Defines functions FPR4AM

Documented in FPR4AM

#' @title Set the false positive rate for \code{AM}
#' @description The lambda parameter in \code{AM} controls the false positive rate of the model 
#' building process. This function uses permutation to  find the lambda value for a desired false positive rate. 
#' @param  falseposrate the desired false positive rate.
#' @param  numreps  the number of replicates upon which to base the calculation of the false 
#'                   positive rate. We have found 200 replicates to be sufficient but more is better.   
#' @param trait  the name of the column in the phenotype data file that contains the trait data. The name is case sensitive and must match exactly the column name in the phenotype data file.  This parameter must be specified. 
#' @param fformula   the right hand side formula for the fixed effects part of the model. 
#' @param geno   the R  object obtained from running \code{\link{ReadMarker}}. This must be specified. 
#' @param pheno  the R  object  obtained  from running \code{\link{ReadPheno}}. This must be specified.
#' @param map   the R object obtained from running \code{\link{ReadMap}}. If not specified, a generic map will 
#'              be assumed. 
#' @param Zmat     the R object obtained from running \code{\link{ReadZmat}}. If not specified, an identity matrix will be assumed. 
#' @param numlambdas the number of equidistant lambda values from 0 to 1 for which to calculate the false positive rate of the model building process. This should not need 
#' adjusting.  
#' @param ncpu a integer  value for the number of CPU that are available for distributed computing.  The default is to determine the number of CPU automatically. 
#' @param ngpu   a integer value for the number of gpu available for computation.  The default
#'               is to assume there are no gpu available.  
#'               This option has not yet been implemented.
#' @param seed  a integer value for the starting seed for the permutations. 
#' @details
#' The false positive rate for \code{\link{AM}} is controlled by its lambda parameter. Values close to 
#' 1 (0) decreases (increases) the false positive rate of detecting SNP-trait associations. There is no 
#' analytical way of setting lambda for a specified false positive rate. So we are using permutation to do this empirically. 
#' By setting \code{falseposrate} to the desired false positive rate, this function will find the corresponding lambda value for \code{\link{AM}}. 
#' A table of other lambda values for a range of false positive rates is also given. 
#' To increase the precision of the lambda estimates, increase \code{numreps}. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{AM}}
#' @return
#' A list with the following components:
#' \describe{
#'\item{numreps:}{the number of permutations performed.}
#'\item{lambda:}{the vector of lambda values.}
#'\item{falsepos:}{the false positive rates for the lambda values.}
#'\item{setlambda:}{the lambda value that gives a false positive rate of \code{falseposrate} }
#' }
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{ 
#'   # Since the following code takes longer than 5 seconds to run, it has been tagged as dontrun. 
#'   # However, the code can be run by the user. 
#'   #
#'   #-------------------------
#'   #  Example  
#'   #------------------------
#'   # read the map 
#'   #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#'   # File is a plain space separated text file with the first row 
#'   # the column headings
#'   complete.name <- system.file('extdata', 'map.txt', 
#'                                    package='Lion')
#'   map_obj <- ReadMap(filename=complete.name) 
#'   # read marker data
#'   #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#'   # Reading in a PLINK ped file 
#'   # and setting the available memory on the machine for the reading of the data to 8  gigabytes
#'   complete.name <- system.file('extdata', 'geno.ped', 
#'                                      package='Lion')
#'   geno_obj <- ReadMarker(filename=complete.name,  type='PLINK', availmemGb=8) 
#'   # read phenotype data
#'   #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#'   # Read in a plain text file with data on a single trait and two covariates
#'   # The first row of the text file contains the column names y, cov1, and cov2. 
#'   complete.name <- system.file('extdata', 'pheno.txt', package='Lion')
#'   pheno_obj <- ReadPheno(filename=complete.name)
#'  #  Suppose we want to perform the AM analysis at a 5% false positive rate. 
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#'   ans <- FPR4AM(falseposrate = 0.05,
#'                 trait = 'y',
#'                 fformula=c('cov1+cov2'),
#'                 map = map_obj,
#'                 pheno = pheno_obj,
#'                 geno = geno_obj) 
#'   res <- AM(trait =  'y',
#'                 fformula=c('cov1+cov2'),
#'                 map = map_obj,
#'                 pheno = pheno_obj,
#'                 geno = geno_obj,
#'                 lambda = ans$setlambda)
#' }
FPR4AM <- function(
               falseposrate = 0.05,
               numreps = 200,
               fformula  = NULL,
               numlambdas = 50,
               map = NULL,
               Zmat = NULL,

  quiet <- TRUE   ## change to FALSE if additional error checking is needed. 

  # need some checks in here ... 
  error.code <- check.inputs.mlam(ncpu=ncpu ,  colname.trait=trait,
                     map=map, pheno=pheno, geno=geno, Zmat=Zmat, lambda=NULL, falseposrate=falseposrate )

   message("\n The Lion function FPR4AM has terminated with errors.\n")

 ## checking if map is present. If not, generate a fake map. 
   message(" Map file has not been supplied. An artificial map is being created but this map is not used in the analysis. \n")
   message(" It is only used for the reporting of results. \n")
   ## map has not been supplied. Create own map
   map <- data.frame(SNP=paste("M", 1:geno[["dim_of_M"]][2], sep=""),
                     Chr=rep(1, geno[["dim_of_M"]][2]),

 selected_loci <- NA
 new_selected_locus <- NA
 extBIC <- vector("numeric", 0)

 ## Turn fformula  into class formula with some checks
 if(fformula=="")  ## added for shiny
 if(!is.null(fformula) ){
   if(length(grep("~", fformula))==0){
          fformula <- as.formula(paste("~", fformula, sep="") )
      }  else {
          message(" fformula has ", length(fformula), " separate terms. It should be a single statement eg. x1 + x2 + x3. \n")
          message("\n CalculateFPR  has terminated with errors.\n")
   } else {
    ## problem: formula should not contain ~
    message(" Only the terms on the right hand side of the formula should be specified. \n")
    message(" Please remove the ~ from the formula. \n")
    message("\n CalculateFPR has terminated with errors.\n")
  }  ## if length grep
} ## end if(!is.null(fformula))

  ## check that terms in  formula are in pheno file
  res <- tryCatch(
     mat <- get_all_vars(formula=fformula, data=pheno) ,
     error = function(e)
      message(" fformula contains terms that are not column headings in the phenotype file. \n")
      message(" Check spelling and case of terms in fformula. \n")
      message("\n  CalculateFDR has terminated with errors.\n ")

 ## check for NA's in trait
 indxNA_pheno <- check.for.NA.in.trait(trait=pheno[, trait])
 ## set NA's in trait to 0. Extra factor mv will be
 ## fitted by the build_design_matrix function
 if(length(indxNA_pheno) > 0){
       pheno[,trait][indxNA_pheno] <- 0

 # dealing with missing covariates
    fvars <- all.vars(fformula)  # list of fixed effects
    for (ii in fvars){
       # dealing with missingness in the covaries - setting to mean
           indx <- which(is.na(pheno[,ii]))
           if (length(indx) > 0){
              if(!is.factor(pheno[, ii])){
                 # this is a covariate. Replace missing value with mean
                 m <- mean(pheno[, ii], na.rm=TRUE)
                 pheno[indx, ii] <- m
           } ## end if length
    } ## end for
 } ## end if !is.null

 # dealing with missing factor levels 
 # going to impute from empirical distribution
    fvars <- all.vars(fformula)  # list of fixed effects
    for (ii in fvars){
       # dealing with missingness in the covaries - setting to mean
           indx <- which(is.na(pheno[,ii]))
           if (length(indx) > 0){
              if(is.factor(pheno[, ii])){
                 # this is a factor. Replace missing value with imputed value
                 pheno[indx, ii] <-  sample(table(pheno[,ii]), length(indx), TRUE)
           } ## end if length
    } ## end for
 } ## end if !is.null

 # Handling of traits with missing values
 # 1. Set missing values to 0 (done above)
 # 2. Create a 0,1 covariate for every missing value 
 # 3. Add these covariates to pheno and fformula and fit in linear model
 if (!is.null(indxNA_pheno)){
    D <- diag(length(indxNA_pheno))
    Zero <- matrix(data=0, nrow=nrow(pheno) - length(indxNA_pheno), ncol=ncol(D))
    extrPheno <- rbind(D, Zero)
    # need to put rows in correct order to match missingness patern in trait
    indx <- 1:nrow(pheno)
     indx <- indx[-indxNA_pheno]  # remove rows with missing data
     indx <- c(indxNA_pheno, indx)  # added back in but indx now out of order
     indx <- order(indx)
     extrPheno <- as.matrix(extrPheno[indx,])  # puts in correct order
     colnames(extrPheno) <-  paste0("mv",1:length(indxNA_pheno)) 

     nms <- c(names(pheno),  paste0("mv",1:length(indxNA_pheno)) )
     pheno <- cbind(pheno, extrPheno ) # extra covariates added to the end of the pheno file
     names(pheno) <- nms
     # adjust fformula
     if (is.null(fformula)){
         # catching null case
         fformula <- as.formula("~ 1")
     fformula <- as.character(fformula)[2]
     fformula <- paste0("~", fformula , "+", paste(colnames(extrPheno), sep="+"))
     fformula <- as.formula(fformula)

 # fit null model and find residuals
 # i.e Y = XB + e   calculate \hat{e}.
 pheno[, "trait"] <- pheno[, trait]  ## name change
   ff <- as.formula("trait ~ 1")
 } else {
    # turn the formula back into a character
    fformula <- as.character(fformula)[2]  # gets rid of the ~
    ff <- paste("trait ~ ", fformula, sep=" ")
    ff <- as.formula(ff)
 mod <- lm( formula=ff , data=pheno )
 res <- residuals(mod)
 res <- rnorm(length(res))

 pheno[, "residuals"] <- res

 message(cat(" Setting up null model.  "))

 # create big pheno: contains all permutations 
bigpheno <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(res) , ncol=numreps)
for(ii in 1:numreps){
  sperm <- res
  sperm <- sperm[sample(1:length(sperm), length(sperm), FALSE)]
#  sperm <- rnorm(length(sperm))
  bigpheno[, ii] <- sperm 
colnames(bigpheno) <- paste0("res", 1:numreps)
#lng <- rep(NA, numreps)
#for(ii in 1:numreps){
#  res <- AM(trait= paste0("res",ii), lambda=0.6 , geno=geno, map=map, pheno=as.data.frame(bigpheno), fformula=NULL)
#  lng[ii] <- length(res$Mrk) >  1  ## number of false positives
#print(" Type 1 error rate for 0.5 when calculated the long way .... ")
#print(" --------------------" )


 ## build design matrix currentX
 ## no missing data at this stage to worry about
 currentX_null <- .build_design_matrix(pheno=bigpheno,  fformula=NULL  , quiet=quiet)
 ## check currentX for solve(crossprod(X, X)) singularity
 chck <- tryCatch({ans <- solve(crossprod(currentX_null, currentX_null))},
           error = function(err){

        message(" There is a problem with the effects in fformula.\n")
        message(" These effects are causing computational instability. \n")
        message(" This can occur when there is a strong dependency between the effects.\n")
        message(" Try removing some of the effects in fformula. \n")
        message("\n  AM has terminated with errors.\n")

 ## calculate Ve and Vg
 Args <- list(geno=geno,

   message(" quiet=FALSE: calculating M %*% M^t. \n")

 MMt <- do.call(.calcMMt, Args)

   doquiet(dat=MMt, num_markers=5 , lab="M%*%M^t")
 invMMt <- chol2inv(chol(MMt))   ## doesn't use GPU

 if (!quiet)  message(" Calculating square root of MMt and its inverse")
 MMt_sqrt_and_sqrtinv  <- calculateMMt_sqrt_and_sqrtinv(MMt=MMt, checkres=quiet) 

            eig.L <- emma.eigen.L.wo.Z(MMt )

 } else  {
            eig.L <- emma.eigen.L.w.Z(Zmat, MMt)

lambda <- seq(0,1,length.out=numlambdas)

# Fit null model and calculate extBIC
vc <- list()
best_ve <- rep(NA, numreps)
best_vg <- rep(NA, numreps)
MaxLike <- rep(NA, numreps)
extBIC <-   matrix(data=NA, nrow=numreps, ncol=length(lambda))

# Found that REML step gives better results, at least for small sample size
message("\n Calculating variance components  for null model")

   Args <- list(y=pheno[, "residuals"] , X= currentX_null , Z=Zmat, K=MMt, eig.L=eig.L)
   res_full  <- do.call(emma.REMLE, Args)
   vc <- list("vg"=res_full$vg, "ve"=res_full$ve   )

rep(NA, numreps)

 for (ii in 1:numreps){
   #vc[[ii]] <- .calcVC(trait=bigpheno[, ii], Zmat=Zmat, currentX=currentX_null,MMt=MMt )

#==>   best_ve[ii] <- vc[[ii]][["ve"]]
#==>   best_vg[ii] <- vc[[ii]][["vg"]]
   #MaxLike[ii] <- vc[[ii]][["ML"]]

   # Approximation step here - vc being computed once on the original unpermuted trait (residuals). 
   # Exact code is what is commented out above where vc computed on each permutation of residuals.  
   best_ve[ii] <- vc[["ve"]]
   best_vg[ii] <- vc[["vg"]]
   #MaxLike[ii] <- vc[["ML"]]
 } ## for ii

# Since there are no fixed effects and we have permuted Y, then 
# we only need to do this once, for a single rep and all the rest
# will have the same null extBIC value. 
 Args <- list("trait"= bigpheno[,1], "currentX"=currentX_null, "geno"=geno, "MMt"=MMt,
                       "Zmat"=Zmat, "numberSNPselected"=0, "quiet"=quiet, "lambda"=lambda, eig.L=eig.L)
message(" Calculating extBIC for null model")

 extBIC <-     do.call(.calc_extBIC_MLE, Args)


extBIC <- matrix(data=extBIC, nrow=numreps, ncol=length(lambda)) # formed matrix of null extBIC values

 extBIC_alternate <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=numreps, ncol=length(lambda))
 ## => only need to do once. 
 ## Looks at the stability of the MMt calculation especially if there are near identical rows of data in M
 error_checking <- FALSE
 if (!quiet ) error_checking <- TRUE

# if (!quiet)  message(" Calculating square root of MMt and its inverse")
# MMt_sqrt_and_sqrtinv  <- calculateMMt_sqrt_and_sqrtinv(MMt=MMt, checkres=error_checking) 

 if (!quiet)  message(" Calculating H")
 message("\n Calculating matrices that will be used in alternate model. ")
 H <- calculateH(MMt=MMt, varE=best_ve[ii], varG=best_vg[ii], Zmat=Zmat )
 if (!quiet)  message(" Calculating P")
 P <- calculateP(H=H, X=currentX_null )
 if (!quiet)  message(" Calculating a hat")
 hat_a <- calculate_reduced_a_batch(Zmat=Zmat, varG=best_vg[ii], P=P,
                       y=bigpheno , quiet = quiet)

 if (!quiet)  message(" Calculating var(a hat)")
 var_hat_a    <- calculate_reduced_vara(Zmat=Zmat, X=currentX_null, 
                                             varE=best_ve[ii], varG=best_vg[ii], invMMt=invMMt,
                                             quiet = quiet)


 if (!quiet)  message(" Calculating  a and vara for full data")
 a_and_vara  <- calculate_a_and_vara_batch(numreps = numreps, 
                                          geno = geno,
                                          selectedloci = selected_loci,
                                          transformed_a=hat_a ,

message("\n Analysing ", numreps, " permuations. ")
for(ii in 1:numreps){
       if(ii %% 4 == 0 )
          message("-", appendLF=FALSE)
       if(ii %% 4 == 1 )
          message("\\", appendLF=FALSE)
       if(ii %% 4 == 2 )
          message("|", appendLF=FALSE)
       if(ii %% 4 == 3 )
          message("/", appendLF=FALSE)

      # Select new locus : find_qtl function but with calculateMMt_sqrt_and_sqrtinv
      # moved outside the function for computational gain with permuted samples

      ## outlier test statistic
      ## tsq <- a_and_vara[["a"]][, ii]**2/a_and_vara[["vara"]]
      # indx contains the snp numbers of snps with non-zero variances
      indx <- which(abs(a_and_vara[["vara"]]) > 0.00000001)
      # cat("Length of indx = ", length(indx), "\n")

      tsq <- a_and_vara[["a"]][indx, ii]**2/a_and_vara[["vara"]][indx]

      # indx_tsq contains the index position of the maximum tsq. This will 
      # not be the same as the snp index with the maximum test statistic.
      indx_tsq <- which(tsq == max(tsq, na.rm=TRUE))   ## index of largest test statistic. 
                                                   ## However, need to account for other loci 
                                                   ## already having been removed from M which 
                                                   ## affects the indexing

       ## taking first found qtl
       midpoint <- 1
       if (length(indx_tsq)>2){
          midpoint <- trunc(length(indx_tsq)/2)+1

       # indx_of_locus now contains the snp index of the snp with the largest test statistic value. 
       indx_of_locus <- indx[indx_tsq[midpoint]]

       new_selected_locus  <- seq(1, geno[["dim_of_M"]][2])  ## 1:ncols
       new_selected_locus <- new_selected_locus[indx_of_locus]

       # Fit alternate model
       currentX <- currentX_null # initialising to base model  
       currentX <- constructX(Zmat=Zmat, fnameMt=geno[["tmpMt"]], currentX=currentX, 
                              map=map )
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
 # currentX[,2] <- sample(c(0,1,2), nrow(currentX), TRUE)
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
  Args <- list("trait"= bigpheno[,ii], "currentX"=currentX, "geno"=geno, "MMt"=MMt,
                       "Zmat"=Zmat, "numberSNPselected"=1, "quiet"=quiet, "lambda"=lambda, eig.L=eig.L)

 if (!quiet) message(" calc_extBIC_MLE ")
 extBIC_alternate[ii, ] <-     do.call(.calc_extBIC_MLE, Args)

}  ## end for reps

# calculate FDR for lambda value
mat <- (extBIC_alternate < extBIC)
falsepos <- colSums(mat)/numreps

cat(" Table: Empirical false positive rates, given lambda value for model selection. \n\n")
cat("  Lambda    |  False Pos Rate  \n")
cat(" ---------------------------- \n")
for(ii in 1:length(lambda)){
cat( lambda[ii], " | ", round(falsepos[ii], 3), "\n")
cat(" ----------------------------- \n")

# find best lambda value 

d <- abs(falsepos - falseposrate)
indx <- which(min(d) == d)
if(length(indx) > 1){
    indx <- max(indx)   ## picking most conservative value if there are multiple values
 setlambda <- lambda[indx]
cat(" For a false positive rate of ", falseposrate, " set the lambda parameter in the AM function to ", setlambda, "\n")

 return(list(numreps=numreps, lambda=lambda, falsepos=falsepos, setlambda = setlambda    ))

} ## end function FPR4AMnew

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