
Defines functions run_Demo

Documented in run_Demo

#' Run Demographic Data
#' This module will load and modify demographic data.
#' @param demo.path filename of demographic file (CSV, RData, RDS) or data.frame
#' @param demo.columns a named list that should specify columns in demo data; \sQuote{id},
#' is required.
#' @param toexclude expression that should evaluate to a logical, indicating if
#' the observation should be excluded
#' @param demo.mod.list list of expressions, giving modifications to make
#' @details See EHR Vignette for Structured Data.
#' @return list with two components
#'   \item{demo}{demographic data}
#'   \item{exclude}{vector of excluded visit IDs}
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(2525)
#' dateSeq <- seq(as.Date('2019/01/01'), as.Date('2020/01/01'), by="day")
#' demo <- data.frame(mod_id_visit = 1:10,
#'                    weight.lbs = rnorm(10,160,20),
#'                    age = rnorm(10, 50, 10),
#'                    enroll.date = sample(dateSeq, 10))
#' tmpfile <- paste0(tempfile(), '.rds')
#' saveRDS(demo, file = tmpfile)
#' # exclusion functions
#' exclude_wt <- function(x) x < 150
#' exclude_age <- function(x) x > 60
#' ind.risk <- function(wt, age) wt>170 & age>55
#' exclude_enroll <- function(x) x < as.Date('2019/04/01')
#' # make demographic data that:
#' # (1) excludes ids with weight.lbs < 150, age > 60, or enroll.date before 2019/04/01
#' # (2) creates new 'highrisk' variable for subjects with weight.lbs>170 and age>55
#' out <- run_Demo(demo.path = tmpfile, demo.columns = list(id = 'mod_id_visit'),
#'                toexclude = expression(
#'                  exclude_wt(weight.lbs)|exclude_age(age)|exclude_enroll(enroll.date)
#'                ),
#'                demo.mod.list = list(highrisk = expression(ind.risk(weight.lbs, age))))
#' out
#' @export

run_Demo <- function(demo.path, demo.columns = list(), toexclude, demo.mod.list) {
  # read and transform data
  demo.in <- read(demo.path)
  demo <- dataTransformation(demo.in, modify = demo.mod.list)
  demo.req <- list(id = NA)
  demo.col <- validateColumns(demo, demo.columns, demo.req)

  # exclusion criteria
  if (missing(toexclude)) {
    parsed.excl <- logical(nrow(demo))
  } else {
    parsed.excl <- eval(toexclude, demo)

  excl.id <- demo[parsed.excl, demo.col$id] # the list of subject_id that should be excluded
  message(sprintf('The number of subjects in the demographic data, who meet the exclusion criteria: %s', length(excl.id)))

  list(demo = demo, exclude = excl.id)

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EHR documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 1:31 a.m.