kendallSeasonalTrendTest.default <-
function (y, season, year, alternative = "two.sided", correct = TRUE,
ci.slope = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, independent.obs = TRUE, = NULL, = NULL, = NULL, = NULL,
subset.expression = NULL, ...)
if (is.null( <- deparse(substitute(y))
y <- as.vector(unlist(y))
if (!is.numeric(y))
stop("All elements of 'y' must be numeric")
if (is.null( <- deparse(substitute(season)) <- c(,,
names( <- c("y", "season", "year")[1:length(]
n <- length(y)
if (missing(season) || missing(year))
stop("When 'y' is a vector you must supply both 'season' and 'year'")
if (length(season) != n || length(year) != n)
stop("'season' and 'year' must both be the same length as 'y'")
if (!(is.numeric(season) || is.factor(season) || is.character(season)))
stop("'season' must be a numeric or character vector or a factor")
if (is.numeric(season) && !all(is.finite(season)))
stop(paste("Missing (NA), infinite (-Inf, Inf),", "and undefined (Nan) values not allowed in",
if (!is.numeric(year))
stop("'year' must be a numeric vector")
if (!all(is.finite(year)))
stop(paste("Missing (NA), infinite (-Inf, Inf),", "and undefined (Nan) values not allowed in",
if (!is.numeric(season)) {
season <- as.character(season)
season.names <- unique(season)
season <- match(season, season.names)
else season.names <- as.character(sort(unique(season)))
if (!independent.obs && !all(table(season, year) == 1))
stop(paste("When independent.obs=FALSE,", "there must be one observation (possibly NA)",
"per season per year"))
finite.index <- is.finite(y) <- y[finite.index] <- season[finite.index] <- year[finite.index]
n.yrs <- n.unique(
if (n.yrs < 2)
stop("There must be at least 2 years of non-missing data.")
n.seasons <- n.unique(
if (n.seasons == 1)
stop("Only one season. Use the function 'kendallTrendTest'.") <- split(, <- split(,
season.names <- season.names[as.numeric(names(]
n.vec <- sapply(, length)
if (all(sapply(, n.unique) < 2))
stop(paste("There must be observations in at least",
"2 separate years for at least one season."))
alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("two.sided", "greater",
if (ci.slope && !is.vector(conf.level, mode = "numeric") ||
length(conf.level) != 1 || conf.level <= 0 || conf.level >=
stop("'conf.level' must be a numeric scalar between 0 and 1")
estimate.mat <- matrix(0, n.seasons, 3)
S.vec <- numeric(n.seasons)
var.S.vec <- numeric(n.seasons)
slopes <- numeric(0)
for (i in 1:n.seasons) {
S.list <- kendallTrendTest([[i]],[[i]],
ci.slope = FALSE, warn = FALSE)
estimate.mat[i, ] <- S.list$estimate
S.vec[i] <- S.list$S
var.S.vec[i] <- S.list$var.S
slopes <- c(slopes, S.list$slopes)
names(S.vec) <- season.names
names(var.S.vec) <- season.names
dimnames(estimate.mat) <- list(season.names, c("tau", "slope",
slopes <- sort(slopes, na.last = NA)
na.index <-
n.seasons.actual <- n.seasons - sum(na.index)
tau <- sum(n.vec[!na.index] * estimate.mat[!na.index, "tau"])/sum(n.vec[!na.index])
slope <- median(slopes)
intercept <- median(estimate.mat[!na.index, "intercept"])
estimate <- c(tau, slope, intercept)
names(estimate) <- c("tau", "slope", "intercept")
method <- "Seasonal Kendall Test for Trend"
sep.string <- paste("\n", space(33), sep = "")
estimation.method <- paste("tau: Weighted Average of",
" Seasonal Estimates", "slope: Hirsch et al.'s",
" Modification of", " Thiel/Sen Estimator",
"intercept: Median of", " Seasonal Estimates",
sep = sep.string)
var.cov.S <- diag(var.S.vec)
dimnames(var.cov.S) <- list(season.names, season.names)
if (independent.obs) {
z.vec <- S.vec[!na.index]/sqrt(var.S.vec[!na.index])
chisq <- sum(z.vec^2) - n.seasons.actual * mean(z.vec)^2
p.chisq <- 1 - pchisq(chisq, df = n.seasons.actual -
else {
method <- paste(method, "Modified for Serial Correlation",
sep = sep.string) <- split(y, season)
rank.mat <- sapply(,, na.action = "mid.rank",
warn = FALSE)
K.vec <- numeric((n.seasons * (n.seasons - 1))/2)
R.vec <- K.vec
count <- 1
for (i in 2:n.seasons) {
for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
K.vec[count] <- kendallTrendTest(rank.mat[, i],
rank.mat[, j], ci.slope = FALSE, warn = FALSE)$S
R.vec[count] <- 4 * sum(rank.mat[, i] * rank.mat[,
j]) - n.yrs * (n.vec[i] + 1) * (n.vec[j] +
count <- count + 1
cov.S.vec <- (K.vec + R.vec)/3
count <- 1
for (i in 2:n.seasons) {
for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
var.cov.S[i, j] <- cov.S.vec[count]
var.cov.S[j, i] <- var.cov.S[i, j]
count <- count + 1
C.mat <- cbind(1, -diag(n.seasons - 1))
m <- diag(2/(n.vec * (n.vec - 1)))
tau.vec <- estimate.mat[, "tau"]
vec <- C.mat %*% tau.vec
var.vec <- C.mat %*% (m %*% var.cov.S %*% t(m)) %*% t(C.mat)
if (qr(var.vec)$rank < (n.seasons - 1)) {
chisq <- NA
p.chisq <- NA
warning(paste("Could not perform Pseudo-Heterogeneity Test",
"because of singluarity in variance matrix"))
else {
chisq <- t(vec) %*% solve(var.vec) %*% vec
p.chisq <- 1 - pchisq(chisq, df = n.seasons - 1)
S <- sum(S.vec, na.rm = TRUE)
var.S <- sum(var.cov.S, na.rm = TRUE)
if (correct) {
method <- paste(method, sep.string, "(with continuity correction)",
sep = "")
z <- (S - sign(S))/sqrt(var.S)
else z <- S/sqrt(var.S)
p.z <- switch(alternative, greater = 1 - pnorm(z), less = pnorm(z),
two.sided = 2 * pnorm(-abs(z)))
stat <- c(chisq, z)
names(stat) <- c("Chi-Square (Het)", "z (Trend)")
p.value <- c(p.chisq, p.z)
names(p.value) <- names(stat)
parameters <- c(df = n.seasons.actual - 1)
null.value <- rep(0, n.seasons)
names(null.value) <- rep("tau", n.seasons)
alternative.chisq <- paste("The seasonal taus are not all equal",
"(Chi-Square Heterogeneity Test)", sep = sep.string)
alternative.z <- switch(alternative, greater = paste("At least one seasonal tau > 0",
"(z Trend Test)", sep = sep.string), less = paste("At least one seasonal tau < 0",
"(z Trend Test)", sep = sep.string), two.sided = paste("At least one seasonal tau != 0",
"and all non-zero tau's have the", "same sign (z Trend Test)",
sep = sep.string))
alt <- paste(alternative.chisq, alternative.z, sep = sep.string)
n.vec <- c(n.vec, Total = sum(n.vec))
names(n.vec) <- c(season.names, "Total")
ret.list <- list(statistic = stat, parameters = parameters,
p.value = p.value, estimate = estimate, null.value = null.value,
alternative = alt, method = method, estimation.method = estimation.method,
sample.size = n.vec, =, bad.obs = sum(!finite.index),
seasonal.S = S.vec)
if (independent.obs)
ret.list <- c(ret.list, list(var.seasonal.S = var.S.vec,
seasonal.estimates = estimate.mat))
else ret.list <- c(ret.list, list(var.cov.seasonal.S = var.cov.S,
seasonal.estimates = estimate.mat))
if (ci.slope) { <- length(slopes)
type <- switch(alternative, two.sided = "two-sided",
greater = "lower", less = "upper")
alpha <- 1 - conf.level
Z <- ifelse(type == "two-sided", qnorm(1 - alpha/2),
C.alpha <- Z * sqrt(var.S)
M1 <- ( - C.alpha)/2
M2 <- ( + C.alpha)/2
limits <- switch(type, `two-sided` = approx(,
slopes, xout = c(M1, M2 + 1))$y, lower = c(approx(,
slopes, xout = M1)$y, Inf), upper = c(-Inf, approx(,
slopes, xout = M2 + 1)$y))
names(limits) <- c("LCL", "UCL")
if (any(
warning(paste("Sample size too small for Normal approximation",
"for confidence interval for slope.\n"))
interval <- list(name = "Confidence", parameter = "slope",
limits = limits, type = type, method = paste("Gilbert's Modification of",
"Theil/Sen Method", sep = sep.string), conf.level = conf.level,
sample.size =
oldClass(interval) <- "intervalEstimate"
ret.list <- c(ret.list, list(interval = interval))
if (!is.null(
ret.list$ <-
if (!is.null(subset.expression))
ret.list$subset.expression <- subset.expression
oldClass(ret.list) <- "htestEnvStats"
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