barplotSignifSignatures-methods: Methods for Function barplotSignifSignatures in Package...

Description Methods


Methods for function barplotSignifSignatures in Package ‘phenoTest’. For more information read the function's manual.


signature(x = "epheno", signatures = "character")

Method for an epheno object and one signature stored in an object of class character.

signature(x = "epheno", signatures = "list")

Method for an epheno object and several signatures stored in an object of class list.

signature(x = "epheno", signatures = "GeneSet")

Method for an epheno object and one signature stored in an object of class GeneSet.

signature(x = "epheno", signatures = "GeneSetCollection")

Method for an epheno object and several signatures stored in an object of class GeneSetCollection.

phenoTest documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:53 p.m.