
Defines functions createDataFrameFromOneResult calculateSignificantLevel formatInputMethylData createDataStructure readInterGenerationResults isInterGenerationResults saveInterGenerationResults runOnePermutationOnAllGenerations createOutputDir interGeneration getGRangesFromMethylDiff validateLoadConvergenceData validateMergePermutationAndObservation validateExtractInfo validateRunObservation validateRunPermutation

Documented in calculateSignificantLevel createDataStructure createOutputDir formatInputMethylData getGRangesFromMethylDiff interGeneration isInterGenerationResults readInterGenerationResults runOnePermutationOnAllGenerations saveInterGenerationResults validateExtractInfo validateLoadConvergenceData validateMergePermutationAndObservation validateRunObservation validateRunPermutation

#' @title Parameters validation for the \code{\link{runPermutation}} function
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{runPermutation}} function.
#' @param methylKitData a \code{list} of \code{methylRawList} entries or the
#' name of the RDS file containing the \code{list}. Each
#' \code{methylRawList} entry must contain all the \code{methylRaw} entries
#' related to one generation (first entry = first generation, second
#' entry = second generation, etc..). The number of generations must
#' correspond to the number
#' of entries in the \code{methylKitData}. At least 2 generations
#' must be present to do a permutation analysis. More information can be found
#' in the methylKit package.
#' @param type One of the "sites","tiles" or "both" strings. Specifies the type
#' of differentially methylated elements should be returned. For
#' retrieving differentially methylated bases type="sites"; for
#' differentially methylated regions type="tiles". Default: "both".
#' @param outputDir a string, the name of the directory that will contain
#' the results of the permutation. If the directory does not exist, it will
#' be created.
#' @param runObservedAnalysis a \code{logical}, when \code{runObservedAnalysis}
#' = \code{TRUE}, a CpG analysis on the observed dataset is done.
#' @param nbrPermutations, a positive \code{integer}, the total number of
#' permutations that is going to be done.
#' @param nbrCores a positive \code{integer}, the number of cores to use when
#' processing the analysis.
#' @param nbrCoresDiffMeth a positive \code{integer}, the number of cores
#' to use for parallel differential methylation calculations.Parameter
#' used for both sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{num.cores} parameter in
#' the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer} Bases and regions having lower
#' coverage than this count are discarded. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{lo.count} parameter in the  \code{methylKit}
#' package.
#' @param minMethDiff a positive \code{double} betwwen [0,100], the absolute
#' value of methylation percentage change between cases and controls. The
#' parameter corresponds to the \code{difference} parameter in
#' the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param qvalue a positive \code{double} betwwen [0,1], the cutoff
#' for qvalue of differential methylation statistic. TODO
#' @param maxPercReads a \code{double} between [0,100], the percentile of read
#' counts that is going to be used as upper cutoff. Bases ore regions
#' having higher
#' coverage than this percentile are discarded. Parameter used for both CpG
#' sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{hi.perc} parameter in the  \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param destrand a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE} will merge reads on both
#' strands of a CpG dinucleotide to provide better coverage. Only advised
#' when looking at CpG methylation. Parameter used for both CpG
#' sites and tiles analysis.
#' @param minCovBasesForTiles a non-negative \code{integer}, the minimum
#' number of bases to be covered in a given tiling window. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{cov.bases} parameter in the package
#' \code{methylKit}. Only used when \code{doingTiles} =
#' \code{TRUE}. Default: \code{0}.
#' @param tileSize a positive \code{integer}, the size of the tiling window.
#' The parameter corresponds to the \code{win.size} parameter in
#' the  \code{methylKit} package. Only
#' used when \code{doingTiles} = \code{TRUE}.
#' @param stepSize a positive \code{integer}, the step size of tiling windows.
#' The parameter corresponds to the \code{stepSize} parameter in
#' the  \code{methylKit} package. Only
#' used when \code{doingTiles} = \code{TRUE}.
#' @param vSeed a \code{integer}, a seed used when reproducible results are
#' needed. When a value inferior or equal to zero is given, a random integer
#' is used.
#' @param restartCalculation a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, only
#' permutations that don't have an associated RDS result file are run. Useful
#' to restart a permutation analysis that has been interrupted.
#' @param saveInfoByGeneration a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, the
#' information about differentially methylated sites and tiles for each
#' generation is saved in a RDS file. The information is saved in a different
#' file for each permutation. The files are only saved when the
#' \code{outputDir} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data(samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis)
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' methylInheritance:::validateRunPermutation(
#'     methylKitData = samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis, type = "sites",
#'     outputDir = "test", runObservedAnalysis = TRUE,
#'     nbrPermutations = 10000, nbrCores = 1,
#'     nbrCoresDiffMeth = 1, minReads = 10, minMethDiff = 25, qvalue = 0.01,
#'     maxPercReads = 99.9, destrand = TRUE, minCovBasesForTiles = 10,
#'     tileSize = 1000, stepSize = 500, vSeed = 12, restartCalculation = FALSE,
#'     saveInfoByGeneration = FALSE)
#' ## The function raises an error when at least one paramater is not valid
#' \dontrun{methylInheritance:::validateRunPermutation(
#'     methylKitData = "HI", type = "tiles", outputDir = "test",
#'     runObservedAnalysis = FALSE, nbrPermutations = 10000, nbrCores = 1,
#'     nbrCoresDiffMeth = 1, minReads = 10, minMethDiff = 25, qvalue = 0.01,
#'     maxPercReads = 99.9, destrand = TRUE, minCovBasesForTiles = 10,
#'     tileSize = 1000, stepSize = 500, vSeed = 12, restartCalculation = FALSE,
#'     saveInfoByGeneration = FALSE)}
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validateRunPermutation <- function(methylKitData,
                            type, outputDir, runObservedAnalysis,
                            nbrPermutations, nbrCores, nbrCoresDiffMeth,
                            minReads, minMethDiff, qvalue, maxPercReads,
                            destrand, minCovBasesForTiles, tileSize,
                            stepSize, vSeed, restartCalculation,
                            saveInfoByGeneration) {

    ## Validate methylKitData, outputDir, nbrCoresDiffMeth
    ## minReads, minMethDiff, qvalue, maxPercReads, destrand,
    ## minCovBasesForTiles, tileSize, stepSize, vSeed
    validateRunObservation(methylKitData = methylKitData,
                            type = type, outputDir = outputDir,
                            nbrCoresDiffMeth = nbrCoresDiffMeth,
                            minReads = minReads, minMethDiff = minMethDiff,
                            qvalue = qvalue,
                            maxPercReads = maxPercReads, destrand = destrand,
                            minCovBasesForTiles = minCovBasesForTiles,
                            tileSize = tileSize,
                            stepSize = stepSize, vSeed = vSeed,
                            restartCalculation = restartCalculation,
                            saveInfoByGeneration = saveInfoByGeneration)

    ## Validate that the runObservedAnalysis is a logical
    if (!is.logical(runObservedAnalysis)) {
        stop("runObservedAnalysis must be a logical")

    ## Validate that nbrCores is an positive integer
    if (!(isSingleInteger(nbrCores) || isSingleNumber(nbrCores)) ||
            as.integer(nbrCores) < 1) {
        stop("nbrCores must be a positive integer or numeric")

    ## Validate that nbrCores is set to 1 on Windows system
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" && as.integer(nbrCores) != 1) {
        stop("nbrCores must be 1 on a Windows system.")

    ## Validate that nbrPermutations is an positive integer
    if (!(isSingleInteger(nbrPermutations) ||
            isSingleNumber(nbrPermutations)) ||
            as.integer(nbrPermutations) < 1) {
        stop("nbrPermutations must be a positive integer or numeric")


#' @title Validation of some parameters of the
#' \code{\link{runObservation}} function
#' @description Validation of some parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{runObservation}} function.
#' @param methylKitData a \code{list} of \code{methylRawList} entries or the
#' name of the RDS file containing the list. Each
#' \code{methylRawList} contains all the \code{methylRaw} entries related to
#' one generation (first entry = first generation, second entry = second
#' generation, etc..). The number of generations must correspond to the number
#' of entries in the \code{methylKitData}. At least 2 generations
#' must be present to calculate the conserved elements. More information can
#' be found in the methylKit package.
#' @param type One of the "sites","tiles" or "both" strings. Specifies the type
#' of differentially methylated elements should be returned. For
#' retrieving differentially methylated bases type="sites"; for
#' differentially methylated regions type="tiles". Default: "both".
#' @param outputDir a string, the name of the directory that will contain
#' the results of the permutation. If the directory does not exist, it will
#' be created.
#' @param nbrCoresDiffMeth a positive \code{integer}, the number of cores
#' to use for parallel differential methylation calculations.Parameter
#' used for both sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{num.cores} parameter in
#' the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer} Bases and regions having lower
#' coverage than this count are discarded. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{lo.count} parameter in the  \code{methylKit}
#' package.
#' @param minMethDiff a positive \code{double} betwwen [0,100], the absolute
#' value of methylation percentage change between cases and controls. The
#' parameter correspond to the \code{difference} parameter in
#' the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param qvalue a positive \code{double} betwwen [0,1], the cutoff
#' for qvalue of differential methylation statistic.
#' @param maxPercReads a \code{double} between [0,100], the percentile of read
#' counts that is going to be used as upper cutoff. Bases ore regions
#' having higher
#' coverage than this percentile are discarded. Parameter used for both CpG
#' sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{hi.perc} parameter in the  \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param destrand a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE} will merge reads on both
#' strands of a CpG dinucleotide to provide better coverage. Only advised
#' when looking at CpG methylation. Parameter used for both CpG
#' sites and tiles analysis.
#' @param minCovBasesForTiles a non-negative \code{integer}, the minimum
#' number of bases to be covered in a given tiling window. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{cov.bases} parameter in the package
#' \code{methylKit}. Only used when \code{doingTiles} =
#' \code{TRUE}. Default: \code{0}.
#' @param tileSize a positive \code{integer}, the size of the tiling window.
#' The parameter corresponds to the \code{win.size} parameter in
#' the  \code{methylKit} package. Only
#' used when \code{doingTiles} = \code{TRUE}.
#' @param stepSize a positive \code{integer}, the step size of tiling windows.
#' The parameter corresponds to the \code{stepSize} parameter in
#' the  \code{methylKit} package. Only
#' used when \code{doingTiles} = \code{TRUE}.
#' @param vSeed a \code{integer}, a seed used when reproducible results are
#' needed. When a value inferior or equal to zero is given, a random integer
#' is used.
#' @param restartCalculation a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, only
#' permutations that don't have an associated RDS result file are run. Useful
#' to restart a permutation analysis that has been interrupted.
#' @param saveInfoByGeneration a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, the
#' information about differentially methylated sites and tiles for each
#' generation is saved in a RDS file. The information is saved in a different
#' file for each permutation. The files are only saved when the
#' \code{outputDir} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data(samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis)
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' methylInheritance:::validateRunObservation(
#'     methylKitData = samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis, type = "sites",
#'     outputDir = "test", nbrCoresDiffMeth = 1, minReads = 10,
#'     minMethDiff = 25, qvalue = 0.01,
#'     maxPercReads = 99.9, destrand = TRUE, minCovBasesForTiles = 10,
#'     tileSize = 1000, stepSize = 500, vSeed = 12, restartCalculation = TRUE,
#'     saveInfoByGeneration = FALSE)
#' ## The function raises an error when at least one paramater is not valid
#' \dontrun{methylInheritance:::validateRunObservation(
#'     methylKitData = samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis,
#'     type = "tiles", outputDir = "test_02", nbrCoresDiffMeth = 1,
#'     minReads = "HI", minMethDiff = 25, qvalue = 0.01,
#'     maxPercReads = 99.9, destrand = TRUE, minCovBasesForTiles = 10,
#'     tileSize = 1000, stepSize = 500, vSeed = 12, restartCalculation = FALSE,
#'     saveInfoByGeneration = FALSE)}
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validateRunObservation <- function(methylKitData,
                                    type, outputDir,
                                    minReads, minMethDiff, qvalue,
                                    maxPercReads, destrand,
                                    minCovBasesForTiles, tileSize,
                                    stepSize, vSeed, restartCalculation,
                                    saveInfoByGeneration) {

    ## Validate that methylKitData is a valid RDS file when string is passed
    if (is.character(methylKitData)) {
        if (!file.exists(methylKitData)) {
            stop(paste0("The file \"", methylKitData, "\" does not exist."))
        } else {
            methylKitData <- readRDS(methylKitData)

    ## Validate that methylKitData is a list of methylRawList
    if (class(methylKitData) != "list" ||
            !all(sapply(methylKitData, class) == "methylRawList")) {
        stop(paste0("methylKitData must be a list containing ",
                    "\"methylRawList\" entries; each entry must contain ",
                    "all \"methylRaw\" objects related to one generation"))

    ## Validate that the output_dir is an not empty string
    if (!is.character(outputDir)) {
        stop("output_dir must be a character string")

    ## Validate that nbrCoresDiffMeth is an positive integer
    if (!(isSingleInteger(nbrCoresDiffMeth) ||
            isSingleNumber(nbrCoresDiffMeth)) ||
        as.integer(nbrCoresDiffMeth) < 1) {
        stop("nbrCoresDiffMeth must be a positive integer or numeric")

    ## Validate that nbrCoresDiffMeth is set to 1 on Windows system
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" &&
            as.integer(nbrCoresDiffMeth) != 1) {
        stop("nbrCoresDiffMeth must be 1 on a Windows system.")

    ## Validate that minReads is an positive integer
    if (!(isSingleInteger(minReads) || isSingleNumber(minReads)) ||
        as.integer(minReads) < 1) {
        stop("minReads must be a positive integer or numeric")

    ## Validate that minMethDiff is an positive double between [0,100]
    if (!(isSingleNumber(minMethDiff)) ||
            minMethDiff < 0.00 || minMethDiff > 100.00) {
        stop("minMethDiff must be a positive double between [0,100]")

    ## Validate that qvalue is an positive double between [0,1]
    if (!(isSingleNumber(qvalue)) ||
            qvalue < 0.00 || qvalue > 1.00) {
        stop("qvalue must be a positive double between [0,1]")

    ## Validate that maxPercReads is an positive double between [0,100]
    if (!(isSingleNumber(maxPercReads)) ||
            maxPercReads < 0.00 || maxPercReads > 100.00) {
        stop("maxPercReads must be a positive double between [0,100]")

    ## Validate that destrand is a logical
    if (!is.logical(destrand)) {
        stop("destrand must be a logical")

    if (any(type %in% c("both", "tiles"))) {
        ## Validate that minCovBasesForTiles is an positive integer
        if (!(isSingleInteger(minCovBasesForTiles) ||
                isSingleNumber(minCovBasesForTiles)) ||
                    as.integer(minCovBasesForTiles) < 0) {
            stop("minCovBasesForTiles must be a positive integer or numeric")

        ## Validate that tileSize is an positive integer
        if (!(isSingleInteger(tileSize) || isSingleNumber(tileSize)) ||
                as.integer(tileSize) < 1) {
            stop("tileSize must be a positive integer or numeric")

        ## Validate that stepSize is an positive integer
        if (!(isSingleInteger(stepSize) || isSingleNumber(stepSize)) ||
                as.integer(stepSize) < 1) {
            stop("stepSize must be a positive integer or numeric")

    ## Validate that vSeed is an integer
    if (!(isSingleInteger(vSeed) || isSingleNumber(vSeed))) {
        stop("vSeed must be an integer or numeric")
    ## Validate that restartCalculation is a logical
    if (!is.logical(restartCalculation)) {
        stop("restartCalculation must be a logical")

    ## Validate that saveInfoByGeneration is a logical
    if (!is.logical(saveInfoByGeneration)) {
        stop("saveInfoByGeneration must be a logical")


#' @title Validation of some parameters of the
#' \code{\link{extractInfo}} function
#' @description Validation of some parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{extractInfo}} function.
#' @param allResults a \code{list} as created by the
#' \code{runPermutation} or the \code{loadAllRDSResults} functions.
#' @param type One of the \code{"sites"} or \code{"tiles"} strings.
#' Specifies the type
#' of differentially methylated elements should be returned. For
#' retrieving differentially methylated bases \code{type} = \code{"sites"}; for
#' differentially methylated regions \code{type} = \code{"tiles"}.
#' @param inter One of the \code{"i2"} or \code{"iAll"} strings. Specifies the
#' type of intersection should be returned. For
#' retrieving intersection results between two consecutive generations
#' \code{inter} = \code{"i2"}; for intersection results between three
#' generations or more \code{inter} = \code{"iAll"}.
#' @param position a positive \code{integer}, the position in the \code{list}
#' where the information will be extracted. The position must be an existing
#' position inside \code{allResults}
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data(methylInheritanceResults)
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' methylInheritance:::validateExtractInfo(
#'     allResults = methylInheritanceResults, type = "sites",
#'     inter = "i2", 2)
#' ## The function raises an error when at least one paramater is not valid
#' \dontrun{methylInheritance:::validateExtractInfo(
#'     allResults = methylInheritanceResults, type = "sites",
#'     inter = "i2", 12)}
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validateExtractInfo <- function(allResults, type, inter, position) {

    if (!is.numeric(position) || floor(position) != position || position < 1) {
        stop("position must be a positive integer")

    if (!"methylInheritanceAllResults" %in% class(allResults)) {
        stop("allResults must be of class \"methylInheritanceAllResults\"")

    if (!is.list(allResults)) {
        stop("allResults must be a list")

    if (is.null(allResults$OBSERVATION)) {
        stop("allResults must have an element called \"OBSERVATION\"")

    if (is.null(allResults$OBSERVATION[[toupper(type)]])) {
        stop("allResults must have an element called \"", toupper(type),
                "\" in its \"OBSERVATION\" list")

    if (is.null(allResults$OBSERVATION[[toupper(type)]][[inter]])) {
        stop("allResults must have an element called \"", inter,
                "\" in the \"", toupper(type),
                "\" list present in its \"OBSERVATION\" list")

    if (position > length(allResults$OBSERVATION[[toupper(type)]][[inter]])) {
        stop(paste0("position must correspond to a valid entry in the \"",
            "allResults$OBSERVATION[[", toupper(type), "]][[", inter, "]]\""))

    if (is.null(allResults$PERMUTATION)) {
        stop("allResults must have an element called \"PERMUTATION\"")


    if (!is.list(allResults$PERMUTATION)) {
        stop(paste0("allResults must have an element called \"PERMUTATION\". ",
                "The \"PERMUTATION\" must be a list"))

    if (length(allResults$PERMUTATION) < 1) {
        stop(paste0("allResults must have an element called \"PERMUTATION\". ",
                "The \"PERMUTATION\" must be a list with at least one entry"))

    ## Validate that all entries in allResults$PERMUTATION must contain
    ## a entry corresponding to "type"
    results <- sapply(allResults$PERMUTATION, function(x) {
    if (any(results)) {
        stop(paste0("all entries in allResults$PERMUTATION must have an ",
                "element called \"", toupper(type)))


#' @title Validation of some parameters of the
#' \code{\link{mergePermutationAndObservation}} function
#' @description Validation of some parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{mergePermutationAndObservation}} function.
#' @param permutationResults a \code{list} with 1 entry called
#' \code{PERMUTATION}. The  \code{PERMUTATION} entry is a \code{list} with
#' a number of entries corresponding
#' to the number of permutations that have been processed. Each entry contains
#' the result of one permutation.
#' @param observationResults a \code{list} with 1 entry called
#' \code{OBSERVATION}. The \code{OBSERVATION} entry is a \code{list} containing
#' the result obtained
#' with the observed dataset (not shuffled).
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Create a observation result
#' observed <- list()
#' observed[["OBSERVATION"]] <- list()
#' observed[["OBSERVATION"]][["SITES"]] <- list()
#' observed[["OBSERVATION"]][["SITES"]][["i2"]] <- list(HYPER = list(11, 10),
#'     HYPO = list(13, 12))
#' observed[["OBSERVATION"]][["SITES"]][["iAll"]] <- list(HYPER = list(1),
#'     HYPO = list(3))
#' ## Create a permutation result containing only 1 permutation result
#' ## Real perumtations results would have more entries
#' permutated <- list()
#' permutated[["PERMUTATION"]] <- list()
#' permutated[["PERMUTATION"]][[1]] <- list()
#' permutated[["PERMUTATION"]][[1]][["SITES"]] <- list()
#' permutated[["PERMUTATION"]][[1]][["SITES"]][["i2"]] <- list(HYPER =
#'     list(11, 12), HYPO = list(8, 11))
#' permutated[["PERMUTATION"]][[1]][["SITES"]][["iAll"]] <- list(HYPER =
#'     list(0), HYPO = list(1))
#' ## Merge permutation and observation results
#' methylInheritance:::validateMergePermutationAndObservation(
#'     permutationResults = permutated, observationResults = observed)
#' ## The function raises an error when at least one paramater is not valid
#' \dontrun{methylInheritance:::validateMergePermutationAndObservation(
#'     permutationResults = permutated, observationResults = NULL)}
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
validateMergePermutationAndObservation <- function(permutationResults,
                                                    observationResults) {

    if (!is.list(permutationResults)) {
        stop("permutationResults must be a list")

    if (is.null(permutationResults$PERMUTATION)) {
        stop("permutationResults must have an element called \"PERMUTATION\"")

    if (!is.list(observationResults)) {
        stop("observationResults must be a list")

    if (is.null(observationResults$OBSERVATION)) {
        stop("observationResults must have an element called \"OBSERVATION\"")


#' @title Validation of some parameters of the
#' \code{\link{loadConvergenceData}} function
#' @description Validation of some parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{loadConvergenceData}} function.
#' @param analysisResultsDir a \code{character} string, the path to the
#' directory that contains the analysis results. The path can be the same as
#' for the \code{permutatioNResultsDir} parameter.
#' @param permutationResultsDir a \code{character} string, the path to the
#' directory that contains the permutation results. The path can be the same
#' as for the \code{analysisResultsDir} parameter.
#' @param position a positive \code{integer}, the position in the \code{list}
#' where the information will be extracted.
#' @param by a \code{integer}, the increment of the number of permutations
#' where the significant level is tested. Default: 100.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Get the name of the directory where files are stored
#' filesDir <- system.file("extdata", "TEST", package="methylInheritance")
#' ## Merge permutation and observation results
#' methylInheritance:::validateLoadConvergenceData(analysisResultsDir =
#'     filesDir, permutationResults = filesDir, position = 1, by = 1)
#' ## The function raises an error when at least one paramater is not valid
#' \dontrun{methylInheritance:::validateLoadConvergenceData(
#'     analysisResultsDir = filesDir, permutationResults = filesDir,
#'     position = "hello", by = 1))}
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Pascal Belleau
#' @keywords internal
validateLoadConvergenceData <- function(analysisResultsDir,
                                        permutationResultsDir, position, by) {

    ## Validate that the analysisResultsDir is an not empty string
    if (!is.null(analysisResultsDir) && !is.character(analysisResultsDir)) {
        stop("analysisResultsDir must be a character string")
        if (!dir.exists(analysisResultsDir)) {
            stop("analysisResultsDir must be an existing directory")

    ## Validate that the permutationResultsDir is an not empty string
    if (!is.null(permutationResultsDir) &&
            !is.character(permutationResultsDir)) {
        stop("permutationResultsDir must be a character string")
        if (!dir.exists(permutationResultsDir)) {
            stop("permutationResultsDir must be an existing directory")

    if (!is.numeric(position) || floor(position) != position || position < 1) {
        stop("position must be a positive integer")

    if (!is.numeric(by) || floor(by) != by || by < 1) {
        stop("by must be a positive integer")


#' @title Transform results from a CpG site or region analysis done on mutliple
#' generations into a \code{list} of \code{GRanges} objects
#' @description Transform a \code{list} of \code{methylDiff} objects into
#' a \code{list} of \code{GRanges} objects. Each \code{methylDiff} object
#' represent a CpG site or region analysis done on one generation.
#' @param methDiff a \code{list} of S4 \code{methylDiff} class objects, each
#' entry of the \code{list} represents the differentially methylated results
#' for one generation (first entry = first genertation, second entry =
#' second generation, etc..). Each \code{methylDiff} object holds statistics
#' and locations
#' for differentially methylated regions/bases.
#' @param pDiff a positive \code{double} between \code{0} and \code{100},
#' the cutoff for absolute value of methylation percentage change
#' between test and control.
#' @param qvalue a positive \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the cutoff
#' for qvalue of differential methylation statistic.
#' @param type One of the \code{"hyper"},\code{"hypo"} or \code{"all"} strings,
#' the string specifies what type of differentially methylated bases/tiles
#' should be treated  For
#' retrieving hyper-methylated tiles/sites \code{type} = \code{"hyper"}; for
#' hypo-methylated \code{type} = \code{"hypo"}. Default: \code{"all"}.
#' @return a \code{list} of \code{GRanges} objects, each
#' entry of the \code{list} represents the differentially methylated results
#' for one generation (first entry = first genertation, second entry =
#' second generation, etc..). Each \code{GRanges} object holds statistics
#' for differentially methylated regions/bases.
#' @examples
#' ## Load permutation results on sites
#' permutationResultsFile <- system.file("extdata",
#'     "permutationResultsForSites.RDS", package="methylInheritance")
#' permutationResults <- readRDS(permutationResultsFile)
#' ## Transform result to GRanges
#' resultsGR <- methylInheritance:::getGRangesFromMethylDiff(methDiff =
#'     permutationResults, pDiff = 10, qvalue = 0.01, type = "hyper")
#' @author Pascal Belleau
#' @importFrom methylKit getMethylDiff
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @keywords internal
getGRangesFromMethylDiff <- function(methDiff, pDiff, qvalue,
                                        type = c("all", "hyper", "hypo")) {
    # Validate type value
    type <- match.arg(type)

    ## Transform each methylDiff object present in the list to a
    ## GRanges object
    methDiffK <- lapply(1:length(methDiff), FUN = function(i, methDiff,
                                                    pDiff, qCut, typeD) {
        methK <- getMethylDiff(methDiff[[i]], difference = pDiff,
                                qvalue = qCut, type = typeD)
        GRanges(seqnames = methK$chr, ranges = IRanges(start = methK$start,
                                                        end = methK$end),
                strand = methK$strand, pvalue = methK$pvalue,
                qvalue = methK$qvalue, meth.diff = methK$meth.diff)
    }, methDiff = methDiff, pDiff = pDiff, qCut = qvalue, typeD = type)


#' @title Calculate the intersection of the differentially methylated
#' results for two
#' or more consercutive generations
#' @description Calculate the intersection of the differentially methylated
#' results for two
#' or more consercutive generations using a \code{list} of \code{GRanges} where
#' each entry represents the results for one generation.
#' @param resultAllGenGR a \code{list} of \code{GRanges} as created by the
#' \code{getGRangesFromMethylDiff} function. Each
#' entry of the \code{list} represents the differentially methylated results
#' for one generation (first entry = first genertation, second entry =
#' second generation, etc..). Each \code{GRanges} object holds statistics
#' for differentially methylated regions/bases.
#' @return a \code{list} containing the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{i2} a \code{list} of \code{GRanges} Each
#' \code{GRanges} represents the intersection of analysis results between two
#' consecutive generations. The first element represents the intersection
#' of the
#' first and second generations; the second element, the intersection of
#' the second and third generations; etc.. The number of entries depends
#' of the number of generations.
#' \item\code{iAll} a \code{list} of \code{GRanges}. Each \code{GRanges}
#' represents the intersection fo the analysis results between three or more
#' consecutive generations. The first element represents the
#' intersection of the first
#' three generations; the second element, the intersection of the first fourth
#' generations; etc..The number of entries depends of the number
#' of generations.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Load permutation results on sites
#' permutationResultsFile <- system.file("extdata",
#'     "permutationResultsForSites.RDS", package="methylInheritance")
#' permutationResults <- readRDS(permutationResultsFile)
#' ## Transform result to GRanges
#' resultsGR <- methylInheritance:::getGRangesFromMethylDiff(methDiff =
#'     permutationResults, pDiff = 10, qvalue = 0.01, type = "hyper")
#' ## Extract inter generational conserved sites
#' conservedSitesGR <- methylInheritance:::interGeneration(resultsGR)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges intersect GRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame values<- values
#' @keywords internal
interGeneration <- function(resultAllGenGR) {

    lInter <- list("i2" = list(), "iAll" = list())

    # Calculate intersection of two consecutive generations
    lInter$i2 <- lapply(2:length(resultAllGenGR), FUN = function(i,b){
        upM <- intersect(b[[i-1]][b[[i-1]]$meth.diff > 0],
                            b[[i]][b[[i]]$meth.diff > 0])
        downM <- intersect(b[[i-1]][b[[i-1]]$meth.diff < 0],
                            b[[i]][b[[i]]$meth.diff < 0])
        typeDiff <- DataFrame(typeDiff=rep(1,length(upM)))
        values(upM) <- cbind(values(upM), typeDiff)
        typeDiff <- DataFrame(typeDiff=rep(-1,length(downM)))
        values(downM) <- cbind(values(downM), typeDiff)
        c(upM, downM)
    }, b = resultAllGenGR)

    # Calculate intersection of three or more consercutive generations
    cur <- lInter$i2[[1]]
    for(i in 3:length(resultAllGenGR)){
        upM <- intersect(cur[cur$typeDiff > 0],
                        resultAllGenGR[[i]][resultAllGenGR[[i]]$meth.diff > 0])
        downM <- intersect(cur[cur$typeDiff < 0],
                            resultAllGenGR[[i]]$meth.diff < 0])
        typeDiff <- DataFrame(typeDiff=rep(1,length(upM)))
        values(upM) <- cbind(values(upM), typeDiff)
        typeDiff <- DataFrame(typeDiff=rep(-1,length(downM)))
        values(downM) <- cbind(values(downM), typeDiff)

        lInter$iAll[[i-2]] <- c(upM,downM)
        cur <- lInter$iAll[[i-2]]


#' @title Create directories that will contained the results of the
#' permutations in RDS format
#' @description Create directories that will contained the results of the
#' permutations in RDS format.
#' @param outputDir a string of \code{character}, the name of the main
#' directory to be created.
#' @param doingSites a \code{logical}, a directory consecrated to contain the
#' results of the permutation analysis for sites is created when
#' \code{doingSites} = \code{TRUE}. Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @param doingTiles a \code{logical}, a directory consecrated to contain the
#' results of the permutation analysis for tiles is created when
#' \code{doingTiles} = \code{TRUE}. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param saveInfoByGeneration a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, the
#' information about differentially methylated sites and tiles for each
#' generation is saved in a RDS file. The information is saved in a different
#' file for each permutation.
#' @return \code{0} when all directories are created without problem.
#' @examples
#' ## Create an output directory for SITES only
#' methylInheritance:::createOutputDir(outputDir = "testSites",
#'     doingSites = TRUE, doingTiles = FALSE, saveInfoByGeneration = TRUE)
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
createOutputDir <- function(outputDir, doingSites = TRUE,
                                doingTiles = FALSE,
                            saveInfoByGeneration) {

    # Create directories for output files
    if (!dir.exists(outputDir)) {
        dir.create(outputDir, showWarnings = TRUE)

    if (doingSites) {
        type <-  "SITES"
        dirName <- paste0(outputDir, type)
        if (!dir.exists(dirName)) {
            dir.create(dirName, showWarnings = TRUE)

    if (doingTiles) {
        type <-  "TILES"
        dirName <- paste0(outputDir, type)
        if (!dir.exists(dirName)) {
            dir.create(dirName, showWarnings = TRUE)

    # Create directory for the information for each generation
    if (saveInfoByGeneration) {
        dirName <- paste0(outputDir, "InfoByGeneration")
        if (!dir.exists(dirName)) {
            dir.create(dirName, showWarnings = TRUE)

#' @title Run the analysis on one permutation dataset, including all
#' generations, using \code{methylKit} package
#' @description Run CpG site or region analysis using the \code{methylKit}
#' package for each generation present in the dataset. The intersection of
#' conserved elements is obtained for each group of two consecutive
#' generations, as well as, for larger group subset. The output of the
#' analysis is saved in a RDS file when an directory is
#' specified.
#' @param id an \code{integer}, the unique identification of the permutation.
#' When \code{id} is \code{0}, the analysis is done on the real dataset.
#' @param methylInfoForAllGenerations a \code{list} of \code{methylRawList}
#' entries. Each
#' \code{methylRawList} entry must contain all the \code{methylRaw} entries
#' related to one generation (first entry = first generation, second
#' entry = second generation, etc..). The number of generations must
#' correspond to the number
#' of entries in the \code{methylKitData}. At least 2 generations
#' must be present to make a permutation analysis. More information can be
#' found in the methylKit package.
#' @param type One of the "sites","tiles" or "both" strings. Specifies the type
#' of differentially methylated elements should be returned. For
#' retrieving differentially methylated bases type="sites"; for
#' differentially methylated regions type="tiles". Default: "both".
#' @param outputDir a string, the name of the directory that will contain
#' the results of the permutation. If the directory does not
#' exist, it will be created.
#' @param nbrCoresDiffMeth a positive integer, the number of cores to use for
#' parallel differential methylation calculations.Parameter used for both
#' sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{num.cores} parameter in the
#' package \code{methylKit}.
#' Default: \code{1} and always \code{1} for Windows.
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer} Bases and regions having lower
#' coverage than this count are discarded. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{lo.count} parameter in the  \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param minMethDiff a positive integer betwwen [0,100], the absolute value
#' of methylation percentage change between cases and controls. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{difference} parameter in the
#' package \code{methylKit}. Default: \code{10}.
#' @param qvalue a positive \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the cutoff
#' for qvalue of differential methylation statistic. Default: \code{0.01}.
#' @param maxPercReads a double between [0-100], the percentile of read
#' counts that is going to be used as upper cutoff. Bases ore regions
#' having higher
#' coverage than this percentile are discarded. Parameter used for both CpG
#' sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{hi.perc} parameter in the  \code{methylKit} package.
#' Default: \code{99.9}.
#' @param destrand a logical, when \code{TRUE} will merge reads on both
#' strands of a CpG dinucleotide to provide better coverage. Only advised
#' when looking at CpG methylation. Parameter used for both
#' sites and tiles analysis. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param minCovBasesForTiles a non-negative integer, the minimum number of
#' bases to be covered in a given tiling window. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{cov.bases} parameter in the
#' package \code{methylKit}.
#' Only used when \code{doingTiles} =
#' \code{TRUE}. Default: \code{0}.
#' @param tileSize a positive integer, the size of the tiling window. The
#' parameter corresponds to the \code{win.size} parameter in
#' the  \code{methylKit} package. Only
#' used when \code{doingTiles} = \code{TRUE}. Default: \code{1000}.
#' @param stepSize a positive integer, the step size of tiling windows. The
#' parameter corresponds to the \code{stepSize} parameter in
#' the  \code{methylKit} package. Only
#' used when \code{doingTiles} = \code{TRUE}. Default: \code{1000}.
#' @param restartCalculation a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, only
#' permutations that don't have a RDS result final are run.
#' @param saveInfoByGeneration a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, the
#' information about differentially methylated sites and tiles for each
#' generation is saved in a RDS file. The information is saved in a different
#' file for each permutation. The files are = saved in the
#' \code{outputDir}.
#' @return a \code{list} containing the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{SITES} Only present when \code{type} = \code{"sites"} or
#' \code{"both"}, a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{i2} a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{HYPER} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hyper differentially methylated sites between two consecutive generations.
#' The first element represents the intersection of the first and second
#' generations; the second element, the intersection of the second and third
#' generations; etc..
#' \item \code{HYPO} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hypo differentially methylated sites between two consecutive generations.The
#' first element represents the intersection of the first and second
#' generations; the second element, the intersection of the second and third
#' generations; etc..
#' }
#' \item\code{iAll} a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'\item \code{HYPER} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hyper differentially methylated sites between three or more consecutive
#' generations. The first element represents the intersection of the first
#' three generations; the second element, the intersection of the first fourth
#' generations; etc..The number of entries depends of the number
#' of generations.
#' \item \code{HYPO} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hypo differentially methylated sites between three or more consecutive
#' generations. The first element represents the intersection of the first
#' three generations; the second element, the intersection of the first fourth
#' generations; etc..The number of entries depends of the number of
#' generations.
#' }
#' }
#' \item \code{TILES} Only present when \code{type} = \code{"tiles"} or
#' \code{"both"}, a \code{list} containing:
#' itemize{
#' \item\code{i2} a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{HYPER} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hyper differentially methylated positions between two consecutive
#' generations. The first element represents the intersection of the
#' first and second generations; the second element, the intersection of
#' the second and third generations; etc..
#' \item \code{HYPO} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hypo differentially methylated positions between two consecutive
#' generations.The first element represents the intersection of the first and
#' second generations; the second element, the intersection of the second
#' and third generations; etc..
#' }
#' \item\code{iAll} a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'\item \code{HYPER} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hyper differentially methylated positions between three or more consecutive
#' generations. The first element represents the intersection of the first
#' three generations; the second element, the intersection of the first fourth
#' generations; etc..The number of entries depends of the number
#' of generations.
#' \item \code{HYPO} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hypo differentially methylated positions between three or more consecutive
#' generations. The first element represents the intersection of the first
#' three generations; the second element, the intersection of the first fourth
#' generations; etc..The number of entries depends of the number of
#' generations.
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Load methyl information
#' data(samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis)
#' ## Run a permutation analysis
#' methylInheritance:::runOnePermutationOnAllGenerations(id = 2,
#'     methylInfoForAllGenerations = samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis,
#'     type = "tiles", outputDir = NULL,
#'     nbrCoresDiffMeth = 1, minReads = 10, minMethDiff = 10, qvalue = 0.01,
#'     maxPercReads = 99.9, destrand = FALSE, minCovBasesForTiles = 0,
#'     tileSize = 1000, stepSize = 1000, restartCalculation = FALSE)
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Pascal Belleau
#' @importFrom methylKit filterByCoverage normalizeCoverage unite
#' calculateDiffMeth getMethylDiff getData tileMethylCounts methRead
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width
#' @keywords internal
runOnePermutationOnAllGenerations <- function(id,
                        type = c("both", "sites", "tiles"),
                        outputDir = NULL,
                        nbrCoresDiffMeth = 1,
                        minReads = 10, minMethDiff = 10,
                        qvalue = 0.01, maxPercReads = 99.9,
                        destrand = FALSE, minCovBasesForTiles = 0,
                        tileSize = 1000, stepSize = 1000,
                        restartCalculation, saveInfoByGeneration) {

    # Validate type value
    type <- match.arg(type)

    doTiles <- any(type %in% c("tiles", "both"))
    doSites <- any(type %in% c("sites", "both"))

    ## Extract info from input list
    if (id > 0) {
        ## Use permuted dataset, permutation needed
        methylRawForAllGenerations <- formatInputMethylData(methylKitData =
    } else {
        ## Use real dataset, no permutation needed
        methylRawForAllGenerations <- methylInfoForAllGenerations
    nbrGenerations <- length(methylRawForAllGenerations)

    ## Preparing list that will receive final results
    permutationList <- list()
    if (doTiles) {
        permutationList[["TILES"]] <- list()
    if (doSites) {
        permutationList[["SITES"]] <- list()

    readyTiles <- FALSE
    if (doTiles && restartCalculation) {
        readyTiles <- isInterGenerationResults(outputDir, id, "tiles")

    readySites <- FALSE
    if (doSites && restartCalculation) {
        readySites <- isInterGenerationResults(outputDir, id, "sites")

    for (i in 1:nbrGenerations) {

        allSamplesForOneGeneration <- methylRawForAllGenerations[[i]]

        ## SITES
        if (doSites && !readySites) {

            ## Filter sites by coverage
            filtered.sites <- filterByCoverage(allSamplesForOneGeneration,
                                                lo.count = minReads,
                                                lo.perc = NULL,
                                                hi.count = NULL,
                                                hi.perc = maxPercReads)

            ## Normalize coverage
            filtered.sites <- normalizeCoverage(filtered.sites, "median")

            ## Merge all samples to one table
            meth.sites <- unite(filtered.sites, destrand = destrand)

            if (length(meth.sites@.Data[[1]]) == 0) {
                stop("meth.sites IS EMPTY")

            ## Get differentially methylated sites
            allSites <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
                calculateDiffMeth(meth.sites, mc.cores = nbrCoresDiffMeth)))

            permutationList[["SITES"]][[i]] <- suppressWarnings(
                getMethylDiff(allSites, difference = minMethDiff,
                                qvalue = qvalue))

        ## TILES
        if (doTiles && !readyTiles) {

            ## Summarize methylated base counts over tilling windows
            tiles <- tileMethylCounts(allSamplesForOneGeneration,
                                        win.size = tileSize,
                                        step.size = stepSize,
                                        cov.bases = minCovBasesForTiles)

            ## Filter tiles by coverage
            filtered.tiles <- filterByCoverage(tiles,
                                                lo.count = minReads,
                                                lo.perc = NULL,
                                                hi.count = NULL,
                                                hi.perc = maxPercReads)

            ## Normalize coverage
            filtered.tiles <- normalizeCoverage(filtered.tiles, "median")

            ## Merge all samples to one table
            meth.tiles <- unite(filtered.tiles, destrand = destrand)

            ## Get diff methylated tiles
            allTiles <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
                calculateDiffMeth(meth.tiles, mc.cores = nbrCoresDiffMeth)))

            permutationList[["TILES"]][[i]] <- suppressWarnings(
                    getMethylDiff(allTiles, difference = minMethDiff,
                        qvalue = qvalue))

    ## Save all sites results per generation in RDS file when specified
    if (!is.null(outputDir) && saveInfoByGeneration && doSites && !readySites) {
        saveRDS(object = permutationList[["SITES"]], file = paste0(outputDir,
                        "InfoByGeneration/DMEByGeneration_sites_", id, ".RDS"))

    ## Save all tiles results per generation in RDS file when specified
    if (!is.null(outputDir) && saveInfoByGeneration && doTiles && !readyTiles) {
        saveRDS(object = permutationList[["TILES"]], file = paste0(outputDir,
                        "InfoByGeneration/DMEByGeneration_tiles_", id, ".RDS"))

    permutationFinal <- list()

    ## Calculate the number of SITES in the intersection
    if (doSites) {
        if (!readySites) {
            ## Transform initial results to GRanges
            resultGR <- getGRangesFromMethylDiff(permutationList[["SITES"]],
                                        minMethDiff, qvalue, type = "all")

            ## Extract inter generational conserved sites
            result <- interGeneration(resultGR)

            ## Save results in RDS file when specified
            if (!is.null(outputDir)) {
                saveInterGenerationResults(outputDir, id, type = "sites",
        } else {
            result<- readInterGenerationResults(outputDir, id, type = "sites")

        ## Create list that will contain final results
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]] <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]][["i2"]] <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]][["i2"]][["HYPER"]] <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]][["i2"]][["HYPO"]]  <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]][["iAll"]][["HYPER"]]  <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]][["iAll"]][["HYPO"]]   <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]][["i2"]][["HYPER"]] <- lapply(result$i2,
        #                 FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff > 0]))})
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]][["i2"]][["HYPO"]]  <- lapply(result$i2,
        #                 FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff < 0]))})
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]][["iAll"]][["HYPER"]] <- lapply(
        #                 result$iAll,
        #                 FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff > 0]))})
        # permutationFinal[["SITES"]][["iAll"]][["HYPO"]]  <- lapply(
        #                 result$iAll,
        #                 FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff < 0]))})

    ## Calculate the number of TILES in the intersection
    if (doTiles) {
        if (!readyTiles) {
            ## Transform initial results to GRanges
            resultGR <- getGRangesFromMethylDiff(permutationList[["TILES"]],
                                minMethDiff, qvalue, type = "all")

            ## Extract inter generational conserved tiles
            result <- interGeneration(resultGR)

            ## Save results in RDS file when specified
            if (!is.null(outputDir)) {
                saveInterGenerationResults(outputDir, id, type = "tiles",
        } else {
            result <- readInterGenerationResults(outputDir, id, type = "tiles")

        ## Create list that will contain final results
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]] <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]][["i2"]] <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]][["i2"]][["HYPER"]] <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]][["i2"]][["HYPO"]]  <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]][["iAll"]][["HYPER"]]  <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]][["iAll"]][["HYPO"]]   <- list()
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]][["i2"]][["HYPER"]] <- lapply(result$i2,
        #                 FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff > 0]))})
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]][["i2"]][["HYPO"]]  <- lapply(result$i2,
        #                 FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff < 0]))})
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]][["iAll"]][["HYPER"]] <- lapply(
        #                 result$iAll,
        #                 FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff > 0]))})
        # permutationFinal[["TILES"]][["iAll"]][["HYPO"]]  <- lapply(
        #                 result$iAll,
        #                 FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff < 0]))})


#' @title Save the result of on CpG site or tile analysis on all generations.
#' The anaysis can come from observed or shuffled dataset. Each case is
#' saved with a different extension.
#' @description Save the result of on CpG site or tile analysis on all
#' generations. The results are saved in a RDS file. The anaysis can have been
#' done on the observed or shuffled dataset.
#' Each permutation is saved using its identifiant in the file name.
#' @param outputDir a string of \code{character}, the name of the directory
#' that will contain
#' the results of the permutation. The name should end with a slash. The
#' directory should already exists.
#' @param permutationID an \code{integer}, the identifiant of the permutation.
#' When the \code{permutationID} = \code{0}, the results are considered as the
#' observed results and are saved in a file with the "_observed_results.RDS"
#' extension. When the \code{permutationID} != \code{0}, the results are
#' considered as permutation results and are saved in a file with the
#' "_permutation_{permutationID}.RDS" extension.
#' @param type One of the \code{"sites"} or \code{"tiles"} strings. Specifies
#' the type of differentially methylated elements should be saved.
#' Default: \code{"sites"}.
#' @param interGenerationResult a \code{list} that corresponds to the output
#' of the \code{interGeneration} function, the result of on CpG site or tile
#' analysis on all generations.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load permutation results on sites
#' permutationResultsFile <- system.file("extdata",
#'     "permutationResultsForSites.RDS", package="methylInheritance")
#' permutationResults <- readRDS(permutationResultsFile)
#' ## Transform result to GRanges
#' resultsGR <- methylInheritance:::getGRangesFromMethylDiff(methDiff =
#'     permutationResults, pDiff = 10, qvalue = 0.01, type = "hyper")
#' ## Extract inter-generationally conserved sites
#' interGenerationResult <- methylInheritance:::interGeneration(resultsGR)
#' ## Create directories
#' dir.create("TEST", showWarnings = TRUE)
#' dir.create("TEST/SITES", showWarnings = TRUE)
#' ## Save results
#' methylInheritance:::saveInterGenerationResults(
#'     outputDir = "TEST/", permutationID=100, type = "sites",
#'     interGenerationResult = interGenerationResult)
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Pascal Belleau
#' @keywords internal
saveInterGenerationResults <- function(outputDir, permutationID,
                                        type = c("sites", "tiles"),
                                        interGenerationResult) {

    if (permutationID != 0) {
        ## Save the permutation results
        saveRDS(object = interGenerationResult,
                file = paste0(outputDir,  toupper(type), "/",
                        toupper(type), "_permutation_", permutationID, ".RDS"))
    } else {
        ## Save the observed results
        saveRDS(object = interGenerationResult,
                    file = paste0(outputDir, toupper(type), "/",
                        toupper(type), "_observed_results.RDS"))


#' @title Verify if a specific file containing intergenerational results
#' exists or not.
#' @description Verify if a specific file containing intergenerational results
#' exists or not.
#' @param outputDir a string of \code{character}, the name of the directory
#' that will contain
#' the results of the permutation. The name should end with a slash. The
#' directory should already exists.
#' @param permutationID an \code{integer}, the identifiant of the permutation.
#' When the \code{permutationID} = \code{0}, the results are considered as the
#' observed results and are saved in a file with the "_observed_results.RDS"
#' extension. When the \code{permutationID} != \code{0}, the results are
#' considered as permutation results and are saved in a file with the
#' "_permutation_{permutationID}.RDS" extension.
#' @param type One of the \code{"sites"} or \code{"tiles"} strings. Specifies
#' the type of differentially methylated elements should be saved.
#' Default: \code{"sites"}.
#' @return \code{TRUE} when file present; otherwise \code{FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' ## Get the name of the directory where the file is stored
#' filesDir <- system.file("extdata", "TEST", package="methylInheritance")
#' ## Verify that DMS intergenerational results for the observed data exists
#' methylInheritance:::isInterGenerationResults(outputDir =
#'     paste0(filesDir, "/"), 0, "sites")
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Pascal Belleau
#' @keywords internal
isInterGenerationResults <- function(outputDir, permutationID,
                                        type = c("sites", "tiles")) {

    if (permutationID != 0) {
        result <- file.exists(paste0(outputDir,  toupper(type), "/",
                        toupper(type), "_permutation_", permutationID, ".RDS"))
    } else {
        result <- file.exists(paste0(outputDir, toupper(type), "/",
                                    toupper(type), "_observed_results.RDS"))


#' @title Read and return intergenerational results contained in a
#' RDS file
#' @description Read and return intergenerational results contained in a
#' RDS file
#' @param outputDir a string of \code{character}, the name of the directory
#' that will contain
#' the results of the permutation. The name should end with a slash. The
#' directory should already exists.
#' @param permutationID an \code{integer}, the identifiant of the permutation.
#' When the \code{permutationID} = \code{0}, the results are considered as the
#' observed results and are saved in a file with the "_observed_results.RDS"
#' extension. When the \code{permutationID} != \code{0}, the results are
#' considered as permutation results and are saved in a file with the
#' "_permutation_{permutationID}.RDS" extension.
#' @param type One of the \code{"sites"} or \code{"tiles"} strings. Specifies
#' the type of differentially methylated elements should be saved.
#' Default: \code{"sites"}.
#' @return a \code{list} containing the intergenerational results for the
#' specified permutation.
#' @examples
#' ## Get the name of the directory where the file is stored
#' filesDir <- system.file("extdata", "TEST", package="methylInheritance")
#' ## Read DMS intergenerational results for the observed data
#' methylInheritance:::readInterGenerationResults(outputDir =
#'     paste0(filesDir, "/"), 0, "sites")
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Pascal Belleau
#' @keywords internal
readInterGenerationResults <- function(outputDir, permutationID,
                                        type = c("sites", "tiles")) {

    if (permutationID != 0) {
        result <- readRDS(file = paste0(outputDir,  toupper(type), "/",
                    toupper(type), "_permutation_", permutationID, ".RDS"))
    } else {
        result <- readRDS(file = paste0(outputDir, toupper(type), "/",
                                    toupper(type), "_observed_results.RDS"))


#' @title Extract the number of conserved differentially methylated
#' elements in \code{GRanges}.
#' @description Extract the number of conserved differentially methylated
#' elements in \code{GRanges}. Each \code{GRanges}
#' is the result of one intersection between two or more consecutive
#' generations for one analysis done on all generations.
#' The hypo and hyper differentially methylated elements are counted
#' separatly.
#' @param interGenerationGR a \code{list} that contains the information for
#' all differentially methylated analysis done on each generation present in
#' the initial dataset. The \code{list} must contain the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{i2} a \code{list} of \code{GRanges} Each
#' \code{GRanges} represents the intersection of analysis results between two
#' consecutive generations. The first element represents the intersection
#' of the
#' first and second generations; the second element, the intersection of
#' the second and third generations; etc.. The number of entries depends
#' of the number of generations.
#' \item\code{iAll} a \code{list} of \code{GRanges}. Each \code{GRanges}
#' represents the intersection fo the analysis results between three or more
#' consecutive generations. The first element represents the
#' intersection of the first
#' three generations; the second element, the intersection of the first fourth
#' generations; etc..The number of entries depends of the number
#' of generations.
#' }
#' @return a \code{list} containing the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{i2} a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{HYPER} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hyper differentially methylated sites between two consecutive generations.
#' The first element represents the intersection of the first and second
#' generations; the second element, the intersection of the second and third
#' generations; etc..
#' \item \code{HYPO} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hypo differentially methylated sites between two consecutive generations.The
#' first element represents the intersection of the first and second
#' generations; the second element, the intersection of the second and third
#' generations; etc..
#' }
#' \item\code{iAll} a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'\item \code{HYPER} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hyper differentially methylated sites between three or more consecutive
#' generations. The first element represents the intersection of the first
#' three generations; the second element, the intersection of the first fourth
#' generations; etc..The number of entries depends of the number
#' of generations.
#' \item \code{HYPO} a \code{list} of \code{integer}, the number of conserved
#' hypo differentially methylated sites between three or more consecutive
#' generations. The first element represents the intersection of the first
#' three generations; the second element, the intersection of the first fourth
#' generations; etc..The number of entries depends of the number of
#' generations.
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Get the name of the directory where the file is stored
#' filesDir <- system.file("extdata", "TEST", package="methylInheritance")
#' ## Load file containing results from a observation analysis
#' obsResults <- readRDS(file = paste0(filesDir,
#'     "/SITES/SITES_observed_results.RDS"))
#' ## Create data structure using information form the observation analysis
#' formatedResults <- methylInheritance:::createDataStructure(obsResults)
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Pascal Belleau
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width
#' @keywords internal
createDataStructure <- function(interGenerationGR) {

    result <- list()
    result[["i2"]] <- list()
    result[["i2"]][["HYPER"]] <- list()
    result[["i2"]][["HYPO"]]  <- list()
    result[["iAll"]][["HYPER"]]  <- list()
    result[["iAll"]][["HYPO"]]   <- list()
    result[["i2"]][["HYPER"]] <- lapply(interGenerationGR$i2,
                        FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff > 0]))})
    result[["i2"]][["HYPO"]]  <- lapply(interGenerationGR$i2,
                        FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff < 0]))})
    result[["iAll"]][["HYPER"]] <- lapply(interGenerationGR$iAll,
                        FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff > 0]))})
    result[["iAll"]][["HYPO"]]  <- lapply(interGenerationGR$iAll,
                        FUN = function(x) {sum(width(x[x$typeDiff < 0]))})


#' @title Permute dataset
#' @description Permute dataset and format it to be ready for an analysis
#' @param methylKitData a \code{list} of \code{methylRawList} entries. Each
#' \code{methylRawList} entry must contain all the \code{methylRaw} entries
#' related to one generation (first entry = first generation, second
#' entry = second generation, etc..). The number of generations must
#' correspond to the number
#' of entries in the \code{methylKitData}. At least 2 generations
#' must be present to make a permutation analysis. More information can be
#' found in the methylKit package.
#' @return a \code{list} of \code{methylRawList} entries.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data("samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis")
#' methylInheritance:::formatInputMethylData(samplesForTransgenerationalAnalysis)
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Pascal Belleau
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @keywords internal
formatInputMethylData <- function(methylKitData) {

    ## Extract information
    nbGenerations <- length(methylKitData)
    nbSamplesByGeneration <- sapply(methylKitData, length)
    nbSamples  <- sum(nbSamplesByGeneration)
    allSamples <- unlist(methylKitData, recursive = FALSE)

    ## Random sample
    permutationSample <- sample(seq_len(nbSamples))

    ## Create list that will contain information for all generations
    ## related to the same permutation analysis
    permutationList <- list()
    start <- 1
    for (j in 1:nbGenerations) {
        end <- start + nbSamplesByGeneration[j] - 1
        samplePos <- permutationSample[start:end]
        treatment <- methylKitData[[j]]@treatment
        newSampleList <- new("methylRawList", allSamples[samplePos],
                                treatment = treatment)
        permutationList[[j]] <- newSampleList
        start <- end + 1


#' @title Calculate significant level for hypo and hyper conserved elements
#' @description  Calculate significant level for hypo and hyper conserved
#' elements using permutation results as well as observed results
#' @param formatForGraphDataFrame a \code{data.frame} containing the
#' observation results (using real
#' data) and the permutation results (using shuffled data). Both hyper and
#' hypo differentially conserved methylation results must be present. The
#' \code{data.frame} must have 3 columns : "TYPE", "RESULT" and "SOURCE".
#' The "TYPE" can be either "HYPER" or "HYPO". The "RESULT" is the number
#' of conserved differentially elements. The "SOURCE" can be either
#' @return a list containing two elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{HYPER} a \code{double}, the significant level for the
#' hyper differentially methylated conserved elements
#' \item \code{HYPO} a \code{double}, the significant level for the
#' hypo differentially methylated conserved elements
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Loading dataset containing all results
#' data(methylInheritanceResults)
#' ## Extract information for the intersection between conserved differentially
#' ## methylated sites (type = sites) between the intersection of 2
#' ## generations (inter = i2): F2 and F3 (position = 2)
#' info <- extractInfo(allResults = methylInheritanceResults,
#'     type = "sites", inter="i2", 2)
#' ## Create graph
#' methylInheritance:::calculateSignificantLevel(info)
#' @author Astrid Deschenes, Pascal Belleau
#' @export
calculateSignificantLevel <- function(formatForGraphDataFrame) {

    ## Observed results
    observedData <- subset(formatForGraphDataFrame,
                        formatForGraphDataFrame$SOURCE == "OBSERVATION")

    ## HYPO results
    hypoDataSet <- subset(formatForGraphDataFrame,
                        formatForGraphDataFrame$TYPE == "HYPO")
    hypoTotal <- as.double(nrow(hypoDataSet))
    hypoNumber <- observedData[observedData$TYPE == "HYPO",]$RESULT
    signifLevelHypo <- nrow(subset(hypoDataSet,
                        hypoDataSet$RESULT >= hypoNumber))/hypoTotal

    ## HYPER results
    hyperDataSet <- subset(formatForGraphDataFrame,
                        formatForGraphDataFrame$TYPE == "HYPER")
    hyperTotal <- as.double(nrow(hyperDataSet))
    hyperNumber <- observedData[observedData$TYPE == "HYPER",]$RESULT
    signifLevelHyper <- nrow(subset(hyperDataSet,
                    hyperDataSet$RESULT >= hyperNumber))/hyperTotal

    return(list(HYPER=signifLevelHyper, HYPO=signifLevelHypo))

createDataFrameFromOneResult <- function(oneResult, type=c("sites", "tiles",
                            source=c("OBSERVATION", "PERMUTATION"))) {

    if (type == "sites") {
        tt <- unlist(oneResult$SITES)
    } else {
        tt <- unlist(oneResult$TILES)

    tt.names <- sapply(names(tt), function(x) {strsplit(x, "[.]")})
    tt.analysis <- sapply(tt.names, function(x) {return(x[[1]])})
    tt.types <- sapply(tt.names, function(x) {return(x[[2]])})

    result <- data.frame(SOURCE=rep(source, length(tt)),
                    ELEMENT = rep(toupper(type), length(tt)),
                    ANALYSIS = tt.analysis, TYPE = tt.types,
                    RESULT=tt, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)


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methylInheritance documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:21 p.m.