
Defines functions get_parent_params process_argnames get_processed_argnames seurat_extractfield make_apotc_command get_command_name find_seurat_command log_seurat_command

# script for the function to add the APOTC command records to seurat objects
# Is copied from SeuratObject R/command.R script, under the MIT license

log_seurat_command <- function(
    seurat_obj, command_obj, id = NULL
) {
    seurat_obj@commands[[get_command_name(command_obj, id)]] <- command_obj

find_seurat_command <- function(seurat_obj, func_name, id = NULL) {
    seurat_obj@commands[[get_command_name(func_name, id)]]

.commandIdSepStr = "."

get_command_name <- function(command, id = NULL) {
    command_name <- ifelse(
        test = is.character(command),
        yes = command,
        no = command@name

        test = is.null(id),
        yes = command_name,
        no = paste(command_name, id, sep = .commandIdSepStr)

# function to create the seurat command
# almost identical to seurat version except only data.frame's names are saved in
# params and assay.used is only "RNA"
# NOTE: the clone_scale_factor will always be its actual value even if it was
# originally "auto" during the input.
make_apotc_command <- function(call_time, assay = "RNA") {
    if (as.character(x = sys.calls()[[1]])[1] == "do.call") {
        call_string <- deparse(expr = sys.calls()[[1]])
        command_name <- as.character(x = sys.calls()[[1]])[2]
    } else {
        command_name <- as.character(
            x = deparse(expr = sys.calls()[[sys.nframe() - 1]])
        command_name <- gsub(
            pattern = "\\.Seurat",
            replacement = "",
            x = command_name
        call_string <- command_name
        command_name <- seurat_extractfield(
            string = command_name,
            field = 1,
            delim = "\\("

    # return the command object
        Class = 'SeuratCommand',
        name = command_name,
        params = get_parent_params(),
        time.stamp = call_time,
        call.string = call_string,
        assay.used = assay

seurat_extractfield <- function(string, field = 1, delim = "_") {
    fields <- as.numeric(
        x = unlist(x = strsplit(x = as.character(x = field), split = ","))
    if (length(x = fields) == 1) {
        return(strsplit(x = string, split = delim)[[1]][field])
        strsplit(x = string, split = delim)[[1]][fields], collapse = delim

# function to be used within another parent function, extracting the arguments
# to the parent function and returning it as a named list, while also allowing
# filtering out of certain object types to save memory

get_processed_argnames <- function(n = 2) {
        names(formals(fun = sys.function(which = sys.parent(n = n + 1))))

process_argnames <- function(argnames) {
    argnames <- grep(
        pattern = "object",
        x = argnames,
        invert = TRUE,
        value = TRUE
    argnames <- grep(
        pattern = "anchorset",
        x = argnames,
        invert = TRUE,
        value = TRUE
    argnames <- grep(
        pattern = "\\.\\.\\.",
        x = argnames,
        invert = TRUE,
        value = TRUE

get_parent_params <- function(
    n = 2,
    excluded_types = c("Seurat"),
    only_named_types = c("data.frame", "data.table", "list")
) {
    argnames <- get_processed_argnames(n)

    params <- list()
    p.env <- parent.frame(n = n)
    argnames <- intersect(x = argnames, y = ls(name = p.env))
    for (arg in argnames) {
        param_value <- get(x = arg, envir = p.env)

        is_excluded_type <- FALSE
        for (obj_type in excluded_types) {
            if (inherits(param_value, obj_type)) {
                is_excluded_type <- TRUE
        if (is_excluded_type) {next}

        for (obj_type in only_named_types) {
            if (inherits(param_value, obj_type)) {
                param_value <- names(param_value)
        params[[arg]] <- param_value

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APackOfTheClones documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:05 a.m.