## various functions for assessing the operating characteristics of a design
## for model-based estimation of dose-response functions
#' Evaluate performance metrics for fitting dose-response models
#' This function evaluates, the performance metrics for fitting dose-response models (using asymptotic approximations or
#' simulations). Note that some metrics are available via the print method and others only via the summary
#' method applied to planMod objects. The implemented metrics are \itemize{
#' \item Root of the mean-squared error to estimate the placebo-adjusted
#' dose-response averaged over the used dose-levels, i.e. a rather discrete set
#' (\code{dRMSE}). Available via the print method of planMod objects. \item
#' Root of the mean-squared error to estimate the placebo-adjusted
#' dose-response (\code{cRMSE}) averaged over fine (almost continuous) grid at
#' 101 equally spaced values between placebo and the maximum dose. NOTE:
#' Available via the summary method applied to planMod objects. \item Ratio of
#' the placebo-adjusted mean-squared error (at the observed doses) of
#' model-based vs ANOVA approach (\code{Eff-vs-ANOVA}). This can be interpreted
#' on the sample size scale. NOTE: Available via the summary method applied to
#' planMod objects. \item Power that the (unadjusted) one-sided \samp{1-alpha}
#' confidence interval comparing the dose with maximum effect vs placebo is
#' larger than \samp{tau}. By default \samp{alpha = 0.025} and \samp{tau = 0}
#' (\code{Pow(maxDose)}). Available via the print method of planMod objects.
#' \item Probability that the EDp estimate is within the true [EDpLB, EDpUB]
#' (by default \samp{p=0.5}, \samp{pLB=0.25} and \samp{pUB=0.75}). This metric
#' gives an idea on the ability to characterize the increasing part of the
#' dose-response curve (\code{P(EDp)}). Available via the print method of
#' planMod objects. \item Length of the quantile range for a target dose (TD
#' or EDp). This is calculated by taking the difference of the dUB and dLB
#' quantile of the empirical distribution of the dose estimates.
#' (\code{lengthTDCI} and \code{lengthEDpCI}). It is NOT calculated by
#' calculating confidence interval lengths in each simulated data-set and
#' taking the mean. NOTE: Available via the summary method of planMod objects.
#' }
#' A plot method exists to summarize dose-response and dose estimations graphically.
#' @aliases planMod plot.planMod summary.planMod
#' @param model Character vector determining the dose-response model(s) to be used for fitting the data. When more than
#' one dose-response model is provided the best fitting model is chosen using the AIC. Built-in models are "linlog",
#' "linear", "quadratic", "emax", "exponential", "sigEmax", "betaMod" and "logistic" (see \link{drmodels}).
#' @param altModels An object of class \samp{Mods}, defining the true mean vectors under which operating characteristics
#' should be calculated.
#' @param n,sigma,S Either a vector \samp{n} and \samp{sigma} or \samp{S} need to be specified. When \samp{n} and
#' \samp{sigma} are specified it is assumed computations are made for a normal homoscedastic ANOVA model with group
#' sample sizes given by \samp{n} and residual standard deviation \samp{sigma}, i.e. the covariance matrix used for
#' the estimates is thus \code{sigma^2*diag(1/n)} and the degrees of freedom are calculated as
#' \code{sum(n)-nrow(contMat)}. When a single number is specified for \samp{n} it is assumed this is the sample size
#' per group and balanced allocations are used.\cr
#' When \samp{S} is specified this will be used as covariance matrix for the estimates.
#' @param doses Doses to use
#' @param asyApprox,simulation Logicals determining, whether asymptotic approximations or simulations should be
#' calculated. If multiple models are specified in \samp{model} asymptotic approximations are not available.
#' @param alpha,tau Significance level for the one-sided confidence interval for model-based contrast of best dose vs
#' placebo. Tau is the threshold to compare the confidence interval limit to. CI(MaxDCont) gives the percentage that
#' the bound of the confidence interval was larger than tau.
#' @param p,pLB,pUB p determines the type of EDp to estimate. pLB and pUB define the bounds for the EDp estimate. The
#' performance metric Pr(Id-ED) gives the percentage that the estimated EDp was within the true EDpLB and EDpUB.
#' @param nSim Number of simulations
#' @param cores Number of cores to use for simulations. By default 1 cores is used, note that cores > 1 will have no
#' effect Windows, as the mclapply function is used internally.
#' @param showSimProgress In case of simulations show the progress using a progress-bar.
#' @param bnds Bounds for non-linear parameters. This needs to be a list with list entries corresponding to the selected
#' bounds. The names of the list entries need to correspond to the model names. The \code{\link{defBnds}} function
#' provides the default selection.
#' @param addArgs See the corresponding argument in function \code{\link{fitMod}}. This argument is directly passed to
#' fitMod.
#' @author Bjoern Bornkamp
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitMod}}
#' @references TBD
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
#' fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25,
#' logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential= 85,
#' betaMod=rbind(c(0.33,2.31),c(1.39,1.39)),
#' doses = doses, addArgs=list(scal = 200),
#' placEff = 0, maxEff = 0.4)
#' sigma <- 1
#' n <- rep(62, 6)*2
#' model <- "quadratic"
#' pObj <- planMod(model, fmodels, n, sigma, doses=doses,
#' simulation = TRUE,
#' alpha = 0.025, nSim = 200,
#' p = 0.5, pLB = 0.25, pUB = 0.75)
#' print(pObj)
#' ## to get additional metrics (e.g. Eff-vs-ANOVA, cRMSE, lengthTDCI, ...)
#' summary(pObj, p = 0.5, Delta = 0.3)
#' plot(pObj)
#' plot(pObj, type = "TD", Delta=0.3)
#' plot(pObj, type = "ED", p = 0.5)
#' }
#' @export
planMod <- function(model, altModels, n, sigma, S, doses,
asyApprox = TRUE, simulation = FALSE,
alpha = 0.025, tau = 0,
p = 0.5, pLB = 0.25, pUB = 0.75,
nSim = 100, cores = 1, showSimProgress = TRUE,
bnds, addArgs = NULL){
if(any(is.element(model, "linInt")))
stop("planMod works for all built-in models but not linInt")
if(length(model) > 1 & asyApprox){
stop("\"asyApprox\" needs to be FALSE for multiple models")
## off and scal
off <- scal <- NULL
if(any(is.element(model, c("linlog", "betaMod")))) {
lst <- getAddArgs(addArgs, sort(unique(doses)))
if ("betaMod" %in% model)
scal <- lst$scal
if ("linlog" %in% model)
off <- lst$off
doses <- attr(altModels, "doses")
## calculate mean response at doses
muMat <- getResp(altModels, doses)
nD <- length(doses)
if(missing(n) | missing(sigma))
stop("either S or n and sigma need to be specified")
if (length(n) == 1)
n <- rep(n, nD)
if (length(n) != nD)
stop("\"n\" and \"doses\" need to be of same length")
S <- sigma^2 * diag(1/n)
## calculate parameters, gradients and results for the asymptotic approximation
if(missing(bnds)) {
if(any(!is.element(model, c("linear", "linlog", "quadratic")))){
message("Message: Need bounds in \"bnds\" for nonlinear models, using default bounds from \"defBnds\".")
bnds <- defBnds(max(doses))
nams <- colnames(muMat)
covMat <- list()
approx <- matrix(nrow = ncol(muMat), ncol = 3)
maxdose <- apply(abs(muMat-muMat[1,]), 2, function(x) doses[which.max(x)])
EDs <- ED(altModels, p)
EDsUB <- ED(altModels, pUB)
EDsLB <- ED(altModels, pLB)
if(!asyApprox & !simulation)
stop("Need to select either \"asyApprox = TRUE\" or \"simulation = TRUE\"")
npar <- switch(model,
linInt = length(doses),
bestPar <- matrix(nrow = ncol(muMat), ncol = npar) ## best fit by model to models in altModels
for(i in 1:ncol(muMat)){
## if other model-class approximate best fit
nam <- gsub("[0-9]", "", nams[i]) # model name (number removed)
if(nam == model){
pars <- attr(muMat, "parList")[[i]]
if(is.element(model, c("betaMod", "linlog")))
bestPar[i,] <- pars[-length(pars)]
bestPar[i,] <- pars
bias <- 0
} else { ## find the best fit
fit <- fitMod(doses, muMat[,i], model=model, S=S,
bnds = bnds[[model]], type="general")
bias <- predict(fit, predType = "effect-curve" , doseSeq = doses[-1])-(muMat[-1,i]-muMat[1,i])
bestPar[i,] <- coef(fit)
## now calculate approximate covariance matrix
covMat[[i]] <- aprCov(doses, model, bestPar[i,], S, off, scal)
approx[i,] <- NA
} else {
## root-mse
paVar <- getPredVar(model, bestPar[i,], covMat[[i]],
pDose=doses[-1], scal=scal, off=off)
approx[i,1] <- sqrt(mean(paVar+bias^2))
## Pr(eff_maxdose > 0)
ind <- which(doses[-1] == maxdose[i])
paVar <- paVar[ind]
call <- c(list(c(0,maxdose[i])), as.list(c(bestPar[i,], scal, off)))
pa <- abs(diff(, call)))
LBmn <- qnorm(alpha, pa, sqrt(paVar))
approx[i,2] <- pnorm(tau, LBmn, sqrt(paVar), lower.tail = FALSE)
## Pr(eff_ED50)
edvar <- getEDVar(model, bestPar[i,], covMat[[i]], "unrestricted", p,
maxdose[i], off=off, scal=scal)
ed <- calcED(model, bestPar[i,], p, maxdose[i], "continuous",
off=off, scal=scal)
edsd <- sqrt(edvar)
approx[i,3] <- pnorm(EDsUB[i], ed, edsd) - pnorm(EDsLB[i], ed, edsd)
colnames(approx) <- c("dRMSE", "Pow(maxDose)", "P(EDp)")
rownames(approx) <- rownames(bestPar) <- nams
colnames(bestPar) <- rownames(covMat[[1]])
attr(approx, "bestPar") <- bestPar
attr(approx, "covMat") <- covMat
cat("Running simulations\n")
requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)
sim <- parallel::mclapply(1:ncol(muMat), function(i){
if(cores == 1){
cat(sprintf("Scenario %d/%d\n", i, ncol(muMat)))
pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3, char="*")
} else {
cat(sprintf("Scenario %d/%d started\n", i, ncol(muMat)))
dat <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nSim, mean = muMat[,i], sigma = S)
sims <- numeric(3)
mse <- LBmn <- edpred <- resp <- numeric(nSim)
coefs <- vector("list", length = nSim)
modelSel <- character(nSim)
for(j in 1:nSim){
if(showSimProgress & cores == 1)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j/nSim)
fit <- vector("list", length = length(model))
k <- 1
for(namMod in model){
fit[[k]] <- fitMod(dose=doses, dat[j,], model=namMod,
S=S, type="general", bnds=bnds[[namMod]])
k <- k+1
## ## this would be faster
## fit <- fitMod.raw(doses, dat[j,], model=model,
## off=off, scal=scal, nodes=NULL,
## S=S, type="general", bnds=bnds,
## covarsUsed = FALSE, df = Inf,
## control = NULL,
## doseNam = "dose", respNam = "resp")
aics <- sapply(fit, gAIC)
fit <- fit[[which.min(aics)]]
coefs[[j]] <- coef(fit)
modelSel[j] <- attr(fit, "model")
## root-MSE of plac-adj dr at doses
respDoses <- predict(fit, predType = "effect-curve", doseSeq = doses[-1])
call <- c(list(doses), as.list(c(coef(fit), scal, off)))
trm <- muMat[-1,i] - muMat[1,i]
mse[j] <- mean((respDoses-trm)^2)
## Pr(LB_maxdose > tau) > 1-alpha
respMaxD <- predict(fit, predType = "effect-curve", doseSeq = maxdose[i],
LBmn[j] <- NA
} else {
LBmn[j] <- qnorm(alpha, abs(respMaxD$fit), respMaxD$
resp[j] <- respMaxD$fit
## ED estimation
edpred[j] <- ED(fit, p=p)
ind <-
NAind <- sum(ind)
LBmn[ind] <- qnorm(alpha, abs(resp[ind]), sd(resp, na.rm=TRUE))
sims[1] <- sqrt(mean(mse))
sims[2] <- mean(LBmn > tau)
sims[3] <- mean(edpred > EDsLB[i] & edpred < EDsUB[i])
attr(sims, "NAind") <- NAind
attr(sims, "coefs") <- coefs
attr(sims, "model") <- modelSel
if(cores == 1){
} else {
cat(sprintf("Scenario %d/%d finished\n", i, ncol(muMat)))
}, mc.cores=cores)
NAind <- sapply(sim, function(x) attr(x, "NAind"))
coefs <- lapply(sim, function(x) attr(x, "coefs"))
modelSel <- sapply(sim, function(x) attr(x, "model"))
names(NAind) <- colnames(modelSel) <- names(coefs) <- nams
rownames(modelSel) <- 1:nSim
sim <-"rbind", sim)
colnames(sim) <- c("dRMSE", "Pow(maxDose)", "P(EDp)")
rownames(sim) <- nams
attr(sim, "NAind") <- NAind
attr(sim, "coefs") <- coefs
attr(sim, "modelSel") <- modelSel
out <- list(approx = NULL, sim = NULL)
out$approx <- approx
out$sim <- sim
attr(out$sim, "nSim") <- nSim
attr(out, "model") <- model
attr(out, "altModels") <- altModels
attr(out, "doses") <- doses
attr(out, "off") <- off
attr(out, "scal") <- scal
attr(out, "S") <- S
class(out) <- "planMod"
#' @export
print.planMod <- function(x, digits = 3,...){
model <- attr(x, "model")
multiMod <- length(model) > 1
str <- ifelse(multiMod, "s", "")
cat(sprintf("Fitted Model%s: %s\n\n", str, paste(model, collapse=" ")))
attr(x$approx, "bestPar") <- NULL
attr(x$approx, "NAind") <- NULL
attr(x$approx, "covMat") <- NULL
cat("Asymptotic Approximations\n")
print(signif(x$approx, digits))
pltsim <- x$sim
attr(pltsim, "NAind") <- NULL
attr(pltsim, "coefs") <- NULL
attr(pltsim, "modelSel") <- NULL
attr(pltsim, "nSim") <- NULL
cat(sprintf("Simulation Results (nSim = %i)\n", attr(x$sim, "nSim")))
print(signif(pltsim, digits))
cat("\nSelected models\n")
res <- apply(attr(x$sim, "modelSel"), 2, tableMatch, match = model)
print(signif(t(res)/colSums(res), digits))
#' Summarize performance metrics for dose-response models
#' @param object,digits object: A planMod object. digits: Digits in summary output
#' @param len Number of equally spaced points to determine the mean-squared error on a grid (cRMSE).
#' @param Delta Additional arguments determining what dose estimate to plot, when \samp{type = "ED"} or \samp{type =
#' "TD"}
#' @param dLB,dUB Which quantiles to use for calculation of \code{lengthTDCI} and \code{lengthEDpCI}. By default dLB =
#' 0.05 and dUB = 0.95, so that this corresponds to a 90\% interval.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (currently ignored)
#' @rdname planMod
#' @method summary planMod
#' @export
summary.planMod <- function(object, digits = 3, len = 101,
p=NULL, dLB = 0.05, dUB = 0.95, ...){
class(object) <- "summary.planMod"
print(object, digits, len, Delta, p, dLB, dUB, ...)
#' @export
print.summary.planMod <- function(x, digits = 3, len = 101,
p=NULL, dLB = 0.05, dUB = 0.95, ...){
## provide more information than print method
modelSel <- attr(x$sim, "modelSel")
model <- attr(x, "model")
coefs <- attr(x$sim, "coefs")
altModels <- attr(x, "altModels")
direction <- attr(altModels, "direction")
doses <- attr(x, "doses")
S <- attr(x, "S")
off <- attr(x, "off")
scal <- attr(x, "scal")
## calculate mean response at doses
doseSeq <- seq(min(doses), max(doses), length=len)
muMat <- getResp(altModels, doseSeq)
stop("Additional metrics only available if simulations were performed")
## calculate average mse of placebo-adjusted dose-response for ANOVA
CM <- cbind(-1, diag(length(doses)-1))
mseANOVA <- mean(diag(CM%*%S%*%t(CM)))
## calculate predictions
predList <- getSimEst(x, "dose-response", doseSeq=doseSeq)
out <- matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = ncol(muMat))
colnames(out) <- c("Eff-vs-ANOVA", "cRMSE", "lengthTDCI", "P(no TD)", "lengthEDCI")
rownames(out) <- colnames(muMat)
tds <- getSimEst(x, "TD", Delta=Delta, direction=direction)
eds <- getSimEst(x, "ED", p=p)
for(i in 1:ncol(muMat)){
out[i,1] <- mseANOVA/x$sim[i,1]^2
## calculate mse of estimating the plac-adj dose-response at fine grid
## first calculate placebo-adjusted predictions
pred <- predList[[i]]
pred <- (pred-pred[,1])[,-1]
## placebo-adjusted response
mn <- (muMat[-1,i]-muMat[1,i])
clmn <- colMeans(sweep(pred, 2, mn)^2)
out[i,2] <- sqrt(mean(clmn))
## calculate length of CI for TD
out[i,3] <- diff(quantile(tds[[i]], c(dLB, dUB), na.rm = TRUE))
out[i,4] <- mean([[i]]))
} else {
out[i,3] <- out[i,4] <- NA
## calculate length of CI for ED
out[i,5] <- diff(quantile(eds[[i]], c(dLB, dUB)))
} else {
out[i,5] <- NA
cat(sprintf("Additional simulation metrics (nSim=%i)\n",
attr(x$sim, "nSim")))
print(signif(out, digits=digits))
#' Plot to summarize dose-response and dose estimations
#' @inheritParams plot.planMod
#' @param x An object of class planMod
#' @param type Type of plot to produce
#' @param placAdj When \samp{type = "dose-response"}, this determines whether dose-response estimates are shown on
#' placebo-adjusted or original scale
#' @param xlab,ylab Labels for the plot (ylab only applies for \samp{type = "dose-response"})
#' @rdname planMod
#' @method plot planMod
#' @export
plot.planMod <- function(x, type = c("dose-response", "ED", "TD"),
p, Delta, placAdj = FALSE,
xlab = "Dose", ylab = "", ...){
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "dose-response"){
plotDRSims(x, placAdj = placAdj, xlab=xlab, ylab = ylab)
} else {
plotDoseSims(x, type=type, p=p, Delta=Delta, xlab = xlab)
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