
Defines functions getNextMaxStats plot_SS_Simulation cor.shrink avg.cor.shrink getIc.new plot_MCI_Simulation getMCI_inner simulation_Ic getIc simulation_Ic_sample getNetwork plotIc getCTS plotMaxMCI getTopMCI getMaxStats getMaxMCImember plotBar_MCI getCluster_methods getCluster optimize.sd_selection sd_selection getReadthrough getBiotypes

Documented in avg.cor.shrink cor.shrink getBiotypes getCluster_methods getCTS getIc getIc.new getMaxMCImember getMaxStats getMCI_inner getNetwork getReadthrough optimize.sd_selection plotBar_MCI plotIc plotMaxMCI plot_MCI_Simulation plot_SS_Simulation sd_selection simulation_Ic simulation_Ic_sample

## Author:  Zhezhen Wang; Andrew Goldstein; Yuxi Sun; Xinan H Yang
## Email: zhezhen@uchicago.edu;andrewgoldstein@uchicago.edu; ysun11@uchicago.edu; xyang2@uchicago.edu
## Last update:  10/08/2020
## Acknowledgement: National Institutes of Health  R21LM012619 
## Add function getNextMaxStats()
## Revise the example code for the function getMaxStats()
## 06/19/2020 updated the following:
## Add the parameter for the function getMaxMCImember()
## Add new functions to estimate pairwise-correlation matric which is the key statistics for tipping-point identificaion.
## Simplified the parameter using for the function getIc(); correct typo in exampling codes.
## Correct error in the function getNetwork().
## Allowing getMCI to do locally estimation of correlation matrix, which runs faster than global estimation.
## 10/08/2020 allows user to chose the shrinking target for PCC_s between ('zero,'half', and 'ave')
## 10/05/2020 updated optimize.sd_selection()
## 9/29/2020 update the following:
## fix bugs in the function cor.shrink() to shrink PCC_s (towards average by modifying the theory of the the Schafer-Strimmer method)
## plot_SS_Simulation() allows the parameer xlim
## 8/28/2020 updated the following:
## Clean the bugs when calling optimize.sd_selection() with parameters method='previous',method='reference' or cuttoff=1
## Customalize the font size of title in the function plotBar_MCI() 

#' @import utils
#' @import MASS

#' @title Assigning Transcript Biotypes
#' @description
#' The purpose of the \code{getBiotypes}() function is to class both coding and noncoding
#' transcripts into biotypes using the most recent GENCODE annotations. This
#' tool can also be used to define potential lncRNAs, given an available genome
#' transcriptome assembly (a gtf file) or any genomic loci of interest.
#' @param full_gr A GRanges object which contains either coding or noncoding
#'   transcripts. Each GRanges objects' columns requires a unique
#'   identifications. For further details refer to the GRanges package.
#' @param gencode_gr A GRanges object contatining a human Chr21 GENCODE reference
#'   annotation. A metadata column, "biotype", describes the transcript type.
#' @param intron_gr A GRanges object containing the coordinates of non-coding
#'   transcripts.
#' @param minoverlap An IRanges argument which detects minimum overlap between
#'   two IRanges objects. For more information about minoverlap argument refer to the
#'   IRanges package.
#' @details For details of findOverlaps, type.partialOverlap, type.50Overlap
#' type.toPlot, queryhits, and subjecthits see
#' GenomicRanges \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/GenomicRanges.html}, 
#' IRanges \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/IRanges.html}, 
#' and BiocManager \url{http://bioconductor.org/install/index.html}.
#' @return A GRanges object that returns classified transcriptome biotypes.
#' @source Reference GRCh37 genome \url{https://www.gencodegenes.org/human/release_25lift37.html}
#' for details on gtf format visit ensemble \url{https://useast.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/gff.html}
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps pintersect mcols width
#' @references
#' Wang, Z.Z., J. M. Cunningham and X. H. Yang (2018).
#' 'CisPi: a transcriptomic score for disclosing cis-acting disease-associated lincRNAs.'
#' Bioinformatics 34(17): 664-670',  PMID: 30423099'
#' @examples
#' # Input datasets from our package's data folder
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' data("gencode")
#' data("intron")
#' data("ILEF")
#' # Converting datasets to GRanges object
#' gencode_gr = GRanges(gencode)
#' ILEF_gr = GRanges(ILEF)
#' cod_gr = GRanges(cod)
#' intron_gr= GRanges(intron)
#' # Filtering non-coding transcripts
#' getBiotypes(ILEF_gr,  gencode_gr,  intron_gr)
#' \dontrun{getBiotypes(intron_gr)}
#' @note
#' Replace the PATH_FILE when loading your data locally.
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps pintersect mcols width countOverlaps GRanges
#' @export
#' @author Zhezhen Wang and Biniam Feleke

getBiotypes <- function(full_gr,  gencode_gr,  intron_gr = NULL,  minoverlap = 1L) 
  #  require(GenomicRanges)
  if (all(is(full_gr) != "GRanges"))
    stop("please give full_gr as a \"GRanges\" object")
  if (all(is(gencode_gr) != "GRanges"))
    stop("pealse give gencode_gr as a \"GRanges\" object")
  if (all(is(intron_gr) != "GRanges" & !is.null(intron_gr)))
    stop("please give intron_gr as a \"GRanges\" object")
  hits = findOverlaps(full_gr,  gencode_gr,  type = "within",  minoverlap = minoverlap)
  full = as.data.frame(full_gr)
  full$type.fullOverlap = "de novo"
  idx = as.data.frame(mcols(full_gr[queryHits(hits)]))
  if (nrow(idx) != 0) {
    idx$biotype = as.data.frame(mcols(gencode_gr[subjectHits(hits)]))[,  1]
    idx_collapse = aggregate(as.list(idx["biotype"]),  idx["Row.names"],  
                             FUN = function(X) paste(unique(X),  collapse = ",  "))
    idx_full = match(idx_collapse$Row.names,  full$Row.names)
    full[idx_full,  ]$type.fullOverlap = idx_collapse$biotype
  hits = findOverlaps(full_gr,  gencode_gr,  minoverlap = minoverlap)
  overlaps <- pintersect(full_gr[queryHits(hits)],  gencode_gr[subjectHits(hits)])
  percentOverlap <- width(overlaps)/width(gencode_gr[subjectHits(hits)])
  idx = as.data.frame(mcols(full_gr[queryHits(hits)]))
  idx$biotype = as.data.frame(mcols(gencode_gr[subjectHits(hits)]))
  idx_collapse = aggregate(as.list(idx["biotype"]),  idx["Row.names"],  
                           FUN = function(X) paste(unique(X),  collapse = ",  "))
  full$type.partialOverlap = "de novo"
  idx_partial = match(idx_collapse$Row.names,  full$Row.names)
  full[idx_partial,  ]$type.partialOverlap = idx_collapse$biotype
  idx$percentOverlap = percentOverlap
  idx_50 = subset(idx,  percentOverlap >= 0.5)
  idx_50collapse = aggregate(as.list(idx_50["biotype"]),  idx_50["Row.names"],  
                             FUN = function(X) paste(unique(X),  collapse = ",  "))
  full$type.50Overlap = "de novo"
  idx_50 = match(idx_50collapse$Row.names,  full$Row.names)
  full[idx_50,  ]$type.50Overlap = idx_50collapse$biotype
  if (!is.null(intron_gr)) {
    hits = findOverlaps(full_gr,  intron_gr)
    idx = unique(as.data.frame(mcols(full_gr[queryHits(hits)])))
    full$hasIntron = "no"
    idx_intron = match(idx$Row.names,  full$Row.names)
    if (length(idx_intron) != 0)
      full[idx_intron,  ]$hasIntron = "yes"
  } else (full$hasIntron = NA)
  full$type.toPlot = ifelse(full$hasIntron == "yes" & full$type.50Overlap == "protein_coding",  
  full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,  
                            function(x) ifelse(grepl("protein_coding",  x) & grepl("antisense",  x), 
                                               "protein_coding_antisense",  x))
  full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,  
                            function(x) ifelse(grepl("protein_coding, ",  x),  "protein_coding_mixed", 
  full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,  
                            function(x) ifelse(grepl(",  protein_coding",  x),  "protein_coding_mixed",  x))
  full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,  
                            function(x) ifelse(grepl("lincRNA",  x),  "lincRNA",  x))
  full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,  
                            function(x) ifelse(grepl("antisense, ",  x),  "antisense",  x))
  full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,  
                            function(x) ifelse(grepl(",  antisense",  x),  "antisense",  x))
  label = c("protein_coding",  "protein_coding_mixed",  "lincRNA",  
            "antisense",  "pseudogene,  processed_pseudogene", 
            "pseudogene,  unprocessed_pseudogene",  "de novo",  
            "protein_coding_antisense",  "protein_coding_intron", 
  full$type.toPlot = sapply(full$type.toPlot,  
                            function(x) ifelse(!x %in% label,  "other_noncoding", x))

#' @title Overlapping Coding Regions
#' @description
#' The \code{getReadthrough}() function is used to find long transcripts that cover more
#' than two coding regions for gene regions of interst.
#' @param gr A GRanges object that shows the start and end loci on genome.
#' @param cod_gr A GRanges object contaning coding regions.
#' @details For details of findOverlaps,  type.partialOverlap, type.50Overlap
#'   type.toPlot, queryhits, readthrough and subjecthits see, 
#'   GenomicRanges \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/GenomicRanges.html}, 
#'   IRanges \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/IRanges.html}, 
#'    and BiocManager \url{http://bioconductor.org/install/index.html}.
#' @return A GRanges object that returns overlapping regions of the classified transcript biotypes.
#' @source Reference GRCh37 genome \url{https://www.gencodegenes.org/human/release_25lift37.html}.
#' For details on gtf format visit ensemble \url{https://useast.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/gff.html}.
#' @references
#' Wang,  Z. Z.,  J. M. Cunningham and X. H. Yang (2018).'CisPi: a transcriptomic
#' score for disclosing cis-acting disease-associated lincRNAs.'
#' Bioinformatics34(17): 664-670'
#' @examples
#' #First Load datasets and libraries
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' data("gencode")
#' data("ILEF")
#' data("cod")
#' # Assigning datasets a GRanges object
#' gencode_gr = GRanges(gencode)
#' ILEF_gr = GRanges(ILEF)
#' cod_gr = GRanges(cod)
#' getReadthrough(ILEF_gr,  cod_gr)
#' \dontrun{getReadthrough(cod_gr)}
#' @note
#' Replace the path_file when loading data locally to the data directory.
#' @export
#' @author Zhezhen Wang and Biniam Feleke

getReadthrough = function(gr, cod_gr)
  #  require(GenomicRanges)
  full_table = data.frame(gr)
  overlapcount = countOverlaps(gr, cod_gr)
  completeoverlap = unique(subjectHits(findOverlaps(cod_gr, GRanges(full_table$ID), type = 'within')))
  if(length(completeoverlap) == 0){
    full_table$readthrough = ifelse(overlapcount>2, 1, 0)
    full_table$readthrough = ifelse(overlapcount>2 & row.names(completeoverlap) %in% completeoverlap, 1, 0)
  gr = GRanges(subset(full_table, readthrough ==1))
  idx = subset(full_table, readthrough==1)$ID
  overlaps = as.data.frame(findOverlaps(gr, cod_gr))
  splitoverlaps = split(overlaps, f=overlaps$queryHits)
  table(sapply(splitoverlaps, nrow)>1)
  cod_grL = sapply(splitoverlaps, function(x) cod_gr[x$subjectHits])
  overlapL = sapply(cod_grL, function(x) findOverlaps(x))
  notoverlap = sapply(overlapL, function(x) identical(queryHits(x), subjectHits(x)))
  tmp = rep(TRUE, nrow(full_table))
  tmp[full_table$readthrough==1] = notoverlap
  full_table$readthrough = ifelse(full_table$readthrough==1 & !tmp, 1, 0)

#' @title Selecting Highly Oscillating Transcripts
#' @description \code{sd_selection} pre-selects highly oscillating transcripts
#' from the input dataset \code{df}. The dataset must contain multiple sample
#' groups (or 'states'). For each state,  the function filters the dataset using
#' a cutoff value for standard deviation. The default cutoff value is 0.01
#' (i.e., higher than the top 1\% standard deviation).
#' @param df A numeric matrix or data frame. The rows and columns represent
#'   unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names, respectively.
#' @param samplesL A list of vectors,  whose length is the number of states. Each
#'   vector gives the sample names in a state. Note that the vectors (sample names) has
#'   to be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param cutoff A positive numeric value. Default is 0.01. If <= 1, 
#'   automatically selects top x  transcripts using the a selecting
#'   method (which is either the \code{reference},  \code{other} stages or \code{previous}
#'   stage),  e.g. by default it will select top 1 percentage of the transcripts.
#' @param method Selection of methods from \code{reference},\code{other}, \code{previous},  
#' default uses \code{other}. Partial match enabled.
#' * \code{itself}, or \code{longitudinal reference}. Some specific requirements for each
#'   option:
#' * \code{reference},  the reference has to be the first.
#' * \code{previous},  make sure \code{sampleL} is in the right order from benign to malign.
#' * \code{itself},  make sure the cutoff is smaller than 1.
#' * \code{longitudinal reference} make sure \code{control_df} and \code{control_samplesL} are not NULL. 
#' The row numbers of control_df is the same as df and all transcripts in df are also in control_df.
#' @param control_df A count matrix with unique loci as row names and samples names  
#' of control samples as column names,  only used for method \code{longitudinal reference}
#' @param control_samplesL A list of characters with stages as names of control
#'   samples,  required for method 'longitudinal reference'
#' @return \code{sd_selection()} A list of data frames,  whose length is the number
#'   of states. The rows in each data frame are the filtered transcripts with
#'   highest standard deviation selected from \code{df} and based on an assigned cutoff
#'   value. Each resulting data frame represents a subset of the raw
#'   input \code{df},  with the sample ID of the same state in the column.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 18), 2, 9)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:9
#' row.names(counts) = c('loci1', 'loci2')
#' cli = cbind(1:9, rep(c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'), each = 3))
#' colnames(cli) = c('samples', 'group')
#' samplesL <- split(cli[, 1], f = cli[, 'group'])
#' test_sd_selection <- sd_selection(counts,  samplesL,  0.01)
#' @seealso \code{\link{optimize.sd_selection}}
#' @import psych
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}

sd_selection = function(df,  samplesL,  cutoff = 0.01,  
                        method = c('other', 'reference', 'previous', 'itself', 'longitudinal reference'), 
                        control_df = NULL, control_samplesL = NULL)
  #  require(psych)
  method = match.arg(method)
  if(is.null(names(samplesL))) stop('please provide name to samplesL')
  if(any(!do.call(c, lapply(samplesL, as.character)) %in% colnames(df))) 
    stop('please check if all sample names provided in "samplesL" are in colnames of "df"')
  if(any(lengths(samplesL)<2)) stop('please make sure there are at least one sample in every state')
  tmp = names(samplesL)
  samplesL = lapply(samplesL, as.character)
  test2 = sapply(tmp,  function(x) apply(df[, as.character(samplesL[[x]])], 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
  if(method == 'reference'){
    ref = as.character(samplesL[[1]])
    sdref = apply(df[, ref], 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
    #sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdref)
    sds = sapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdref)  # corrected on 8/28/2020
    names(sds) = tmp
  }else if(method == 'other'){
    othersample = lapply(1: length(samplesL),  function(x) do.call(c, samplesL[-x]))
    names(othersample) = tmp
    sdother = sapply(tmp,  
                     function(x) apply(df[, as.character(othersample[[x]])], 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
    sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdother[, x])
    names(sds) = tmp
  }else if(method == 'previous'){
    warning('Using method "previous",  make sure sampleL is in the right order')
    sds = lapply(2:ncol(test2), function(x) test2[, x]/test2[, x-1])
    tmp = tmp[-1]
    names(sds) = tmp
  }else if(method == 'itself'){
    if(cutoff>1) stop('Using method "itself",  cutoff must be smaller or equal to 1')
    sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x])
    names(sds) = tmp
  }else if(method == 'longitudinal reference'){
    if(is.null(control_df) | is.null(control_samplesL))
      stop('Using method "longitudinal reference",  
           make sure "control_df" and "sampleL" are assigned')
    if(nrow(df) != nrow(control_df) | !all(row.names(df) %in% row.names(control_df)))
      stop('please make sure the row numbers of "control_df" 
           is the same as "df" and all transcripts in "df" are also in "control_df".')
    control = sapply(tmp,  
                     function(x) apply(control_df[, as.character(control_samplesL[[x]])], 
                                       1,  sd,  na.rm = TRUE))
    sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/control[, x])
    names(sds) = tmp
    stop("method need to be selected from 'reference', 'other', 'previous',  'itself',  
         or 'longitudinal reference' ")
  if(cutoff<=1){  # add = 8/28/2020
    topdf = nrow(df)*cutoff
    sdtop = lapply(tmp, function(x) names(sds[[x]][order(sds[[x]], decreasing = TRUE)[1:topdf]]))
    sdtop = lapply(tmp, function(x) names(sds[[x]][sds[[x]]>cutoff]))
  names(sdtop) = tmp
  subdf = lapply(tmp, function(x) df[, as.character(samplesL[[x]])])
  names(subdf) = tmp
  subm = lapply(names(subdf),  function(x) subset(subdf[[x]], row.names(subdf[[x]]) %in% sdtop[[x]]))
  names(subm)  = tmp
  if(any(is.na(subm))) {  ## added on 2/28/2020
    a <- apply(subm[[i]], 1, function(x) sum(x,na.rm=TRUE))
    tmp <- which(is.na(a))
    if(length(tmp)>0) subm[[i]] <- subm[[i]][-a,]
    b <- apply(subm[[i]], 2, function(x) sum(x,na.rm=TRUE))
    tmp <- which(is.na(b))
    if(length(tmp)>0) subm[[i]] <- subm[[i]][,-b]

#' @title Optimization of sd selection
#' @description The \code{optimize.sd_selection} filters a multi-state dataset 
#' based on a cutoff value for standard deviation per state and optimizes. 
#' By default, a cutoff value of 0.01 is used. Suggested if each state contains more than 10 samples.
#' @param df A dataframe of numerics. The rows and columns
#'   represent unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names, respectively.
#' @param samplesL A list of n vectors,  where n equals to the number of
#'   states. Each vector gives the sample names in a state. Note that the vectors
#'   (sample names) has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param B An integer indicating number of times to run this optimization, default 1000.
#' @param percent A numeric value indicating the percentage of samples will 
#' be selected in each round of simulation.
#' @param times A numeric value indicating the percentage of \code{B} times a transcript 
#' need to be selected in order to be considered a stable signature.
#' @param cutoff A positive numeric value. Default is 0.01. If <= 1, automatically
#'   goes to select top x# transcripts using the a selecting method (which is
#'   either the \code{reference}, \code{other} or \code{previous} stage), e.g. by
#'   default it will select top 1 percentage of the transcripts.
#' @param method Selection of methods from \code{reference}, \code{other}, \code{previous},  
#' default uses \code{other}. Partial match enabled.
#' * \code{itself}, or \code{longitudinal reference}. Some specific requirements for each
#'   option:
#' * \code{reference}, the reference has to be the first.
#' * \code{previous}, make sure \code{sampleL} is in the right order from benign to malign.
#' * \code{itself}, make sure the cutoff is smaller than 1.
#' * \code{longitudinal reference} make sure control_df and control_samplesL are not NULL. 
#' The row numbers of control_df is the same as df and all transcript in df are also in control_df.
#' @param control_df A count matrix with unique loci as row names and samples names 
#' of control samples as column names,  only used for method \code{longitudinal reference}.
#' @param control_samplesL A list of characters with stages as names of control
#'   samples,  required for method 'longitudinal reference'.
#' @return A list of dataframe of filtered transcripts with the highest standard
#'   deviation are selected from \code{df} based on a cutoff value assigned. The
#'   resulting dataframe represents a subset of the raw input \code{df}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{sd_selection}}
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 30), 2, 30)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:30
#' row.names(counts) = paste0('loci', 1:2)
#' cli = cbind(1:30, rep(c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'), each = 10))
#' colnames(cli) = c('samples', 'group')
#' samplesL <- split(cli[, 1], f = cli[, 'group'])
#' test_sd_selection <- optimize.sd_selection(counts,  samplesL,  B = 3,  cutoff =0.01)

optimize.sd_selection = function(df,  samplesL,  B=100,  percent=0.8,  
                                 times=0.8, cutoff=0.01, 
                                 method = c('other', 'reference', 'previous', 'itself', 'longitudinal reference'), 
                                 control_df = NULL, control_samplesL = NULL)
  method = match.arg(method)
  if(is.null(names(samplesL))) stop('please provide name to samplesL')
  if(any(!do.call(c, lapply(samplesL, as.character)) %in% colnames(df))) 
    stop('please check if all sample names provided in "samplesL" are in colnames of "df"')
  if(any(lengths(samplesL)<2)) stop('please make sure there are at least one sample in every state')
  N.random = lapply(seq_along(samplesL),  function(x) matrix(0,  nrow = nrow(df), ncol=B))
  for(i in seq_along(N.random)){
    row.names(N.random[[i]]) = row.names(df)
  N = lengths(samplesL)
  k = round(N*percent)
  #   X <- nrow(counts)*top
  #  Y <- sapply(lociL, nrow)
  for(i in c(1:B)) {
    random_sample_id = lapply(seq_along(k), 
                           function(x) sample(1:N[[x]], k[[x]]))  # replace=FALSE by default
    names(random_sample_id) = names(samplesL)
    selected_matrix = lapply(names(samplesL),  
                             function(x) df[, samplesL[[x]][random_sample_id[[x]]]])  ## update 10/05/2020
    test2 = sapply(selected_matrix,  
                   function(x) apply(x, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)) # a matrix of gene_sd in row and class in column
    tmp = names(samplesL)
    colnames(test2) = tmp
    if(method == 'reference'){
      #ref = selected_counts[[1]]
      #sdref = apply(ref, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
      sdref = test2[,1]  ## simplified on 8/28/2020
      #sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdref[, x])
      sds = sapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdref) ## correct on 8/28/2020
      names(sds) = tmp
    }else if(method == 'other'){
      samplesL = lapply(samplesL, as.character)
      othersample = lapply(seq_along(tmp),  
                           function(x) do.call(c, samplesL[-x]))
      names(othersample) = tmp
      selecteddf = do.call(cbind, selected_matrix)
      #selecteds = lapply(tmp,  function(x) othersample[[x]][othersample[[x]] %in% colnames(selecteddf)])
      sdother = sapply(tmp,  
                       function(x) apply(df[, othersample[[x]]],  1,  
                                         function(y) sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)))
      sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/sdother[, x])
      names(sds) = tmp
    }else if(method == 'previous'){
      cat('Using method "previous",  make sure sampleL is in the right order')
      sds = lapply(2:ncol(test2), function(x) test2[, x]/test2[, x-1])
      tmp <- tmp[-1]  ## corrected 08/28/2020 
      names(sds) = tmp  
    }else if(method == 'itself'){
      if(cutoff>1) stop('Using method "itself",  cutoff must be smaller or equal to 1')
      sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x])
      names(sds) = tmp
    }else if(method == 'longitudinal reference'){
      if(is.null(control_df) | is.null(control_samplesL))
        stop('Using method "longitudinal reference",  
             make sure "control_df" and "sampleL" are assigned')
      if(nrow(df) != nrow(control_df) | !all(row.names(df) %in% row.names(control_df)))
        stop('please make sure the row numbers of "control_df" 
             is the same as "df" and all transcripts in "df" are also in "control_df".')
      control = sapply(tmp,  function(x) 
        apply(control_df[, as.character(control_samplesL[[x]])], 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
      sds = lapply(tmp, function(x) test2[, x]/control[, x])
      names(sds) = tmp
      stop("method need to be selected from 'reference', 
           'other', 'previous', 'itself', 'longitudinal reference'")
      topdf = nrow(selected_matrix[[1]])*cutoff  # each selected_counts[[i]] has the same rownames as the input df
      ## topdf = nrow(selected_matrix[[i]])*cutoff  # error-causing when (i in 1:B) larger than the lengths of samplesL
      sdtop = lapply(tmp,  
                     function(x) names(sds[[x]][order(sds[[x]], decreasing = TRUE)[1:topdf]]))
      sdtop = lapply(tmp,  function(x) names(sds[[x]][sds[[x]]>cutoff]))
   # cat(i, '\t')
    names(sdtop) = tmp
    names(N.random) = tmp
    for(j in tmp){
      N.random[[j]][sdtop[[j]], i] = 1 # mark the selection
  times = times*B
  stable = lapply(N.random, function(x) row.names(x[rowSums(x)>times, ]))
  names(stable) = tmp
  subdf = lapply(tmp, function(x) df[, as.character(samplesL[[x]])])
  names(subdf) = tmp
  subm = lapply(names(subdf),  
                function(x) subset(subdf[[x]], row.names(subdf[[x]]) %in% stable[[x]]))
  names(subm)  = tmp

getCluster = function(igraphL, steps = 4)
  #  require(igraph)
  if(length(steps) == 1 & steps %% 1 == 0){  ##grepl("^[1-9]{1, }$",  step) only works for 1 digit
    steps = rep(steps, length(igraphL))
  }else if(length(steps) != 1 | length(steps) != length(igraphL)){
    stop('check step: must be postive integer(s) of length 1 or length of igraphL')
  groups = list()
  for(i in seq_along(igraphL)){
    if(nrow(as_data_frame(igraphL[[i]])) != 0){
      groups[[i]] = cluster_walktrap(igraphL[[i]], 
                                     weight = abs(E(igraphL[[i]])$weight), 
                                     steps = steps[i])
      groups[[i]] = NA
  #groups = lapply(seq_along(igraphL),  
  #      function(x) cluster_walktrap(igraphL[[x]], weight = abs(E(igraphL[[x]])$weight), steps = steps[x])) 
  # changed weight to abs(PCC) 12/18/2018
  names(groups) = names(igraphL)

#' @title Clustering Network Nodes
#' @description This function runs over all states which are grouped samples.
#'   For each state,  this function splits the correlation network generated from
#'   the function \code{\link{getNetwork}} into several sub-networks (which we
#'   called 'module'). The network nodes will be defined by the end-user. For
#'   transcriptome analysis,  network nodes can be the expressed transcripts. The
#'   outputs of this function include the module IDs and node IDs per module.
#' @param igraphL A list of numerical matrices or a list of igraph objects. The
#'   list of igraph objects can be the output from the getNetwork function.
#' @param method A mathematical clustering model for analyzing network nodes.
#'   Default is a random walk ('rw'). A method could be 'rw',  'hcm',  'km', 
#'   'pam',  or 'natural',  where:
#' * rw: random walk using cluster_walktrap function in igraph package.
#'   'igraphL' has to be a list of igraph.
#' * hcm: hierarchical clustering using function \link[stats]{hclust})
#'   and \link[stats]{dist},  using method
#'   'complete'.
#' * km and pam: k-medoids or PAM algorithm using \link[TSdist]{KMedoids}.
#' * natrual: if nodes are disconnected,  they may naturally cluster and form
#'   sub-networks.
#' @param cutoff A numeric value,  default is NULL. For each method it means:
#' * rw: the number of steps needed, see \link[igraph]{cluster_walktrap}
#'   for more detail. If "cutoff" is not assigned,  default of 4 will be used.
#' * hcm,  km and pam: number of clusters wanted. No default assigned.
#' * natural: does not use this parameter.
#' @return When method=rw: A list of \code{\link[igraph]{communities}} objects of R package
#'   igraph, whose length is the length of the input object \code{igraphL}.
#'   These \code{\link[igraph]{communities}} objects can be used for
#'   visualization when being assigned to the 'mark.groups' parameter of the
#'  \code{\link[igraph]{plot.igraph}} function of the igraph package. Otherwise this
#'   function returns a list of vectors, whose length is the length of the input
#'   object \code{igraphL}. The names of each vector are the pre-selected
#'   transcript IDs by th function \code{\link{sd_selection}}. Each vector, 
#'   whose length is the number of pre-selected transcript in a state,  contains
#'   the module IDs.
#' @examples
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 3, 3), 'state2' =
#' matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 3, 3), 'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 3, 3))
#' #assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#' colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#' row.names(test[[i]]) = 1:3}
#' #using 'rw' or 'natural' method
#' igraphL <- getNetwork(test,  fdr=1)
#' #[1] "state1:3 nodes"
#' #[1] "state2:3 nodes"
#' #[1] "state3:3 nodes"
#' cl <- getCluster_methods(igraphL)
#' #using 'km',  'pam' or 'hcm'
#' cl <- getCluster_methods(test,  method = 'pam',  cutoff=2)
#' @export
#' @import igraph cluster TSdist
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}

getCluster_methods = function(igraphL,  method = c('rw', 'hcm', 'km', 'pam', 'natural'),  cutoff = NULL)
  #  require(igraph)
  #  require(TSdist)
  #  require(psych)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if(method == 'rw'){
    if(all(sapply(igraphL, class) != 'igraph'))
      stop('random walk clustering needs a list of igraph object 
           which can be obtained using getNetwork')
    if(!is.null(cutoff)) if(cutoff%%1 !=0) 
      warning('Please provide a integer as "cutoff" for the cluster method random walk')
    if(is.null(cutoff)) cutoff = 4
    groups = getCluster(igraphL, cutoff)
  } else if(method == 'hcm'){
    if(all(!sapply(igraphL, class) %in% c('matrix', 'data.frame')))
      stop('hierarchical clustering needs a list of matrix or data.frame as the 1st argument')
    if(is.null(cutoff)) stop('hierarchical clustering needs "cutoff" 
                             to be assigned as the number of clusters wanted')
    testL = lapply(igraphL,  function(x) corr.test(t(x), adjust = 'fdr', ci=FALSE)$r)
    groupsL = lapply(seq_along(testL),  function(x) hclust(dist(testL[[x]]),  method = "complete"))
    par(mfrow = c(1, length(groupsL)))
    sapply(groupsL,  function(x) plot(x))
    groups = lapply(groupsL,  function(x) cutree(x, cutoff))
  } else if(method %in% c('km', 'pam')){
    if(all(!sapply(igraphL, class) %in% c('matrix', 'data.frame')))
      stop('k-mediods or PAM clustering needs a list of matrix or data.frame as the 1st argument')
    if(is.null(cutoff)) stop('hierarchical clustering needs "cutoff" 
                             to be assigned as the number of clusters wanted')
    testL = lapply(igraphL,  function(x) corr.test(t(x), adjust = 'fdr', ci=FALSE)$r)
    groups = lapply(seq_along(testL),  
                    function(x) pam(testL[[x]], cutoff, metric = 'euclidean')$clustering)
  }else if(method == 'natrual'){
    warning('selecting "natural" which will not use "cutoff" parameter')
    if(all(sapply(igraphL, class) != 'igraph'))
      stop('selecting "natural" which needs a list of igraph object 
           as the 1st argument which can be obtained using getNetwork')
    groups = lapply(seq_along(igraphL),  function(x) components(igraphL[[x]])$membership)
  }else(stop('please select from "rw",  "hcm", "km",  "pam",  "natrual" as method'))

#' @title plot MCI barplots
#' @description A barplot of MCI for all clusters in all states.
#' @param MCIl A list can be obtained through getMCI.
#' @param ylim A vector needed if the output barplots need to be on the same y scale.
#' @param nr The number of rows to plot.
#' @param nc The number of columns to plot,  default length(groups).
#' @param order A character vector of the order of the barplot.
#'  Default is NULL which uses the input list order.
#' @param minsize A non-negative numeric value of minimum size allowed for a cluster.
#' @param states A character of the state names to be shown on the plot. Default is NULL, 
#' assign this if you want to show all states including states without nodes.
#' @param title.size  Integer; the point size of the title. 
#'  This paramter is past to the graphical parameter \code{ps} to graphical function \code{title}. 
#'  What is meant by 'point size' is device-specific, but most devices mean a multiple of 1bp, that is 1/72 of an inch.  
#' @export
#' @return Return a barplot of MCI scores across states.
#' @references Chen L, Liu R, Liu Z, Li M & Aihara K (2012) 
#' Detecting early-warning signals for sudden deterioration of complex diseases by dynamical network biomarkers
#' Scientific Reports 2:342
#' @examples
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3), 
#'   'state2' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3), 
#'   'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3))
#' # assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#'  colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#'  row.names(test[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')
#' }
#' cluster = list(c(1, 2, 2, 1),  c(1, 2, 3, 1),  c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' names(cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(cluster)){
#'  names(cluster[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')
#' }
#' membersL <- getMCI(cluster, test)
#' plotBar_MCI(membersL)
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}

plotBar_MCI = function(MCIl, ylim = NULL, nr=1, nc = NULL, 
                       order = NULL,  minsize = 3, states = NULL,
                      title.size=30) ## update 08/28/2020 
  membersL = MCIl[[1]]
  MCI = MCIl[[2]]
    loop = names(membersL)
    if(any(!order %in% names(membersL)))
      stop('make sure all names provided in "order" is included in names of "countsL"')
    loop = order
  if(!is.null(states)) loop = states
  if(is.null(nc)) nc = length(loop)
  par(mfrow =c(nr, nc))
  for(i in loop){
    if(! i %in% names(MCI)){
      mci = m = 0
      mci = MCI[[i]]
      m = membersL[[i]]
      tmp = names(mci[is.na(mci)])
      if(length(tmp) != 0) m = m[!m %in% tmp]  # added in 10/27/2019
      nmembers = sapply(names(table(m)), function(x) length(m[m == x]))
      #cex = ifelse(length(m)>20, 0.7, 1)
      mci = mci[!is.na(mci)]
      if(!minsize<0 & minsize != 1){
        mci = mci[!nmembers<minsize]
        nmembers = nmembers[!nmembers<minsize]
        warning('"minisize" need to be a non')
      if(length(mci) == 0) mci = 0
    mci[is.na(mci)] = 0
    bar = barplot(mci, col = rainbow(length(mci),  alpha = 0.3), 
                  #legend = paste0('#', names(m), '=', sapply(m, nrow)), 
                  #main = paste0(i, ' (n=',  max(m), ')'),  
                  main='',  ## update 08/28/2020
                  ylab = 'MCI', 
                  xlab='modules', #args.legend = list(cex = cex)
                  ylim =ylim, 
                  cex.axis = 1.5,  
                  cex.names = 1.5, 
                  cex.main = 1.5,  
                  cex.lab = 1.5)
    title(main= paste0(i, '\n',  max(m), ' modules'), ps=title.size) ## update 08/28/2020
    if(all(mci != 0)) text(bar, mci, nmembers, cex = 1.5)

#' @title Identifying the 'Biomodule'
#' @description This function reports the 'biomodule', which is the module with
#'   the maximum Module Critical Index (MCI) scores for each state. Each state
#'   can have multiple modules (groups of subnetworks derived from the function
#'   \code{\link{getCluster_methods}}). This function runs over all states.
#' @param membersL A list of integer vectors with unique ids as names. Each
#'   vector represents the cluster number assign to that unique id. The length
#'   of this list is equal to the number of states in the study. This can be the
#'   first element of the output from function \code{getMCI} or the output from
#'   \code{getCluster_methods}, see Examples for more detail.
#' @param MCIl A list of numeric vectors with unique cluster numbers as names.
#'   Each vector represents the MCI scores of that module. This can be the
#'   second element of the output from function \code{getMCI}.
#' @param minsize A numerical value of the minimum module size (the number of
#'   transcripts in a cluster) to output for downstream analysis.
#' @return A nested list whose length is the length of the input object
#'   \code{membersL}.  Each internal list contains two objects: one object is
#'   the vector of biomodule IDs across states, and the other object is a list of
#'   transcript IDs (each defines the biomodule per state) across states.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #1st option: get the input directly from getMCI function
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3),  
#'      'state2' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3), 
#'      'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3))
#' # assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#'   colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#'     row.names(test[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' cluster = list(c(1, 2, 2, 1), c(1, 2, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' names(cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(cluster)){
#'   names(cluster[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' membersL <- getMCI(cluster, test)
#' maxMCIms <- getMaxMCImember(membersL[[1]],  membersL[[2]],  min =3)
#' #The same as
#' maxMCIms <- getMaxMCImember(cluster,  membersL[[2]],  min =2)
#'## case1: using 'rw' method by default
#'igraphL <- getNetwork(test,  fdr=1)
#'cl <- getCluster_methods(igraphL)
#'## make sure every element in list cl is a \code{communities} object
#'sapply(cl, class)
#'##       state1        state2        state3
#'##"communities" "communities" "communities"
#'## If there is(are) state(s) that is(are) empty which will not be a communities object(s),  
#'## please manually remove that state(s).
#'cl = cl[which(sapply(cl, class) == 'communities')]
#'## and then run
#'cluster = lapply(cl,  membership)
#'maxCIms <- getMaxMCImember(cluster,  membersL[[2]],  min =2)
#'## or run function 'getMCI' and use the 1st option
#'membersL <- getMCI(cl, test)
#'## case2: using methods other than the default
#'cl <- getCluster_methods(test, method = "pam", cutoff = 2)
#'## check to make sure membersL[[2]] has values and run
#'maxCIms <- getMaxMCImember(cl,  membersL[[2]],  min =2)
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}, Xinan Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}

getMaxMCImember = function(membersL, MCIl, minsize = 1, n=1)
  if(n<1 | class(n) != "numeric") stop('please provide a >=1 numeric for n')
  if(is.null(names(membersL))) names(membersL) <- 1:length(membersL)
  n <- round(n)
  listn = names(membersL)
  if(minsize >= 1){
    minsize = minsize-1
    CIl = lapply(seq_along(membersL), function(x)
      ifelse(table(membersL[[x]])>minsize, MCIl[[x]], NA))
    module_keep = lapply(seq_along(membersL),  function(x)
      names(table(membersL[[x]])[table(membersL[[x]])>(minsize)]))  # corrected by xy from minsize-1 on 6/25/2020!
    membersL = lapply(seq_along(membersL), function(x)
      membersL[[x]][membersL[[x]] %in% module_keep[[x]]])
  } else {
    stop('please provide a minimum number of the cluster of interest,  
         which should be an integer that is larger than 0')
  if(n>=1) {
    idx = lapply(CIl, which.max)  # corrected on 8/28/2020
    maxCI =lapply(seq_along(idx), function(x) names(membersL[[x]][membersL[[x]] == idx[x]]))
    names(maxCI) = listn
    names(idx) = listn
    results <- list(idx = idx, members = maxCI)
  names(CIl) = listn
    for(j in 2:n){
      x <- unlist(lapply(idx, length))
      x <- names(x)[x>0]
        for (i in x){
          CIl[[i]][idx[[i]]] <- NA  # mask the topest MCI score
          idx[[i]] = c(idx[[i]], which.max( CIl[[i]]))  # looking for the next maximum
      results[[j+1]] <- lapply(seq_along(idx), function(x) unlist(names(membersL[[x]][membersL[[x]] == idx[[x]][j]]))) 
      names(results[[j+1]]) = listn
      names(results)[j+1] <- paste0(j,'topest.members')
  results[['idx']] <- idx

#' @title  Get the cluster index and network nodes of biomodule
#' @description This function retrieves the cluster index and network-node ids 
#' for the identified biomodule (that shows the maximum MCI score) at each state in the study.
#' @param membersL A two-layer nested list of character or numeric values,  
#' any one out of the five elements output by the function \code{\link{getMCI}}.
#' @param idx A vector of integers that are cluster ids of the biomodule 
#' (the module with the highest MCI score) per state. 
#' This is the first element of the result from \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}.
#' @return A list describing the biomodule of each state,  corresponding to one of the five elements 
#' (members,  MCI,  Sd,  PCC,  and PCCo) outputted by the function \code{\link{getMCI}}. 
#' The calss of the vector depends on the class of the input parameter \code{membersL}.
#' @export
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getMCI}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2020)
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(rnorm(50,0,1), 10, 5), 
#'             'state2' = matrix(rnorm(30,0,3), 10, 3), 
#'             'state3' = matrix(rnorm(40,0,1), 10, 4))
#' ## Assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in 1:length(test)){
#'   colnames(test[[i]]) = paste0('Cell_',i,1:ncol(test[[i]]))
#'   row.names(test[[i]]) = paste0('g',1:10)
#' }
#' gene.cluster = list(rep(1:2, 5), c(rep(1:3,3),2), rep(1:5,2))
#' names(gene.cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(gene.cluster)){
#'   names(gene.cluster[[i]]) = paste0('g',1:10)
#' }
#' membersL <- getMCI(gene.cluster, test)
#' names(membersL)
#' # [1] "members" "MCI"     "sd"      "PCC"     "PCCo" 
#' ## A list of index of interested gene.cluster IDs per state
#' idx = c(which.max(membersL[['MCI']][[1]]),
#'        which.max(membersL[['MCI']][[2]]),
#'        which.max(membersL[['MCI']][[3]]))

#' names(idx) = names(membersL[['sd']])
#' getMaxStats(membersL[['sd']], idx)
#' getMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idx)

getMaxStats = function(membersL, idx)
  if(any(is.null(names(idx)))| any(!names(idx) %in% names(membersL))) 
    stop('please make sure "idx" has names and all of its names is included in names of "membersL"')
  member_max = lapply(names(idx), function(x) membersL[[x]][idx[[x]]])
  names(member_max) = names(idx)
  member_max = member_max[lengths(member_max)>0]
  member_max = sapply(member_max, function(x) mean(x[[1]]))

#' @title Get the transcript ID and statistics for the n topest MCI scores
#' @description This function generates a list of the n topest MCI scores.
#' @param min A numerical value of the minimum number of transcripts in a cluster. A cutoff that determines
#' the smallest cluster in transcripts numbers in downstream analysis. 
#' @param n An integer determines how many modules are evaluated (the top n MCI scores would be evaluated
#' for downstream analysis). 
#' @param modulesL A list of integer named vectors. 
#' The length of this list is equal to the number of states in the study.
#' The names of a vector are the ids of modules (gene clusters) per state. 
#' This can be the first element of the output from the functions getMCI() or getCluster_methods(), 
#' see Examples for more detail.
#' @param membersL A two-layer nested list of characters or numbers, being any one out of the five outputing elements 
#' by the function getMCI(). This parameter is used to extract the stats (MCI, standard deviation, etc.), 
#' which is used to calculate the top MCI's. 
#' @param MCI1 A list of numeric vectors with unique cluster numbers as names. Each vector represents the 
#' MCI scores of that module. This can be the second element of the outputing of the function getMCI().
#' @return Returns a numeric vector of the n topest MCI scores
#' @export
#' @author Yuxi Sun \email{ysun11@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' #' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3),  
#'      'state2' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3), 
#'      'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3))
#' # assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#'   colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#'     row.names(test[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' cluster = list(c(1, 2, 2, 1), c(1, 2, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' names(cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(cluster)){
#'   names(cluster[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' membersL <- getMCI(cluster, test)
#' topMCI <- getTopMCI(membersL[[1]],  membersL[[2]],  membersL[[2]],
#' min =3, n=1)

getTopMCI = function(modulesL, MCI1, membersL, min, n=1)
  maxMCIms <- getMaxMCImember(modulesL, MCI1, min) 
  topMCI = getMaxStats(membersL,maxMCIms[[1]])
  topMCI = topMCI[order(topMCI, decreasing=TRUE)]
  topMCI = topMCI[1:n] 

#' @title Plot the Maximized MCI per State
#' @description This function generates a line plot over multiple states with the maximum MCI score per state. 
#' The module size (i.e., number of network nodes) is specified at each state in parentheses.
#' @param maxMCIms A list of 2 elements. The 1st element is an integer vector of module ids whose names are the state names. 
#' The 2nd element is a list of character vectors per state. The vectors are network nodes (e.g. transcript ids). 
#' This parameter can be obtained by running function \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}.
#' @param MCIl A list of numeric vectors whose names are unique cluster ids. 
#' Each vector represents the MCI scores of modules in a state. 
#' This can be the second element of the output from the function \code{\link{getMCI}}.
#' @param las Numeric in {0, 1, 2, 3}; the style of axis labels. Default is 0, meaning labels are parallel. 
#' See \code{\link{getMCI}} for more detail.
#' @param order A vector of state names in the customized order to be plotted, setting to NULL by default.
#' @param states A character vector of state names that will be shown on the plot, setting to NULL by default.
#' Assign this if you want to show all states, including states with no resulted modules. 
#' This parameter will overwrite the parameter 'order'.
#' @return Returns a line plot of maximum MCI scores across the states
#' @export
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' maxMCIms = list(c(state1 = 1,  state2 = 2,  state3 = 1), 
#'    c(list(state1 = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3'), 
#'    state2 = c('g3', 'g5'), 
#'    state3 = c('g2', 'g6'))))
#' MCIl = list(state1=c('1' = 8.84, '2' = 6.4),  
#'    state2 = c('1' =NA, '2' = 9.5, '3' = NA),    
#'    state3 = c('1' = 2.3, '2' = 1.4))
#' plotMaxMCI(maxMCIms, MCIl)

plotMaxMCI = function(maxMCIms,  MCIl,  las = 0,  order = NULL,  states = NULL)
  if(any(is.null(names(maxMCIms[[1]]))) | any(is.null(names(maxMCIms[[2]])))) 
    stop('Please give names for the 1st and 2nd element of the "maxMCIms" as well as "MCIl"')
    CI = sapply(names(maxMCIms[[1]]),  function(x) MCIl[[x]][maxMCIms[[1]][[x]]])
    ln = names(maxMCIms[[1]])
    names(CI) = ln
    if(any(!order %in% names(maxMCIms[[2]])))
      stop('make sure all names in "order" are in names of the 2nd element of "maxMCIms"')
    if(any(!names(maxMCIms[[2]]) %in% order))
      warning('not every state in "simulation" is plotted,  make sure "order" is complete')
    CI = sapply(order,  function(x) MCIl[[x]][maxMCIms[[1]][[x]]])
    ln = order
  if(any(is(CI) == 'list')){
    warning('changing NA CI score(s) to 0')
    idx = sapply(CI, function(x) length(x)==0)
    CI[idx] = 0
    CI = do.call(c, CI)
    names(CI) = ln
    CI = CI[states]
    CI[is.na(CI)] = 0
    ln = names(CI) = states
  matplot(CI, type = 'l', ylab = 'MCI(m|r)', axes=FALSE)
  len = sapply(ln, function(x) length(maxMCIms[[2]][[x]]))
  len[is.na(len)] = 0
  names(len) = ln
  text(seq_along(CI), CI+0.01, paste0('(', len, ')'))
  axis(side=1, at=seq_along(CI), labels=ln, las = las)

#' Obtain the identified BioTiP and its length
#' @description Obtain the identified CTS transcripts.
#' @param maxMCI A list of numeric vectors,  whose lengths are the numbers of system's states. 
#' This gives the maximum MCI score of each state,  and it can be obtained from the output of \code{\link{getMaxStats}}. 
#' Names of the list need to be included in names of \code{maxMCIms}.
#' @param maxMCIms A list of character vectors whose length is the system's states studied. 
#' The vectors records constructed gene-gene coexpression network nodes (e.g. transcript ids). 
#' This parameter is the second element of the output of the function \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}.
#' @return A list of character vectors, in which the elements are the unique IDs of the network nodes of the BioTiP.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' maxMCI <- c(a = 2.56,  b = 8.52,  c = 2.36,  d = 4.81,  e = 5.26)
#' maxMCIms <- list(a = c("A100",  "A293",  "C403"),  
#'                  b = c("B853",  "D826",  "A406"),  
#'                  c = c("J198",  "D103",  "B105"),  
#'                  d = c("K529",  "D385",  "E358"),  
#'                  e = c("J019",  "U926",  "N824"))
#' identical(names(maxMCI),  names(maxMCIms))
#' # TRUE
#' getCTS(maxMCI,  maxMCIms)
#' # "Length: 3"
#' # "B853" "D826" "A406"
#' @author Antonio Feliciano y Pleyto, Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu},
#' Yuxi Sun \email{ysun11@@uchicago.edu}

getCTS <- function(maxMCI,  maxMCIms) 
  if (is.null(names(maxMCI))) {
    stop("No names for maxMCI. Please provide names.")
  if (is.null(names(maxMCIms))) {
    stop("No names for maxMCIms. Please provide names.")
  if (!all(names(maxMCI) %in% names(maxMCIms))) {
    stop("Names of maxMCI has to be in maxMCIms.")
  CTS_list = vector(mode = "list", length = length(maxMCI))
  for (i in 1:length(maxMCI)) {
    CTS_list[[i]] <- maxMCIms[[names(maxMCI)[i]]]
    message(paste0("Length: ",  length(CTS_list[[i]])))
  names(CTS_list) <- names(maxMCI)   ## added by Holly 06232020

#' @title plot a line plot of Ic scores for each state.
#' @description plot a line plot with Ic score for each state
#' @param Ic A vector with names of states. If order is not assigned,  
#' then plot by the order of this vector.
#' @param las Numeric in {0, 1, 2, 3}; the style of axis labels. 
#' Default is 0,  meaning labels are parallel. 
#' (link to
#' @param order A vector of state names in the customized order to be plotted, setting to NULL by default.
#' @param ylab titles y axes, as in plot.
#' @param col vector of colors. Colors are used cyclically.
#' @param main A character vector. The title of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param add logical. If TRUE,  plots are added to current one. 
#' This is inherited from \link[graphics]{matplot}.
#' @param ylim An integer vector of length 2. Default is NULL.
#' @param lty An vector of line types. This is also inherited from \link[graphics]{matplot}.
#' @param lwd Anineger of line widths. This is also inherited from \link[graphics]{matplot}.
#' @export
#' @return Return a line plot of Ic score across states.
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' Ic = c('state3' = 3.4,  'state1' = 5.6,  'state2' = 2)
#' plotIc(Ic, order = c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'))

plotIc = function(Ic,  las = 0,  order = NULL,  ylab = "Ic",  col="black",  
                  main=NULL,  add=FALSE,  ylim=NULL, lty = 1:5,  lwd = 1)
    if(any(!order %in% names(Ic))) stop('make sure "Ic" is named using names in "order"')
    if(any(!names(Ic) %in% order)) warning('not every state in "Ic" is plotted,  make sure "order" is complete')
    Ic = Ic[order]
  matplot(Ic,  type = "l",  ylab = ylab,  axes = FALSE,  col=col,  main=main,  add=add,  ylim=ylim, lty = lty, lwd =lwd)
  stages = names(Ic)
  axis(side=1, at=seq_along(Ic), labels=stages, las = las)

################# updated functions,  02/24/2020 #######################

#' @title Building Networks of Nodes
#' @description This function builds one correlation network for each state
#'   (sample group) and runs across all states. The network nodes are defined by
#'   the context of the input dataset. For transcriptomic network analysis, 
#'   network nodes can be the expressed transcript IDs and network links can be
#'   the correlation coefficients. Using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient
#'   (PCC) analysis, this function assembles a correlation network of nodes
#'   (e.g., co-expressed transcripts) for each state using the R package igraph.

#' @param optimal A list of x numeric data frames, where x is the number of
#'   states studied. Each data frame consists of loci with high standard
#'   deviations. This object can be obtained through \code{sd_selection}
#'   function.
#' @param fdr A numeric cutoff value for a Pearson Correlation Coefficient
#'   (PCC) analysis. Default is 0.05. Transcripts are linked into a network if
#'   their correlations meet this PCC-significance criterion.
#' @return A list of igraph objects whose length is the length of the input
#'   object \code{optimal}. Each object is a network of correlated nodes whose
#'   PCCs meet the significant criteria based on the false discovery rate (FDR)
#'   control. The length of the list is the number of states with PCC networks.
#'   If no PCC meets the significant criteria in a state, the state
#'   will be deleted from the output.
#' @export
#' @import stringr psych
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 2, 3), 
#'  'state2'=matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 2, 3), 
#'  'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 2, 3))
#' for(i in names(test)){
#'   colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#'   row.names(test[[i]]) = 1:2}
#' igraphL <- getNetwork(test,  fdr=1)
#' #[1] "state1:2 nodes"
#' #[1] "state2:2 nodes"
#' #[1] "state3:2 nodes

getNetwork = function(optimal, fdr = 0.05)
  #  require(stringr)
  #  require(psych)
  #  require(igraph)
  rL = lapply(optimal, function(x) corr.test(t(x), adjust = 'fdr', ci=FALSE)$r)
  names(rL) = names(optimal)
  pL = lapply(optimal, function(x) corr.test(t(x), adjust = 'fdr', ci=FALSE)$p)
  if(is.null(names(rL))) stop('give names to the input list')
  igraphL = list()
  for(i in names(rL)){
    test = rL[[i]]
    test.p = pL[[i]]
    # temprally replace '.' in a gene name with '+" ## note # 1
    row.names(test) = gsub('.', '+', row.names(test), perl = FALSE, fixed = TRUE)   # modified on 2/24/2020 
    row.names(test.p )= gsub('.', '+', row.names(test.p), perl = FALSE, fixed = TRUE)  # modified on 2/24/2020 
    test[lower.tri(test, diag = TRUE)] = NA
    #test.p[lower.tri(test, diag = TRUE)] = 1
    tmp = lapply(1:nrow(test), function(x) test[x, test.p[x, ]<fdr])
    tmp_name = lapply(1:nrow(test), function(x) which(test.p[x, ]<fdr))
    idx = which(lengths(tmp_name)==1)
    for(j in idx){
      names(tmp[[j]]) = names(tmp_name[[j]])
    names(tmp) = row.names(test)
    edges = stack(do.call(c, tmp))
    edges = subset(edges,  !is.na(edges$values))
    #tmp2 = subset(edges, grepl('[.][1-9, A-z][.]', ind))
    #  tmp2$node1 = paste0(str_split_fixed(tmp2$ind, '\\.', 3)[, 1], '.', str_split_fixed(tmp2$ind, '\\.', 3)[, 2])
    #  tmp2$node2 = str_split_fixed(tmp2$ind, '\\.', 3)[, 3]
    #edges = subset(edges, !grepl('\\.[1-9, A-z]\\.', ind))
    edges$node1 = str_split_fixed(edges$ind, '\\.', 2)[, 1]
    edges$node2 = str_split_fixed(edges$ind, '\\.', 2)[, 2]
    #edges = rbind(edges, tmp2)
    # return back the '.' in a gene name from temprally used '+" ## note # 1
    edges$node1 = gsub('+', '.', edges$node1, fixed = TRUE)  # modified on 2/24/2020
    edges$node2 = gsub('+', '.', edges$node2, fixed = TRUE)  # modified on 2/24/2020
    edges = edges[, c('node1', 'node2', 'values')]
    edges$weight = abs(edges$values) # added in 1/8/2019
    #colnames(edges) = c('node1', 'node2', 'weight') # added in 12/18/2018
    nodes = data.frame(unique(c(edges$node1, edges$node2)))
    message(paste0(i, ':', nrow(nodes), ' nodes')) #[1] 48    1
    routes_igraph <- graph_from_data_frame(d = edges,  vertices = nodes,  directed = FALSE)
    igraphL[[i]] = routes_igraph

################# updated functions,  02/14/2020 #######################

#' @title Calculating (and plot) random Ic scores (Mojtahedi et al. 2016) based on shuffling sample labelling.
#' @description Run \code{B} times of sample-label shuffling to calculate the Ic score,  
#' where x should be the same as the length of identified BioTiP and B is self-defined.
#' @param counts A numeric matrix or data frame. The rows and columns 
#' represent unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names,  respectively.
#' @param sampleNo An integer of sample size at the tipping-point state.
#' @param Ic A numeric value. Ic score of identified CTS (gene-set), useful when \code{plot} is TRUE.
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param genes A character vector of identified CTS gene unique ids.
#' @param B An integer indicating number of times to run this simulation, default 1000.
#' @inheritParams getIc 
#' @param ylim An integer vector of length 2. Default is NULL.
#' @param main A character vector. The title of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param plot A Bollen value indicating whether a density plot will be plotted.
#' @export
#' @return A vector of \code{B} values of BioTIP (or Ic) scores calculated for the state of interest.
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 27), 3, 9)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:9
#' row.names(counts) = c('loci1', 'loci2', 'loci3')
#' CTS = c('loci1', 'loci2')
#' randomS <- simulation_Ic_sample(counts,  sampleNo=3,  Ic=3.4,  genes=CTS,  B=3, 
#'                        fun='BioTIP', plot=TRUE)
#' dim(randomS)

## updated from the old function plot_simulations_sample()    2/19/2020
simulation_Ic_sample = function(counts,  sampleNo,  Ic=NULL,  genes, B = 1000, 
                                ylim=NULL, main = 'simulation of samples',
                                fun=c("cor", "BioTIP"),   
                                shrink = TRUE,  
                                use=c("everything",  "all.obs",  "complete.obs",  "na.or.complete",  "pairwise.complete.obs"),
                                output = c('Ic', 'PCCg', 'PCCs'),
                                plot = FALSE,
                                PCC_sample.target = c('average',  'zero', 'half'))
  output <- match.arg(output)
  fun <- match.arg(fun)
  use <- match.arg(use)
  #PCC_sample.target = 'average'
  PCC_sample.target = match.arg(PCC_sample.target)
  PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
  # random select sampleNo cells regardless its labelling for state
  sampleL = lapply(1:B,  function(x) sample(colnames(counts), sampleNo))
  tmp = sapply(1:B,  function(x) 
    getIc(counts, sampleL=sampleL[x], genes=genes, output = output,
          shrink = shrink,
          PCC_sample.target = PCC_sample.target))
  if(plot) {
    p_v = length(tmp[tmp>Ic])/B
    den = density(tmp)
    xmin = min(Ic, den$x)
    xmax = max(Ic, den$x)
    plot(den, main = main, xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim=ylim)
    abline(v = Ic, col = 'red', lty = 2)
    x = max(den$x) - 0.2*diff(range(den$x))
    if(p_v == 0) p_v = paste('<', 1/B)
    text(x, max(den$y)-0.05, paste('P =', p_v))

#' @title Get Index for Critical transition (Ic score)
#' @description Retrieve Ic scores (Pearson correlation of genes / Pearson correlation of samples) 
#' for the identified critical transition state
#' @param counts A  numeric matrix or data frame. The rows and columns represent unique transcript IDs (geneID)
#'  and sample names,  respectively.
#' @param sampleL A list of vectors, whose length is the number of states. Each vector gives the sample names in a state. 
#' Note that the vector s (sample names) has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param genes A character vector consisting of unique CTS gene ids. This can be obtained from \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}
#' @param output A string. Please select from 'Ic',  'PCCg',  or 'PCCs'. Uses 'Ic' by default.
#' 'PCCg' is the PCC between genes (numerator) and 'PCCs' is PCC between samples (denominator)
#' @param fun An optional character string indicating the R functon to calculate correlations 
#' for all possible pairs of columns of a matrix. 
#' When using "BioTIP",  The method is modified to ignore missing values, analogous to how
#' \code{cor(X,  use = "pairwise.complete.obs")} works.  
#' Note that the "BioTIP" option only function together with shrink = TRUE.
#' @param shrink A flag specifying whether to shrink the matrix of gene-gene correlation or not. 
#' This appraoch uses the method outlined by Schafer and Strimmer in 
#' "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation 
#' and Implications for Functional Genomics" (2005). Here, we shrink between-gene correlations 
#' towards 0 due to the low global gene expressional dependence in a stable state 
#' Comparing to fun='cor', the 'BioTIP' method without shinkage is modified 
#' to ignore missing values, analogous to how \code{cor(X, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")} works. 
#' For between-sample correlation matrix, we shrink 
#' towards the average correlation to reflect the similar gene-expression profiles in a stable state. 
#' @param use An optional character string,  when fun=="cor",  it gives a method 
#' for computing covariances in the presence of missing values. 
#' This must be (an abbreviation of) one of the strings "everything", "all.obs", 
#' "complete.obs", "na.or.complete", or "pairwise.complete.obs". 
#' @param PCC_sample.target A character choose among ('average',  'zero', 'half'),  
#' indicating whether to shrink PCC towards towards their empirical common average,  
#' zero or 0.5 (for sample-sample correlations).
#' @return A list of numeric values,  whose length and names are inherited from \code{sampleL}
#' @export
#' @references Schafer and Strimmer (2005) "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale 
#' Covariance Matrix Estimation and Implications for Functional Genomics"
#' @references M. Mojtahedi et al., Cell Fate Decision as High-Dimensional Critical State Transition. 
#' PLoS Biol 14,  e2000640 (2016).
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 27),  3,  9)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:9
#' row.names(counts) = c('loci1', 'loci2', 'loci3')
#' cli = cbind(1:9, rep(c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'), each = 3))
#' colnames(cli) = c('samples', 'group')
#' samplesL <- split(cli[, 1],  f = cli[, 'group'])
#' CTS = c('loci1', 'loci2')
#' ## Comparing the results with an estiamted correlation matrix with that without estimation.
#' Ic = getIc(counts,  samplesL,  CTS, fun='cor')
#' Ic.2 = getIc(counts,  samplesL,  CTS, fun='BioTIP', shrink=FALSE)
#' BioTIP = getIc(counts,  samplesL,  CTS, fun='BioTIP')
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}

getIc <- function(counts,  sampleL,  genes,  output = c('Ic', 'PCCg', 'PCCs'), 
                  fun=c("cor", "BioTIP"), 
                  shrink = TRUE, 
                  use=c("everything",  "all.obs",  "complete.obs",  "na.or.complete",  "pairwise.complete.obs"),
                  PCC_sample.target = c('average','zero','half'))
  output <- match.arg(output)
  fun <- match.arg(fun)
  use <- match.arg(use)
  #PCC_sample.target = 'average'
  PCC_sample.target <- match.arg(PCC_sample.target)
  PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
  subsetC = subset(counts, row.names(counts) %in% genes)
  subsetC = lapply(sampleL,function(x) subsetC[,as.character(x)])
  if(fun=="BioTIP" & PCC_sample.target == 'none') 
    warning('You are not really calling BioTIP function without a proper setting of PCC_sample.target !')
  if(fun=="BioTIP" & PCC_gene.target == 'none') 
    warning('You are not really calling BioTIP function without a proper setting of PCC_gene.target !')
  # for "pairwise.complete.obs", remove those results of two or less pairs
  if (fun =="BioTIP") {
    PCCg = lapply(subsetC, function(x) avg.cor.shrink(x,
                                                      MARGIN = 1,
                                                      shrink = shrink,
                                                      abs = TRUE,
                                                      target = PCC_gene.target))
    PCCg = unlist(PCCg) 
  } else {
    PCCg = lapply(subsetC, function(x) abs(cor(t(x), use=use))) 
    for (i in seq_along(PCCg)) PCCg[[i]][upper.tri(PCCg[[i]], 
                                                   diag = FALSE)]   ## updated 02/17/20
    PCCg = sapply(PCCg, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
  if (fun =="BioTIP" & PCC_sample.target!='none') {
    PCCs = lapply(subsetC, function(x) avg.cor.shrink(x, 
                                                      MARGIN = 2, 
                                                      shrink = shrink,
                                                      abs = FALSE, 
                                                      target = PCC_sample.target ))   
    PCCs = unlist(PCCs)                      
  } else {
    PCCs = lapply(subsetC, function(x) cor(x, use=use))
    for (i in seq_along(PCCs)) PCCs[[i]][upper.tri(PCCs[[i]], 
                                                   diag = FALSE)]    ## updated 02/17/20
    PCCs = sapply(PCCs, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
  toplot = PCCg/PCCs
  names(toplot) = names(PCCg) = names(PCCs) = names(sampleL)
  if (output == "Ic") {
  else if (output == "PCCg") {
  else if (output == "PCCs") {

#' @title Calculating random Index of Critical transition (Ic scores) for randomly-selectd genes
#' @description Simulating Ic scores for \code{x} randomly selected samples, where x should be the same 
#' as the length of identified critical-transition signal (CTS) (e.g.,  number of genes) and \code{B} is self-defined running times.
#' @param obs.x An integer, length of identified CTS.
#' @param sampleL A list of vectors,  whose length is the number of states. 
#' Each vector gives the sample names in a state. Note that the vector s (sample names) 
#' has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param counts A numeric matrix or dataframe in which columns are samples and rows are transcripts.
#' Each row needs to have a unique row name (i.e. transcript ID).
#' @param B An integer, setting the permutation with \code{B} runs. Default is 1000.
#' @inheritParams getIc
#' @param use An optional character string,  when fun=="cor", it gives a method 
#' for computing covariances in the presence of missing values. 
#' This must be (an abbreviation of) one of the strings "everything",  "all.obs",  
#' "complete.obs",  "na.or.complete",  or "pairwise.complete.obs". 
#' @return A matrix of \code{y} rows and \code{B} columns where \code{y} 
#' is the length of \code{sampleL} and \code{B} is self-defined. Each column is a set of Ic scores calculated for each state
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 27), 3, 9)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:9
#' row.names(counts) = c('loci1', 'loci2', 'loci3')
#' cli = cbind(1:9, rep(c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'), each = 3))
#' colnames(cli) = c('samples', 'group')
#' samplesL <- split(cli[, 1], f = cli[, 'group'])
#' simulation_Ic(2, samplesL, counts, B =3, fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE)

simulation_Ic <- function(obs.x,  sampleL,  counts,  B = 1000,  fun=c("cor", "BioTIP"),   
                          shrink = TRUE, 
                          use=c("everything",  "all.obs",  "complete.obs",  "na.or.complete",  "pairwise.complete.obs"),
                          output = c('Ic', 'PCCg', 'PCCs'),
                          PCC_sample.target = c('average',  'zero', 'half'))
  fun <- match.arg(fun)
  use <- match.arg(use)
  #PCC_sample.target = 'average'
  PCC_sample.target = match.arg(PCC_sample.target)
  PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
  output <- match.arg(output)
  #  set.seed(2020)
  random = sapply(1:B,  function(x) sample(row.names(counts), obs.x))
  # create progress bar
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0,  max = B,  style = 3)
  m <- matrix(nrow=length(sampleL),  ncol=B)
  for(i in 1:B)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb,  i)
    m[, i] <- getIc(counts, sampleL=sampleL, genes=random[, i], output = output,  ## updated 02/17/20
                    shrink = shrink, 
                    PCC_sample.target = PCC_sample.target)
    if(i == B) cat("Done!\n")
  # m = sapply(1:B,  function(x) getIc(counts, sampleL, random[, x], output = 'Ic',  
  #                                    fun=fun,  shrink = TRUE, 
  #                                    PCC_sample.target = PCC_sample.target,  
  #                                    PCC_gene.target =PCC_gene.target, 
  #                                    use=use))
  row.names(m) = names(sampleL)

#' @title Line or boxplot of an observed and its simulated scores
#' @description Generate a line (or box) plot of Ic score and simulated Ic scores, 
#' with three horizontal lines: the min,  max and 2*(max-min) value of the state of interests, or all values.
#' @inheritParams plotIc 
#' @param simulation A numeric matrix of Ic scores in which rows are states and columns are simulation runs. 
#' It can be obtained from \code{\link{simulation_Ic}}
#' @param order Characters of names of Ic to be plotted in a desired \code{order}. Default is NULL.
#' @param fun A character choose between ('matplot', 'boxplot'), indicating plot type.
#' @param which2point A character (or integer) which state's values were used to set up the three horizontal lines. 
#' by default is NULL,  indicating the values of all states will be used.
#' @export
#' @return Return a plot of the observed Ic (red) and simulated Ic (grey) scores per states.
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' sim = matrix(sample(1:10, 9), 3, 3)
#' row.names(sim) = paste0('state', 1:3)
#' Ic = c('state1' = 3.4, 'state2' = 5.6, 'state3' = 2)
#' plot_Ic_Simulation(Ic, sim)

plot_Ic_Simulation <- function (Ic,  simulation,  las = 0,  ylim = NULL,  
                                order = NULL,  main = NULL,  
                                ylab="Ic",  fun=c('matplot', 'boxplot'), 
  fun <- match.arg(fun)
  if (any(is.null(names(Ic)))) 
    stop("Please provide name for vector \"Ic\" ")
  if (any(is.null(rownames(simulation)))) 
    stop("Please provide rowname for vectors of \"simulation\" ")
    stop("Please provide the same length of \"Ic\" and vectors of \"simulation\" ")
  if (!identical(names(Ic),  row.names(simulation))) 
    Ic = Ic[match(row.names(simulation),  names(Ic))]
  if(!is.null(which2point)) {
    if (! (which2point %in% rownames(simulation) | which2point %in% 1:nrow(simulation))) 
      stop("which2point must be a state name of integer indicating the state of interested.")
  if (fun=='matplot') {
    toplot = cbind(simulation,  Ic)
  } else { toplot=simulation }
  if (!is.null(order)) {
    if (any(!names(Ic) %in% order)) 
      warning("not all states in Ic is plotted")
    if (any(!order %in% names(Ic))) 
      stop("make sure \"Ic\" is named using names in \"order\"")
    toplot = toplot[order,  ]
  if(is.null(ylim)) {
    if(is.null(which2point)) {
      ylim=c(min(c(Ic, simulation)),  max(Ic,  2*(max(simulation)-min(simulation))))
    } else {
      ylim=c(min(c(Ic, simulation)),  
                     2*(max(simulation[which2point, ])-min(simulation[which2point, ])),
  if (fun=='matplot') {
    matplot(toplot,  type = "l",  
            col = c(rep("grey",  ncol(toplot) - 1),  "red"),  
            lty = 1,  ylab = ylab,  
            axes = FALSE,  ylim = ylim,  main = main)
  } else {
    boxplot(t(toplot),  col = c(rep("grey",  ncol(toplot) - 1),  "red"),  
            ylab = ylab,  
            axes = FALSE,  ylim = ylim,  main = main)
    points(Ic,  col="red",  type='b')
    x <- lapply(Ic,  function(x) table(toplot>x))
    y <- unlist(lapply(x,  function(X) X[2]/sum(X)))
    if(any(is.na(y))) { y[which(is.na(y))]= 0 }
    sig <- which(y<0.05)
    if(length(sig)>0) mtext( round(y[sig], 3),  
                             line=-5,  at=(1:length(Ic))[sig])
  stages = row.names(toplot)
  axis(side = 1,  at = seq_along(stages),  labels = stages,  las = las)
  if(is.null(which2point)) {
    abline(h= min(simulation),  col="grey",  lty=3)
    abline(h= max(simulation),  col="grey",  lty=3)
    abline(h= min(simulation)+ 2*(max(simulation)-min(simulation)),  
           col="grey",  lty=2)
  }  else {
    abline(h= min(simulation[which2point, ]),  col="grey",  lty=3)
    abline(h= max(simulation[which2point, ]),  col="grey",  lty=3)
    abline(h= min(simulation[which2point, ])+ 
             2*(max(simulation[which2point, ])-min(simulation[which2point, ])),  
           col="grey",  lty=2)

#' @title Calculating MCI Scores
#' @description This function calculates a module critical index (MCI) score for
#'   each module per state within a dataset. Each module is a cluster of
#'   transcripts generated from the function \code{\link{getCluster_methods}}.
#'   Note that a dataset should contains three or more states (samples in
#'   groups).
#' @param groups A list of elements whose length is the member of states. The
#'   elements could be either be vectors or \code{communities} object of the
#'   R package \code{\link{igraph}}. If a vector, it is the output of the function
#'   \code{getCluster_methods}. The names of each vector are the pre-selected
#'   transcript IDs generated by the function \code{\link{sd_selection}}. Each
#'   vector, whose length is the number of pre-selected transcripts in a state, 
#'   contains the module IDs. If a \code{communities} object, it can be obtained
#'   by \code{getCluster_methods} using the "rw" method. It is also an output of
#'   the function \code{\link{sd_selection}}.
#' @param countsL A list of x numeric count matrices or x data frame, where x is
#'   the number of states.
#' @param adjust.size A Boolean value indicating if MCI score should be adjusted
#'   by module size (the number of transcripts in the module) or not. Default FALSE.
#'   This parameter is not recommended for fun=BioTIP.
#' @param fun A character chosen between ("cor", "BioTIP"), indicating where an adjusted 
#'   correlation matrix will be used to calculate the MCI score.   
#' @param df NULL or a numeric matrix or data frame, where rows and columns represent
#'   unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names, respectively. 
#'   Used only when \code{fun='BioTIP'}. 
#'   By default is NULL, estinating the correlation among selected genes. 
#'   Otherwise, estinating the correlation among all genes in the df, ensuring cross state comparision.    
#' @return A list of five elements (members,  MCI,  Sd,  PCC,  and PCCo). Each of
#'   element is a two-layer nested list whose length is the length of the input
#'   object \code{groups}. Each internal nested list is structured according to
#'   the number of modules identified in that state.
#' * members: vectors of unique ids
#' * MCI: the MCI score
#' * sd: standard deviation
#' * PCC: Mean of pairwise Pearson Correlation Coefficient calculated among the
#' loci in a module.
#' * PCCo: Mean of pairwise Pearson Correlation Coefficient calculated between
#' the loci in a module and the loci outside that module but inside the same
#' state.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3), 'state2' =
#' matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3), 'state3' = matrix(sample(1:10, 6), 4, 3))
#' ## Assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in names(test)){
#'    colnames(test[[i]]) = 1:3
#'    row.names(test[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' cluster = list(c(1, 2, 2, 1), c(1, 2, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' names(cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(cluster)){
#'    names(cluster[[i]]) = c('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4')}
#' membersL <- getMCI(cluster, test, fun='cor')
#' names(membersL)
#' [1] "members" "MCI"     "sd"      "PCC"     "PCCo"  
#' @import psych
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}

getMCI <- function (groups,  countsL,  adjust.size = FALSE,  
                    fun=c("cor", "BioTIP"), df=NULL   
  fun <- match.arg(fun)
  PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
  if (all(is.na(groups))) {
    warning("no loci in any of the state in the list given,  
            please rerun getCluster_methods with a larger cutoff 
            or provide a list of loci")
  } else {
    if (all(sapply(groups,  class) == "communities")) {
      membersL = lapply(groups,  membership)
    else if (any(is.na(groups)) & any(sapply(groups,  class) == 
                                      "communities")) {
      removed = groups[is.na(groups)]
      groups = groups[!is.na(groups)]
      membersL = lapply(groups,  membership)
    } else {
      membersL = groups
    CIl = PCCol = PCCl = sdl = list()
    names(membersL) = names(groups)
    if (is.null(names(groups))) 
      warning("No names provided for \"groups\"")
    if (is.null(names(countsL))) 
      warning("No names provided for \"countsL\"")
    loop = names(membersL)
    for (i in loop) {
      test = membersL[[i]]
      if (all(is.na(test))) {
        CI = sdL = PCC = PCCo = NA
      } else {
        test.counts = countsL[[i]]  # gene x sample matrix
        m = lapply(1:max(test),  
                   function(x) subset(test.counts, 
                                      row.names(test.counts) %in% names(test[test == x])))
        comple = lapply(1:max(test),  
                        function(x) subset(test.counts,  
                                           !row.names(test.counts) %in% names(test[test == x])))
        names(m) = names(comple) = 1:max(test)  
        if(fun=="cor") {
          PCCo = lapply(names(comple),  function(x) abs(cor(t(comple[[x]]),    
          PCCo_avg = sapply(PCCo,  function(x) mean(x,  na.rm = TRUE))        
          PCC = lapply(m,  function(x) abs(cor(t(x))))
          PCC_avg = sapply(PCC,  
                           function(x) (sum(x,  na.rm = TRUE) - 
                                          nrow(x))/(nrow(x)^2 - nrow(x)))
        if(fun=="BioTIP") {
          if(is.null(df)) {
            warning("MCI with the 'BioTIP'method is performing local estimation")
            PCCo_avg = lapply(names(comple),  
                              function(x) avg.cor.shrink(comple[[x]], Y=m[[x]], 
                                                         MARGIN = 1,  
                                                         target = PCC_gene.target))
            PCCo_avg = unlist(PCCo_avg) 
            PCC_avg = lapply(m,  function(x) avg.cor.shrink(x, Y=NULL, 
                                                            MARGIN = 1,  
                                                            target = PCC_gene.target))
            PCC_avg = unlist(PCC_avg) 
          } else {
            M <- cor.shrink(df,  Y=NULL, 
                            MARGIN = 1,  
                            target = PCC_gene.target)
            PCCo_avg <- array(dim=length(m))
            names(PCCo_avg) <- names(m)
            for(j in 1:length(m)){
              PCCo_avg[j] <- mean(abs(M[rownames(comple[[j]]),  rownames(m[[j]])]))
            PCC_avg <- array(dim=length(m))
            names(PCC_avg)  <- names(m)
            for(j in 1:length(m)){
              tmp <- M[rownames(m[[j]]),  rownames(m[[j]])]
              U <- upper.tri(tmp,  diag = FALSE)
              PCC_avg[j] <- mean(abs(U))
        sdL = lapply(m,  function(x) apply(x,  1,  sd))
        if (adjust.size) {
          MCI = mapply(function(x,  y,  z,  w) mean(x) * 
                         (y/z) * sqrt(nrow(w)),  sdL,  PCC_avg,  PCCo_avg,  
        } else {
          MCI = mapply(function(x,  y,  z) mean(x) * (y/z),  
                       sdL,  PCC_avg,  PCCo_avg)
      CIl[[i]] = MCI
      sdl[[i]] = sdL
      PCCl[[i]] = PCC_avg
      PCCol[[i]] = PCCo_avg
    names(CIl) = names(sdl) = names(PCCl) = names(PCCol) = names(membersL)
    return(list(members = membersL,  MCI = CIl,  sd = sdl,  
                PCC = PCCl,  PCCo = PCCol))

#' @title Get MCI Scores for randomly selected genes
#' @description This function gets the MCI scores for randomly selected features (e.g. transcript ids), 
#' @param len An integer that is the length of genes in the CTS (critical transition signal).
#' @param samplesL A list of vectors,  whose length is the number of states. Each vector gives the sample names in a state. 
#' Note that the vector s (sample names) has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'.
#' @param df A numeric matrix or dataframe of numerics, factor or character. 
#' The rows and columns represent unique transcript IDs (geneID) and sample names,  respectively
#' @param adjust.size A boolean value indicating if MCI score should be adjust by module size (the number of transcripts 
#' in the module) or not. Default FALSE.
#' @param B An integer, setting the permutation with \code{B} runs. Default is 1000.
#' @param fun A character chosen between ("cor", "BioTIP"), indicating where an adjusted 
#'   correlation matrix will be used to calculated the MCI score.   
#' @param M a pre-calculated global shrunk matrix, can save calculation if working on the same data
#'   for multiple CTS evaluations.
#' @return A numeric matrix indicating the MCI scores of permutation. 
#' The dimension (row X column) of this matrix is the length of \code{samplesL} * \code{B}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' counts = matrix(sample(1:100, 18), 3, 9)
#' colnames(counts) = 1:9
#' row.names(counts) = c('loci1', 'loci2', 'loci3')
#' cli = cbind(1:9, rep(c('state1', 'state2', 'state3'), each = 3))
#' colnames(cli) = c('samples', 'group')
#' samplesL <- split(cli[, 1], f = cli[, 'group'])
#' simMCI = simulationMCI(2, samplesL, counts, B=2)
#' simMCI
#' #            [,1]      [,2]
#' #state1  2.924194  2.924194
#' #state2 20.877138 20.877138
#' #state3  2.924194  2.924194
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}

simulationMCI  <- function (len,  samplesL,  df,  adjust.size = FALSE,  B = 1000, 
                            fun=c("cor", "BioTIP"), M=NULL ) 
  fun <- match.arg(fun)
  PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
  if (is.null(names(samplesL))) 
    stop("please provide names for list countsL")
  countsL = lapply(samplesL,  function(x) df[,  as.character(x)])
  if (is.null(names(countsL))) 
    names(countsL) = names(samplesL)
  # create progress bar
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0,  max = B,  style = 3)
  if (fun == "BioTIP") {
    if(is.null(M)) M <- cor.shrink(df, Y = NULL, MARGIN = 1, shrink = TRUE, 
                                   target = PCC_gene.target)
  else M = NULL
  m <- matrix(nrow = length(samplesL), ncol = B)
  for (i in 1:B) {
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    m[, i] <- getMCI_inner(len, countsL, adjust.size, fun = fun, 
                           PCC_gene.target = PCC_gene.target, M = M)
    if (i == B) 
  row.names(m) = names(countsL)

#' @title Calculating MCI Score for randomly selected
#' @description This function calculates random MCI score,  allowing an estimation 
#' of correlation matrix using the Schafer-Strimmer Method for the PCC_in component in the MCI score.
#' @param members An integer that is the length of genes in the CTS (critical transition signal).
#' @param countsL A list of subset of dat matrix.  The list length is the number of states.    
#' Each subset of matrix gives the genes in rows and samples in column.  
#' @inheritParams  simulationMCI
#' @param PCC_gene.target A character 'zero' indicating that gene-gene correlation matrix will be shrunk.
#' towards zero, used only for fun='BioTIP'.
#' @param  M is the overall shrunk correlation matrix, used only for fun='BioTIP'. 
#' @return A vector recording one MCI score per state.
#' @examples
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}

getMCI_inner = function(members, countsL,  adjust.size, 
                        fun=c("cor", "BioTIP"),   
                        PCC_gene.target = 'zero',  M=NULL
  fun <- match.arg(fun)
  random_id = sample(1:nrow(countsL[[1]]), members)
  randomL = lapply(names(countsL),  
                   function(x) countsL[[x]][random_id, ])
  comple = lapply(names(countsL),  
                  function(x) subset(countsL[[x]], 
                                     !row.names(countsL[[x]]) %in% row.names(randomL[[x]])))
  names(randomL) = names(comple) = names(countsL)
  if(fun=="BioTIP") {
    PCCo_avg = array(dim=length(countsL))
    names(PCCo_avg) = names(countsL)
    for(i in 1:length(PCCo_avg)) {
      PCCo_avg[i] <- mean(abs(M[rownames(comple[[i]]),  rownames(randomL[[i]])]))
    PCC_avg = array(dim=length(countsL))
    names(PCC_avg) = names(countsL)
    for(i in 1:length(PCC_avg)) {
      PCC_avg[i] = mean(abs(M[rownames(randomL[[i]]),  rownames(randomL[[i]])]))
  } else if(fun=="cor") {
    PCCo = lapply(names(comple),  
                  function(x) abs(cor(t(comple[[x]]), t(randomL[[x]]))))
    PCCo_avg = sapply(PCCo, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    PCC = lapply(randomL, function(x) abs(cor(t(x))))
    PCC_avg = sapply(PCC, 
                     function(x) (sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)-nrow(x))/(nrow(x)^2-nrow(x)))
  sdL = lapply(randomL,  function(x) apply(x, 1, sd))
    MCI = mapply(function(x, y, z, w) mean(x)*(y/z)*sqrt(members),  sdL, PCC_avg, PCCo_avg, members)
    MCI = mapply(function(x, y, z) mean(x)*(y/z),  sdL, PCC_avg, PCCo_avg)

#' @title Plot observed and simulated MCI Scores
#' @description Box plots of observed (red) and simulated MCI scores by boostraping genes \code{B} times, 
#' with three horizontal lines: the min,  max and 2*(max-min) value of the state of interests, or all all values.
#' @param MCI A named vector of max CI scores per state, can be obtained from function \code{\link{getMaxStats}}.
#' @param simulation A matrix state * number of simulated times,  can be obtained from function \code{\link{simulationMCI}}.
#' @param las Numeric in {0, 1, 2, 3}; the style of axis labels. Default is 0, meaning labels are parallel. 
#' (link to
#' @param order A vector of state names in the customized order to be plotted, set to NULL by default.
#' @param ylim An integer vector of length 2. Default is NULL.
#' @param main A character vector. The title of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param which2point A character (or integer) which state's values were used to set up the three horizontal lines. 
#' by default is NULL,  indicating the values of all states will be used.
#' @export
#' @return Return a box plot of MCI(red) and simulated MCI(grey) scores per state.
#' @examples
#' MCI = c(1:3); names(MCI) = c('a', 'b', 'c')
#' simMCI = matrix(sample(1:100, 9), 3, 3)
#' row.names(simMCI) = names(MCI)
#' plot_MCI_Simulation(MCI, simMCI)
#' @author Zhezhen Wang \email{zhezhen@@uchicago.edu}

plot_MCI_Simulation <- function(MCI,  simulation,  las = 0, 
                                order = NULL,  ylim = NULL,  main = NULL, 
                                which2point=NULL,  ...)
  if(is.null(names(MCI))) stop('make sure elements in "MCI" have names')
    if(any(!order %in% row.names(simulation))) 
      stop('make sure "simulation" has row.names which are in "order"')
    if(any(!row.names(simulation) %in% order)) 
      warning('not every state in "simulation" is plotted,  make sure "order" is complete')
    simulation = simulation[order, ]
  maxpt = max(simulation, MCI, na.rm = TRUE)
  tmp = c(min(simulation, MCI, na.rm = TRUE), maxpt)
    if(min(simulation, na.rm = TRUE)<maxpt){
      ylim = tmp
      ylim = rev(tmp)
  boxplot(t(simulation), col = 'grey', ylab = 'MCI(m|r)', 
          axes=FALSE, ylim=ylim, main = main,  pch=20,  ...)
  x = which.max(MCI)
  maxCI = MCI[x]
    if(is.null(names(MCI))) stop('make sure "CI" is named using names in "order"')
  # customize x-axis
    stages = row.names(simulation)
    stages = order
  x = which(stages == names(x))
  axis(side=1, at=1:nrow(simulation), labels=stages, las = las)
  points(x, maxCI, col = 'red', pch = 16)
  if(is.null(which2point)) {
    abline(h= min(simulation),  col="grey",  lty=3)
    abline(h= max(simulation),  col="grey",  lty=3)
    abline(h= min(simulation)+ 2*(max(simulation)-min(simulation)),  
           col="grey",  lty=2)
  }  else {
    abline(h= min(simulation[which2point, ]),  col="grey",  lty=3)
    abline(h= max(simulation[which2point, ]),  col="grey",  lty=3)
    abline(h= min(simulation[which2point, ])+ 
             2*(max(simulation[which2point, ])-min(simulation[which2point, ])),  
           col="grey",  lty=2)

################ new functions,  02/14/2020  ###########################

#' @title Index of criticality Scoring System with estimated correlation, an updated Ic-score 
#' @description This function calculates the BioTIP score on a given
#' data matrix X (or two matrixes X and Y). It can also calculate the \eqn{I_c} score, if desired.
#' This appraoch uses the method outlined by Schafer and Strimmer in
#' "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation
#' and Implications for Functional Genomics" (2005)
#' This approach is modified to ignore missing values, analogous to how
#'\code{cor(X,  use = "pairwise.complete.obs")} works.
#' The gene-gene correlations are shrunk towards 0,  whereas the
#' sample-sample correlations are shrunk towards their empirical average.
#' @param X A G x S matrix of counts. Rows correspond to genes, 
#' columns correspond to samples.
#' @param method A flag specifying whether to calculate the BioTIP score
#' or the \eqn{I_c} score
#' @param PCC_sample.target A character choose among ('average',  'zero', 'half'),  
#' indicating whether to shrink PCC towards towards their empirical common average,  
#' zero or 0.5 (for sample-sample correlations).
#' @param output A string. Please select from 'IndexScore',  'PCCg',  or 'PCCs'. Uses 'IndexScore' by default.
#' 'PCCg' is the PCC between genes (numerator) and 'PCCs' is PCC between samples (denominator).
#' @return A value containing the shrunk BioTIP or non-shrunk \eqn{I_c} score
#' @references
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Generating a data X as coming from a multivariate normal distribution 
#' ## with 10 highly correlated variables, roughly simulating correlated genes.
#' M = matrix(.9, nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
#' diag(M) = 1
#' mu = rnorm(10)
#' X = MASS::mvrnorm(1000, mu, M)
#' dim(X)  #1000 10  
#' ## Calculating pairwise correlation between 1000 genes; then the mean value
#' ## in two ways, respectively
#' cor_tX = cor(t(X))
#' mean(abs(cor_tX[upper.tri(cor_tX, diag = FALSE)])) # 0.9150228
#' getIc.new(X, method = "Ic", output ='PCCg') # 0.9150228
#' getIc.new(X, method = "BioTIP", output ='PCCg') # 0.8287838
#' ## Uisng the Index of critical scoreing system, in two ways, respectively 
#' (newscore = getIc.new(X, method = "BioTIP"))
#' (oldscore = getIc.new(X, method = "Ic"))
#' @author Andrew Goldstein \email{andrewgoldstein@@uchicago.edu}

getIc.new = function(X,  method = c("BioTIP",  "Ic"),  
                     PCC_sample.target = c('average',  'zero', 'half'),  
                     output = c('Ic', 'PCCg', 'PCCs')) 
  PCC_gene.target = 'zero'
  # whether to calculate BioTIP or Ic
  method = match.arg(method)
  PCC_sample.target = match.arg(PCC_sample.target)
  output <- match.arg(output)
  # if using BioTIP,  set shrink = TRUE,  else FALSE
  shrink = (method == "BioTIP")
  # get numerator and denominator for score
  numerator = avg.cor.shrink(X,  MARGIN = 1,  shrink = shrink,  abs = TRUE,  target = PCC_gene.target)
  denominator = avg.cor.shrink(X,  MARGIN = 2,  shrink = shrink,  abs = FALSE,  target = PCC_sample.target)
  if(output=='Ic') return(numerator / denominator)
  if(output=='PCCg') return(numerator)
  if(output=='PCCs') return(denominator)

#' @title Estimation of average values of correlation 
#' @description This function takes in ine (or two) matrix X 
#' (rows are genes, columns are samples) (or Y).
#' It then calculates the average pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
#' This function uses the method outlined by Schafer and Strimmer in
#' "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale Covariance Matrix Estimation
#' and Implications for Functional Genomics" (2005)
#' @inheritParams cor.shrink
#' @param abs A flag specifying whether to take the absolute value 
#' before taking the average (used for gene-gene correlations,  
#' not sample-sample correlations) 
#' @return The average pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
#' @references Schafer and Strimmer (2005) "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale 
#' Covariance Matrix Estimation and Implications for Functional Genomics"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Generating a data X as coming from a multivariate normal distribution 
#' ## with 10 highly correlated variables, roughly simulating correlated genes.
#' mu = rnorm(10)
#' X = MASS::mvrnorm(1000, mu, M)
#' dim(X)  #1000 10  
#' ## Mean value of standard pairwise correlation between 1000 genes
#' # cor_tX = cor(t(X))
#' # mean(abs(cor_tX[upper.tri(cor_tX, diag = FALSE)])) # 0.9150228
#' ## Calculating estimated pairwise correlation between 1000 genes
#' avg.cor.shrink(X, MARGIN=1,shrink = TRUE, targe='zero') # 0.8287838
#' M = matrix(.9, nrow = 20, ncol = 10)
#' diag(M) = 1
#' Y = rbind(M,X)
#' dim(Y)  #1020 10 
#' avg.cor.shrink(X, Y, MARGIN=1,shrink = TRUE, targe='zero') #0.8197959
#' @author Andrew Goldstein \email{andrewgoldstein@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
avg.cor.shrink = function(X,  Y=NULL,  MARGIN = c(1,  2),  shrink = TRUE,  
                          abs = FALSE,  target = c('zero',  'average', 'half')) 
  #  MARGIN = match.arg(MARGIN)
  target = match.arg(target)
  X_cor_shrink = cor.shrink(X=X,  Y=Y,  MARGIN=MARGIN,  shrink=shrink,  target=target)
    U <- upper.tri(X_cor_shrink,  diag = FALSE)
    X_cor_shrink <- X_cor_shrink[U] 
  if (abs == TRUE) {
    res = mean(abs(X_cor_shrink), na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {
    res = mean(X_cor_shrink, na.rm=TRUE)

#' @description This function is the "work-horse" of the BioTIP function. 
#' It takes in a matrix X (rows are genes, columns are samples), and an optional matrix Y of the same form.
#  It then calculates the average pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
#  There are options to  choose what constant value to shrink the off-diagonal correlations to. 
#  This target must be a value between 0 and 1.
#' It then calculates the average pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
#' This method adopts the method outlined by Schafer and Strimmer (2005).
#' @param X A G1 x S matrix of counts. Rows correspond to genes, 
#' columns correspond to samples.
#' @param Y A G2 x S matrix of counts. Rows correspond to genes, 
#' columns correspond to samples. By default is NULL.
#' @param MARGIN An integer indicate whether the rows (1,  genes) 
#' or the columns (2,  samples) to be calculated for pairwise correlation.
#' @param shrink A flag specifying whether to shrink the correlation or not.
#' @param target A character choose among ('zero', 'average',  'half'),  
#' indicating whether to shrink towards zero (for gene-gene correlations),   
#' shrink towards their empirical common average,  
#' one or 0.5 (for sample-sample correlations).
#' @return The pairwise correlation between genes or samples.
#' If Y==NULL, a G1 x G1 matrix is returned; otherwise, a G1 x G2 matrix is returned.
#' @references Schafer and Strimmer (2005) "A Shrinkage Approach to Large-Scale 
#' Covariance Matrix Estimation and Implications for Functional Genomics"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(MASS)
#' ## Generating a data X as coming from a multivariate normal distribution 
#' ## with 10 highly correlated variables, roughly simulating correlated genes.
#' M = matrix(.9, nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
#' diag(M) = 1
#' mu = rnorm(10)
#' X = MASS::mvrnorm(500, mu, M)
#' dim(X)  #500 10  
#' ## Calculating pairwise correlation among 500 correlated genes
#' cor_tX = cor(t(X))
#' mean(abs(cor_tX[upper.tri(cor_tX, diag = FALSE)])) # 0.9468098
#' ## Calculating estimated pairwise correlation among 500 correlated genes
#' cor.matrix <- cor.shrink(X, MARGIN=1, shrink = TRUE, targe='zero') # 0.8287838
#' dim(cor.matrix)   #[1] 500 500
#' mean(upper.tri(cor.matrix, diag=FALSE))  # 0.499
#' ## Calculating stimated pairwise correlation among 500 correlated genes 
#' ## and additional 100 random genes
#' Y = rbind(X, matrix(rnorm(300*10), nrow = 300))
#' dim(Y)  #800 10 
#' cor.matrix <- cor.shrink(X, Y, MARGIN=1, shrink = TRUE, targe='zero') 
#' dim(cor.matrix)   #[1] 500 800
#' mean(upper.tri(cor.matrix, diag=FALSE))  # 0.6868
#' @author Andrew Goldstein \email{andrewgoldstein@@uchicago.edu}; Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}

cor.shrink = function(X,  Y=NULL,  MARGIN = c(1,  2),  shrink = TRUE,  
                      target = c('zero',  'average', 'half')) 
  # MARGIN = match.arg(MARGIN)
  # target = match.arg(target) 
  if (class(target)=='numeric') if((target < 0) | (target > 1)) { # make sure we have a valid target for off-diagonal correlations
    stop("Argument `target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'zero',  'average', 'half'")
  } else if(class(target)=='character') if(!target %in% c('zero',  'average', 'half')) {
    stop("Argument `target` must be a value between 0 and 1, or a choice of 'zero',  'average', 'half'")
  dim_X = dim(X) 
  dim_Y = dim(Y) 
  Y.exist = FALSE
    if(MARGIN==1) {
      X <- rbind(X, Y)
      Y.exist = TRUE  # a flag for outputs
    } else {
      X <- cbind(X, Y)
  # center and scale X by mean and SD (using wither column or row means/SDs)
  X_means = apply(X,  MARGIN = MARGIN,  mean,  na.rm = TRUE)
  X_sds = apply(X,  MARGIN = MARGIN,  sd,  na.rm = TRUE)
  X_sds[X_sds == 0] = 1 # in case where variable doesn't vary
  X_std = sweep(sweep(X,  MARGIN = MARGIN,  STATS = X_means,  FUN = '-'), 
                MARGIN = MARGIN,  STATS = X_sds,  FUN = '/')
  # From now on Y is a new internal matrix regardless the input Y ### 
  rm(Y) #update on 9/29/2020
  Y = !is.na(X_std) # contains pattern of non-missing values
  X_std[!Y] = 0 # set missing to 0 to not add to (t)crossprod (but # of not missing encoded in Y)
  # calculate quantities needed
  if (MARGIN == 1) {
    XtX = tcrossprod(X_std)
    X2tX2 = tcrossprod(X_std^2)
    YtY = tcrossprod(Y)
  } else {
    XtX = crossprod(X_std)
    X2tX2 = crossprod(X_std^2)
    YtY = crossprod(Y)
  # calculate empirical correlation
  X_cor = XtX / (pmax(1,  YtY - 1, na.rm=TRUE))
  X_cor_shrink = X_cor # initialize with empirical correlation
  U = upper.tri(XtX,  diag = FALSE) # index on U to get upper triangular part of matrix
  if (shrink) { # if we're shrinking,  find lambda and shrink towards specified target
    numerator = sum(((YtY[U] * X2tX2[U]) - (XtX[U])^2) / ((pmax(1,  YtY[U] - 1))^3), na.rm=TRUE)
    # BEGIN translate character to numeber
    if (target == 'zero') {  
      target = 0
    } else {
      if(target == 'half') {
        target = 0.5
      } else {
        target = mean(X_cor[U])
    denominator = sum((X_cor[U]-target)^2)   #update on 9/29/2020
    lambda = ifelse(shrink,  max(0,  min(1,  numerator / denominator), na.rm=TRUE),  0)
    target_cor = matrix(target, nrow = nrow(X_cor), ncol = ncol(X_cor))
    diag(target_cor) = 1
    X_cor_shrink = (lambda * target_cor) + ((1 - lambda) * X_cor)
  #   cat(dim(X_cor), '\t')
    X_cor_shrink = X_cor_shrink[1:dim_X[MARGIN], (dim_X[MARGIN] + 1):(dim_X[MARGIN] + dim_Y[MARGIN])]  #update on 9/29/2020

#' @title Density plot the leading two distance between any two states from random scores of all states in a system.
#' @description Generate a density plot of Ic score (orBioTIP score) from a simulation, 
#' which is the distance between the first-larget and the second-largest random scores. 
#' This is an alternative method to estimate the significance of an observed BioTIP (or Ic) score in a system. 
#' This measurement makes more sense to evaluate random scores of sample-label shuffling, 
#' in which the nature sample-sample correlation within a phenotypic state (or cell subpopulation) was removed. 
#' @inheritParams plot_Ic_Simulation 
#' @param xlim An integer vector of length 2. Default is NULL.
#' @param which2point A character (or integer) which state's values were used to set up the three horizontal lines. 
#' by default is NULL, indicating the values of all states will be used.
#' @export
#' @return Return a P value and a plot of the observed Ic (red) and simulated Ic (grey) scores per state.
#' @author Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' sim = matrix(sample(1:10, 9), 3, 3)
#' row.names(sim) = paste0('state', 1:3)
#' Ic = c('state1' = 3.4, 'state2' = 15.6, 'state3' = 2)
#' plot_SS_Simulation(Ic, sim)

plot_SS_Simulation <- function(Ic,  simulation,  las = 0,  
                               xlim=NULL,  ylim = NULL,  order = NULL,  
                               main = "1st max - 2nd max",     
  if (any(is.null(names(Ic)))) 
    stop("Please provide name for vector \"Ic\" ")
  if (!identical(names(Ic),  row.names(simulation))) 
    Ic = Ic[match(row.names(simulation),  names(Ic))]
  if (!is.null(order)) {
    if (any(!names(Ic) %in% order)) 
      warning("not all states in Ic is plotted")
    if (any(!order %in% names(Ic))) 
      stop("make sure \"Ic\" is named using names in \"order\"")
    toplot = toplot[order,  ]
  # if(!is.null(which2point)) {
  #   if (!class(which2point) %in% c("integer", "character")) 
  #     stop("'which2poin' should be an integer or characer.")
  #   if (class(which2point)=="integer" & which2point > length(Ic)) 
  #     stop (paste("'which2point' should be small than",  length(Ic)))
  #   if (class(which2point)=="character" & !which2point %in% names(Ic)) 
  #     stop (paste("'which2point' should one of",  names(Ic)))
  # }
  diff_Ic <- apply(simulation,  MARGIN = 2,   
                   function(x) sort(x,  decreasing = TRUE)[2:1])
  diff_Ic <- apply(diff_Ic,  MARGIN = 2,  diff)
  density_diff = density(diff_Ic)  # # Kernel Density
  if(is.null(ylim))  # correct 09/29/2020
    ylim = c(0,  .1 + max(density_diff$y))
  if(is.null(xlim)) {  # correct 09/29/2020
    xlim =c(-.05,  .05) + c(min(density_diff$x),  max(density_diff$x))
  plot(density_diff,  type = 'l',  lwd = 2,  col = 'black',  
       main = main,  ylab= paste(ylab, "Density"), 
       xlim = xlim,  
       ylim = ylim,  
       cex.main = 1.2,  cex.lab = 1.2)
  v <- diff(sort(Ic,  decreasing = TRUE)[2:1])
  abline(v=v,  col = 'red',  lwd = 2,  lty=2)
  P.value <- round(mean(diff_Ic >= v), 3)
         legend = paste0("p = ",   
         text.col="red",  bty = 'n',  cex = 1.5)
  return(P.value)  ## add by xy on 6/23/2020

#' @title Identifying the 'Biomodule', the candidate critical transition signal transcripts
#' @description This function reports the 'biomodule', which is the module with
#'   the maximum Module Critical Index (MCI) scores for each state. Each state
#'   can have multiple modules (groups of subnetworks derived from the function
#'   \code{\link{getCluster_methods}}). This function runs over all states.
#' @param membersL A list of integer vectors with unique ids as names. Each
#'   vector represents the cluster number assign to that unique id. The length
#'   of this list is equal to the number of states in the study. This can be the
#'   first element of the output from function \code{getMCI} or the output from
#'   \code{getCluster_methods}, see Examples for more detail.
#' @param idL A list of numeric vectors with unique cluster numbers as names.
#'   This can be the first element of the output from function \code{getMaxMCImember}.
#' @param whoisnext A vector of who is the next state
#' in the list given by the \code{memebersL} to exract.
#' @param which.next A integer indicate how many modules with toppest MCI scores to output. 
#' By default is 2 meaning the 2nd id.
#' @return A nested list whose length is the length of the input object
#'   \code{membersL}.  Each internal list contains at least two objects: one object is
#'   the vector of the reported biomodule per states, and the other object is a list of
#'   transcript IDs (each defines the biomodule of maximum score per state) across states.
#'   When n>1, there will be additional object(s) to record the list of transcrit IDs 
#'   (each defines the biomodule of the 2nd , the 3rd , ..., maximum score per state)
#' @export
#' A vector of MCI score for each state of interest
#' @author Xinan H Yang \email{xyang2@@uchicago.edu}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2020)
#' test = list('state1' = matrix(rnorm(50,0,1), 10, 5), 
#'             'state2' = matrix(rnorm(30,0,3), 10, 3), 
#'             'state3' = matrix(rnorm(40,0,1), 10, 4))
#' ## Assign colnames and rownames to the matrix
#' for(i in 1:length(test)){
#'   colnames(test[[i]]) = paste0('Cell_',i,1:ncol(test[[i]]))
#'   row.names(test[[i]]) = paste0('g',1:10)
#' }
#' gene.cluster = list(rep(1:2, 5), c(rep(1:3,3),2), rep(1:5,2))
#' names(gene.cluster) = names(test)
#' for(i in names(gene.cluster)){
#'   names(gene.cluster[[i]]) = paste0('g',1:10)
#' }
#' membersL <- getMCI(gene.cluster, test)
#' names(membersL)
#' # [1] "members" "MCI"     "sd"      "PCC"     "PCCo" 
#' ## A list of index of interested gene.cluster IDs per state
#' idxL = list(state1=c(1,2), state1=integer(0), state3=c(3,4,1))
#' ## Extract the score of the 2nd (by default) gene,cluster ID in the 'whoisnext' state
#' getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idxL, whoisnext = 'state3')
#' ## Extract the score of the 3rd gene,cluster ID in the 'whoisnext' state
#' getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idxL, whoisnext = 3, which.next=3)
getNextMaxStats <- function(membersL, idL=maxMCIms[['idx']], whoisnext, which.next=2)
  score <- array(dim=length(whoisnext))
  names(score) <- whoisnext
  idx <- lapply(whoisnext, function(x) idL[[x]][which.next])
  for(i in 1:length(whoisnext))
    score[[i]] <- membersL[[whoisnext[i]]][idx[[i]]]

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BioTIP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:27 p.m.