#' @import KEGGREST
#' @import KEGGgraph
loadKEGGpathwayDataREST <- function(organism = "hsa",
updateCache = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
dfUnparsed <- paste(system.file("extdata",package="ROntoTools"),
"/KEGGRESTunparsed_",organism,".RData", sep = "")
if (!file.exists(dfUnparsed) || updateCache)
pathList <- keggList("pathway", organism)
if (verbose)
message("Downloading pathway data:")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(pathList)-1, style = 3)
tmpDir <- tempfile("ROntoTools", tempdir())
allPathwayInfo <- lapply(names(pathList),
function(pathID) {
p <- keggGet(pathID, "kgml")
pKgml <- file.path(tmpDir, paste(strsplit(pathID, ":")[[1]][2], ".kgml", sep = ""))
write(p, pKgml)
pathData <- parseKGML(pKgml)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, getTxtProgressBar(pb) + 1)
dbInfo <- keggInfo("pathway")
save(allPathwayInfo, dbInfo, file = dfUnparsed)
message(paste("Using cached pathway data. Database info:\n", dbInfo, sep =""))
#' Download and parse KEGG pathway data
#' @param organism organism code as defined by KEGG
#' @param targRelTypes target relation types
#' @param relPercThresh percentage of the number of relation types over all possible realtions in the pathway
#' @param nodeOnlyGraphs allow graphs with no edges
#' @param updateCache re-download KEGG data
#' @param verbose show progress of downloading and parsing
#' @return
#' A list of \code{\link{graphNEL}} objects encoding the pathway information.
#' @author
#' Calin Voichita and Sorin Draghici
#' @seealso \code{\link{keggPathwayNames}}
#' @examples
#' # The pathway cache provided as part of the pathway contains only the
#' # pathways that passed the default filtering. We recommend, re-downloading
#' # the pathways using the updateCache parameter
#' kpg <- keggPathwayGraphs("hsa")
#' # to update the pathway cache for human run:
#' # kpg <- keggPathwayGraphs("hsa", updateCache = TRUE)
#' # this is time consuming and depends on the available bandwith.
#' head(names(kpg))
#' kpg[["path:hsa04110"]]
#' head(nodes(kpg[["path:hsa04110"]]))
#' head(edges(kpg[["path:hsa04110"]]))
#' @export
keggPathwayGraphs <- function(organism = "hsa",
targRelTypes = c("GErel","PCrel","PPrel"),
relPercThresh = 0.9,
nodeOnlyGraphs = FALSE,
updateCache = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
defaultParameters <- FALSE
if ((organism == "hsa") & all(targRelTypes %in% c("GErel","PCrel","PPrel")) &
(relPercThresh == 0.9) & (nodeOnlyGraphs == FALSE))
defaultParameters <- TRUE
allPathwayInfo <- loadKEGGpathwayDataREST(organism, updateCache, verbose)
if (defaultParameters & !updateCache)
message("Default parameters detected. Using pre-parsed data.")
load(paste(system.file("extdata",package="ROntoTools"), "/kpgDefault.RData", sep = ""))
l <- lapply(allPathwayInfo, function(path) {
l <- sapply(edges(path), getType)
if(length(l) == 0)
t <- table(l)
allRelTypes <- unique(unlist(lapply(l, names)))
counts <-,lapply(l, function(x) as.vector(x[allRelTypes])))
colnames(counts) <- allRelTypes
counts[] <- 0
accIndex <- rowSums(counts[,targRelTypes], na.rm=T) / rowSums(counts, na.rm=T) >= relPercThresh
accIndex[] <- nodeOnlyGraphs
allPathwayInfo <- allPathwayInfo[accIndex]
names(allPathwayInfo) <- sapply(allPathwayInfo, getName)
if (verbose)
message("Parsing pathway data:")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(allPathwayInfo)-1, style = 3)
pathwayGraphs <- lapply(allPathwayInfo, function(g)
# tryCatch(
g <- KEGGpathway2Graph(g, expandGenes=TRUE)
# , error = function(e) {})
if (class(g) != "graphNEL") {
kg <- new("graphNEL", nodes(g), edges(g), edgemode = "directed")
if (length(getKEGGedgeData(g)) == 0)
if (verbose)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, getTxtProgressBar(pb) + 1)
if (nodeOnlyGraphs)
edgeDataDefaults(kg, "subtype") <- NA
cf <- cbind(, strsplit(names(getKEGGedgeData(g)), '~')),
sapply(getKEGGedgeData(g), function(e)
paste(lapply(getSubtype(e), getName), collapse=","))
if (nrow(cf) < 2) {
ucf <- cf
} else {
ucf <- cf[unique(rownames(cf)),]
ucf[,3] <- tapply(cf[,3], rownames(cf), function(ll) return(paste( unique(ll), collapse = ',')))[rownames(ucf)]
relGeneTable <- data.frame(ucf, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(relGeneTable) <- c("from","to","subtype")
edgeData(kg, relGeneTable$from, relGeneTable$to, "subtype") <- relGeneTable$subtype
if (verbose)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, getTxtProgressBar(pb) + 1)
pathwayGraphs <- pathwayGraphs[!sapply(pathwayGraphs, is.null)]
if (defaultParameters)
save(pathwayGraphs, file = paste(system.file("extdata",package="ROntoTools"), "/kpgDefault.RData", sep = ""))
#' Obtain KEGG pathway titles
#' @param organism organism code as defined by KEGG
#' @param updateCache re-download KEGG data
#' @param verbose show progress of downloading and parsing
#' @return
#' A named vector of pathway titles. The names of the vector are the pathway KEGG IDs.
#' @author
#' Calin Voichita and Sorin Draghici
#' @seealso \code{\link{keggPathwayGraphs}}
#' @examples
#' kpn <- keggPathwayNames("hsa")
#' # to update the pathway cache for human run:
#' # kpn <- keggPathwayNames("hsa", updateCache = TRUE)
#' # this is time consuming and depends on the available bandwidth.
#' head(kpn)
#' @import KEGGgraph
#' @export
keggPathwayNames <- function(organism = "hsa",
updateCache = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
allPathwayInfo <- loadKEGGpathwayDataREST(organism, updateCache, verbose)
allNames <- sapply(allPathwayInfo, getTitle)
names(allNames) <- sapply(allPathwayInfo, getName)
#' Modified version of the same function from KEGGgraph
#' @keywords internal
KEGGpathway2Graph <- function (pathway, genesOnly = TRUE, expandGenes = TRUE)
stopifnot(is(pathway, "KEGGPathway"))
pathway <- splitKEGGgroup(pathway)
if (expandGenes) {
pathway <- expandKEGGPathway(pathway)
knodes <- nodes(pathway)
kedges <- unique(edges(pathway))
node.entryIDs <- getEntryID(knodes)
edge.entryIDs <- getEntryID(kedges)
V <- node.entryIDs
edL <- vector("list", length = length(V))
names(edL) <- V
if (is.null(nrow(edge.entryIDs))) {
for (i in seq(along = edL)) {
edL[[i]] <- list()
else {
for (i in 1:length(V)) {
id <- node.entryIDs[i]
hasRelation <- id == edge.entryIDs[, "Entry1ID"]
if (!any(hasRelation)) {
edL[[i]] <- list(edges = NULL)
else {
entry2 <- unname(edge.entryIDs[hasRelation, "Entry2ID"])
edL[[i]] <- list(edges = entry2)
gR <- new("graphNEL", nodes = V, edgeL = edL, edgemode = "directed")
names(kedges) <- sapply(kedges, function(x) paste(getEntryID(x),
collapse = "~"))
env.node <- new.env()
env.edge <- new.env()
assign("nodes", knodes, envir = env.node)
assign("edges", kedges, envir = env.edge)
nodeDataDefaults(gR, "KEGGNode") <- env.node
edgeDataDefaults(gR, "KEGGEdge") <- env.edge
if (genesOnly) {
gR <- subGraphByNodeType(gR, "gene")
#' Modified version of the same function from KEGGgraph
#' @keywords internal
subGraphByNodeType <- function (graph, type = "gene")
{ <- getKEGGnodeData(graph)
types <- sapply(, getType)
isType <- grep(type, types)
if (!any(isType)) {
stop("No '", type, "' type found in the file, maybe it is a map file. Please try parsing the file with 'genesOnly=FALSE'\n")
new.nodes <- names(types[isType])
new.edges <- edges(graph)
new.edges <- new.edges[names(new.edges) %in% new.nodes]
new.edges <- lapply(new.edges, function(eL) return(eL[eL %in% new.nodes]))
subgraph <- new("graphNEL", new.nodes, new.edges, edgemode = "directed")
subnodes <- new.nodes
subedges <- getRgraphvizEdgeNames(subgraph)
keggnodes <- get("nodes", nodeDataDefaults(graph, "KEGGNode"))
keggedges <- get("edges", edgeDataDefaults(graph, "KEGGEdge"))
subkeggnodes <- keggnodes[subnodes]
subkeggedges <- keggedges[subedges]
env.node <- new.env()
env.edge <- new.env()
assign("nodes", subkeggnodes, envir = env.node)
assign("edges", subkeggedges, envir = env.edge)
nodeDataDefaults(subgraph, "KEGGNode") <- env.node
edgeDataDefaults(subgraph, "KEGGEdge") <- env.edge
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