#' @title Connect to TIMSS Advanced Data
#' @description Opens a connection to a TIMSS Advanced data file and
#' returns an \code{} with
#' information about the file and data.
#' @param path a character vector to the full directory path to the TIMSS Advanced extracted SPSS (.sav) set of data
#' @param countries a character vector of the country/countries to include using
#' the three-digit ISO country code.
#' A list of country codes can be found on Wikipedia at
#' \url{}
#' or other online sources. Consult the \emph{TIMSS Advanced User Guide} to help determine what countries
#' are included within a specific testing year of TIMSS Advanced.
#' To select all countries, use a wildcard value of \strong{\code{*}}.
#' @param subject a character value to indicate if you wish to import the \code{math} or \code{physics} dataset.
#' Only one subject can be read in at a time.
#' @param forceReread a logical value to force rereading of all processed data.
#' The default value of \code{FALSE} will speed up the \code{readTIMSSAdv} function by using existing read-in data already processed.
#' @param verbose a logical value to either print or suppress status message output.
#' The default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details Reads in the unzipped files downloaded from the TIMSS Advanced
#' international database(s) using the
#' \href{}{IEA Study Data Repository}.
#' Data files require the SPSS data file (.sav) format using the default
#' filenames.
#' A TIMSS Advanced \code{} includes three distinct data levels:
#' \itemize{
#' \item student
#' \item school
#' \item teacher
#' }
#' When the \code{getData} function is called using a TIMSS Advanced \code{},
#' the requested data variables are inspected, and it handles any necessary data merges automatically.
#' The \code{school} data always will be returned merged to the \code{student}
#' data, even if only \code{school} variables are requested.
#' If \code{teacher} variables are requested by the \code{getData} call it will cause the \code{teacher} data to be merged.
#' Many \code{students} can be linked to many \code{teachers}, which varies widely between countries.
#' Please note that calling the \code{dim} function for a TIMSS Advanced \code{} will result in the row count as if the \code{teacher} dataset was merged.
#' This row count will be considered the \code{full data N} of the \code{}, even if no \code{teacher} data were included in an analysis.
#' The column count returned by \code{dim} will be the count of unique column variables across all three data levels.
#' @return
#' an \code{} for a single specified country or an \code{} if multiple countries specified
#' @seealso \code{\link{readNAEP}}, \code{\link{readTIMSS}}, \code{\link{getData}}, and \code{\link{downloadTIMSSAdv}}
#' @author Tom Fink
#' @example \man\examples\readTIMSSAdv.R
#' @importFrom haven read_sav
#' @import tibble
#' @export
readTIMSSAdv <- function(path,
subject = c("math", "physics"),
forceReread = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
# temporarily adjust any necessary option settings; revert back when done
userOp <- options(OutDec = ".")
on.exit(options(userOp), add = TRUE)
path <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(unique(path), winslash = "/"))
path <- ifelse(grepl("[.][a-zA-Z]{1,4}$", path, perl = TRUE, = TRUE), dirname(path), path)
subject <- tolower(subject)
subject <- match.arg(subject)
if (!all(dir.exists(path))) {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("path"), " cannot be located ", pasteItems(dQuote(path[!dir.exists(path)])), "."))
if (!is.logical(forceReread)) {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("forceReread"), " must be a logical value."))
if (!is.logical(verbose)) {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("verbose"), " must be a logical value."))
if (length(subject) > 1) {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("subject"), " must be of length one."))
if (!(subject %in% c("math", "physics"))) {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("subject"), " must be a value of ", dQuote("math"), " or ", dQuote("physics"), "."))
# prepwork
countries <- unique(tolower(countries))
gradeLvl <- "Secondary" # TIMSS Advanced is for Students in their last year of secondary school
subjChr <- ifelse(subject == "math", "m", "p") # determines the first character
if (unlist(countries)[1] == "*") { # user has requested data for all countries::grab all country codes
countries <- unique(tolower(substring(list.files(path,
pattern = paste0(
"^", subjChr, ".....(",
paste(getTIMSSAdvYearCodes(), collapse = "|"), ")\\.sav$"
), full.names = FALSE, = TRUE
), 4, 6)))
# gather datafile listing::be sure we only pickup TIMSS Advanced years based on the yearcodes
filenames <- list.files(path,
pattern = paste0(
"^", subjChr, "..", "(", paste(countries, collapse = "|"), ")(",
paste(getTIMSSAdvYearCodes(), collapse = "|"), ")", "\\.sav$"
), full.names = TRUE, = TRUE
if (length(filenames) == 0) {
"Could not find any TIMSS Advanced datafiles for countries: ", pasteItems(dQuote(countries)),
" in the following folder(s) ", pasteItems(dQuote(path)), "."
fSubPart <- tolower(substring(basename(filenames), 1, 8)) # includes a (4th grade), country code, and year code
fileYrs <- sort(unique(tolower(substring(basename(filenames), 7, 8))))
procCountryData <- list()
iProcCountry <- 0 # index counter for adding countries to the list
for (yrCode in fileYrs) { # loop through all the year codes first
for (cntry in countries) {
TIMSSAdvfiles <- list() # empty list
if (subject == "math") {
TIMSSAdvfiles <- c(
"mcg", # school background
"msa", # student achievement
"msg", # student background
"msr", # student within-country scoring reliability
"mst", # student-teacher linkage
) # teacher background
} else { # physics
TIMSSAdvfiles <- c(
"pcg", # school background
"psa", # student achievement
"psg", # student background
"psr", # student within-country scoring reliability
"pst", # student-teacher linkage
) # teacher background
fnames <- NULL # be sure to clear this out so leftovers are not kept from a previous loop
fnames <- sapply(TIMSSAdvfiles, function(f) {
filenames[(fSubPart %in% paste0(f, cntry, yrCode))] # added check here to only grab files for our specific TIMSS grade level, country, and year
}, simplify = FALSE)
hasMissing <- sapply(fnames, function(g) {
sum(nchar(g)) == 0
}, simplify = TRUE)
# There is no teacher linkage or teacher background data for TIMSS Advanced 1995
hasMissing[paste0(subjChr, "sr")] <- FALSE
hasMissing[paste0(subjChr, "st")] <- FALSE
hasMissing[paste0(subjChr, "tg")] <- FALSE
hasExcess <- sapply(fnames, function(h) {
length(h) > 1
}, simplify = TRUE)
# test for any missing files other than the 'ash' or 'asr' file::also check for any duplicate or multiple files
if (sum(hasMissing) > 0 && sum(nchar(unlist(fnames))) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Missing TIMSS Advanced datafile(s) for country (", cntry, ") ", pasteItems(dQuote(TIMSSAdvfiles[hasMissing]), ".")))
if (sum(hasExcess) > 0 && sum(nchar(unlist(fnames))) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Excess/duplicate TIMSS Advanced datafile(s) for country (", cntry, ") ", pasteItems(dQuote(TIMSSAdvfiles[hasExcess])), "."))
# test if there are any files for this country/year combination, if not, we can skip this loop iteration as it does not exist
if (sum(nchar(unlist(fnames))) == 0) {
warning(paste0("No data found. Skipping country ", sQuote(cntry), " for year ", dQuote(convertTIMSSAdvYearCode(yrCode)), "."))
iProcCountry <- iProcCountry + 1 # update the processed country index value after we confirm that there is data to process
processedData <- list()
processArgs <- list(
dataFolderPath = unique(dirname(unlist(fnames))), # specify only the path in which the files exist in case multiple paths specified
countryCode = cntry,
fnames = fnames,
fileYrs = yrCode,
subject = subject,
forceReread = forceReread,
verbose = verbose
retryProc <- tryCatch(
processedData <-"processTIMSSAdv", processArgs, quote = TRUE)
error = function(e) {
TRUE # flag to retry
warning = function(w) {
TRUE # flag to retry
if (retryProc) {
processArgs[["forceReread"]] <- TRUE # try it again reprocessing the data
processedData <- tryCatch("processTIMSSAdv", processArgs, quote = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
"Unable to process TIMSS Advanced data for country code ", dQuote(cntry),
" having year code ", dQuote(yrCode), " at folder path(s) ", pasteItems(dQuote(path)),
". Possible file corruption with source data.",
" Error message: ", e
processedData$userConditions <- list()
processedData$defaultConditions <- NULL
wgts <- tolower(subset(processedData$dataListFF$student, weights, "variableName"))
# build the list of 'weights' looping through the weights we expect to be there and create our master list
testJKprefix <- c("JK", "JK.MATWGT", "JK.PHYWGT") # have any jk prefix values here that are applicable for this dataset
weights <- NULL # default value
for (i in seq_along(testJKprefix)) {
ujkz <- unique(tolower(grep(paste0("^", "(", testJKprefix[i], ")", "[1-9]"), c(names(processedData$dataList$student), names(processedData$dataList$teacher)), value = TRUE, = TRUE)))
ujkz <- gsub(tolower(testJKprefix[i]), "", ujkz, fixed = TRUE) # remove jk to leave the numeric values
if (length(ujkz) > 0) {
if (testJKprefix[i] == "JK") {
tmpWgt <- list()
tmpWgt[[1]] <- list(jkbase = "jk", jksuffixes = as.character(ujkz))
names(tmpWgt)[[1]] <- "totwgt"
weights <- c(weights, tmpWgt)
if (testJKprefix[i] == "JK.MATWGT") {
tmpWgt <- list()
tmpWgt[[1]] <- list(jkbase = "jk.matwgt", jksuffixes = as.character(ujkz))
names(tmpWgt)[[1]] <- "matwgt"
weights <- c(weights, tmpWgt)
if (testJKprefix[i] == "JK.PHYWGT") {
tmpWgt <- list()
tmpWgt[[1]] <- list(jkbase = "jk.phywgt", jksuffixes = as.character(ujkz))
names(tmpWgt)[[1]] <- "phywgt"
weights <- c(weights, tmpWgt)
attr(weights, "default") <- "totwgt"
processedData$weights <- weights
if (subject == "math") {
processedData$pvvars <- buildPVVARS_TIMSSAdv(processedData$dataListFF$student, defaultPV = "mmat")
processedData$subject <- "Mathematics"
} else { # if not math::then it's physics
processedData$pvvars <- buildPVVARS_TIMSSAdv(processedData$dataListFF$student, defaultPV = "pphy")
processedData$subject <- "Physics"
processedData$year <- convertTIMSSAdvYearCode(yrCode)
processedData$assessmentCode <- "International"
processedData$dataType <- "Student Data"
processedData$gradeLevel <- "Secondary"
processedData$achievementLevels <- c("625", "550", "475") # only 3 levels of achievement for TIMSS Advanced
names(processedData$achievementLevels) <- c("Advanced International Benchmark", "High International Benchmark", "Intermediate International Benchmark")
processedData$survey <- "TIMSS Advanced"
processedData$country <- getTIMSSAdvCountryName(cntry)
procCountryData[[iProcCountry]] <-
userConditions = processedData$userConditions,
defaultConditions = processedData$defaultConditions,
dataList = buildTIMSSAdv_dataList(
weights = processedData$weights,
pvvars = processedData$pvvars,
subject = processedData$subject,
year = processedData$year,
assessmentCode = processedData$assessmentCode,
dataType = processedData$dataType,
gradeLevel = processedData$gradeLevel,
achievementLevels = processedData$achievementLevels,
omittedLevels = processedData$omittedLevels,
survey = processedData$survey,
country = processedData$country,
psuVar = "jkrep",
stratumVar = "jkzone",
jkSumMultiplier = 0.5, # defined by the method of JK weight replication used (JK2)
reqDecimalConversion = FALSE,
dim0 = processedData$dim0
} # end country loop
} # end for(fileYr in fileYrs)
if (iProcCountry > 1) {
return( # return full list. let constructor build covs
} else {
# just one country
# @param yrCode a character value used in the TIMSS Advanced filenaming structure to identify the specific year (e.g. m1, m2, m6)
# @return a numeric 4 digit year value
convertTIMSSAdvYearCode <- function(yrCode) {
yrTest <- tolower(sort(unique(yrCode)))
yrTest[yrTest %in% c("m1")] <- 1995
yrTest[yrTest %in% c("m2")] <- 2008
yrTest[yrTest %in% c("m3")] <- 2015
getTIMSSAdvYearCodes <- function() {
# retrieve the TIMMS years based on their filenaming structure
yrVals <- c("m1", "m2", "m3")
names(yrVals) <- c(1995, 2008, 2015)
# builds the list of pvvars from the passed fileformat data.frame
buildPVVARS_TIMSSAdv <- function(fileFormat, defaultPV = "mmat") {
pvFields <- subset(fileFormat, nchar(fileFormat$Type) > 0) # type is identified in writeTibbleToFWFReturnFileFormat function
constructs <- unique(pvFields$Type)
# drop the international benchmark contructs as they are not true plausible values, only discrete numerics
constructs <- constructs[!grepl("^(m|p)ibm$", constructs, = TRUE)]
pvvars <- vector("list", length(constructs))
names(pvvars) <- constructs
for (i in names(pvvars)) {
varList <- tolower(sort(pvFields$variableName[pvFields$Type == i]))
pvvars[[i]] <- list(varnames = varList)
# test if defaultPV in the list and make it default::otherwise set it to the first pvvar in the list
if (defaultPV %in% names(pvvars)) {
attr(pvvars, "default") <- defaultPV
} else {
attr(pvvars, "default") <- names(pvvars)[1]
# @param dataFolderPath a character value of the initial folder path provided to the 'readTIMSSAdv' call to find the .sav SPSS files
# @param countryCode a character value of the 3-digit country code we want to process
# @param fnames a character vector of the specific filenames that are needed for this country, generally there should be 7 files specified
processTIMSSAdv <- function(dataFolderPath, countryCode, fnames, fileYrs, subject, forceReread, verbose) {
yearCode <- unlist(fileYrs)[1]
subjChr <- ifelse(subject == "math", "m", "p") # get the first filename char based on the subject
metaCacheFP <- list.files(dataFolderPath,
pattern = paste0(
"^", subjChr, "(", paste(countryCode), ")",
yearCode, "\\.meta$"
), full.names = TRUE, = TRUE
# grab the FWF .txt files for this country/year if they are existing
txtCacheFWF <- list.files(dataFolderPath,
pattern = paste0(
"^", subjChr, "..", "(", paste(countryCode), ")",
yearCode, "\\.txt$"
), full.names = TRUE, = TRUE
# determine if we can use the .meta RDS file for reading, OR process the data and create the .meta RDS
if (length(metaCacheFP) == 0 || (length(txtCacheFWF) < 3 && fileYrs != "m1" || (length(txtCacheFWF) < 2 && fileYrs == "m1")) || forceReread == TRUE) { # ensure we have a full dataset of cache files:: The 1995 dataset only had school and student level data
runProcessing <- TRUE
} else {
cacheFile <- readRDS(unlist(metaCacheFP)[1])
if (cacheMetaReqUpdate(cacheFile$cacheFileVer, "TIMSS Advanced")) { # cacheMetaReqUpdates resides in its own R file
runProcessing <- TRUE
} else {
# rebuild the file connections from the .meta serialized cache file using the stored fileFormats
studentLAF <- getFWFLaFConnection(txtCacheFWF[tolower(substr(basename(txtCacheFWF), 1, 3)) == paste0(subjChr, "sg")], cacheFile$dataListFF$student)
schoolLAF <- getFWFLaFConnection(txtCacheFWF[tolower(substr(basename(txtCacheFWF), 1, 3)) == paste0(subjChr, "cg")], cacheFile$dataListFF$school)
if (any(names(cacheFile$dataListFF) %in% "teacher")) { # 1995 dataset had no teacher data
teacherLAF <- getFWFLaFConnection(txtCacheFWF[tolower(substr(basename(txtCacheFWF), 1, 3)) == paste0(subjChr, "tg")], cacheFile$dataListFF$teacher)
dataList <- list(student = studentLAF, school = schoolLAF, teacher = teacherLAF) # ORDER THE dataList in a heirarchy, ie. student list should be first
} else {
dataList <- list(student = studentLAF, school = schoolLAF) # ORDER THE dataList in a heirarchy, ie. student list should be first
dataListFF <- cacheFile$dataListFF
dim0 <- cacheFile$dim0
runProcessing <- FALSE
} # end if(length(metaCacheFP)==0 || (length(txtCacheFWF)<3 && fileYrs!="m1" || (length(txtCacheFWF)<2 && fileYrs=="m1")) || forceReread==TRUE)
if (runProcessing == TRUE) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
cat(paste0("Processing data for country ", dQuote(countryCode), ".\n"))
# delete the .meta file (if exists) before processing in case of error/issue
if (length(metaCacheFP) > 0 && file.exists(metaCacheFP)) {
# SCHOOL LEVEL===================================================
cg <- unlist(fnames[paste0(subjChr, "cg")])[1]
schoolFP <- gsub(".sav$", "\\.txt", unlist(fnames[paste0(subjChr, "cg")])[1], = TRUE)
schoolDF1 <- read_sav(cg, user_na = TRUE)
schoolDF1 <- UnclassCols(schoolDF1)
colnames(schoolDF1) <- toupper(colnames(schoolDF1))
ffsch <- writeTibbleToFWFReturnFileFormat(schoolDF1, schoolFP)
# ===============================================================
# STUDENT LEVEL==================================================
sa <- unlist(fnames[paste0(subjChr, "sa")])[1]
sg <- unlist(fnames[paste0(subjChr, "sg")])[1]
sr <- unlist(fnames[paste0(subjChr, "sr")])[1]
stuDF1 <- read_sav(sa, user_na = TRUE)
stuDF1 <- UnclassCols(stuDF1)
colnames(stuDF1) <- toupper(colnames(stuDF1))
ids1 <- grep("^ID", names(stuDF1), = TRUE, value = TRUE)
stuDF2 <- read_sav(sg, user_na = TRUE)
stuDF2 <- UnclassCols(stuDF2)
colnames(stuDF2) <- toupper(colnames(stuDF2))
ids2 <- grep("^ID", names(stuDF2), = TRUE, value = TRUE)
ids12 <- ids1[ids1 %in% ids2]
ids12 <- ids12[!(ids12 %in% c("IDPUNCH", "IDGRADER"))] # IDPUNCH should be omitted for merging
mm <- mergeTibble(stuDF1,
by = ids12,
all.x = FALSE,
all.y = FALSE,
suffixes = c("", ".junk")
mm <- mm[ , names(mm)[!grepl("\\.junk$", names(mm))]]
if (nrow(stuDF1) != nrow(mm)) {
"Failed consistency check for filetype ", sQuote(paste0(subjChr, "sa")), " country code ", sQuote(tolower(countryCode)), ". ",
"Please report this to for assistance."
if (nrow(stuDF2) != nrow(mm)) {
"Failed consistency check for filetype ", sQuote(paste0(subjChr, "sg")), " country code ", sQuote(tolower(countryCode)), ". ",
"Please report this to for assistance."
# test we have the sr file before merging
if (min( == 0) {
stuDF3 <- read_sav(sr, user_na = TRUE)
stuDF3 <- UnclassCols(stuDF3)
colnames(stuDF3) <- toupper(colnames(stuDF3))
ids3 <- grep("^ID", names(stuDF3), = TRUE, value = TRUE)
idsmm3 <- ids12[ids12 %in% ids3]
idsmm3 <- idsmm3[!(idsmm3 %in% c("IDPUNCH", "IDGRADER"))] # IDPUNCH should be omitted for merging
nr <- nrow(mm)
mm <- mergeTibble(mm,
by = idsmm3,
all.x = TRUE,
all.y = FALSE,
suffixes = c("", ".junk")
mm <- mm[ , names(mm)[!grepl("\\.junk$", names(mm))]]
if (nrow(stuDF1) != nrow(mm)) {
"Failed consistency check for filetype ", sQuote(paste0(subjChr, "sr")), " country code ", sQuote(tolower(countryCode)), ". ",
"Please report this to for assistance."
if (nr != nrow(mm)) {
"Failed consistency check for filetype ", sQuote(paste0(subjChr, "sr")), " country code ", sQuote(tolower(countryCode)), ". ",
"Please report this to for assistance."
} else {
idsmm3 <- ids12
stuFP <- gsub(".sav$", "\\.txt", unlist(fnames[paste0(subjChr, "sg")])[1], = TRUE)
ffstu <- writeTibbleToFWFReturnFileFormat(mm, stuFP)
# ===============================================================
# Student-Teacher Linkage and Teacher Background=================
st <- unlist(fnames[paste0(subjChr, "st")])[1]
tg <- unlist(fnames[paste0(subjChr, "tg")])[1]
# ensure both the st and tg files are available before merging
if (min( == 0 && min( == 0) {
stuTeachDF <- read_sav(st, user_na = TRUE)
stuTeachDF <- UnclassCols(stuTeachDF)
colnames(stuTeachDF) <- toupper(colnames(stuTeachDF))
teachDF <- read_sav(tg, user_na = TRUE)
teachDF <- UnclassCols(teachDF)
colnames(teachDF) <- toupper(colnames(teachDF))
ids1 <- grep("^ID", names(stuTeachDF), = TRUE, value = TRUE)
ids2 <- grep("^ID", names(teachDF), = TRUE, value = TRUE)
ids12 <- ids1[ids1 %in% ids2]
ids12 <- ids12[!(ids12 %in% c("IDPUNCH", "IDGRADER"))] # IDPUNCH should be omitted for merging
mm <- mergeTibble(stuTeachDF,
by = ids12,
all.x = TRUE,
all.y = FALSE,
suffixes = c("", ".junk")
mm <- mm[ , names(mm)[!grepl("\\.junk$", names(mm))]]
if (nrow(stuTeachDF) != nrow(mm)) {
"Failed consistency check for filetype ", sQuote(paste0(subjChr, "tg")), " country code ", sQuote(tolower(countryCode)), ". ",
"Please report this to for assistance."
teachFP <- gsub(".sav$", "\\.txt", unlist(fnames[paste0(subjChr, "tg")])[1], = TRUE)
ffTeach <- writeTibbleToFWFReturnFileFormat(mm, teachFP)
teacherLAF <- getFWFLaFConnection(teachFP, ffTeach)
schoolLAF <- getFWFLaFConnection(schoolFP, ffsch)
studentLAF <- getFWFLaFConnection(stuFP, ffstu)
# build data list and link metadata object=======================
dataList <- list(student = studentLAF, school = schoolLAF, teacher = teacherLAF) # ORDER THE dataList in a heirarchy, ie. student list should be first
dataListFF <- list(student = ffstu, school = ffsch, teacher = ffTeach)
# ===============================================================
} else { # 1995 TIMSS Advanced data had no teacher-student linkage or background file:: so we need to omit those
schoolLAF <- getFWFLaFConnection(schoolFP, ffsch)
studentLAF <- getFWFLaFConnection(stuFP, ffstu)
teacherLAF <- NULL
ffTeach <- NULL
# build data list and file format list=========================
dataList <- list(student = studentLAF, school = schoolLAF) # ensure dataList and dataListFF are associated in same index positions
dataListFF <- list(student = ffstu, school = ffsch)
# ===============================================================
# calculate the dim0 to store in the .meta file for fast retrieval
nrow0 <- nrow(mm)
vNames <- c(ffsch$variableName, ffstu$variableName)
if (!is.null(ffTeach)) {
vNames <- c(vNames, ffTeach$variableName)
} # 1995 teacher data may not be available
ncol0 <- length(unique(vNames))
dim0 <- c(nrow0, ncol0)
# save the cachefile to be read-in for the next call
cacheFile <- list(
ver = packageVersion("EdSurvey"),
cacheFileVer = 3,
ts = Sys.time(),
dataListFF = dataListFF,
dim0 = dim0
saveRDS(cacheFile, file.path(dataFolderPath, paste0(subjChr, countryCode, yearCode, ".meta")))
} else { # used the cache files
if (verbose == TRUE) {
cat(paste0("Found cached data for country code ", dQuote(countryCode), ".\n"))
} # end if(runProcessing==TRUE)
dataList = dataList,
dataListFF = dataListFF,
dim0 = dim0
exportTIMSSAdvToCSV <- function(folderPath, exportPath, cntryCodes, subject, ...) {
sdfList <- readTIMSSAdv(folderPath, cntryCodes, subject, ...)
if (inherits(sdfList, "")) {
for (i in seq_along(sdfList$datalist)) {
sdf <- sdfList$datalist[[i]]
cntry <- sdf$country
cat(paste(cntry, "working.\n"))
data <- getData(sdf, colnames(sdf), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE, omittedLevels = FALSE)
write.csv(data, file = file.path(exportPath, paste0(cntry, ".csv")), na = "", row.names = FALSE)
cat(paste(cntry, "completed.\n"))
} else if (inherits(sdfList, "")) {
sdf <- sdfList
cntry <- sdf$country
cat(paste(cntry, "working.\n"))
data <- getData(sdf, colnames(sdf), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE, omittedLevels = FALSE)
write.csv(data, file = file.path(exportPath, paste0(cntry, ".csv")), na = "", row.names = FALSE)
cat(paste(cntry, "completed.\n"))
# get the full country name to aide the user, so they won't have to track them down.
# cntryCode should be the 3 character country code vector defined in the data filename scheme (e.g., usa = United States, swe = Sweden)
# if a match is not found, this funtion will return a character value indicating it is unknown '(unknown) CountryCode: xxx'
getTIMSSAdvCountryName <- function(countryCode) {
cntryCodeDF <- data.frame(
cntryCode = c(
"arm", "aus", "aut",
"can", "che", "cyp", "cze",
"deu", "dnk",
"irn", "isr", "ita",
"lbn", "ltu", "lva",
"nld", "nor",
"phl", "prt",
"rtr", "rus",
"svn", "swe",
cntryName = c(
"Armenia", "Australia", "Austria",
"Canada", "Switzerland", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic",
"Germany", "Denmark",
"Iran, Islamic Republic of", "Israel", "Italy",
"Lebanon", "Lithuania", "Latvia",
"Netherlands", "Norway",
"Philippines", "Portugal",
"Russian Federation 6hr+", "Russian Federation",
"Slovenia", "Sweden",
"United States"
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) # be sure to not create any factors::factors not needed at all
lookupNames <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(countryCode))
for (i in seq_along(countryCode)) {
testName <- cntryCodeDF[cntryCodeDF$cntryCode == countryCode[i], "cntryName"]
if (length(testName) == 0) { # test if no value found
testName <- paste("(unknown) CountryCode:", countryCode[i])
lookupNames[i] <- testName
# builds the TIMSS dataList object
buildTIMSSAdv_dataList <- function(stuLaf, stuFF, schLaf, schFF, tchLaf, tchFF) {
dataList <- list()
# build the list hierarchical based on the order in which the data levels would be merged in getData
dataList[["Student"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = stuLaf,
fileFormat = stuFF,
levelLabel = "Student",
forceMerge = TRUE,
parentMergeLevels = NULL,
parentMergeVars = NULL,
mergeVars = NULL,
ignoreVars = NULL,
isDimLevel = TRUE
dataList[["School"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = schLaf,
fileFormat = schFF,
levelLabel = "School",
forceMerge = FALSE,
parentMergeLevels = c("Student", "Student"),
parentMergeVars = c("idcntry", "idschool"),
mergeVars = c("idcntry", "idschool"),
ignoreVars = names(schLaf)[names(schLaf) %in% names(stuLaf)], # student file variables will take precedence over school variables of same name
isDimLevel = FALSE
# may not always have teacher level (1995 dataset)
if (!is.null(tchLaf)) {
dataList[["Student"]]$isDimLevel <- FALSE # swap the student level to the teacher level for the DIM level
dataList[["Teacher"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = tchLaf,
fileFormat = tchFF,
levelLabel = "Teacher",
forceMerge = FALSE,
parentMergeLevels = c("Student", "Student"),
parentMergeVars = c("idcntry", "idstud"),
mergeVars = c("idcntry", "idstud"),
ignoreVars = names(tchLaf)[names(tchLaf) %in% names(stuLaf)],
isDimLevel = TRUE
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