
.setUp <- function(){
  conf_data <- list( species=list( 
    human=list( annotation = "", 
                cmaps=list( Example1="cmap1", Example2="cmap2")), 
    mouse=list( annotation="", 
                platforms=c("mgug4104a", "mgug4104a"), 
                     inputType=c("GeneSet", "SignedGeneSet", "Profile", "Experiment"), 
                     idType=c("symbol", "entrez", "probe"), 
                     colNames=c("name", "set", "trend", "pval", "effect"))
  return( conf_data )

test_load_cmaps <- function(){
  conf_data <- yaml::yaml.load_file( system.file("config", "config.yml", 
                                           package="gCMAPWeb") ) 
  ref.cmaps <- load_cmaps( conf_data )
  checkTrue( identical( class( ref.cmaps), "list"), "did not return a list." )
  checkTrue( identical( class( ref.cmaps[[1]])[1], "NChannelSet"), "did not return an NChannelSet as a first list element" )

test_validate_config_file <- function(){
  conf1 <- yaml::yaml.load_file( system.file("config", "config.yml", 
                                       package="gCMAPWeb") )
  conf2 <- validate_config_file( system.file("config", "config.yml", 
                                             package="gCMAPWeb") )
  checkTrue( identical( conf1, conf2), "validate_config_file and yaml.load_file did not return the same results" )

test_exampleCMAP <- function(){
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    checkTrue( identical( class( exampleCMAP() )[1], "NChannelSet"), "did not generate an NChannelSet")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

test_examplePOST <- function(){
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    cmap <- exampleCMAP()
  checkTrue( identical( class( examplePost( cmap) ), "list"), "did not generate a list")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

test_parse_textarea_input <- function(){
    gCMAPWeb:::parse_textarea_input(URLencode( "A, text with 5 ;elements"))[[1]],
    c("A", "text", "with", "5", "elements")

test_parse_file_input <- function(){
  temp.file <- list( tempfile=system.file( 
    file.path( "extdata", 
  parsed.file <- gCMAPWeb:::parse_file_input( temp.file )
  checkTrue( class( parsed.file ) == "list", "did not return a list")
  checkTrue( length( parsed.file ) == 1000, "did not return a 1000 rows")

test_process_score_input <- function(){
  temp.file <- list( tempfile=system.file( 
    file.path( "extdata", 
  parsed.file <- gCMAPWeb:::parse_file_input( temp.file )
  scores <- gCMAPWeb:::process_score_input( parsed.file )
  checkTrue( class( scores ) == "data.frame", "did not return a data.frame")
  checkTrue( all( dim( scores ) == c(1000,2)), "did not return 1000 rows and two columns")

test_create_GeneSet<- function(){
  conf_data <- .setUp()
  ## post with 'symbol' idType
  post <- list( inputType="GeneSet", species="human", idType ="symbol", cmap_1="Example1", cmap_2="Example2", query_data=c("TP53", "ACTN2", "dFSDFA"))
  res <- gCMAPWeb:::create_GeneSet( post, conf_data)[[1]]
  checkTrue( class( res ) == "GeneSet", "created GeneSet")
  checkTrue( class( geneIdType( res)) == "EntrezIdentifier", "created GeneSet with EntrezIdentifiers")
  checkTrue( length( geneIds( res)) == 2, "did not match two out of three symbols to Entrez ids")

test_create_SignedGeneSet<- function(){
  conf_data <- .setUp()
  ## post with 'symbol' idType
  post <- list( inputType="GeneSet", species="human", idType ="symbol", cmap_1="Example1", cmap_2="Example2", query_data_up=c("TP53", "ACTN2", "dFSDFA"), query_data_down=c("TP53", "MYC"))
  res <- gCMAPWeb:::create_SignedGeneSet( post, conf_data)[[1]]
  checkTrue( class( res ) == "SignedGeneSet", "created GeneSet")
  checkTrue( class( geneIdType( res)) == "EntrezIdentifier", "created GeneSet with EntrezIdentifiers")
  checkTrue( length( geneIds( res)) == 2, "did not return 2 Entrez ids")

test_create_query_objects <- function(){
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    conf_data <- .setUp()
    ## create NChannelSet "sample.cmap"
    sample.cmap <- exampleCMAP()
    query.types <- c(GeneSet="non-directional", 
    res <- sapply( 1:length( query.types ), function(n){
      ## create simulated user input
      post <- examplePost(sample.cmap, inputType=query.types[n])
      query <- suppressMessages( gCMAPWeb:::create_query_objects( post, conf_data)[[1]] )
      class( query ) == names( query.types)[n] 
  checkTrue( all( res ), sprintf("only generated %s/%s query objects", 
                                 sum( res )/length(res)))
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

test_create_GeneIdentifierType <- function(){
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    conf <- list(species=list(human=list(annotation="")))
    cmap <- exampleCMAP()
    id.type <- c(SymbolIdentifier="symbol", 
    res <- sapply( 1:length(id.type), function(n){
      post <- examplePost(cmap, idType=id.type[n], array.platform="test")
        class(gCMAPWeb:::create_GeneIdentifierType(post, conf))[1],
    checkTrue( all( res ), sprintf("only generated %s/%s GeneIdentifierTypes", 
                              sum( res )/length(res))) 
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

test_entrez_GeneSets <- function(){
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    gs <- GeneSet( c("1000", "999"), geneIdType=EntrezIdentifier(""))
    checkTrue( class( suppressMessages(gCMAPWeb:::entrez_GeneSets( gs ))) == "GeneSet",
               "did not validate a GeneSet with Entrez identifiers 1000 and 999.")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

test_stripPrefix <- function(){
  ids <- c("GeneId:1", "2", "GeneID:3")
  checkTrue( identical( gCMAPWeb:::stripPrefix( ids ), c("GeneId:1","2","3")),
             "did not strip GeneID from identifiers correctly.")

test_convert_gene_identifiers <- function(){
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    gene.ids <- c("TP53", "CDC2", "THISISNOTAGENE")
    query.IdType <- GSEABase::SymbolIdentifier("")
    species <- ""
    converted.ids <- gCMAPWeb:::convert_gene_identifiers( gene.ids, query.IdType, species)
    checkTrue( class(converted.ids ) == "list",
               "did not return a list.")
    checkTrue( all( converted.ids$original.ids == c("TP53", "CDC2")), "did not identify TP53 and CDC2 entrez ids.")
    checkTrue( class( converted.ids$conversion$translation.table) == "data.frame",
               "did not return a data frame as translation.table")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

##---------- tests with simulated user input (posts)

test_cmapRun_entrez <- function() {
  conf_data <- .setUp()
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    ## create NChannelSet "sample.cmap"
    sample.cmap <- exampleCMAP()
    query.types <- c("non-directional", "directional", "profile")
    for( qtype in query.types ){
      ## create simulated user input
      post <- examplePost(sample.cmap, inputType=qtype) ## create CMAPParams object
      ## create query object
      query <- gCMAPWeb:::create_query_objects( post, conf_data)[[1]]
      results <- gCMAPWeb:::cmapRun( query, sample.cmap)
      ## check that the first CMAP instance is the top hit in each case
      checkTrue( as.character( cmapTable( results )[1,"set"]) == "Exp1",
                 msg=paste("cmapRun did not identify the test gene set using a", qtype, "query.")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

test_cmapRun_entrez_mouse <- function() {
  conf_data <- .setUp()
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    ## create NChannelSet "sample.cmap"
    sample.cmap <- exampleCMAP(universe="")
    query.types <- c("non-directional", "directional", "profile")
    for( qtype in query.types ){
      ## create simulated user input
      post <- examplePost(sample.cmap, inputType=qtype, species="mouse") ## create CMAPParams object
      ## create query object
      query <- gCMAPWeb:::create_query_objects( post, conf_data)[[1]]
      results <- gCMAPWeb:::cmapRun( query, sample.cmap) ## run analysis
      ## check that the first CMAP instance is the top hit in each case
      checkTrue( as.character( cmapTable( results)[1,"set"]) == "Exp1",
                 msg=paste("cmapRun did not identify the test gene set using a", qtype, "query.")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

test_cmapRun_affy <- function() {
  conf_data <- .setUp()
  if( is.element("hgu133plus2.db", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( hgu133plus2.db )
    ## create NChannelSet "sample.cmap"
    affy.cmap <- exampleCMAP(universe="hgu133plus2.db",idType=NULL)
    sample.cmap <- mapNmerge( affy.cmap )
    query.types <- c("non-directional", "directional", "profile")
    for( qtype in query.types ){
      ## create simulated user input
      post <- examplePost(affy.cmap, inputType=qtype, array.platform="hgu133plus2", idType="probe")
      post$selected_cmaps <- "sample.cmap"  ## query Entrez reference set        
      ## create query object
      query <- gCMAPWeb:::create_query_objects( post, conf_data)[[1]]
      results <- gCMAPWeb:::cmapRun( query, sample.cmap) ## run analysis
      ## check that the first CMAP instance is the top hit in each case
      checkTrue( as.character( cmapTable( results)[1,"set"]) == "Exp1",
                 msg=paste("cmapRun did not identify the test gene set using a", qtype, "query.")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package hgu133plus2.db is not available and skipped this test.")

test_cmapRun_affy_mouse <- function() {
  conf_data <- .setUp()
  if( is.element("mgug4104a.db", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( mgug4104a.db )
    ## create NChannelSet "sample.cmap"
    affy.cmap <- exampleCMAP(universe="mgug4104a.db",idType=NULL)
    sample.cmap <- mapNmerge( affy.cmap )
    query.types <- c("non-directional", "directional", "profile")
    for( qtype in query.types ){
      ## create simulated user input
      post <- examplePost(affy.cmap, inputType=qtype, array.platform="mgug4104a", idType="probe", species="mouse")
      post$selected_cmaps <- "sample.cmap"  ## query Entrez reference set
      ## create query object
      query <- gCMAPWeb:::create_query_objects( post, conf_data)[[1]]
      results <- gCMAPWeb:::cmapRun( query, sample.cmap) ## run analysis
      ## check that the first CMAP instance is the top hit in each case
      checkTrue( as.character( cmapTable( results)[1,"set"]) == "Exp1",
                 msg=paste("cmapRun did not identify the test gene set using a", qtype, "query.")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package mgug4104a.db is not available and skipped this test.")

test_cmapRun_symbol <- function() {
  conf_data <- .setUp()
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    ## create NChannelSet "sample.cmap"
    symbol.cmap <- exampleCMAP(idType="SYMBOL")
    sample.cmap <- symbol.cmap
    entrez.ids <- gCMAPWeb:::.alias2entrez( featureNames( symbol.cmap ),
    duplicate.entrez <- duplicated( entrez.ids )
    sample.cmap <- sample.cmap[! duplicate.entrez, ]
    featureNames( sample.cmap) <- entrez.ids[ ! duplicate.entrez]
    query.types <- c("non-directional", "directional", "profile")
    for( qtype in query.types ){
      ## create simulated user input
      post <- examplePost(symbol.cmap, inputType=qtype, idType="symbol")
      post$selected_cmaps <- "sample.cmap"  ## query Entrez reference set
      ## create query object
      query <- gCMAPWeb:::create_query_objects( post, conf_data)[[1]]
      results <- gCMAPWeb:::cmapRun( query, sample.cmap) ## run analysis
      ## check that the first CMAP instance is the top hit in each case
      checkTrue( as.character( cmapTable( results)[1,"set"]) == "Exp1",
                 msg=paste("cmapRun did not identify the test gene set using a", qtype, "query.")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

test_cmapRun_symbol_mouse <- function() {
  conf_data <- .setUp()
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    ## create NChannelSet "sample.cmap"
    symbol.cmap <- exampleCMAP(idType="SYMBOL", universe="")
    sample.cmap <- symbol.cmap
    entrez.ids <- gCMAPWeb:::.alias2entrez( featureNames( symbol.cmap ),
    duplicate.entrez <- duplicated( entrez.ids )
    sample.cmap <- sample.cmap[! duplicate.entrez, ]
    featureNames( sample.cmap) <- entrez.ids[ ! duplicate.entrez]
    query.types <- c("non-directional", "directional", "profile")
    for( qtype in query.types ){
      ## create simulated user input
      post <- examplePost(symbol.cmap, inputType=qtype, idType="symbol", species="mouse")
      post$selected_cmaps <- "sample.cmap"  ## query Entrez reference set
      ## create query object
      query <- gCMAPWeb:::create_query_objects( post, conf_data)[[1]]
      results <- gCMAPWeb:::cmapRun( query, sample.cmap) ## run analysis
      ## check that the first CMAP instance is the top hit in each case
      checkTrue( as.character( cmapTable( results)[1,"set"]) == "Exp1",
                 msg=paste("cmapRun did not identify the test gene set using a", qtype, "query.")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

test_generate_report <- function(){
  conf_data <- .setUp()
  if( is.element("", installed.packages()[,1])){
    require( )
    ## create NChannelSet "sample.cmap"
    sample.cmap <- exampleCMAP()
    qtype <- "directional"
    ## create simulated user input
    post <- examplePost(sample.cmap, inputType=qtype)
    ## create query object
    query <- gCMAPWeb:::create_query_objects( post, conf_data)[[1]]
    results <- gCMAPWeb:::cmapRun( query, sample.cmap)
    report <- gCMAPWeb:::generate_report( 
    checkTrue( class( report ) == "list", "did not return a list.")
    checkTrue( length( report ) == 11, "did not return a list with 11 elements.")
  } else {
    checkTrue( TRUE, "noticed that annotation package is not available and skipped this test.")

Try the gCMAPWeb package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gCMAPWeb documentation built on April 28, 2020, 8:23 p.m.