
Defines functions kegg_rest get_species_name_idx get_species_name get_kegg_species kegg_species_data search_kegg_organism browseKEGG

Documented in browseKEGG search_kegg_organism

##' open KEGG pathway with web browser
##' @title browseKEGG
##' @param x an instance of enrichResult or gseaResult
##' @param pathID pathway ID
##' @return url
##' @importFrom utils browseURL
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
browseKEGG <- function(x, pathID) {
    url <- paste0("http://www.kegg.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?", pathID, '/', x[pathID, "geneID"])

##' search kegg organism, listed in http://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html
##' @title search_kegg_organism
##' @param str string
##' @param by one of 'kegg.code', 'scientific_name' and 'common_name'
##' @param ignore.case TRUE or FALSE
##' @return data.frame
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
search_kegg_organism <- function(str, by="scientific_name", ignore.case=FALSE) {
    by <- match.arg(by, c("kegg_code", "scientific_name", "common_name"))
    kegg_species <- kegg_species_data()
    idx <- grep(str, kegg_species[, by], ignore.case = ignore.case)

kegg_species_data <- function() {
    utils::data(list="kegg_species", package="clusterProfiler")
    get("kegg_species", envir = .GlobalEnv)

get_kegg_species <- function() {
    pkg <- "XML"
    readHTMLTable <- eval(parse(text="XML::readHTMLTable"))
    x <- readHTMLTable("http://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html")

    y <- get_species_name(x[[2]], "Eukaryotes")
    y2 <- get_species_name(x[[3]], 'Prokaryotes')

    sci_name <- gsub(" \\(.*$", '', y[,2])
    com_name <- gsub("[^\\(]+ \\(([^\\)]+)\\)$", '\\1', y[,2])
    eu <- data.frame(kegg_code=unlist(y[,1]),
                     scientific_name = sci_name,
                     common_name = com_name,
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    pr <- data.frame(kegg_code=unlist(y2[,1]),
                     scientific_name = unlist(y2[,2]),
                     common_name = NA,
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    kegg_species <- rbind(eu, pr)
    save(kegg_species, file="kegg_species.rda")

get_species_name <- function(y, table) {
    idx <- get_species_name_idx(y, table)
    t(sapply(1:nrow(idx), function(i) {
        y[] = lapply(y, as.character)
        y[i, idx[i,]]

get_species_name_idx <- function(y, table='Eukaryotes') {
    table <- match.arg(table, c("Eukaryotes", "Prokaryotes"))
    t(apply(y, 1, function(x) {
        ii <- which(!is.na(x))
        n <- length(ii)
        if (table == "Eukaryotes") {
        } else {

##' @importFrom downloader download
kegg_rest <- function(rest_url) {
    ## content <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(readLines(rest_url)), error=function(e) NULL)
    ## if (is.null(content))
    ##     return(content)

    message("Reading KEGG annotation online:\n" )
    f <- tempfile()
    ## dl <- tryCatch(downloader::download(rest_url, destfile = f, quiet = TRUE),
    # if (capabilities("libcurl")) {
        # dl <- tryCatch(utils::download.file(rest_url, destfile = f, quiet = TRUE, method = "libcurl"),
                   # error = function(e) NULL)
    # } else {
        # dl <- tryCatch(downloader::download(rest_url, destfile = f, quiet = TRUE),
                   # error = function(e) NULL)
    # }
    dl <- mydownload(rest_url, destfile = f)
    if (is.null(dl)) {
        message("fail to download KEGG data...")

    content <- readLines(f)

    content %<>% strsplit(., "\t") %>% do.call('rbind', .)
    res <- data.frame(from=content[,1],

## http://www.genome.jp/kegg/rest/keggapi.html
## kegg_link('hsa', 'pathway')
kegg_link <- function(target_db, source_db) {
    url <- paste0("http://rest.kegg.jp/link/", target_db, "/", source_db, collapse="")

kegg_list <- function(db) {
    url <- paste0("http://rest.kegg.jp/list/", db, collapse="")

##' convert ko ID to descriptive name
##' @title ko2name
##' @param ko ko ID
##' @return data.frame
##' @export
##' @author guangchuang yu
ko2name <- function(ko) {
    p <- kegg_list('pathway')
    ko2 <- gsub("^ko", "path:map", ko)
    ko.df <- data.frame(ko=ko, from=ko2)
    res <- merge(ko.df, p, by = 'from', all.x=TRUE)
    res <- res[, c("ko", "to")]
    colnames(res) <- c("ko", "name")

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clusterProfiler documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 2:02 a.m.