romer <- function(y,...) UseMethod("romer")
romer.default <- function(y,index,design=NULL,contrast=ncol(design),array.weights=NULL,block=NULL,correlation=NULL,set.statistic="mean",nrot=9999,shrink.resid=TRUE,...)
# rotation mean-rank version of GSEA (gene set enrichment analysis) for linear models
# Gordon Smyth and Yifang Hu
# 27 March 2009. Last modified 3 May 2015.
# Issue warning if extra arguments found
dots <- names(list(...))
if(length(dots)) warning("Extra arguments disregarded: ",sQuote(dots))
# Check y
y <- as.matrix(y)
ngenes <- nrow(y)
n <- ncol(y)
# Check index
if(!is.list(index)) index <- list(set=index)
nsets <- length(index)
if(nsets==0) stop("index is empty")
SetSizes <- unlist(lapply(index,length))
# Check design
stop("design matrix not specified")
else {
design <- as.matrix(design)
if(mode(design) != "numeric") stop("design must be a numeric matrix")
if(nrow(design) != n) stop("row dimension of design matrix must match column dimension of data")
ne <- nonEstimable(design)
if(!is.null(ne)) cat("Coefficients not estimable:",paste(ne,collapse=" "),"\n")
p <- ncol(design)
if(p<2L) stop("design needs at least two columns")
p0 <- p-1L
d <- n-p
# Reform design matrix so that contrast of interest is last column
if(length(contrast) == 1L) {
contrast <- round(contrast)
if(contrast < p) {
i <- 1L:p
design <- design[,c(i[-contrast],contrast)]
} else {
design <- contrastAsCoef(design=design, contrast=contrast, first=FALSE)$design
# Divide out array weights, if they exist
if(!is.null(array.weights)) {
if(any(array.weights <= 0)) stop("array.weights must be positive")
if(length(array.weights) != n) stop("Length of array.weights doesn't match number of array")
design <- design*sqrt(array.weights)
y <- t(t(y)*sqrt(array.weights))
# Divide out correlation structure, it is exists
if(!is.null(block)) {
block <- as.vector(block)
if (length(block) != n) stop("Length of block does not match number of arrays")
ub <- unique(block)
nblocks <- length(ub)
Z <- matrix(block,n,nblocks) == matrix(ub,n,nblocks,byrow = TRUE)
cormatrix <- Z %*% (correlation * t(Z))
diag(cormatrix) <- 1
R <- chol(cormatrix)
y <- t(backsolve(R, t(y), transpose = TRUE))
design <- backsolve(R, design, transpose = TRUE)
# Fit linear model to all genes
qr <- qr(design)
signc <- sign(qr$qr[p,p])
effects <- qr.qty(qr,t(y))
# Sample variances
s2 <- colMeans(effects[-(1:p),,drop=FALSE]^2)
# Estimate global hyper-parameters s0 and d0
sv <- squeezeVar(s2,df=d)
d0 <- sv$df.prior
s02 <- sv$var.prior <- sqrt(sv$
# t-statistics and effects (orthogonal residuals)
Y <- effects[-(1:p0),,drop=FALSE]
YY <- colSums(Y^2)
B <- Y[1,]
modt <- signc*B/
if(shrink.resid) {
# Estimate hyperparameter p0 (proportion of DE genes)
p.value <- 2*pt(abs(modt),df=d0+d,lower.tail=FALSE)
proportion <- 1-propTrueNull(p.value) # proportion of DE probes
# Estimate hyperparameter v0 (var.prior, variance of true logFC)
stdev.unscaled <- rep_len(1/abs(qr$qr[qr$rank,qr$rank]),ngenes)
var.unscaled <- stdev.unscaled^2 <- rep_len(d,ngenes) + sv$df.prior
stdev.coef.lim <- c(0.1, 4)
var.prior.lim <- stdev.coef.lim^2/sv$var.prior
var.prior <- tmixture.vector(modt, stdev.unscaled,, proportion, var.prior.lim)
if (anyNA(var.prior)) {
var.prior[] <- 1/sv$var.prior
warning("Estimation of var.prior failed - set to default value")
# Estimate posterior probability of DE
r <- (var.unscaled + var.prior)/var.unscaled
if (sv$df.prior > 10^6)
kernel <- modt^2 * (1 - 1/r)/2
kernel <- (1 + * log((modt^2 +^2/r +
lods <- log(proportion/(1 - proportion)) - log(r)/2 + kernel
ProbDE <- exp(lods)/(1+exp(lods))
# Shrink contrast to be like a residual
Y[1,] <- Y[1,]*sqrt(var.unscaled/(var.unscaled+var.prior*ProbDE))
set.statistic <- match.arg(set.statistic,c("mean","floormean","mean50"))
if(set.statistic=="mean") {
# Observed rankings for each set
obs.ranks <- matrix(0,ngenes,3)
obs.ranks[,1] <- rank(modt)
obs.ranks[,2] <- ngenes-obs.ranks[,1]+1
obs.ranks[,3] <- rank(abs(modt))
AllIndices <- unlist(index)
Set <- rep(1:nsets,SetSizes)
obs.set.ranks <- rowsum(obs.ranks[AllIndices,],group=Set,reorder=FALSE)
obs.set.ranks <- obs.set.ranks / SetSizes
# Random rotations to simulate null hypothesis
rot.ranks <- obs.ranks
p.value <- matrix(0,nrow=nsets,ncol=3)
for(i in 1:nrot)
R <- matrix(rnorm((d+1)),1,d+1)
R <- R/sqrt(rowSums(R^2))
Br <- R %*% Y
s2r <- (YY-Br^2)/d
if(is.finite(d0)) <- sqrt((d0*s02+d*s2r)/(d0+d))
else <- sqrt(s02)
modtr <- signc*Br/
rot.ranks[,1] <- rank(modtr)
rot.ranks[,2] <- ngenes-rot.ranks[,1]+1
rot.ranks[,3] <- rank(abs(modtr))
rot.set.ranks <- rowsum(rot.ranks[AllIndices,],group=Set,reorder=FALSE)
rot.set.ranks <- rot.set.ranks / SetSizes
p.value <- p.value + (rot.set.ranks >= obs.set.ranks)
} # end "mean"
if(set.statistic=="floormean") {
# Observed rankings for each set
obs.ranks <- matrix(0,ngenes,3)
obs.ranks[,1] <- rank(pmax(modt,0))
obs.ranks[,2] <- rank(pmax(-modt,0))
obs.ranks[,3] <- rank(pmax(abs(modt),1))
AllIndices <- unlist(index)
Set <- rep(1:nsets,SetSizes)
obs.set.ranks <- rowsum(obs.ranks[AllIndices,],group=Set,reorder=FALSE)
obs.set.ranks <- obs.set.ranks / SetSizes
# Random rotations to simulate null hypothesis
rot.ranks <- obs.ranks
p.value <- matrix(0,nrow=nsets,ncol=3)
for(i in 1:nrot)
R <- matrix(rnorm((d+1)),1,d+1)
R <- R/sqrt(rowSums(R^2))
Br <- R %*% Y
s2r <- (YY-Br^2)/d
if(is.finite(d0)) <- sqrt((d0*s02+d*s2r)/(d0+d))
else <- sqrt(s02)
modtr <- signc*Br/
rot.ranks[,1] <- rank(pmax(modtr,0))
rot.ranks[,2] <- rank(pmax(-modtr,0))
rot.ranks[,3] <- rank(pmax(abs(modtr),1))
rot.set.ranks <- rowsum(rot.ranks[AllIndices,],group=Set,reorder=FALSE)
rot.set.ranks <- rot.set.ranks / SetSizes
p.value <- p.value + (rot.set.ranks >= obs.set.ranks)
} # end "floormean"
if(set.statistic=="mean50") {
# Observed rankings for each set
s.r <- rank(modt)
s.abs.r <- rank(abs(modt))
s.rank.mixed <- rep(0,nsets)
s.rank.up <- rep(0,nsets)
s.rank.down <- rep(0,nsets)
m <- floor((SetSizes+1)/2)
for(i in 1:nsets)
mh <- .meanHalf(s.r[index[[i]]],m[i])
s.rank.up[i] <- mh[2]
s.rank.down[i] <- mh[1]
s.rank.mixed[i] <- .meanHalf(s.abs.r[index[[i]]],m[i])[2]
# Random rotations
p.value <- matrix(rep(0,nsets*3),nrow=nsets,ncol=3)
for(i in 1:nrot)
R <- matrix(rnorm((d+1)),1,d+1)
R <- R/sqrt(rowSums(R^2))
Br <- R %*% Y
s2r <- (YY-Br^2)/d
if(is.finite(d0)) <- sqrt((d0*s02+d*s2r)/(d0+d))
else <- sqrt(s02)
modtr <- signc*Br/
s.r.2 <- rank(modtr)
s.abs.r.2 <- rank(abs(modtr))
for(j in 1:nsets)
mh.2 <- .meanHalf(s.r.2[index[[j]]],m[j])
s.rank.up.2 <- mh.2[2]
s.rank.down.2 <- mh.2[1]
s.rank.mixed.2 <- .meanHalf(s.abs.r.2[index[[j]]],m[j])[2]
if(s.rank.up.2 >= s.rank.up[j]) p.value[j,1] <- p.value[j,1]+1
if(s.rank.down.2 <= s.rank.down[j]) p.value[j,2] <- p.value[j,2]+1
if(s.rank.mixed.2 >= s.rank.mixed[j]) p.value[j,3] <- p.value[j,3]+1
} # end "mean50"
p.value <- (p.value+1)/(nrot+1)
colnames(p.value) <- c("Up","Down","Mixed")
SetNames <- names(index)
rownames(p.value) <- 1:nsets
rownames(p.value) <- SetNames
.meanHalf <- function(x,n)
# Return means of top and bottom halves of a vector of values
# Yifang Hu
l <- length(x)
a <- sort(x,partial=n)
top <- mean(a[1:n])
if((l%%2)==0) bottom <- mean(a[(n+1):l])
if((l%%2)!=0) bottom <- mean(a[n:l])
topRomer <- function(x,n=10,alternative="up")
# Extract top gene sets results from romer output
# Gordon Smyth and Yifang Hu.
# Created 22 Mar 2010. Last modified 30 March 2015.
n <- min(n,nrow(x))
alternative <- match.arg(tolower(alternative),c("up","down","mixed"))
alternative <- switch(alternative,"up"="Up","down"="Down","mixed"="Mixed")
o <- switch(alternative,
"Up" = order(x[,"Up"],x[,"Mixed"],-x[,"NGenes"]),
"Down" = order(x[,"Down"],x[,"Mixed"],-x[,"NGenes"]),
"Mixed" = order(x[,"Mixed"],pmin(x[,"Up"],x[,"Down"]),-x[,"NGenes"])
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