#' @title EdSurvey Percentiles
#' @description Calculates the percentiles of a numeric variable in an
#' \code{}, a \code{},
#' or an \code{}.
#' @param variable the character name of the variable to percentiles computed,
#' typically a subject scale or subscale
#' @param percentiles a numeric vector of percentiles in the range of 0 to 100
#' (inclusive)
#' @param data an \code{} or an
#' \code{}
#' @param weightVar a character indicating the weight variable to use.
#' @param jrrIMax a numeric value; when using the jackknife variance estimation method, the default estimation option, \code{jrrIMax=1}, uses the
#' sampling variance from the first plausible value as the component for sampling variance estimation. The \eqn{V_{jrr}}
#' term (see
#' \href{}{\emph{Statistical Methods Used in EdSurvey}})
#' can be estimated with any number of plausible values, and values larger than the number of
#' plausible values on the survey (including \code{Inf}) will result in all plausible values being used.
#' Higher values of \code{jrrIMax} lead to longer computing times and more accurate variance estimates.
#' @param varMethod a character set to \code{jackknife} or \code{Taylor}
#' that indicates the variance estimation method used when
#' constructing the confidence intervals. The jackknife
#' variance estimation method is always
#' used to calculate the standard error.
#' @param alpha a numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence level.
#' An \code{alpha} value of 0.05 would indicate a 95\%
#' confidence interval and is the default.
#' @param dropOmittedLevels a logical value. When set to the default value of
#' \code{TRUE}, drops those levels of
#' all factor variables that are specified in
#' \code{achievementVars} and \code{aggregatBy}.
#' Use \code{print} on an \code{}
#' to see the omitted levels.
#' @param defaultConditions a logical value. When set to the default value
#' of \code{TRUE}, uses the default
#' conditions stored in an \code{}
#' to subset the data.
#' Use \code{print} on an \code{}
#' to see the default conditions.
#' @param recode a list of lists to recode variables. Defaults to
#' \code{NULL}. Can be set as
#' \code{recode=}\code{list(var1=} \code{list(from=} \code{c("a",}
#' \code{"b",} \code{"c"),}
#' \code{to=} \code{"d"))}.
#' @param returnVarEstInputs a logical value set to \code{TRUE} to return the
#' inputs to the jackknife and imputation variance
#' estimates which allows for the computation
#' of covariances between estimates.
#' @param returnNumberOfPSU a logical value set to \code{TRUE} to return the number of
#' primary sampling units (PSUs)
#' @param pctMethod one of \dQuote{unbiased}, \dQuote{symmetric}, \dQuote{simple};
#' unbiased produces a weighted median unbiased percentile estimate,
#' whereas simple uses a basic formula that matches previously
#' published results. Symmetric uses a more basic formula
#' but requires that the percentile is symetric to multiplying
#' the quantity by negative one.
#' @param confInt a Boolean indicating if the confidence interval should be returned
#' @param dofMethod passed to \code{\link{DoFCorrection}} as the \code{method} argument
#' @param omittedLevels this argument is deprecated. Use \code{dropOmittedLevels}
#' @details
#' Percentiles, their standard errors, and confidence intervals
#' are calculated according to the vignette titled
#' \href{}{\emph{Statistical Methods Used in EdSurvey}}.
#' The standard errors and confidence intervals are based
#' on separate formulas and assumptions.
#' The Taylor series variance estimation procedure is not relevant to percentiles
#' because percentiles are not continuously differentiable.
#' @return
#' The return type depends on whether the class of the \code{data} argument is an
#' \code{} or an \code{}.
#' \strong{The data argument is an}
#' When the \code{data} argument is an \code{},
#' \code{percentile} returns an S3 object of class \code{percentile}.
#' This is a \code{data.frame} with typical attributes (\code{names},
#' \code{row.names}, and \code{class}) and additional attributes as follows:
#' \item{n0}{number of rows on \code{} before any conditions were applied}
#' \item{nUsed}{number of observations with valid data and weights larger than zero}
#' \item{nPSU}{number of PSUs used in the calculation}
#' \item{call}{the call used to generate these results}
#' The columns of the \code{data.frame} are as follows:
#' \item{percentile}{the percentile of this row}
#' \item{estimate}{the estimated value of the percentile}
#' \item{se}{the jackknife standard error of the estimated percentile}
#' \item{df}{degrees of freedom}
#' \item{confInt.ci_lower}{the lower bound
#' of the confidence interval}
#' \item{confInt.ci_upper}{the upper bound
#' of the confidence interval}
#' \item{nsmall}{the number of units with more extreme results, averaged
#' across plausible values}
#' When the \code{confInt} argument is set to \code{FALSE}, the confidence
#' intervals are not returned.
#' \strong{The data argument is an}
#' When the \code{data} argument is an \code{},
#' \code{percentile} returns an S3 object of class \code{percentileList}.
#' This is a data.frame with a \code{call} attribute.
#' The columns in the \code{data.frame} are identical to those in the previous
#' section, but there also are columns from the \code{}.
#' \item{covs}{a column for each column in the \code{covs} value of the
#' \code{}.
#' See Examples.}
#' When \code{returnVarEstInputs} is \code{TRUE}, an attribute
#' \code{varEstInputs} also is returned that includes the variance estimate
#' inputs used for calculating covariances with \code{\link{varEstToCov}}.
#' @references
#' Hyndman, R. J., & Fan, Y. (1996). Sample quantiles in statistical packages. \emph{American Statistician}, \emph{50}, 361--365.
#' @author Paul Bailey
#' @importFrom stats reshape
#' @example man/examples/percentile.R
#' @export
percentile <- function(variable, percentiles, data,
weightVar = NULL, jrrIMax = 1,
varMethod = c("jackknife", "Taylor"),
alpha = 0.05,
dropOmittedLevels = TRUE,
defaultConditions = TRUE,
recode = NULL,
returnVarEstInputs = FALSE,
returnNumberOfPSU = FALSE,
pctMethod = c("symmetric", "unbiased", "simple"),
confInt = TRUE,
dofMethod = c("JR", "WS"),
omittedLevels = deprecated()) {
# check incoming variables
checkDataClass(data, c("", "", ""))
varMethod <- substr(tolower(varMethod[[1]]), 0, 1)
call <-
if (lifecycle::is_present(omittedLevels)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft("4.0.0", "percentile(omittedLevels)", "percentile(dropOmittedLevels)")
dropOmittedLevels <- omittedLevels
if (!is.logical(dropOmittedLevels)) stop("The ", sQuote("dropOmittedLevels"), " argument must be logical.")
pctMethod <- match.arg(pctMethod)
dofMethod <- match.arg(dofMethod)
# check percentiles arguments
if (any(percentiles < 0 | percentiles > 100)) {
message(sQuote("percentiles"), " must be between 0 and 100. Values out of range are omitted.")
percentiles <- percentiles[percentiles >= 0 & percentiles <= 100]
if (length(percentiles) == 0) {
stop("The function requires at least 1 valid percentile. Please check ", sQuote("percentiles"), " argument.")
if (all(percentiles >= 0 & percentiles <= 1) & any(percentiles != 0)) {
warning("All values in the ", sQuote("percentiles"), " argument are between 0 and 1. Note that the function uses a 0-100 scale.")
# deal with the possibility that data is an
if (inherits(data, "")) {
ll <- length(data$datalist)
lp <- length(percentiles)
# check variable specific to
call0 <-
res <- list(summary = list())
# because R does partial matching the varialble name for the `data` argument could be a variety of things
# this code finds its index using the pmatch function
ln <- length(names(call))
# this pmatch will return a vector like c(0,0,1,0) if `data` is the third element
datapos <- which.max(pmatch(names(call), "data", 0L))
warns <- c()
results <- sapply(1:ll, function(i) {
call[[datapos]] <- data$datalist[[i]]
error = function(cond) {
warns <<- c(warns, dQuote(paste(data$covs[i, ], collapse = " ")))
nullRes <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
percentile = percentiles,
estimate = rep(NA, lp),
se = rep(NA, lp),
df = rep(NA, lp)
if (confInt) {
nullRes$confInt.ci_lower <- rep(NA, lp)
nullRes$confInt.ci_upper <- rep(NA, lp)
nullRes$nsmall <- rep(NA, lp)
}, simplify = FALSE)
if (length(warns) > 0) {
if (length(warns) > 1) {
datasets <- "datasets"
} else {
datasets <- "dataset"
warning(paste0("Could not process ", datasets, " ", pasteItems(warns), ". Try running this call with just the affected ", datasets, " for more details."))
# a block consists of the covs and the results for a percentile level:
resdf <- cbind(data$covs, t(sapply(1:ll, function(ii) {
results[[ii]][1, ]
}, simplify = TRUE)))
ind <- 2 # iteration starts at second column
while (ind <= lp) { # lp is the number of percentiles
# this just grabs blocks, for each percentile level
newblock <- cbind(data$covs, t(sapply(1:ll, function(ii) {
results[[ii]][ind, ]
}, simplify = TRUE)))
# and then appends them to the bottom of the results
resdf <- rbind(resdf, newblock)
ind <- ind + 1
attr(resdf, "call") <- call0
class(resdf) <- c("percentileList", "data.frame")
} else {
############### Outline ###############
# 1) get data for this variable and weight
# 2) setup the (x,y,w) data.frame
# 3) identify requested points
# 4) Calculate final results
# clean incoming vars
# if the weight var is not set, use the default
wgt <- checkWeightVar(data, weightVar)
# 1) get data for this variable and weight
taylorVars <- NULL
if (varMethod == "t") {
taylorVars <- c(getPSUVar(data, wgt), getStratumVar(data, wgt))
getDataVarNames <- c(variable, wgt, taylorVars)
tryCatch(getDataVarNames <- c(getDataVarNames, PSUStratumNeeded(returnNumberOfPSU | confInt, data)),
error = function(e) {
if (returnNumberOfPSU) {
warning(paste0("Stratum and PSU variables are required for this call and are not on the incoming data. Ignoring ", dQuote("returnNumberOfPSU=TRUE"), "."))
returnNumberOfPSU <<- FALSE
getDataArgs <- list(
data = data,
varnames = getDataVarNames,
returnJKreplicates = TRUE,
drop = FALSE,
omittedLevels = dropOmittedLevels,
recode = recode,
includeNaLabel = TRUE,
dropUnusedLevels = TRUE
# Default conditions should be included only if the user set it. This adds
# the argument only if needed
if (!missing(defaultConditions)) {
getDataArgs <- c(getDataArgs, list(defaultConditions = defaultConditions))
# edf is the actual data
suppressWarnings(edf <-, getDataArgs))
# check that there is some data to work with
if (any(edf[ , wgt] <= 0)) {
warning("Removing rows with 0 weight from analysis.")
edf <- edf[edf[ , wgt] > 0, ]
if (nrow(edf) <= 0) {
sQuote("data"), " must have more than 0 rows after a call to ",
sQuote("getData"), "."
# get Plauisble Values of Y variable
pvvariable <- hasPlausibleValue(variable, data) # pvy is the plausible values of the y variable
variables <- variable
if (pvvariable) {
variables <- getPlausibleValue(variable, data)
} else {
# if not, make sure that this variable is numeric
edf[ , variable] <- as.numeric(edf[ , variable])
# is this a NAEP linking error formula case
linkingError <- detectLinkingError(data, variables)
# jrrIMax
jrrIMax <- min(jrrIMax, length(variables))
# get the jackknife replicate weights for this sdf
jkw <- getWeightJkReplicates(wgt, data)
# for each variable to find percentiles in
percentileGen <- function(thesePercentiles, pctMethod) {
# make sure these are not out of bounds
fnp <- function(pv, w) {
# data frame with x and w on it. It will eventually get the percentile for that point
xpw <- data.frame(
x = pv[w > 0],
w = w[w > 0]
# remove missings
xpw <- xpw[!$x), ]
# order the results by x
xpw <- xpw[order(xpw$x), ]
# WW is the total weight
WW <- sum(xpw$w)
# number of interior points, note extras not added yet
nn <- nrow(xpw)
# the percentile of each point,
# using percentile method recomended by Hyndman and Fan (1996)
# see percentile vignette for details.
# xpwc is condensed (duplicate values of x are merged, summing the weight)
# this is then used for pcpt, while xpw is used for all other pruposes
if (pctMethod == "simple") {
# result vector
resv <- rep(NA, length(thesePercentiles))
resp <- 100 * cumsum(xpw$w) / WW
xpw$p <- resp
for (ri in seq_along(thesePercentiles)) {
# k + 1 (or, in short hand kp1)
# which.max returns the index of the first value of TRUE
kp1 <- which.max(xpw$p >= thesePercentiles[ri])
resv[ri] <- xpw$x[kp1]
names(resv)[ri] <- paste0("P", thesePercentiles[ri])
resv[thesePercentiles > xpw$p[nrow(xpw)]] <- xpw$x[nrow(xpw)]
} else if (pctMethod == "unbiased") {
if (is.matrix(thesePercentiles)) {
# for lower and upper latent_ci
len <- nrow(thesePercentiles)
} else {
len <- length(thesePercentiles)
xpwdt <- data.table(xpw)
xpw <-[ , w := mean(w), by = "x"])
# see Stats vignette or Hyndman & Fan
kp <- 1 + (nn - 1) / (WW - 1) * ((cumsum(c(0, xpw$w[-nrow(xpw)])) + (xpw$w - 1) / 2))
# do not let kp go below 1 nor above nn-1, moves nothing when all weights >= 1
kp <- pmax(1, pmin(nn - 1, kp))
resp <- 100 * (kp - 1 / 3) / (nn + 1 / 3)
# this does not cover the entire 0 to 100 interval, so add points on the end.
xpwc <- rbind(xpw[1, ], xpw, xpw[nrow(xpw), ])
xpwc$w[1] <- xpwc$w[nrow(xpwc)] <- 0
xpwc$p <- c(0, resp, 100)
# could be larger than max, handle that
resv <- sapply(1:len, function(ri) {
if (is.matrix(thesePercentiles)) {
# for lower and upper latent_ci
n <- 2
p <- thesePercentiles[ri, ]
} else {
n <- 1
p <- thesePercentiles[ri]
sapply(1:n, function(r_i) {
p <- p[r_i]
p <- min(max(p, 0), 100) # enforce 0 to 100 range
# k + 1 (or, in short hand kp1)
# which.max returns the index of the first value of TRUE
xpwc <- xpwc[!duplicated(xpwc$p), ]
# kp1 stands for k + 1
kp1 <- which.max(xpwc$p >= p)
if (kp1 == 1) {
} else {
# k = (k+1) - 1
k <- kp1 - 1
pk <- xpwc$p[k]
pkp1 <- xpwc$p[kp1]
gamma <- (p - pk) / (pkp1 - pk)
# interpolate between k and k+1
(1 - gamma) * xpwc$x[k] + gamma * xpwc$x[kp1]
for (i in 1:len) {
names(resv)[i] <- paste0("P", thesePercentiles[i])
} else {
# pctMethod == 'symmetric'
# result vector
resv <- rep(NA, length(thesePercentiles))
xpwdt <- data.table(xpw)
xpw <-[ , w := mean(w), by = "x"])
# see Stats vignette or Hyndman & Fan
kp <- 1 / 2 + (nn - 1) / (WW - 1) * ((cumsum(c(0, xpw$w[-nrow(xpw)])) + (xpw$w - 1) / 2))
# do not let kp go below 1 nor above nn-1, moves nothing when all weights >= 1
kp <- pmax(1, pmin(nn - 1, kp))
resp <- 100 * kp / nn
xpw$p <- resp
# could be larger than max, handle that
for (ri in seq_along(thesePercentiles)) {
thisPercentile <- thesePercentiles[ri]
names(resv)[ri] <- paste0("P", thisPercentile)
if (thisPercentile > xpw$p[nrow(xpw)]) {
resv[ri] <- xpw$x[nrow(xpw)]
} else {
# kp1 stands for k + 1
kp1 <- which.max(xpw$p >= thisPercentile)
# less than min, so return min
if (kp1 == 1) {
resv[ri] <- xpw$x[1]
} else {
# interior cases:
# k = (k+1) - 1
k <- kp1 - 1
pk <- xpw$p[k]
pkp1 <- xpw$p[kp1]
gamma <- (thisPercentile - pk) / (pkp1 - pk)
# interpolate between k and k+1
resv[ri] <- (1 - gamma) * xpw$x[k] + gamma * xpw$x[kp1]
# check for unusable jrrIMax for linking error
if (linkingError & jrrIMax != 1) {
warning("The linking error variance estimator only supports ", dQuote("jrrIMax=1"), ". Resetting to 1.")
jrrIMax <- 1
if (linkingError) {
# 2) setup the (x,y,w) data.frame
resdf <- data.frame(inst = seq_along(variables))
for (i in seq_along(percentiles)) {
resdf[paste0("P", percentiles[i])] <- 0
# get the jackknife replicate weights for this sdf
# varm: JRR contributions
# nsmall: minimum (smaller value) of n above or below percentile
# varm <- nsmall <- r <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(variables), ncol=length(percentiles))
# for each variable to find percentiles in
jkSumMult <- getAttributes(data, "jkSumMultiplier")
pctfi <- percentileGen(percentiles, pctMethod)
estVars <- variables[!(grepl("_imp_", variables) | grepl("_samp_", variables))]
esti <- getLinkingEst(edf, estVars, stat = pctfi, wgt = wgt)
# build imputation variance inputs
varEstInputsPV <- data.frame(
PV = rep(1:nrow(esti$coef), length(percentiles)),
variable = rep(paste0("P", percentiles), each = nrow(esti$coef)),
value = rep(NA, nrow(esti$coef) * length(percentiles))
for (pcti in seq_along(percentiles)) {
for (pctj in seq_along(estVars)) {
varEstInputsPV$value[varEstInputsPV$PV == pctj & varEstInputsPV$variable == names(esti$est)[pcti]] <- esti$coef[pctj, pcti] - mean(esti$coef[ , pcti])
# get sampling var
Vjrr <- getLinkingSampVar(edf,
pvSamp = variables[grep("_samp", variables)],
stat = pctfi,
rwgt = jkw,
T0 = esti$est,
T0Centered = FALSE
# now finalize imputation vairance
M <- length(variables)
# imputaiton variance / variance due to uncertaintly about PVs
Vimp <- getLinkingImpVar(
data = edf,
pvImp = variables[grep("_imp", variables)],
ramCols = ncol(getRAM()),
stat = pctfi,
wgt = wgt,
T0 = esti$est,
T0Centered = FALSE
varEstInputsJK <- Vjrr$veiJK
varEstInputsJK$value <- -1 * varEstInputsJK$value
# total variance
V <- Vimp$V + Vjrr$V
} else {
# NOT linkingerror
jkSumMult <- getAttributes(data, "jkSumMultiplier")
pctfi <- percentileGen(percentiles, pctMethod)
esti <- getEst(edf, variables, stat = pctfi, wgt = wgt)
names(esti$est) <- paste0("P", percentiles)
colnames(esti$coef) <- paste0("P", percentiles)
# build imputation variance inputs
varEstInputsPV <- data.frame(
PV = rep(1:nrow(esti$coef), length(percentiles)),
variable = rep(paste0("P", percentiles), each = nrow(esti$coef)),
value = rep(NA, nrow(esti$coef) * length(percentiles))
for (pcti in seq_along(percentiles)) {
for (pctj in seq_along(variables)) {
varEstInputsPV$value[varEstInputsPV$PV == pctj & varEstInputsPV$variable == names(esti$est)[pcti]] <- esti$coef[pctj, pcti] - mean(esti$coef[ , pcti])
if (!pctMethod %in% "unbiased") {
# pctMethod is "simple" or "symmetric"
# build jackkinve
vsi <- matrix(0, nrow = jrrIMax, ncol = length(percentiles))
for (j in 1:jrrIMax) {
# based on jth PV, so use co0 from jth PV
vestj <- getVarEstJK(stat = pctfi, yvar = edf[ , variables[j]], wgtM = edf[ , jkw], co0 = esti$coef[j, ], jkSumMult = jkSumMult, pvName = j)
if (j == 1) {
varEstInputsJK <- vestj$veiJK
} else {
varEstInputsJK <- rbind(varEstInputsJK, vestj$veiJK)
vsi[j, ] <- vestj$VsampInp
# sampling variance is then the mean
Vjrr <- apply(vsi, 2, mean)
} else {
# pctMethod is 'unbiased'
percentileGen2 <- function(thesePercentiles) {
# make sure these are not out of bounds
thesePercentiles <- pmin(pmax(thesePercentiles, 0), 100) # enforce 0 to 100 range
fnp <- function(pv, w, jkws, rv, jmax) {
# result vector
jkwc <- colnames(jkws)
rprs <- matrix(0, nrow = length(jkwc), ncol = length(percentiles))
nsmall <- rep(NA, length(thesePercentiles))
# data frame with x and w on it. It will eventually get the percentile for that point
xpw <- data.frame(
x = pv,
w = w
xpw <- cbind(xpw, jkws)
xpw <- xpw[xpw$w > 0, ]
# remove missings
xpw <- xpw[!$x), ]
# order the results by x
xpw <- xpw[ord <- order(xpw$x), ] # keep order as ord for use in sapply later
WW <- sum(xpw$w)
nn <- nrow(xpw)
xpwdt <- data.table(xpw)
xpwc <-[ , w := mean(w), by = "x"])
w <- xpw$w
# see Stats vignette or Hyndman & Fan
kp <- 1 + (nn - 1) / (WW - 1) * ((cumsum(c(0, w[-length(w)])) + (w - 1) / 2))
# do not let kp go below 1 nor above nn-1, moves nothing when all weights >= 1
kp <- pmax(1, pmin(nn - 1, kp))
resp <- 100 * (kp - 1 / 3) / (nn + 1 / 3)
# this does not cover the entire 0 to 100 interval, so add points on the end.
xpwc <- rbind(xpwc[1, ], xpwc, xpwc[nrow(xpwc), ])
xpwc$w[1] <- xpwc$w[nrow(xpwc)] <- 0
xpwc$p <- c(0, resp, 100)
for (ri in seq_along(thesePercentiles)) {
p <- thesePercentiles[ri]
rp <- rv[ri]
nsmall[ri] <- max(0, -1 + min(sum(xpw$x < rv[ri]), sum(xpw$x > rv[ri])))
if (jmax) {
# k + 1 (or, in short hand kp1)
# which.max returns the index of the first value of TRUE
jkrp <- sapply(seq_along(jkwc), function(jki) {
# xpw has been reordered, so have to reorder
# edf in the same way to use it here
# set the bottom and top weight to 0 so the sum is still correct
xpw$w <- edf[ord, jkw[jki]]
WW <- sum(xpw$w)
nn <- nrow(xpw) - 2
xpwdt <- data.table(xpw)
xpw <-[ , w := mean(w), by = "x"])
w <- xpw$w
# see Stats vignette or Hyndman & Fan
kp <- 1 + (nn - 1) / (WW - 1) * ((cumsum(c(0, w[-length(w)])) + (w - 1) / 2))
# do not let kp go below 1 nor above nn-1, moves nothing when all weights >= 1
kp <- pmax(1, pmin(nn - 1, kp))
resp <- 100 * (kp - 1 / 3) / (nn + 1 / 3)
xpwc <- rbind(xpw[1, ], xpw, xpw[nrow(xpw), ])
xpwc$w[1] <- xpwc$w[nrow(xpwc)] <- 0
xpwc$p <- c(0, resp, 100)
xpwc <- xpwc[!duplicated(xpwc$p), ]
# estimate the percentile with the new weights
kp1 <- which.max(xpwc$p >= p)
if (kp1 == 1) {
} else {
# k = (k+1) - 1
k <- kp1 - 1
pk <- xpwc$p[k]
pkp1 <- xpwc$p[kp1]
gamma <- (p - pk) / (pkp1 - pk)
# interpolate between k and k+1
(1 - gamma) * xpwc$x[k] + gamma * xpwc$x[kp1]
rpr <- jkrp - rp
# if difference rpr is very small round to 0 for DOF correctness
rpr[which(abs(rpr) < (sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * sqrt(length(jkrp))))] <- 0
rprs[ , ri] <- rpr
nsmall[] <- 0
return(list(rprs = rprs, nsmall = nsmall))
pctfi2 <- percentileGen2(percentiles)
# build jackkinve
vestj <- getVarEstJKPercentile(data = edf, pvEst = variables, stat = pctfi2, wgt = wgt, jkw = jkw, rvs = esti$coef, jmaxN = jrrIMax)
# reshape
vestj <-$rprs)
cols <- paste0("P", percentiles)
colnames(vestj) <- cols
vestj$JKreplicate <- rep(seq_along(jkw), jrrIMax)
vestj$PV <- rep(1:jrrIMax, each = length(jkw))
varEstInputsJK <- reshape(vestj, direction = "long", idvar = c("JKreplicate", "PV"), varying = cols, times = cols, timevar = "variable", v.names = "value")
rownames(varEstInputsJK) <- paste0(rep(seq_along(jkw), length(percentiles)), ".", rep(seq_along(percentiles), each = length(jkw)))
varEstInputsJK$vs <- varEstInputsJK$value^2
varm2 <- aggregate(vs ~ PV + variable, varEstInputsJK, sum)
varEstInputsJK$vs <- NULL
varEstInputsJK <- varEstInputsJK[ , c("PV", "JKreplicate", "variable", "value")]
# sampling variance is then the mean
a <- aggregate(vs ~ variable, varm2, mean)
a$variable <- as.numeric(gsub("P", "", a$variable))
a <- a[order(a$variable), ]
Vjrr <- getAttributes(data, "jkSumMultiplier") * a$vs
# now finalize imputation vairance
M <- length(variables)
# imputaiton variance / variance due to uncertaintly about PVs
Vimp <- rep(0, ncol(esti$coef))
if (M > 1) {
# imputation variance with M correction (see stats vignette)
# [r - mean(r)]^2
Vimp <- (M + 1) / (M * (M - 1)) * apply((t(t(esti$coef) - apply(esti$coef, 2, mean)))^2, 2, sum) # will be 0 when there are no PVs
# total variance
V <- Vimp + Vjrr
} # end else for if(linkingError)
varEstInputs <- list(JK = varEstInputsJK, PV = varEstInputsPV)
# get dof, used in confidence inverval too
dof <- 0 * percentiles
for (i in seq_along(dof)) {
dof[i] <- DoFCorrection(varEstA = varEstInputs, varA = paste0("P", percentiles[i]), method = dofMethod)
# simple dof is #PSUs - # strata. Since 2 PSUs/strata, use that here.
dof_simple <- nrow(varEstInputsJK)
# find confidence interval
# first, find the variance of the fraction that are above/below this
# percentile
if (confInt) {
if (varMethod == "j") {
# Jackknife method for estimating the variance of the percent below P
# note: the below works when the are or are not plausible vaues.
# that is, the section, "Estimation of the standard error of weighted
# percentages when plausible values are not present, using the jackknife
# method" is implemented when there are not plausible vlaues present
# while the section, "Estimation of the standard error of weighted
# percentages when plausible values are present, using the jackknife
# method" is implemented when they are present.
belowGen <- function(cutoffs) {
f <- function(pv, w) {
res <- rep(NA, length(cutoffs))
for (i in seq_along(cutoffs)) {
below <- pv < cutoffs[i]
res[i] <- sum(w[below]) / sum(w)
names(res) <- names(esti$est)
belowf <- belowGen(esti$est)
belowf(edf[ , variables[1]], edf$origwt)
# estb[elow] that percentile
pEst <- getEst(edf, variables, stat = belowf, wgt = wgt)
# imputation variance
pVimp <- rep(0, ncol(pEst$coef))
if (M > 1) {
# imputation variance with M correction (see stats vignette)
# [r - mean(r)]^2
pVimp <- (M + 1) / (M * (M - 1)) * apply((t(t(pEst$coef) - apply(pEst$coef, 2, mean)))^2, 2, sum) # will be 0 when there are no PVs
} # else, Vimp is 0, no change needed
# sampling variance for below
pVsi <- matrix(0, nrow = jrrIMax, ncol = length(percentiles))
for (j in 1:jrrIMax) {
vestj <- getVarEstJK(stat = belowf, yvar = edf[ , variables[j]], wgtM = edf[ , jkw], co0 = pEst$coef[j, ], jkSumMult = jkSumMult, pvName = j)
pVsi[j, ] <- vestj$VsampInp
# sampling variance is then the mean across PVs up to jrrIMax
pVjrr <- apply(pVsi, 2, mean)
pV <- pVimp + pVjrr
} else { # end if(varMethod=="j")
# Taylor series method for confidence intervals
r0 <- esti$est
# We need the pi value, the proportion under the Pth percentile
mu0 <- sapply(seq_along(percentiles), function(i) {
# get the mean of the estimates across pvs
mean(sapply(seq_along(variables), function(vari) {
# for an individual PV, get the estimated fraction below r0[i]
vv <- variables[vari]
xpw <- data.frame(
x = edf[[vv]],
w = edf[[wgt]]
xpw <- xpw[!$x), ]
xpw$below <- (xpw$x <= r0[i])
s0 <- sum(xpw$w[xpw$below]) / sum(xpw$w)
# there are two states here, above and below the percentile
# so the D matrix and Z matrix are 1x1s
# first calculate D
# get the sum of weights
# all xs will have the same missing values, so we can just use the first
# x because we are just using the missingness
vv <- variables[1]
Ws <- edf[![[vv]]), wgt]
D <- 1 / sum(Ws)
# calculate the pVjrr (Z) and pVimp together
pV <- sapply(seq_along(percentiles), function(ri) {
est <- getEstPcTy(
data = edf,
pvEst = variables,
stat = getPcTy,
wgt = wgt,
D = D,
r0_ri = r0[ri],
s0 = mu0[ri],
psuV = edf[ , getPSUVar(data, wgt)],
stratV = edf[ , getStratumVar(data, wgt)]
pVjrr <-, pV["pVjrrs", ])
pVimp <-, pV["pVimps", ])
pVjrr <- apply(pVjrr, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
pVimp <- (M + 1) / (M * (M - 1)) * apply(pVimp, 2, sum) # will be 0 when there are no PVs
pV <- pVimp + pVjrr
} # end else for if(varMethod=="j")
if (!pctMethod %in% "unbiased") {
latent_ci_min <- percentiles + 100 * sqrt(pV) * qt(alpha / 2, df = pmax(dof, 1))
latent_ci_max <- percentiles + 100 * sqrt(pV) * qt(1 - alpha / 2, df = pmax(dof, 1))
} else {
latent_ci_min <- percentiles + 100 * sqrt(pV) * qt(alpha / 2, df = dof_simple)
latent_ci_max <- percentiles + 100 * sqrt(pV) * qt(1 - alpha / 2, df = dof_simple)
names(latent_ci_min) <- paste0("P", percentiles)
names(latent_ci_max) <- paste0("P", percentiles)
latent_ci <- matrix(c(latent_ci_min, latent_ci_max), ncol = 2)
if (!pctMethod %in% "unbiased") {
# map back to the variable space
pctfiCIL <- percentileGen(latent_ci[ , 1], pctMethod)
ciL <- getEst(edf, variables, stat = pctfiCIL, wgt = wgt)$est
pctfiCIU <- percentileGen(latent_ci[ , 2], pctMethod)
ciU <- getEst(edf, variables, stat = pctfiCIU, wgt = wgt)$est
ci <- data.frame(ci_lower = ciL, ci_upper = ciU)
} else {
# map back to the variable space
pctfiCIL <- percentileGen(latent_ci, pctMethod)
ciL <- getEst(edf, variables, stat = pctfiCIL, wgt = wgt)
ci <- matrix(ciL$est, nrow = length(percentiles), byrow = TRUE)
colnames(ci) <- c("ci_lower", "ci_upper")
rownames(ci) <- percentiles
} # end if(confInt)
# 4) Calculate final results
if (confInt) {
res <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
percentile = percentiles, estimate = unname(esti$est), se = sqrt(V),
df = dof,
confInt = ci
} else {
res <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
percentile = percentiles, estimate = unname(esti$est), se = sqrt(V),
df = dof
if (returnVarEstInputs) {
attr(res, "varEstInputs") <- varEstInputs
attr(res, "n0") <-
attr(res, "nUsed") <- nrow(edf)
if (returnNumberOfPSU) {
stratumVar <- getAttributes(data, "stratumVar")
psuVar <- getAttributes(data, "psuVar")
if (stratumVar %in% "JK1") {
attr(res, "nPSU") <- attr(res, "nUsed")
} else {
if (sum([ , c(stratumVar, psuVar)])) == 0) {
attr(res, "nPSU") <- nrow(unique(edf[ , c(stratumVar, psuVar)]))
} else {
warning("Cannot return number of PSUs because the stratum or PSU variables contain NA values.")
attr(res, "call") <- call
class(res) <- c("percentile", "data.frame")
} # end else for if(inherits(data, "")) {
#' @method print percentile
#' @export
print.percentile <- function(x, use_es_round=getOption("EdSurvey_round_output"), ...) {
if(use_es_round) {
x <- es_round(x)
cat("Percentile\nCall: ")
cat(paste0("full data n: ", attributes(x)$n0, "\n"))
cat(paste0("n used: ", attributes(x)$nUsed, "\n"))
if (!is.null(attributes(x)$nPSU)) {
cat(paste0("n PSU: ", attributes(x)$nPSU, "\n"))
class(x) <- "data.frame"
if (min(x$df) <= 2) {
warning("Some degrees of freedom less than or equal to 2, indicating non-finite variance. These estimates should be treated with caution.")
x$nsmall <- NULL
print(x, row.names = FALSE, ...)
#' @method print percentileList
#' @export
print.percentileList <- function(x, ...) {
cat("percentileList\nCall: ")
class(x) <- "data.frame"
print(x, row.names = FALSE, ...)
# @description calculate pVjrr and pVimp for a percentile and outcome variable
# @param xpw dataframe with an outcome variable, weight, psuvar, stratumvar
# D 1 over sum of weights
# r0_ri r0 (esti$est) for i'th percentile
# s0 mu0 for i'th percentile
# pVimp boolean, if false (only one outcome in entire data) pVimp is 0
# @return a list with the following elements
# pVjrr pVjrr for the percentile and outcome
# pVimp pVimp for the percentile and outcome
getPcTy <- function(xpw, D, r0_ri, s0, pVimp = TRUE) {
# pVjrr
lengthunique <- function(x) {
psustrat0 <- aggregate(psuV ~ stratV, data = xpw, FUN = lengthunique)
# subset to just those units in strata that have more than one active PSU
names(psustrat0)[names(psustrat0) == "psuV"] <- "psuV_n"
xpw <- merge(xpw, psustrat0, by = "stratV", all.x = TRUE)
xpw <- xpw[xpw$psuV_n > 1, ]
if (nrow(xpw) > 1) {
# now get the mean deviates, S in the statistics vignette
xpw$below <- (xpw$x <= r0_ri)
xpw$S <- xpw$w * (xpw$below - s0)
psustrat <- aggregate(S ~ stratV + psuV, data = xpw, FUN = sum)
meanna <- function(x) {
mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
psustrat$stratum_mu <- ave(psustrat$S, psustrat$stratV, FUN = meanna)
psustrat$U_sk <- psustrat$S - psustrat$stratum_mu
psustrat$U_sk2 <- psustrat$U_sk^2
Z <- sum(psustrat$U_sk2, na.rm = TRUE)
pVjrr_ri_vari <- D * Z * D
} else {
pVjrr_ri_vari <- NA
# pVimp
if (pVimp) {
# only calculate if more than one outcome in sdf
s1 <- sum(xpw$w[xpw$below]) / sum(xpw$w)
pVimp_ri_vari <- (s1 - s0)^2
} else {
pVimp_ri_vari <- 0
return(list(pVjrr = pVjrr_ri_vari, pVimp = pVimp_ri_vari))
# @description calculate vector of pVjrrs and pVimps (for each outcome var) for a percentile
# @param data dataframe
# pvEst vector of outcome vars
# stat statistic to calculate
# wgt weight var
# D 1 over sum of weights
# r0_ri r0 (esti$est) for i'th percentile
# s0 mu0 for i'th percentile
# psuV psu var
# stratV stratum var
# @return a list with the following elements
# pVjrrs vector of pVjrr for all the outcome vars for a percentile
# pVimps vector of pVimp for all the outcome vars for a percentile
getEstPcTy <- function(data, pvEst, stat, wgt, D, r0_ri, s0, psuV, stratV) {
pVjrrs <- c()
pVimps <- c()
for (n in seq_along(pvEst)) {
xpw <- data.frame(
x = data[ , pvEst[n]],
w = data[ , wgt],
psuV = psuV,
stratV = stratV
xpw <- xpw[!$x), ]
if (length(pvEst) == 1) {
res <- stat(xpw = xpw, D = D, r0_ri = r0_ri, s0 = s0, pVimp = FALSE)
} else {
res <- stat(xpw = xpw, D = D, r0_ri = r0_ri, s0 = s0, pVimp = TRUE)
pVjrrs <- c(pVjrrs, res$pVjrr)
pVimps <- c(pVimps, res$pVimp)
return(list(pVjrrs = pVjrrs, pVimps = pVimps))
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