# Package Name: SeqArray
# Description: Internal functions
# Package-wide variables
.packageEnv <- new.env()
# the index of current children process
process_index <- 1L
# the number of children processes
process_count <- 1L
## R objects for class, dimnames ...
.dim_name <- list(
geno_dim2 = list(allele=NULL, sample=NULL),
geno_dim3 = list(allele=NULL, sample=NULL, variant=NULL),
dosage_dim = list(sample=NULL, variant=NULL),
data_dim = c("length", "data"),
data_dim2 = list(sample=NULL, variant=NULL),
data_class = "SeqVarDataList"
# Internal C functions
.cfunction0 <- function(name)
fn <- function() NULL
f <- quote(.Call(SEQ_ExternalName0))
f[[1L]] <- .Call
f[[2L]] <- getNativeSymbolInfo(name, "SeqArray")$address
body(fn) <- f
.cfunction <- function(name)
fn <- function(x) NULL
f <- quote(.Call(SEQ_ExternalName1, x))
f[[1L]] <- .Call
f[[2L]] <- getNativeSymbolInfo(name, "SeqArray")$address
body(fn) <- f
.cfunction2 <- function(name)
fn <- function(x, y) NULL
f <- quote(.Call(SEQ_ExternalName2, x, y))
f[[1L]] <- .Call
f[[2L]] <- getNativeSymbolInfo(name, "SeqArray")$address
body(fn) <- f
.cfunction3 <- function(name)
fn <- function(x, y, z) NULL
f <- quote(.Call(SEQ_ExternalName3, x, y, z))
f[[1L]] <- .Call
f[[2L]] <- getNativeSymbolInfo(name, "SeqArray")$address
body(fn) <- f
.cfunction4 <- function(name)
fn <- function(w, x, y, z) NULL
f <- quote(.Call(SEQ_ExternalName4, w, x, y, z))
f[[1L]] <- .Call
f[[2L]] <- getNativeSymbolInfo(name, "SeqArray")$address
body(fn) <- f
.cfunction5 <- function(name)
fn <- function(v, w, x, y, z) NULL
f <- quote(.Call(SEQ_ExternalName5, v, w, x, y, z))
f[[1L]] <- .Call
f[[2L]] <- getNativeSymbolInfo(name, "SeqArray")$address
body(fn) <- f
# Get the numbers of selected samples and variants
.seldim <- function(gdsfile)
# seldim[1L] -- ploidy
# seldim[2L] -- # of selected samples
# seldim[3L] -- # of selected variants
.Call(SEQ_Summary, gdsfile, "genotype")$seldim
.dim <- function(gdsfile)
# dim[1L] -- ploidy
# dim[2L] -- # of total samples
# dim[3L] -- # of total variants
.Call(SEQ_Summary, gdsfile, "genotype")$dim
# Detect whether there are integer genotypes or numeric dosages
.has_geno <- function(gdsfile)
.Call(SEQ_TestNode, gdsfile, "genotype/data")
.has_dosage <- function(gdsfile)
nm <- getOption("seqarray.node_ds", "annotation/format/DS")
nm2 <- paste0(nm, "/data")
if (!.Call(SEQ_TestNode, gdsfile, nm2))
stop("No ", sQuote("genotype/data"), " or ", sQuote(nm2), ".")
# Display functions
.cat <- function(...) cat(..., "\n", sep="")
.crayon <- function()
flag <- getOption("gds.crayon", TRUE)
isTRUE(flag) && requireNamespace("crayon", quietly=TRUE)
# get pretty number with big mark
.pretty <- function(x) prettyNum(x, big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE)
.plural <- function(num) if (num > 1L) "s" else ""
.pretty_size <- function(s)
size <- function(x)
if (x >= 1024^4)
sprintf("%.1fT", x / 1024^4)
else if (x >= 1024^3)
sprintf("%.1fG", x / 1024^3)
else if (x >= 1024^2)
sprintf("%.1fM", x / 1024^2)
else if (x >= 1024)
sprintf("%.1fK", x / 1024)
sprintf("%gB", x)
sapply(s, size)
# Variable path
.var_path <- function(, prefix)
nm <- unlist(strsplit(, "/"))
i <- length(nm)
if (i > 0L)
nm[i] <- paste(prefix, nm[i], sep="")
nm <- paste(nm, collapse="/")
} else
nm <- character(0)
# append values
.append_gds <- function(target.node, gdslist, varname)
.MergeNodeAttr(target.node, gdslist, varname)
for (i in seq_along(gdslist))
append.gdsn(target.node, index.gdsn(gdslist[[i]], varname))
.append_rep_gds <- function(node, elm, count)
.Call(SEQ_AppendFill, node, elm, count)
# Data Type define VCF Format
.vcf_type <- function(node)
a <- get.attr.gdsn(node)
if (is.null(a$Type))
v <- switch(as.character(objdesp.gdsn(node)$type[1L]),
Raw="Integer", Integer="Integer", Real="Float", Factor="String",
String="String", Logical="Flag", ".")
} else
v <- as.character(a$Type[1L])
# Clear the internal variable map for better performance in seqGetData()
# if only a few variable accessed in the following steps (e.g.,
# seqBlockApply(), seqUnitApply())
.clear_varmap <- function(gdsfile)
.Call(SEQ_ClearVarMap, gdsfile)
# Open and close a connection,
# Please always call '.close_conn' after '.open_bin' and '.open_text'
.last_str <- function(s, len)
substring(s, nchar(s)-len+1L, nchar(s))
.open_bin <- function(filename)
con2 <- NULL
fmt <- ""
if ((substr(filename, 1L, 6L) == "ftp://") |
(substr(filename, 1L, 7L) == "http://"))
if (.last_str(filename, 3L) == ".gz")
con <- gzcon(url(filename, "rb"))
fmt <- "gz"
} else
con <- url(filename, "rb")
} else {
if (.last_str(filename, 3L) == ".gz")
con <- gzfile(filename, "rb")
fmt <- "gz"
} else if (.last_str(filename, 3L) == ".xz")
con <- xzfile(filename, "rb")
fmt <- "xz"
} else
con <- file(filename, "rb")
# open(con)
list(filename=filename, con=con, con2=con2, fmt=fmt)
.open_text <- function(filename, require.txtmode=FALSE)
con2 <- NULL
if ((substr(filename, 1L, 6L) == "ftp://") |
(substr(filename, 1L, 7L) == "http://"))
if (.last_str(filename, 3L) == ".gz")
con <- gzcon(url(filename, "rb"))
if (require.txtmode)
fn <- tempfile(fileext=".tmpfile")
write(readLines(con), file=fn, sep="\n")
con <- fn
con2 <- NULL
} else
con <- url(filename, "rt")
} else
con <- file(filename, "rt")
# open(con)
list(filename=filename, con=con, con2=con2)
.close_conn <- function(conn)
if (is.character(conn$con))
if (.last_str(conn$con, 8L) == ".tmpfile")
unlink(conn$con, force=TRUE)
} else if (inherits(conn$con, "connection"))
if (inherits(conn$con2, "connection"))
# need parallel? how many? return 1 if no parallel
.NumParallel <- function(cl, nm="parallel")
if (is.null(cl) | identical(cl, FALSE))
ans <- 1L
} else if (is.numeric(cl))
if (length(cl) != 1L)
stop("'parallel' should be length-one.")
if ( cl <- 1L
if (cl < 1L) cl <- 1L
ans <- as.integer(cl)
} else if (isTRUE(cl))
ans <- detectCores() - 1L
if ( ans <- 2L
if (ans <= 1L) ans <- 2L
} else if (inherits(cl, "cluster"))
ans <- length(cl)
if (ans < 1L) ans <- 1L
} else if (inherits(cl, "BiocParallelParam"))
ans <- BiocParallel::bpnworkers(cl)
if (ans < 1L) ans <- 1L
} else
stop("Invalid '", nm, "'.")
if (ans > 128L) # limited by R itself
stop("It is unable to allocate resources for more than 128 nodes.")
# forking implements or not
.IsForking <- function(cl)
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
} else {
isTRUE(cl) || is.numeric(cl)
# Parallel functions
# cl -- a cluster object
# .num -- the total number of segments
# .fun -- a user-defined function
# .combinefun -- a user-defined function for combining the returned values
# .updatefun -- a user-defined function for updating progress (could be NULL)
# ... -- other parameters passed to .fun
.parse_send_data <- quote(
parallel:::sendData(con, list(type=type,data=value,tag=tag)))
.postNode <- function(con, type, value=NULL, tag=NULL) eval(.parse_send_data)
.sendCall <- function(con, fun, args, return=TRUE, tag=NULL)
.postNode(con, "EXEC", list(fun=fun, args=args, return=return, tag=tag))
.parse_recv_one_data <- quote(parallel:::recvOneData(cl))
.recvOneResult <- function(cl)
v <- eval(.parse_recv_one_data)
list(value=v$value$value, node=v$node, tag=v$value$tag)
.DynamicClusterCall <- function(cl, .num, .fun, .combinefun,
.updatefun=NULL, ...)
# in order to use the internal functions accessed by ':::'
# the functions are all defined in 'parallel/R/snow.R'
# check
stopifnot(is.null(cl) | inherits(cl, "cluster"))
stopifnot(is.character(.combinefun) | is.function(.combinefun))
stopifnot(is.null(.updatefun) | is.function(.updatefun))
argone <- FALSE
if (is.function(.combinefun))
argone <- length(formals(args(.combinefun))) == 1L
if (!is.null(cl))
## parallel implementation
if (identical(.combinefun, "unlist") | identical(.combinefun, "list"))
ans <- vector("list", .num)
ans <- NULL
p <- length(cl)
if ((.num > 0L) && p)
#### this closure is sending to all nodes
argfun <- function(i) c(i, list(...))
submit <- function(node, job)
.sendCall(cl[[node]], .fun, argfun(job), tag = job)
for (i in 1:min(.num, p)) submit(i, i)
for (i in seq_len(.num))
d <- .recvOneResult(cl)
j <- i + min(.num, p)
if (j <= .num) submit(d$node, j)
dv <- d$value
if (inherits(dv, "try-error"))
stop("One of the nodes produced an error: ",
if (is.function(.combinefun))
if (argone)
} else {
if (is.null(ans))
ans <- dv
ans <- .combinefun(ans, dv)
} else if (.combinefun %in% c("unlist", "list"))
# assignment NULL would remove it from the list
if (!is.null(dv)) ans[[d$tag]] <- dv
if (!is.null(.updatefun)) .updatefun(i)
} else {
#### serial implementation
if (is.function(.combinefun))
ans <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(.num))
dv <- .fun(i, ...)
if (argone)
} else {
if (is.null(ans))
ans <- dv
ans <- .combinefun(ans, dv)
} else if (identical(.combinefun, "none"))
for (i in seq_len(.num)) .fun(i, ...)
ans <- NULL
} else if (.combinefun %in% c("unlist", "list"))
ans <- vector("list", .num)
for (i in seq_len(.num))
v <- .fun(i, ...)
# assignment NULL would remove it from the list
if (!is.null(v)) ans[[i]] <- v
# output
# Parallel functions
# ncore -- the number of cores
# .num -- the total number of segments
# .fun -- a user-defined function
# .combinefun -- a user-defined function for combining the returned values
# .updatefun -- a user-defined function for updating progress (could be NULL)
# ... -- other parameters passed to .fun
.parse_prepare_cleanup <- quote(parallel:::prepareCleanup())
.mc_prepCleanup <- function() eval(.parse_prepare_cleanup)
.parse_cleanup <- quote(parallel:::cleanup(TRUE))
.mc_cleanup <- function() eval(.parse_cleanup)
.parse_process_id <- quote(parallel:::processID(jobs))
.mc_processID <- function(jobs) eval(.parse_process_id)
.parse_sel_child <- quote(parallel:::selectChildren(children, timeout))
.mc_selectChildren <- function(children, timeout) eval(.parse_sel_child)
.parse_read_child <- quote(parallel:::readChild(child))
.mc_readChild <- function(child) eval(.parse_read_child)
.DynamicForkCall <- function(ncore, .num, .fun, .combinefun, .updatefun, ...)
# in order to use the internal functions accessed by ':::'
# the functions are all defined in 'parallel/R/unix/mclapply.R'
# check
stopifnot(is.numeric(ncore), length(ncore)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(.num), length(.num)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(.combinefun) | is.function(.combinefun))
stopifnot(is.null(.updatefun) | is.function(.updatefun))
argone <- FALSE
if (is.function(.combinefun))
argone <- length(formals(args(.combinefun))) == 1L
# all processes created from now on will be terminated by cleanup
# initialize
if (identical(.combinefun, "unlist") | identical(.combinefun, "list"))
ans <- vector("list", .num)
ans <- NULL
jobs <- lapply(seq_len(min(.num, ncore)), function(i)
parallel::mcparallel(.fun(i, ...), name=NULL, mc.set.seed=TRUE, silent=FALSE))
jobsp <- .mc_processID(jobs)
jobid <- seq_along(jobsp)
has.errors <- 0L
finish <- rep(FALSE, .num)
nexti <- length(jobid) + 1L
while (!all(finish))
s <- .mc_selectChildren(jobs[!], -1)
if (is.null(s)) break # no children, should not happen
if (is.integer(s))
for (ch in s)
ji <- match(TRUE, jobsp==ch)
ci <- jobid[ji]
r <- .mc_readChild(ch)
if (is.raw(r))
child.res <- unserialize(r)
if (inherits(child.res, "try-error"))
has.errors <- has.errors + 1L
if (is.function(.combinefun))
if (inherits(child.res, "try-error"))
if (argone)
} else {
if (is.null(ans))
ans <- child.res
ans <- .combinefun(ans, child.res)
} else if (.combinefun %in% c("unlist", "list"))
# assignment NULL would remove it from the list
if (!is.null(child.res)) ans[[ci]] <- child.res
if (!is.null(.updatefun)) .updatefun(ci)
} else {
# the job has finished
finish[ci] <- TRUE
jobsp[ji] <- jobid[ji] <- NA_integer_
# still something to do
if (nexti <= .num)
jobid[ji] <- nexti
jobs[[ji]] <- parallel::mcparallel(.fun(nexti, ...),
name=NULL, mc.set.seed=TRUE, silent=FALSE)
jobsp[ji] <- .mc_processID(jobs[[ji]])
nexti <- nexti + 1L
if (has.errors)
warning(sprintf("%d function calls resulted in an error", has.errors),
immediate.=TRUE, domain=NA)
# output
# Add a variable with corresponding compression mode
# See: seqStorageOption
.AddVar <- function(storage.option, node, varname, val=NULL,
storage=storage.mode(val), valdim=NULL, closezip=FALSE, visible=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(storage.option, "SeqGDSStorageClass"))
if (inherits(node, "gds.class"))
node <- node$root
stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
# full variable name
path <- name.gdsn(node, TRUE)
idx_flag <- substr(varname, 1L, 1L) == "@"
if (idx_flag && grepl("/", varname, fixed=TRUE))
varname <- .var_path(substring(varname, 2L), "@")
fullvarname <- paste(path, varname, sep="/")
info_flag <- substr(fullvarname, 1L, 16L) == "annotation/info/"
fmt_flag <- substr(fullvarname, 1L, 18L) == "annotation/format/"
varname2 <- fullvarname
if (substr(fullvarname, 1L, 12L) == "description/")
varname2 <- "description"
} else {
if (path == "genotype")
varname2 <- "genotype"
else if (fmt_flag & !idx_flag)
varname2 <- path
# compression flag
compress.flag <- storage.option$compression
if (is.null(compress.flag)) compress.flag <- ""
nm <- names(storage.option)
if (!is.null(nm))
i <- match(fullvarname, nm)
j <- match(varname2, nm)
if ( i <- j
if (
if (path == "genotype")
compress.flag <- storage.option$geno.compress
else if (idx_flag)
compress.flag <- storage.option$index.compress
else if (info_flag)
compress.flag <- storage.option$info.compress
else if (fmt_flag)
compress.flag <- storage.option$format.compress
} else {
compress.flag <- storage.option[[i]]
# storage mode
storage.param <- ""
if (storage == "float")
stm <- "float32"
nm <- names(storage.option$float.mode)
if (is.null(nm))
if (length(storage.option$float.mode) > 0L)
stm <- storage.option$float.mode[1L]
} else {
i <- match(fullvarname, nm)
if (
i <- match("", nm)
if (!
stm <- storage.option$float.mode[i]
} else
stm <- storage.option$float.mode[i]
s <- unlist(strsplit(stm, ":", fixed=TRUE))
if (length(s) > 2L)
stop("Invalid 'storage.option$float.mode'.")
storage <- s[1L]
if (length(s) == 2L)
storage.param <- s[2L]
nm <- names(storage.option$mode)
if (!is.null(nm))
i <- match(fullvarname, nm)
j <- match(varname2, nm)
if ( i <- j
if (!
stm <- storage.option$mode[i]
s <- unlist(strsplit(stm, ":", fixed=TRUE))
if (length(s) > 2L)
stop("Invalid 'storage.option$mode'.")
storage <- s[1L]
if (length(s) == 2L)
storage.param <- s[2L]
storage.param <- ""
# sub directory?
if (grepl("/", varname, fixed=TRUE))
nm <- unlist(strsplit(varname, "/", fixed=TRUE))
varname <- nm[length(nm)]
for (m in nm[-length(nm)])
v <- index.gdsn(node, m, silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(v))
v <- addfolder.gdsn(node, m)
node <- v
# add.gdsn arguments
args <- list(node=node, name=varname, val=val, storage=storage,
valdim=valdim, compress=compress.flag, closezip=closezip,
args <- c(args, eval(parse(text=paste("list(", storage.param, ")")))), args)
# Merge attributes
.MergeAttr <- function(val)
stopifnot(is.list(val), length(val) > 0L)
ans <- unlist(val, recursive=FALSE)
if (!is.null(ans))
nm <- names(ans)
if (is.null(nm)) stop("Invalid attributes.")
if (any(nm == "")) stop("Invalid attributes.")
while ((k = anyDuplicated(nm)) > 0L)
i <- which(nm[k] == nm)
v <- unique(unlist(ans[i]))
ans[[ i[1L] ]] <- v
ans <- ans[ - i[-1L] ]
nm <- nm[ - i[-1L] ]
.MergeNodeAttr <- function(target.node, srcfiles, varname)
v <- vector("list", length(srcfiles))
for (i in seq_along(srcfiles))
v[[i]] <- get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcfiles[[i]], varname))
v <- .MergeAttr(v)
if (!is.null(v))
algo <- c("md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512")
algo <- c(algo, paste0(algo, "_r"))
nm <- names(v)
for (i in seq_along(v))
if (!(nm[i] %in% algo))
put.attr.gdsn(target.node, nm[i], v[[i]])
# Get the unique data frame
.DigestCode <- function(node, algo, verbose)
if (!is.null(node))
stopifnot(inherits(node, "gdsn.class"))
if (isTRUE(algo) | is.character(algo))
if (isTRUE(algo)) algo <- "md5"
h <- digest.gdsn(node, algo=algo, action="add")
if (verbose)
s <- paste0(" [", algo, ": ", h, "]")
if (.crayon()) s <- crayon::blurred(s)
cat(s, "\n", sep="")
} else if (verbose)
.DigestFile <- function(gfile, digest, verbose)
## digest
flag <- verbose & (isTRUE(digest) | is.character(digest))
if (flag) cat("Digests:\n")
for (nm in c("", "", "position", "chromosome", "allele"))
if (flag) cat(" ", nm)
.DigestCode(index.gdsn(gfile, nm), digest, verbose)
n <- index.gdsn(gfile, "genotype/data", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
if (flag) cat(" genotype")
.DigestCode(n, digest, verbose)
.DigestCode(index.gdsn(gfile, "genotype/@data", silent=TRUE), digest, FALSE)
n <- index.gdsn(gfile, "phase/data", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
if (flag) cat(" phase")
.DigestCode(n, digest, verbose)
if (flag) cat(" annotation/id")
.DigestCode(index.gdsn(gfile, "annotation/id"), digest, verbose)
if (flag) cat(" annotation/qual")
.DigestCode(index.gdsn(gfile, "annotation/qual"), digest, verbose)
if (flag) cat(" annotation/filter")
.DigestCode(index.gdsn(gfile, "annotation/filter"), digest, verbose)
node <- index.gdsn(gfile, "annotation/info")
for (n in ls.gdsn(node))
if (flag) cat(" annotation/info/", n, sep="")
.DigestCode(index.gdsn(node, n), digest, verbose)
n1 <- index.gdsn(node, paste0("@", n), silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n1))
.DigestCode(n1, digest, FALSE)
node <- index.gdsn(gfile, "annotation/format")
for (n in ls.gdsn(node))
if (flag) cat(" annotation/format/", n, sep="")
.DigestCode(index.gdsn(node, paste0(n, "/data"), silent=TRUE), digest, verbose)
.DigestCode(index.gdsn(node, paste0(n, "/@data")), digest, FALSE)
node <- index.gdsn(gfile, "sample.annotation")
for (n in ls.gdsn(node))
if (flag) cat(" sample.annotation/", n, sep="")
.DigestCode(index.gdsn(node, n), digest, verbose)
# Get MAF, MAC and missing rate for variants
.Get_MAF_MAC_Missing <- function(gdsfile, parallel, verbose)
stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
# check genotypes
gv <- .has_geno(gdsfile)
if (gv)
nm <- "genotype"
ploidy <- .dim(gdsfile)[1L]
} else {
nm <- .has_dosage(gdsfile)
ploidy <- getOption("seqarray.ploidy", 2L)
if ( ploidy <- 2L
# calculate
m3s <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant", .combine="list",
FUN = function(f, pg, nm, pl, cn)
m3 <- matrix(0, nrow=3L, ncol=.seldim(f)[3L])
.cfunction2("FC_MAF_MAC_Init")(m3, pl)
seqApply(f, nm,"none", FUN=.cfunction(cn),
.useraw=NA, .progress=pg & (process_index==1L))
}, pg=verbose, nm=nm, pl=ploidy,
cn=ifelse(gv, "FC_MAF_MAC_Geno", "FC_MAF_MAC_DS"))
# merge
if (is.list(m3s)) m3s <-, m3s)
# output
list(maf=m3s[1L,], mac=m3s[2L,], miss=m3s[3L,])
# Convert to a VariantAnnotation object
.seqDebug <- function(gdsfile)
.Call("SEQ_Debug", gdsfile)
# Convert to a VariantAnnotation object
.seqProgress <- function(count, nproc)
.Call(SEQ_Progress, count, nproc)
.seqProgForward <- function(progress, inc)
if (!is.null(progress))
stopifnot(inherits(progress, "SeqClass_Progress"))
.Call(SEQ_ProgressAdd, progress, inc)
# Convert to a VariantAnnotation object
.variableLengthToList <- function(x)
xl <- list()
j <- 1L
for (i in 1:length(x$length))
len <- x$length[i]
if (len > 0L)
xl[[i]] <- x$data[j:(j+len-1)]
j <- j+len
} else {
xl[[i]] <- NA
.toAtomicList <- function(x, type)
.variableLengthToMatrix <- function(x)
xl <- list()
i <- 1L
for (j in seq_along(x))
for (k in seq_len(NROW(x[[j]])))
xl[[i]] <- x[[j]][k,]
i <- i + 1L
matrix(xl, nrow=NROW(x[[1L]]), ncol=length(x))
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