
setGeneric("blocksStats", function(x, anno, ...){standardGeneric("blocksStats")})
setGeneric(".blocksStats", function(x, anno, ...){standardGeneric(".blocksStats")})

setMethod(".blocksStats", c("matrix", "GRanges"),
    function(x, anno, up, down, p.anno = NULL, mapping = NULL, log2.adj = TRUE,
             design, robust = 0, p.adj = "fdr", verbose = TRUE)
    if(nrow(design) != ncol(x))
        stop("The number of rows in the design matrix does not equal
              the number of columns in the probes data matrix.\n")

    if(nrow(x) != nrow(p.anno))
        stop("Number of rows in probe annotation and intensity matrix differ.\n")
    used <- which(rowSums(design != 0) > 0)
        ind.col <- colnames(p.anno) == "index"
        if(all(ind.col == FALSE))
            stop("'index' column missing from probe annotation.\n")
        if(!"name" %in% colnames(elementMetadata(anno)))
            stop("'name' column missing from annotation.\n")

        # Run lookup twice. First to get a list of smaller list of probes to use.
            mapping <- annotationBlocksLookup(p.anno[, !ind.col], anno,
                                              verbose = verbose)
            mapping <- annotationLookup(p.anno[, !ind.col], anno, up, down,
                                        verbose = verbose)
	p.used <- unique(unlist(mapping$indexes, use.names = FALSE))
	p.anno <- p.anno[p.used, ]
            mapping <- annotationBlocksLookup(p.anno[, !ind.col], anno,
                                              verbose = verbose)
            mapping <- annotationLookup(p.anno[, !ind.col], anno, up, down,
                                        verbose = verbose)

    if(log2.adj == TRUE)
        intens <- log2(x[p.anno$index, used])
        intens <- x[p.anno$index, used]

    diffs <- intens %*% design[used, , drop = FALSE]

    means <- t.stats <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(anno), ncol = ncol(diffs),
                              dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(design)))
    df <- rep(0, length(anno))

    for(i in 1:length(anno))
        pr.inds <- mapping[[1]][[i]]
        pr.inds <- unique(pr.inds[!is.na(pr.inds)])
        if(length(pr.inds) < 2)
        for(j in 1:ncol(diffs))
            if(robust && length(pr.inds) >= robust)
                r.model <- summary(rlm(diffs[pr.inds, j] ~ 1))
                t.stats[i, j] <- r.model$coef[3]
                means[i, j] <- r.model$coef[1]
                df[i] <- r.model$df[2]
            } else {
                    t.vals <- t.test(diffs[pr.inds, j])
                    t.stats[i, j] <- t.vals$statistic
                    means[i, j] <- t.vals$estimate
                    df[i] <- t.vals$parameter

    p.vals <- 2 * pt(-abs(t.stats), df)
    # Adjust p-values for multiple testing.
    adj.p <- p.vals
    for(i in 1:ncol(adj.p))
        adj.p[, i] <- p.adjust(p.vals[, i], method = p.adj)
    results <- data.frame(df = df, mean.diff = means, t.stats = t.stats,
                          p.vals = p.vals, adj.p.vals = adj.p)

        colnames(results)[1] <- "df"        
        colnames(results)[1] <- paste("df", up, down, sep = '.')
    if(ncol(design) == 1)    
        colnames(results)[2:5] <- paste(c("meandiff", "t.stats", "p.vals",
                                  "adj.p.vals"), gsub(".[1-9]$", '',
                                  colnames(results)[2:5]), sep = '.')

    cbind(annoGR2DF(anno), results)

#setMethod(".blocksStats", c("AffymetrixCelSet", "GRanges"),
#    function(x, anno, up, down, p.anno = NULL, chrs = NULL, mapping = NULL,
#             design = NULL, ...)
#    if(is.null(design))
#        stop("No design matrix given.")
#    if(nrow(design) != nbrOfArrays(x))
#        stop("The number of rows in the design matrix does not equal the number
#              of arrays in the CEL set.\n")
#    used <- which(rowSums(design != 0) > 0)
#    x <- extract(x, used, verbose = verbose)
#    if(is.null(mapping) && is.null(p.anno))
#        p.anno <- getProbePositionsDf(getCdf(x), chrs, verbose = verbose)
#    intens <- extractMatrix(x, cells = p.anno$index, verbose = verbose)
#    p.anno$index <- 1:nrow(p.anno)
#    .blocksStats(intens, anno, up, down, p.anno, mapping,
#                 design = design[used, , drop = FALSE], ...)

setMethod(".blocksStats", c("GRangesList", "GRanges"),
    function(x, anno, up, down, seq.len = NULL, design = NULL, lib.size = "lane",
             Acutoff = NULL, p.adj = "fdr", verbose = TRUE)
        stop("No design matrix given.")

    if(lib.size == "ref" && is.null(Acutoff))
        stop("Must give value of Acutoff if using \"ref\" normalisation.\n")

    if (is.null(up))
        counts <- annotationBlocksCounts(x, anno, seq.len, verbose)
        counts <- annotationCounts(x, anno, up, down, seq.len, verbose)
    lib.sizes <- switch(lib.size,
                        lane = elementNROWS(x),
                        blocks = colSums(counts),
                        ref = colSums(counts) * calcNormFactors(counts,
                              Acutoff = Acutoff))
    annoDF <- annoGR2DF(anno)
    results <- cbind(annoDF, counts)
    for (i in 1:ncol(design))
	if (verbose == TRUE)
            message("Processing column ", i, " of design matrix.")
	stopifnot(sum(design[,i] ==  1) > 0,
                  sum(design[,i] == -1) > 0,
                  all(design[,i] %in% c(-1, 0, 1)))
	used <- design[, i] != 0
	dge <- DGEList(counts = counts[,used],
                     group = as.character(design[used, i]),
                     lib.size = lib.sizes[used])
	dge <- estimateCommonDisp(dge)
	pseudo.counts <- dge$pseudo.counts
	colnames(pseudo.counts) <- paste(colnames(pseudo.counts), "pseudo",
                                         sep = '_')
	results <- cbind(results, pseudo.counts)
	de.stats <- exactTest(dge, pair = c("-1", "1"))$table
        adj.p.vals <- p.adjust(de.stats[, 3], p.adj)
        de.stats <- cbind(de.stats, adj.p.vals)
	colnames(de.stats) <- paste(colnames(de.stats), colnames(design)[i],
                                    sep = "_")

	results <- cbind(results, de.stats)

setMethod(".blocksStats", c("character", "GRanges"),
    function(x, anno, ...)
    .blocksStats(BAM2GRangesList(x), anno, ...)

setMethod("blocksStats", c("ANY", "GRanges"),
    function(x, anno, up = NULL, down = NULL, ...)
    if(!is.null(up) && !is.null(down))
        invisible(.validate(anno, up, down))
    .blocksStats(x, anno, up, down, ...)

setMethod("blocksStats", c("ANY", "data.frame"),
    function(x, anno, ...)
    blocksStats(x, annoDF2GR(anno), ...)

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Repitools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:52 p.m.