- 1 - exp( 1.11098143415027 ) / n^ 1.5182890270453
fp.875.n <- 1 - exp( -0.66046776772861) / n^ 0.88939595831888
## VT:18.04.2007 - use simulated correction factors for several p and n:
## p in [1, 20] n in [2*p, ...]
if(alpha == 0.5 && ! <- MCDcnp2s$sim.rew(p, n)))
fp.500.n <- 1/fp.x
fp.alpha.n <-
if(alpha <= 0.875)
fp.500.n + (fp.875.n - fp.500.n)/0.375 * (alpha - 0.5)
else ## 0.875 < alpha <= 1
fp.875.n + (1 - fp.875.n)/0.125 * (alpha - 0.875)
} ## end{.MCDcnp2.rew }
.fastmcd <- function(x, h, nsamp, nmini, kmini, trace = 0)
dx <- dim(x)
n <- dx[1]
p <- dx[2]
## parameters for partitioning {equal to those in Fortran !!}
## kmini <- 5
## nmini <- 300
stopifnot(length(kmini <- as.integer(kmini)) == 1, kmini >= 2L,
is.1num(nmini), is.finite(nmaxi <- as.double(nmini)*kmini),
nmaxi * p < .Machine$integer.max)
nmaxi <- as.integer(nmaxi)
km10 <- 10*kmini
## vt::03.02.2006 - added options "best" and "exact" for nsamp
nLarge <- 100000 # was 5000 before Nov.2009 -- keep forever now; user can say "exact"
if(is.numeric(nsamp) && (nsamp < 0 || nsamp == 0 && p > 1)) {
nsamp <- -1
} else if(nsamp == "exact" || nsamp == "best") {
if(n > 2*nmini-1) {
warning("Options 'best' and 'exact' not allowed for n greater than 2*nmini-1 =",
2*nmini-1,".\nUsing default.\n")
nsamp <- -1
} else {
myk <- p + 1 ## was 'p'; but p+1 ("nsel = nvar+1") is correct
nall <- choose(n, myk)
msg <- paste("subsets of size", myk, "out of", n)
if(nall > nLarge && nsamp == "best") {
nsamp <- nLarge
warning("'nsamp = \"best\"' allows maximally ",
format(nLarge, scientific=FALSE),
" subsets;\ncomputing these ", msg,
immediate. = TRUE)
} else { ## "exact" or ("best" & nall < nLarge)
nsamp <- 0 ## all subsamples -> special treatment in Fortran
if(nall > nLarge) {
msg <- paste("Computing all", nall, msg)
if(nall > 10*nLarge)
warning(msg, "\n This may take a",
if(nall/nLarge > 100) " very", " long time!\n",
immediate. = TRUE)
else message(msg)
if(!is.numeric(nsamp) || nsamp == -1) { # still not defined
## set it to the default :
nsamp.def <- rrcov.control()$nsamp
warning(gettextf("Invalid number of trials nsamp=%s. Using default nsamp=%d.",
format(nsamp), nsamp.def),
nsamp <- nsamp.def
if(nsamp > (mx <- .Machine$integer.max)) {
warning("nsamp > i_max := maximal integer -- not allowed;\n",
" set to i_max = ", mx)
nsamp <- mx
## Allocate temporary storage for the Fortran implementation,
## directly in the .Fortran() call.
## (if we used C + .Call() we would allocate all there, and be quite faster!)
x = if(is.double(x)) x else as.double(x),
n = as.integer(n),
p = as.integer(p), ## = 'nvar' in Fortran
nhalff = as.integer(h),
nsamp = as.integer(nsamp), # = 'krep'
nmini = as.integer(nmini),
kmini = kmini,
initcovariance = double(p * p),
initmean = double(p),
best =, h),
mcdestimate = double(1), ## = 'det'
weights = integer(n),
exactfit = integer(1), # output indicator: 0: ok; 1: ..., 2: ..
coeff = matrix(double(5 * p), nrow = 5, ncol = p), ## plane
kount = integer(1),
adjustcov = double(p * p), ## used in ltsReg() !
## integer(1), ## << 'seed' no longer used
temp = integer(n),
index1 = integer(n),
index2 = integer(n),
indexx = integer(n),
nmahad = double(n),
ndist = double(n),
am = double(n),
am2 = double(n),
slutn = double(n),
med = double(p),
mad = double(p),
sd = double(p),
means = double(p),
bmeans= double(p),
w = double(p),
fv1 = double(p),
fv2 = double(p),
rec = double(p+1),
sscp1 = double((p+1)*(p+1)),
cova1 = double(p * p),
corr1 = double(p * p),
cinv1 = double(p * p),
cova2 = double(p * p),
cinv2 = double(p * p),
z = double(p * p),
cstock = double(10 * p * p), # (10,nvmax2)
mstock = double(10 * p), # (10,nvmax)
c1stock = double(km10 * p * p), # (km10,nvmax2)
m1stock = double(km10 * p), # (km10,nvmax)
dath = double(nmaxi * p), # (nmaxi,nvmax)
cutoff = qchisq(0.975, p),
chimed = qchisq(0.5, p),
i.trace= as.integer(trace)
)[ ## keep the following ones:
c("initcovariance", "initmean", "best", "mcdestimate",
"weights", "exactfit", "coeff", "kount", "adjustcov") ]
## VT:18.04.2007 - use simulated correction factors for several p and n
## and alpha = 1/2 (the default in rrcov.control())
## ~~~~~~~~~~~
## p in [1, 20] n in [2*p, ...]
## see the modifications in.MCDcnp2() and.MCDcnp2.rew
## VT::08.06.2007 - fixed the simulated values (especially for p=1)
## VT::11.05.2007 - reduce the usage of the simulated correction factors to only those that
## are definitvely wrong (negative or very large). This is done by:
## a) reducing p.max
## b) reducing n.max
## NB: In general, "wrong" are the factors for the reweighted matrix, but whenever a simulated
## value for the reweighted is used, the corresponding simulated must be used for the raw too.
## MM::2014-04 :
MCDcnp2s <- local({
p.min <- 1L
p.max <- 9L # was 20
ncol <- 20L # the number of column in the matrices
n.min <- as.integer(
### p = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
c(1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40))
n.max <- as.integer(
c(2, 6, 10, 13, 16, 18, 20, 20, 20, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60))
##was c(22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60)
## these are the right (simulated) values for n.max
n.min.rew <- n.min
n.max.rew <- n.max
m.0 <- matrix(
c(1, 3.075819, 1.515999, 2.156169, 1.480742, 1.765485, 1.460206, 1.603707, 1.427429, 1.504712, 1.334528, 1.48297, 1.355308, 1.383867, 1.319241, 1.36065, 1.307467, 1.365596, 1.255259, 1.352741, 1.239381, 3.15342, 1.799889, 2.258497, 1.688312, 1.906779, 1.548203, 1.724785, 1.500873, 1.573442, 1.417137, 1.540805, 1.395945, 1.472596, 1.394247, 1.377487, 1.337394, 1.369354, 1.333378, 1.3181, 1.313813, 1.315528, 2.12777, 2.718898, 1.993509, 2.220433, 1.820585, 1.97782, 1.672455, 1.770151, 1.587478, 1.685352, 1.539295, 1.584536, 1.499487, 1.50702, 1.41952, 1.449058, 1.393042, 1.432999, 1.369964, 1.400997, 1.333824, 2.950549, 2.145387, 2.382224, 1.927077, 2.032489, 1.8371, 1.877833, 1.710891, 1.756053, 1.620778, 1.657761, 1.558978, 1.56257, 1.508633, 1.534406, 1.46709, 1.468734, 1.432529, 1.455283, 1.386975, 1.417532, 2.229573, 2.494447, 2.016117, 2.190061, 1.877996, 1.978964, 1.767284, 1.836948, 1.677372, 1.743316, 1.616383, 1.655964, 1.55484, 1.594831, 1.502185, 1.543723, 1.467005, 1.491123, 1.44402, 1.446915, 1.401578, 2.580264, 2.109121, 2.240741, 1.944719, 2.043397, 1.821808, 1.89725, 1.748788, 1.786988, 1.659333, 1.697012, 1.610622, 1.616503, 1.538529, 1.562024, 1.499964, 1.529344, 1.474519, 1.483264, 1.441552, 1.434448, 2.165233, 2.320281, 2.007836, 2.086471, 1.884052, 1.950563, 1.76926, 1.843328, 1.708941, 1.741039, 1.627206, 1.644755, 1.580563, 1.593402, 1.527312, 1.568418, 1.501462, 1.502542, 1.464583, 1.467921, 1.431141, 2.340443, 2.048262, 2.161097, 1.926082, 1.995422, 1.81446, 1.853165, 1.738533, 1.784456, 1.679444, 1.696463, 1.612931, 1.629483, 1.548186, 1.580026, 1.52198, 1.531111, 1.482914, 1.484824, 1.442726, 1.447838, 2.093386, 2.185793, 1.948989, 2.02804, 1.867137, 1.907732, 1.771923, 1.800413, 1.691612, 1.720603, 1.642705, 1.649769, 1.589028, 1.598955, 1.539759, 1.55096, 1.503965, 1.50703, 1.471349, 1.469791, 1.436959, 2.218315, 1.997369, 2.041128, 1.887059, 1.928524, 1.79626, 1.827538, 1.716748, 1.735696, 1.658329, 1.664211, 1.599286, 1.611511, 1.553925, 1.562637, 1.516805, 1.529894, 1.476064, 1.482474, 1.453253, 1.458467, 2.0247, 2.07899, 1.921976, 1.949376, 1.824629, 1.851671, 1.744713, 1.765647, 1.683525, 1.685592, 1.625113, 1.624961, 1.571921, 1.581223, 1.535257, 1.537464, 1.497165, 1.504879, 1.468682, 1.469319, 1.448344, 2.092315, 1.941412, 1.969843, 1.844093, 1.866133, 1.766145, 1.783829, 1.703613, 1.709714, 1.646078, 1.654264, 1.594523, 1.598488, 1.545105, 1.555356, 1.514627, 1.521353, 1.483958, 1.487677, 1.449191, 1.459721, 1.958987, 1.985144, 1.87739, 1.879643, 1.786823, 1.799642, 1.720015, 1.724688, 1.663539, 1.662997, 1.609267, 1.615124, 1.56746, 1.562026, 1.520586, 1.52503, 1.493008, 1.502496, 1.471983, 1.468546, 1.435064, 1.994706, 1.880348, 1.894254, 1.805827, 1.815965, 1.744296, 1.743389, 1.665481, 1.681644, 1.624466, 1.626109, 1.584028, 1.5818, 1.54376, 1.547237, 1.504878, 1.515087, 1.479032, 1.47936, 1.450758, 1.45073, 1.892685, 1.91087, 1.825301, 1.827176, 1.745363, 1.746115, 1.693373, 1.701692, 1.648247, 1.637112, 1.594648, 1.592013, 1.554849, 1.55013, 1.522186, 1.520901, 1.492606, 1.493072, 1.460868, 1.46733, 1.440956, 1.92771, 1.835696, 1.841979, 1.775991, 1.766092, 1.703807, 1.708791, 1.654985, 1.655917, 1.602388, 1.611867, 1.570765, 1.573368, 1.53419, 1.529033, 1.506767, 1.503596, 1.481126, 1.471806, 1.444917, 1.451682, 1.850262, 1.855034, 1.778997, 1.789995, 1.718871, 1.717326, 1.667357, 1.666291, 1.619743, 1.631475, 1.582624, 1.58766, 1.546302, 1.545063, 1.512222, 1.517888, 1.489127, 1.487271, 1.466722, 1.463618, 1.444137, 1.8709, 1.794033, 1.80121, 1.736376, 1.740201, 1.673776, 1.682541, 1.638153, 1.642294, 1.604417, 1.597721, 1.559534, 1.559108, 1.533942, 1.529348, 1.499517, 1.501586, 1.473147, 1.473031, 1.457615, 1.452348, 1.805753, 1.812952, 1.746549, 1.747222, 1.696924, 1.694957, 1.652157, 1.650568, 1.607807, 1.613666, 1.577295, 1.570712, 1.543704, 1.538272, 1.515369, 1.517113, 1.487451, 1.491593, 1.464514, 1.464658, 1.439359, 1.823222, 1.758781, 1.767358, 1.70872, 1.712926, 1.666956, 1.667838, 1.62077, 1.621445, 1.592891, 1.58549, 1.55603, 1.559042, 1.521501, 1.523342, 1.499913, 1.501937, 1.473359, 1.472522, 1.452613, 1.452448),
ncol = ncol)
m.rew <- matrix(
c(1, 0.984724, 0.970109, 0.978037, 0.979202, 0.982933, 1.001461, 1.026651, 0.981233, 1.011895, 1.017499, 0.964323, 1.026574, 1.006594, 0.980194, 1.009828, 0.998083, 0.966173, 1.009942, 0.99916, 1.021521, 2.216302, 1.418526, 1.635601, 1.31402, 1.33975, 1.251798, 1.210917, 1.133114, 1.150666, 1.138732, 1.096822, 1.076489, 1.058343, 1.045746, 1.036743, 1.008929, 1.049537, 1.028148, 1.027297, 1.020578, 1.00074, 1.73511, 2.06681, 1.545905, 1.659655, 1.456835, 1.47809, 1.331966, 1.334229, 1.231218, 1.220443, 1.198143, 1.193965, 1.142156, 1.146231, 1.124661, 1.112719, 1.089973, 1.070606, 1.082681, 1.061243, 1.053191, 2.388892, 1.847626, 1.96998, 1.630723, 1.701272, 1.521008, 1.553057, 1.382168, 1.414555, 1.326982, 1.321403, 1.265207, 1.264856, 1.200418, 1.21152, 1.17531, 1.168536, 1.140586, 1.14457, 1.111392, 1.112031, 1.968153, 2.168931, 1.784373, 1.894409, 1.667912, 1.693007, 1.545176, 1.582428, 1.45319, 1.480559, 1.371611, 1.358541, 1.330235, 1.30264, 1.257518, 1.244156, 1.221907, 1.22455, 1.178965, 1.177855, 1.166319, 2.275891, 1.866587, 2.014249, 1.750567, 1.829363, 1.650019, 1.689043, 1.562539, 1.561359, 1.473378, 1.488554, 1.411097, 1.416527, 1.35117, 1.361044, 1.30205, 1.299037, 1.250265, 1.260083, 1.218665, 1.236027, 1.95771, 2.074066, 1.847385, 1.905408, 1.71393, 1.768425, 1.63908, 1.67234, 1.564992, 1.562337, 1.49229, 1.499573, 1.420813, 1.424067, 1.383947, 1.378726, 1.33062, 1.330071, 1.279404, 1.295302, 1.263947, 2.164121, 1.871024, 1.979485, 1.782417, 1.84489, 1.706023, 1.734857, 1.622782, 1.634869, 1.55196, 1.554423, 1.482325, 1.509195, 1.440726, 1.436328, 1.386335, 1.396277, 1.347939, 1.346732, 1.310242, 1.309371, 1.938822, 2.050409, 1.834863, 1.882536, 1.737494, 1.761608, 1.65742, 1.687579, 1.591863, 1.60158, 1.520982, 1.535234, 1.470649, 1.486485, 1.42892, 1.435574, 1.384132, 1.382329, 1.343281, 1.346581, 1.315111, 2.063894, 1.880094, 1.907246, 1.78278, 1.806648, 1.6952, 1.720922, 1.63084, 1.635274, 1.565423, 1.56171, 1.512015, 1.4986, 1.463903, 1.456588, 1.422856, 1.407325, 1.376724, 1.373923, 1.346464, 1.34259, 1.898389, 1.950406, 1.812053, 1.849175, 1.72649, 1.737651, 1.646719, 1.655112, 1.587601, 1.597894, 1.539877, 1.53329, 1.495054, 1.490548, 1.445249, 1.446037, 1.410272, 1.412274, 1.375797, 1.369604, 1.341232, 1.992488, 1.830452, 1.857314, 1.758686, 1.763822, 1.683215, 1.679543, 1.619269, 1.608512, 1.565, 1.562282, 1.498869, 1.51325, 1.470912, 1.464654, 1.427573, 1.439301, 1.402308, 1.391006, 1.37074, 1.367573, 1.855502, 1.891242, 1.77513, 1.790618, 1.706443, 1.713098, 1.642896, 1.636577, 1.580366, 1.581752, 1.542937, 1.531668, 1.487894, 1.492039, 1.460304, 1.449762, 1.4219, 1.420953, 1.390137, 1.388677, 1.360506, 1.908277, 1.802091, 1.806128, 1.723757, 1.727249, 1.659883, 1.670056, 1.605209, 1.611481, 1.558846, 1.551762, 1.512951, 1.511515, 1.468948, 1.476073, 1.441508, 1.434997, 1.412687, 1.406782, 1.380452, 1.375924, 1.811415, 1.822311, 1.740544, 1.739355, 1.68127, 1.685342, 1.620281, 1.622572, 1.579611, 1.570103, 1.529881, 1.530097, 1.490041, 1.4947, 1.457329, 1.456344, 1.423363, 1.428653, 1.399988, 1.390069, 1.376594, 1.837723, 1.76039, 1.771031, 1.697404, 1.690915, 1.634409, 1.63713, 1.589594, 1.586521, 1.552974, 1.545571, 1.505923, 1.512794, 1.477833, 1.477821, 1.444241, 1.44452, 1.419258, 1.421297, 1.394924, 1.389393, 1.779716, 1.781271, 1.706031, 1.71224, 1.655099, 1.654284, 1.608878, 1.605955, 1.565683, 1.565938, 1.523594, 1.531235, 1.492749, 1.486786, 1.457635, 1.461416, 1.432472, 1.430164, 1.404441, 1.400021, 1.378273, 1.798932, 1.735577, 1.727031, 1.671049, 1.677601, 1.624427, 1.617626, 1.579533, 1.579987, 1.544635, 1.538715, 1.504538, 1.50726, 1.477163, 1.477084, 1.450861, 1.444496, 1.428416, 1.422813, 1.400185, 1.39552, 1.750193, 1.752145, 1.690365, 1.692051, 1.642391, 1.63858, 1.600144, 1.596401, 1.558305, 1.555932, 1.525968, 1.522984, 1.491563, 1.492554, 1.467575, 1.45786, 1.437545, 1.430893, 1.413983, 1.409386, 1.391943, 1.762922, 1.701346, 1.704996, 1.6556, 1.655548, 1.611964, 1.615219, 1.569103, 1.571079, 1.540617, 1.541602, 1.503791, 1.50195, 1.478069, 1.47678, 1.452458, 1.451732, 1.429144, 1.426547, 1.40363, 1.402647),
ncol = ncol)
sim.0 = function(p, n) {
p. <- p - p.min + 1L
if(p.min <= p && p <= p.max &&
n.min[p.] <= n && n <= n.max[p.]) {
nind <- n - n.min[p.] + 1L
m.0[nind, p.]
} else NA
sim.rew = function(p, n) {
p. <- p - p.min + 1L
if(p.min <= p && p <= p.max &&
n.min.rew[p.] <= n && n <= n.max.rew[p.]) {
nind <- n - n.min.rew[p.] + 1L
m.rew[nind, p.]
} else NA
}) ## end{MCDcnp2s}
if(FALSE) { ## For experimentation:
ls.str( ee <- environment(MCDcnp2s$sim.0) )
matplot(1:21, ee$m.0, type = "o", xlab = "p - p.min + 1")
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