
Defines functions CombDM print.summary.DiveMaster summary.DiveMaster print.DiveMaster DiveMaster MultipleScoring CombineCriteria print.summary.ScoreSingleMod summary.ScoreSingleMod print.ScoreSingleMod ScoreSingleMod SingleModScore GeoMean BBprop Bfunprop BinFunk BinFunkSingleNumber IsWholeNumber plot.FitSingleMod print.summary.FitSingleMod summary.FitSingleMod print.FitSingleMod FitSingleMod FitAllSubs FitSample IsSlowing IsMonotonic MSRcurves RefArea Simm Crossings SingleVar CombinedFit LocalFit GlobalFit ConvertRanges ModelCostAbs ModelCost PredDiv Curvature DivSubsamples_Nested print.summary.DivSubsamples summary.DivSubsamples print.DivSubsamples DivSubsamples GenRarefacDiv DivCount GenRarefacLengths DivSampleNum GenSubsampLengths FormatInput

Documented in CombDM Curvature DiveMaster DivSampleNum DivSubsamples FitSingleMod plot.FitSingleMod print.DiveMaster print.DivSubsamples print.FitSingleMod print.ScoreSingleMod print.summary.DiveMaster print.summary.DivSubsamples print.summary.FitSingleMod print.summary.ScoreSingleMod ScoreSingleMod summary.DiveMaster summary.DivSubsamples summary.FitSingleMod summary.ScoreSingleMod

# DivE - Diversity Estimator
# Authors: Daniel Laydon, Aaron Sim, Charles Bangham, Becca Asquith
# Date: 03 Feb 2020
# Version: 1.2
# Contents:
#     1. Other functions
#     2a-2b. Subsample sizes generation functions
#     3a-3h. Rarefaction and diversity data generation functions (incl. summary)
#     4a.    Curvature function
#     1a-1n. Supporting fitting functions
#     2a-2b. Fitting functions
#     3a-3e. Fitting output functions (incl. summary)
#     1a-1f. Rounding functions
#     2a.    Scoring single model 
#     3a-3d. Scoring single model output
#     4a.    Comparison of models
#     5a-5d. Comparison of models output
#     6a.    Combining separate runs
#     7a.    Diversity estimate for different population size

######################## A. SUBSAMPLE DATA GENERATION #########################
######################## A1. Function to format input #########################
# Two formats accepted:
# i. dataframe with two variables - species id, number of species
# ii. dataframe, vector or matrix with one dimension
FormatInput <- function(x, ...) 
	if (is.data.frame(x) && (dim(x)[2] == 2)) {
		as.character(rep(x[,1], x[,2]))
	} else if (is.vector(x)) {
	} else if ((is.data.frame(x) && dim(x)[2] == 1) || (is.matrix(x) && dim(x)[2] == 1)) {
	} else {
		stop("Incorrect sample input format - reformat and try again")

############## A2a. Function to generate vector of subsample lengths #############
# Inputs: Main sample, desired number of subsamples
# By default produces a vector of length six with equally spaced subsample sizes
GenSubsampLengths <- function(main.samp, N_Subsamp) 
	if ((length(N_Subsamp))!=1) {
		sort(N_Subsamp, decreasing=TRUE)
	} else {
		SampInt <- length(main.samp)/N_Subsamp
		sort(round(seq(from=SampInt, to=length(main.samp), by=SampInt)), decreasing=TRUE)

############### A2b. Generate subsample lengths function #################
DivSampleNum <- function(ms, n=6) 
	if ((length(n)==1) && (n<2)) { 
		stop('Number of nested subsamples (subsizes) must be 2 or greater')
	main.samp <- FormatInput(ms)
	GenSubsampLengths(main.samp=main.samp, N_Subsamp=n)

############ A3a. Function to generate vector of rarefaction datapoints ############
# Inputs: Any sample, desired interval between rarefaction points, maximum data size of subsample, minimum data size of subsample
GenRarefacLengths <- function(samp, N_Rarefac, Max_Rarefac=length(FormatInput(samp)), Min_Rarefac=1) 
	RarefacInt <- N_Rarefac
	out <- round(seq(from=Min_Rarefac, to=Max_Rarefac, by=RarefacInt))
	if (out[length(out)]==Max_Rarefac) 
		return (out)
	} else 
		out <- c(out, Max_Rarefac)
		return (out)

############ A3b. Function to determine diversity of a (sub)sample  ###########
# Inputs: Any vector
DivCount <- function(samp) {length(unique(samp))}

##### A3c. Function to generate the sample diversity values at rarefaction datapoints for fitting ####
# Inputs: Sample, interval between rarefaction datapoints, minimum data size of subsample, Iterations, maximum data size of subsample 
GenRarefacDiv <- function(samp, N_Rarefac, Min_Rarefac=1, B, Max_Rarefac=length(FormatInput(samp))) 
	l <- length(samp)
	RarefacLengths <- GenRarefacLengths(samp, N_Rarefac, Max_Rarefac, Min_Rarefac)
	s <- length(RarefacLengths)
	OrderVec <- as.vector(apply(matrix(sample(1:(l*B)), nrow=B, ncol=l), 1, order))
	ShuffleMat <- matrix(samp[OrderVec], nrow=B, ncol=l, byrow=TRUE)
	RarefacDivMean <- rep(1, s)
	RarefacDivSD <- rep(0, s)
	for (i in (2:s)) 
		temp <- apply(ShuffleMat[,1:RarefacLengths[i]], 1, DivCount)
		RarefacDivMean[i] <- mean(temp)
		RarefacDivSD[i] <- sd(temp)

############# A3d. Generate subsamples/diversity function #############
DivSubsamples <- function(mainsamp, nrf, minrarefac=1, maxrarefac=length(FormatInput(mainsamp)), NResamples=1000) 
	samp <- FormatInput(mainsamp)
	xyvals <- GenRarefacDiv(samp=samp, N_Rarefac=nrf, Min_Rarefac=minrarefac, B=NResamples, Max_Rarefac=maxrarefac)
	xyvals$call <- match.call()
	class(xyvals) <- "DivSubsamples"

################ A3e. Print method -  subsample/diversity data ################
print.DivSubsamples <- function(x, ...) 
	cat("\nRarefacYAxis (Mean diversity values):\n")

################ A3f. Summary method: subsample/diversity data ################
summary.DivSubsamples <- function(object, ...) 
	TotDiv <- object$RarefacYAxis[length(object$RarefacYAxis)]
	TotRarefac <- length(object$RarefacXAxis)
	SampSize <- object$RarefacXAxis[TotRarefac]
	N_Iter <- object$NResamples
	ave.sdpc <- mean(object$div_sd/object$RarefacYAxis)
	TAB <- cbind(Subsample.size=SampSize,
	dss.sum <- list(call=object$call, rsum=TAB)
	class(dss.sum) <- "summary.DivSubsamples"

############ A3g. Print summary method -  subsample/diversity data ############
print.summary.DivSubsamples <- function(x, ...) 
	cat("\nSubsample data summary:\n")

############ A3h. Method to extract the relevant nested subset of a DivSubsamples object ############
# Inputs: divsubsample object, size of nested subsample desired
DivSubsamples_Nested <- function(dss, maxsamp) 
	DSStemp <- dss
	EndIndex <- which.min(abs(maxsamp-dss$RarefacXAxis))
	DSStemp$RarefacXAxis <- dss$RarefacXAxis[1:EndIndex]
	DSStemp$RarefacYAxis <- dss$RarefacYAxis[1:EndIndex]
	DSStemp$div_sd <- dss$div_sd[1:EndIndex]
	return (DSStemp)

############ A4a. Method to calculate the curvature of a rarefaction curve ############
# Inputs: divsubsample object
Curvature <- function(dss) 
	if ((length(dss) > 1) && inherits(dss[[1]], "DivSubsamples")) 
		SubSizes = c()
		for (Sub in 1:length(dss)) 
			SubSizes[Sub] = tail(dss[[Sub]]$RarefacXAxis,1)
		LargestSub = order(SubSizes)[1]
		dss = dss[[LargestSub]]
	x_val <- dss$RarefacXAxis
	y_val <- dss$RarefacYAxis
	x_end <- tail(x_val, 1)
	y_end <- tail(y_val, 1)
	AnB <- 0.5*x_end*y_end
	x_vec <- c(x_val[1], diff(x_val))
	y_vec_left <- c(0,y_val)[1:(length(y_val))]
	y_vec_right <- y_val[1:length(y_val)]
	y_vec <- (y_vec_right + y_vec_left)/2
	A <- sum(x_vec*y_vec) - AnB
	output <- A/AnB
	return (output)

############################# B. CURVE FITTING ################################

####### B1a. Function to predict the diversity values from subsample x-values according to a given model #######
# Input: Model id, rarefaction x-axis values, model parameters
# Output: dataframe of x and y axis plotting values
PredDiv <- function(model, rarefac, params) 
	model.param <- as.list(params)
	div.temp <- model(rarefac, model.param)
	if(any(div.temp=="NaN")) div.temp <- rep(Inf, length(rarefac)) 	 # Ensures an infinite ssr
	data.frame(RarefacXAxis=rarefac, RarefacYAxis=div.temp)

####### B1b. Function to calculate the residuals (modCost) #######
# Input: Model id, model parameters, DivSubsamples object
ModelCost <- function(model, params, dss) 
	xypred <- PredDiv(model, dss$RarefacXAxis, params)
	xyactual <- data.frame(RarefacXAxis=dss$RarefacXAxis, RarefacYAxis=dss$RarefacYAxis)
	modCost(xypred, xyactual, x="RarefacXAxis")

####### B1c. Function to calculate the discrepancy as the mean of pointwise percentage error #######
# Input: Model id, model parameters, DivSubsamples object
ModelCostAbs <- function(model, params, dss) 
	ypred <- PredDiv(model, dss$RarefacXAxis, params)$RarefacYAxis
	yactual <- dss$RarefacYAxis

####### B1d. Function to convert parameter ranges to vectors #######
# Input: model.set, Param.ranges (possibly truncated)
ConvertRanges <- function(model.set, param.ranges) 
	BoundsLower <- list()
	BoundsUpper <- list()
	for (mod in 1:length(model.set)) 
		BoundsLower[[names(model.set)[mod]]] = param.ranges[[mod]]["Lower",]
		BoundsUpper[[names(model.set)[mod]]] = param.ranges[[mod]]["Upper",]
	list(lower=BoundsLower, upper=BoundsUpper)

####### B1e. Function to perform a global Fit #######
# Input: Function, initial parameters, lower parameter bounds, upper parameter bounds, Max no. of iterations, minimum variance
GlobalFit <- function(func, init.list, lower.bd, upper.bd, numit, varleft) 
	cat("Choosing optimal initial parameters for global fit", "\n")
	init.param <- (lower.bd + upper.bd)/2
	cost.lowest <- func(init.param)$model
	for (i in 1:dim(init.list)[1]) 
		if (all((init.list[i,] >= lower.bd)) & all((init.list[i,] <= upper.bd))) 
			cost.temp <- func(init.list[i,])$model
			if (cost.temp < cost.lowest) 
				cost.lowest <- cost.temp
				init.param <- init.list[i,]
	cat("Performing global fit", "\n")
	modFit(f = func, p = init.param, lower=lower.bd, upper=upper.bd,       # "Pseudo" Global Fit
			method = "Pseudo", control = c(numiter = numit, varleft=varleft, verbose=TRUE))

####### B1f. Function to perform a local Fit #######
# Input: Function, initial parameters, lower parameter bounds, upper parameter bounds, Max no. of iterations, minimum variance
LocalFit <- function(func, init.param, lower.bd, upper.bd) 
	cat("Performing local fit", "\n")
	localfit <- modFit(f = func, p = init.param, lower=lower.bd, upper=upper.bd,       # Local Fit
			method = "Marq")

####### B1g. Function to perform a combined global-local Fit #######
# Input: Function, initial parameters, lower parameter bounds, upper parameter bounds, Max no. of iterations, minimum variance
CombinedFit <- function(func, init.param, lower.bd, upper.bd, numit, varleft) 
	g.fit <- GlobalFit(func, init.param, lower.bd, upper.bd, numit, varleft)
	LocalFit(func, g.fit$par, lower.bd, upper.bd)

####### B1h. Function to convert function "funk" to function of a single variable #######
# Input: function, parameters
SingleVar <- function(funk, params) 
	fn = function(x)
		funk(x, params)

####### B1i. Function to find intersections between curves #######
# Input: function, parameters1, parameter2, lower x-limit, upper x-limit
Crossings <- function(model, param1, param2, xvals) 
#	yvals1 <- model(xvals, param1)
#	yvals2 <- model(xvals, param2)
#	s1 <- try(SpatialLines(list(Lines(list(Line(cbind(xvals , yvals1))) , ID=1))), silent = TRUE)
#	s2 <- try(SpatialLines(list(Lines(list(Line(cbind(xvals , yvals2))) , ID=1))), silent = TRUE)
#	temp.int <- gIntersection(s1, s2)
#	int.len <- length(temp.int)
#	if (int.len != 0) 
#		row.names(temp.int) <- seq(1,int.len)
#	intersections <- try(as.data.frame(temp.int), silent=TRUE)
	intersections <- NULL

####### B1j. Function to evaluate distance between curves #######
# Input: function, parameters1, parameter2, lower x-limit, upper x-limit
Simm <- function(model, param1, param2, lowerlimit, upperlimit, tot.length) 
	intersections <- Crossings(model, param1, param2, seq(lowerlimit, upperlimit, length.out=tot.length))
	# No intersections
	if (length(intersections) == 0  |  inherits(intersections, "try-error")) 
		dist <- abs(as.numeric(as.character(integrate(SingleVar(model, param1), lower = lowerlimit, upper = upperlimit))[1])  -
						as.numeric(as.character(integrate(SingleVar(model, param2), lower = lowerlimit, upper = upperlimit))[1]))
	} else if (length(intersections) != 0 & !inherits(intersections, "try-error")) 
		# with intersections
		limits <- c(lowerlimit)
		for (i in (1:(dim(intersections)[1]))) limits <- c(limits, intersections[i,1])
		limits <- c(limits, upperlimit)
		dist <- 0
		for(interval in 1:(dim(intersections)[1]+1)) 
			dist <- dist + abs(as.numeric(as.character(integrate(SingleVar(model, param1), lower=limits[interval],
													upper=limits[interval+1]))[1]) -
							as.numeric(as.character(integrate(SingleVar(model, param2), lower=limits[interval], 

####### B1k. Function to evaluate the area under the reference curve #######
# Input: function, parameters1, lower x-limit, upper x-limit
RefArea <- function(model, param1, lowerlimit, upperlimit) 
	total.area <- abs(as.numeric(as.character(integrate(SingleVar(model, param1), lower = lowerlimit, upper = upperlimit))[1]))

####### B1l. Function to evaluate the mean squared distances between curves #######
# Input: function, parameters1, parameter2, lower x-limit, upper x-limit
MSRcurves <- function(dist) 

####### B1m. Function to evaluate the monotoniticy of the fitted curve #######
# Input: Model, parameters, minimum datapoint, maximum datapoint, number of points to test
IsMonotonic <- function(model, params, min.samp, max.samp, tot.length) 
	xvals <- seq(min.samp, max.samp, length.out=tot.length)
	all(diff(model(xvals, params))>=0)

####### B1n. Function to evaluate the negativity of the 2nd derivative of the fitted curve #######
# Input: Model, parameters, minimum data size, maximum data size, number of points to test
IsSlowing <- function(model, params, min.samp, max.samp, tot.length) 
	xvals <- seq(min.samp, max.samp, length.out=tot.length)
	all(round(diff(diff(model(xvals, params))), 5)<=0)

####### B2a. Fit a single sample to a single model #######
FitSample <- function(model, init.param, lower.bd, upper.bd, dss, numit, varleft) 
	func <- function(p) 
		ModelCost(model, p, dss)
	CombinedFit(func, init.param, lower.bd, upper.bd, numit, varleft)

####### B2b. Fit all samples to a single model #######
# Input: SS=list of subsample sizes, model, initial parameters, parameter boundaries,
#       list of diversity subsample objects, numit, varleft, population total estimate, vector of original samples,
#       minimum sample size (for criteria 3 & 4)
FitAllSubs <- function(SS, model.list, init.param, param.range, dSS, numit, varleft, tot.pop, v1, minsampsize) 
	###### Extract model and name ######
	model <- model.list[[1]]
	model.name <- names(model.list)
	###### Create lower and upper boundaries ######
	lower.bd <- param.range[1,]
	upper.bd <- param.range[2,]
	###### Create storage matrices ######
	# Parameter names
	param.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=ncol(init.param))
	rownames(param.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(param.mat) <- names(init.param[1,])
	# Criteria 1: Sum of squares
	ssr.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	rownames(ssr.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(ssr.mat) <- c("Sum_of_squares")  
	# Criteria 1: Mean squared residual
	ms.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	rownames(ms.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(ms.mat) <- c("Mean_squared_residual")
	# Criteria 1: Discrepancy - mean abs error
	discrep.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	rownames(discrep.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(discrep.mat) <- c("Mean_absolute_error")
	# Criteria 2: Local diversity prediction
	local.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	rownames(local.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(local.mat) <- c("Predicted_local_diversity")
	# Criteria 2: Global diversity prediction
	global.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	rownames(global.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(global.mat) <- c("Predicted_global_diversity")  
	# Criteria 2: Accuracy to observed dataset diversity
	AccuracyToObserved.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	rownames(AccuracyToObserved.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(AccuracyToObserved.mat) <- c("Accuracy_to_observed_dataset_diversity")
	# Criteria 3: Similarity of curves (local and global)
	sim.local.mat <- matrix(rep(0, length(SS)*length(SS)), nrow=length(SS), ncol=length(SS))
	rownames(sim.local.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(sim.local.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	sim.global.mat <- matrix(rep(0, length(SS)*length(SS)), nrow=length(SS), ncol=length(SS))
	rownames(sim.global.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(sim.global.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	# Criteria 3: Mean squared distance between curves (local and global)
	msr.curve.mat <- matrix(nrow=2, ncol=1)
	rownames(msr.curve.mat) <- c("local", "global")
	colnames(msr.curve.mat) <- c("MSR_between_subsample_curves")
	# Criteria 3: Distance from reference curve (local and global)
	sim.local.ref <- matrix(nrow=length(SS)-1, ncol=1)
	rownames(sim.local.ref) <- as.character(SS[2:length(SS)])
	colnames(sim.local.ref) <- c("Distance_from_local_reference_curve")
	sim.global.ref <- matrix(nrow=length(SS)-1, ncol=1)
	rownames(sim.global.ref) <- as.character(SS[2:length(SS)])
	colnames(sim.global.ref) <- c("Distance_from_global_reference_curve")
	# Criteria 4: Plausibility (Monotonicity and decreasing 2nd derivate)
	monotonic.local.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	monotonic.global.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	slowing.local.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	slowing.global.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=1)
	plausibility.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(SS), ncol=3)
	rownames(monotonic.local.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	rownames(monotonic.global.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	rownames(slowing.local.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	rownames(slowing.global.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	rownames(plausibility.mat) <- as.character(SS)
	colnames(monotonic.local.mat) <- c("Is monotonic (local)")
	colnames(monotonic.global.mat) <- c("Is monotonic (global)")
	colnames(slowing.local.mat) <- c("Has_decreasing_2nd_derivative (local)")
	colnames(slowing.global.mat) <- c("Has_decreasing_2nd_derivative (global)")
	colnames(plausibility.mat) <- c("Is plausible", "Monotonically increasing", "Slowing")
	###### Loop through different samples in SS #######
	for (b in 1:length(SS)) 
		cat("Performing fitting routine for sample ", b, "\n")
		if (b>1) rbind(init.param, fit$par) # whether to use meta.list or previous fitting values
		fit <- try(FitSample(model, init.param, lower.bd, upper.bd, dSS[[b]], numit, varleft), silent=TRUE)
		if(inherits(fit, "try-error")) next 
		param.mat[b,] <- fit$par # Assign parameter values
		ssr.mat[b,] <- fit$ssr # Assign sum of squared residuals
		ms.mat[b,] <- fit$ms # Assign mean squared residuals
		discrep.mat[b,] <- ModelCostAbs(model, fit$par, dSS[[b]]) # Assign discrepancy mean absolute residuals (in percentages)
		local.mat[b,] <- model(length(v1), fit$par) # Assign local diversity prediction
		global.mat[b,] <- model(tot.pop, fit$par) # Assign global diversity prediction
		AccuracyToObserved.mat[b,] <- (model(length(v1), fit$par) - length(unique(v1)))/length(unique(v1)) # Assign % accuracy of local diversity predition
		# Assign plausibility assessments
		monotonic.local.mat[b,] <- IsMonotonic(model, fit$par, min.samp=minsampsize, max.samp=length(v1), tot.length=length(v1)-minsampsize+1) 
		monotonic.global.mat[b,] <- IsMonotonic(model, fit$par, min.samp=minsampsize, max.samp=tot.pop, tot.length=min(tot.pop-minsampsize+1,2000))
		slowing.local.mat[b,] <- IsSlowing(model, fit$par, min.samp=minsampsize, max.samp=length(v1), tot.length=length(v1)-minsampsize+1) 
		slowing.global.mat[b,] <- IsSlowing(model, fit$par, min.samp=minsampsize, max.samp=tot.pop, tot.length=min(tot.pop-minsampsize+1,2000))
		plausibility.mat[b,2] <- ((monotonic.local.mat[b,])*(monotonic.global.mat[b,]))==1
		plausibility.mat[b,3] <- (slowing.global.mat[b,])==1
		plausibility.mat[b,1] <- (plausibility.mat[b,2]*plausibility.mat[b,3])==1
	# Assign similarity measures (local and global)
	norm.fac.local <- try(RefArea(model, param.mat[1,], minsampsize, length(v1)), silent=TRUE)
	norm.fac.global <- try(RefArea(model, param.mat[1,], minsampsize, tot.pop), silent=TRUE)
	for (b in 1:length(SS)) 
		for (c in (b:length(SS))) 
			if (b==c) 
				sim.local.mat[b,c] <- 0
				sim.global.mat[b,c] <- 0
			} else 
				local.tmp.mat <- try(Simm(model, param.mat[b,], param.mat[c,], lowerlimit=minsampsize,
								upperlimit=length(v1), tot.length=length(v1)-minsampsize+1), silent=TRUE)
				global.tmp.mat <- try(Simm(model, param.mat[b,], param.mat[c,], lowerlimit=minsampsize,
								upperlimit=tot.pop, tot.length=tot.pop-minsampsize+1), silent=TRUE)
				if(!inherits(local.tmp.mat, "try-error") & !inherits(global.tmp.mat, "try-error")) 
					sim.local.mat[b,c] <- local.tmp.mat
					sim.global.mat[b,c] <- global.tmp.mat
	sim.local.mat <- sim.local.mat + t(sim.local.mat)
	sim.global.mat <- sim.global.mat + t(sim.global.mat)
	sim.local.mat.tmp <- try(sim.local.mat/norm.fac.local, silent=TRUE)
	sim.global.mat.tmp <- try(sim.global.mat/norm.fac.global, silent=TRUE)
	if (!inherits(sim.local.mat.tmp, "try-error") & !inherits(sim.global.mat.tmp, "try-error")) 
		sim.local.mat <- sim.local.mat.tmp
		sim.global.mat <- sim.global.mat.tmp
	for (b in 2:length(SS))
		sim.local.ref[b-1,] <- sim.local.mat[b,1]
		sim.global.ref[b-1,] <- sim.global.mat[b,1]
	# Assign msr between sample curves
	msr.curve.mat[1,1] <- MSRcurves(sim.local.mat)
	msr.curve.mat[2,1] <- MSRcurves(sim.global.mat)
	list(param=param.mat, ssr=ssr.mat, ms=ms.mat, discrep=discrep.mat, local=local.mat, global=global.mat, AccuracyToObserved=AccuracyToObserved.mat,
			subsamplesizes=SS, datapoints=dSS, modelname=names(model.list), numparam=ncol(param.mat), sampvar=msr.curve.mat,
			mono.local=monotonic.local.mat, mono.global=monotonic.global.mat, slowing.local=slowing.local.mat,
			slowing.global=slowing.global.mat, plausibility=plausibility.mat, dist.local=sim.local.mat, dist.global=sim.global.mat,
			local.ref.dist=sim.local.ref, global.ref.dist=sim.global.ref, popsize=tot.pop, themodel=model)

####### B3a. Fit single model function #######
FitSingleMod <- function(model.list, init.param, param.range, main.samp, tot.pop=(100*(DivSampleNum(main.samp,2)[1])),
		numit=10^5, varleft=1e-8, data.default=TRUE, subsizes=6, dssamps=list(),
		nrf=1, minrarefac=1, NResamples=1000, minplaus=10, fitloops=2) 
	v1 <- FormatInput(main.samp) # Convert samp to a vector of length=main sample length and with species ids
	if (data.default) 
		cat("Creating subsamples and rarefaction data", "\n")
		SS <- DivSampleNum(main.samp, subsizes)
		# Create divsubsample object for each sample
		samp <- v1
		dSS <- list()
		main.dss <- DivSubsamples(mainsamp=samp, nrf=nrf, minrarefac=minrarefac, maxrarefac=SS[1])
		dSS[[1]] <- main.dss
		for (b in (2:length(SS))) 
			max.ss <- SS[b]
			dss_temp <- DivSubsamples_Nested(main.dss, max.ss)
			dSS[[b]] <- dss_temp
	} else 
		SS <- subsizes # largest element of samp.vec must be < length(v1)
		# Create divsubsample object for each sample
		dSS <- dssamps
	# Fit the samples
	cat("Fitting loop 1", "\n")
	fitsingle <- FitAllSubs(SS, model.list, init.param, param.range, dSS, numit, varleft, tot.pop, v1, minplaus)
	if (fitloops > 1) 
		for (c in (2:fitloops)) 
			cat("Fitting loop", c, "\n")
			rbind(init.param, fitsingle$param)
			fitsingle <- FitAllSubs(SS, model.list, init.param, param.range, dSS, numit, varleft, tot.pop, v1, minplaus)
	fitsingle$call <- match.call()
	class(fitsingle) <- "FitSingleMod"

####### B3b. Print method -  fit of single model #######
print.FitSingleMod <- function(x, ...) 
	cat("Fitting results for model:", x$modelname, "\n")
	cat("Model parameters ($param):\n")
	cat("\nSubsample sizes ($subsamplesizes):\n")
	cat("\nMeasures for discrepancies between rarefaction data and model fits ($discrep, $ssr, $ms):\n")
	print(cbind(x$discrep, x$ssr, x$ms))
	cat("\nDiversity predictions and the local prediction accuracy ($AccuracyToObserved, $local, $global):\n")
	print(cbind(x$AccuracyToObserved, x$local, x$global))
	cat("\nSimilarity measure: normalised area between curve and largest-sample curve ($local.ref.dist):\n")
	cat("\nPlausibility measures: monotonicity and decreasing 2nd derivative ($plausibility):\n")

####### B3c. Summary method: fit of single model #######
summary.FitSingleMod <- function(object, ...) 
	tot.subsamp <- length(object$datapoints)
	num.rf <- length((object$datapoints[[1]])$RarefacXAxis)
	fitted.model <- object$modelname
	n.param <- object$numparam
	TAB <- cbind(No.of.subsamples=tot.subsamp,
	fit.sum <- list(call=object$call,
	class(fit.sum) <- "summary.FitSingleMod"

####### B3d. Print summary method -  fit of single model #######
print.summary.FitSingleMod <- function(x, ...) 
	cat("\nSingle model fit setup summary:\n")

####### B3e. Plot method -  fit of single model #######
plot.FitSingleMod <- function(x, range="local", ...) 
	points.colours <- c("red", "green", "brown", "orange", "blue", "yellow")
	# Define plot limits
	ylim.list <- c()
	for (i in 1:length(x$subsamplesizes)) 
		# Define fitted curve
		func1 <- function(z) {
			x$themodel(z, x$param[i,])
		if (range=="local") xvalue <- x$datapoints[[i]]$RarefacXAxis[length(x$datapoints[[i]]$RarefacXAxis)]	else 	xvalue <- x$popsize
		yvalue <- x$datapoints[[i]]$RarefacYAxis[length(x$datapoints[[i]]$RarefacYAxis)]
		ypred <- func1(xvalue)
		max.y <- max(yvalue, ypred)
		ylim.list[i] <- max.y
	ylim.choose <- max(ylim.list)
	# Plot main sample diversity
	Sample_number <- x$datapoints[[1]]$RarefacXAxis[length(x$datapoints[[1]]$RarefacXAxis)]
	Species_count <- x$datapoints[[1]]$RarefacYAxis[length(x$datapoints[[1]]$RarefacXAxis)]
	if (range=="local") 
		xupper <- Sample_number*1.1
		yupper <- ylim.choose*1.1
	} else if (range=="global") 
		xupper <- x$popsize*1.1
		yupper <- ylim.choose*1.1
	plot(x=Sample_number, y=Species_count, pch=20, col="purple", cex=3, xlim=c(0,xupper),
			ylim=c(0, yupper), ...)
	# Plot curves and points
	for (j in 1:length(x$subsamplesizes)) 
		# Plot the points
				pch=4, col=points.colours[j])
		# Define the fitted function
		func1 <- function(z) {
			x$themodel(z, x$param[j,])
		# Plot the fitted function
		if (range=="local") 
			xval <- seq(0, Sample_number, 0.1)
			yval <- func1(xval)
		} else if (range=="global") 
			xval <- seq(0, x$popsize, 1)
			yval <- func1(xval)
		lines(x=xval, y=yval, lty=1, col=points.colours[j], lwd=2)
	# Purpledot
	points(x=Sample_number, y=Species_count, pch=20, col="purple", cex=3)

####################### C. SCORING AND MODEL COMPARISON #######################
####### C1a. Whole number check #######
# Input: Single number
# Output: TRUE/FALSE
IsWholeNumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) 
	return(abs(x - round(x)) < tol)  

####### C1b. Binning function - Single number, absolute divisor #######
# Input: Number, divisor
# Output: Number rounded UP to multiple of divisor
BinFunkSingleNumber <- function(x,d) 
	if (is.na(x))  {
	} else if ( x == 0 )	{	## need this line as otherwise 0 value gets 0 score, want minimum score to be 1, regardless of divisor.
	}	else {
		X = abs(x)
		res = X%%d
		if(IsWholeNumber(X/d))	{	
			return((	((X-res)/d) ) )				
		}	else {
			return( (	((X-res)/d) + 1	) 	)

####### C1c. Binning function - Vector of numbers, absolute divisor #######
# Input: Vector of numbers, divisor
# Output: Vector of number rounded UP to multiple of divisor
BinFunk <- function(xx,dd) # this rounds each entry of xx DOWN to the last multiple of dd. 
	return(sapply(xx , BinFunkSingleNumber, d = dd))

####### C1d. Binning function - Single number, Percentage precision #######
# Input: Number, precison
# Output: Number rounded to specified precision
Bfunprop = function(a, percent) 
	if (is.na(a)) {
	} else {
		if (a >= 0) {
			return( floor((1/percent) * a)/(1/percent)	)
		if (a < 0) {
			return( ceiling((1/percent) * a)/(1/percent)	)

####### C1e. Binning function - Vector of numbers, Percentage precision #######
# Input: Vector of numbers, precison
# Output: Vector of numbers rounded to specified precision
	if(percentwecareabout == 0)	{
	} else	{
		return(sapply(aa , Bfunprop, percent = percentwecareabout))

####### C1f. Geometric mean function #######
# Input: Top estimates
# Output: Geometric mean
GeoMean <- function(x) 
	if (any(is.na(x))) {warning('global diversity values are unreliable due to one or more poor model fits amongst top models')}
	return(exp(mean(log(x), na.rm=TRUE)))

####### C2a. Scoring function - Single model #######
# Input: FitsingleMod, Sample aggregation method ("Equal", "Proportional", "InvProportional"), 
#         Criteria rounding values c(fit, accuracy, local similarity), plausibility penalty score
# Output: Single model scores - Five criteria - 1. Fit, 2. Accuracy, 3. Local similarity, 
#         4. Monotonicity (local-global combined), 5. Plausible-global
SingleModScore <- function(fsm, precision.lv = c(0.0001, 0.005, 0.005), plaus.pen=500) 
	nS <- length(fsm$subsamplesizes) # No. of samples
	samp.wts <- rep(1/nS, nS)
	## Un-aggregated scores
	fit.scores <- BinFunk(fsm$discrep, precision.lv[1])
	accuracy.scores <- BinFunk(fsm$AccuracyToObserved, precision.lv[2])
	similarity.scores <- BinFunk(fsm$local.ref.dist, precision.lv[3])
	plausible.scores <- rep(500, nS)
	# Monotonic and plausibility scores penalties
	for (i in 1:nS) {
		if (is.na(fsm$plausibility[i,1]) || fsm$plausibility[i,1]==FALSE) {
			plausible.scores <- plaus.pen
	## Aggregated scores
	fit.agg <- sum(fit.scores*samp.wts)
	accuracy.agg <- sum(accuracy.scores*samp.wts)
	similarity.agg <- sum(similarity.scores*samp.wts[2:length(samp.wts)])/sum(samp.wts[2:length(samp.wts)])
	plausible.agg <- sum(plausible.scores*samp.wts)
	list(fit=fit.agg, accuracy=accuracy.agg, similarity=similarity.agg, plausibility=plausible.agg,
			binsize=precision.lv, plausibility.penalty=plaus.pen,

####### C3a. Score single model function #######
ScoreSingleMod <- function(fsm, precision.lv = c(0.0001, 0.005, 0.005), plaus.pen=500) 
	scoresingle <- SingleModScore(fsm, precision.lv, plaus.pen)
	scoresingle$call <- match.call()
	class(scoresingle) <- "ScoreSingleMod"

####### C3b. Print method -  score of single model #######
print.ScoreSingleMod <- function(x, ...) 
	cat("Scoring results ($[colnames]):\n")
	score.output <- matrix(c(x$fit, x$accuracy, x$similarity, x$plausibility), nrow=1, ncol=4)
	rownames(score.output) <- as.character(x$modname)
	colnames(score.output) <- c("discrepancy", "accuracy", "similarity", "plausibility")

####### C3c. Summary method: score of single model #######
summary.ScoreSingleMod <- function(object, ...) 
	fitted.model <- object$modname
	binsize <- object$binsize
	plauspen <- object$plausibility.penalty
	TAB <- cbind(Model.name=fitted.model,
	score <- list(call=object$call,
	class(score) <- "summary.ScoreSingleMod"

####### C3d. Print summary method -  score of single model #######
print.summary.ScoreSingleMod <- function(x, ...) 
	cat("\nSingle model scoring setup summary:\n")

####### C4a. Combine attributes of a single model #######
# Input: ScoreSingleMod object, Criteria weights (zero=exclude from scoring)
# Output: Single model score
CombineCriteria <- function(ssm, crit.wts=c(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) 
	vect <- c(ssm$fit, ssm$accuracy, ssm$similarity, ssm$plausibility)
	vect <- sum((vect*crit.wts)/sum(crit.wts))

####### C4b. Fit, score and compare multiple models #######
# Input: List of models, List of initial parameters, List of Lower bounds, List of upper bounds,
#       main.samp, tot.pop, numit, varleft, subsizes, dssamps, nrf, minrarefac, NResamples, minplaus,
#       precision.lv, plaus.pen, crit.wts, fitloops, numpred
# Output: List of i) Model scores ii) List of dss iii) List of ssm iv) predictions x3 vii) original model list
MultipleScoring <- function(models, init.params, param.ranges, main.samp, tot.pop, numit, varleft,
                             subsizes, dssamps, nrf, minrarefac, NResamples, minplaus, precision.lv, plaus.pen, crit.wts,
                             fitloops, numpred) 
	num.mod <- length(models)
	fmm <- list()
	ssm <- matrix(rep(NA, num.mod*4), nrow=num.mod, ncol=4)
	colnames(ssm) <- c("fit", "accuracy", "similarity", "plausibility")
	mod.score <- matrix(rep(NA, num.mod), nrow=num.mod, ncol=1)
	mod.rownames <- as.character(rep(NA, num.mod))
	# Create the samples and divsubsample object
	if (length(dssamps)==0) 
		cat("Creating subsamples and rarefaction data", "\n")
		mas.dss <- list() # Create 3 master samples
		mas.SS <- DivSampleNum(main.samp, subsizes) # Create master vector of 3 samples sizes
		samp <- FormatInput(main.samp) # Format main sample
		dss.main <- DivSubsamples(mainsamp=samp, nrf=nrf, minrarefac=minrarefac, maxrarefac=mas.SS[1], NResamples=NResamples)
		mas.dss[[1]] <- dss.main
		for (b in (2:length(mas.SS))) # Create master list of DivSubsamples
			max.ss <- mas.SS[b]
			dss <- DivSubsamples_Nested(dss.main, max.ss)
			mas.dss[[b]] <- dss  
	} else 
		cat("Loading predefined subsamples", "\n")
		mas.SS <- DivSampleNum(main.samp, subsizes)
		samp <- FormatInput(main.samp) # Format main sample
		mas.dss <- dssamps
	timeremain = "tbd"
	ptm <- proc.time()[3]
	# Loop throught the different models
	for (i in (1:num.mod)) 
		# Fit model
		cat("Fitting model", i, "of", length(models),"(Est. time remaining:", timeremain, "mins)", "\n")
		fsm.temp <- FitSingleMod(model.list=models[i], init.param=init.params[[i]], param.range=param.ranges[[i]],
				main.samp, data.default=FALSE, tot.pop= tot.pop, numit=numit, varleft=varleft,
				subsizes=mas.SS, dssamps=mas.dss, nrf=nrf, minrarefac=minrarefac, NResamples=NResamples,
				minplaus=minplaus, fitloops=fitloops)
		# Score model criteria
		cat("Scoring model", i, "\n")
		ssm.temp <- try(ScoreSingleMod(fsm=fsm.temp, precision.lv = precision.lv, plaus.pen=plaus.pen), silent=TRUE)
		if(inherits(ssm.temp, "try-error")) next  
		# Aggregate criteria score
		cat("Aggregating scoring for model", i, "\n")
		mod.score.temp <- CombineCriteria(ssm=ssm.temp, crit.wts=crit.wts)
		fmm[[fsm.temp$modelname]] <- fsm.temp
		ssm[i,1] <- ssm.temp$fit
		ssm[i,2] <- ssm.temp$accuracy
		ssm[i,3] <- ssm.temp$similarity
		ssm[i,4] <- ssm.temp$plausibility
		mod.score[i,] <- mod.score.temp
		mod.rownames[i] <- fsm.temp$modelname
		# Calculate time
		timeremain <- round(((proc.time()[3] - ptm)*(num.mod - i)/i)/60)
	rownames(mod.score) <- mod.rownames
	colnames(mod.score) <- "Combined score"
	rownames(ssm) <- mod.rownames
	# calculate estimate
	num.models <- length(fmm)
	m <- min(numpred, num.models)
	topx_scores <- sort(unique(mod.score))[1:m]
	lenx <- length(topx_scores)
	topx_index <- which(mod.score %in% topx_scores)
	predx.vector <- c()
	for (i in 1:lenx) 
		tmp <- ((fmm[[topx_index[i]]])$global)[1,]
		predx.vector <- c(predx.vector, tmp)
	predx <- GeoMean(predx.vector)
	predx_high <- max(predx.vector)
	predx_low <- min(predx.vector)
	list(model.scores=mod.score, fmm=fmm, ssm=ssm, estimate=predx, upper_estimate=predx_high, lower_estimate=predx_low, models=models, m=m)

####### C5a. Fit/score multiple models function #######
DiveMaster <- function(models, init.params, param.ranges, main.samp, tot.pop=(100*(DivSampleNum(main.samp,2)[1])), numit=10^5, varleft=1e-8,
                              subsizes=6, dssamps=list(), nrf=1, minrarefac=1, NResamples=1000, minplaus=10, 
                              precision.lv=c(0.0001, 0.005, 0.005), plaus.pen=500,
                              crit.wts=c(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), fitloops=2, numpred=5) 
  mainfit <- MultipleScoring(models, init.params, param.ranges, main.samp, tot.pop, numit, varleft,
                              subsizes, dssamps, nrf, minrarefac, NResamples, minplaus, precision.lv, plaus.pen, crit.wts, fitloops, numpred)
  mainfit$call <- match.call()
  class(mainfit) <- "DiveMaster"

####### C5b. Print method - score of multiple models #######
print.DiveMaster <- function(x, ...) 
	cat("Model score ($model.scores):\n")
	cat("\nPopulation diversity estimate ($estimate):\n")

####### C5c. Summary method: fit/scores of multiple models #######
summary.DiveMaster <- function(object, ...) 
	num.models <- length(object$fmm)
	best.index <- which.min(object$model.scores)
	best.model <- (object$fmm[[best.index]])$modelname
	div.pred.from.top.model <- ((object$fmm[[best.index]])$global)[1,]
	TAB <- data.frame(Number_of_models_fitted=as.numeric(num.models),
	res <- list(call=object$call,
	class(res) <- "summary.DiveMaster"

####### C5d. Print summary method -  fits/scores of multiple models #######
print.summary.DiveMaster <- function(x, ...) 
	cat("\nMultiple Model fitting and scoring summary:\n")

####### C6. Combining several DiveMaster objects into a single DiveMaster object #######
# Input: List of DiveMaster objects
# Output: Single combined DiveMaster object
CombDM <- function(dmlist) 
	l <- length(dmlist) # number of DiveMaster objects
	out <- dmlist[[1]]
	if (l>1) 
		for (i in 2:l)
			out$model.scores <- rbind(out$model.scores, dmlist[[i]]$model.scores)
			out$ssm <- rbind(out$ssm, dmlist[[i]]$ssm)
			out$fmm <- c(out$fmm, dmlist[[i]]$fmm)
			out$models <- c(out$models, dmlist[[i]]$models)
			out$m <- min(out$m, dmlist[[i]]$m)
		# Recompute estimate
		num.models <- length(out$fmm)
		m <- min(out$m, num.models)
		topx_scores <- sort(unique(out$model.scores))[1:m]
		lenx <- length(topx_scores)
		topx_index <- which(out$model.scores %in% topx_scores)
		predx.vector <- c()
		for (j in 1:lenx) 
			tmp <- ((out$fmm[[topx_index[j]]])$global)[1,]
			predx.vector <- c(predx.vector, tmp)
		predx <- GeoMean(predx.vector)
		predx_high <- max(predx.vector)
		predx_low <- min(predx.vector)
		out$estimate <- predx
		out$upper_estimate <- predx_high
		out$lower_estimate <- predx_low
	class(out) <- "DiveMaster"

####### C7. Give a diversity estimate for a different population size based on top-x score models #######
# Input: DiveMaster object, population size, Number of top scores models to include in estimate
# Output: Single population estimate
PopDiversity = function (dm, popsize, TopX = NULL) 
	if (is.null(TopX))	m <- dm$m	else 
		if (TopX <= length(dm$fmm)) 	m <- TopX else 	
			m <- min(5, length(dm$fmm))		
			warning("Number of models specified is greater then number of models fitted")
	topx_scores <- sort(unique(dm$model.scores))[1:m]
	lenx <- length(topx_scores)
	topx_index <- which(dm$model.scores %in% topx_scores)
	predx.vector <- c()
	for (i in 1:lenx) 
		tmp <- dm$models[[topx_index[i]]](popsize, dm$fmm[[topx_index[i]]]$param[1, ])
		predx.vector <- c(predx.vector, tmp)
	predx <- GeoMean(predx.vector)
	predx_high <- max(predx.vector)
	predx_low <- min(predx.vector)
	return(list(estimate = predx, upper_estimate = predx_high, 
					lower_estimate = predx_low))

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