Defines functions MogamunBody CreateActiveModules FormatNodesAndEdges CytoscapeVisualization SaveFilteredAccPF JoinSimilarInds GetSimilarInds FilterNetworks RemoveIdenticalInds ObtainAccParetoFront SimilarityBetweenRunsBoxplot GetIndividualsAllRuns PostprocessResults crowdingDist4frnt NonDomSort fastNonDominatedSorting GetDuplicatedInds ReplaceDuplicatedInds GetNodeToAdd AddNode MutateNodes GetIDOfNodes FilterMultiplex MakeBFS GetNeighbors GetParent2 MakeNewPopulation MakeDFS GetNodesScoresOfListOfGenes GetListOfAllNodesPresentInLayers GenerateMergedNetwork GenerateMultiplexNetwork RemoveDuplicates_DE_Results

############ MOGAMUN's functions

# definition of the function that filters the DE results, to remove duplicates
# INPUTS: DE_results: data frame with 5 columns (output of edgeR), 
#                     {gene, logFC, logCPM, PValue, FDR}
# OUTPUT: DE analysis results, with only unique values
RemoveDuplicates_DE_Results <- function(DE_results) {
    # remove NAs
    DE_results <- DE_results[!is.na(DE_results$gene), ]
    dup <- unique(as.character(DE_results$gene[
    DE_results_filtered <- DE_results[!as.character(DE_results$gene) %in% dup, ]
    for (d in dup) {
        DupRows <- DE_results[as.character(DE_results$gene) == d, ]
        DE_results_filtered <- 
            rbind(DE_results_filtered, DupRows[which.min(DupRows$FDR), ])
    return (DE_results_filtered)

# definition of the function that generates the multiplex network
# INPUTS: Files - list of file names that contain the biological networks data
# OUTPUT: Multiplex network (list of igraph objects)
GenerateMultiplexNetwork <- function(Files) {
    # declare empty list to store the multiplex
    Multiplex <- list()
    AllNodesToTake <- as.character(GetListOfAllNodesPresentInLayers(Files))
    # loop through all the layers to get the corresponding subnetwork 
    for (LayerFile in Files) {
        # load layer
        Layer <- read.table(LayerFile, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        # create network with the current layer
        # NOTE. All the nodes will have the same ID in every layer
        CurrentNetwork <- 
            graph_from_data_frame(d = Layer, 
                                  vertices = AllNodesToTake, directed = FALSE)
        # add subnetwork as a layer into the multiplex network
        Multiplex[[ length(Multiplex) + 1 ]] <- CurrentNetwork
    return (Multiplex)

# definition of the function that generates the merged network
# INPUTS: Files - list of file names that contain the biological networks data
#         Multiplex - multiplex network
# OUTPUT: Merged network (igraph object)
GenerateMergedNetwork <- function(Files, Multiplex) {
    # declare empty data frame for the edges of the merged
    Merged <- 
        data.frame(V1 = character(), V2 = character(), Layer = character())
    # loop through all the layers to get all the interactions
    for (LayerFile in Files) {
        # load layer
        Layer <- data.frame(read.table(LayerFile, header = FALSE, 
                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE), Layer = LayerFile)
        Merged <- rbind(Merged, Layer)
    # create merged network, keeping the same order of the nodes as in the mx
    MergedNetwork <- 
            d = Merged, vertices = names(igraph::V(Multiplex[[1]])), 
            directed = FALSE
    return (MergedNetwork)

# definition of the function that gets the sorted list of nodes 
# INPUTS: Files - list of file names that contain the biological networks data
# OUTPUT: Sorted list of nodes
GetListOfAllNodesPresentInLayers <- function(Files) {
    # declare empty variable to store the nodes
    AllNodes <- NULL
    # loop through all the layers to get the corresponding subnetwork 
    for (LayerFile in Files) {
        # load layer
        Layer <- read.table(LayerFile, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        AllNodes <- c(AllNodes, unique(union(Layer[, 1], Layer[, 2])))
    # remove duplicates
    AllNodes <- unique(AllNodes)
    # order alphabetically
    AllNodes <- sort(AllNodes)
    return (AllNodes)

# definition of the function that calculates the node score of a list of genes
# INPUTS: DE_results - differential expression analysis results 
#         ListOfGenes - list of gene names to calculate the node score
#         Measure - 'PValue' or 'FDR' for the node score calculus
# OUTPUT: nodes scores
GetNodesScoresOfListOfGenes <- function(DE_results, ListOfGenes, Measure) {
    ListOfGenes <- unique(ListOfGenes)
    # calculate nodes scores for the genes with formula: z = inverse CDF(1-p) 
    # if gene has an expression value, and z = -Inf otherwise
    NodesScores <- as.numeric(vapply(
        function(X) {
            ifelse (
                X %in% as.character(DE_results$gene), 
                qnorm( 1 - DE_results[[Measure]][DE_results$gene == X] ), 
    # normalizes nodes scores to be in the range [0-1], ignoring +Inf and -Inf 
    NodesScores <-
        (NodesScores - min(NodesScores[which(is.finite(NodesScores))])) /
            max(NodesScores[which(is.finite(NodesScores))]) - 
    # replace +Inf with 1
    NodesScores[which(is.infinite(NodesScores) & NodesScores > 1)] <- 1
    # replace -Inf with 0
    NodesScores[which(is.infinite(NodesScores) & NodesScores < 1)] <- 0

# definition of the function to generate the initial population
# INPUTS: PopSize - population size, i.e. number of individuals to create
#         Multiplex - multiplex network (it is the search space)
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Population of size PopSize with integer codification
GenerateInitialPop <- function (PopSize, Multiplex, LoadedData) {
    MinSize <- LoadedData$MinSize
    MaxSize <- LoadedData$MaxSize
    MyPopulation <- vector("list", PopSize) # initialize an empty vector 
    for (i in seq_len(PopSize)) { # loop from 1 to the total population size
        # randomly determine the size of the individual
        SizeOfIndividual <- 
                x = MinSize:MaxSize, 
                size = 1
        Root <- PickRoot(MyMx = Multiplex, LoadedData = LoadedData)
        # use DFS (Depth First Search) from the chosen root
        # NOTE. DFS will be used in the initial population because it allows 
        #       to go further from the root
        # makes a random DFS, i.e., the branches are shuffled before 
        # visiting them, in order to generate different individuals each time
        DFS <-
                MyMx = Multiplex,
                Root = Root,
                SizeOfIndividual = SizeOfIndividual, 
                LoadedData = LoadedData
        # add individual to the population
        MyPopulation[i] <- list(DFS)

# definition of the function to perform a RANDOM depth first search of a given 
# length on a MULTIPLEX network. This means that the branch to be visted is 
# randomnly picked from all the available ones
# INPUTS: MyMx - a multiplex network
#         Root - name of the node that will be used as root for the search
#         SizeOfIndividual - desired length of the search
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Individual with the desired length
DFS_iterative_Mx <- function (MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual, LoadedData) {
    MaxNumberOfAttempts <- LoadedData$MaxNumberOfAttempts
    Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
    KeepLooking <- TRUE # flag to control the execution of the current function
    Attempts <- 0
    while(KeepLooking == TRUE) {
        # make depth first search on MyMx using Root as seed
        Result <- MakeDFS(MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual) 
        # security check of individual's size
        if (length(Result) != SizeOfIndividual) {
            if (Attempts > MaxNumberOfAttempts) { # if max attemps reached
                MyMx <- Multiplex # use the big original multiplex
                Root <- PickRoot(MyMx, LoadedData) # pick a random root 
            } else { # if we still have attempts left
                Attempts <- Attempts + 1 # increment number of attempts
                Root <- PickRoot(MyMx, LoadedData) # pick a root 
        } else { # if a good root was found and the ind has the desired size
            KeepLooking <- FALSE # deactivate flag to stop the search
    ##### the following conversion has to be done because when a subnetwork is 
    ##### created, the nodes get new IDs, according to the size of the new 
    ##### subnetwork, but the individuals should always have IDs with respect 
    ##### to the global network, therefore the IDs need to be "re-calculated"
    Nodes <- names(igraph::V(MyMx[[1]])[Result]) # get local nodes' names
    NodesIDs <- GetIDOfNodes(Nodes, Multiplex[[1]]) # get IDs
    return (NodesIDs)

# definition of the function to perform a RANDOM depth first search of a given 
# length on a MULTIPLEX network. This means that the branch to be visted is 
# randomnly picked from all the available ones
# INPUTS: MyMx - a multiplex network
#         Root - name of the node that will be used as root for the search
#         SizeOfIndividual - desired length of the search
# OUTPUT: Individual 
MakeDFS <- function(MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual) {
    Discovered <- Result <- CurrentLayer <- NULL  # initialization
    Stack <- Root  # initialize the stack of the pending nodes to visit 
    # loop while there are pending elements and the desired size hasn't been met
    while(length(Stack) > 0 && length(Result) < SizeOfIndividual) {
        # check if we will change of layer (first loop or 50% chance later)
        if (is.null(CurrentLayer) || runif(1, 0, 1) <= 0.5) {
            AvLayers <- seq_len(length(MyMx)) # list all layers
            if (length(AvLayers) > 1) { 
                AvLayers <- AvLayers[!AvLayers %in% CurrentLayer] 
            # choose a new layer
            CurrentLayer <- 
                ifelse(length(AvLayers > 0), sample(AvLayers, 1), CurrentLayer) 
        Node <- Stack[length(Stack)]  # take a node from the stack to visit it
        Stack <- Stack[-length(Stack)] # remove node from stack
        if (!(Node %in% Discovered)) { # verify if the node hasn't been visited
            Discovered <- c(Discovered, Node) # add node to the list of visited
            # when findind a disconnected node in a layer, change layer 
            KeepGoing <- TRUE
            VisitedLayers <- NULL
            AvLayers <- seq_len(length(MyMx))
            while (KeepGoing == TRUE) {
                MyNeighbors <- 
                    names(igraph::neighbors(MyMx[[CurrentLayer]], Node)) 
                MyNeighbors <- MyNeighbors[!MyNeighbors %in% Discovered] 
                if (length(MyNeighbors) == 0) {
                    VisitedLayers <- c(VisitedLayers, CurrentLayer) 
                    AvLayers <- AvLayers[!AvLayers %in% VisitedLayers]
                    if (length(AvLayers) > 0) { 
                        CurrentLayer <- AvLayers[sample(length(AvLayers), 1)]
                    } else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
                } else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
            MyNeighbors <- MyNeighbors[sample(length(MyNeighbors))] # shuffle 
            Stack <- c(Stack, MyNeighbors) # add shuffled neighbors to stack
            Result <- c(Result, Node) # add node to the individual
    return(Result) # return result

# Definition of the function to pick a random node to be the root of a search. 
# DEG are preferred over non-DEG
# INPUT:  MyMx - network containing all the available nodes
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Root node
PickRoot <- function (MyMx, LoadedData) {
    DEG <- LoadedData$DEG
    SearchSpaceGenes <- names(igraph::V(MyMx[[1]]))
    # get the list of all the DE genes (from the whole DE analysis test)
    DEGenesNames <- as.character(DEG$gene)
    # get the list of DE genes in the search space
    DEGAvail <- as.character(DEG[DEGenesNames %in% SearchSpaceGenes, "gene"])
    # verify if there is at least one DE gene
    if (length(DEGAvail) > 0) {
        # randomly pick a DEG to be the root of the tree (individual)
        Root <- DEGAvail[sample(seq_len(length(DEGAvail)), 1)]
    } else {
        # randomly pick any gene from the list of available genes
        Root <- SearchSpaceGenes[sample(seq_len(length(SearchSpaceGenes)), 1)]

# definition of the function to evaluate a whole population
# INPUTS: MyPopulation - population to evaluate (codes of the individuals)
#         Multiplex - network to which the population belongs to
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Evaluation of the individual (fitness)
EvaluatePopulation <- function (MyPopulation, Multiplex, LoadedData) {
    FitnessData <-
                seq_len(length(MyPopulation)), # from 1 to PopSize
                function(i) {
                        Individual = MyPopulation[[i]],
                        MultiplexNetwork = Multiplex,
                        LoadedData = LoadedData
    return (FitnessData)

# definition of the function to evaluate an individual
# INPUTS: Individual - individual to evaluate
#         MultiplexNetwork - network to which the individual belongs to
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Evaluation of the individual (fitness)
EvaluateInd <- function (Individual, MultiplexNetwork, LoadedData) {
    GenesNS <- LoadedData$GenesWithNodesScores
    DensityMX <- LoadedData$DensityPerLayerMultiplex
    # verifies that there is at least one node present in the individual
    if ( length(Individual) > 0 ) {
        # gets the sum of the nodes scores of the subnetwork
        SumNodesScores <- sum(GenesNS[GenesNS$gene %in% 
                                          igraph::V(MultiplexNetwork[[1]])$name[Individual], "nodescore"])
        AverageNodesScore <- SumNodesScores / length(Individual)
        SumDensityAllLayers <- 0
        # loop through all the layers in the multiplex
        for (layer in seq_len(length(MultiplexNetwork))) {
            # get the inds subnetwork corresponding in the current layer
            Subnetwork <- 
                igraph::induced_subgraph(MultiplexNetwork[[layer]], Individual)
            # calculate the density of the subnetwork in the current layer
            SubnetworkDensity <- igraph::graph.density(Subnetwork)
            if (is.nan(SubnetworkDensity)) {
                SubnetworkDensity <- 0
            # add the normalized subnetwork's density with respect to 
            # the density of the current layer
            SumDensityAllLayers <- 
                SumDensityAllLayers + (SubnetworkDensity / DensityMX[layer])
        Res <- data.frame(AverageNodesScore = AverageNodesScore, 
                          Density = SumDensityAllLayers)
    } else {
        Res <- data.frame(AverageNodesScore = 0, Density = 0)
    return (Res)

# definition of the function to generate a new population from an existing one
# INPUTS: LoadedData - general data 
#         Population - full population of individuals (parents)
# OUTPUT: New population (children)
MakeNewPopulation <- function(LoadedData, Population) {
    PopSize <- LoadedData$PopSize
    MaxNumberOfAttempts <- LoadedData$MaxNumberOfAttempts
    TournSize <- LoadedData$TournamentSize
    Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
    MyNewPopulation <- vector("list", PopSize) # initialize vector 
    # loop to generate the new population. In each loop, 2 children are created
    for(i in seq(from = 1, to = PopSize, by = 2)) {
        Attempts <- 0 # counter for max. attemps to find parents
        KeepLooking <- TRUE  # flag to keep looking for parents
        while (Attempts < MaxNumberOfAttempts & KeepLooking == TRUE) {
            Parent1 <- TournamentSelection(TournSize, Population) # selection
            Parent2 <- GetParent2(Parent1, Population, LoadedData)
            if (is.null(Parent2)) { # verify if the search was unsuccessful
                Attempts <- Attempts + 1 # increment no. of attempts  
            } else { KeepLooking <- FALSE } # parent 2 found - stop the search
        if (Attempts == MaxNumberOfAttempts) { # if unsuccessful search
            print("Max. no. of attemps to find compatible parents")
            # generate two random individuals
            Children <- GenerateInitialPop( PopSize = 2, Multiplex = Multiplex, 
                                            LoadedData = LoadedData )
        } else {
            Children <- Crossover(Parent1, Parent2, LoadedData) # mate parents
        Children <- Mutation(Children, Multiplex, LoadedData) # mutate children
        MyNewPopulation[i] <- Children[1] # add child 1 to the population
        MyNewPopulation[i+1] <- Children[2] # add child 2 to the population
    # evaluate offspring
    FitnessData <- EvaluatePopulation(MyNewPopulation, Multiplex, LoadedData)
    # generate data frame with the individuals and their fitness
    NewPopulation <- data.frame("Individual" = I(MyNewPopulation), FitnessData,
                                Rank = rep(0, nrow(FitnessData)), 
                                CrowdingDistance = rep(0, nrow(FitnessData)))
    NewPopulationForReplacement <- 
        Replacement(Parents = Population, Children = NewPopulation, 
                    LoadedData = LoadedData) # prepare new population
    return(NewPopulationForReplacement) # return the new population 

# definition of the function to choose a compatible individual with parent 1
# INPUTS: Parent1 - parent 1
#         Population - full population of individuals
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Compatible parent 2 or NULL if the search was unsuccessful
GetParent2 <- function(Parent1, Population, LoadedData) {
    Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
    PopSize <- LoadedData$PopSize
    TournSize <- LoadedData$TournamentSize
    ### filter population to leave only inds near parent 1 
    # get nodes ids with respect to the big network
    NodesIDsOfParent1 <- sort( unlist(Parent1$Individual) )
    # get list of nodes IDs in parent 1 and their neighbors
    NeighborsNodesP1 <- GetNeighbors(NodesIDsOfParent1, Multiplex )
    # get inds that contain at least one node from the previous list
    NeighborsIndsP1 <- vapply( seq_len(PopSize), function(X) { 
        if (length(intersect(unlist(Population[X,"Individual"]), 
                             NeighborsNodesP1)) > 0){ X } else { 0 }}, numeric(1) )
    # filter population and leave individuals near parent 1
    PotentialIndsParent2 <- Population[NeighborsIndsP1, ]
    # verify if parent 1 is in the list and if so, remove it
    if ( rownames(Parent1) %in% rownames(PotentialIndsParent2) ) {
        Parent1ID <- 
            which(rownames(PotentialIndsParent2) == rownames(Parent1))
        PotentialIndsParent2 <- PotentialIndsParent2[ -Parent1ID, ]
    if ( nrow(PotentialIndsParent2) >= 2 ) { # if there are more than 2 inds
        # tournament to choose parent 2
        Parent2 <- TournamentSelection(TournSize, PotentialIndsParent2)
    } else if (nrow(PotentialIndsParent2) == 1) { 
        # if there is only 1 ind, keep it
        Parent2 <- PotentialIndsParent2
    } else { # unsuccessful search for compatible parents
        Parent2 <- NULL

# definition of the function to perform a tournament selection
# INPUTS: TournamentSize - size of the tournament
#         TournPop - population to do the tournament with
# OUTPUT: Individual that won the tournament
TournamentSelection <- function (TournamentSize, TournPop) {
    # randomly choose as many individuals as the tournament size indicates
    ids <- 
        sample(seq_len(nrow(TournPop)), TournamentSize, replace=FALSE)
    # verify all both individuals are in the same Pareto front
    if (length(unique(TournPop$Rank[ids])) == 1) {
        # verify if these individuals have information about crowding distance 
        # (they won't if generation == 1)
        if ("CrowdingDistance" %in% colnames(TournPop)) {
            # get id of the individual with the highest crowding distance
            winner <- which(TournPop$CrowdingDistance[ids] == 
        } else {
            # if there is no crowding distance and the individuals have the 
            # same rank, they are all considered as winners
            winner <- c(seq_len(TournamentSize))
    } else { 
        # if the individuals are in different Pareto fronts, the winner 
        # of the tournament is the one with lowest value (best ranking)
        winner <- which(TournPop$Rank[ids] == min(TournPop$Rank[ids]))
    # verify if there was a tie
    if (length(winner) > 1) {
        # pick a single winner randomly
        winner <- winner[ sample(seq_len(length(winner)), 1) ]
    TournamentWinner <- TournPop[ids[winner],]

# definition of the function to get the neighbors of a list of nodes, 
# considering all the layers
# INPUTS: NodeList - list of nodes to look for its neighbors
#         Multiplex - multiplex network
# OUTPUT: List of neighbors
GetNeighbors <- function(NodeList, Multiplex) {
    Neighbors <- NULL
    # loop through all the layer of the multiplex
    for (i in seq_len(length(Multiplex))) {
        # add to the list the neighbors of the node list in the current layer
        Neighbors <- 
            c(Neighbors, unlist(lapply(NodeList, function(X) {
                igraph::neighbors(Multiplex[[i]], X)})))
    # sort result and delete duplicates
    Neighbors <- sort(unique(Neighbors))

# definition of the function to perform crossover
# INPUTS: Parent1 - first parent to cross
#         Parent2 - second parent to cross
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Two children (a single connected component per child)
Crossover <- function (Parent1, Parent2, LoadedData) {
    MaxNumberOfAttempts <- LoadedData$MaxNumberOfAttempts
    MinSize <- LoadedData$MinSize
    MaxSize <- LoadedData$MaxSize
    CrossoverRate <- LoadedData$CrossoverRate
    Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
    Children <- NULL # intialize empty list
    p <- runif(1, 0, 1) # generate a random number between 0 and 1
    if (p <= CrossoverRate) { # check if crossover is to be performed
        # join both parents
        NodesP <- union(unlist(Parent1$Individual), unlist(Parent2$Individual))
        # first, generate the multiplex of the joint parents
        Mx_Parents <- FilterMultiplex(Multiplex=Multiplex, NodesToKeep=NodesP)
        # if length is minimum, copy parents 
        if (length(NodesP) == MinSize) {
            Children <- rbind(Parent1$Individual, Parent2$Individual)
        } else {
            for (k in seq_len(2)) { # loop to generate two children
                # pick a size for the child 
                Size <- ifelse(length(NodesP) >= MaxSize, 
                               sample(MinSize:MaxSize, 1), 
                               sample(MinSize:length(NodesP), 1))
                # pick root
                Root <- PickRoot(MyMx = Mx_Parents, LoadedData = LoadedData) 
                SearchMethod <- sample(c("DFS", "BFS"), 1) # pick search method
                if (SearchMethod == "DFS") { # depth first search
                    DFS <- DFS_iterative_Mx(MyMx = Mx_Parents, Root = Root,
                                            SizeOfIndividual = Size, LoadedData = LoadedData)
                    Children[k] <- list(DFS) # add child to the population
                } else if (SearchMethod == "BFS") { # breadth first search
                    BFS <- BFS_iterative_Mx(MyMx = Mx_Parents, Root = Root, 
                                            SizeOfIndividual = Size, LoadedData = LoadedData )
                    Children[k] <- list(BFS) # add child to the population
    } else { # if no crossover was performed, make a copy of the parents
        Children <- rbind(Parent1$Individual, Parent2$Individual)

# definition of the function to perform a RANDOM breadth first search of a 
# given length on a MULTIPLEX network. This means that the nodes to be visted  
# are always randomnly picked from all the available ones
# INPUTS: Multiplex - the multiplex network
#         Root - name of the node that will be used as root for the search
#         SizeOfIndividual - desired length of the search
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Individual with the desired length
BFS_iterative_Mx <- function (MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual, LoadedData) {
    MaxNumberOfAttempts <- LoadedData$MaxNumberOfAttempts
    Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
    KeepLooking <- TRUE # flag to control the execution of the current function
    Attempts <- 0
    while(KeepLooking == TRUE) {
        Result <- MakeBFS(MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual)
        # security check of individual's size
        if (length(Result) != SizeOfIndividual) {
            if (Attempts > MaxNumberOfAttempts) { # if max attemps reached
                MyMx <- Multiplex # use the big original multiplex
                Root <- PickRoot(MyMx, LoadedData) # pick a random root 
            } else { # if we still have attempts left
                Attempts <- Attempts + 1 # increment number of attempts
                Root <- PickRoot(MyMx, LoadedData) # pick a root 
        } else { # if a good root was found and the ind has the desired size
            KeepLooking <- FALSE # deactivate flag to stop the search
    ##### the following conversion has to be done because when a subnetwork is 
    ##### created, the nodes get new IDs, according to the size of the new 
    ##### subnetwork, but the individuals should always have IDs with respect 
    ##### to the global network, therefore the IDs need to be "re-calculated"
    # get the names of the nodes in the local network with the local IDs
    Nodes <- names(igraph::V(MyMx[[1]])[Result])
    # get the global IDs of the corresponding nodes
    NodesIDs <- GetIDOfNodes(Nodes, Multiplex[[1]])
    return (NodesIDs)

# definition of the function to perform a RANDOM breadth first search of a  
# given length on a MULTIPLEX network. This means that the branch to be visted 
# is randomnly picked from all the available ones
# INPUTS: MyMx - a multiplex network
#         Root - name of the node that will be used as root for the search
#         SizeOfIndividual - desired length of the search
# OUTPUT: Individual 
MakeBFS <- function(MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual) {
    Discovered <- Result <- CurrentLayer <- NULL  # initialization
    Queue <- Root  # initialize the queue of the pending nodes to visit 
    # loop while there are pending elements and the desired size hasn't been met
    while(length(Queue) > 0 && length(Result) < SizeOfIndividual) {
        # check if we will change of layer 
        if (is.null(CurrentLayer) || runif(1, 0, 1) <= 0.5) {
            AvLayers <- seq_len(length(MyMx)) # list all layers
            if (length(AvLayers) > 1) { 
                AvLayers <- AvLayers[!AvLayers %in% CurrentLayer] }
            # choose a new layer
            CurrentLayer <- 
                ifelse(length(AvLayers > 0), sample(AvLayers, 1), CurrentLayer) 
        Node <- Queue[1]  # take a node from the queue to visit it
        Queue <- Queue[-1] # remove node from queue
        if (!(Node %in% Discovered)) { # verify if the node hasn't been visited 
            Discovered <- c(Discovered, Node) # add node to the list of visited
            # when findind a disconnected node in a layer, change layer 
            KeepGoing <- TRUE
            VisitedLayers <- NULL
            AvLayers <- seq_len(length(MyMx))
            while (KeepGoing == TRUE) {
                MyNeighbors <- 
                    names(igraph::neighbors(MyMx[[CurrentLayer]], Node)) 
                MyNeighbors <- MyNeighbors[!MyNeighbors %in% Discovered] 
                if (length(MyNeighbors) == 0) {
                    VisitedLayers <- c(VisitedLayers, CurrentLayer) 
                    AvLayers <- AvLayers[!AvLayers %in% VisitedLayers] 
                    if (length(AvLayers) > 0) { 
                        CurrentLayer <- AvLayers[sample(length(AvLayers), 1)]
                    } else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
                } else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
            MyNeighbors <- MyNeighbors[sample(length(MyNeighbors))] # shuffle 
            Queue <- c(Queue, MyNeighbors) # add shuffled neighbors to the stack
            Result <- c(Result, Node) # add node to the individual
    return(Result) # return result    

# definition of the function that filters the multiplex network, to keep 
# only the specified list of nodes
# INPUTS: Multiplex - multiplex network to filter
#         ListOfNodes - list of nodes to keep
# OUTPUT: Filtered version of the multiplex
FilterMultiplex <- function(Multiplex, NodesToKeep) {
    # declare empty list to store the multiplex
    FilteredMultiplex <- list()
    # loop through all the layers to get the corresponding subnetwork 
    for (i in seq_len(length(Multiplex))) {
        # create network with the current layer
        CurrentNetwork <- igraph::induced_subgraph(Multiplex[[i]], NodesToKeep)
        # add subnetwork as a layer into the multiplex network
        FilteredMultiplex[[ length(FilteredMultiplex) + 1 ]] <- CurrentNetwork
    return (FilteredMultiplex)

# definition of the function to get the list of IDs of a set of nodes
# INPUTS: ListOfNodes - list of nodes' names
#         GlobalNetwork - general network to look for our list of nodes
# OUTPUT: List of IDs
GetIDOfNodes <- function(ListOfNodes, GlobalNetwork) {
    return (which(names(igraph::V(GlobalNetwork)) %in% ListOfNodes))

# definition of the function to perform mutation
# INPUTS: Individuals - the individuals to perform mutation with
#         Multiplex - network to where the individuals belong to
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Two mutated individuals
Mutation <- function (Individuals, Multiplex, LoadedData) {
    Merged <- LoadedData$Merged
    DEG <- LoadedData$DEG
    MutationRate <- LoadedData$MutationRate
    Mutants <- NULL
    # loop through all the individuals to be mutated
    for (i in seq_len(length(Individuals))) { 
        p <- runif(1, 0, 1) # generate a random number between 0 and 1
        if (p <= MutationRate) { # check if mutation is to be performed
            # make subnetwork
            IndToMutNet <- igraph::induced_subgraph(Merged, Individuals[[i]]) 
            IndToMutDeg <- igraph::degree(IndToMutNet) # get nodes' degrees
            # remove DEG from the list
            IndToMutDeg <- 
                IndToMutDeg[ !names(IndToMutDeg) %in% as.character(DEG$gene) ]
            # get the list of nodes with the min degree (peripheral nodes)
            PeripheralNodes <- which.min(IndToMutDeg)
            # get the list of node names that can be mutated
            PotNodesToMutate <- names(PeripheralNodes)
            # make vector with the nodes to mutate
            NodesToMutate <- 
                vapply(array(rep(0, length(PotNodesToMutate))), function(X) { 
                    ifelse(runif(1, 0, 1) <= MutationRate, 1, 0)}, numeric(1))
            # gets the list of chromosomes to be mutated
            NodesToMutate <- which(NodesToMutate == 1) 
            # if at least one of the nodes will be mutated
            if (length(NodesToMutate) > 0) { 
                Individuals[[i]] <- 
                    MutateNodes(Individuals[[i]], IndToMutNet,  NodesToMutate, 
                                PotNodesToMutate, LoadedData) 
            } else { # if no nodes were removed, add a new neighbor
                Individuals[[i]] <- 
                    AddNode(Individuals[[i]], IndToMutNet, LoadedData) 
        Mutants[i] <- Individuals[i] # save the individual in the mutants' list

# definition of the function to mutate a given list of nodes 
# INPUTS: Ind - individual to mutate
#         NodesToMutate - list of nodes to mutate
#         PotNodesToMutate - list of potential nodes to mutate
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Mutated individual
MutateNodes <- function(Ind, IndToMutNet, NodesToMutate, PotNodesToMutate, 
                        LoadedData) {
    DEG <- LoadedData$DEG # get DEG
    # if at least one of the nodes will be mutated
    for (j in NodesToMutate) { # loop through the nodes to remove
        MutatedNetwork <- 
            igraph::delete_vertices(IndToMutNet, PotNodesToMutate[j])
        # obtain neighbors of nodes
        Neighbors_OrInd <- 
            names(unlist(lapply(names( igraph::V(IndToMutNet)),
                                function(X) {igraph::neighbors(LoadedData$Merged, X)})))
        Neighbors_MutInd <- 
                                function(X) {igraph::neighbors(LoadedData$Merged, X)})))
        # delete nodes that originally belonged to the individual
        Neighbors_OrInd <- 
                !Neighbors_OrInd %in% names(igraph::V(IndToMutNet))]
        Neighbors_MutInd <-
                !Neighbors_MutInd %in% names(igraph::V(IndToMutNet))]
        # check if network is connected
        if( igraph::is.connected(MutatedNetwork) ) { 
            # save changes 
            Ind <- GetIDOfNodes(names(igraph::V(MutatedNetwork)), 
            IndToMutNet <- MutatedNetwork
            AvNeighbors <- Neighbors_MutInd
        } else { AvNeighbors <- Neighbors_OrInd }
        # if there is at least 1 available neighbor to be added 
        if(length(AvNeighbors) > 0) {
            # pick a node to add
            NewNodeID <- GetNodeToAdd(AvNeighbors, LoadedData) 
            # add node
            Ind <- c(Ind, NewNodeID) 
        } else { print("Attempt to add a new neighbor FAILED") }

# definition of the function to add a node to a subnetwork 
# INPUTS: IndToMutNet - subnetwork of the individual to modify
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: Modified individual
AddNode <- function(Ind, IndToMutNet, LoadedData) {
    DEG <- LoadedData$DEG # get DEG
    # obtain neighbors of nodes
    AvNeighbors <- 
                            function(X) {igraph::neighbors(LoadedData$Merged, X)})))
    # delete from the list all the nodes that originally belonged to the ind
    AvNeighbors <- AvNeighbors[!AvNeighbors %in% names(igraph::V(IndToMutNet))]
    # if there is at least one available neighbor to be added
    if(length(AvNeighbors) > 0) {
        # pick a node to add
        NewNodeID <- GetNodeToAdd(AvNeighbors, LoadedData) 
        # add node
        Ind <- c(Ind, NewNodeID) 
    } else { 
        print("No nodes to be mutated. Attempt to add a new neighbor FAILED") 

# definition of the function to pick a node to add 
# INPUTS: AvNeighbors - available neighbors to choose the node from
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: ID of the node to be added
GetNodeToAdd <- function(AvNeighbors, LoadedData) {
    DEG <- LoadedData$DEG
    Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
    # get the list of neighbors DEG
    DE_Neighbors <- AvNeighbors[AvNeighbors %in% as.character(DEG$gene)]
    # if there is at least one DE gene in the list of neighbors, keep
    if (length(DE_Neighbors) > 0) { AvNeighbors <- DE_Neighbors }
    # calculate the number of times each node is neighbor
    Incidences <- table(as.factor(AvNeighbors)) 
    # get the nodes with highest incidence
    MaxIncidences <- which.max(Incidences) 
    # keep nodes with a max incidence
    AvNeighbors <- names(MaxIncidences) 
    # pick a random node to add
    RandomNode <- AvNeighbors[sample(seq_len(length(AvNeighbors)), 1)] 
    # get ID of the node to add
    NewNodeID <- GetIDOfNodes(RandomNode, Multiplex[[1]]) 
    return (NewNodeID)

# definition of the function to perform replacement
# INPUTS: Parents - individuals from the previous generation
#         Children - individuals from the new generation
#         LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT: The selected invididuals to keep for the next generation
Replacement <- function (Parents, Children, LoadedData) {
    PopSize <- LoadedData$PopSize
    # combine the new population (offspring) with old population (parents)
    CombinedPopulation <- rbind(Parents, Children)
    ## replace duplicated individuals with random ones
    CombinedPopulation <- ReplaceDuplicatedInds(CombinedPopulation, LoadedData)
    # order combined population by rank
    CombinedPopulation <- CombinedPopulation[order(CombinedPopulation$Rank), ]
    # get last rank which will be in the replacement population
    LastRank <- CombinedPopulation$Rank[PopSize]
    # get last rank individuals
    LastRankInds <- CombinedPopulation[CombinedPopulation$Rank == LastRank, ]
    # order by crowding distance
    LastRankInds <- 
        LastRankInds[order(LastRankInds$CrowdingDistance, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    # select new population for replacement
    NewPopulationForReplacement <- 
        CombinedPopulation[CombinedPopulation$Rank < LastRank, ]
    NewPopulationForReplacement <- rbind(NewPopulationForReplacement, 
                                         LastRankInds[seq_len(PopSize - nrow(NewPopulationForReplacement)), ])

# definition of the function that replaces all duplicated individuals and 
# those above the permitted threshold of similarity with random individuals
# INPUTS:  CombinedPopulation - Population of size 2*N that corresponds to the 
#                               union of parents and children
#          LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT:  A garanteed diverse population of size 2*N
ReplaceDuplicatedInds <- function(CombinedPopulation, LoadedData) {
    DivPop <- CombinedPopulation
    Threshold <- LoadedData$JaccardSimilarityThreshold
    Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
    Sim <- GetDuplicatedInds(DivPop, Threshold) # get duplicated individuals
    if (nrow(Sim) > 0) { # verify if there are duplicated individuals
        IndsToRemove <- NULL
        # non-dominated sorting and crowding distance calculus
        SortedPop <- 
            NonDomSort(PopulationToSort = DivPop, LoadedData = LoadedData)
        i <- 1
        while(i < nrow(Sim)) { # loop through all the duplicated individuals
            # ID of individuals
            Ind1_ID <- Sim[i, 1]
            Ind2_ID <- Sim[i, 2]
            if (Sim$JS[i] < 100 & all(SortedPop$Rank[c(Ind1_ID, Ind2_ID)] == 1) 
                & all(is.infinite(SortedPop$CrowdingDistance[
                    c(Ind1_ID, Ind2_ID)])) ) {
                print("Keeping similar individuals. Inf crowding distance.")
                print(SortedPop[c(Ind1_ID, Ind2_ID), ])
            } else { # tournament between the two individuals
                IndToKeep <- TournamentSelection(TournamentSize = 2,
                                                 TournPop = SortedPop[c(Ind1_ID, Ind2_ID), ])
                IndsToRemove <- c(IndsToRemove, ifelse(rownames(IndToKeep) == 
                                                           row.names(SortedPop)[Ind1_ID], Ind2_ID, Ind1_ID)) 
                # get and remove all future incidences of the ind
                Ref <- which(Sim == IndsToRemove[length(IndsToRemove)], 
                             arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"]
                Sim <- Sim[!row.names(Sim) %in% row.names(Sim)[Ref[Ref > i]], ]
            i <- i + 1
        # remove the corresponding individuals
        DivPop <- SortedPop[!row.names(SortedPop) %in% 
                                row.names(SortedPop)[IndsToRemove], ]
    # generate as many new individuals as duplicated ones
    NewInds <- GenerateInitialPop(
        PopSize = (nrow(CombinedPopulation)-nrow(DivPop)), 
        Multiplex = Multiplex, LoadedData = LoadedData )
    FitnessData <- EvaluatePopulation(NewInds, Multiplex, LoadedData) # eval
    DivPop <- rbind(DivPop, data.frame("Individual" = I(NewInds), 
                                       FitnessData, Rank = 0, CrowdingDistance = 0))
    DivPop <- NonDomSort(PopulationToSort = DivPop, LoadedData = LoadedData)

# definition of the function that finds the duplicated individuals, considering
# a given threshold
# INPUTS:  DivPop - Population
#          Threshold - Individuals over this threshold are duplicated
# OUTPUT:  Similarities and indexes of duplicated individuals
GetDuplicatedInds <- function(DivPop, Threshold) {
    # create all the combinations of 2 numbers with the ids of individuals
    Index <- t(combn(seq_len(nrow(DivPop)), 2))
    # calculate the Jaccard similarity index
    Sim <- data.frame(Index1 = Index[, 1], Index2 = Index[, 2], JS = 0) # sim
    Sim$JS <- apply(Index, 1, function(X) {
        Ind1 <- as.character(unlist(DivPop$Individual[X[1]]))
        Ind2 <- as.character(unlist(DivPop$Individual[X[2]]))
        # Jaccard similarity = (intersection of A and B) / (union of A and B)
        JS <- (length(intersect(Ind1, Ind2))) / (length(union(Ind1, Ind2)))*100
        return(as.double(JS)) } )
    Sim <- Sim[Sim$JS >= Threshold, ] # keep "duplicated" individuals

# definition of the function that performs the fast non dominated sorting 
# NOTE. This function was taken from the nsga2R package, and adapted for 
#       maximization problems
# INPUTS:  inputData - Unsorted population
# OUTPUT:  Sorted population with ranking 
fastNonDominatedSorting <- function(inputData) {
    popSize <- nrow(inputData)
    idxDominators <- vector("list", popSize)
    idxDominatees <- vector("list", popSize)
    for (i in 1:(popSize - 1)) {
        for (j in i:popSize) {
            if (i != j) {
                xi <- inputData[i, ]
                xj <- inputData[j, ]
                if (all(xi >= xj) && any(xi > xj)) {
                    idxDominators[[j]] <- c(idxDominators[[j]], i)
                    idxDominatees[[i]] <- c(idxDominatees[[i]], j)
                else if (all(xj >= xi) && any(xj > xi)) {
                    idxDominators[[i]] <- c(idxDominators[[i]], j)
                    idxDominatees[[j]] <- c(idxDominatees[[j]], i)
    noDominators <- lapply(idxDominators, length)
    rnkList <- list()
    rnkList <- c(rnkList, list(which(noDominators == 0)))
    solAssigned <- c()
    solAssigned <- c(solAssigned, length(which(noDominators == 0)))
    while (sum(solAssigned) < popSize) {
        Q <- c()
        noSolInCurrFrnt <- solAssigned[length(solAssigned)]
        for (i in 1:noSolInCurrFrnt) {
            solIdx <- rnkList[[length(rnkList)]][i]
            hisDominatees <- idxDominatees[[solIdx]]
            for (i in hisDominatees) {
                noDominators[[i]] <- noDominators[[i]] - 1
                if (noDominators[[i]] == 0) {
                    Q <- c(Q, i)
        rnkList <- c(rnkList, list(sort(Q)))
        solAssigned <- c(solAssigned, length(Q))

# definition of the function that performs the fast non dominated sorting and 
# the calculus of the crowding distance
# INPUTS:  PopulationToSort - Unsorted population
#          LoadedData - general data 
# OUTPUT:  Sorted population with ranking and crowding distance
NonDomSort <- function(PopulationToSort, LoadedData) {
    ObjectiveNames <- LoadedData$ObjectiveNames
    # sort individuals by non domination
    Ranking <- fastNonDominatedSorting(
        PopulationToSort[, (colnames(PopulationToSort) %in% ObjectiveNames)] )
    # transform the output of the sorting into a matrix of 2 columns: 
    # 1.- Individual ID.  2.- Rank
    MyResult <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(length(Ranking)), function(i) {
        matrix(c(unlist(Ranking[i]), rep(i, length(unlist(Ranking[i])))), 
               ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) }))
    # order the matrix by individual ID
    MyResult <- MyResult[order(MyResult[, 1]), ]
    # add the rank to the data frame
    PopulationToSort$Rank <- MyResult[, 2]
    # calculate (MAX - MIN) of every objective function
    Range <- vapply(PopulationToSort[, (colnames(PopulationToSort) %in% 
                                            ObjectiveNames)], max, numeric(1)) - vapply(PopulationToSort[, 
                                                                                                         (colnames(PopulationToSort) %in% ObjectiveNames)], min, numeric(1))
    # create a matrix removing the ind codes and the crowding distances
    PopulationMatrix <- as.matrix(PopulationToSort[ , 
                                                    !colnames(PopulationToSort) %in% c("Individual", "CrowdingDistance")])
    PopulationToSort$CrowdingDistance <- 
        apply(crowdingDist4frnt(pop = PopulationMatrix, rnk = Ranking, 
                                rng = Range), 1, sum)

########## -------- FUNCTION FROM R PACKAGE nsga2R -------- ###################
# Description
# This function estimates the density of solutions surrounding a particular 
# solution within each front. It calculates the crowding distances of solutions 
# according to their objectives and those within the same front.
# INPUTS: pop - Population matrix including decision variables, objective 
#               functions, and nondomination rank
#         rnk - List of solution indices for each front
#         rng - Vector of each objective function range, i.e. the difference
#               between the maximum and minimum objective function value of  
#               each objective
# OUTPUT: Matrix of crowding distances of all solutions
crowdingDist4frnt <- function(pop,rnk,rng) {
    popSize <- nrow(pop)
    objDim <- length(rng)
    varNo <- ncol(pop)-1-length(rng)
    cd <- matrix(Inf,nrow=popSize,ncol=objDim)
    for (i in seq_len(length(rnk))){
        selectRow <- pop[,ncol(pop)] == i
        len <- length(rnk[[i]])
        if (len > 2) {
            for (j in seq_len(objDim)) {
                originalIdx <- rnk[[i]][order(pop[selectRow,varNo+j])]
                cd[originalIdx[2:(len-1)],j] = 
                    abs(pop[originalIdx[3:len],varNo+j] - 

# definition of the function to save in a file the best N individuals of the 
# final population
# INPUTS: File - file to save the individuals
#         Population - population of individuals
#         N - number of individuals to keep
#         Network - network to take the names from (to decode the individuals)
# OUTPUT: None
SaveFinalPop <- function (BestIndividualsFile, Population, N, Network) {
    # loop through the N best individuals in the population
    for (i in seq_len(N)) {
        Ind <- Population[[i, "Individual"]] # get the individual's code
        # get the names of the correponding nodes
        DecodedInd <- names(igraph::V(Network)[Ind])
        write(paste(c(DecodedInd, Population[i, c("AverageNodesScore", 
                                                  "Density", "Rank", "CrowdingDistance")]), collapse=" ", sep=""),
              file = BestIndividualsFile, append = TRUE, sep = ",")

# definition of a function to postprocess the results. This function: 
#    i) calculates the accumulated Pareto front, i.e. the individuals on the 
#       first Pareto front after re-ranking the results from multiple runs 
#       (NOTE. If there is a single run, the result is the set of individuals
#       in the first Pareto front),
#   ii) filters the networks to leave only the interactions between the genes  
#       that are included in the results, 
#  iii) generates some plots (scatter plots and boxplots) of interest, and 
#   iv) (optional) creates a Cytoscape file to visualize the results, merging  
#       the subnetworks with a Jaccard similarity coefficient superior to  
#       JaccardSimilarityThreshold (NOTE. Make sure to open Cytoscape if 
#       VisualizeInCytoscape is TRUE)
# INPUTS: ExperimentDir - folder containing the results to be processed
#         LoadedData - list containing several important variables 
#                      (see mogamun_load_data())    
#         JaccardSimilarityThreshold - subnetworks over this Jaccard similarity 
#                                      threshold are merged 
#         VisualizeInCytoscape - boolean value. If it is TRUE, a Cytoscape file 
#                                is generated
# OUTPUT: None
PostprocessResults <- function(ExperimentDir, LoadedData, 
                               JaccardSimilarityThreshold, VisualizeInCytoscape) {
    Threshold <- JaccardSimilarityThreshold
    # get list of directories (each contains the results of a single exp)
    Dirs <- list.dirs(ExperimentDir, recursive = FALSE)
    Dirs <- Dirs[grep("Experiment", Dirs)]
    for (Path in Dirs) {
        PathForPlots <- ExperimentsPath <- paste0(Path, "/") # path for plots
        Population <- GetIndividualsAllRuns(ExperimentsPath) # get results
        Inds1stRank_AllRuns <- Population[Population$Rank == 1, ] # filter 
        MaxRank <- max(Population$Rank) # get maximum rank in all the runs
        Nodes1stRank_AllRuns <- 
            data.frame(Nodes = character(), Run = character())
        for (r in seq_len(max(Population$Run))) {
            Nodes1stRank_AllRuns <- 
                rbind(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns, data.frame(
                    Nodes = unique(unlist(Population[Population$Run == r & 
                                                         Population$Rank == 1, "Individual"])), Run = paste0("Run_", r)))
        # if there are results for several runs, make boxplot of similarities
        if (length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run)) > 1) {
            SimilarityBetweenRunsBoxplot(PathForPlots, Nodes1stRank_AllRuns)
        # calculate and plot the accumulated Pareto front 
        AccPF <- ObtainAccParetoFront(PathForPlots, Inds1stRank_AllRuns, 
                                      Nodes1stRank_AllRuns, LoadedData) 
        AccPF <- RemoveIdenticalInds(AccPF) # remove duplicated inds
        # filter networks to keep only interactions between genes in the AccPF
        FilterNetworks(ExperimentsPath, LoadedData, AccPF) 
        # merge "duplicated" individuals 
        DiversePopulation <- 
            JoinSimilarInds(AccPF, LoadedData, Threshold) 
        # save the merged individuals in a file
        SaveFilteredAccPF(DiversePopulation, ExperimentsPath, Threshold) 
    # check if visualization in Cytoscape is to be done
    if (VisualizeInCytoscape == TRUE) {
        CytoscapeVisualization(ExperimentDir, LoadedData)

# definition of a function to get all the individuals from all the runs
# INPUT:  ExperimentsPath - folder containing the results to be processed 
# OUTPUT: Data frame with the joint population from all the runs
GetIndividualsAllRuns <- function(ExperimentsPath) {
    # initialize data empty data frame
    Population <- 
        data.frame(Run = double(), Individual = list(), 
                   AverageNodesScore = double(), Density = double(), 
                   Rank = numeric(), CrowdingDistance = double())
    PatResFiles <- "MOGAMUN_Results__Run_[0-9]+.txt$"
    # get all files in the path that match the pattern
    ResFiles <- list.files(ExperimentsPath, pattern = PatResFiles)
    # loop to read all the results 
    for (counter in seq_len(length(ResFiles))) {
        # open and read file
        con <- base::file(paste0(ExperimentsPath, ResFiles[counter]), open="r")
        MyContent <-readLines(con) 
        Run <- as.numeric(gsub("^.*_|\\..*$", "", ResFiles[counter], 
                               perl = TRUE))
        # loop through all the individuals
        for (i in seq_len(length(MyContent))) {
            Ind <- unlist(strsplit(MyContent[i], " "))
            # divide the data of the individual. Each line contains the nodes, 
            # average nodes score, density, rank and crowding distance
            MyInd <- 
                data.frame(Run = Run, 
                           Individual = I(list(sort(Ind[seq_len(length(Ind) - 4)]))), 
                           AverageNodesScore = as.numeric(Ind[(length(Ind) - 3)]),
                           Density = as.numeric(Ind[(length(Ind) - 2)]), 
                           Rank = as.numeric(Ind[(length(Ind)-1)]),
                           CrowdingDistance = as.numeric(Ind[length(Ind)])
            # add individual to the population
            Population <- rbind(Population, MyInd)

# definition of a function to make the boxplot of similarities between runs
# INPUTS: PathForPlots - folder to save the plot
#         Nodes1stRank_AllRuns - results from all the runs
# OUTPUT: None
SimilarityBetweenRunsBoxplot <- function(PathForPlots, Nodes1stRank_AllRuns) {
    AllJaccardSimilarities <- NULL
    # loop to calculate the JS between the results from different runs
    for (i in seq_len(length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run)))) {
        # get nodes of a run
        CurrentRun <- as.character( 
                Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run == paste0("Run_", i)] )
        # verify that there is another run
        if ((i+1) <= length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run))) {
            for (j in (i+1):length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run))) {
                # get nodes of another run
                NextRun <- as.character(
                        Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run == paste0("Run_", j)] )
                # calculate the intersection and union sizes. 
                # Jaccard similarity coefficient formula: intersection/union
                inter <- length(intersect(CurrentRun, NextRun))
                un <- length(union(CurrentRun, NextRun))
                JS <- inter / un
                # add Jaccard similarity result to the list
                AllJaccardSimilarities <- c(AllJaccardSimilarities, JS)
    # make a boxplot of similarities
    svg(paste0(PathForPlots, "A_Boxplot_similarities_between_runs.svg"))
            main = "Pairwise Jaccard similarities of all the runs")

# definition of a function to calculate and plot the accumulated Pareto front
# INPUTS: PathForPlots - folder to save the plot
#         Inds1stRank_AllRuns - individuals with Rank = 1 from all runs
#         Nodes1stRank_AllRuns - nodes in Inds1stRank_AllRuns
#         LoadedData - list containing several important variables 
#                      (see mogamun_load_data())    
# OUTPUT: individuals in the accumulated Pareto front
ObtainAccParetoFront <- function(PathForPlots, Inds1stRank_AllRuns, 
                                 Nodes1stRank_AllRuns, LoadedData) {
    # re-rank individuals in the first Pareto front
    AccPF <- NonDomSort(PopulationToSort = Inds1stRank_AllRuns,
                        LoadedData = LoadedData)
    Colors <- c("black", rainbow(length(unique(AccPF$Rank))-1))
    # verify if there is more than one run
    if (length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run)) > 1) {
        svg(paste0(PathForPlots, "A_ScatterPlot_AccPF_ALL_INDS.svg"))
        plot(AccPF$AverageNodesScore, AccPF$Density, 
             main = "Accumulated Pareto front: all individuals",
             xlab = "Average nodes score", ylab = "Density", 
             col = Colors[AccPF$Rank], pch = 16, cex = 2)
        # make the legend of the previous plot as a separate file
        svg(paste0(PathForPlots, "A_ScatterPlot_AccPF_LEGEND_ALL_INDS.svg"))
        plot(NULL, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', bty = 'n', ylab = '', xlab = '', 
             xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)
        legend("center", legend = paste("Pareto front ", 
                                        seq_len(length(Colors))), col = Colors, pch = 16, cex = 1)
    # filter the individuals, to leave only those in the first Pareto front 
    # (i.e., the accumulated Pareto front)
    AccPF <- AccPF[AccPF$Rank == 1, ]
    svg(paste0(PathForPlots, "A_ScatterPlot_AccPF.svg"))
    plot(AccPF$AverageNodesScore, AccPF$Density, 
         main = "Accumulated Pareto front", xlab = "Average nodes score", 
         ylab = "Density", col = Colors[AccPF$Rank], pch = 16, cex = 2)

# definition of a function to identify and remove duplicated individuals
# INPUT:  AccPF - individuals in the accumulated Pareto front
# OUTPUT: filtered accumulated Pareto front
RemoveIdenticalInds <- function(AccPF) {
    # create all the combinations of 2 numbers with the ids of individuals
    MyIndexes <- t(combn(seq_len(nrow(AccPF)), 2))
    Similarities <- data.frame(Index1 = MyIndexes[, 1], Index2 = MyIndexes[, 2])
    # check for identical individuals
    Similarities$Identical <- apply(Similarities, 1, function(X) { 
        setequal(AccPF$Individual[[X[1]]], AccPF$Individual[[X[2]]])})
    # keep only the identical individuals in the comparison list
    Similarities <- Similarities[Similarities$Identical == TRUE, ]
    IndsToRemove <- NULL
    s <- 1
    # loop through the list
    while (s <= nrow(Similarities)) {
        # verify if the ID of the ind is not in the list of inds to remove
        if (!Similarities[s, 2] %in% IndsToRemove) {
            # add individual and remove references to it in the comparison list
            IndsToRemove <- c(IndsToRemove, Similarities[s, 2])
            Ref <- 
                which(Similarities == Similarities[s, 2], 
                      arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"]
            Ref <- Ref[Ref > s]
            Similarities <- Similarities[!row.names(Similarities) %in% 
                                             row.names(Similarities)[Ref], ]
        s <- s + 1
    # remove identical individuals
    AccPF <- AccPF[!row.names(AccPF) %in% row.names(AccPF)[IndsToRemove], ]

# definition of a function to filter networks to keep only the interactions 
# between the genes in the individuals from the accumulated Pareto front
# INPUTS: ExperimentsPath - folder to save the filtered networks
#         LoadedData - list containing several important variables 
#                      (see mogamun_load_data())    
#         AccPF - filtered accumulated Pareto front
# OUTPUT: None
FilterNetworks <- function(ExperimentsPath, LoadedData, AccPF) {
    # read the file names of the networks for the current experiment
    myLayers <- list.files(LoadedData$NetworkLayersDir, 
                           pattern = paste0("^[", LoadedData$Layers, "]_"))
    # get the list of genes in the accumulated Pareto front
    genes <- as.character(unique(unlist(AccPF$Individual)))
    # filter layers to keep only interactions among the given list of genes
    for (j in seq_len(length(myLayers))) {
        # read network
        FullNetwork <- read.table(paste0(LoadedData$NetworkLayersDir, 
                                         myLayers[j]), sep = "\t")
        keep <- NULL # initialize null object
        # get all rows in the PPI network that contain these genes
        keep$V1 <- FullNetwork$V1 %in% as.character(genes) # first in column 1
        keep$V2 <- FullNetwork$V2 %in% as.character(genes) # then in column 2
        keep <- Reduce("&", keep) # logical AND - gets the list of rows to keep
        MyFilteredNetwork <- FullNetwork[keep, ] # filter network
        MyFilteredNetwork$TypeOfInteraction <- as.character(myLayers[j]) # type 
        # save filtered network in a file
        write.table(MyFilteredNetwork, file = paste0(ExperimentsPath, 
                                                     substr(myLayers[j], 1, nchar(myLayers[j]) - 3), "_FILTERED.csv"), 
                    row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
    # get files that contain the filtered networks 
    myDataFiles <- list.files(ExperimentsPath, pattern = '_FILTERED.csv')
    myFullListOfInteractions <- NULL # initialize interactions' list 
    # loop through all the files
    for (i in seq_len(length(myDataFiles))) {
        # get data
        data <- read.table(paste0(ExperimentsPath, myDataFiles[i]), 
                           header = TRUE)
        # add it to the list
        myFullListOfInteractions <- rbind(myFullListOfInteractions, data)
    # save the full list of filtered interactions
    write.table(myFullListOfInteractions, file = paste0(ExperimentsPath, 
                row.names= FALSE, quote = FALSE )

# definition of a function to get the IDs of pairs of similar individuals 
# INPUTS: DiversePop - population of individuals to compare
#         Threshold - subnetworks over this Jaccard similarity are merged 
# OUTPUT: List of pairs of similar individuals
GetSimilarInds <- function(DiversePop, Threshold) {
    # create all the combinations of 2 numbers with the ids of individuals
    MyIndexes <- t(combn(seq_len(nrow(DiversePop)), 2))
    # create data frame to save the similarities
    Similarities <- data.frame(I1 = MyIndexes[, 1], I2 = MyIndexes[, 2], JS = 0)
    # calculate the Jaccard similarity index
    Similarities$JS <- apply(MyIndexes, 1, function(X) { 
        Ind1 <- as.character(unlist(DiversePop$Individual[X[1]]))
        Ind2 <- as.character(unlist(DiversePop$Individual[X[2]]))
        # Jaccard similarity = (intersection of A and B) / (union of A and B)
        JS <- (length(intersect(Ind1, Ind2))) / (length(union(Ind1, Ind2)))*100
        return(as.double(JS)) } )
    # keep only the rows of "duplicated" individuals
    Similarities <- Similarities[Similarities$JS >= Threshold, ]

# definition of a function to join those individuals with a Jaccard similatiry
# coefficient superior to a given threshold
# INPUTS: AccPF - filtered accumulated Pareto front
#         LoadedData - list containing several important variables 
#                      (see mogamun_load_data())    
#         Threshold - subnetworks over this Jaccard similarity are merged 
# OUTPUT: None
JoinSimilarInds <- function(AccPF, LoadedData, Threshold) {
    MaxSize <- LoadedData$MaxSize
    DiversePop <- AccPF # save a copy of the accumulated Pareto front
    # flag to deactivate when no individuals-pair fulfill the threshold
    KeepGoing <- TRUE
    # loop to join similar individuals
    while(KeepGoing == TRUE) {
        if (nrow(DiversePop) > 1) { # verify that there individuals left
            # get "similar"duplicated" individuals
            Sim <-  GetSimilarInds(DiversePop, Threshold) 
            if (nrow(Sim) > 0) { # if there are duplicated inds
                IndsToRemove <- NULL
                i <- 1
                while(i <= nrow(Sim)) { # loop through duplicated inds
                    ID1 <- Sim[i, 1]
                    ID2 <- Sim[i, 2]
                    IndsUnion <- union(DiversePop$Individual[[ID1]], 
                    # verify that union of individuals respects the max size
                    if (length(IndsUnion) <= MaxSize) {
                        DiversePop$Individual[[ID1]] <- IndsUnion # 
                        IndsToRemove <- c(IndsToRemove, ID2) 
                        # get all future incidences to joined individuals 
                        Ref <- 
                            union(which(Sim == ID1, arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"], 
                                  which(Sim == ID2, arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"])
                        # check and remove future incidences to joined inds
                        Ref <- Ref[Ref > i]
                        Sim <- Sim[!row.names(Sim) %in% row.names(Sim)[Ref], ]
                    } else {print("Union of individuals overpasses max size")}
                    i <- i + 1
                if (is.null(IndsToRemove)) { # verify if no ind will be removed
                    KeepGoing <- FALSE
                } else {
                    # remove the individuals that were joined with another one
                    DiversePop <- DiversePop[!row.names(DiversePop) %in% 
                                                 row.names(DiversePop)[IndsToRemove], ]
            } else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
        } else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }

# definition of a function to save in files the filtered acc Pareto front  
# INPUTS: DiversePopulation - population to save in the files
#         ExperimentsPath - folder to save the filtered networks
#         Threshold - threshold used to merge subnetworks 
# OUTPUT: None
SaveFilteredAccPF <- function(DiversePopulation, ExperimentsPath, Threshold) {
    # save postfiltered individuals
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(DiversePopulation))) { 
        Ind <- unlist(DiversePopulation$Individual[i]) # get the inds code
        write(paste(Ind, collapse=" ", sep=""), file = paste0(ExperimentsPath, 
                                                              "A_AccPF_JacSimT_", Threshold, ".csv"), append = TRUE, sep = ",") 
    # create data frame with all the nodes in the accumulated Pareto front
    AllNodesDF_Acc <- 
        data.frame(Nodes_Names = unique(unlist(DiversePopulation$Individual)))
    # loop through all the postfiltered individuals to create a file
    # to be processed  in cytoscape
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(DiversePopulation))) {
        NodesCurrentInd <- unlist(DiversePopulation$Individual[i])
        AllNodesDF_Acc[, (ncol(AllNodesDF_Acc)+1)] <- 
            ifelse(AllNodesDF_Acc[,1] %in% NodesCurrentInd, 
                   paste0("Ind", i), "")
        colnames(AllNodesDF_Acc)[ncol(AllNodesDF_Acc)] <- paste0("Ind", i)
    AllNodesDF_Acc$Any <- "YES"
    write.csv(AllNodesDF_Acc, paste0(ExperimentsPath, 
                                     "A_AccPF_CYTOSCAPE_JacSimT_", Threshold, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# definition of a function to visualize the accumulated Pareto front in 
# Cytoscape. NOTE. Cytoscape needs to be open
# INPUTS: ExperimentDir - folder containing the results to be processed
#         LoadedData - list containing several important variables 
#                      (see mogamun_load_data())
# OUTPUT: None
CytoscapeVisualization <- function(ExperimentDir, LoadedData) {
    cytoscapePing() # verify that Cytoscape is launched
    closeSession(save.before.closing = FALSE) # close any open session 
    GeneralPath <- ExperimentDir
    # get list of directories. Each directory contains the results of one exp
    Dirs <- list.dirs(GeneralPath, recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)
    Dirs <- Dirs[grep("Experiment", Dirs)]
    for (d in Dirs) { # loop through all the experiments
        ExpPath <- paste0(GeneralPath, "/", d, "/")
        # read network
        Network <- read.csv( paste0(ExpPath, 
                                    "A_ALL_FILTERED_INTERACTIONS_CYTOSCAPE.csv"), sep = " ",
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
        # change column names to match the requirements for Cytoscape
        colnames(Network) <- c("source", "target", "interaction")
        # get list of nodes
        Nodes <- data.frame(id = unique(c(Network$source, Network$target)))
        # generate network in cytoscape
        createNetworkFromDataFrames(Nodes, Network, title = d)
        # read expression data
        DE <- LoadedData$DE_results
        if ("logFC" %in% colnames(DE)) { 
            DE$DEG <- ifelse(abs(DE$logFC) > 1 & 
                                 DE$FDR < LoadedData$ThresholdDEG, TRUE, FALSE) 
        } else {DE$DEG <- ifelse(DE$FDR < LoadedData$ThresholdDEG, TRUE, FALSE)}
        DE <- DE[!is.na(DE$gene), ] # remove rows with no gene name
        # load expression data in cytoscape
        loadTableData(data = DE, data.key.column = "gene", table = "node",
                      table.key.column = "name", namespace = "default", network = d)
        FormatNodesAndEdges(Network, d, LoadedData, DE) # add colors and borders
        # creates the subnetworks corresponding the active modules
        CreateActiveModules(d, ExpPath)
        # verify if there are more exp to analyze to leave last one open
        if (which(Dirs == d) < length(Dirs)) {
            closeSession(save.before.closing = TRUE, 
                         filename = paste0(ExpPath, "A_Acc_PF_", d))
        } else { saveSession(filename = paste0(ExpPath, "A_Acc_PF_", d)) }

# definition of a function to format the nodes and edges in Cytoscape
# Cytoscape. NOTE. Cytoscape needs to be open
# INPUTS: Network - list of edges
#         d - Directory containing the results of one experiment
#         LoadedData - list containing several important variables 
#                      (see mogamun_load_data())
#         DE - differential expression results
# OUTPUT: None
FormatNodesAndEdges <- function(Network, d, LoadedData, DE) {
    numberOfLayers <- length(LoadedData$DensityPerLayerMultiplex)
    # if there are 3 layers, use the same edges' colors as in the paper
    if(numberOfLayers == 3) {
        edgesColors <- c("#0033FF", "#FF6600", "#FFFF00")
    } else { # otherwise, generate a list of colors of the appropriate size
        edgesColors <- rainbow(length(LoadedData$DensityPerLayerMultiplex)) 
        # remove "transparency" from colors (i.e., the last 2 characters)
        edgesColors <- 
            unlist(lapply(edgesColors, function(X){ substr(X, 1, 7) }))
    # define edges color (it is adapted to any number of layers)
    setEdgeColorMapping(table.column = "interaction", mapping.type = "d",
                        table.column.values = unique(Network$interaction), colors = edgesColors)
    if ("logFC" %in% colnames(DE)) {
        # set nodes' colors according to the logFC, from green (downregulated) 
        # to white and then to red (upregulated)
            table.column = "logFC", table.column.values = c(min(DE$logFC), 
                                                            0.0, max(DE$logFC)), colors = c("#009933", "#FFFFFF", "#FF0000"), 
            mapping.type = "c", style.name = "default", network = d)        
    setNodeBorderColorMapping(table.column = "name", colors = "#000000",
                              mapping.type = "d", style.name = "default", default.color = "#000000",
                              network = d)
    # set width of border to highlight DEG
    setNodeBorderWidthMapping(table.column = "DEG",
                              table.column.values = c(TRUE, FALSE), widths = c(5, 0), 
                              mapping.type = "d", style.name = "default", network = d)

# definition of a function that creates the subnetworks corresponding the  
# active modules from the accumulated Pareto front. 
# NOTE. Cytoscape needs to be open
# INPUTS: d - Directory containing the results of one experiment
#         ExperimentsPath - path to the results
# OUTPUT: None
CreateActiveModules <- function(d, ExperimentsPath) {
    # set layout 
    layoutNetwork(layout.name = "force-directed", network = d)
    # load data for active modules
    ActiveModules <- 
        read.csv(paste0(ExperimentsPath, list.files(ExperimentsPath,
                                                    pattern = "A_AccPF_CYTOSCAPE_JacSimT_")))
    # load active modules data in cytoscape
    loadTableData(data = ActiveModules, data.key.column = "Nodes_Names",
                  table = "node", table.key.column = "name", namespace = "default", 
                  network = d)
    # create a subnetwork for each active module
        colnames(ActiveModules)[grep("Ind", colnames(ActiveModules))], 
            createColumnFilter(filter.name = "ActiveModules",  column = am,  
                               criterion = am, predicate = "IS", type = "node", network = d)
            # create the subnetwork with the selected nodes
            createSubnetwork(subnetwork.name = paste0("ActiveModule_", am))
            # set layout 
            layoutNetwork(layout.name = "force-directed", 
                          network = paste0("ActiveModule_", am))

# defines the function of the body of MOGAMUN 
MogamunBody <- function(RunNumber, LoadedData, BestIndsPath) {
    sink(NULL, type = "output")
    BestIndsFile <- paste0(BestIndsPath, "_Run_", RunNumber, ".txt")
    MyInitPop <- GenerateInitialPop(
        LoadedData$PopSize, LoadedData$Multiplex, LoadedData) 
    FitnessData <- 
        EvaluatePopulation(MyInitPop, LoadedData$Multiplex, LoadedData)
    Population <- data.frame("Individual" = I(MyInitPop), FitnessData) 
    # obtain ranking and crowding distances
    Population <- NonDomSort(
        PopulationToSort = Population, LoadedData = LoadedData )
    g <- 1  # initilizes the number of generation
    StatsGen <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
    colnames(StatsGen) <- 
        c( "Generation", "BestAverageNodesScore", "BestDensity" )
    # evolution's loop for g generations or until all inds have rank = 1
    while (g <= LoadedData$Generations && !all(Population$Rank == 1)) {
        Population <- MakeNewPopulation(LoadedData, Population) 
        # add the best values for the two objective functions
        StatsGen[nrow(StatsGen) + 1, ] <- 
            c(g, max(Population$AverageNodesScore), max(Population$Density))
        print(paste0("Run ", RunNumber, ". Gen. ", g, " completed"))
        g <- g + 1 # increments the generation
    # saves data in files
        file = paste0(BestIndsPath,"StatisticsPerGeneration_Run", RunNumber, 
        row.names = FALSE
        BestIndsFile, Population, LoadedData$PopSize, LoadedData$Multiplex[[1]]
    print(paste0("FINISH TIME, RUN ", RunNumber, ": ", Sys.time()))

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MOGAMUN documentation built on Feb. 14, 2021, 2 a.m.