# File : resultReport.R Author : Junfang Chen
#' Compute the classification accuracy
#' @description
#' Compute the classification accuracy for the binary classification problem.
#' @param dataY The observed outcome.
#' @param predY The predicted outcome.
#' @return The classification accuracy in terms of percentage.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## Load data
#' methylfile <- system.file('extdata', 'methylData.rds', package='BioMM')
#' methylData <- readRDS(methylfile)
#' dataY <- methylData[,1]
#' methylSub <- data.frame(label=dataY, methylData[,c(2:1001)])
#' library(ranger)
#' library(BiocParallel)
#' param1 <- MulticoreParam(workers = 1)
#' param2 <- MulticoreParam(workers = 10)
#' predY <- predByCV(methylSub, repeats=1, nfolds=10,
#' FSmethod=NULL, cutP=0.1,
#' fdr=NULL, FScore=param1,
#' classifier='randForest',
#' predMode='classification',
#' paramlist=list(ntree=300, nthreads=1),
#' innerCore=param2)
#' accuracy <- classifiACC(dataY=dataY, predY=predY)
#' print(accuracy)
classifiACC <- function(dataY, predY) {
tab <- table(dataY, predY)
num1 <- sum(diag(tab))
denom1 <- sum(tab)
signif(num1/denom1, 3)
#' Compute the machine learning evaluation metrics
#' @description
#' Compute the evaluation metrics in the classification setting:
#' area under curve (AUC), the area under the Precision-Recall curve,
#' classification accuracy (ACC) and the pseudo R square (R2).
#' @param dataY The observed outcome.
#' @param predY The predicted outcome.
#' @details If all samples are predicted into one class, then R2 is 0.
#' @return A set of metrics for model evaluation: AUC, AUCPR, ACC and R2.
#' @export
#' @import rms
#' @import precrec
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## Load data
#' methylfile <- system.file('extdata', 'methylData.rds', package='BioMM')
#' methylData <- readRDS(methylfile)
#' dataY <- methylData[,1]
#' methylSub <- data.frame(label=dataY, methylData[,c(2:1001)])
#' library(ranger)
#' library(precrec)
#' library(rms)
#' library(BiocParallel)
#' param1 <- MulticoreParam(workers = 1)
#' param2 <- MulticoreParam(workers = 10)
#' predY <- predByCV(methylSub, repeats=1, nfolds=10,
#' FSmethod=NULL, cutP=0.1,
#' fdr=NULL, FScore=param1,
#' classifier='randForest',
#' predMode='classification',
#' paramlist=list(ntree=300, nthreads=20),
#' innerCore=param2)
#' metrics <- getMetrics(dataY=dataY, predY=predY)
#' print(metrics)
getMetrics <- function(dataY, predY){
sscurves <- evalmod(scores=predY, labels=dataY)
AUC <- attr(sscurves[[1]][[1]], "auc")
AUCPR <- attr(sscurves[[2]][[1]], "auc")
predYbinary <- ifelse(predY>=.5, 1, 0)
ACC <- classifiACC(dataY, predYbinary)
if (nlevels(factor(predY)) > 1){
R2 <- lrm(dataY ~ predY)$stats["R2"]
} else {
R2 <- 0
eMat <- data.frame(AUC=round(AUC,3), AUCPR=round(AUCPR,3),
ACC=round(ACC,3), R2 = round(R2, 3))
#' Plot data summary statistics
#' @description Plot data summary statistics in terms of the proportion of
#' variance explained.
#' @param data The input dataset (either data.frame or matrix).
#' Rows are the samples, columns are the probes/genes, except that
#' the first column is the label (the outcome).
#' @param posF A logical value indicating if only positively outcome-associated
#' features should be used. (Default: TRUE)
#' @param binarize A logical value indicating if the individual features under
#' investigation should be binarized. The default is FALSE, which provides the
#' estimated class probabilities for each pathway-level feature. If TRUE, then
#' the binary output is given for each feature.
#' @param core The number of cores used for computation. (Default: 1)
#' @param pathTitle A string indicating the name of pathway under investigation.
#' This will be displayed as the name of y-axis.
#' @param fileName The file name specified for the plot. If it is not NULL,
#' then the plot will be generated. The plot will project the data on the
#' first two components. (Default: 'R2explained.png')
#' @return An output image file with '.png' format.
#' @references Yu, Guangchuang, et al. 'clusterProfiler: an R package for
#' comparing biological themes among gene clusters.' Omics: a journal of
#' integrative biology 16.5 (2012): 284-287.
#' @references Perlich, C., & Swirszcz, G. (2011). On cross-validation and
#' stacking: Building seemingly predictive models on random data. ACM SIGKDD
#' Explorations Newsletter, 12(2), 11-15.
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import grDevices
#' @import vioplot
#' @export
plotVarExplained <- function(data, posF = TRUE, binarize = FALSE,
core = MulticoreParam(), pathTitle = "GO pathways", fileName = NULL) {
if (colnames(data)[1] != "label") {
stop("The first column of the 'data' must be the 'label'!")
dataX <- data[, -1]
if (binarize == TRUE){
## convert prob. to integer
dataX <- apply(dataX, 2, round)
dataY <- data[, 1]
if (is.factor(dataY)) {
dataY <- as.numeric(dataY) - 1
if (posF) {
corr <- cor(dataX, dataY)
nPos <- sum(corr > 0)
message(paste0("posFeature: ", nPos))
if (nPos == 0) {
stop("No positively outcome-associated features!")
## 'NA' may appear, use is.element to avoid NA.
dataXsub <- dataX[, is.element(corr > 0, TRUE)]
} else {
dataX <- dataXsub
featurelist <- seq_len(ncol(dataXsub))
r2mat <- unlist(bplapply(featurelist, function(i) {
r2 <- lrm(dataY ~ dataXsub[,i])$stats["R2"]
}, BPPARAM = core))
r2plot <- data.frame(Stage2data = r2mat)
colnames(r2plot) <- pathTitle
rownames(r2plot) <- colnames(dataXsub)
if (is.null(fileName)) {
fileName <- "R2explained.png"
vioplot(r2plot, names=pathTitle, main = "", col="#F8766D",
horizontal=TRUE, xlab="Variance explained (%)", areaEqual=TRUE)
} else {
png(fileName, width = 7, height = 5, units = "in", res = 330)
vioplot(r2plot, names=pathTitle, main = "", col="#F8766D",
horizontal=TRUE, xlab="Variance explained (%)", areaEqual=TRUE)
#' Plot top outcome-associated features
#' @description Plot top ranked outcome-associated features from stage-2 data.
#' The ranking criteria are based on metrics such as Nagelkerke pseudo
#' R-square.
#' @param data The input stage-2 data (either data.frame or matrix).
#' Rows are the samples, columns are pathway names,
#' except that the first column is the label (the outcome).
#' @param posF A logical value indicating if only positively outcome-associated
#' features should be used. (Default: TRUE)
#' @param topF The top ranked number of features at stage-2 (\code{topF} >= 2).
#' (Default: 10)
#' @param blocklist A list of matrices with block IDs as the associated list
#' member names. The block IDs identical to the stage-2 feature names.
#' For each matrix, rows are the samples and columns are the probe names,
#' except that the first column is named 'label'. See also
#' \code{\link{omics2pathlist}}.
#' @param binarize A logical value indicating if the individual features under
#' investigation should be binarized. The default is FALSE, which provides the
#' estimated class probabilities for each pathway-level feature. If TRUE, then
#' the binary output is given for each feature.
#' @param rankMetric A string representing the metrics used for ranking.
#' Valid options are c("AUC", "R2", "Zscore", "negPlogit", "negPwilcox").
#' "negPlogit" denotes the negative log P value from the logistic regression
#' and "negPwilcox" means the negative log P value based on the Wilcoxon test.
#' "size" is the block size.
#' @param colorMetric A string representing the metric used to color the plot.
#' Valid options are c("AUC", "R2", "Zscore", "negPlogit", "negPwilcox").
#' "negPlogit" denotes the negative log P value from the logistic regression
#' and "negPwilcox" means the negative log P value based on wilcoxon test.
#' "size" is the block size.
#' @param core The number of cores used for computation. (Default: 10)
#' @param pathTitle A string indicating the name of pathway under investigation.
#' @param fileName The plot file name. (Default: 'plottopF.png')
#' @return An output image file and the summary statistics of the top pathways.
#' @details If the argument \code{posF} is TRUE,
#' and no positively outcome-associated features are present in stage-2 data
#' , then an error is reported. In addition, if \code{topF} is bigger than
#' the number of positively outcome-associated features, an error is returned.
#' @references Perlich, C., & Swirszcz, G. (2011). On cross-validation and
#' stacking: Building seemingly predictive models on random data. ACM SIGKDD
#' Explorations Newsletter, 12(2), 11-15.
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import lattice
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{omics2pathlist}}.
plotRankedFeature <- function(data, posF = TRUE, topF = 10, blocklist, binarize=FALSE,
rankMetric = c("AUC", "R2", "Zscore", "negPlogit", "negPwilcox", "size"),
colorMetric = c("AUC", "R2", "Zscore", "negPlogit", "negPwilcox", "size"),
core = MulticoreParam(), pathTitle = "GO pathways", fileName = NULL) {
.getBlockSize <- function(blocklist) {
ID <- gsub("\\:", ".", names(blocklist))
size <- unlist(lapply(blocklist, function(d) {
ncol(d) - 1
blockSize <- data.frame(ID, size, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (colnames(data)[1] != "label") {
stop("The first column of the 'data' must be the 'label'!")
dataX <- data[, -1]
## convert prob. to integer
if (binarize == TRUE){
dataX <- apply(dataX, 2, round)
dataY <- data[, 1]
if (is.factor(dataY)) {
dataY <- as.numeric(dataY) - 1
if (posF) {
corr <- cor(dataX, dataY)
nPos <- sum(corr > 0)
message(paste0("posFeature: ", nPos))
if (nPos == 0) {
stop("No positively outcome-associated features!")
if (topF > nPos) {
stop("'topF' bigger than # of positively associated features!")
## 'NA' may appear, use is.element to avoid NA.
dataXsub <- dataX[, is.element(corr>0, TRUE)]
} else {
dataXsub <- dataX
featurelist <- as.list(seq_len(ncol(dataXsub)))
metrics <- unlist(bplapply(featurelist, function(i) {
predY <- dataXsub[,i]
eMatTmp <- getMetrics(dataY, predY)
eMatTmp <- eMatTmp[c(1,4)]
fit <- glm(dataY~predY, family="binomial")
zPvMat <- summary(fit)$coefficients[,3:4]
zPv <- zPvMat[is.element(rownames(zPvMat), "predY"),]
names(zPv) <- c("Zscore", "negPlogit")
Zscore <- round(zPv[1], 3)
negPlogit <- round(-log10(zPv[2]), 3)
pWilcox <- wilcox.test(predY ~ dataY)$p.value
negPwilcox <- round(-log10(pWilcox), 3)
metrics <- unlist(c(eMatTmp, Zscore, negPlogit, negPwilcox=negPwilcox))
}, BPPARAM = core))
eMat <- matrix(unlist(metrics), nrow = ncol(dataXsub), byrow = TRUE)
colnames(eMat) <- names(metrics)[seq_len(ncol(eMat))]
goID <- gsub("\\:", ".", colnames(dataXsub))
rownames(eMat) <- goID
## checking the 'blocklist'
blockSize <- .getBlockSize(blocklist)
## double check the overlapping IDs
sharedID <- intersect(rownames(eMat), blockSize[, "ID"])
eMatSub <- eMat[is.element(rownames(eMat), sharedID), ]
eMat2 <- eMatSub[match(rownames(eMatSub), sharedID), ]
blockSub <- blockSize[is.element(blockSize[, "ID"], sharedID), ]
blockMatch <- blockSub[match(rownames(eMatSub), blockSub[, "ID"]), ]
## attached block Size
blockInfo <- data.frame(eMat2, blockMatch, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## ranking
rankMetric <- match.arg(rankMetric)
blockInfo2 <- blockInfo[order(blockInfo[, rankMetric], decreasing = TRUE),]
topPat <- head(blockInfo2, topF)
topPat$ID <- factor(topPat$ID, levels = rev(unique(topPat$ID)))
x <- "ID"
y <- rankMetric
colorby <- match.arg(colorMetric)
title <- paste0("Top ", topF, " ", pathTitle)
if (is.null(fileName)) {
fileName <- paste0("plotTopF", topF, "_", rankMetric, "_pathway.png")
png(fileName, width = 5, height = 6, units = "in", res = 330)
p <- ggplot(topPat, aes_string(x = x, y = y, fill = colorby)) +
scale_fill_continuous(low = "gray", high = "#F8766D", name = colorby,
guide = guide_colorbar(reverse = TRUE)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") + coord_flip() + ggtitle(title) +
xlab(NULL) + ylab(y)
if (rankMetric == "negPlogit" | rankMetric == "negPwilcox"){
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept=-log10(0.05), linetype="dashed", color="red")
p <- p + labs(y = "-logP")
#' Circular plot for a set of pathways
#' @description The individual CpGs or genes within a given set of pathways are
#' displayed as the dots in the resulting plot. The significance of the CpGs or genes
#' are illustrated by the negative log P value.
#' @param datalist The input data list containing ordered
#' collections of matrices.
#' @param topPathID A predefined pathway IDs.
#' @param core The number of cores used for computation. (Default: 10)
#' @param fileName Add a character to the output file name.
#' (Default: 'Circular-Manhattan.pval.jpeg')
#' @return An output image file.
#' @details Top 10 or 20 pathways are usually suggested to be visualized.
#' The significant features (if any) are highlighted using filled diamond.
#' The significance line is set as 0.05 marked as dashed red line.
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import CMplot
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{omics2pathlist}}.
cirPlot4pathway <- function(datalist, topPathID, core = MulticoreParam(), fileName = NULL){
sublistV0 <- datalist[is.element(names(datalist), topPathID)]
sublist <- sublistV0[match(topPathID, names(sublistV0))]
message(paste0("Checking top ", length(sublist), " pathways >> "))
cpgPvByGO <- list()
cpg <- c()
pathway <- c()
pos <- c()
pval <- c()
for (i in seq_along(sublist)){
data <- sublist[[i]]
dataX <- data[,-1]
dataY <- data[,1]
cpgTmp <- colnames(dataX)
pathwayTmp <- rep(i, ncol(dataX))
posTmp <- seq_len(ncol(dataX))
featurelist <- as.list(seq_len(ncol(dataX)))
pvalTmp <- unlist(bplapply(featurelist, function(i){
# wilcox.test(dataX[,i] ~ dataY)$p.value
predY <- dataX[,i]
fit <- glm(dataY~predY, family="binomial")
zPvMat <- summary(fit)$coefficients[,3:4]
zPv <- zPvMat[is.element(rownames(zPvMat), "predY"),]
pval <- zPv[2]
}, BPPARAM = core))
names(pvalTmp) = colnames(dataX)
cpgPvByGO[[i]] <- pvalTmp
cpg <- c(cpg, cpgTmp)
pathway <- c(pathway, pathwayTmp)
pos <- c(pos, posTmp)
pval <- c(pval, pvalTmp)
cpgResults <- data.frame(cpg, pathway, pos, pval, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## -log10 was used
CMplot(cpgResults, plot.type="c", r=2,
cir.legend=TRUE, cex.axis=0.9,
outward=TRUE, cir.legend.col="black", cir.chr.h=0.8,
threshold=0.05, signal.pch=18,
chr.den.col="white", file="jpg",
memo=fileName, dpi=400, chr.labels=names(sublist))
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