
Defines functions track.start track.package.desc

Documented in track.start

track.start <- function(dir="rdatadir", pos=1, envir=as.environment(pos), forceDirName=FALSE,
                        create=TRUE, clobber=c("no", "files", "variables", "vars", "var"),
                        cache=NULL, cachePolicy=NULL,
                        options=NULL, RDataSuffix=NULL, auto=NULL,
                        readonly=FALSE, lockEnv=FALSE, check.Last=TRUE,
                        verbose=TRUE) {
    ## Start tracking the specified environment to a directory
    clobber <- match.arg(clobber)
    if (clobber=="vars" || clobber=="var") clobber <- "variables"
    if (env.is.tracked(envir))
        stop("env ", envname(envir), " is already tracked by dir '",
             get(".trackingDir", envir=getTrackingEnv(envir), inherits=FALSE), "'")
    dir.orig <- dir
    dir <- getAbsolutePath(dir)
    if (basename(dir) != 'rdatadir' && !forceDirName) {
        dir.orig <- file.path(dir, 'rdatadir')
        dir <- getAbsolutePath(dir.orig)
    if (regexpr("^(package:|pkgcode:|Autoloads$)", environmentName(envir))>0)
        warning("autotracking will not work correctly with environment names beginning with 'package:', 'pkgcode:' or 'Autoloads'")
    ## Working out the options values to use is a little tricky.
    ## This is the priority:
    ## (1) values in the 'options' argument ('cache' override options$cache)
    ## (2) values in a saved .trackOptions object (if it exists)
    ## (3) getOption("global.track.options") (user modifiable)
    ## (4) standard package defaults (not user modifiable)
    ## Create the tracking env, but don't assign it to envir until all is OK
    trackingEnv <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
    assign(".trackingDir", dir, envir=trackingEnv)
    track.stop.finalizer <- function(trackingEnv) {
        ## Finalizer is difficult because it can be called long
        ## after a tracking environment has been disconnected.
        ## Had the following disabled checks in here because I thought I was
        ## seeing some problems with invalid calls to the finalizer, but they
        ## all turned out to be a result of the finalizer on the object being
        ## called long after it had stopped being used.
        if (exists(".trackingFinished", envir=trackingEnv, inherits=FALSE))
        if (!exists(".trackingEnv", envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)) {
            ## This used to happen under some circumstances when the finalizer is
            ## called after tracking has stopped, but the check for ".trackingFinished"
            ## fixed that.
            if (FALSE)
                cat("Bogus call to track.stop reg.finalizer for", envname(trackingEnv),
                    ": no .trackingEnv in", envname(envir), "\n")
        if (!identical(trackingEnv, get(".trackingEnv", envir=envir, inherits=FALSE))) {
            ## This can happen in cases where a tracking env is partially
            ## set up and then discarded, as when there are variable name
            ## conflicts
            if (FALSE)
                cat("Bogus call to track.stop reg.finalizer for", envname(trackingEnv),
                    ": .trackingEnv in", envname(envir), "is different:",
                    envname(get(".trackingEnv", envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)), "\n")
        ## cat("Valid call to track.stop reg.finalizer for", envname(trackingEnv),
        ##         "on", envname(envir), "\n")
        ## Seems to sometimes be called when not appropriate, so don't
        ## do anything drastic -- just flush.
        ## Example is the track.load() commands in the examples in track.status.Rd
    if (!readonly) {
        ## cat("Installing reg.finalizer for trackingEnv", envname(trackingEnv), "on", envname(envir), "\n")
        reg.finalizer(trackingEnv, track.stop.finalizer, onexit=TRUE)
    ## Set up a finalizer to be run when the tracking env is garbage collected
    ## OR at the end of the session
    dataDir <- getDataDir(dir)
    ## The trickiest option to work out is the RData file suffix, because
    ## we have to know it to find a saved .trackingOptions object, but this
    ## object may not be there.  So, first look for .trackingOptions.*, then
    ## then .trackingSummary.*, then data files.
    gopt <- getOption("global.track.options")
    if (length(gopt$RDataSuffixes)==0)
        gopt$RDataSuffixes <- c("rda", "RData")
    if (!is.character(gopt$RDataSuffixes))
        stop('getOption("global.track.options")$RDataSuffixes must be character data')
    if (any(!regexpr("^[[:alnum:]]+$", gopt$RDataSuffixes)))
        stop('getOption("global.track.options")$RDataSuffixes must consist of alpha-numeric characters only')
    if (!is.null(RDataSuffix)) {
        if (!is.character(RDataSuffix) || length(RDataSuffix)!=1)
            stop('RDataSuffix must be character data of length 1')
        if (any(!regexpr("^[[:alnum:]]+$", RDataSuffix)))
            stop('RDataSuffix must consist of alpha-numeric characters only')
    if (length(gopt$RDataSuffixes)==1)
        suffixRegExp <- gopt$RDataSuffixes
        suffixRegExp <- paste("(", paste(gopt$RDataSuffixes, collapse="|", sep=""), ")", sep="")
    if (is.null(auto))
        if (length(gopt$autoTrack))
            auto <- gopt$autoTrack
            auto <- TRUE
    optionsPath <- NULL
    if (dir.exists(file.path(dataDir))) {
        ## Try to work out the suffix being used
        ## First look for .trackingOptions file
        suffix <- NULL
        x <- list.files(path=dataDir, pattern=paste("^\\.trackingOptions\\.", suffixRegExp, "$", sep=""), all.files=TRUE)
        if (length(x)>1)
            stop("have multiple options files in '", dataDir, "': ", paste(x, collapse=", "))
        if (length(x)==1) {
            optionsPath <- file.path(dataDir, x)
            suffix <- sub(".*\\.", "", x)
        if (is.null(suffix)) {
            ## next look for .trackingSummary file
            x <- list.files(path=dataDir, pattern=paste("^\\.trackingSummary\\.", suffixRegExp, "$", sep=""), all.files=TRUE)
            if (length(x)>1)
                stop("have multiple summary files in '", dataDir, "': ", paste(x, collapse=", "))
            if (length(x)==1)
                suffix <- sub(".*\\.", "", x)
        if (is.null(suffix)) {
            ## next look for any files with possible RData suffix
            x <- list.files(path=dataDir, pattern=paste("^.*\\.", suffixRegExp, "$", sep=""), all.files=TRUE)
            if (length(x)>0) {
                suffix <- unique(sub(".*\\.", "", x))
                if (length(suffix)>1)
                    stop("have files with multiple RData suffixes in '", dataDir, "': ", paste(x, collapse=", "))
            } else {
                if (!is.null(RDataSuffix))
                    suffix <- RDataSuffix
                    suffix <- gopt$RDataSuffixes[1]
        if (verbose)
            cat("Tracking ", envname(envir), if (readonly) " (readonly)" else " (writable)",
                " using existing directory '", dir.orig, "'\n", sep="")
    } else {
        if (is.null(RDataSuffix))
            suffix <- gopt$RDataSuffixes[1]
            suffix <- RDataSuffix
        if (verbose)
            cat("Tracking ", envname(envir), if (readonly) " (readonly)" else " (writable)",
                " using new directory '", dir.orig, "'\n", sep="")
    if (!is.element(suffix, gopt$RDataSuffixes))
        stop("internal error: ended up with an illegal suffix?? (", suffix, ")")
    if (!is.null(RDataSuffix) && RDataSuffix != suffix)
        stop("suffix in use '", suffix, "' differs from supplied RDataSuffix ('", RDataSuffix, "')")

    ## Preprocess the options (standardize, get defaults).
    if (!is.null(cache)) {
        if (is.null(options))
            options <- list()
        if (is.logical(cache) && length(cache)==1 && !is.na(cache))
            options$cache <- cache
            stop("'cache' argument must be TRUE or FALSE")
    if (!is.null(cachePolicy)) {
        if (is.null(options))
            options <- list()
        if (is.element(cachePolicy, c("eotPurge", "none")))
            options$cachePolicy <- cachePolicy
            stop("'cachePolicy' argument must be 'eotPurge' or 'none'")
    old.options <- list()
    if (!is.null(optionsPath)) {
        tmpenv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
        load.res <- try(load(optionsPath, envir=tmpenv), silent=TRUE)
        if (inherits(load.res, "try-error"))
            warning(optionsPath, " cannot be loaded -- ignoring it; for recovery see ?track.rebuild (",
                 as.character(load.res), ")")
        if (length(load.res)!=1 || load.res != ".trackingOptions") {
            warning(optionsPath, " does not contain just '.trackingOptions' -- ignoring it; for recovery see ?track.rebuild")
        } else {
            ## .trackingOptions has to exist because we just loaded it
            old.options <- get(".trackingOptions", envir=tmpenv, inherits=FALSE)
            if (!is.list(old.options)) {
                warning("'.trackingOptions' from ", optionsPath, " is not a list -- ignoring it; see ?track.rebuild")
                old.options <- list()
    if (length(old.options)==0) {
        ## Couldn't read any options from the file, initialize them
        ## from remaining gopt.
        gopt$autoTrack <- NULL
        gopt$RDataSuffixes <- NULL
        old.options <- gopt
    opt <- track.options(values=options, envir=NULL, only.preprocess=TRUE, old.options=old.options)
    if (!is.null(readonly))
        opt$readonly <- readonly
    assign(".trackingOptions", opt, envir=trackingEnv)
    fileMapPath <- file.path(dataDir, "filemap.txt")
    fileMapChanged <- FALSE
    ## Create a default empty objSummary -- an existing one will replace this
    objSummary <- summaryRow(name="", opt=opt)[0,]
    if (!dir.exists(file.path(dataDir))) {
        if (!create)
            stop("dir \"", dataDir, "\" does not exist (supply create=TRUE to create it)")
        res <- dir.create(file.path(dataDir), recursive=TRUE)
        if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
            stop("could not creating tracking dir '", dataDir, "': ", res)
        if (!dir.exists(dataDir))
            stop("failed to create tracking dir '", dataDir, "'")
        fileMap <- character(0)
        assign(".trackingFileMap", fileMap, envir=trackingEnv)
        fileMapChanged <- TRUE
        assign(".trackingSummary", objSummary, envir=trackingEnv)
        if (opt$debug >= 2)
            cat('track.start: created new tracking dir and assigned fileMap and objSummary in trackingEnv\n')
    } else {
        if (opt$debug >= 2)
            cat('track.start: attempting to read summary and fileMap from existing tracking db\n')
        ## Try to read the summary first, because if there is a problem with fileMap,
        ## we may want to erase the summary (though the code doesn't currently
        ## do that.)
        objSummaryFromFile <- loadObjSummary(trackingEnv, opt, stop.on.not.exists=FALSE)
        if (!is.null(objSummaryFromFile)) {
            objSummary <- objSummaryFromFile
            assign(".trackingSummary", objSummary, envir=trackingEnv)
        ## Need to confirm that there are no clashes between variables already
        ## stored in the tracking dir and variables in envir
        if (file.exists(fileMapPath)) {
            fileMap <- readFileMapFile(trackingEnv, dataDir, TRUE)
            if (length(fileMap)) {
                ## Membership in list.files() is much faster than file.exists() for network drives
                ## fileExists <- file.exists(file.path(dataDir, paste(fileMap, opt$RDataSuffix, sep=".")))
                allFiles <- list.files(path=dataDir, pattern=paste0('.*\\.', opt$RDataSuffix), all.files=TRUE)
                fileExists <- is.element(paste(fileMap, opt$RDataSuffix, sep="."), allFiles)
                if (any(!fileExists)) {
                    if (discardMissing) {
                        if (verbose)
                            cat('Discarding info about objects with missing save files: ',
                                 paste(names(fileMap)[!fileExists], collapse=", "), "\n", sep="")
                        if (any(names(fileMap)[!fileExists] %in% rownames(objSummary)))
                            objSummary <- objSummary[(rownames(objSummary) %in% names(fileMap)[fileExists]), , drop=FALSE]
                        fileMap <- fileMap[fileExists]
                        fileMapChanged <- TRUE
                    } else {
                        warning("missing files for some variables in the fileMap (supply discardMissing=TRUE or remove or assign variables to repair): ",
                                paste(names(fileMap)[!fileExists], collapse=", "))
            alreadyExists <- logical(0)
            if (length(fileMap))
                alreadyExists <- sapply(names(fileMap), exists, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
            alreadyExists <- names(fileMap)[alreadyExists]
            ## opt$clobberVars contains a vector of var names that it is
            ## always OK to clobber.
            ## opt$clobberVars is processed before the clobber= argument
            clobberFirst <- intersect(opt$clobberVars, alreadyExists)
            if (length(clobberFirst)) {
                alreadyExists <- setdiff(alreadyExists, clobberFirst)
                remove(list=clobberFirst, envir=envir)
            i <- FALSE
            for (re in opt$autoTrackExcludePattern)
                i <- i | grep(re, names(fileMap))
            if (any(i))
                warning("tracking db contains some vars that match the autoExclude pattern (this will be tracked, and continue to be tracked until removed): ", names(fileMap)[i])
            i <- isReservedName(names(fileMap))
            if (any(i))
                warning("tracking db contains some vars that have reserved names (this shouldn't happen, and may affect the correct operation of tracking): ", names(fileMap)[i])
            if (length(alreadyExists)) {
                if (clobber=="no") {
                    # If the objects and files are small, see if they are the same
                    tmpenv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
                    objSizes <- sapply(alreadyExists, function(v) object.size(get(v, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)))
                    fileSizes <- file.info(file.path(dataDir, paste(fileMap, sep='.', opt$RDataSuffix)))$size
                    knowSame <- rep(FALSE, length(alreadyExists))
                    if (sum(objSizes) < autoCheckSize && sum(fileSizes, na.rm=TRUE) < autoCheckSize) {
                        knowSame <- sapply(alreadyExists, function(objName) {
                            objFile <- file.path(dataDir, paste(fileMap[objName], sep='.', opt$RDataSuffix))
                            load.res <- try(load(objFile, envir=tmpenv), silent=TRUE)
                            if (inherits(load.res, "try-error"))
                                stop("Failed to load R object ", objName, " from file ", objFile,
                                     " when checking whether existing R objects are same as those in the",
                                     " tracking db on the file system -- repair or delete file and try again;",
                                     " problem was: ", as.character(load.res))
                            if (length(load.res)!=1 || load.res != objName)
                                stop(objFile, " does not contain just '", objName, "' -- for recovery see ?track.rebuild")
                            objValueFile <- get(objName, envir=tmpenv, inherits=FALSE)
                            objValueEnv <- get(objName, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
                            rm(list=objName, envir=tmpenv, inherits=FALSE)
                            return(identical(objValueEnv, objValueFile))
                        if (all(knowSame)) {
                            # Must remove objs from the env to make way for the active bindings
                            # Todo: if some vars have special treatment such as alwaysCache,
                            # then transfer them into the tracking environment.
                            if (verbose)
                                warning('Have identical vars with same names in tracking db in "', dir, '" and in ',
                                        envname(envir), ': ', paste("'", alreadyExists, "'", sep='', collapse=', '))
                            remove(list=alreadyExists, envir=envir)
                        } else {
                            # If not all vars are the same, put ones that differ at the start of
                            # 'alreadyExists' to make for a more informative error message.
                            alreadyExists <- alreadyExists[order(knowSame, alreadyExists)]
                    if (!all(knowSame)) {
                        assign(".trackAlreadyExists", alreadyExists, envir=envir)
                        stop("cannot start tracking to dir \"", dir, "\" because it contains ",
                             length(alreadyExists), " vars that currently exist in ", envname(envir),
                             ", e.g.: ", paste("'", alreadyExists[seq(len=min(3,length(alreadyExists)))], "'", sep="", collapse=", "),
                             if (length(alreadyExists)>3) ", ...",
                             " (try track.start(..., clobber='files') or track.start(..., clobber='vars') to clobber one or the other")
                } else if (clobber=="files") {
                    if (opt$readonly) {
                        warning("will not clobber files corresponding to existing variables because readonly=TRUE: ", paste(alreadyExists, collapse=", "))
                    } else {
                        for (varName in alreadyExists) {
                            file <- fileMap[match(varName, names(fileMap))]
                            file.remove(file.path(dataDir, paste(file, opt$RDataSuffix, sep=".")))
                            value <- get(varName, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
                            setTrackedVar(varName, value, trackingEnv, opt=replace(opt, "maintainSummary", FALSE), file=file)
                            remove(list=varName, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
                } else if (clobber=="variables") {
                    remove(list=alreadyExists, envir=envir)
        } else {
            ## if there are in .rda files in this directory, need to rebuild the fileMap
            files <- list.files(path=file.path(dataDir), pattern=paste(".*\\.", opt$RDataSuffix, "$", sep=""), all.files=TRUE)
            files <- setdiff(files, paste(".trackingSummary", opt$RDataSuffix, sep="."))
            if (length(files)==0) {
                ## No files: start with a new fileMap and objSummary
                fileMap <- character(0)
                fileMapChanged <- TRUE
                assign(".trackingFileMap", fileMap, envir=trackingEnv)
            } else {
                stop("tracking dir \"", dir, "\" has some data files in it, but has no filemap.txt file -- use track.rebuild() to fix it")
        if (nrow(objSummary)) {
            ## update the prior-reads and prior-writes, and existing session counts
            objSummary[,"ES"] <- objSummary[,"ES"] + 1
            objSummary[,"PA"] <- objSummary[,"PA"] + objSummary[,"SA"]
            objSummary[,"PW"] <- objSummary[,"PW"] + objSummary[,"SW"]
            objSummary[,"SA"] <- 0
            objSummary[,"SW"] <- 0
    ## Do we need to save the fileMap ? (only if changed)
    if (fileMapChanged && !opt$readonly)
        writeFileMapFile(fileMap, trackingEnv, dataDir, TRUE)
    ## We always need to save the summary...
    assign(".trackingSummary", objSummary, envir=trackingEnv)
    assign(".trackingSummaryChanged", TRUE, envir=trackingEnv)
    if (dir!=dataDir) {
        ## Only use a "DESCRIPTION" file when we use a 'data' subdirectory
        ## in the tracking dir.
        dfn <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
        if (!file.exists(dfn)) {
            write.res <- try(cat(track.package.desc(basename(dir)), "\n", sep="\n", file=dfn), silent=TRUE)
            if (inherits(write.res, "try-error"))
                warning("had problem writing ", dfn, " (", as.character(write.res), ")")
    ## create bindings for the vars already in the tracking dir
    for (objName in names(fileMap)) {
        f <- createBindingClosure(objName, trackingEnv)
        makeActiveBinding(objName, env=envir, fun=f)
    setTrackingEnv(trackedEnv=envir, trackingEnv=trackingEnv)
    if (auto) {
        if (opt$debug >= 2)
            cat('track.start: installing track.auto callback\n')
        callbackName <- "track.auto"
        ## remove the old callback (to avoid having duplicates)
        while (is.element(callbackName, getTaskCallbackNames()))
        addTaskCallback(track.sync.callback, data=envir, name=callbackName)
        assign(".trackAuto", list(on=TRUE, last=-1), envir=trackingEnv)
    if (FALSE && check.Last) {
        ## Stopped using .Last.sys because it was only called when in the globalenv
        if (length(i <- find(".Last.sys")) > 1)
            if (i[1] != find("track.start")[1])
                warning("There are more than one .Last.sys() functions on the search path -- the one from track will is masked and will not run.  This may affect the saving of tracked environments.\n")
                warning("There are more than one .Last.sys() functions on the search path -- the one from track masks others and they will not run\n")
    ## Note that locking the environment is irreversible, and it prevents
    ## rescaning in-place (because the main reason to do that would be to
    ## pick up new variables and delete old ones).  Locking doesn't however
    ## prevent caching, because caching uses the tracking env, not the
    ## tracked env, and the tracking env is not locked.
    if (lockEnv && opt$readonly && environmentName(envir) != "R_GlobalEnv")
    ## Set up .Last in the globalenv to be track.last(), which will make
    ## sure that all tracked envs are sync'd to disk when R quits.
    ## Do this in the globalenv regardless of which env this call is
    ## tracking, because only .Last in the global env is called when R exits.
    ## This is a good candidate for a different way of doing things, either
    ## a 'Last' hook (doesn't exist in R, but would be nice if it did,
    ## or something like a finalizer on an object, though I wasn't able
    ## to get that to work reliably -- it wasn't always called when R
    ## quitting R.
    .Last <- track.Last
    environment(.Last) <- globalenv()
    existing.Last <- NULL
    ## Fetching an existing .Last here has the desirable side effect that it will be
    ## cached (because .Last is a default member of track.options('alwaysCache'))
    ## Thus, in the case tracking db becomes unavailable, the R-termination
    ## will not be affected by not being able read .Last from disk.
    if (opt$debug >= 2)
        cat('track.start: attempting to install a .Last to save objects to the tracking db\n')
    if (exists(".Last", where=1, inherits=FALSE)) {
        existing.Last <- try(get(".Last", pos=1, inherits=FALSE))
        if (inherits(existing.Last, 'try-error')) {
            if (bindingIsActive(".Last", env=globalenv())) {
                warning(".Last already exists in globalenv as a non-functional active binding -- not installing track.Last; to save objects at end of session, user must call track.stop(all=TRUE) before ending R session (if this copy of .Last is left over from a previous failed initiation of tracking, remove it and try again)")
                existing.Last <- 'broken active.binding'
            } else {
                existing.Last <- 'non-gettable object'
        } else {
            environment(existing.Last) <- globalenv()
    if (!is.null(existing.Last)) {
        if (!identical(.Last, existing.Last) && !identical(existing.Last, 'broken active.binding'))
            warning(".Last already exists in globalenv -- not installing track.Last; to save objects at end of session, user must call track.stop(all=TRUE) before ending R session")
    } else {
        ## There is no existing .Last object in the global environment, so restore the saved one
        Last.pos <- 1
        assign(".Last", .Last, pos=Last.pos)
        ## Do the same thing as in track.sync.callback() for the globalenv
        if (env.is.tracked(pos=1))
            try(track.sync(pos=1, master="envir", taskEnd=TRUE))
    ## Save the tracking summary after working with .Last
    if (!opt$readonly) {
        save.res <- saveObjSummary(trackingEnv, opt=opt, dataDir=getDataDir(dir))
        if (inherits(save.res, "try-error"))
            stop("could not save '.trackingSummary' in ", attr(save.res, 'file'), ": fix file problem and try again (", save.res, ")")
    assign(".trackingSummaryChanged", FALSE, envir=trackingEnv)
    ## Store the Pid of this R session so that we can identify
    ## situations where a dead .trackEnv has been loaded in by
    ## mistake (probably as a result of saving and reloading an
    ## entire tracked environment.)
    assign(".trackingPid", Sys.getpid(), envir=trackingEnv)
    if (!is.element("track.auto.monitor", getTaskCallbackNames()))
        addTaskCallback(track.auto.monitor, name="track.auto.monitor")

track.package.desc <- function(pkg)
    c(paste("Package:",pkg), "Version: 1.0", paste("Date:",date()),
      "Title: Tracked R Objects", "Author: track package", "Maintainer: track package",
      "Description: package of saved objects created by track package", "License: None specified")

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track documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.