## File Name: itemfit.sx2.R
## File Version: 3.251
#*** Item fit according to the S-X^2 statistic
#*** Orlando & Thissen (2000, 2003)
itemfit.sx2 <- function( object, Eik_min=1, progress=TRUE )
mod <- object
# object of class gdm
if ( inherits(mod,"gdm") ){
if ( dim( mod$n.ik)[4] > 1){
stop("Only applicable in One-group case!")
pi.k <- mod$pi.k[,1]
pjk <- mod$pjk
data <- mod$data
I <- ncol(data)
if ( mod$irtmodel=="1PL" ){ npars <- rep( 1, I ) }
if ( mod$irtmodel=="2PL" ){ npars <- rep( 2, I ) }
#--- object of class smirt (sirt)
if ( inherits(mod,"smirt") ){
pi.k <- mod$pi.k[,1]
pjk <- aperm( mod$probs, c(3,1,2) )
D <- ncol( object$Qmatrix )
dimQ <- dim(object$Qmatrix)
Qmatrix <- matrix( object$Qmatrix, nrow=dimQ[1], ncol=dimQ[2] )
irtmodel <- object$irtmodel
if ( is.null( mod$se.a ) ){
if (irtmodel=="noncomp"){
npars <- rowSums(Qmatrix)
if (irtmodel !="noncomp"){
npars <- 1+0*rowSums(Qmatrix)
if ( ! is.null( mod$se.a ) ){
if (irtmodel=="noncomp"){
npars <- 2*rowSums(Qmatrix)
if (irtmodel !="noncomp"){
npars <- 1+rowSums(Qmatrix)
data <- mod$dat
#--- rasch.mml (in sirt)
if ( inherits(object,"rasch.mml") ){
pi.k <- object$trait.distr[,2]
pjk0 <- object$pjk
pjk <- array( 0, dim=c( dim(pjk0), 2 ) )
pjk[,,2] <- pjk0
pjk[,,1] <- 1 - pjk0
data <- object$dat
npars <- 1*( object$item$est.a > 0 ) + 1*( object$item$est.b > 0 ) +
1*( object$item$est.c > 0 ) + 1*( object$item$est.d > 0 )
#--- din (in CDM)
if (inherits(object,"din") ){
data <- object$data
pi.k <- object$attribute.patt$class.prob
pjk <- aperm( object$pjk, c(3,1,2) )
npars <- rep(2,ncol(data))
#--- gdina (in CDM)
if (inherits(object,"gdina") ){
data <- object$data
pi.k <- object$attribute.patt$class.prob
pjk <- aperm( object$pjk, c(3,1,2) )
npars <- unlist( lapply( object$delta, FUN=function(ll){ length(ll) } ) )
#--- tam.mml (in TAM)
if (inherits(object,"tam.mml")){
data <- object$resp
I <- ncol(data)
pi.k <- object$pi.k
if ( is.matrix(pi.k) ){
if (ncol(pi.k) > 1){
cat("Used first group for assessment of fit.\n")
pi.k <- pi.k[,1]
pjk <- aperm( object$rprobs, c(3,1,2) )
npars <- rep(1,I)
if ( object$irtmodel=="2PL"){ npars <- rep(2,I) }
#--- data preparation
I <- ncol(data)
sumscore <- rowSums( data )
N <- nrow(data)
P1 <- pjk[,,2]
Q1 <- pjk[,,1]
pi.kI <- matrix( pi.k, nrow=dim(pjk)[1], ncol=dim(pjk)[2]+1 )
# check input data
if ( sum( ) > 0 ){ stop("No missing responses are allowed!") }
if ( max(data) > 1 ){ stop("Only dichotomous responses are allowed!") }
# distribution sum scores
sumscore.distribution <- sapply( 0:I, FUN=function(ss){ sum( sumscore==ss) } )
# score distribution
scoredistribution <- itemfit_sx2_calc_scoredistribution_R( pjk=pjk )
itemtable <- NULL
itemfit.stat <- data.frame( "item"=colnames(data), "itemindex"=1:I )
if (progress){
i3 <- c(1,diff( floor( 10 * ( 1:I )/ (I+1) )+1 ))
cat( paste0( "|", paste0( rep("*", 10), collapse=""), "|\n|") )
# calculate fit for item ii
eps <- 1E-10
for (ii in 1:I){
res <- itemfit_sx2_calc_itemfit_oneitem( ii=ii, pjk=pjk, pi.k=pi.k, P1=P1, I=I,
Eik_min=Eik_min, sumscore.distribution=sumscore.distribution,
scoredistribution=scoredistribution, data=data, sumscore=sumscore )
itemtable <- rbind( itemtable, res$table2.ii )
r1 <- res$table2.ii
itemfit.stat[ ii, "S-X2" ] <- sum( r1$Nik * ( r1$oik - r1$eik )^2 / ( r1$eik * ( 1 - r1$eik) + eps ) )
itemfit.stat[ ii, "df" ] <- nrow(r1) - npars[ii]
itemfit.stat[ii,"p"] <- 1 - stats::pchisq( itemfit.stat[ ii, "S-X2" ], df=itemfit.stat[ ii, "df" ] )
itemfit.stat[ ii, "S-X2_df" ] <- itemfit.stat[ ii, "S-X2" ] / itemfit.stat[ ii, "df" ]
xg <- itemfit.stat[ ii, "S-X2" ] - itemfit.stat[ ii, "df" ]
itemfit.stat[ ii, "RMSEA" ] <- sqrt( ( ifelse( xg > 0, xg, 0 ) ) / ( N - 1) / itemfit.stat[ ii, "df" ] )
itemfit.stat[ii,"Nscgr"] <- nrow(r1)
itemfit.stat[ii,"Npars"] <- npars[ii]
if (progress){ if (i3[ii]==1 ){ cat("-") ; utils::flush.console() } }
if (progress){ cat("|\n") }
itemfit.stat[,"p.holm"] <- stats::p.adjust( itemfit.stat[,"p"], method="holm")
res <- list( "itemfit.stat"=itemfit.stat, "itemtable"=itemtable, "I"=I )
class(res) <- "itemfit.sx2"
# summary of item fit
summary.itemfit.sx2 <- function(object,...)
itemfit.stat <- object$itemfit.stat
i1 <- itemfit.stat
i1[,-1] <- round( itemfit.stat[,-1], 3 )
cat("Please check degrees of freedom (number of estimated paramters) carefully!\n")
cat("They are maybe not correctly calculated.\n")
cat("****** df=Nscgr - Npars ******* \n\n")
cat("\n-- Average Item Fit Statistics --\n")
cat( paste0( "S-X2=", round( mean( itemfit.stat[,"S-X2"] ), 3 ) ) )
cat( paste0( " | S-X2_df=", round( mean( itemfit.stat[,"S-X2_df"] ), 3 ) ), "\n")
plot.itemfit.sx2 <- function(x,ask=TRUE,...)
object <- x
itemtable <- object$itemtable
itemfit.stat <- object$itemfit.stat
I <- object$I
# loop over all items
for (ii in 1:I){
descii <- itemfit.stat[ ii, ]
title.ii <- paste0( "Item ", descii$item, " | S-X2(df=", descii$df, ")=", round( descii[, "S-X2"], 3),
", p=", round( descii$p,3), "\n S-X2/df=", round( descii[,"S-X2_df"], 3 ),
" | RMSEA=", round( descii[,"RMSEA"], 3 ) )
itemtable.ii <- itemtable[ itemtable$itemindex==ii, ]
graphics::plot( itemtable.ii$score, itemtable.ii$oik, xlim=c(1,I-1), ylim=c(0,1),
type="o", pch=16, xlab="Score group", ylab="Observed and expected frequency",
graphics::lines( itemtable.ii$score, itemtable.ii$eik, lty=2, lwd=2)
graphics::legend( 1, 1, c("Observed frequency", "Expected frequency" ), pch=c(16,NA),
lty=1:2, lwd=c(1,2) )
graphics::par( ask=ask)
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