# TODO test me
# TODO vignette me
#' Methods to create synthetic transcripts
#' This function create a set of synthetic transcripts from a provided
#' annotation file in "gff3" or "gtf" format. As detailed in
#' \url{},
#' one major caveat of estimating gene expression using aligned RNA-Seq reads
#' is that a single read, which originated from a single mRNA molecule, might
#' sometimes align to several features (e.g. transcripts or genes) with
#' alignments of equivalent quality. This, for example, might happen as a result
#' of gene duplication and the presence of repetitive or common domains.
#' To avoid counting unique mRNA fragments multiple times, the
#' stringent approach is to keep only uniquely mapping reads - being aware of
#' potential consequences. Not only can "multiple counting" arise from a
#' biological reason, but also from technical artifacts, introduced mostly
#' by poorly formatted gff3/gtf annotation files. To avoid this, it is best
#' practice to adopt a conservative approach by collapsing all existing
#' transcripts of a single gene locus into a "synthetic" transcript containing
#' every exon of that gene. In the case of overlapping exons, the longest
#' genomic interval is kept, i.e. an artificial exon is created. This process
#' results in a flattened transcript - a gene structure with a one (gene) to
#' one (transcript) relationship.
#' The \code{createSyntheticTranscripts} function implements this, taking
#' advantage of the hierarchical structure of the gff3/gtf file. Exon
#' features are related to their transcript (parent), which themselves derives
#' from their gene parents. Using this relationship, exons are combined per gene
#' into a flattened transcript structure. Note that this might not avoid multiple
#' counting if genes overlap on opposing strands. There, only strand specific
#' sequencing data has the power to disentangle these situations.
#' As gff3/gtf file can contain a large number of feature types, the
#' \code{createSyntheticTranscripts} currently only supports: \emph{mRNA},
#' \emph{miRNA}, \emph{tRNA} and \emph{transcript}. Please contact me if you
#' need additional features to be considered. Note however, that I will only
#' add features that are part of the \url{} SOFA
#' (SO_Feature_Annotation) ontology.
#' @aliases createSyntheticTranscripts
#' createSyntheticTranscripts,AnnotParamCharacter-method
#' createSyntheticTranscripts,character-method
#' @rdname easyRNASeq-synthetic-transcripts
#' @param obj a \code{\linkS4class{AnnotParamCharacter}} object or the
#' annotation filename as a \code{character} string
#' @param features one or more of 'mRNA', 'miRNA', 'tRNA', 'transcript'
#' @param input the type of input, one of 'gff3' or 'gtf'
#' @param output the output type, one of 'Genome_intervals' or 'GRanges'
#' @param verbose increase the verbosity (default TRUE)
#' @return
#' Depending on the \code{obj} class.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{AnnotParamCharacter}: a \code{AnnotParamObject} object
#' \item a \code{character} filename: depending on the selected \code{output}
#' value, a \code{\link[genomeIntervals:Genome_intervals-class]{Genome_intervals}}
#' or a \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} object.
#' }
#' @author Nicolas Delhomme
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item{For the input:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\linkS4class{AnnotParam}}
#' }}
#' \item{For the output:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\linkS4class{AnnotParam}}
#' \item \code{\link[genomeIntervals:Genome_intervals-class]{Genome_intervals}}
#' \item \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}}
#' }}}
#' @keywords methods
#' @examples
#' # get the example file
#' Dm.gtf <- fetchData("Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP5.77.with-chr.gtf.gz")
#' # create the AnnotParam
#' annotParam <- AnnotParam(
#' datasource=Dm.gtf,
#' type="gtf")
#' # create the synthetic transcripts
#' annotParam <- createSyntheticTranscripts(annotParam,verbose=FALSE)
setMethod(f = "createSyntheticTranscripts",
signature = "AnnotParamCharacter",
definition = function(obj,
features = c("mRNA", "miRNA", "tRNA", "transcript"),
verbose = TRUE) {
# Check for the input type
supported.types <- c("gff3","gtf")
if(!type(obj) %in% supported.types){
stop(sprintf("Only the %s types are supported by this function",
paste(supported.types,collapse=", ")))
# Validate the object
warning(paste("Your gtf file is not comprehensive;",
"possibly containing only 'exon' features"))
message("Validating under lenient criteria")
# Create the synth. trx.
AnnotParam(datasource =
#' @rdname easyRNASeq-synthetic-transcripts
setMethod(f = "createSyntheticTranscripts",
signature = "character",
definition = function(obj,
features = c("mRNA", "miRNA", "tRNA", "transcript"),
verbose = TRUE,
output = c("Genome_intervals","GRanges"),
input = c("gff3","gtf")
) {
# first check
# get the values
input <- match.arg(input)
features <- match.arg(features, several.ok = TRUE)
output <- match.arg(output)
# define some global variables
relation <- switch(input,
# read the gff3/gtf file
dat <- readGff3(obj,quiet = !verbose)
# Check that all required features are there
min.input <- switch(input,
if(!all(min.input %in% levels(dat$type))){
stop("Your annotation file does not contain all the necessary features. It should contain 'gene' (for gff3 only), 'exon' and at least one of the 'features' argument")
# If gtf, reformat the attributes and drop the double quotes
dat$gffAttributes <- gsub("\"","",.convertGffToGtfAttributes(dat$gffAttributes))
# get the gene <-> mRNA/transcript map
# This is mRNA IDs and their parents (genes)
sel <- dat$type %in% features
# That step would not necessary for gtf, but it is easier to implement in a
# similar way for both format
idMap <- data.frame(type = dat[sel]$type,
# extract the exons and group by gene ID
exon.sel <- dat$type == "exon"
# If we have a minimal gtf (no gene); get the idMap
if( input=="gtf" & nrow(idMap) ==0 ){
idMap <- data.frame(type = dat[exon.sel]$type,
# fail if we get nothing - this should not happen though
# we can drop multiple Parents (i.e. comma separated Parent values as we are
# collapsing them anyway)
mRnaID <- sub(",.*","",getGffAttribute(dat[exon.sel],switch(input,
# avoid unwanted features
rngs <- IRanges(start = dat[exon.sel, 1],
end = dat[exon.sel, 2])[mRnaID %in% idMap[,relation$ID]]
# create a set of synthetic exons
rngList <- reduce(
idMap[match(mRnaID[mRnaID %in% idMap[,relation$ID]],
# export the gene, exon and features as gff3
# create the new gff object
# select the gene
gene.sel <- dat$type == "gene"
# create the gene gff
geneID <- getGffAttribute(dat[gene.sel,],
geneGff <- switch(input,
"gff3"={dat[gene.sel][geneID %in%
if (sum(gene.sel)==0){
# Note: this is not robust against gene spanning
# both strands - get the first exon
geneGff <- dat[exon.sel,][match(
# convert the type
geneGff$type <- "gene"
# and define the coords
ranges <- range(rngList)
IDs <- getGffAttribute(geneGff,relation$Parent)[,1]
pos <- match(IDs,names(ranges))
geneGff[,1] <- unlist(start(ranges))[pos]
geneGff[,2] <- unlist(end(ranges))[pos]
geneGff$gffAttributes <- paste0("ID=",IDs)
} else {
geneGff <- dat[gene.sel][geneID %in%
geneGff$gffAttributes <- sub(relation$Parent,
# define the gene ID if gtf is exon only
if(input=="gtf" & sum(gene.sel)==0){
geneID <- getGffAttribute(geneGff,"ID")
# create gffs for each feature
feats <- lapply(features, function(f) {
if(verbose){message(sprintf("Processing %s features",f))}
f.sel <- idMap$type == f
fGff <- NULL
fGff <- dat[sel][f.sel]
fGff$type <- f
fGff$gffAttributes <- paste("ID=",
# Make the feature unique
fGff <- fGff[order(width(fGff),decreasing = TRUE),]
pars <- getGffAttribute(fGff,"Parent")
fGff <- fGff[match(unique(pars),pars),]
featureGff <- Reduce(c,feats[!sapply(feats,is.null)])
# create the featureGff if we have only exon gtf
if(input=="gtf" & is.null(featureGff)){
featureGff <- geneGff
featureGff$type <- "mRNA"
featureGff$gffAttributes <- paste("ID=",
# create the exon gff
rngList <- rngList[match(geneID[geneID %in% idMap[,relation$Parent]], names(rngList))]
exonNumber <- elementNROWS(rngList)
exonGff <- dat[rep(which(gene.sel)[geneID %in% idMap[,relation$Parent]], exonNumber)]
} else {
exonGff <- geneGff[rep(1:length(exonNumber),exonNumber)]
exonGff[,1] <- unlist(start(rngList))
exonGff[,2] <- unlist(end(rngList))
exonID <- sapply(exonNumber, ":", 1)
sel <- geneGff$strand == "+"
exonID[sel] <- sapply(exonID[sel], rev)
ID <- getGffAttribute(exonGff, switch(input,
exonGff$gffAttributes <- paste0("ID=",
unlist(exonID, use.names=FALSE),
unlist(exonID, use.names=FALSE),
paste(ID,"0",sep = "."))
exonGff$type <- "exon"
# combine
newgff <- c(geneGff, featureGff, exonGff)
# change the source
newgff$source <- "easyRNASeq"
# sort
newgff <- newgff[order(seqnames(newgff), newgff[, 1],
labels = seq_len(2 + length(features)),
levels = c("gene", features, "exon"))), ]
"Genome_intervals" = newgff,
"GRanges" = {
grng <- as(newgff[newgff$type == "exon"], "GRanges")
elt <- elementMetadata(grng)[,colnames(elementMetadata(grng))
%in% c("ID","Parent")]
colnames(elt) <- c("exon","transcript")
elt$gene <- sub("\\.0","",elt$transcript)
elementMetadata(grng) <- elt
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