
Defines functions linearPredictors.gpd rl linearPredictors gpdDelta rl.gpd predict.bgpd linearPredictors.bgpd rl.bgpd predict.bootgpd addCov namesBoot2bgpd linearPredictors.bootgpd rl.bootgpd print.rl.gpd summary.rl.gpd print.lp.gpd summary.lp.gpd test.predict.gpd test.predict.bgpd test.predict.bootgpd

Documented in addCov gpdDelta linearPredictors linearPredictors.bgpd linearPredictors.bootgpd linearPredictors.gpd namesBoot2bgpd predict.bgpd predict.bgpd predict.bootgpd print.lp.gpd print.rl.gpd rl rl.bgpd rl.bootgpd rl.gpd summary.lp.gpd summary.rl.gpd test.predict.bgpd test.predict.bgpd test.predict.bootgpd test.predict.gpd test.predict.gpd

# Author: Harry Southworth
# Date: 2011-11-25
## Purpose: Create a predict method for objects of class gpd and bgpd that
##          returns parameters, return levels or (maybe) return periods, 
##          depending on arguments given.
# predict.gpd
# predict.bgpd
# predict.bootgpd
# rl
# rl.gpd
# rl.bgpd
# rl.bootgpd
# linearPredictors
# linearPredictors.gpd
# linearPredictors.bgpd
# linearPredictors.bootgpd

## gpd

predict.gpd <-
    # Get predictions for a gpd object. These can either be the linear predictors
    # or return levels.
function(object, M=1000, newdata=NULL, type="return level", se.fit=FALSE,
         ci.fit=FALSE, alpha=.050, unique.=TRUE, ...){
    theCall <- match.call()
    res <- switch(type,
                  "rl"=, "return level" = rl.gpd(object, M, newdata,
                                                 se.fit=se.fit, ci.fit=ci.fit,
                                                 alpha=alpha, unique.=unique.),
                  "lp" =,"link" = linearPredictors.gpd(object, newdata, se.fit,
                                                   ci.fit, alpha, unique.=unique.)

## Linear predictor functions for GPD

linearPredictors.gpd <- function(object, newdata=NULL, se.fit=FALSE, ci.fit=FALSE,
                             alpha=.050, unique.=TRUE, full.cov=FALSE, ...){

    if (!is.null(newdata)){
        xi.fo <- object$call$xi
        phi.fo <- object$call$phi
        X.xi <-  if (!is.null(xi.fo)) { model.matrix(as.formula(xi.fo),  newdata) } else { matrix(1, nrow(newdata)) }
        X.phi <- if (!is.null(phi.fo)){ model.matrix(as.formula(phi.fo), newdata) } else { matrix(1, nrow(newdata)) }
    } else {
        X.xi <- object$X.xi
        X.phi <- object$X.phi

    if (unique.){
        u <- !duplicated(cbind(X.phi,X.xi))
        X.xi  <- if(is.matrix(X.xi[u,]))  X.xi[u, ]  else if(ncol(X.xi) == 1)  cbind(X.xi[u,])  else t(cbind(X.xi[u,]))
        X.phi <- if(is.matrix(X.phi[u,])) X.phi[u, ] else if(ncol(X.phi) == 1) cbind(X.phi[u,]) else t(cbind(X.phi[u,]))

    whichPhi <- 1:ncol(X.phi)
    whichXi  <- (ncol(X.phi) + 1):length(object$coefficients)
    phi <- c(object$coefficients[whichPhi] %*% t(X.phi))
    xi  <- c(object$coefficients[whichXi]  %*% t(X.xi))

    res <- cbind(phi, xi)

    if(ci.fit | se.fit | full.cov){
       phi.cov <- as.matrix(object$cov[whichPhi, whichPhi])
       xi.cov  <- as.matrix(object$cov[whichXi,  whichXi])
       if(ci.fit | se.fit){
          phi.se <- sqrt(rowSums((X.phi %*% phi.cov) * X.phi))
          xi.se <-  sqrt(rowSums((X.xi  %*% xi.cov)  * X.xi))
    if (ci.fit){
        z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)

        phi.lo <- phi - phi.se*z
        phi.hi <- phi + phi.se*z
        xi.lo <- xi - xi.se*z
        xi.hi <- xi + xi.se*z

        res <- cbind(res, phi.lo, phi.hi, xi.lo, xi.hi)
    } # Close if(ci.fit

    if (se.fit){
        res <- cbind(res, phi.se, xi.se)
    } # Close if(se.fit

    res <- addCov(res,X.phi)
    res <- addCov(res,X.xi)
    if (full.cov){ # Covariance of (phi, xi) for each unique (phi, xi) pair
        covar <- rep(0, nrow(X.xi))
        for(k in 1:length(covar)){
            for (i in 1:ncol(X.phi)){
                for (j in 1:ncol(X.xi)){
                    covar[k] <- covar[k] + X.phi[k, i] * X.xi[k, j] * object$cov[i, ncol(X.phi) + j] 
                } # Close for j
            } # Close for i
        } # Close for k
        phi.var <- rowSums((X.phi %*% phi.cov) * X.phi)
        xi.var <- rowSums((X.xi %*% xi.cov) * X.xi)
        res <- list(link=res, cov=list(phi.var=phi.var, xi.var=xi.var, covariances=covar))
    oldClass(res) <- "lp.gpd"

## Return level functions for GPD

## Reversing arguments M and newdata for anyone who wants to call these functions
## directly

## Will want to get return levels when using GEV rather than GPD, so make
## rl generic

rl <- function(object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.050, unique. = TRUE, ...){

linearPredictors <- function(object, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.050, unique. = TRUE, ...){

gpdDelta <- function(A, K){
   # This is not exact if a prior (penalty) function is used, but
   # the CI is approximate anyway.
    out <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=length(K))
    if (A[3] == 0){ # exponential case
        out[1,] <- exp(A[2]) / A[1]
        out[2,] <- exp(A[2]) * log(K * A[1])
    } else {
        out[1,] <- exp(A[2]) * K^A[3] * A[1]^(A[3] - 1)
        out[2,] <- exp(A[2]) / A[3] * ((K*A[1])^A[3] - 1) 
        out[3,] <- -exp(A[2]) / (A[3]*A[3]) * ( (K * A[1] )^A[3] - 1 ) +
                   exp(A[2]) / A[3] * (K * A[1])^A[3] * log(K * A[1])

rl.gpd <- function(object, M=1000, newdata=NULL, se.fit=FALSE, ci.fit=FALSE,
                   alpha=.050, unique.=TRUE, ...){
    co <- linearPredictors.gpd(object, newdata=newdata, unique.=unique., full.cov=TRUE)
    covs <- co[[2]] # list(phi.var=phi.var, xi.var=xi.var, covariances=covar)
    co <- co[[1]]
    X <- co[,-(1:2)]
      X <- matrix(X)
      dimnames(X) <- list(dimnames(co)[[1]],dimnames(co)[[2]][-(1:2)])

    gpdrl <- function(u, theta, phi, xi, m){
        res <- u + exp(phi) / xi *((m * theta)^xi -1) 
    res <- lapply(M, gpdrl,
                  u=object$threshold, theta=object$rate, phi=co[,1], xi=co[,2])

    getse <- function(o, co, M){
        dxm <- lapply(split(co, 1:nrow(co)), gpdDelta, K=M)

        V <- lapply(1:nrow(co),
                    function(i, x, rate, n){
                        # Construct covariance matrix
                        cov <- matrix(c(x[[1]][i], rep(x[[3]][i], 2), x[[2]][i]), ncol=2)
                        matrix(c(rate * (1 - rate) / n, 0, 0,
                               0, cov[1,], 
                               0, cov[2,]), ncol=3)
                    }, rate = o$rate, n = length(o$y) / o$rate, x=covs)

        # Get (4.15) of Coles, page 82, adjusted for phi = log(sigma)
        se <- sapply(1:length(V),
                     function(i, dxm, V){
                        V <- V[[i]]; dxm <- c(dxm[[i]])
                        sqrt(mahalanobis(dxm, center=c(0, 0, 0), cov=V, inverted=TRUE))
                     }, dxm=dxm, V=V)
    co <- cbind(rep(object$rate, nrow(co)), co)
    if (ci.fit){ # need to update plotrl.gpd too once profile lik confidence intervals implemented here
        ci.fun <- function(i, object, co, M, res, alpha){
            wh <- res[[i]];
            se <- getse(object, co, M[i])
            lo <- wh - qnorm(1 - alpha/2)*se
            hi <- wh + qnorm(1 - alpha/2)*se
            wh <- cbind(wh, lo=lo, hi=hi)

            colnames(wh) <- c("RL", paste(100*alpha/2, "%", sep = ""),
                              paste(100*(1 - alpha/2), "%", sep = ""))
        } # ci.fun
        res <- lapply(1:length(M), ci.fun, object=object, co=co, M=M, res=res, alpha=alpha)
    } # Close if (ci.fit

    if (se.fit){
        se.fun <- function(i, object, co, M, res, alpha){
            wh <- res[[i]]
            se <- getse(object, co, M[i])
            wh <- cbind(RL=wh, se.fit=se)
        } # ci.fun
        res <- lapply(1:length(M), se.fun, object=object, co=co, M=M, res=res, alpha=alpha)
    cov.fun <- function(i,res){
      wh <- res[[i]]
      wh <- addCov(wh,X)
    res <- lapply(1:length(M), cov.fun,res=res)
    names(res) <- paste("M.", M, sep = "")
    oldClass(res) <- "rl.gpd"

## bgpd

predict.bgpd <- function(object, M=1000, newdata=NULL, type="return level", 
                         se.fit=FALSE, ci.fit=FALSE, alpha=.050, unique.=TRUE,
                         all=FALSE, sumfun=NULL, ...){
    theCall <- match.call()
    res <- switch(type,
                  "rl" = , "return level" = rl.bgpd(object, M=M, newdata=newdata,
                                                    se.fit=se.fit, ci.fit=ci.fit,
                                                    alpha=alpha, unique.=unique., all=all,
                  "lp" = , "link" = linearPredictors.bgpd(object, newdata=newdata,
                                                      se.fit=se.fit, ci.fit=ci.fit,
                                                      alpha=alpha, unique.=unique., all=all,

linearPredictors.bgpd <- function(object, newdata=NULL, se.fit=FALSE, ci.fit=FALSE,
                              alpha=.050, unique.=TRUE, all=FALSE, sumfun=NULL, ...){
    if (!is.null(newdata)){
        xi.fo <- object$map$call$xi
        phi.fo <- object$map$call$phi
        X.xi <-  if (!is.null(xi.fo))  model.matrix(as.formula(xi.fo),  newdata) else matrix(1, nrow(newdata)) 
        X.phi <- if (!is.null(phi.fo)) model.matrix(as.formula(phi.fo), newdata) else matrix(1, nrow(newdata))
    } else {
        X.xi <- object$X.xi
        X.phi <- object$X.phi

    if (unique.){
        u <- !duplicated(cbind(X.phi,X.xi))
        X.xi  <- if(is.matrix(X.xi[u,]))  X.xi[u, ]  else if(ncol(X.xi) == 1)  cbind(X.xi[u,])  else t(cbind(X.xi[u,]))
        X.phi <- if(is.matrix(X.phi[u,])) X.phi[u, ] else if(ncol(X.phi) == 1) cbind(X.phi[u,]) else t(cbind(X.phi[u,]))

    phi <- cbind(object$param[, 1:ncol(X.phi)])
    xi <- cbind(object$param[, (ncol(X.phi) + 1):(ncol(X.phi) + ncol(X.xi))])

    # Get point estimates (means)
    res <- lapply(1:nrow(X.xi),
                  function(i, phi, xi, Xphi, Xxi){
                      phi <- rowSums(t(t(phi) * c(Xphi[i, ])))
                      xi <- rowSums(t(t(xi) * c(Xxi[i, ])))
                      cbind(phi=phi, xi=xi)
                    }, phi=phi, xi=xi, Xphi=X.phi, Xxi=X.xi)

    ## Hard part should be done now. Just need to summarize

    if (ci.fit){
        if (is.null(sumfun)){
            sumfun <- function(x){
                c(mean(x), quantile(x, prob=c(.50, alpha/2,  1 - alpha/2)) )
            neednames <- TRUE
        } else { 
            neednames <- FALSE 

        res <- t(sapply(res, function(x, fun){ apply(x, 2, sumfun) }, fun=sumfun))
        if (neednames){
            nms <- c("Mean","50%", paste(100*alpha/2, "%", sep = ""),
                    paste(100*(1-alpha/2), "%", sep = ""))

            colnames(res) <- c(paste("phi:", nms), paste("xi:", nms))
    } else if (se.fit){ warning("se.fit not implemented - ignoring") }
    else if (all){ res <- res }
    else { # Just point estimates
        res <- t(sapply(res, function(x){ apply(x, 2, mean) }))
      res <- addCov(res,X.phi)
      res <- addCov(res,X.xi)

    oldClass(res) <- "lp.bgpd"

rl.bgpd <- function(object, M=1000, newdata=NULL, se.fit=FALSE, ci.fit=FALSE, alpha=.050, unique.=TRUE, all=FALSE, sumfun=NULL,...){

    co <- linearPredictors.bgpd(object, newdata=newdata, unique.=unique., all=TRUE, sumfun=NULL)
    Covs <- linearPredictors.bgpd(object, newdata=newdata, unique.=unique., sumfun=NULL)
    X <- Covs[,-(1:2)]
      X <- matrix(X)
      dimnames(X) <- list(dimnames(Covs)[[1]],dimnames(Covs)[[2]][-(1:2)])
    bgpdrl <- function(o, u, theta, m){
        res <- u + exp(o[, 1]) / o[, 2] *((m * theta)^o[, 2] -1) 
    # co is a list with one element for each unique item in
    # new data. Need to loop over vector M and the elements of co
    getrl <- function(m, co, u, theta, ci.fit, alpha, all){
        res <- sapply(co, bgpdrl, u=u, theta=theta, m=m)

        if (ci.fit){
            if (is.null(sumfun)){
                sumfun <- function(x){
                    c(mean(x), quantile(x, prob=c(.50, alpha/2,  1 - alpha/2)))
                neednames <- TRUE
            } else { 
               neednames <- FALSE 
            res <- t(apply(res, 2, sumfun))
            if (neednames){
                colnames(res) <- c("Mean", "50%", paste(100*alpha/2, "%", sep = ""),
                                   paste(100*(1-alpha/2), "%", sep = ""))

        } # Close if (ci.fit
        else if (se.fit){
            warning("se.fit not implemented")
            res <- apply(res, 2, mean)
        else if (!all){ res <- apply(res, 2, mean) }
    res <- lapply(M, getrl, co=co, u=object$threshold, theta=object$map$rate, ci.fit=ci.fit, alpha=alpha, all=all)
      cov.fun <- function(i,res){
        wh <- res[[i]]
        wh <- addCov(wh,X)
      res <- lapply(1:length(M), cov.fun,res=res)
    names(res) <- paste("M.", M, sep = "")
    oldClass(res) <- "rl.bgpd"

## bootgpd

predict.bootgpd <- function(object, M=1000, newdata=NULL, type="return level", 
                            se.fit=FALSE, ci.fit=FALSE, alpha=.050, unique.=TRUE, 
                            all=FALSE, sumfun=NULL, ...){
    theCall <- match.call()

    res <- switch(type,
                  "rl" = , "return level" = rl.bootgpd(object, newdata=newdata, M=M, 
                                                       se.fit=se.fit, ci.fit=ci.fit,
                                                       alpha=alpha, unique.=TRUE,
                                                       all=all, sumfun=sumfun,...),
                  "lp" = , "link" = linearPredictors.bootgpd(object, newdata=newdata,
                                                         se.fit=se.fit, ci.fit=ci.fit, 
                                                         alpha=alpha, unique.=TRUE,
                                                         all=all, sumfun=sumfun,...)


addCov <- function(res,X){ # used in linearPredictors.* to add covariates to columns reported in output
    if(dim(X)[2] > 1){
       cov <- X[,colnames(X) != "(Intercept)"]
       res <- cbind(res,cov)
       if(is.vector(cov)) colnames(res)[dim(res)[2]] <- colnames(X)[colnames(X) != "(Intercept)"]
    } else {
      if( any(X != 1) ){
        res <- cbind(res,X)

namesBoot2bgpd <- function(bootobject){
    names(bootobject) <- c("call", "param", "original", "map")
    bootobject$X.phi <- bootobject$map$X.phi
    bootobject$X.xi <- bootobject$map$X.xi
    bootobject$threshold <- bootobject$map$threshold

linearPredictors.bootgpd <- function(object, newdata=NULL, se.fit=FALSE, ci.fit=FALSE, alpha=.050,
                                 unique.=TRUE, all=FALSE, sumfun=NULL,...){
    # This should just be the same as for a bgpd object, but some
    # names and stuff are different.
  object <- namesBoot2bgpd(object)
  res <- linearPredictors.bgpd(object, newdata=newdata, se.fit=se.fit, ci.fit=ci.fit, all=all, unique.=unique., alpha=alpha, sumfun=sumfun,...)
  oldClass(res) <- "lp.bootgpd"

rl.bootgpd <- function(object, M=1000, newdata=NULL, se.fit=FALSE, ci.fit=FALSE, alpha=0.050, unique.=TRUE, all=FALSE, sumfun=NULL,...){
    # This should just be the same as for a bgpd object, but some
    # names are different.
  object <- namesBoot2bgpd(object)
  res <- rl.bgpd(object, M=M, newdata=newdata, se.fit=se.fit, ci.fit=ci.fit,alpha=alpha, unique.=unique., all=all, sumfun=sumfun,...)
  oldClass(res) <- "rl.bootgpd"

## Method functions

print.rl.gpd <- function(x, digits=3, ...){
    nms <- names(x)
    newnms <- paste("M =", substring(nms, 3), "predicted return level:\n")
    lapply(1:length(x), function(i, o, title){
                                 print(o[[i]], digits=digits,...)
                                 NULL}, o=x, title=newnms)

summary.rl.gpd <- function(object, digits=3, ...){
    print.rl.gpd(object, digits=digits, ...)

print.rl.bgpd    <- print.rl.gpd
print.rl.bootgpd <- print.rl.gpd

summary.rl.bgpd    <- summary.rl.gpd
summary.rl.bootgpd <- summary.rl.gpd

print.lp.gpd <- function(x, digits=3, ...){
    cat("Linear predictors:\n")
    print(unclass(x), digits=3,...)

summary.lp.gpd <- function(object, digits=3, ...){
    print.lp.gpd(object, digits=3, ...)


summary.lp.bgpd    <- summary.lp.gpd
summary.lp.bootgpd <- summary.lp.gpd

print.lp.bgpd    <- print.lp.gpd
print.lp.bootgpd <- print.lp.gpd

## test.predict.gpd()

test.predict.gpd <- function(){
# no covariates
  u <- 14
  r.fit <- gpd(rain,th=u)
  co <- coef(r.fit)

  checkEqualsNumeric(target=u,current = predict(r.fit,M=1/r.fit$rate)[[1]],msg="predict.gpd: retrieve threshold")

  checkEquals(target=predict(r.fit), current=rl(r.fit),msg="predict.gpd: predict with type=rl gives same as direct call to rl with default arguments")
  checkEquals(target=predict(r.fit,type="lp"), current=linearPredictors(r.fit),msg="predict.gpd: predict with type=rl gives same as direct call to rl with default arguments")  
  t.fit <- r.fit
  t.fit$rate <- 1
  prob <- c(0.5,0.9,0.95,0.99,0.999)
  for(p in prob){
    checkEqualsNumeric(target = qgpd(p,exp(co[1]),co[2],u=u),
                       current = unlist(predict(t.fit,M=1/(1-p))),msg="predict.gpd: est ret levels no covariates")

# with covariates

  n <- 1000
  M <- 1000
# boundary cases with single covariates in only one parameter

  xi <- 0.05
  X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(n),b = runif(n,-0.3,0.3))
  Y <- rgpd(n,exp(X[,1]),xi)
  X$Y <- Y
  fit <- gpd(Y,data=X,phi=~a,th=0)
  co <- coef(fit)
  xi <- co[3]
  sig <- exp(cbind(rep(1,n),X[,1]) %*% co[1:2])
  pred <- predict(fit,M=M)
  checkEqualsNumeric(target=X$a,current=pred[[1]][,-1],msg="predict.gpd: ret level correct reporting of covariates for single cov in phi only")
                     current = pred[[1]][,1],msg="predict.gpd: ret level estimation with covariates in phi only")
  sig <- 2
  X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(n),b = runif(n,-0.3,0.3))
  Y <- rgpd(n,sig,X[,2])
  X$Y <- Y
  fit <- gpd(Y,data=X,xi=~b,th=0)
  co <- coef(fit)
  sig <- exp(co[1])
  xi <- cbind(rep(1,n),X[,2]) %*% co[2:3]
  pred <- predict(fit,M=M)
  checkEqualsNumeric(target=X$b,current=pred[[1]][,-1],msg="predict.gpd: ret level correct reporting of covariates for single cov in xi only")
                     current = pred[[1]][,1],msg="predict.gpd: ret level estimation with covariates in xi only")
# covariates in both parameters

  n <- 1000
  M <- 1000
  X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(n),b = runif(n,-0.3,0.3))
  Y <- rgpd(n,exp(X[,1]),X[,2])
  X$Y <- Y
  fit <- gpd(Y,data=X,phi=~a,xi=~b,th=0)
  co <- coef(fit)
  sig <- exp(cbind(rep(1,n),X[,1]) %*% co[1:2])
  xi <- cbind(rep(1,n),X[,2]) %*% co[3:4]

                     current = predict(fit,M=M)[[1]][,1],msg="predict.gpd: ret level estimation with covariates in phi and xi")
# check multiple M
  M <- c(10,50,100,500,1000)

  target <- sapply(M,function(m,sig,xi,u) qgpd(1-1/m,sig,xi,u=u),sig=sig,xi=xi,u=0)
  current <- predict(fit,M=M)

  for(i in 1:length(M)){
    checkEqualsNumeric(target[,i],current[[i]][,1],msg="predict.gpd: ret level estimation multiple M")

# new data
  nx <- 20
  M <- 1000
  newX <- data.frame(a=runif(nx,0,5),b=runif(nx,-0.1,0.5))

  sig <- exp(co[1] + newX[[1]] * co[2])
  xi <- co[3] + newX[[2]] * co[4]

  checkEqualsNumeric(target=qgpd(1-1/M,sig=sig,xi=xi,u=0),current=predict(fit,M=M,newdata=newX)[[1]][,1],msg="predict.gpd: ret level ests with new data")

  checkEqualsNumeric(c(nx,5),dim(predict(fit,ci=TRUE,newdata=newX)[[1]]), msg="predict.gpd: dimension or return object for ci calc")
  checkEqualsNumeric(c(nx,4),dim(predict(fit,se=TRUE,newdata=newX)[[1]]), msg="predict.gpd: dimension or return object for se calc") 
  checkEqualsNumeric(c(nx,6),dim(predict(fit,se=TRUE,ci=TRUE,newdata=newX)[[1]]), msg="predict.gpd: dimension or return object for se and ci calc")

  checkEquals(c("RL","2.5%","97.5%","se.fit","a","b"), colnames(predict(fit,se=TRUE,ci=TRUE)[[1]]), msg="predict.gpd: colnames of return obejct for se and ci calc, default alpha")
  checkEquals(c("RL","5%","95%","se.fit","a","b"), colnames(predict(fit,se=TRUE,ci=TRUE,alpha=0.1)[[1]]), msg="predict.gpd: colnames of return obejct for se and ci calc, alpha=0.1")

# alpha
  alpha <- c(0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5,0.9,0.99)
  z <- matrix(qnorm(c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2)),ncol=2)

  for(a in 1:length(alpha)){
    p <- predict(fit,alpha=alpha[a],ci=TRUE,se=TRUE)[[1]]
    checkEquals(current = colnames(p)[2:3],target = c(paste(100*alpha[a]/2,"%",sep=""),paste(100*(1-alpha[a]/2),"%",sep="")),msg="predict.gpd: labelling of confidence intervals")
    checkEqualsNumeric(target = p[,1] + z[a,1]*p[,4],current = p[,2], msg="predict.gpd: ret level Conf Interval calc for different alpha")
    checkEqualsNumeric(target = p[,1] + z[a,2]*p[,4],current = p[,3], msg="predict.gpd: ret level Conf Interval calc for different alpha")

# linear predictors

  checkEqualsNumeric(target = cbind(co[1] + newX[[1]] * co[2],
                                    co[3] + newX[[2]] * co[4]),
                     current = predict(fit,newdata=newX,type="lp")[,1:2], msg="predict.gpd: linear predictors")

  checkEqualsNumeric(target = c(nx,6),dim(predict(fit,newdata=newX,se=TRUE,type="lp")), msg="predict.gpd: dimension of return object, linear predictor, se calc")
  checkEqualsNumeric(target = c(nx,8),dim(predict(fit,newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,type="lp")), msg="predict.gpd: dimension of return object, linear predictor, ci calc")
  name <- c("phi", "xi", "phi.lo", "phi.hi", "xi.lo", "xi.hi")
  checkEquals(target = name, current = colnames(predict(fit,newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,type="lp"))[1:6],msg="predict.gpd: colnames for linear predictor return object")
  checkEquals(target = name, current = colnames(predict(fit,newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,se=TRUE,type="lp"))[1:6],msg="predict.gpd: colnames for linear predictor return object")

# unique

  newX <- data.frame(a=c(0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4),b=c(-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1)) # checks for duplicates in one and both covariates.
  U <- !duplicated(newX)
  checkEqualsNumeric(current = predict(fit,newdata=newX,type="lp"),
                     target = predict(fit,newdata=newX,unique.=FALSE,type="lp")[U,], msg="predict.gpd: functioning of argument unique, for linear predictor")
  checkEqualsNumeric(current = predict(fit,newdata=newX)[[1]],
                     target =  predict(fit,newdata=newX,unique.=FALSE)[[1]][U,], msg="predict.gpd: functioning of argument unique, for return levels")

# check standard errors - this takes a while since using bootstrap
  M <- c(10,100,500,1000,2000)
  newX <- data.frame("a"=c(1,2),"b"=c(-0.1,0.1))
  fit.p <- predict(fit, newdata=newX,se=TRUE,M=M)
  fit.seest <- unlist(lapply(fit.p,function(x) x[,2]))

  o <- options(warn=-1)
  fit.b <- bootgpd(fit,R=1000, trace=1100)
  fit.bp <- predict(fit.b,newdata=newX,all=TRUE,M=M)
  fit.seb <- lapply(fit.bp,function(X) apply(X,2,sd))
  fit.seboot <- unlist(fit.seb)

  checkEqualsNumeric(rep(0,length(fit.seboot)), (fit.seboot -  fit.seest) / fit.seest, tol=0.1,msg="predict.gpd: standard error estimate compared with bootstrap standard errors")

## test.predict.bgpd()

test.predict.bgpd <- function(){
# no covariates
  u <- 14
  r.fit <- gpd(rain,th=u,method="sim",trace=20000)

  checkEqualsNumeric(target=u,current=predict(r.fit,M=1/r.fit$map$rate)[[1]], msg="predict.bgpd: retrieve threshold")

  t.fit <- r.fit
  t.fit$map$rate <- 1
  p <- c(0.5,0.9,0.95,0.99,0.999)
  checkEqualsNumeric(target = sapply(p,function(p)mean(qgpd(p,exp(t.fit$param[,1]),t.fit$param[,2],u))),
                     current = unlist(predict(t.fit,M=1/(1-p))),msg="predict.bgpd: ret level estimation")
  checkEquals(target=predict(t.fit,M=1/(1-p)), current=rl(t.fit,M=1/(1-p)),msg="predict.bgpd: predict with type=rl gives same as direct call to rl with default arguments")
  checkEquals(target=predict(t.fit,type="lp"), current=linearPredictors(t.fit),msg="predict.bgpd: predict with type=rl gives same as direct call to rl with default arguments")
# with covariates

  n <- 100
  M <- 1000
  X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(n),b = runif(n,-0.3,0.3))
  Y <- rgpd(n,exp(X[,1]),X[,2])
  X$Y <- Y
  fit <- gpd(Y,data=X,phi=~a,xi=~b,th=0,method="sim",trace=20000)

  sig <- apply(fit$param,1,function(v)exp(cbind(rep(1,n),X[,1]) %*% v[1:2]))
  xi <-  apply(fit$param,1,function(v)    cbind(rep(1,n),X[,2]) %*% v[3:4]) 
  qbgpd <- function(p,sig,xi,u)sapply(1:dim(sig)[1],function(i) mean(qgpd(p,sig[i,],xi[i,],u)))

  checkEqualsNumeric(target = qbgpd(1-1/M,sig,xi,0),
                     current = predict(fit,M=M)[[1]][,1],msg="predict.bgpd: ret level estimation with covariates")

# check multiple M
  M <- c(10,50,100,500,1000)

  temp1 <- sapply(M,function(m)qbgpd(1-1/m,sig,xi,u=0))
  temp2 <- predict(fit,M=M)

  for(i in 1:length(M)){
    checkEqualsNumeric(target = temp1[,i],current = temp2[[i]][,1],msg="predict.bgpd multiple M")

# new data
  nx <- 20
  M <- 1000
  newX <- data.frame(a=runif(nx,0,5),b=runif(nx,-0.1,0.5))

  sig <- exp(cbind(rep(1,nx),newX[,1]) %*% t(fit$param[,1:2]))
  xi <-      cbind(rep(1,nx),newX[,2]) %*% t(fit$param[,3:4])
  checkEqualsNumeric(target = as.matrix(newX), current = predict(fit,M=M,newdata=newX)[[1]][,2:3],msg="predict.bgpd : ret level estimation with new data, covariates aded correctly to output")
  checkEqualsNumeric(target = qbgpd(1-1/M,sig=sig,xi=xi,u=0),
                     current = predict(fit,M=M,newdata=newX)[[1]][,1],msg="predict.bgpd : ret level estimation with new data")

  p <- predict(fit,all=TRUE,newdata=newX)
  l <- lapply(p,function(l) apply(l,2,mean))
  m <- unlist(l)
  r <- predict(fit,newdata=newX)
  checkEqualsNumeric(target = m,current = r[[1]][,1],msg="predict.bgpd : ret level ests with new data")                   

  alpha <- c(0.05,0.1)
  for(a in alpha){
    l.L <- lapply(p,function(l) apply(l,2,quantile,prob=a/2))
    l.U <- lapply(p,function(l) apply(l,2,quantile,prob=1-a/2))
    m.L <- unlist(l.L)
    m.U <- unlist(l.U)
    r <- predict(fit,newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,alpha=a)
    checkEqualsNumeric(target = m.L,current = r[[1]][,3],msg="predict.bgpd : lower conf ints for ret levels with new data")
    checkEqualsNumeric(target = m.U,current = r[[1]][,4],msg="predict.bgpd : upper conf ints for ret levels with new data")
# check linear predictors
  p <- predict(fit,type="lp",all=TRUE,newdata=newX)
  l <- lapply(p,function(l) apply(l,2,mean))
  m <- matrix(unlist(l),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
  r <- predict(fit,type="lp",newdata=newX)
  checkEqualsNumeric(target = m,current = r[,1:2],msg="predict.bgpd : linear predictors of parameters with new data")                   
  alpha <- c(0.05,0.1)
  for(a in alpha){
    l.L <- lapply(p,function(l) apply(l,2,quantile,prob=a/2))
    l.U <- lapply(p,function(l) apply(l,2,quantile,prob=1-a/2))
    m.L <- matrix(unlist(l.L),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
    m.U <- matrix(unlist(l.U),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)                   
    r <- predict(fit,type="lp",newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,alpha=a)
    checkEqualsNumeric(target = m.L,current = r[,c(3,7)],msg="predict.bgpd : lower conf ints for linear predictors of parameters with new data")
    checkEqualsNumeric(target = m.U,current = r[,c(4,8)],msg="predict.bgpd : upper conf ints for linear predictors of parameters with new data")
  checkEqualsNumeric(current = predict(fit,newdata=newX,type="lp")[,1:2],
                     target = cbind(apply(cbind(rep(1,nx),newX[,1]) %*% t(fit$param[,1:2]),1,mean),
                                    apply(cbind(rep(1,nx),newX[,2]) %*% t(fit$param[,3:4]),1,mean)),
                     msg = "predict.bgpd: linear predictor estimates")

# structure of output

  checkEqualsNumeric(target = c(n,6), current = dim(predict(fit,ci=TRUE)[[1]]), msg="predict.bgpd: dimension of output with ci calculation")
  checkEqualsNumeric(target = c(n,6), current = dim(predict(fit,se=TRUE,ci=TRUE)[[1]]), msg="predict.bgpd: dimension of output with ci calculation")

  checkEquals(target = c("Mean", "50%","2.5%","97.5%","a","b"), colnames(predict(fit,ci=TRUE)[[1]]), msg="predict.bgpd: colnames of ret level ests with CI estimation")
  checkEquals(target = c("Mean", "50%","5%","95%","a","b"), colnames(predict(fit,alpha=0.1,ci=TRUE)[[1]]), msg="predict.bgpd: colnames of ret level ests with CI estimation, alpha=0.1")

  checkEqualsNumeric(target = c(nx,10), dim(predict(fit,newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,type="lp")), msg="predict.bgpd: dimension of linear predictor return object")

  cnames <- c("phi: Mean", "phi: 50%", "phi: 2.5%", "phi: 97.5%", "xi: Mean", "xi: 50%", "xi: 2.5%", "xi: 97.5%")# this specific format assumed by plot.rl.bgpd and plot.lp.bgpd

  checkEquals(current = cnames, target = colnames(predict(fit,newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,type="lp"))[1:8], msg="predict.bgpd: col names of lin predictors with CI calcs")
  checkEquals(current = cnames, target = colnames(predict(fit,newdata=newX,ci=TRUE,se=TRUE,type="lp"))[1:8], msg="predict.bgpd: col names of lin predictors with CI+SE calcs")

# unique
  newX <- data.frame(a=c(0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4),b=c(-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1,-.1,.1,.1))

  checkEqualsNumeric(current = predict(fit,newdata=newX)[[1]], target = unique(predict(fit,newdata=newX,unique.=FALSE)[[1]]),msg="predict.bgpd: unique functioning for ret level ests")
  checkEqualsNumeric(current = predict(fit,newdata=newX,type="lp")[,], target = unique(predict(fit,newdata=newX,unique.=FALSE,type="lp")[,]),msg="predict.bgpd: unique functioning for lin pred ests")


## test.predict.bootgpd()

test.predict.bootgpd <- function(){
# functionality all tested already in test.predict.bgpd, so just check output of correct format.

  n <- 1000
  nx <- 9
  R <- 10
  nm <- 20
  X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(n),b = runif(n,-0.3,0.3))
  Y <- rgpd(n,exp(X[,1]),X[,2])
  X$Y <- Y
  fit <- gpd(Y,data=X,phi=~a,xi=~b,th=0)
  o <- options(warn=-1)
  boot <- bootgpd(fit,R=R,trace=100)
  newX <- data.frame(a=runif(nx,0,5),b=runif(nx,-0.1,0.5))  
  from <- 10; to <- 500
  M <- seq(from,to,length=nm)
  pred <- predict(boot,newdata=newX,M=M,ci=TRUE)
  checkEquals(target=predict(boot), current=rl(boot),msg="predict.bootgpd: predict with type=rl gives same as direct call to rl with default arguments")
  checkEquals(target=predict(boot,type="lp"), current=linearPredictors(boot),msg="predict.bootgpd: predict with type=lp gives same as direct call to linearPredictors with default arguments")
  checkEqualsNumeric(target=nm,current=length(pred),msg="predict.bootgpd: output length")
  checkEquals(target=paste("M.",from,sep=""),current=names(pred)[1],msg="predict.bootgpd: names of output")
  checkEquals(target=paste("M.",to,sep=""),current=names(pred)[nm],msg="predict.bootgpd: names of output")
  cnames <- c( "Mean","50%","2.5%","97.5%",names(X)[1:2])
  checkEquals(target=cnames,current=colnames(pred[[1]]),msg="predict.bootgpd: colnames")
  checkEqualsNumeric(target=c(nx,6),current=dim(pred[[1]]),msg="predict.bootgpd: dimension")
  for(i in 1:nm){
    checkEqualsNumeric(target=newX[,1],current=pred[[i]][,5],msg="predict.bootgpd: covariates inoutput")
    checkEqualsNumeric(target=newX[,2],current=pred[[i]][,6],msg="predict.bootgpd: covariates inoutput")
  plot(pred,sameAxes=FALSE,type="median",main="Bootstrap median rl")
  plot(pred,sameAxes=FALSE,type="mean",main="Bootstrap mean rl")

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