
Defines functions parse_scones_settings get_snp_modules score_fold single_snp_association scones scones.cv

Documented in get_snp_modules parse_scones_settings scones scones.cv score_fold single_snp_association

#' Find connected explanatory SNPs.
#' @description Finds the SNPs maximally associated with a phenotype while being
#' connected in an underlying network (Azencott et al., 2013). Select the 
#' hyperparameters by cross-validation.
#' @param gwas A SnpMatrix object with the GWAS information.
#' @param net An igraph network that connects the SNPs.
#' @param covars A data frame with the covariates. It must contain a column 
#' 'sample' containing the sample IDs, and an additional columns for each 
#' covariate.
#' @param ... Extra arguments for \code{\link{parse_scones_settings}}.
#' @return A copy of the \code{SnpMatrix$map} \code{data.frame}, with the 
#' following additions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{c: contains the univariate association score for every single SNP.}
#' \item{selected: logical vector indicating if the SNP was selected by SConES 
#' or not.}
#' \item{module: integer with the number of the module the SNP belongs to.}
#' }
#' @references Azencott, C. A., Grimm, D., Sugiyama, M., Kawahara, Y., & 
#' Borgwardt, K. M. (2013). Efficient network-guided multi-locus 
#' association mapping with graph cuts. Bioinformatics, 29(13), 171-179. 
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btt238}
#' @importFrom igraph simplify as_adj
#' @examples
#' gi <- get_GI_network(minigwas, snpMapping = minisnpMapping, ppi = minippi)
#' scones.cv(minigwas, gi)
#' scones.cv(minigwas, gi, score = "glm")
#' @export
scones.cv <- function(gwas, net, covars = data.frame(), ...) {
  # prepare data: remove redundant edges and self-edges in network and sort
  gwas <- permute_snpMatrix(gwas)
  covars <- arrange_covars(gwas, covars) # TODO use PC as covariates
  cones <- gwas[["map"]]
  colnames(cones) <- c("chr","snp","cm","pos","allele.1", "allele.2")
  net <- simplify(net)
  W <- as_adj(net, type="both", sparse = TRUE, attr = "weight")
  W <- W[cones[['snp']], cones[['snp']]]

  # set options
  opts <- parse_scones_settings(c = 1, ...)
  cones[['c']] <- single_snp_association(gwas, covars, opts[['score']])
  opts <- parse_scones_settings(c = cones[['c']], ...)
  # grid search
  ids <- gwas[['fam']][['affected']]
  K <- cut(seq(1, length(ids)), breaks = 10, labels = FALSE)
  scores <- lapply(unique(K), function(k) {
    single_snp_association(gwas, covars, opts[['score']], 
                           samples = (K != k) )
  grid_scores <- lapply(opts[['etas']], function(eta){
    lapply(opts[['lambdas']], function(lambda){
      folds <- lapply(scores, run_scones, eta, lambda, -W)
      folds <- do.call(rbind, folds)
      score_fold(folds, opts[['criterion']], K, gwas, covars)
    }) %>% unlist
  grid_scores <- do.call(rbind, grid_scores)
  dimnames(grid_scores) <- list(opts[['etas']], opts[['lambdas']])
  cat('Grid of', opts[['criterion']], 'scores (etas x lambdas):\n')
  best <- which(grid_scores == max(grid_scores), arr.ind = TRUE)
  best_eta <- opts[['etas']][best[1, 'row']]
  best_lambda <- opts[['lambdas']][best[1, 'col']]
  cat("Selected parameters:\neta =", best_eta, "\nlambda =", best_lambda, "\n")
  selected <- run_scones(cones[['c']], best_eta, best_lambda, -W)
  cones[['selected']] <- as.logical(selected)
  cones <- get_snp_modules(cones, net)

#' Find connected explanatory SNPs.
#' @description Finds the SNPs maximally associated with a phenotype while being
#' connected in an underlying network (Azencott et al., 2013).
#' @param gwas A SnpMatrix object with the GWAS information.
#' @param net An igraph network that connects the SNPs.
#' @param score Association score to measure association between genotype and 
#' phenotype. Possible values: chi2 (default), glm.
#' @param eta Value of the eta parameter.
#' @param lambda Value of the lambda parameter.
#' @param covars A data frame with the covariates. It must contain a column 
#' 'sample' containing the sample IDs, and an additional columns for each 
#' covariate.
#' @return A copy of the \code{SnpMatrix$map} \code{data.frame}, with the 
#' following additions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{c: contains the univariate association score for every single SNP.}
#' \item{selected: logical vector indicating if the SNP was selected by SConES 
#' or not.}
#' \item{module: integer with the number of the module the SNP belongs to.}
#' }
#' @references Azencott, C. A., Grimm, D., Sugiyama, M., Kawahara, Y., & 
#' Borgwardt, K. M. (2013). Efficient network-guided multi-locus 
#' association mapping with graph cuts. Bioinformatics, 29(13), 171-179. 
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btt238}
#' @importFrom igraph simplify as_adj
#' @examples
#' gi <- get_GI_network(minigwas, snpMapping = minisnpMapping, ppi = minippi)
#' scones(minigwas, gi, 10, 1)
#' @export
scones <- function(gwas, net, eta, lambda, score = 'chi2', covars = data.frame()) {
  covars <- arrange_covars(gwas, covars) # TODO use PC as covariates
  cones <- gwas[["map"]]
  colnames(cones) <- c("chr","snp","cm","pos","allele.1", "allele.2")
  cones[['c']] <- single_snp_association(gwas, covars, score)
  # prepare data: remove redundant edges and self-edges in network and sort
  net <- simplify(net)
  W <- as_adj(net, type="both", sparse = TRUE, attr = "weight")
  W <- W[cones[['snp']], cones[['snp']]]

  # run scores
  selected <- run_scones(cones[['c']], eta, lambda, -W)
  cones[['selected']] <- as.logical(selected)
  cones <- get_snp_modules(cones, net)

#' Calculate genotype-phhenotype associations 
#' @description Calculate the association between genotypes and a phenotype,
#' adjusting by covariates.
#' @param genotypes A SnpMatrix object with the genotype information.
#' @param phenotypes A numeric vector with the phenotypes.
#' @param covars A data frame with the covariates. It must contain a column 
#' 'sample' containing the sample IDs, and an additional columns for each 
#' covariate.
#' @param score String with the association test to perform. Possible
#' values: chi2, glm.
#' @return A named vector with the association scores.
#' @importFrom snpStats single.snp.tests chi.squared snp.rhs.tests
#' @keywords internal
single_snp_association <- function(gwas, covars, score, 
                                   samples = rep(TRUE, nrow(gwas[['fam']])) ) {
  genotypes <- gwas[['genotypes']][samples, ]
  phenotypes <- gwas[['fam']][['affected']][samples]
  covars <- covars[samples, ]
  if (score == 'chi2') {
    tests <- single.snp.tests(phenotypes, snp.data = genotypes)
    c <- chi.squared(tests, df=1)
  } else if (score == 'glm') {
    if (ncol(covars) && nrow(covars) == nrow(genotypes)) {
      covars <- as.matrix(covars)
      tests <- snp.rhs.tests(phenotypes ~ covars, snp.data = genotypes)
    } else {
      tests <- snp.rhs.tests(phenotypes ~ 1, snp.data = genotypes)
    c <- chi.squared(tests)
    names(c) <- names(tests)
  c[is.na(c)] <- 0

#' Score the solutions of a k-fold
#' @description Take the k-solutions for a combination of hyperparameters, and 
#' assign a score to it (the larger, the better).
#' @param folds k-times-d matrix, where k is the number of folds, and d the 
#' number of SNPs.
#' @param criterion String with the method to use to score the folds.
#' @param K Numeric vector of length equal to the number of samples. The 
#' elements are integers from 1 to # folds. Indicates which samples belong to 
#' which fold.
#' @param gwas A SnpMatrix object with the GWAS information.
#' @param covars A data frame with the covariates. It must contain a column 
#' 'sample' containing the sample IDs, and an additional columns for each 
#' covariate.
#' @importFrom stats glm BIC AIC
#' @keywords internal
score_fold <- function(folds, criterion, K, gwas, covars) {
  score <- 0
  # penalize trivial solutions
  if (!sum(folds) | ( sum(folds)/length(folds) > 0.5) ){
    score <- -Inf
  } else if (criterion == 'consistency') {
    folds_diff <- unique(K)
    for (i in folds_diff) {
      for (j in folds_diff[folds_diff > 1]) {
        C <- sum(folds[i,] & folds[j,])
        maxC <- sum(folds[i,] | folds[j,])
        score <- score + ifelse(maxC == 0, 0, C/maxC)
  } else if (criterion %in% c('bic', 'aic', 'aicc')) {
    for (k in unique(K)) {
      phenotypes <- gwas[['fam']][['affected']][K != k]
      genotypes <- as(gwas[['genotypes']][K != k, ], 'numeric')
      genotypes <- as.data.frame(genotypes[ , folds[k,]])
      genotypes <- cbind(genotypes, covars[K != k, ])
      model <- glm(phenotypes ~ 1, data = genotypes)
      if (criterion == 'bic') {
        score <- score + BIC(model)
      } else if (criterion == 'aic') {
        score <- score + AIC(model)
      } else if (criterion == 'aicc') {
        k <- ncol(genotypes)
        n <- nrow(genotypes)
        score <- score + AIC(model) + (2*k^2 + 2*k)/(n - k - 1)
    # invert scores, as best models have the lowest scores
    score <- -score

#' Return groups of interconnected SNPs.
#' @description Find modules composed by interconnected SNPs.
#' @param cones Results from \code{evo}.
#' @param net The same SNP network provided to \code{evo}.
#' @return A list with the modules of selected SNPs.
#' @importFrom igraph induced_subgraph components
#' @examples
#' gi <- get_GI_network(minigwas, snpMapping = minisnpMapping, ppi = minippi)
#' cones <- scones.cv(minigwas, gi)
#' martini:::get_snp_modules(cones, gi)
#' @keywords internal
get_snp_modules <- function(cones, net) {
  selected <- subset(cones, selected)
  subnet <- induced_subgraph(net, as.character(selected[,'snp']))
  modules <- components(subnet)
  modules <- as.data.frame(modules['membership'])
  colnames(modules) <- "module"
  modules['snp'] <- rownames(modules)
  modules <- merge(cones, modules, all.x = TRUE)
  cones <- modules[match(cones[,'snp'], modules[,'snp']),]


#' Parse \code{scones.cv} settings.
#' @description Creates a list composed by all \code{scones.cv} settings, with 
#' the values provided by the user, or the default ones if none is provided.
#' @param score Association score to measure association between 
#' genotype and phenotype. Possible values: chi2 (default), glm.
#' @param criterion String with the function to measure the quality of a split. 
#' Possible values: consistency (default), bic, aic, aicc.
#' @param etas Numeric vector with the etas to explore in the grid search. If 
#' ommited, it's automatically created based on the association
#' scores.
#' @param lambdas Numeric vector with the lambdas to explore in the grid search.
#' If ommited, it's automatically created based on the association scores.
#' @param c Numeric vector with the association scores of the SNPs. Specify it 
#' to automatically an appropriate range of etas and lambas.
#' @return A list of \code{evo} settings.
#' @examples 
#' martini:::parse_scones_settings(etas = c(1,2,3), lambdas = c(4,5,6))
#' martini:::parse_scones_settings(c = c(1,10,100), score = "glm")
#' @keywords internal
parse_scones_settings <- function(score = "chi2", criterion = "consistency", 
                                  etas = numeric(), lambdas = numeric(), 
                                  c = numeric()) {
  settings <- list()
  # unsigned int
  valid_score <- c('glm', 'chi2')
  if (score %in% valid_score) {
    settings[['score']] <- score
  } else  {
    stop(paste("Error: invalid score", score))
  # unsigned int
  valid_criterion <- c('consistency', 'bic', 'aic', 'aicc')
  if (criterion %in% valid_criterion) {
    settings[['criterion']] <- criterion
  } else {
    stop(paste("Error: invalid criterion", criterion))
  # VectorXd
  logc <- log10(c[c != 0])
  minc <- min(logc)
  maxc <- max(logc)
  if (length(etas) & is.numeric(etas)) {
    settings[['etas']] <- sort(etas)
  } else if (length(logc)) {
    settings[['etas']] <- 10^seq(maxc, minc, length=10)
  } else {
      stop("Error: specify a valid etas or an association vector.")
  # VectorXd
  if (length(lambdas) & is.numeric(lambdas)) {
      settings[['lambdas']] <- sort(lambdas)
  } else if (length(logc)) {
      settings[['lambdas']] <- 10^seq(maxc, minc, length=10)
  } else {
      stop("Error: specify a valid lambdas or an association vector.")

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