#' @title save/load a GatingSet/GatingSetList to/from disk.
#' @description
#' Save/load a GatingSet/GatingSetList which is the gated flow data including gates and populations to/from the disk.
#' The \code{GatingSet} object The internal C data structure (gating tree),\code{ncdfFlowSet} object(if applicable)
#' @param gs A \code{GatingSet}
#' @param gslist A \code{GatingSetList}
#' @param path A character scalar giving the path to save/load the GatingSet to/from.
#' @param h5_readonly whether to open h5 data as read-only. Default is TRUE
#' @param select an integer or character vector to select a subset of samples to load
#' @param verbose logical flag to optionally print the versions of the libraries that were used to archive the GatingSet for troubleshooting purpose.
#' @param backend_opt a character scalar. The valid options are :"copy","move","skip","symlink" specifying what to do with the backend data file.
#' Sometimes it is more efficient to move or create a symlink of the existing backend file to the archived folder.
#' It is useful to "skip" archiving backend file if raw data has not been changed.
#' @inheritParams load_cytoframe
#' @param ... other arguments: not used.
#' @seealso \code{\link{GatingSet-class}},\code{\link{GatingSetList-class}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #G is a GatingSet
#' save_gs(G,path="tempFolder")
#' G1<-load_gs(path="tempFolder")
#' #G is a GatingSet
#' save_gslist(gslist1,path="tempFolder")
#' gslist2<-load_gslist(path="tempFolder")
#' }
#' @rdname save_gs
#' @export
#' @aliases save_gs load_gs save_gslist load_gslist
#' @importFrom aws.s3 put_object
save_gs<-function(gs, path
, cdf = NULL
, backend_opt = c("copy","move","skip","symlink","link")
, cred = NULL
, ...){
warning("'cdf' argument is deprecated by 'backend_opt'")
backend_opt <- cdf
backend_opt <- match.arg(backend_opt)
path <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(path))
cred <- check_credential(cred)
cf <- get_cytoframe_from_cs(gs_cyto_data(gs), 1)
back_type <- cf_backend_type(cf)
if(back_type != "tile")
stop("Saving gs to remote only support tiledb backend!Please use 'convert_backend()` first.")
if(backend_opt == "link")
stop("'link' option for save_gs is no longer supported")
suppressMessages(res <- try(.cpp_saveGatingSet(gs@pointer, path = path, backend_opt = backend_opt, cred), silent = TRUE))
if(class(res) == "try-error")
res <- gsub(" the indexed CytoFrameView object", ' the GatingSet has been subsetted', res)
message("Done\nTo reload it, use 'load_gs' function\n")
gs_is_dirty<- function(x){
is_s3_path <- function(x){
grepl("^s3://", x, = TRUE)
is_http_path <- function(x){
grepl("^https://", x, = TRUE)
parse_s3_path <- function(url){
url <- sub("^s3://", "", url)
tokens <- strsplit(url, "/")[[1]]
}else if(is_http_path(url)){
url <- sub("^https://", "", url)
tokens <- strsplit(url, "/")[[1]]
tokens[1] <- sub("", "", tokens[1])
stop("invalid s3 path", url)
list(bucket = tokens[1], key = paste(tokens[-1], collapse = "/"))
#' delete the archive of GatingSet
#' @param path either a local path or s3 path (e.g. "s3://bucketname/gs_path)
#' @importFrom aws.s3 get_bucket delete_object
#' @export
delete_gs <- function(path, cred = NULL){
cred <- check_credential(cred)
s3_paths <- parse_s3_path(path)
b <- get_bucket(s3_paths[["bucket"]], s3_paths[["key"]], region = cred$AWS_REGION)
for(obj in b)
delete_object(obj, region = cred$AWS_REGION)
unlink(path, recursive = TRUE)
message(path, " is deleted")
#' @rdname save_gs
#' @export
#' @aliases load_gs load_gslist
#' @importFrom aws.s3 get_bucket_df save_object
load_gs<-function(path, h5_readonly = NULL, backend_readonly = TRUE, select = character(), verbose = FALSE, cred = NULL){
warning("'h5_readonly' is deprecated by 'backend_readonly'!")
backend_readonly <- h5_readonly
cred <- check_credential(cred)
if(length(list.files(path = path, pattern = ".rds")) >0)
stop("'", path, "' appears to be the legacy GatingSet archive folder!\nPlease use 'convert_legacy_gs()' to convert it to the new format.")
path <- normalizePath(path)
sns <- sampleNames(path)
{ <- sns[select]
idx <-
stop("sample selection is out of boundary: ", paste0(select[idx], ","))
}else <- select
new("GatingSet", pointer = .cpp_loadGatingSet(path, backend_readonly,, verbose, cred))
#' Get sample names from a GatingSet archive folder
#' Retrieve sample names by scanning h5 files from a GatingSet folder
#' @param object a \code{GatingSet} folder
#' @rdname save_gs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sampleNames(gsdir)
#' }
#' @export
sub(".pb$", "" , list.files(object, ".pb"))
#' convert the legacy GatingSet archive (mixed with R and C++ files) to the new format (C++ only)
#' Older versions of flowWorkspace represented \code{\link{GatingSet-class}} objects using a combination of
#' R and C++ files, while newer versions have moved the representation entirely to the C++ level for
#' the sake of efficiency. In order to use \code{GatingSet} or \code{GatingSetList} archives created in older versions,
#' they will need to be converted to the new format.
#' @details
#' Note that it is likely some of the keyword values (mainly offsets e.g. BEGINDATA) may change slightly after the conversion
#' due to the process of rewriting data to FCS files through write.FCS.
#' @param from the old archive path
#' @param to the new archive path
#' @param ...
#' tmp the path where the temporary files will be written to during the conversion. By default it is system temp folder and
#' sometime it is helpful to be able to customize it to other location when system temp folder is fulll or not succicient when
#' converting big data sets.
#' @export
#' @rdname convert_legacy
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' convert_legacy_gs(old_gs_path, new_gs_path)
#' }
convert_legacy_gs <- function(from, to, ...){
message("loading legacy archive...")
suppressMessages(gs <- .load_legacy(from, to, ...))
#TODO:optional skip generate_h5_folder in add_fcs api to be able to directly write to the target path
#without needing to do this hack below
h5dir <- cs_get_uri(gs)
system(paste0("mv ", h5dir, "/* ", to))#mv h5 files to dest
#clean the auto generated dir
system(paste0("rmdir ", h5dir))
message("saving to new archive...")
suppressMessages(save_gs(gs, to, backend_opt = "skip"))
message("GatingSet is now saved in new format and can be loaded with 'load_gs'")
#' @export
#' @rdname convert_legacy
convert_legacy_gslist <- function(from, to, ...){
stop("The existing target path '", to, ". Please specify a new destination path for saving the new 'GatingSetList'!")
dir.create(path = to)
to <- normalizePath(to,mustWork = TRUE)
from <- normalizePath(from,mustWork = TRUE)
stop(from,"' not found!")
dirs<-list.dirs(from,full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
res <- lapply(dirs,function(this_dir){
message("converting legacy archive: ", this_dir)
new_dir <- file.path(to, basename(this_dir))
suppressMessages(convert_legacy_gs(this_dir, new_dir, ...))
file.copy(file.path(from,"samples.rds"), file.path(to,"samples.rds"))
message("GatingSetList is now saved in new format and can be loaded with 'load_gslist'")
.load_legacy <- function(from, to, ...){
from <- normalizePath(from,mustWork = TRUE)
stop(from,"' not found!")
dat.file <- file.path(from,files[grep(".pb$",files)])
# browser()
stop(".dat file missing in ",from)
stop("multiple .pb files found in ",from)
stop(".rds file missing in ",from)
stop("multiple .rds files found in ",from)
message("loading R object...")
gs.old <- readRDS(rds.file)
if(attr(gs.old, "class") == "GatingSet")
attr(gs.old, "class") <- "GatingSet_legacy"
stop("Invalid legacy GatingSet object file: ", rds.file)
#convert fs to cs
fs <- gs.old@"data"
if(is(fs, "ncdfFlowSet"))
stop(".nc file missing in ",from)
fs@file <- nc.file
#modify/add flowCore_PnR to reflect the transformation (for the legacy gs archive)
#(should have been taken care of automatically when data was transformed)
for(sn in sampleNames(fs))
fr <- fs@frames[[sn]]
fr@description <- flowCore:::updateTransformKeywords(fr)
fs@frames[[sn]] <- fr
cs <- flowSet_to_cytoset(fs, to, ...)
gs <- new("GatingSet", pointer = load_legacy_gs(dat.file, cs@pointer))
if(.hasSlot(gs.old, "compensation"))
comp <- gs.old@compensation
comp <- sapply(sampleNames(gs), function(sn)comp, simplify = FALSE)
comp <- sapply(comp, check_comp, simplify = FALSE)
cs_set_compensation(gs@pointer, comp, FALSE)
if(.hasSlot(gs.old, "transformation"))
translist <- gs.old@transformation
if(is(translist , "transformerList")){
translist <- sapply(sampleNames(gs), function(sn)translist, simplify = FALSE)
}else if(is(translist, "list"))
tList <- lapply(translist, function(trans){
if(!is(trans, "transformerList"))
stop("All the elements of 'transformation' slot must be 'transformerList' objects!")
stop("expect 'transformation' slot as a 'transformerList' object or a list of 'transformerList' objects!")
for(sn in names(translist))
transobjs <- sapply(translist[[sn]], parse_transformer, simplify = FALSE)
# browser()
set_transformations(gs@pointer, sn, transobjs)
#' @rdname save_gs
#' @export
expect <- unlist(lapply(gslist, function(gs)get_gatingset_id(gs@pointer), level = 1))
expect <- c(expect, "samples.rds")
if(!setequal(list.files(path), expect))
stop("The existing target path '", path, "' does not seem to match the source 'GatingSetList'!")
dir.create(path = path)
#do the dir normalization again after it is created
path <- normalizePath(path,mustWork = TRUE)
# this_dir <- tempfile(pattern="gs",tmpdir=path)
# dir.create(path = this_dir)
# browser()
guid <- get_gatingset_id(gs@pointer)
guid <- .uuid_gen()
set_gatingset_id(gs@pointer, guid)
this_dir <- file.path(path,guid)
# invisible(.save_gs(gs,path = this_dir, ...))
suppressMessages(save_gs(gs,path = this_dir, ...))
}, level =1)
# browser()
#save sample vector
message("Done\nTo reload it, use 'load_gslist' function\n")
#' @rdname save_gs
#' @export
# browser()
path <- normalizePath(path,mustWork = TRUE)
stop(path,"' not found!")
dirs<-list.dirs(path,full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
# browser()
res <- lapply(dirs,function(this_dir){
# browser()
gs <- try(load_gs(this_dir), silent = TRUE)
if(is(gs, "GatingSet"))
if(is(gs, "try-error"))
if(grepl("legacy GatingSet", gs))
stop("'", path, "' appears to be the legacy GatingSetList archive folder!\nPlease use 'convert_legacy_gslist()' to convert it to the new format.")
stop("How did you end up with a ", class(gs))
samples <- readRDS(file.path(path,"samples.rds"))
GatingSetList(res, samples = samples)
#' convert h5 based gs archive to tiledb
#' @param gs_dir existing gs archive path
#' @param output_dir the new gs path
#' @export
convert_backend <- function(gs_dir, output_dir){
#convert h5 to tile
h5files <- list.files(gs_dir, "\\.h5$", full.names = TRUE)
stop("no h5 files to be converted!")
stop("output dir already exists: ", output)
pb <- list.files(gs_dir, "\\.(pb|gs)$", full.names = TRUE)
file.copy(pb, output_dir)
for(h5 in h5files)
message("converting ", h5)
cf <- load_cytoframe(h5)
cf_write_tile(cf, file.path(output_dir, sub("\\.h5$", ".tile",basename(h5))))
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