
Defines functions .checkRestrictionEnzymeSequence

.checkRestrictionEnzymeSequence <- function(firstCutter, inputFileName, outputFileName = "output.sam", keepOnlyUniqueReads = TRUE, writeStatistics = TRUE) {

    cutterLength = nchar(firstCutter)

    # read lines from specified sam-file
    sam = readLines(inputFileName)

    # initialize statistic variables
    unmapped = 0
    mismatchStart = 0
    mismatchEnd = 0
    incompleteCutter = 0
    totalReads = length(sam)
    mapped = 0
    notUnique = 0

    revCompFirstCutter = toString(reverseComplement(DNAString(firstCutter)))

    for (i in 1:length(sam)) {

        temp = sam[i]

        # check each line if it is a part of the header and use only non-header lines
        if (substr(temp, start = 1, stop = 1) == "@") {
            totalReads = totalReads - 1
        } else {

            # for each line in the sam file that does not belong to the header, split at "TAB"
            split = unlist(strsplit(temp, "\\\t"))

            # get read length and save flag entry
            readLength = nchar(split[10])
            flag = split[2]

            # for now, leave reads without "XT:A:" tag and mark only those with XT:A != U for deletion
            if (keepOnlyUniqueReads) {

                splitUnique = unlist(strsplit(temp, "XT:A:"))
                isNotUnique = FALSE

                if (length(splitUnique) == 2) {
                    if (substr(splitUnique[2], start = 1, stop = 1) != "U") {
                        # not a unique read
                        isNotUnique = TRUE

            # identify unmapped reads via flag-entry and mark for deletion
            if (intToBits(as.numeric(flag))[3] == 01) {
                unmapped = unmapped + 1
                sam[i] = "toDelete"    
            } else if (keepOnlyUniqueReads == TRUE & isNotUnique == TRUE) {
                notUnique = notUnique + 1
                sam[i] = "toDelete"    
            } else { 
                # mapped read (both strands):
                # 1. check if cutter sequence is complete
                # 2. check if cigar string shows correct mapping (absense of insertion / deletions)  of cutter sequence
                # 3. check if MD string shows correct mapping (absense of SNPs) of cutter sequence

                seq = split[10]
                seqStart = substr(seq, start=1, stop=cutterLength)
                seqEnd = substr(seq, start=readLength-cutterLength+1, stop=readLength)

                if (intToBits(as.numeric(flag))[5] == 00)  {
                    # case a): read maps to forward strand

                    # check if cutter sequence is intact
                    if (seqStart == toupper(firstCutter)) {    

                        startCigar = unlist(strsplit(split[6], "M"))

                        if (nchar(startCigar[1]) < (cutterLength-1)) {
                            # start of string has form XXM or XM -->  no I, D or extended cigar symbols possible
                            if (as.numeric(startCigar[1]) < cutterLength) {
                                # less than (lengthCutter) matches --> cutter sequence not properly mapped --> delete read

                                mismatchStart = mismatchStart + 1
                                sam[i] = "toDelete"
                            } else {
                                # enough matches and complete cutter sequence at start of read (cigar string) --> check MD string for possible SNPs 

                                MDpre = unlist(strsplit(temp, "MD:Z:"))
                                MD = unlist(strsplit(MDpre[2], "\\\t"))[1]

                                MDA = substr(MD[1], start = 1, stop = 1)
                                MDB = substr(MD[1], start = 2, stop = 2)

                                if ((MDB == "A") || (MDB == "G") || (MDB == "C") || (MDB == "T")) {
                                    # start of MD has form XA, XG, XC or XD (X in 0:9) --> check X (number of matches) if at least (cutterLength) matches are present 

                                    if (as.numeric(MDA) < cutterLength) {

                                        mismatchStart = mismatchStart + 1
                                        sam[i] = "toDelete"
                                    } else {
                                        # cutter sequence complete
                                        mapped = mapped + 1
                                } else {
                                    # start of MD has form XX (X in 0:9) --> number of matches >= 10 --> enough matches
                                    mapped = mapped + 1

                        } else {
                            # insertions, deletions or extended cigar symbols at start of string --> cutter sequence not properly mapped --> delete read

                            mismatchStart = mismatchStart + 1
                            sam[i] = "toDelete"          

                    } else {
                        # cutter sequence is not intact

                        incompleteCutter = incompleteCutter + 1
                        sam[i] = "toDelete"

                } else {
                    # case b): read maps to reverse strand

                    if (seqEnd == revCompFirstCutter) {

                        # check end of cigar string: at least (cutterLength; 4 or 6) matches required
                        lCig = nchar(split[6])
                        cigA = substr(split[6], start = lCig-2, stop = lCig-2)
                        cigB = substr(split[6], start = lCig-1, stop = lCig-1)
                        cigC = substr(split[6], start = lCig, stop = lCig)

                        if (cigC != "M") {
                            # end of string has insertions or deletions or extended cigar symbols --> cutter sequence not properly mapped --> delete read
                            sam[i] = "toDelete"

                            mismatchEnd = mismatchEnd + 1

                        } else if ((cigA == "I" || cigA == "D" || cigA == "N" || cigA == "S" || cigA == "H" || cigA == "P") && (as.numeric(cigB) < cutterLength) ){
                            # number of matches at the end of the string is < cutterLength --> cutter sequence not properly mapped --> delete read
                            sam[i] = "toDelete"

                            mismatchEnd = mismatchEnd + 1
                        } else {
                            # >= (cutterLength) mapped bases at the end of the read, complete cutter sequence --> check MD string for possible SNPs

                            MDpre = unlist(strsplit(temp, "MD:Z:"))
                            MD = unlist(strsplit(MDpre[2], "\\\t"))[1]

                            MDA = substr(MD[1], start = readLength-1, stop = readLength-1)
                            MDB = substr(MD[1], start = readLength, stop = readLength)

                            if ((MDA == "A") || (MDA == "G") || (MDA == "C") || (MDA == "T")) {
                                # end of MD has form AX, GX, CX or DX (X in 0:9) --> check X (number of matches) if at least four matches are present

                                if (as.numeric(MDB) < cutterLength) {
                                    mismatchEnd = mismatchEnd + 1
                                    sam[i] = "toDelete"
                                } else {
                                    # cutter sequence complete
                                    mapped = mapped + 1
                            } else {
                                # end of MD has form XX (X in 0:9) --> number of matches >= 10 --> enough matches
                                mapped = mapped + 1            


                    } else {
                        # cutter sequence not complete: delete read

                        incompleteCutter = incompleteCutter + 1
                        sam[i] = "toDelete"        


    # optional: write statistics to additional output file
    if (writeStatistics) {
        totalStats = paste("total reads:", totalReads, sep = " ")
        mappedStats = paste("mapped reads:", mapped, sep = " ")
        unmappedStats = paste("unmapped reads:", unmapped, sep = " ")
        incompleteCutterStats = paste("incomplete cutter:", incompleteCutter, sep = " ")
        mismatchStats = paste("mismatched cutter:", mismatchStart + mismatchEnd, sep = " ")
        notUniqueStats = paste("not unique read:", notUnique, sep = " ")

        statistics = paste(inputFileName, totalStats, mappedStats, unmappedStats, incompleteCutterStats, mismatchStats, notUniqueStats, sep = "\n")

        fileConn = file(sub(".sam", "_statistics.txt", outputFileName))
        writeLines(statistics, fileConn)

    # filter reads that are marked for deletion
    samNew =  sam[!sam == "toDelete"]

    # write remaining data to specified file
    fileConn = file(outputFileName)
    writeLines(samNew, fileConn)

    signature=signature(firstCutter="character", inputFileName="character"),

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Basic4Cseq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:53 p.m.