.discfmlas.demo = list(
.standardNames = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "width", "strand", "snp",
"score", "ests", "se", "fdr", "probeid", "MAF", "dist.mid", "mindist",
"genestart", "geneend", "isgwashit", "chromcat878", "permScore_1",
"permScore_2", "permScore_3", "PHRED")
appraise = function(dtab, discretize=TRUE,
reduceToSNP=TRUE, prefix, folder=paste0(prefix, "_APPROUT"),
discfmlas_in=GGtools:::.discfmlas.demo, txlist = list(
distcats = function(x) {
cut(x$mindist, c(-1, seq(0, 200001, 50000)))
fdrcats = function(x) {
fdrfac = cut(x$fdr, c(-.01, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1.01))
relevel(fdrfac, "(0.5,1.01]")
mafcats = function(x) {
maffac = cut(x$MAF,c(-0.01,.05, .1, .25, .51))
relevel(maffac, "(-0.01,0.05]")
caddcats = function(x){
cut(x$PHRED, c(-.01, 5, seq(10, 30, 10 ), 60))
cutts = c(-0.01,seq(0.015,.12,.015),.15),
names2check=GGtools:::.standardNames, maxit=30, savePinfer=FALSE
) { # finish list and function arg paren
# subroutines
.discretize_dt = function( dtab, txlist ) {
newfacs = lapply(txlist, function(f) f(dtab) )
newvar = names(txlist)
for (i in 1:length(newvar))
dtab[[newvar[i]]] = newfacs[[i]]
} # end .discretize_dt
.redu.fdr = function(dtab) {
setkey(dtab,snp,score) # now sorted
inds = cumsum(dtab[,.N,by="snp"]$N)
sco = as.numeric(dtab[inds,score])
pnames = grep("permScore", names(dtab), value=TRUE)
rdtab = dtab[inds,]
perms = lapply(pnames, function(x) {
setkeyv(dtab, c("snp", x)) # resort within SNP by successive perm scores
inds = cumsum(dtab[,.N,by="snp"]$N) # take max per snp
dtab[inds,x,with=FALSE][[x]] # retain the max
rdtab$fdr = pifdr(sco, unlist(perms))
} # end .redu.fdr
.discmods = function( dtab, prefix, folder,
discfmlas = discfmlas_in, cutts, inmaxit=30) {
# curwd = getwd()
# if (!file.exists(folder)) dir.create(folder)
# setwd(folder)
# on.exit(setwd(curwd))
intrain = 1*( dtab$seqnames %in% paste0("chr", seq(1,22,2)))
dtab$fdrlt10 = 1*(dtab$fdr < 0.10)
dtab$fdrlt05 = 1*(dtab$fdr < 0.05)
dtab$fdrlt01 = 1*(dtab$fdr < 0.01)
dtab$fdrlt005 = 1*(dtab$fdr < 0.005)
train = dtab[which(intrain==1),]
test = dtab[-which(intrain==1),]
outs = foreach(i=1:length(discfmlas)) %dopar% {
tmp = bigglm( discfmlas[[i]], data=train, family=binomial(), chunksize=50000, maxit=inmaxit )
tpreds = predict(tmp, newdata=test, type="response" )
rocpreds = try(prediction( tpreds, labels=test$isgwashit ))
if (!inherits(rocpreds, "try-error")) AUC = performance(rocpreds, "auc")
infer = bigglm( discfmlas[[i]], data=dtab, family=binomial(), chunksize=50000, maxit=inmaxit )
pinfer = NULL
if (savePinfer) pinfer = predict(infer, newdata=dtab, type="response")
ans = list(coefs=coef(tmp), auc=AUC, mat=summary(tmp)$mat, infcoefs=coef(infer),
infvcov=vcov(infer), infmat=summary(infer)$mat, pinfer=pinfer)
names(outs) = names(discfmlas)
dfobn = paste0(prefix, "_discfmlas")
assign(dfobn, discfmlas)
# save( list=dfobn, file=paste0(dfobn, ".rda"))
oobn = paste0(prefix, "_outs")
assign(oobn, outs)
# save( list=oobn, file=paste0(oobn, ".rda"))
ns = names(discfmlas)
pns = paste0("p", ns)
test$fdrlt10 = 1*(test$fdr < .10)
tabs = coeflist = list()
for (i in 1:length(discfmlas)) {
mm = model.matrix( discfmlas[[i]], data=test )
test[[ pns[i] ]] <- curp <- plogis(mm %*% outs[[i]][[1]])
coeflist[[ pns[i] ]] = summary(biglm( isgwashit ~ cut(curp,cutts)-1, data=test ))$mat
tabs[[ pns[i] ]] = table(cut(curp,cutts))
tobn = paste0(prefix, "_test")
assign(tobn, test)
#save(list=tobn, file=paste0(tobn, ".rda"))
cobn = paste0(prefix, "_coeflist")
assign(cobn, coeflist)
#save(list=cobn, file=paste0(cobn, ".rda"))
tabobn = paste0(prefix, "_tabs")
assign(tabobn, tabs)
#save(list=tabobn, file=paste0(tabobn, ".rda"))
list(coeflist=coeflist, tabs=tabs, outs=outs, dimdtab=dim(dtab), dimtest=dim(test), dimtrain=dim(train))
} # end .discmods
.valdt = function(x) all(names2check %in% names(x))
# end "subroutines"
# execute the appraisal, if wanted
if (!is.null(names2check)) stopifnot( .valdt(dtab) )
if (discretize) {
assign(obn1 <- paste0(prefix, "_dt"), .discretize_dt(dtab, txlist))
# save(list=obn1, file=paste0(obn1, ".rda"))
disctab = get(obn1)
else disctab = dtab
if (reduceToSNP) {
obn2 = paste0(prefix, "bySNP_dt")
assign(obn2, .redu.fdr(disctab))
# save(list=obn2, file=paste0(obn2, ".rda"))
discBySnp = get(obn2)
else discBySnp = dtab
.discmods( discBySnp, prefix=prefix, folder=folder, cutts=cutts,
inmaxit=maxit )
calfig = function (colist, tabs, ind = 10,
hfudgetxt = 0.0155, tickend=.16, tickgap=.02, ylimin=c(-.01, .16),
xlimin = c(-.01, .16), fraccex=.8, fuselast=0)
# subroutine that assumes a 'cut' is used in the
# calibration assessment, it pulls out numeric boundaries
# of cut intervals
getmidpts = function(coefrn) {
lima = gsub(".*\\(", "", coefrn)
limb = gsub("]", "", lima)
limc = strsplit(limb, ",")
limd = sapply(limc, as.numeric)
apply(limd, 2, mean)
# end subroutine
midcuts = getmidpts(rownames(colist[[ind]]))
plot(0, 0, ylim = ylimin, xlim = xlimin,
pch = " ", xlab = "predicted", ylab = "empirical", axes = FALSE)
axis(1, at = seq(0, tickend, tickgap))
axis(2, at = seq(0, tickend, tickgap))
fracs = paste(nums <- round(tabs[[ind]] * colist[[ind]][, 1]), tabs[[ind]],
sep = "/")
if (fuselast == 0) {
points(midcuts, colist[[ind]][, 1])
text(midcuts + hfudgetxt, colist[[ind]][, 1], labels = fracs,
cex = fraccex)
else {
l.m = length(midcuts)
idrop = (l.m-fuselast+1):l.m
midcuts = c(midcuts[-idrop], mean(midcuts[idrop]))
ndrp = tabs[[ind]][idrop]
cdrp = colist[[ind]][idrop,1]
hdrp = cdrp*ndrp
newfrac = sum(hdrp)/sum(ndrp)
newfracc = paste(round(sum(hdrp),0), sum(ndrp), sep="/")
fracs = c(fracs[-idrop], newfracc)
newco = colist[[ind]][-idrop,1]
newco = c(newco, newfrac)
points(midcuts, newco)
text(midcuts+hfudgetxt, newco, labels=fracs, cex=fraccex)
abline(0, 1, lty = 2, col = "gray")
dtToAppr = function(dt, prunevec, prefix, fmlas,
txlist) {
pruned = dt[ which(dt$snp %in% prunevec), ]
appraise( pruned, discretize=TRUE, reduceToSNP=TRUE, prefix=prefix,
discfmlas_in = fmlas, names2check=NULL, txlist=txlist )
appraise( dt, discretize=TRUE, reduceToSNP=TRUE, prefix=paste0(prefix, "_UNP"),
discfmlas_in = fmlas, names2check=NULL, txlist=txlist )
sensFromDT = function(dt,
targfdrs = c(.1, .05, .01), parmslist =
list(mafs=c(.025, .05, .075), dists=c(10000, 50000, 100000, 200000))) {
snpenum = eqsens_dt(dt,
by = "snps", targfdrs=targfdrs, parmslist=parmslist )
probenum = eqsens_dt(dt,
by = "probes", targfdrs=targfdrs, parmslist=parmslist )
list(snpenum=snpenum, probenum=probenum)
#bindgwava = function(gwavadt, eqdt) {
# meq = match(eqdt$snp, gwavadt$snp)
# eqdt$gwava_tss = gwavadt$tss[meq]
# eqdt$gwava_unmat = gwavadt$unmatched[meq]
# eqdt$gwava_regi = gwavadt$region[meq]
# eqdt
# idea here is that caddPack is on board
addcadd = function(dt, binder=bindcadd) {
allb = foreach(x=1:22) %dopar% { binder(dt, x) }, allb)
waldtests = function(ob, modname="basehmmall", type="pruned",
mlog10p=TRUE) {
if (type=="pruned") sel = getPruned(ob)
else sel = getUnpruned(ob)
modstr = sel@outs[[modname]]
infco = modstr$infcoefs
# tags = unique(gsub(".*)\\(", "\\1", names(infco))[-1]) # drop intercept
tags = unique(gsub("(.*)(878.*)|(\\(.*)", "\\1", names(infco)[-1])) # drop int
termvecs = lapply(tags, function(x) grep(x, names(infco)))
wt = lapply(termvecs, function(x) wald.test(modstr$infvcov, infco, Terms=x))
ans = t(sapply(sapply(wt, function(x) x$result), force))
rownames(ans) = tags
if (mlog10p) {
ans[,"P"] = -log10(ans[,"P"])
if (!all(isf <- is.finite(ans[,"P"]))) {
ans[ -which(isf), "P" ] = 16
colnames(ans)[which(colnames(ans)=="P")] = "-log10P"
procnames = function(covec, dropint=TRUE, dropper=function(x) {
if (any(x=="none")) which(x=="none") else NA },
premap = c("distcats"="DIST(bp)",
"mafcats"="MAF", "chrom878cat"="CHROMHMM", "caddcats"="CADD",
"fdrcats"="eQTL FDR", "gwavucat"="GWAVA(u)"),
tags = "mafcats|distcats|chromcat878|caddcats|fdrcats|gwavucat") {
if (dropint) covec=covec[-1]
na = names(covec)
NC = length(covec)
# most of the model coefficients have names with cut()-generated mangling
# we want whatever precedes the (
prena = gsub("\\(.*", "", na)
# chromcat878 needs different handling
chkchromcat = grep("chromcat", na)
if (length(chkchromcat) > 0)
prena[chkchromcat] = "chrom878cat"
nrle = rle(prena)$lengths
nrle = cumsum(c(1, nrle[-length(nrle)]))
cats = gsub(tags, "", na)
bcats = rep(NA, length(cats))
bcats[nrle] = premap[unique(prena)]
dr = dropper(cats)
if (! {
fplot = function(obj, mname, dropper =
function(x) { if (length(dr <- grep("none$", x))>0) dr else NA }, ...) {
ltext = procnames(co <- obj@outs[[mname]]$infcoef, dropper=dropper)
mat = obj@outs[[mname]]$infmat[-1,]
if (! <- dropper(names(co)[-1])))
mat = mat[-dr,]
forestplot( ltext, mat[,1], mat[,2], mat[,3], ...)
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