
Defines functions .seqGet2bGeno seqAlleleCount seqAlleleFreq seqMissing seqNumAllele seqBlockApply seqApply print.SeqVarDataList seqGetData seqGetFilter seqSetFilterAnnotID seqSetFilterCond seqSetFilterPos seqSetFilterChrom seqResetFilter seqOpen

Documented in seqAlleleCount seqAlleleFreq seqApply seqBlockApply seqGetData seqGetFilter seqMissing seqNumAllele seqOpen seqResetFilter seqSetFilterAnnotID seqSetFilterChrom seqSetFilterCond seqSetFilterPos

# Package Name: SeqArray
# Description: Methods

# Open a SeqArray GDS file
seqOpen <- function(gds.fn, readonly=TRUE, allow.duplicate=FALSE)
    # check
    stopifnot(is.character(gds.fn), length(gds.fn)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(readonly), length(readonly)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(allow.duplicate), length(allow.duplicate)==1L)

    # open the file
    ans <- openfn.gds(gds.fn, readonly=readonly, allow.fork=TRUE,

    # FileFormat
    at <- get.attr.gdsn(ans$root)
    if (!is.null(at$FileFormat))
        # it does not throw any warning or error if FileFormat does not exist,
        # but it is encouraged to add this attribute
        if (identical(at$FileFormat, "SNP_ARRAY"))
                "'%s' is a SNP GDS file, please use SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen().",
                gds.fn), "\n",
                "Or use SeqArray::seqSNP2GDS() for converting SNP GDS to SeqArray GDS.")
        if (!identical(at$FileFormat, "SEQ_ARRAY"))
            stop(sprintf("'%s' is not a SeqArray GDS file (%s).",
                gds.fn, "'FileFormat' should be 'SEQ_ARRAY'"))

    # FileVersion
    version <- at$FileVersion
    if (!is.null(version))
        # it does not throw any warning or error if FileVersion does not exist,
        # but it is encouraged to add this attribute
        if (!identical(version, "v1.0"))
                "Invalid FileVersion '%s' (should be v1.0).",

    # check header
    n <- index.gdsn(ans, "description", silent=TRUE)
    if (is.null(n))
        stop(sprintf("'%s' is not a SeqArray GDS file.", gds.fn))

    .Call(SEQ_File_Init, ans)
    new("SeqVarGDSClass", ans)

# Close a SeqArray GDS file
setMethod("seqClose", signature(object="gds.class"),

setMethod("seqClose", signature(object="SeqVarGDSClass"),
        .Call(SEQ_File_Done, object)

# Set a working space with selected samples and variants
setMethod("seqSetFilter", signature(object="SeqVarGDSClass", variant.sel="ANY"),
    function(object, variant.sel, sample.sel=NULL, variant.id=NULL,
        sample.id=NULL, action=c("set", "intersect", "push", "push+set",
        "push+intersect", "pop"), verbose=TRUE)
        if (missing(variant.sel)) variant.sel <- NULL

        # check
        action <- match.arg(action)

        setflag <- FALSE
            "set" = NULL,
            "intersect" = { setflag <- TRUE },
            "push" = {
                if (!all(is.null(sample.id), is.null(variant.id),
                        is.null(sample.sel), is.null(variant.sel)))
                    stop("The arguments 'sample.id', 'variant.id', ",
                        "'sample.sel' and 'variant.sel' should be NULL.")
                .Call(SEQ_FilterPushLast, object)
            "push+set" = {
                .Call(SEQ_FilterPushLast, object)
            "push+intersect" = {
                .Call(SEQ_FilterPushLast, object)
                setflag <- TRUE
            "pop" = {
                if (!all(is.null(sample.id), is.null(variant.id),
                        is.null(sample.sel), is.null(variant.sel)))
                    stop("The arguments 'sample.id', 'variant.id', ",
                        "'sample.sel' and 'variant.sel' should be NULL.")
                .Call(SEQ_FilterPop, object)

        if (!is.null(sample.id))
            stopifnot(is.numeric(sample.id) | is.character(sample.id))
            .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceSample, object, sample.id, setflag, verbose)
        } else if (!is.null(sample.sel))
            stopifnot(is.logical(sample.sel) | is.raw(sample.sel) | is.numeric(sample.sel))
            .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceSample2, object, sample.sel, setflag, verbose)

        if (!is.null(variant.id))
            stopifnot(is.numeric(variant.id) | is.character(variant.id))
            .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceVariant, object, variant.id, setflag, verbose)
        } else if (!is.null(variant.sel))
            stopifnot(is.logical(variant.sel) | is.raw(variant.sel) | is.numeric(variant.sel))
            .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceVariant2, object, variant.sel, setflag, verbose)
        } else {
            if (is.null(sample.id) & is.null(sample.sel))
                .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceSample, object, NULL, setflag, verbose)
                .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceVariant, object, NULL, setflag, verbose)


setMethod("seqSetFilter", signature(object="SeqVarGDSClass",
    function(object, variant.sel, rm.txt="chr", intersect=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
        z <- seqnames(variant.sel)
        levels(z) <- sub(rm.txt, "", levels(z))

            include = as.character(z),
            from.bp = BiocGenerics::start(variant.sel),
            to.bp   = BiocGenerics::end(variant.sel),
            intersect = intersect,
            verbose = verbose)

setMethod("seqSetFilter", signature(object="SeqVarGDSClass",
    function(object, variant.sel, rm.txt="chr", intersect=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
        seqSetFilter(object, unlist(variant.sel), rm.txt, intersect, verbose)

setMethod("seqSetFilter", signature(object="SeqVarGDSClass",
    function(object, variant.sel, chr, intersect=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
        if (length(chr) > 1L)
            stopifnot(length(chr) == length(variant.sel))
            chr <- rep(chr, length(variant.sel))

            include = chr,
            from.bp = BiocGenerics::start(variant.sel),
            to.bp   = BiocGenerics::end(variant.sel),
            intersect = intersect,
            verbose = verbose)

# Reset a working space without selected samples and variants
seqResetFilter <- function(object, sample=TRUE, variant=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
    stopifnot(inherits(object, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(is.logical(sample), length(sample)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(variant), length(variant)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)

    if (sample)
        .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceSample, object, NULL, FALSE, verbose)
    if (variant)
        .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceVariant, object, NULL, FALSE, verbose)


# Set a filter according to specified chromosomes
seqSetFilterChrom <- function(object, include=NULL, is.num=NA,
    from.bp=NULL, to.bp=NULL, intersect=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(object, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(is.null(include) | is.numeric(include) | is.character(include))
    stopifnot(is.logical(is.num), length(is.num)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.null(from.bp) | is.numeric(from.bp))
    stopifnot(is.null(to.bp) | is.numeric(to.bp))
    stopifnot(is.logical(intersect), length(intersect)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)

    # call C function
    .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceChrom, object, include, is.num, from.bp, to.bp, intersect,


# Set a filter according to specified chromosomes and positions
seqSetFilterPos <- function(object, chr, pos, intersect=FALSE, multi.pos=FALSE,
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(object, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(length(chr)==1L || length(chr)==length(pos))
    stopifnot(is.logical(intersect), length(intersect)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(multi.pos), length(multi.pos)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)

    if (!intersect)
        seqResetFilter(object, sample=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
    if (multi.pos)
        x <- paste0(seqGetData(object, "chromosome"), ":",
            seqGetData(object, "position"))
    } else {
        x <- seqGetData(object, "$chrom_pos")
    y <- paste0(chr, ":", pos)
    seqSetFilter(object, variant.sel = x %in% y,
        action = ifelse(intersect, "intersect", "set"),
        verbose = verbose)


# Set a filter according to specified conditions of MAF, MAC and missing rates
seqSetFilterCond <- function(gdsfile, maf=NaN, mac=1L, missing.rate=NaN,
    parallel=seqGetParallel(), .progress=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(maf), length(maf) %in% 1:2)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(mac), length(mac) %in% 1:2)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(missing.rate), length(missing.rate)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(.progress), length(.progress)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
    verbose <- .progress || verbose

    if (!all(is.na(maf), is.na(mac), is.na(missing.rate)))
        # get MAF/MAC/missing rate
        v <- .Get_MAF_MAC_Missing(gdsfile, parallel, verbose)
        # selection
        sel <- rep(TRUE, length(v$maf))
        # check mac[1] <= ... < mac[2]
        if (!is.na(mac[1L]))
            sel <- sel & (mac[1L] <= v$mac)
        if (!is.na(mac[2L]))
            sel <- sel & (v$mac < mac[2L])
        # check maf[1] <= ... < maf[2]
        if (any(!is.na(maf)))
            if (!is.na(maf[1L]))
                sel <- sel & (maf[1L] <= v$maf)
            if (!is.na(maf[2L]))
                sel <- sel & (v$maf < maf[2L])
        # check ... <= missing.rate
        if (!is.na(missing.rate))
            sel <- sel & (v$miss <= missing.rate)
        # set filter
        seqSetFilter(gdsfile, variant.sel=sel, action="intersect",
    } else if (verbose)
        cat("No action in the filter of MAF, MAC and missing rate.\n")


# Set a filter with RS ID (stored in annotation/id)
seqSetFilterAnnotID <- function(object, id, verbose=TRUE)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(object, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    # call C function
    .Call(SEQ_SetSpaceAnnotID, object, id, verbose)
    # no return

# To get a working space
seqGetFilter <- function(gdsfile, .useraw=FALSE)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    # call C function
    .Call(SEQ_GetSpace, gdsfile, .useraw)

# Get data from a working space with selected samples and variants
seqGetData <- function(gdsfile, var.name, .useraw=FALSE, .padNA=TRUE,
    .tolist=FALSE, .envir=NULL)
    # check
    if (is.character(gdsfile))
        gdsfile <- seqOpen(gdsfile, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
    } else {
        stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    .Call(SEQ_GetData, gdsfile, var.name, .useraw, .padNA, .tolist, .envir)

print.SeqVarDataList <- function(x, ...) str(x)

# Apply functions over margins on a working space with selected samples and variants
seqApply <- function(gdsfile, var.name, FUN,
    margin=c("by.variant", "by.sample"),
    as.is=c("none", "list", "integer", "double", "character", "logical", "raw"),
    var.index=c("none", "relative", "absolute"), parallel=FALSE,
    .useraw=FALSE, .progress=FALSE, .list_dup=TRUE, ...)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(is.character(var.name), length(var.name)>0L)

    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    margin <- match.arg(margin)
    var.index <- match.arg(var.index)
    njobs <- .NumParallel(parallel)
    param <- list(useraw=.useraw, progress=.progress, list_dup=.list_dup)

    if (inherits(as.is, "connection") | inherits(as.is, "gdsn.class"))
        if (njobs > 1L)
            stop("the parallel function is not available ",
                "when 'as.is' is 'connection' or 'gdsn.class'.")
    } else {
        as.is <- match.arg(as.is)

    if (margin == "by.variant")
        if (njobs <= 1L)
            # C call, by.variant
            rv <- .Call(SEQ_Apply_Variant, gdsfile, var.name, FUN, as.is,
                var.index, param, new.env())
        } else {
            rv <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile,
                FUN=function(gdsfile, .vn, .FUN, .as.is, .varidx, .param, ...)
                    .Call(SEQ_Apply_Variant, gdsfile, .vn, .FUN, .as.is,
                        .varidx, .param, new.env())
                }, split=margin, .vn=var.name, .FUN=FUN, .as.is=as.is,
                .varidx=var.index, .param=param, ...)
    } else {
        if (njobs <= 1L)
            # C call, by.sample
            rv <- .Call(SEQ_Apply_Sample, gdsfile, var.name, FUN, as.is,
                var.index, .useraw, new.env())
        } else {
            rv <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile,
                FUN=function(gdsfile, .vn, .FUN, .as.is, .varidx, .param, ...)
                    .Call(SEQ_Apply_Sample, gdsfile, .vn, .FUN, .as.is,
                        .varidx, .param, new.env())
                }, split=margin, .vn=var.name, .FUN=FUN, .as.is=as.is,
                .varidx=var.index, .param=param, ...)

    if (!is.character(as.is) | identical(as.is, "none"))

# Apply functions over margins with chunks
seqBlockApply <- function(gdsfile, var.name, FUN, margin=c("by.variant"),
    as.is=c("none", "list", "unlist"),
    var.index=c("none", "relative", "absolute"), bsize=1024L, parallel=FALSE,
    .useraw=FALSE, .padNA=TRUE, .tolist=FALSE, .progress=FALSE, ...)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(is.character(var.name), length(var.name)>0L)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    margin <- match.arg(margin)
    var.index <- match.arg(var.index)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(bsize), length(bsize)==1L)
    njobs <- .NumParallel(parallel)
    param <- list(bsize=bsize, useraw=.useraw, padNA=.padNA, tolist=.tolist,

    if (!inherits(as.is, "connection") & !inherits(as.is, "gdsn.class"))
        as.is <- match.arg(as.is)

    if (margin == "by.variant")
        if (njobs <= 1L)
            # C call, by.variant
            rv <- .Call(SEQ_BApply_Variant, gdsfile, var.name, FUN, as.is,
                var.index, param, new.env())
        } else {
            rv <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile,
                FUN=function(gdsfile, .vn, .FUN, .as.is, .varidx, .param, ...)
                    .Call(SEQ_BApply_Variant, gdsfile, .vn, .FUN, .as.is,
                        .varidx, .param, new.env())
                }, split=margin, .vn=var.name, .FUN=FUN, .as.is=as.is,
                .varidx=var.index, .param=param, ...)

    if (!is.character(as.is) | identical(as.is, "none"))
    else if (identical(as.is, "unlist"))
        rv <- unlist(rv, recursive = FALSE)

# Data Analysis

# The number of alleles per site
seqNumAllele <- function(gdsfile)
    seqGetData(gdsfile, "$num_allele")

# Missing rate
seqMissing <- function(gdsfile, per.variant=TRUE, .progress=FALSE,
    parallel=seqGetParallel(), verbose=FALSE)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(is.logical(per.variant), length(per.variant)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(.progress), length(.progress)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
    verbose <- verbose | .progress

    # check genotypes
    nm <- "genotype"
    gv <- .has_geno(gdsfile)
    if (!gv) nm <- .has_dosage(gdsfile)

    # calculate
    if (is.na(per.variant))
        dm <- .seldim(gdsfile)
        if (gv)
            sv <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                FUN = function(f, num, pg)
                    ssum <- integer(num)
                    v <- seqApply(f, "genotype", as.is="double",
                        FUN=.cfunction2("FC_Missing_SampVariant"), y=ssum,
                        .progress=pg & (process_index==1L))
                    list(v, ssum)
                }, .combine=function(v1, v2) {
                    list(c(v1[[1L]], v2[[1L]]), v1[[2L]]+v2[[2L]])
                }, num=dm[2L], pg=verbose)
            sv[[2L]] <- sv[[2L]] / (dm[1L] * dm[3L])
        } else {
            sv <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                FUN = function(f, num, pg, nm)
                    ssum <- integer(num)
                    tmpsum <- integer(num)
                    v <- seqApply(f, nm, as.is="double",
                        y=ssum, z=tmpsum, .progress=pg & (process_index==1L))
                    list(v, ssum)
                }, .combine=function(v1, v2) {
                    list(c(v1[[1L]], v2[[1L]]), v1[[2L]]+v2[[2L]])
                }, num=dm[2L], pg=verbose, nm=nm)
            sv[[2L]] <- sv[[2L]] / dm[3L]
        names(sv) <- c("variant", "sample")

    } else if (per.variant)
        seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
            FUN = function(f, pg, nm)
               seqApply(f, nm, as.is="double",
                   FUN=.cfunction("FC_Missing_PerVariant"), .useraw=NA,
                   .progress=pg & (process_index==1L))
            }, pg=verbose, nm=nm)

    } else {
        dm <- .seldim(gdsfile)
        if (gv)
            sv <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                FUN = function(f, num, pg)
                    ssum <- integer(num)
                    seqApply(f, "genotype", as.is="none",
                        FUN=.cfunction2("FC_Missing_PerSamp"), y=ssum,
                        .useraw=NA, .progress=pg & (process_index==1L))
                }, .combine="+", num=dm[2L], pg=verbose)
            sv / (dm[1L] * dm[3L])
        } else {
            sv <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                FUN = function(f, num, pg, nm)
                    ssum <- integer(num)
                    tmpsum <- integer(num)
                    seqApply(f, nm, as.is="none",
                        y=ssum, z=tmpsum, .useraw=NA,
                        .progress=pg & (process_index==1L))
                }, .combine="+", num=dm[2L], pg=verbose, nm=nm)
            sv / dm[3L]

# Allele frequency
seqAlleleFreq <- function(gdsfile, ref.allele=0L, minor=FALSE, .progress=FALSE,
    parallel=seqGetParallel(), verbose=FALSE)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(is.null(ref.allele) | is.numeric(ref.allele) |
    stopifnot(is.logical(minor), length(minor)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(.progress), length(.progress)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
    verbose <- verbose | .progress

    # check genotypes
    gv <- .has_geno(gdsfile)
    if (gv)
        nm <- "genotype"
        ploidy <- .dim(gdsfile)[1L]
    } else {
        nm <- .has_dosage(gdsfile)
        ploidy <- getOption("seqarray.ploidy", 2L)
        err <- "No 'genotype/data', try seqAlleleFreq(, ref.allele=0)"
    if (is.na(ploidy)) ploidy <- 2L

    # calculate
    if (is.null(ref.allele))
        if (!gv) stop(err)
        seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
            FUN = function(f, pg)
                seqApply(f, c("genotype", "$num_allele"), as.is="list",
                    FUN = .cfunction("FC_AF_List"), .list_dup=FALSE,
                    .useraw=NA, .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
            }, pg=verbose)
    } else if (is.numeric(ref.allele))
        if (length(ref.allele) == 1L)
            if (ref.allele == 0L)
                seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                    FUN = function(f, pg, nm, mi, pl, cn)
                        .cfunction3("FC_AF_SetIndex")(0L, mi, pl)
                        seqApply(f, nm, as.is="double", FUN=.cfunction(cn),
                            .useraw=NA, .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
                    }, pg=verbose, nm=nm, mi=minor, pl=ploidy,
                        cn=ifelse(gv, "FC_AF_Ref", "FC_AF_DS_Ref"))
            } else {
                seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                    FUN = function(f, ref, pg, nm, mi, pl, cn)
                        .cfunction3("FC_AF_SetIndex")(ref, mi, pl)
                        seqApply(f, c(nm, "$num_allele"), as.is="double",
                            FUN=.cfunction(cn), .useraw=NA,
                            .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
                    }, ref=ref.allele, pg=verbose, nm=nm, mi=minor, pl=ploidy,
                        cn=ifelse(gv, "FC_AF_Index", "FC_AF_DS_Index"))
        } else {
            dm <- .seldim(gdsfile)
            if (length(ref.allele) != dm[3L])
                stop("'length(ref.allele)' should be 1 or the number of selected variants.")

            ref.allele <- as.integer(ref.allele)
            seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                FUN = function(f, selflag, ref, pg, nm, mi, pl, cn)
                    s <- ref[selflag]
                    .cfunction3("FC_AF_SetIndex")(s, mi, pl)
                    seqApply(f, c(nm, "$num_allele"), as.is="double",
                        FUN=.cfunction(cn), .useraw=NA,
                        .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
                }, ref=ref.allele, pg=verbose, nm=nm, mi=minor, pl=ploidy,
                    cn=ifelse(gv, "FC_AF_Index", "FC_AF_DS_Index"))
    } else if (is.character(ref.allele))
        dm <- .seldim(gdsfile)
        if (length(ref.allele) != dm[3L])
            stop("'length(ref.allele)' should be the number of selected variants.")

        seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
            FUN = function(f, selflag, ref, pg, nm, mi, pl, cn)
                s <- ref[selflag]
                .cfunction3("FC_AF_SetAllele")(s, mi, pl)
                seqApply(f, c(nm, "allele"), as.is="double", FUN=.cfunction(cn),
                    .useraw=NA, .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
            }, ref=ref.allele, pg=verbose, nm=nm, mi=minor, pl=ploidy,
                cn=ifelse(gv, "FC_AF_Allele", "FC_AF_DS_Allele"))
    } else
        stop("Invalid 'ref.allele'.")

# Allele counts
seqAlleleCount <- function(gdsfile, ref.allele=0L, minor=FALSE, .progress=FALSE,
    parallel=seqGetParallel(), verbose=FALSE)
    # check
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    stopifnot(is.logical(minor), length(minor)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(.progress), length(.progress)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
    verbose <- verbose | .progress

    # check genotypes
    gv <- .has_geno(gdsfile)
    if (gv)
        nm <- "genotype"
        ploidy <- .dim(gdsfile)[1L]
        tp <- "integer"
    } else {
        nm <- .has_dosage(gdsfile)
        ploidy <- getOption("seqarray.ploidy", 2L)
        tp <- "double"
        err <- "No 'genotype/data', try seqAlleleFreq(, ref.allele=0)"
    if (is.na(ploidy)) ploidy <- 2L

    # calculate
    if (is.null(ref.allele))
        if (!gv) stop(err)
        seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
            FUN = function(f, pg)
                seqApply(f, c("genotype", "$num_allele"), margin="by.variant",
                    as.is="list", FUN = .cfunction("FC_AlleleCount"),
                    .useraw=NA, .list_dup=FALSE,
                    .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
            }, pg=verbose)
    } else if (is.numeric(ref.allele))
        if (length(ref.allele) == 1L)
            if (ref.allele == 0L)
                seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                    FUN = function(f, pg, tp, nm, mi, pl, cn)
                        .cfunction3("FC_AF_SetIndex")(0L, mi, pl)
                        seqApply(f, nm, as.is=tp, FUN=.cfunction(cn),
                            .useraw=NA, .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
                    }, pg=verbose, tp=tp, nm=nm, mi=minor, pl=ploidy,
                        cn=ifelse(gv, "FC_AC_Ref", "FC_AC_DS_Ref"))
            } else {
                seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                    FUN = function(f, ref, pg, tp, nm, mi, pl, cn)
                        .cfunction3("FC_AF_SetIndex")(ref, mi, pl)
                        seqApply(f, c(nm, "$num_allele"), as.is=tp,
                            FUN=.cfunction(cn), .useraw=NA,
                            .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
                    }, ref=ref.allele, pg=verbose, tp=tp, nm=nm, mi=minor, pl=ploidy,
                        cn=ifelse(gv, "FC_AC_Index", "FC_AC_DS_Index"))
        } else {
            dm <- .seldim(gdsfile)
            if (length(ref.allele) != dm[3L])
                stop("'length(ref.allele)' should be 1 or the number of selected variants.")

            ref.allele <- as.integer(ref.allele)
            seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
                FUN = function(f, selflag, ref, pg, tp, nm, mi, pl, cn)
                    s <- ref[selflag]
                    .cfunction3("FC_AF_SetIndex")(s, mi, pl)
                    seqApply(f, c(nm, "$num_allele"), as.is=tp,
                        FUN=.cfunction(cn), .useraw=NA,
                        .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
                }, ref=ref.allele, pg=verbose, tp=tp, nm=nm, mi=minor, pl=ploidy,
                    cn=ifelse(gv, "FC_AC_Index", "FC_AC_DS_Index"))
    } else if (is.character(ref.allele))
        dm <- .seldim(gdsfile)
        if (length(ref.allele) != dm[3L])
            stop("'length(ref.allele)' should be the number of selected variants.")

        seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
            FUN = function(f, selflag, ref, pg, tp, nm, mi, pl, cn)
                s <- ref[selflag]
                .cfunction3("FC_AF_SetAllele")(s, mi, pl)
                seqApply(f, c(nm, "allele"), as.is=tp, FUN=.cfunction(cn),
                    .useraw=NA, .progress=pg & process_index==1L)
            }, ref=ref.allele, pg=verbose, tp=tp, nm=nm, mi=minor, pl=ploidy,
                cn=ifelse(gv, "FC_AC_Allele", "FC_AC_DS_Allele"))
    } else
        stop("Invalid 'ref.allele'.")

# get 2-bit packed genotypes in a raw matrix
.seqGet2bGeno <- function(gdsfile, verbose=TRUE)
    stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
    dm <- .seldim(gdsfile)
    npack <- dm[2L] %/% 4L
    if (dm[2L] %% 4L) npack <- npack + 1L
	rv <- matrix(as.raw(0), nrow=npack, ncol=dm[3L])
    seqApply(gdsfile, "$dosage_alt", FUN=.cfunction3("FC_SetPackedGeno"),
        var.index="relative", .useraw=NA, z=rv, .progress=verbose)

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SeqArray documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:08 p.m.