#' VAR: Estimation
#' @description Estimate VAR(1) models by efficiently sampling from the posterior distribution. This
#' provides two graphical structures: (1) a network of undirected relations (the GGM, controlling for the
#' lagged predictors) and (2) a network of directed relations (the lagged coefficients). Note that
#' in the graphical modeling literature, this model is also known as a time series chain graphical model
#' \insertCite{abegaz2013sparse}{BGGM}.
#' @name var_estimate
#' @param Y Matrix (or data frame) of dimensions \emph{n} (observations) by \emph{p} (variables).
#' @param rho_sd Numeric. Scale of the prior distribution for the partial correlations,
#' approximately the standard deviation of a beta distribution
#' (defaults to sqrt(1/3) as this results to delta = 2, and a uniform distribution across the partial correlations).
#' @param beta_sd Numeric. Standard deviation of the prior distribution for the regression coefficients
#' (defaults to 1). The prior is by default centered at zero and follows a normal distribution
#' \insertCite{@Equation 9, @sinay2014bayesian}{BGGM}
#' @param iter Number of iterations (posterior samples; defaults to 5000).
#' @param progress Logical. Should a progress bar be included (defaults to \code{TRUE}) ?
#' @param seed An integer for the random seed (defaults to 1).
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @details Each time series in \code{Y} is standardized (mean = 0; standard deviation = 1).
#' @note
#' \strong{Regularization}:
#' A Bayesian ridge regression can be fitted by decreasing \code{beta_sd}
#' (e.g., \code{beta_sd = 0.25}). This could be advantageous for forecasting
#' (out-of-sample prediction) in particular.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @return An object of class \code{var_estimate} containing a lot of information that is
#' used for printing and plotting the results. For users of \strong{BGGM}, the following are the
#' useful objects:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{beta_mu} A matrix including the regression coefficients (posterior mean).
#' \item \code{pcor_mu} Partial correlation matrix (posterior mean).
#' \item \code{fit} A list including the posterior samples.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # data
#' Y <- subset(ifit, id == 1)[,-1]
#' # use alias (var_estimate also works)
#' fit <- var_estimate(Y, progress = FALSE)
#' fit
#' }
#' @export
var_estimate <- function(Y,
rho_sd = sqrt(1/3),
beta_sd = 1,
iter = 5000,
progress = TRUE,
seed = NULL,
...) {
## Random seed unless user provided
if(!is.null(seed) ) {
## Check for constant values in variables:
if( sum(apply(Y, 2, FUN = function(x) sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)) == 0) > 0 ) {
pos <- which(apply(Y, 2, FUN = function(x) sd(x)) == 0)
insult <- names(Y)[pos]
cat("\nThe variable(s):",insult, "contain(s) only constant values. Please remove and re-run.\n\n")
Y <- scale(na.omit(Y))
# number of nodes
p <- ncol(Y)
# number of obs
n <- nrow(Y)
# Y lagged: add NA
Y_lag <- rbind(NA, Y)
# Y lagged: column names
colnames(Y_lag) <- paste0(colnames(Y), ".l1")
# combine all data
Y_all <- na.omit(, NA), Y_lag))
# nodes in GGM
Y <- as.matrix(Y_all[,1:p])
# predictors (lagged effects)
X <- as.matrix(Y_all[,(p+1):(p*2)])
# delta: rho ~ beta(delta/2, delta/2)
delta <- delta_solve(rho_sd)
# prior variance
beta_var <- beta_sd^2
message(paste0("BGGM: Posterior Sampling "))
fit <-.Call(
Y = as.matrix(Y),
X = as.matrix(X),
delta = delta,
epsilon = 0.001,
beta_prior = diag(p) * (1 / beta_var),
iter = iter + 50,
start = solve(cor(Y)),
progress = progress
message("BGGM: Finished")
pcor_mu <- round(
apply(fit$pcors[,,51:(iter + 50)], 1:2, mean),
digits = 3)
beta_mu <- round(
apply(fit$beta[,,51:(iter + 50)], 1:2, mean),
digits = 3)
colnames(pcor_mu) <- colnames(Y)
rownames(pcor_mu) <- colnames(Y)
colnames(beta_mu) <- colnames(Y)
row.names(beta_mu) <- colnames(X)
returned_object <- list(fit = fit,
iter = iter,
beta_mu = beta_mu,
pcor_mu = pcor_mu,
p = p,
n = n,
Y = Y,
X = X,
call =
# removed per CRAN (8/12/21)
#.Random.seed <<- old
class(returned_object) <- c("BGGM",
print_var_estimate <- function(x, ...){
cat("BGGM: Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Models \n")
cat("--- \n")
cat("Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) \n")
cat("--- \n")
# number of iterations
cat("Posterior Samples:", x$iter, "\n")
# number of observations
cat("Observations (n):", x$n,"\n")
# number of variables
cat("Nodes (p):", x$p, "\n")
# number of edges
cat("--- \n")
cat("Call: \n")
cat("--- \n")
cat("Partial Correlations: \n\n")
cat("--- \n")
cat("Coefficients: \n\n")
cat("--- \n")
cat("Date:", date(), "\n")
#' @title Summary Method for \code{var_estimate} Objects
#' @name summary.var_estimate
#' @description Summarize the posterior distribution of each partial correlation
#' and regression coefficient with the posterior mean, standard deviation, and
#' credible intervals.
#' @param object An object of class \code{var_estimate}
#' @param cred Numeric. The credible interval width for summarizing the posterior
#' distributions (defaults to 0.95; must be between 0 and 1).
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @seealso \code{\link{var_estimate}}
#' @return A dataframe containing the summarized posterior distributions,
#' including both the partial correlations and the regression coefficients.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{pcor_results} A data frame including the summarized partial correlations
#' \item \code{beta_results} A list containing the summarized regression coefficients (one
#' data frame for each outcome)
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # data
#' Y <- subset(ifit, id == 1)[,-1]
#' # fit model with alias (var_estimate also works)
#' fit <- var_estimate(Y, progress = FALSE)
#' # summary ('pcor')
#' print(
#' summary(fit, cred = 0.95),
#' param = "pcor",
#' )
#' # summary ('beta')
#' print(
#' summary(fit, cred = 0.95),
#' param = "beta",
#' )
#' }
#' @export
summary.var_estimate <- function(object,
cred = 0.95,
# nodes
p <- object$p
# identity matrix
I_p <- diag(p)
# lower bound
lb <- (1 - cred) / 2
# upper bound
ub <- 1 - lb
# column names
cn <- colnames(object$Y)
mat_names <- sapply(1:p , function(x) paste(1:p, x, sep = "--"))[upper.tri(I_p)]
} else {
mat_names <- sapply(cn , function(x) paste(cn, x, sep = "--"))[upper.tri(I_p)]
pcor_mean <- round(
apply(object$fit$pcors[, , 51:(object$iter + 50)], 1:2, mean),
pcor_sd <- round(
apply(object$fit$pcors[,, 51:(object$iter + 50) ], 1:2, sd),
digits = 3)[upper.tri(I_p)]
pcor_lb <- round(
apply( object$fit$pcors[,, 51:(object$iter + 50) ], 1:2, quantile, lb),
digits = 3)[upper.tri(I_p)]
pcor_ub <- round(
apply(object$fit$pcors[,, 51:(object$iter + 50) ], 1:2, quantile, ub),
digits = 3)[upper.tri(I_p)]
beta_mean <- round(
apply(object$fit$beta[,, 51:(object$iter + 50) ], 1:2, mean),
digits = 3)
beta_sd <- round(
apply(object$fit$beta[,, 51:(object$iter + 50) ], 1:2, sd),
digits = 3)
beta_lb <- round(
apply( object$fit$beta[,, 51:(object$iter + 50) ], 1:2, quantile, lb),
digits = 3)
beta_ub <- round(
apply(object$fit$beta[,, 51:(object$iter + 50) ], 1:2, quantile, ub),
digits = 3)
pcor_results <-
relation = mat_names,
post_mean = pcor_mean,
post_sd = pcor_sd,
post_lb = pcor_lb,
post_ub = pcor_ub
colnames(pcor_results) <- c(
beta_results <-
lapply(1:p, function (x) {
res_p <- data.frame(
relation = colnames(object$X),
post_mean = beta_mean[, x],
post_sd = beta_sd[, x],
post_lb = beta_lb[, x],
post_ub = beta_ub[, x]
colnames(res_p) <- c("Relation",
names(beta_results) <- colnames(object$Y)
returned_object <- list(pcor_results = pcor_results,
beta_results = beta_results)
class(returned_object) <- c("BGGM",
print_summary_var_estimate <- function(x, param = "all", ...){
p <- nrow(x$beta_results[[1]])
cn <- gsub("\\..*","" , x$beta_results[[1]]$Relation)
cat("BGGM: Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Models \n")
cat("--- \n")
cat("Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) \n")
cat("--- \n")
if(param == "all" | param == "pcor"){
cat("Partial Correlations: \n\n")
print(x$pcor_results, row.names = FALSE)
cat("--- \n\n")
if(param == "all" | param == "beta") {
cat("Coefficients: \n\n")
for (i in seq_len(p)) {
# print outcome
cat(paste0(cn[i], " \n\n"))
# coefs for node i
coef_i <- x$beta_results[[i]]
# predictor names
# colnames(coef_i) <- cn[-i]
# print coefs
print(coef_i, row.names = FALSE)
#' Plot \code{summary.var_estimate} Objects
#' @description Visualize the posterior distributions of each partial correlation and
#' regression coefficient.
#' @param x An object of class \code{summary.var_estimate}
#' @param color Character string. The color for the error bars.
#' (defaults to \code{"black"}).
#' @param size Numeric. The size for the points (defaults to \code{2}).
#' @param width Numeric. The width of error bar ends (defaults to \code{0}).
#' @param param Character string. Which parameters should be plotted ? The options
#' are \code{pcor}, \code{beta}, or \code{all} (default).
#' @param order Logical. Should the relations be ordered by size (defaults to \code{TRUE}) ?
#' @param ... Currently ignored
#' @return A list of \code{ggplot} objects.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # data
#' Y <- subset(ifit, id == 1)[,-1]
#' # fit model with alias (var_estimate also works)
#' fit <- var_estimate(Y, progress = FALSE)
#' plts <- plot(summary(fit))
#' plts$pcor_plt
#' }
#' @export
plot.summary.var_estimate <- function(x,
color = "black",
size = 2,
width = 0,
param = "all",
order = TRUE,
if(param == "all" |
param == "pcor"){
dat_temp <- x$pcor_results
dat_temp <- dat_temp[order(dat_temp$Post.mean,
decreasing = FALSE), ]
dat_temp$Relation <-
levels = dat_temp$Relation,
labels = dat_temp$Relation)
pcor_plt <- ggplot(dat_temp,
aes(x = Relation,
y = Post.mean)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = dat_temp[, 4],
ymin = dat_temp[, 5]),
width = width,
color = color) +
geom_point(size = size) +
xlab("Index") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(
angle = 90,
vjust = 0.5,
hjust = 1
)) +
ggtitle("Partial Correlations")
if(param == "pcor"){
beta_plt <- NULL
if (param == "all" | param == "beta") {
cn <- names(x$beta_results)
p <- nrow(x$beta_results[[1]])
beta_plt <- lapply(1:p, function(i) {
dat_temp <- x$beta_results[[i]]
dat_temp <- dat_temp[order(dat_temp$Post.mean,
decreasing = FALSE),]
dat_temp$Relation <-
levels = dat_temp$Relation,
labels = dat_temp$Relation)
aes(x = Relation,
y = Post.mean)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = dat_temp[, 4],
ymin = dat_temp[, 5]),
width = width,
color = color) +
geom_point(size = size) +
xlab("Index") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(
angle = 90,
vjust = 0.5,
hjust = 1
)) +
ggtitle(paste0("Coefficients: ", cn[i]))
names(beta_plt) <- cn
if (param == "beta") {
pcor_plt <- NULL
list(pcor_plt = pcor_plt, beta_plt = beta_plt)
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