# translated from Matlab code sar_g.m in the Spatial Econometrics toolbox by
# James LeSage and R. Kelley Pace (
# GSoc 2011 project by Abhirup Mallik mentored by Virgilio Gómez-Rubio
spBreg_lag <- function(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, type="lag",
zero.policy=NULL, control=list()) {
timings <- list()
.ptime_start <- proc.time()
con <- list(tol.opt=.Machine$double.eps^0.5, ldet_method="SE_classic",
Imult=2, cheb_q=5, MC_p=16L, MC_m=30L, super=NULL, spamPivot="MMD",
in_coef=0.1, type="MC", correct=TRUE, trunc=TRUE,
SE_method="LU", nrho=200, interpn=2000, SElndet=NULL, LU_order=FALSE,
pre_eig=NULL, interval=c(-1, 1), ndraw=2500L, nomit=500L, thin=1L,
verbose=FALSE, detval=NULL, prior=list(Tbeta=NULL, c_beta=NULL,
rho=0.5, sige=1, nu=0, d0=0, a1 = 1.01, a2 = 1.01))
priors <- con$prior
nmsP <- names(priors)
priors[(namp <- names(control$prior))] <- control$prior
if (length(noNms <- namp[!namp %in% nmsP]))
warning("unknown names in control$prior: ",
paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
control$prior <- NULL
con$prior <- NULL
nmsC <- names(con)
con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC]))
warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
if (is.null(zero.policy))
zero.policy <- get.ZeroPolicyOption()
if (class(formula) != "formula") formula <- as.formula(formula)
mt <- terms(formula, data = data)
mf <- lm(formula, data, na.action=na.action, method="model.frame")
na.act <- attr(mf, "na.action")
if (!inherits(listw, "listw")) stop("No neighbourhood list")
can.sim <- FALSE
if (listw$style %in% c("W", "S")) can.sim <-
if (!is.null(na.act)) {
subset <- !(1:length(listw$neighbours) %in% na.act)
listw <- subset(listw, subset, zero.policy=zero.policy)
y <- model.extract(mf, "response")
# x <- Matrix::sparse.model.matrix(mt, mf)
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
n <- nrow(x)
if (n != length(listw$neighbours))
stop("Input data and weights have different dimensions")
xcolnames <- colnames(x)
K <- ifelse(xcolnames[1] == "(Intercept)", 2, 1)
wy <- lag.listw(listw, y, zero.policy=zero.policy)
if (anyNA(wy)) stop("NAs in lagged dependent variable")
# check for dgCMatrix
if (type == "mixed") {
type <- "Durbin"
warning("type \"mixed\" deprecated, changed to \"Durbin\"")
if (type == "Durbin") {
WX <- create_WX(x, listw, zero.policy=zero.policy, prefix="lag")
x <- cbind(x, WX)
} else if (type != "lag") stop("No such type:", type)
m <- ncol(x)
lm.base <- lm(y ~ x - 1) # doesn't like dgCMatrix
aliased <-
cn <- names(aliased)
names(aliased) <- substr(cn, 2, nchar(cn))
if (any(aliased)) {
nacoef <- which(aliased)
x <- x[,-nacoef]
m <- ncol(x)
timings[["set_up"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
.ptime_start <- proc.time()
env <- new.env()
assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env)
assign("listw", listw, envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
assign("n", n, envir=env)
assign("verbose", con$verbose, envir=env)
assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
assign("method", con$ldet_method, envir=env)
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
assign("W", W, envir=env)
con$interval <- jacobianSetup(con$ldet_method, env, con,
pre_eig=con$pre_eig, interval=con$interval)
detval1 <- get("detval1", envir=env)[,1]
detval2 <- get("detval1", envir=env)[,2]
bprior <- dbeta(detval1, priors$a1, priors$a2)
nm <- paste(con$ldet_method, "set_up", sep="_")
timings[[nm]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
.ptime_start <- proc.time()
k <- m
if (is.null(priors$c_beta))
priors$c_beta <- rep(0, k)
stopifnot(length(priors$c_beta) == k)
if (is.null(priors$Tbeta))
priors$Tbeta <- diag(k)*1e+12
stopifnot(nrow(priors$Tbeta) == k && ncol(priors$Tbeta) == k)
sige <- priors$sige
rho <- priors$rho
#% storage for draws
bsave <- matrix(0, nrow=con$ndraw, ncol=k)
psave <- numeric(con$ndraw)
ssave <- numeric(con$ndraw)
lsave <- numeric(con$ndraw)
#% ====== initializations
#% compute this stuff once to save time
TI = solve(priors$Tbeta); # see eq 5.29, Lesage & Pace (2009) p. 140
TIc = TI%*%priors$c_beta;
xpx = crossprod(x)
xpy = crossprod(x, y)
xpWy = crossprod(x, wy)
nu1 = n + 2*priors$nu
nrho = length(detval1)
rho_out = 0
# nano_1 = 0
# nano_2 = 0
# nano_3 = 0
timings[["complete_setup"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
.ptime_start <- proc.time()
for (iter in 1:con$ndraw) { #% start sampling;
##% update beta
# nano_p <- microbenchmark::get_nanotime()
AI = solve((xpx + sige*TI))#,diag(rep(1,k)));
ys = y - rho*wy
b = crossprod(x, ys) + sige*TIc
b0 = AI %*% b # see eq 5.29, p. 140
bhat = MASS::mvrnorm(1, b0, sige*AI) #norm_rnd(sige*AI) + b0;
bsave[iter, 1:k] = as.vector(bhat)
# nano_1 <- nano_1 + microbenchmark::get_nanotime() - nano_p
##% update sige
# nano_p <- microbenchmark::get_nanotime()
xb = x %*% bhat
e = (ys - xb)
d1 = 2*priors$d0 + crossprod(e)
chi = rchisq(1, nu1) #chi = chis_rnd(1,nu1);
sige = as.numeric(d1/chi) # see eq 5.30, p. 141
ssave[iter] = as.vector(sige)
# nano_2 <- nano_2 + microbenchmark::get_nanotime() - nano_p
###% update rho using griddy Gibbs
# nano_p <- microbenchmark::get_nanotime()
AI = solve((xpx + sige*TI))
b0 = AI %*% (xpy + sige*TIc)
bd = AI %*% (xpWy + sige*TIc)
e0 = y - x%*%b0
ed = wy - x%*%bd
epe0 = as.vector(crossprod(e0))
eped = as.vector(crossprod(ed))
epe0d = as.vector(crossprod(ed, e0))
nmk = (n-k)/2
z = epe0 - 2*detval1*epe0d + detval1*detval1*eped
den = detval2 - nmk*log(z)
den = den + bprior
nd = length(den)
adj = max(den)
den = den - adj
xd = exp(den)
## trapezoid rule
isum = sum((detval1[2:nd] + detval1[1:(nd-1)])*(xd[2:nd]
- xd[1:(nd-1)])/2)#VIRGILIO:FIXED
zd = abs(xd/isum)
den = cumsum(zd)
rnd = runif(1)*sum(zd)
cond <- den <= rnd
if (any(cond)) {
# ind = which(den <= rnd)
idraw = which.min(cond) - 1 #max(ind)
# if (idraw > 0 & idraw < nrho)
rho = detval1[idraw]#FIXME: This sometimes fail...
} else {
rho_out = rho_out+1
z = epe0 - 2*rho*epe0d + rho*rho*eped
if (idraw > 0 & idraw < nrho)
ldet = detval2[idraw]
s2 <- z/n
ll_iter <- (ldet - ((n/2)*log(2*pi)) - (n/2)*log(s2)
- (1/(2*s2))*z)
psave[iter] = as.vector(rho)
lsave[iter] <- as.vector(ll_iter)
# nano_3 <- nano_3 + microbenchmark::get_nanotime() - nano_p
### % end of sampling loop
timings[["sampling"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
.ptime_start <- proc.time()
mat <- cbind(bsave, psave, ssave)
colnames(mat) <- c(colnames(x), "rho", "sige")
res <- coda::mcmc(mat, start=con$nomit+1, end=con$ndraw, thin=con$thin)
means <- summary(res)$statistics[,1]
beta <- means[1:(length(means)-2)]
rho <- means[(length(means)-1)]
xb = x %*% beta
ys = y - rho*wy
e = (ys - xb)
sse <- crossprod(e)
s2 <- sse/n
ldet <- do_ldet(rho, env)
ll_mean <- (ldet - ((n/2)*log(2*pi)) - (n/2)*log(s2)
- (1/(2*s2))*sse)
lsave <- as.vector(coda::mcmc(matrix(lsave, ncol=1), start=con$nomit+1,
end=con$ndraw, thin=con$thin)[,1])
timings[["finalise"]] <- proc.time() - .ptime_start
attr(res, "timings") <-"rbind", timings)
# attr(res, "nano") <- c(nano_1, nano_2, nano_3)
attr(res, "control") <- con
attr(res, "type") <- type
attr(res, "rho_out") <- rho_out
attr(res, "listw_style") <- listw$style
attr(res, "lsave") <- lsave
attr(res, "ll_mean") <- as.vector(ll_mean)
class(res) <- c("MCMC_sar_g", class(res))
#output mcmc object
impacts.MCMC_sar_g <- function(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, Q=NULL) {
if (is.null(listw) && !is.null(attr(obj, "listw_style")) &&
attr(obj, "listw_style") != "W")
stop("Only row-standardised weights supported")
means <- summary(obj)$statistics[,1]
irho <- length(means)-1
drop2beta <- irho:length(means)
rho <- means[irho]
s2 <- means[length(means)]
beta <- means[1:(length(means)-2)]
icept <- grep("(Intercept)", names(beta))
iicept <- length(icept) > 0L
samples <- as.matrix(obj)
interval <- attr(obj, "control")$interval
if (attr(obj, "type") == "lag") {
type <- "lag"
if (iicept) {
P <- matrix(beta[-icept], ncol=1)
bnames <- names(beta[-icept])
} else {
P <- matrix(beta, ncol=1)
bnames <- names(beta)
p <- length(beta)
} else if (attr(obj, "type") == "Durbin") {
type <- "mixed"
if (iicept) {
b1 <- beta[-icept]
} else {
b1 <- beta
p <- length(b1)
if (p %% 2 != 0) stop("non-matched coefficient pairs")
P <- cbind(b1[1:(p/2)], b1[((p/2)+1):p])
bnames <- names(b1[1:(p/2)])
if (is.null(tr) && !is.null(listw)) n <- length(listw$neighbours)
else if (!is.null(tr)) n <- attr(tr, "n")
else stop("either tr or listw must be given")
R <- nrow(samples)
res <- intImpacts(rho=rho, beta=beta, P=P, n=n, mu=NULL, Sigma=NULL,
irho=irho, drop2beta=drop2beta, bnames=bnames, interval=interval,
type=type, tr=tr, R=R, listw=listw, tol=NULL,
empirical=NULL, Q=Q, icept=icept, iicept=iicept, p=p, samples=samples)
attr(res, "iClass") <- class(obj)
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