
Defines functions normalizeCyclicLoess normalizeMedianValues normalizeMedianAbsValues normalizeQuantiles normalizeVSN.default normalizeVSN.EListRaw normalizeVSN.RGList normalizeVSN normalizeBetweenArrays plotPrintorder normalizeForPrintorder.rg normalizeForPrintorder normalizeRobustSpline normalizeWithinArrays RG.MA MA.RG

Documented in MA.RG normalizeBetweenArrays normalizeCyclicLoess normalizeForPrintorder normalizeForPrintorder.rg normalizeMedianAbsValues normalizeMedianValues normalizeQuantiles normalizeRobustSpline normalizeVSN normalizeVSN.default normalizeVSN.EListRaw normalizeVSN.RGList normalizeWithinArrays plotPrintorder RG.MA


MA.RG <- function(object, bc.method="subtract", offset=0) {
#	Convert RGList to MAList
#	Gordon Smyth
#	2 March 2003.  Last revised 9 Dec 2004.

	if(is.null(object$R) || is.null(object$G)) stop("Object doesn't contain R and G components")
	object <- backgroundCorrect(object, method=bc.method, offset=offset)
	R <- object$R
	G <- object$G

#	Log
	R[R <= 0] <- NA
	G[G <= 0] <- NA
	R <- log(R,2)
	G <- log(G,2)
#	Minus and Add
	object$R <- object$G <- object$Rb <- object$Gb <- object$other <- NULL
	object$M <- as.matrix(R-G)
	object$A <- as.matrix((R+G)/2)

RG.MA <- function(object) {
#	Convert MAList to RGList
#	Gordon Smyth
#	5 September 2003.  Last modified 9 Dec 2004.

	object$R <- 2^( object$A+object$M/2 )
	object$G <- 2^( object$A-object$M/2 )
	object$M <- NULL
	object$A <- NULL

normalizeWithinArrays <- function(object,layout=object$printer,method="printtiploess",weights=object$weights,span=0.3,iterations=4,controlspots=NULL,df=5,robust="M",bc.method="subtract",offset=0)
#	Within array normalization
#	Gordon Smyth
#	2 March 2003.  Last revised 16 March 2013.
#	Check input arguments
#	and get non-intensity dependent methods out of the way
	if(!is(object,"MAList")) object <- MA.RG(object,bc.method=bc.method,offset=offset)
	choices <- c("none","median","loess","printtiploess","composite","control","robustspline")
	method <- match.arg(method,choices)
	if(method=="none") return(object)
	if(is.vector(object$M)) object$M <- as.matrix(object$M)
	nprobes <- nrow(object$M)
	narrays <- ncol(object$M)
	if(!is.null(weights)) weights <- asMatrixWeights(weights,dim=c(nprobes,narrays))
	if(method=="median") {
			for (j in 1:narrays) object$M[,j] <- object$M[,j] - median(object$M[,j],na.rm=TRUE)
			for (j in 1:narrays) object$M[,j] <- object$M[,j] - weighted.median(object$M[,j],weights[,j],na.rm=TRUE)

#	All remaining methods use regression of M-values on A-values
	if(is.vector(object$A)) object$A <- as.matrix(object$A)
	if(nrow(object$A) != nprobes) stop("row dimension of A doesn't match M")
	if(ncol(object$A) != narrays) stop("col dimension of A doesn't match M")
		loess = {
			for (j in 1:narrays) {
				y <- object$M[,j]
				x <- object$A[,j]
				w <- weights[,j]
				object$M[,j] <- loessFit(y,x,w,span=span,iterations=iterations)$residuals
		printtiploess = {
			if(is.null(layout)) stop("Layout argument not specified")
			ngr <- layout$ngrid.r
			ngc <- layout$ngrid.c
			nspots <- layout$nspot.r * layout$nspot.c
			nprobes2 <- ngr*ngc*nspots
			if(nprobes2 != nprobes) stop("printer layout information does not match M row dimension")
			for (j in 1:narrays) {
				spots <- 1:nspots
				for (gridr in 1:ngr)
				for (gridc in 1:ngc) {
					y <- object$M[spots,j]
					x <- object$A[spots,j]
					w <- weights[spots,j]
					object$M[spots,j] <- loessFit(y,x,w,span=span,iterations=iterations)$residuals
					spots <- spots + nspots
		composite = {
			if(is.null(layout)) stop("Layout argument not specified")
			if(is.null(controlspots)) stop("controlspots argument not specified")
			ntips <- layout$ngrid.r * layout$ngrid.c
			nspots <- layout$nspot.r * layout$nspot.c
			for (j in 1:narrays) {
				y <- object$M[,j]
				x <- object$A[,j]
				w <- weights[,j]
				f <- is.finite(y) & is.finite(x)
				if(!is.null(w)) f <- f & is.finite(w)
				y[!f] <- NA
				fit <- loess(y~x,weights=w,span=span,subset=controlspots,na.action=na.exclude,degree=0,surface="direct",family="symmetric",trace.hat="approximate",iterations=iterations)
				alpha <- global <- y
				global[f] <- predict(fit,newdata=x[f])
				alpha[f] <- (rank(x[f])-1) / sum(f)
				spots <- 1:nspots
				for (tip in 1:ntips) {
					y <- object$M[spots,j]
					x <- object$A[spots,j]
					w <- weights[spots,j]
					local <- loessFit(y,x,w,span=span,iterations=iterations)$fitted
					object$M[spots,j] <- object$M[spots,j] - alpha[spots]*global[spots]-(1-alpha[spots])*local
					spots <- spots + nspots
		control = {
#			if(is.null(layout)) stop("Layout argument not specified")
			if(is.null(controlspots)) stop("controlspots argument not specified")
#			ntips <- layout$ngrid.r * layout$ngrid.c
#			nspots <- layout$nspot.r * layout$nspot.c
			for (j in 1:narrays) {
				y <- object$M[,j]
				x <- object$A[,j]
				w <- weights[,j]
				f <- is.finite(y) & is.finite(x)
				if(!is.null(w)) f <- f & is.finite(w)
				y[!f] <- NA
				fit <- loess(y~x,weights=w,span=span,subset=controlspots,na.action=na.exclude,degree=1,surface="direct",family="symmetric",trace.hat="approximate",iterations=iterations)
				y[f] <- y[f]-predict(fit,newdata=x[f])
				object$M[,j] <- y
		robustspline = {
#			if(is.null(layout)) stop("Layout argument not specified")
			for (j in 1:narrays)
				object$M[,j] <- normalizeRobustSpline(object$M[,j],object$A[,j],layout,df=df,method=robust)

normalizeRobustSpline <- function(M,A,layout=NULL,df=5,method="M") {
#	Robust spline normalization
#	Gordon Smyth
#	27 April 2003.  Last revised 14 January 2015.

	if(!requireNamespace("MASS",quietly=TRUE)) stop("MASS package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")
	if(!requireNamespace("splines",quietly=TRUE)) stop("splines package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")
	if(is.null(layout)) {
		ngrids <- 1
		nspots <- length(M)
	} else {
		ngrids <- round(layout$ngrid.r * layout$ngrid.c)
		nspots <- round(layout$nspot.r * layout$nspot.c)
		if(ngrids < 1) stop("layout incorrectly specified")
		if(nspots < df+1) stop("too few spots in each print-tip block")

#	Global splines
	O <- is.finite(M) & is.finite(A)
	X <- matrix(NA,ngrids*nspots,df)
	X[O,] <- splines::ns(A[O],df=df,intercept=TRUE)
	x <- X[O,,drop=FALSE]
	y <- M[O]
	w <- rep(1,length(y))
	s0 <- summary(MASS::rlm(x,y,weights=w,method=method),method="XtWX",correlation=FALSE)
	beta0 <- s0$coefficients[,1]
	covbeta0 <- s0$cov * s0$stddev^2

#	Case with only one tip-group
	if(ngrids <= 1) {
		M[O] <- s0$residuals
		M[!O] <- NA

#	Tip-wise splines
	beta <- array(1,c(ngrids,1)) %*% array(beta0,c(1,df))
	covbeta <- array(0,c(ngrids,df,df))
	spots <- 1:nspots
	for (i in 1:ngrids) {
		o <- O[spots]
		y <- M[spots][o]
		if(length(y)) {
			x <- X[spots,][o,,drop=FALSE]
			r <- qr(x)$rank
			if(r<df) x <- x[,1:r,drop=FALSE]
			w <- rep(1,length(y))
			s <- summary(MASS::rlm(x,y,weights=w,method=method),method="XtWX",correlation=FALSE)
			beta[i,1:r] <- s$coefficients[,1]
			covbeta[i,1:r,1:r] <- s$cov * s$stddev^2
		spots <- spots + nspots

#	Empirical Bayes estimates
	res.cov <- cov(beta) - apply(covbeta,c(2,3),mean)
	a <- max(0, sum(diag(res.cov)) / sum(diag(covbeta0)) )
	Sigma0 <- covbeta0 * a 
#	Sigma0 <- covbeta0 * max(0,mean(eigen(solve(covbeta0,res.cov))$values))

#	Shrunk splines
	if(a==0) {
		M[O] <- s0$residuals
		M[!O] <- NA
	} else {
		spots <- 1:nspots
		for (i in 1:ngrids) {
			beta[i,] <- beta0 + Sigma0 %*% solve(Sigma0+covbeta[i,,],beta[i,]-beta0)
			o <- O[spots]
			x <- X[spots,][o,]
			M[spots][o] <- M[spots][o] - x %*% beta[i,]
			M[spots][!o] <- NA
			spots <- spots + nspots


normalizeForPrintorder <- function(object,layout,start="topleft",method="loess",separate.channels=FALSE,span=0.1,plate.size=32) {
#	Pre-normalize the foreground intensities for print order
#	Gordon Smyth
#	11 Mar 2002.  Last revised 18 June 2003.

	if(is.null(object$R) || is.null(object$G)) stop("List must contain components R and G")
	start <- match.arg(start,c("topleft","topright"))
	method <- match.arg(method,c("loess","plate"))
	po <- printorder(layout,start=start)$printorder
	nslides <- NCOL(object$R)
	for (i in 1:nslides) {
		RG <- normalizeForPrintorder.rg(R=object$R[,i],G=object$G[,i],printorder=po,method=method,separate.channels=separate.channels,span=span,plate.size=plate.size)
		object$R[,i] <- RG$R
		object$G[,i] <- RG$G

normalizeForPrintorder.rg <- function(R,G,printorder,method="loess",separate.channels=FALSE,span=0.1,plate.size=32,plot=FALSE) {
#	Pre-normalize the foreground intensities for print order, given R and G for a single array.
#	Gordon Smyth
#	8 Mar 2002.  Last revised 3 January 2007.

	if(plot) ord <- order(printorder)
	Rf <- log(R,2)
	Gf <- log(G,2)
	Rf[is.infinite(Rf)] <- NA
	Gf[is.infinite(Gf)] <- NA
	if(!separate.channels) Af <- (Rf+Gf)/2
	method <- match.arg(method,c("loess","plate"))
	if(method=="plate") {
		# Correct for plate pack (usually four 384-well plates)
		plate <- 1 + (printorder-0.5) %/% plate.size
		if(!requireNamespace("MASS",quietly=TRUE)) stop("MASS package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")
		hubermu <- function(...) MASS::huber(...)$mu
		if(separate.channels) {
			plate.mR <- tapply(Rf,plate,hubermu)
			plate.mG <- tapply(Gf,plate,hubermu)
			mR <- mG <- Rf
			for (i in 1:max(plate)) {
				mR[plate==i] <- plate.mR[i]
				mG[plate==i] <- plate.mG[i]
			if(plot) {
				plot(printorder,Rf,xlab="Print Order",ylab="Log Intensity",type="n")
			mR <- mR - mean(mR,na.rm=TRUE)
			mG <- mG - mean(mG,na.rm=TRUE)
		} else {
			plate.m <- tapply(Af,plate,hubermu)
			m <- Af
			for (i in 1:max(plate)) m[plate==i] <- plate.m[i]
			if(plot) {
				plot(printorder,Af,xlab="Print Order",ylab="Log Intensity",pch=".")
			mR <- mG <- m - mean(m,na.rm=TRUE)
	} else {
		# Smooth correction for time order
		if(separate.channels) {
			mR <- fitted(loess(Rf~printorder,span=span,degree=0,family="symmetric",trace.hat="approximate",iterations=5,surface="direct",na.action=na.exclude))
			mG <- fitted(loess(Gf~printorder,span=span,degree=0,family="symmetric",trace.hat="approximate",iterations=5,surface="direct",na.action=na.exclude))
			if(plot) {
				plot(printorder,Rf,xlab="Print Order",ylab="Log Intensity",type="n")
			mR <- mR - mean(mR,na.rm=TRUE)
			mG <- mG - mean(mG,na.rm=TRUE)
		} else {
			m <- fitted(loess(Af~printorder,span=span,degree=0,family="symmetric",trace.hat="approximate",iterations=5,surface="direct",na.action=na.exclude))
			if(plot) {
				plot(printorder,Af,xlab="Print Order",ylab="Log Intensity",pch=".")
			mR <- mG <- m - mean(m,na.rm=TRUE)

plotPrintorder <- function(object,layout,start="topleft",slide=1,method="loess",separate.channels=FALSE,span=0.1,plate.size=32) {
#	Pre-normalize the foreground intensities for print order.
#	Gordon Smyth
#	9 Apr 2002.  Last revised 18 June 2003.

	if(is.null(object$R) || is.null(object$G)) stop("List must contain components R and G")
	G <- object$G[,slide]
	R <- object$R[,slide]
	if(length(R) != length(G)) stop("R and G must have same length")
	start <- match.arg(start,c("topleft","topright"))
	po <- printorder(layout,start=start)$printorder


normalizeBetweenArrays <- function(object, method=NULL, targets=NULL, cyclic.method="fast", ...) {
#	Normalize between arrays
#	Gordon Smyth
#	12 Apri 2003.  Last revised 13 June 2016.

	if(is.data.frame(object)) {
		object <- as.matrix(object)
		if(mode(object) != "numeric") stop("'object' is a data.frame and not all columns are numeric")

#	Default method
	if(is.null(method)) {
		if(is(object,"matrix")) {
		} else if(is(object,"EListRaw")) {
		} else {
	choices <- c("none","scale","quantile","Aquantile","Gquantile","Rquantile","Tquantile","vsn","cyclicloess")
	method <- match.arg(method,choices)
	if(method=="vsn") stop("vsn method no longer supported. Please use normalizeVSN instead.")

#	Methods for matrices
	if(is(object,"matrix")) {
		if(!(method %in% c("none","scale","quantile","cyclicloess"))) stop("method not applicable to single-channel data")
			none = object,
			scale = normalizeMedianValues(object),
			quantile = normalizeQuantiles(object, ...),
			cyclicloess = normalizeCyclicLoess(object,method=cyclic.method, ...)

#	Treat EListRaw objects as matrices
	if(is(object,"EListRaw")) {
			object$E <- Recall(log2(object$E),method=method,...)
			object$E <- log2(Recall(object$E,method=method,...))
		object <- new("EList",unclass(object))

#	From here assume two-color data
	if(is(object,"RGList")) object <- MA.RG(object)
	if(is.null(object$M) || is.null(object$A)) stop("object doesn't appear to be RGList or MAList object")
		scale = {
			object$M <- normalizeMedianAbsValues(object$M)
			object$A <- normalizeMedianAbsValues(object$A)
		quantile = {
			narrays <- NCOL(object$M)
			Z <- normalizeQuantiles(cbind(object$A-object$M/2,object$A+object$M/2),...)
			G <- Z[,1:narrays]
			R <- Z[,narrays+(1:narrays)]
			object$M <- R-G
			object$A <- (R+G)/2
		Aquantile = {
			object$A <- normalizeQuantiles(object$A,...)
		Gquantile = {
			G <- object$A-object$M/2
			E <- normalizeQuantiles(G,...) - G
			object$A <- object$A + E
		Rquantile = {
			R <- object$A+object$M/2
			E <- normalizeQuantiles(R,...) - R
			object$A <- object$A + E
		Tquantile = {
			narrays <- NCOL(object$M)
			if(NCOL(targets)>2) targets <- targets[,c("Cy3","Cy5")]
			targets <- as.vector(targets)
			Z <- cbind(object$A-object$M/2,object$A+object$M/2)
			for (u in unique(targets)) {
				j <- targets==u
				Z[,j] <- normalizeQuantiles(Z[,j],...)
			G <- Z[,1:narrays]
			R <- Z[,narrays+(1:narrays)]
			object$M <- R-G
			object$A <- (R+G)/2

normalizeVSN <- function(x,...)
	if(!requireNamespace("Biobase",quietly=TRUE)) stop("Biobase package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")
	if(!requireNamespace("vsn",quietly=TRUE)) stop("vsn package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")

normalizeVSN.RGList <- function(x,...)
#	vsn background correction and normalization for RGList objects
#	Gordon Smyth
#	9 Sep 2010.
	x <- backgroundCorrect(x,method="subtract")
	y <- cbind(x$G,x$R)
	x$G <- x$R <- NULL
	y <- Biobase::exprs(vsn::vsnMatrix(x=y,...))
	n2 <- ncol(y)/2
	G <- y[,1:n2]
	R <- y[,n2+(1:n2)]
	x$M <- R-G
	x$A <- (R+G)/2

normalizeVSN.EListRaw <- function(x,...)
#	vsn background correction and normalization for EListRaw objects
#	Gordon Smyth
#	9 Sep 2010.
	x <- backgroundCorrect(x,method="subtract")
	x$E <- Biobase::exprs(vsn::vsnMatrix(x=x$E,...))

normalizeVSN.default <- function(x,...)
#	vsn background correction and normalization for matrices
#	Gordon Smyth
#	9 Sep 2010.

normalizeQuantiles <- function(A, ties=TRUE) {
#	Normalize columns of a matrix to have the same quantiles, allowing for missing values.
#	Gordon Smyth
#	25 June 2002.  Last revised 16 May 2019.

	n <- dim(A)
	if(is.null(n)) return(A)
	if(n[2]==1) return(A)
	O <- S <- array(,n)
	nobs <- rep(n[1],n[2])
	i <- (0:(n[1]-1))/(n[1]-1)
	for (j in 1:n[2]) {
		Si <- sort(A[,j], method="quick", index.return=TRUE)
		nobsj <- length(Si$x)
		if(nobsj < n[1]) {
			nobs[j] <- nobsj
			isna <- is.na(A[,j])
			S[,j] <- approx((0:(nobsj-1))/(nobsj-1), Si$x, i, ties=list("ordered",mean))$y
			O[!isna,j] <- ((1:n[1])[!isna])[Si$ix]
		} else {
			S[,j] <- Si$x
			O[,j] <- Si$ix
	m <- rowMeans(S)
	for (j in 1:n[2]) {
		if(ties) r <- rank(A[,j])
		if(nobs[j] < n[1]) {
			isna <- is.na(A[,j])
				A[!isna,j] <- approx(i, m, (r[!isna]-1)/(nobs[j]-1), ties=list("ordered",mean))$y
				A[O[!isna,j],j] <- approx(i, m, (0:(nobs[j]-1))/(nobs[j]-1), ties=list("ordered",mean))$y
		} else {
				A[,j] <- approx(i, m, (r-1)/(n[1]-1), ties=list("ordered",mean))$y
				A[O[,j],j] <- m

normalizeMedianAbsValues <- function(x) 
#	Normalize columns of a matrix to have the same median absolute value
#	Gordon Smyth
#	12 April 2003.  Last modified 19 Oct 2005.
	narrays <- NCOL(x)
	if(narrays==1) return(x)
	cmed <- log(apply(abs(x), 2, median, na.rm=TRUE))
	cmed <- exp(cmed - mean(cmed))

normalizeMedianValues <- function(x) 
#	Normalize columns of a matrix to have the same median value
#	Gordon Smyth
#	24 Jan 2011.  Last modified 24 Jan 2011.
	narrays <- NCOL(x)
	if(narrays==1) return(x)
	cmed <- log(apply(x, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE))
	cmed <- exp(cmed - mean(cmed))

normalizeCyclicLoess <- function(x, weights = NULL, span=0.7, iterations = 3, method="fast")
#	Cyclic loess normalization of columns of matrix
#	incorporating probes weights.
#	Yunshun (Andy) Chen and Gordon Smyth
#	14 April 2010.  Last modified 24 Feb 2012.
	x <- as.matrix(x)
	method <- match.arg(method, c("fast","affy","pairs"))
	n <- ncol(x)
	if(method=="pairs") {
		for (k in 1:iterations)
		for (i in 1:(n-1)) for (j in (i+1):n) {
			m <- x[,j] - x[,i]
			a <- .5*(x[,j] + x[,i])
			f <- loessFit(m, a, weights=weights, span=span)$fitted
			x[,i] <- x[,i] + f/2
			x[,j] <- x[,j] - f/2		
	if(method=="fast") {
		for (k in 1:iterations) {
			a <- rowMeans(x,na.rm=TRUE)
			for (i in 1:n){
				m <- x[,i] - a
				f <- loessFit(m, a, weights=weights, span=span)$fitted
				x[,i] <- x[,i] - f
	if(method=="affy") {
		g <- nrow(x)
		for (k in 1:iterations) {
			adjustment <- matrix(0,g,n)
			for (i in 1:(n-1)) for (j in (i+1):n) {
				m <- x[,j] - x[,i]
				a <- .5*(x[,j] + x[,i])
				f <- loessFit(m, a, weights=weights, span=span)$fitted
				adjustment[,j] <- adjustment[,j] + f
				adjustment[,i] <- adjustment[,i] - f
			x <- x-adjustment/n

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