
Defines functions get_jaccard convert_from_ix_list convert_to_ix_list mxsort split_alpha_numeric getstrand tabulate2 remove_nonoverlap remove_overlap merge_lists all_whole all_equal all_false all_true sd.along means.along rms mean_smooth zero_or_null is.installed last_element matches_check counts_check

# Collection of internal utility functions

counts_check <- function(object) {
  stopifnot(is(object, "SummarizedExperiment"))
  stopifnot("counts" %in% assayNames(object))
  stopifnot(min(assays(object)$counts) >= 0)
  stopifnot(canCoerce(assays(object)$counts, "Matrix"))
  stopifnot(ncol(object) > 1)
  if (!is(assays(object)$counts, "Matrix")) 
    assays(object)$counts <- Matrix::Matrix(assays(object)$counts)

matches_check <- function(object) {
  stopifnot(is(object, "SummarizedExperiment"))
  stopifnot("matches" %in% assayNames(object) ||
              "annotationMatches" %in% assayNames(object) ||
              "annotation_matches" %in% assayNames(object) ||
              "motif_matches" %in% assayNames(object) ||
              "motifMatches" %in% assayNames(object))
  stopifnot(canCoerce(annotationMatches(object), "lMatrix"))
  if (!is(annotationMatches(object), "lMatrix")) {
    annotationMatches(object) <- as(annotationMatches(object), "lMatrix")
    warning("Annotation object matches converted to logical")

# Not-in operator --------------------------------------------------------------

"%ni%" <- Negate("%in%")

# last
# element--------------------------------------------------------------------
last_element <- function(x) x[length(x)]

# check for installed package --------------------------------------------------

is.installed <- function(pkg) is.element(pkg, installed.packages()[, 1])

# zero_or_null

zero_or_null <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  } else if (x == 0) {
  } else {

# Mathematical shortcuts -------------------------------------------------------

mean_smooth <- function(X, window) {
  if (is.na(as.integer(window)) || length(window) != 1 || window < 2 || 
      window >=  length(X)) {
    stop("window must be an integer between 2 and length(X)")
  pad_left <- rev(X[seq_len(window%/%2)])
  pad_right <- rev(X[(length(X) - ((window - 1)%/%2)):length(X)])
  cx <- c(0, cumsum(c(pad_left, X, pad_right)))
  return((cx[(window + 1):(length(cx) - 1)] - 
            cx[seq_len(length(cx) - 1 - window)])/window)

rms <- function(x) sqrt(mean(x^2))

means.along <- function(a, i) {
  n <- length(dim(a))
  b <- aperm(a, c(seq_len(n)[-i], i))
  rowMeans(b, dims = n - 1)

sd.along <- function(a, i) {
  n <- dim(a)[i]
  tmp.var <- means.along(a * a, i) - (means.along(a, i)^2)
  return(sqrt(tmp.var * n/(n - 1)))

# Functions to test whether a vector is all TRUE or all FALSE ------------------
all_true <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "logical"))
  ifelse(sum(x) == length(x), TRUE, FALSE)

all_false <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "logical"))
  ifelse(sum(x) == 0, TRUE, FALSE)

all_equal <- function(x) {
  all_true(x == x[1])

# Function to test whether vector is all whole number

all_whole <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
  all(abs(x - round(x)) < tol)

# Function to merge lists, either by name or order -----------------------------

merge_lists <- function(..., by = c("order", "name")) {
  by <- match.arg(by)
  if (by == "order") {
    lx <- vapply(list(...), length, 0)
    if (!all_true(lx == lx[1])) {
      max_lx <- max(lx)
      fixed_lx <- lapply(list(...), function(x) {
        tmp_lx <- length(x)
        if (tmp_lx < max_lx) {
                   vapply(seq_len(max_lx - tmp_lx), function(y) list(NULL),
        } else {
      return(do.call(merge_lists, fixed_lx))
    return(Map(c, ...))
  } else {
    input <- list(...)
    if (length(input) == 1) {
      output <- input[[1]]
      if (all_false(duplicated(names(output)))) {
      } else {
        tmp <- input[[1]]
        unames <- unique(names(output))
        output <- lapply(unames, function(x) unlist(tmp[names(tmp) == x], 
          recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE))
        names(output) <- unames
    } else {
      output <- merge_lists(input[[1]], by = "name")
      for (j in 2:length(input)) {
        tmp <- merge_lists(input[[j]], by = "name")
        common_names <- names(output)[which(names(output) %in% names(tmp))]
        unique_old <- names(output)[which(names(output) %ni% common_names)]
        unique_new <- names(tmp)[which(names(tmp) %ni% common_names)]
        output <- c(Map(c, output[common_names], tmp[common_names]), 

## remove overlapping or non-overlapping items
remove_overlap <- function(x, to.remove) {
  # removes items in vector to.remove from x
  if (inherits(x, "list")) {
    return(lapply(x, function(y) y[which(y %ni% to.remove)]))
  } else if (inherits(x, "vector")) {
    return(x[which(x %ni% to.remove)])
  } else {
    stop("x must be list or vector")

remove_nonoverlap <- function(x, to.keep) {
  # keep only items in x that are in to.keep
  if (inherits(x, "list")) {
    return(lapply(x, function(y) y[which(y %in% to.keep)]))
  } else if (inherits(x, "vector")) {
    return(x[which(x %in% to.keep)])
  } else {
    stop("x must be list or vector")

# Modified tabulate funcion ----------------------------------------------------

tabulate2 <- function(x, min_val, max_val) {
  if (max_val <= min_val) {
    stop("max_val must be greater than min_val")
  if (min_val < 0 && max_val > 0) {
    n <- rev(tabulate(-1 * (x))[seq_len(-min_val)])
    p <- tabulate(x)[seq_len(max_val)]
    z <- length(which(x == 0))
    out <- c(n, z, p)
    out[which(is.na(out))] <- 0
    names(out) <- min_val:max_val
  } else if (min_val == 0 && max_val > 0) {
    p <- tabulate(x)[seq_len(max_val)]
    z <- length(which(x == 0))
    out <- c(z, p)
    out[which(is.na(out))] <- 0
    names(out) <- min_val:max_val
  } else if (min_val > 0 && max_val > 0) {
    out <- tabulate(x)[min_val:max_val]
    out[which(is.na(out))] <- 0
    names(out) <- min_val:max_val
  } else if (min_val < 0 && max_val == 0) {
    n <- rev(tabulate(-1 * (x))[seq_len(-min_val)])
    z <- length(which(x == 0))
    out <- c(n, z)
    out[which(is.na(out))] <- 0
    names(out) <- min_val:max_val
  } else if (min_val < 0 && max_val < 0) {
    n <- rev(tabulate(-1 * (x))[seq_len(-min_val)])
    out <- n
    out[which(is.na(out))] <- 0
    names(out) <- min_val:max_val
  } else {
    stop("something may be amiss with min_val or max_val")

# Functions with ranges --------------------------------------------------------

getstrand <- function(ranges) {

# sorting alphanumeric ---------------------------------------------------------

split_alpha_numeric <- function(x) {
  is.nonnumeric <- function(x) {
  y <- vapply(strsplit(x, "")[[1]], is.nonnumeric,TRUE)
  diffs <- diff(c(TRUE, y))
  splitpoints <- which(diffs != 0)
  if (length(splitpoints) == 0) {
  } else if (length(splitpoints) == 1) {
    return(c(substr(x, 0, splitpoints - 1), substr(x, splitpoints, nchar(x))))
  out <- substr(x, 0, splitpoints[1] - 1)
  for (i in 2:length(splitpoints)) {
    out <- c(out, substr(x, splitpoints[i - 1], splitpoints[i] - 1))
  out <- c(out, substr(x, splitpoints[length(splitpoints)], nchar(x)))

mxsort <- function(x) {
  if (!is.character(x)) 
  which.nas <- which(is.na(x))
  which.blanks <- which(x == "")
  split_x <- lapply(x, split_alpha_numeric)
  lx <- vapply(split_x, length, 0)
  if (!all_true(lx == lx[1])) {
    max_lx <- max(lx)
    split_x <- lapply(split_x, function(y) {
      tmp_lx <- length(y)
      if (tmp_lx < max_lx) {
        return(c(y, rep(NA, max_lx - tmp_lx)))
      } else {
  vecs <- do.call(merge_lists, split_x)
  make.numeric <- function(x) {
           suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x)), x)
  vecs <- lapply(vecs, make.numeric)
  ord <- do.call(order, c(vecs, list(na.last = FALSE)))

# Convert matrix of indices to list of lists -----------------------------------

convert_to_ix_list <- function(ix) {
  stopifnot(inherits(ix, "Matrix") || inherits(ix, "matrix"))
  if (inherits(ix, "sparseMatrix")) {
    tmp <- summary(ix)
    tmp$j <- factor(tmp$j, levels = seq_len(ncol(ix)), ordered = TRUE)
    out <- split(tmp$i, tmp$j)
  } else {
    out <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(ix)), function(x) which(ix[, x]))
  names(out) <- colnames(ix)

# Convert list of indices to matrix -------------------------------------------
convert_from_ix_list <- function(ix, npeaks) {
  stopifnot(inherits(ix, "list"))
  sparseMatrix(j = unlist(lapply(seq_along(ix), 
                                   rep(x, length(ix[[x]]))), 
                          use.names = FALSE), 
               i = unlist(ix, use.names = FALSE), 
               dims = c(npeaks, length(ix)), 
               x = TRUE, 
               dimnames = list(NULL, names(ix)))

# genome -----------------------------------------------------------------------

## validate genome input

           function(genome) standardGeneric("validate_genome_input"))

setMethod("validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "FaFile"),
          function(genome) {

setMethod("validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "BSgenome"),
          function(genome) {

setMethod("validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "DNAStringSet"),
          function(genome) {

setMethod("validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "character"),
          function(genome) {

setMethod("validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "character"),
          function(genome) {
            if (any(is.na(genome)))
              stop("No genome provided")
            if (length(genome) > 1){
              stopifnot(all(genome == genome[[1]]))
              genome <- genome[[1]]

setMethod("validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "ANY"),
          function(genome) {
            stop("genome input must be a BSgenome, DNAStringSet, or FaFile",
                 "object or a string recognized by getBSgenome")

# Jaccard ----------------------------------------------------------------------

get_jaccard <- function(x) {
  u <- crossprod(x)
  t <- colSums(x)
  i <- outer(t, t, FUN = "+")
  return(as.matrix(u/(i - u)))

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